
Defines functions wrangle2image repair.image.xycoords repair.old.factor.image na.handle.im do.as.im as.im.data.frame as.im.ppp as.im.default as.im.matrix as.im.expression as.im.function as.im.funxy as.im.owin as.im.im as.im

Documented in as.im as.im.data.frame as.im.default as.im.expression as.im.function as.im.funxy as.im.im as.im.matrix as.im.owin as.im.ppp do.as.im na.handle.im repair.image.xycoords repair.old.factor.image wrangle2image

#    as.im.R
#    conversion to class "im"
#    $Revision: 1.62 $   $Date: 2023/05/02 04:46:11 $
#    as.im()

as.im <- function(X, ...) {

as.im.im <- function(X, W=NULL, ...,
                     eps=NULL, dimyx=NULL, xy=NULL,
                     rule.eps=c("adjust.eps", "grow.frame", "shrink.frame"),
                     na.replace=NULL) {
  X <- repair.old.factor.image(X)
  nopar <- is.null(eps) && is.null(dimyx) && is.null(xy)
    rule.eps <- match.arg(rule.eps)
  if(is.null(W)) {
    if(nopar) {
      X <- repair.image.xycoords(X)
      X <- na.handle.im(X, na.replace)
    # pixel raster determined by dimyx etc
    W <- as.mask(as.rectangle(X),
                 eps=eps, dimyx=dimyx, xy=xy, rule.eps=rule.eps)
    # invoke as.im.owin
    Y <- as.im(W)
  } else if(is.mask(W) || is.im(W) || !nopar) {
    #' raster information is present in { W, eps, dimyx, xy }
    Y <- as.im(W, eps=eps, dimyx=dimyx, xy=xy, rule.eps=rule.eps)
  } else {
    #' use existing raster information in X
    return(X[W, drop=FALSE, tight=TRUE])
  # resample X onto raster of Y
  Y <- rastersample(X, Y)
  return(na.handle.im(Y, na.replace))

as.im.owin <- function(X, W=NULL, ...,
                       eps=NULL, dimyx=NULL, xy=NULL,
                       rule.eps=c("adjust.eps", "grow.frame", "shrink.frame"),
                       na.replace=NULL, value=1) {
  if(!(is.null(eps) && is.null(dimyx) && is.null(xy))) {
    ## raster dimensions determined by dimyx etc
    ## convert X to a mask
    rule.eps <- match.arg(rule.eps)
    M <- as.mask(X, eps=eps, dimyx=dimyx, xy=xy, rule.eps=rule.eps)
    ## convert mask to image
    d <- M$dim
    v <- matrix(value, d[1L], d[2L])
    ## factor case
    levels(v) <- levels(value)
    ## outside window
    m <- M$m
    v[!m] <- if(is.null(na.replace)) NA else na.replace
    ## create
    out <- im(v, M$xcol, M$yrow,
              xrange=M$xrange, yrange=M$yrange,
  if(!is.null(W) && is.owin(W) && W$type == "mask") {
    # raster dimensions determined by W
    # convert W to zero image
    d <- W$dim
    Z <- im(matrix(0, d[1L], d[2L]), W$xcol, W$yrow, unitname=unitname(X))    
    # adjust values to indicator of X
    Z[X] <- 1
    if(missing(value) && is.null(na.replace)) {
      # done
      out <- Z
    } else {
      # map {0, 1} to {na.replace, value}
      v <- matrix(ifelseAB(Z$v == 0, na.replace, value), d[1L], d[2L])
      levels(v) <- levels(value)
      out <- im(v, W$xcol, W$yrow, unitname=unitname(X))
  if(X$type == "mask") {
    # raster dimensions determined by X
    # convert X to image
    d <- X$dim
    v <- matrix(value, d[1L], d[2L])
    m <- X$m
    v[!m] <- if(is.null(na.replace)) NA else na.replace
    levels(v) <- levels(value)
    out <- im(v, xcol=X$xcol, yrow=X$yrow,
              xrange=X$xrange, yrange=X$yrange, unitname=unitname(X))
  # X is not a mask.
  # W is either missing, or is not a mask.
  # Convert X to a image using default settings
  M <- as.mask(X)
  # convert mask to image
  d <- M$dim
  v <- matrix(value, d[1L], d[2L])
  levels(v) <- levels(value)
  m <- M$m
  v[!m] <- if(is.null(na.replace)) NA else na.replace
  out <- im(v, M$xcol, M$yrow, unitname=unitname(X))

as.im.funxy <- function(X, W=Window(X), ...) {
  as.im.function(X, W=W, ...)

