ssf: Spatially Sampled Function

View source: R/ssf.R

ssfR Documentation

Spatially Sampled Function


Create an object that represents a spatial function which has been evaluated or sampled at an irregular set of points.


  ssf(loc, val)



The spatial locations at which the function has been evaluated. A point pattern (object of class "ppp").


The function values at these locations. A numeric vector with one entry for each point of loc, or a data frame with one row for each point of loc.


An object of class "ssf" represents a real-valued or vector-valued function that has been evaluated or sampled at an irregular set of points. An example would be a spatial covariate that has only been measured at certain locations.

An object of this class also inherits the class "ppp", and is essentially the same as a marked point pattern, except for the class membership which enables it to be handled in a different way.

There are methods for plot, print etc; see plot.ssf and methods.ssf.

Use unmark to extract only the point locations, and marks.ssf to extract only the function values.


Object of class "ssf".



See Also

plot.ssf, methods.ssf, Smooth.ssf, with.ssf, [.ssf.


  ssf(cells, nndist(cells, k=1:3))

spatstat.explore documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:04 a.m.