as.im.function <- function(X, W=NULL, ...,
                           eps=NULL, dimyx=NULL, xy=NULL,
                           rule.eps=c("adjust.eps", "grow.frame", "shrink.frame"),
                           strict=FALSE, drop=TRUE) {
  f <- X
    stop("A window W is required")
  stringsAsFactors <- resolve.stringsAsFactors(stringsAsFactors)
  W <- as.owin(W)
  rule.eps <- match.arg(rule.eps)
  W <- as.mask(W, eps=eps, dimyx=dimyx, xy=xy, rule.eps=rule.eps)
  m <- W$m
  funnywindow <- !all(m)

  xx <- as.vector(rasterx.mask(W))
  yy <- as.vector(rastery.mask(W))

  argh <- list(...)
  if(strict) argh <- argh[names(argh) %in% names(formals(f))]

  #' evaluate function value at each pixel 
  if(!funnywindow) {
    values <- do.call(f, append(list(xx, yy), argh))
    slices <- as.list(as.data.frame(values,
    ns <- length(slices)
  } else {
    #' evaluate only inside window
    inside <- as.vector(m)
    values.inside <- do.call(f, append(list(xx[inside], yy[inside]), argh))
    slices.inside <- as.list(as.data.frame(values.inside,
    ns <- length(slices.inside)
    #' pad out
    msize <- length(m)
    slices <- vector(mode="list", length=ns)
    for(i in seq_len(ns)) {
      slice.inside.i <- slices.inside[[i]]
      #' create space for full matrix
      slice.i <- vector(mode=typeof(slice.inside.i), length=msize)
        slice.i <- factor(slice.i, levels=levels(slice.inside.i))
      #' copy values, assigning NA outside window
      slice.i[inside] <- slice.inside.i
      slice.i[!inside] <- NA
      slices[[i]] <- slice.i

  outlist <- vector(mode="list", length=ns)
  nc <- length(W$xcol)
  nr <- length(W$yrow)
  for(i in seq_len(ns)) {
    if(nr == 1 || nc == 1) {
      #' exception: can't determine pixel width/height from centres
      mat.i <- matrix(slices[[i]], nr, nc)
      levels(mat.i) <- levels(slices[[i]])
      out.i <- im(mat.i, xrange=W$xrange, yrange=W$yrange, unitname=unitname(W))
    } else {
      out.i <- im(slices[[i]], W$xcol, W$yrow, unitname=unitname(W))
    outlist[[i]] <- na.handle.im(out.i, na.replace)
  if(ns == 1 && drop) return(outlist[[1L]])

as.im.expression <- function(X, W=NULL, ...) {
  e <- parent.frame()
  f <- function(x,y, ...) eval(X, envir=list(x=x, y=y), enclos=e)
  as.im(f, W=W, ...)

as.im.matrix <- function(X, W=NULL, ...) {
  nr <- nrow(X)
  nc <- ncol(X)
    return(im(X, ...))
  W <- as.owin(W)
  if(W$type == "mask") {
    xcol <- W$xcol
    yrow <- W$yrow
    # pixel coordinate information
    if(length(xcol) == nc && length(yrow) == nr)
      return(im(X, xcol, yrow, unitname=unitname(W)))
  # range information
  R <- as.rectangle(W)
  xrange <- R$xrange
  yrange <- R$yrange
  return(im(X, xrange=xrange, yrange=yrange, unitname=unitname(W)))

as.im.default <- function(X, W=NULL, ...,
                          eps=NULL, dimyx=NULL, xy=NULL,
                          rule.eps=c("adjust.eps", "grow.frame", "shrink.frame"),
                          na.replace=NULL) {
  rule.eps <- match.arg(rule.eps)
  if((is.vector(X) || is.factor(X)) && length(X) == 1) {
    # numerical value: interpret as constant function
    xvalue <- X
    X <- function(xx, yy, ...) { rep.int(xvalue, length(xx)) }
    return(as.im(X, W, ..., eps=eps, dimyx=dimyx, xy=xy,
                 rule.eps=rule.eps, na.replace=na.replace))
  if(is.list(X) && checkfields(X, c("x","y","z"))) {
    z <- X$z
    y <- X$y
    x <- X$x
    # Usual S convention as in contour.default() and image.default()
    # Rows of z correspond to x values.
    nr <- nrow(z)
    nc <- ncol(z)
    lx <- length(x)
    ly <- length(y)
    if(lx == nr + 1)
      x <- (x[-1L] + x[-lx])/2
    else if(lx != nr)
      stop("length of x coordinate vector does not match number of rows of z")
    if(ly == nc + 1)
      y <- (y[-1L] + y[-ly])/2
    else if(ly != nc)
      stop("length of y coordinate vector does not match number of columns of z")
    # convert to class "im"
    out <- im(t(z), x, y)
    # now apply W and dimyx if present
    if(is.null(W) && !(is.null(eps) && is.null(dimyx) && is.null(xy)))
      out <- as.im(out, eps=eps, dimyx=dimyx, xy=xy, rule.eps=rule.eps)
    else if(!is.null(W))
      out <- as.im(out, W=W, eps=eps, dimyx=dimyx, xy=xy, rule.eps=rule.eps)
    return(na.handle.im(out, na.replace))
  stop("Can't convert X to a pixel image")

as.im.ppp <- function(X, ...) {
  pixellate(X, ..., weights=NULL, zeropad=FALSE)

as.im.data.frame <- function(X, ..., step, fatal=TRUE, drop=TRUE) {
  if(missing(step)) {
    xstep <- ystep <- NULL
  } else {
    step <- ensure2vector(step)
    xstep <- step[1L]
    ystep <- step[2L]
  if(ncol(X) < 3) {
    whinge <- "Argument 'X' must have at least 3 columns of data"
    if(fatal) stop(whinge)
  ## extract (x,y) coordinates
  mch <- matchNameOrPosition(c("x", "y", "z"), names(X))
  x <- X[, mch[1L]]
  y <- X[, mch[2L]]
  z <- X[, -mch[1:2], drop=FALSE]
  ## unique x,y coordinates
  xx <- sortunique(x)
  yy <- sortunique(y)
  jj <- match(x, xx)
  ii <- match(y, yy)
  iijj <- cbind(ii, jj)
  ## make matrix (for incomplete x, y sequence)
  ok <- checkbigmatrix(length(xx), length(yy), fatal=fatal)
  if(!ok) return(NULL)
  mm <- matrix(NA, length(yy), length(xx))
  ## ensure xx and yy are complete equally-spaced sequences
  fx <- fillseq(xx, step=xstep)
  fy <- fillseq(yy, step=ystep)
  xcol <- fx[[1L]]
  yrow <- fy[[1L]]
  ## trap very large matrices
  ok <- checkbigmatrix(length(xcol), length(yrow), fatal=fatal)
  if(!ok) return(NULL)
  ## mapping from xx to xcol, yy to yrow
  jjj <- fx[[2L]]
  iii <- fy[[2L]]
  ## make matrix for full sequence
  m <- matrix(NA, length(yrow), length(xcol))
  ## run through columns of pixel values
  nz <- ncol(z)
  result <- vector(mode="list", length=nz)
  names(result) <- colnames(z)
  for(k in seq_len(nz)) {
    zk <- z[,k]
    mm[] <- RNA <- RelevantNA(zk)
    mm[iijj] <- zk
    m[] <- RNA 
    m[iii,jjj] <- mm
    lev <- levels(zk)
    mo <- if(is.null(lev)) m else factor(m, levels=seq_along(lev), labels=lev)
    result[[k]] <- im(mat=mo, xcol=xcol, yrow=yrow) 
  if(nz == 1 && drop) result <- result[[1L]]

# convert to image from some other format, then do something

do.as.im <- function(x, action, ...,
                     W = NULL, eps = NULL, dimyx = NULL, xy = NULL, 
                     rule.eps=c("adjust.eps", "grow.frame", "shrink.frame"),
                     na.replace = NULL) {
  rule.eps <- match.arg(rule.eps)
  Z <- as.im(x, W=W, eps=eps, dimyx=dimyx, xy=xy,
             rule.eps=rule.eps, na.replace=na.replace)
  Y <- do.call(action, list(Z, ...))

na.handle.im <- function(X, na.replace) {
  if(length(na.replace) != 1)
    stop("na.replace should be a single value")
  if(X$type == "factor") {
    lev <- levels(X)
    newlev <- union(lev, na.replace)
    if(length(newlev) > length(lev))
      levels(X) <- newlev
  X$v[is.na(X$v)] <- na.replace

repair.old.factor.image <- function(x) {
  # convert from old to new representation of factor images
  if(x$type != "factor")
  v <- x$v
  isold <- !is.null(lev <- attr(x, "levels"))
  isnew <- is.factor(v) && is.matrix(v)
    stop("Internal error: unrecognised format for factor-valued image")
  v <- factor(v, levels=lev)
  dim(v) <- x$dim
  x$v <- v

repair.image.xycoords <- function(x) {
  v <- x$v
    dim(v) <- c(length(x$yrow), length(x$xcol))
  im(v, xrange=x$xrange, yrange=x$yrange, unitname=unitname(x))

## ...... wrangle2image ................
##   'values' can be vector, matrix or array
##   Must have the dimensions expected for 'template'
##   Result is an image or imlist

wrangle2image <- function(values, template) {
  W        <- as.mask(template)
  template <- as.im(template)
  tdim <- dim(template)
  nt <- prod(tdim)
  if(!is.null(vlev <- levels(values))) {
    ## flatten and convert to integer
    if(!is.factor(values)) values <- factor(values, levels=vlev)
    values <- as.integer(values)
  nv <- length(values)
  vdim <- dim(values) # may be NULL
  vnames <- NULL
  if(is.null(vdim)) {
    ## vector or factor of values 
    if(nv == nt) {
      ## values are a flattened matrix of the right dimensions
      values <- matrix(values, tdim[1], tdim[2])
    } else if(nv %% nt == 0) {
      ## values are a flattened array of the right dimensions
      k <- nv/nt
      values <- array(values, dim=c(tdim, k))
    } else stop("Unable to wrangle data vector to a matrix")
  } else if(is.matrix(values)) {
    ## matrix of values 
    if(all(vdim == tdim)) {
      ## values are a matrix of the desired dimensions
    } else if(vdim[1] == nt) {
      ## each column of 'values' is a flattened matrix of the desired dimensions
      vnames <- colnames(values)
      values <- array(values, dim=c(tdim, vdim[2]))
    } else stop("Unable to wrangle data matrix")
  } else if(is.array(values)) {
    if(length(vdim) > 3) stop("Cannot wrangle a higher dimensional array")
    if(all(vdim[1:2] == tdim)) {
      ## each slice of values is a matrix of the desired dimension
      vnames <- dimnames(values)[[3L]]
    } else stop("Unable to wrangle data array")
  ## values is now a matrix or array
  if(is.matrix(values)) {
    if(!is.null(vlev)) values <- factor(values, labels=vlev)
    result <- im(values,
    result <- result[W, drop=FALSE]
  } else {
    m <- dim(values)[3L]
    result <- vector(mode="list", length=m)
    for(i in seq_len(m)) {
      vi <- values[,,i]
      if(!is.null(vlev)) vi <- factor(vi, labels=vlev)
      Z <- im(vi,
      result[[i]] <- Z[W, drop=FALSE]
    names(result) <- vnames
    result <- as.solist(result)

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