# pppmatch.R
# $Revision: 1.27 $ $Date: 2022/05/21 09:52:11 $
# Code by Dominic Schuhmacher
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# The standard functions for the new class pppmatching
# Objects of class pppmatching consist of two point patterns pp1 and pp2,
# and either an adjacency matrix ((i,j)-th entry 1 if i-th point of pp1 and j-th
# point of pp2 are matched, 0 otherwise) for "full point matchings" or
# a "generalized adjacency matrix" (or flow matrix; positive values are
# no longer limited to 1, (i,j)-th entry gives the "flow" between
# the i-th point of pp1 and the j-th point of pp2) for "fractional matchings".
# Optional elements are the type
# of the matching, the cutoff value for distances in R^2, the order
# of averages taken, and the resulting distance for the matching.
# Currently recognized types are "spa" (subpattern assignment,
# where dummy points at maximal dist are introduced if cardinalities differ),
# "ace" (assignment if cardinalities equal, where dist is maximal if cards differ),
# and "mat" (mass transfer, fractional matching that belongs to the
# Wasserstein distance obtained if point patterns are normalized to probability measures).
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
pppmatching <- function(X, Y, am, type = NULL, cutoff = NULL,
q = NULL, mdist = NULL) {
verifyclass(X, "ppp")
verifyclass(Y, "ppp")
n1 <- X$n
n2 <- Y$n
am <- as.matrix(am)
if (length(am) == 0) {
if (min(n1,n2) == 0)
am <- matrix(am, nrow=n1, ncol=n2)
stop("Adjacency matrix does not have the right dimensions")
if (dim(am)[1] != n1 || dim(am)[2] != n2)
stop("Adjacency matrix does not have the right dimensions")
am <- matrix(as.numeric(am), n1, n2)
#am <- apply(am, c(1,2), as.numeric)
res <- list("pp1" = X, "pp2" = Y, "matrix" = am,
"type" = type, "cutoff" = cutoff,
"q" = q, "distance" = mdist)
class(res) <- "pppmatching"
plot.pppmatching <- function(x, addmatch = NULL, main = NULL, ..., adjust=1) {
if (is.null(main))
main <- short.deparse(substitute(x))
pp1 <- x$pp1
pp2 <- x$pp2,
list(x=pp1$window, main = main, ...),
here <- which((x$matrix > 0), arr.ind = TRUE)
if (!is.null(addmatch)) {
addhere <- which((addmatch > 0), arr.ind = TRUE)
seg <- as.psp(from=pp1[addhere[,1]], to=pp2[addhere[,2]])
plot(seg, add=TRUE, lty = 2, col="gray70")
if (length(here) > 0) {
seg <- as.psp(from=pp1[here[,1]], to=pp2[here[,2]])
marks(seg) <- x$matrix[here]
plot(seg, add=TRUE, ..., style="width", adjust=adjust)
plot(x$pp1, add=TRUE, pch=20, col=2, ...)
plot(x$pp2, add=TRUE, pch=20, col=4, ...)
print.pppmatching <- function(x, ...) {
n1 <- x$pp1$n
n2 <- x$pp2$n
if (is.null(x$type) || is.null(x$q) || is.null(x$cutoff))
splat("Generic matching of two planar point patterns")
splat(x$type, "-",
x$q, " matching of two planar point patterns (cutoff = ",
x$cutoff, ")", sep = "")
splat("pp1:", n1, ngettext(n1, "point", "points"))
splat("pp2:", n2, ngettext(n2, "point", "points"))
npair <- sum(x$matrix > 0)
if (npair == 0)
splat("matching is empty")
else {
if (any(x$matrix != trunc(x$matrix)))
splat("fractional matching,", npair, ngettext(npair, "flow", "flows"))
splat("point matching,", npair, ngettext(npair, "line", "lines"))
if (!is.null(x$distance))
splat("distance:", x$distance)
summary.pppmatching <- function(object, ...) {
X <- object$pp1
Y <- object$pp2
n1 <- X$n
n2 <- Y$n
if (is.null(object$type) || is.null(object$q) || is.null(object$cutoff))
splat("Generic matching of two planar point patterns")
splat(object$type, "-", object$q,
" matching of two planar point patterns (cutoff = ",
object$cutoff, ")", sep = "")
splat("pp1:", n1, ngettext(n1, "point", "points"))
splat("pp2:", n2, ngettext(n2, "point", "points"))
npair <- sum(object$matrix > 0)
if (npair == 0)
splat("matching is empty")
else {
if (any(object$matrix != trunc(object$matrix))) {
splat("fractional matching,", npair, ngettext(npair, "flow", "flows"))
else {
splat("point matching,", npair, ngettext(npair, "line", "lines"))
rowsum <- rowSums(object$matrix)
colsum <- colSums(object$matrix)
lt <- ifelse(min(rowsum) >= 1, TRUE, FALSE)
ru <- ifelse(max(rowsum) <= 1, TRUE, FALSE)
rt <- ifelse(min(colsum) >= 1, TRUE, FALSE)
lu <- ifelse(max(colsum) <= 1, TRUE, FALSE)
if (lt && ru && rt && lu)
splat("matching is 1-1")
else if (any(lt, ru, rt, lu)) {
splat("matching is",
ifelse(lt, " left-total", ""),
ifelse(lu, " left-unique", ""),
ifelse(rt, " right-total", ""),
ifelse(ru, " right-unique", ""),
if (!is.null(object$distance))
splat("distance:", object$distance)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# matchingdist computes the distance associated with a certain kind of matching.
# Any of the arguments type, cutoff and order (if supplied) override the
# the corresponding arguments in the matching.
# This function is useful for verifying the distance element of an
# object of class pppmatching as well as for comparing different
# (typically non-optimal) matchings.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
matchingdist <- function(matching, type = NULL, cutoff = NULL, q = NULL) {
verifyclass(matching, "pppmatching")
if (is.null(type))
if (is.null(matching$type))
stop("Type of matching unknown. Distance cannot be computed")
type <- matching$type
if (is.null(cutoff))
if (is.null(matching$cutoff))
stop("Cutoff value unknown. Distance cannot be computed")
cutoff <- matching$cutoff
if (is.null(q))
if (is.null(matching$q))
stop("Order unknown. Distance cannot be computed")
q <- matching$q
X <- matching$pp1
Y <- matching$pp2
n1 <- X$n
n2 <- Y$n
Lpexpect <- function(x, w, p) {
f <- max(x)
return(ifelse(f==0, 0, f * sum((x/f)^p * w)^(1/p)))
if (type == "spa") {
n <- max(n1,n2) # divisor for Lpexpect
if (n == 0)
else if (min(n1,n2) == 0)
shortdim <- which.min(c(n1,n2))
shortsum <- apply(matching$matrix, shortdim, sum)
if (any(shortsum != 1))
warning("matching does not attribute mass 1 to each point of point pattern with smaller cardinality")
# dfix <- apply(crossdist(X,Y), c(1,2), function(x) { min(x,cutoff) })
dfix <- pmin(crossdist(X,Y), cutoff)
if (is.finite(q))
resdist <- (Lpexpect(dfix, matching$matrix/n, q)^q + abs(n2-n1)/n * cutoff^q)^(1/q)
resdist <- ifelse(n1==n2, max(dfix[matching$matrix > 0]), cutoff)
else if (type == "ace") {
n <- n1 # divisor for Lpexpect
if (n1 != n2)
if (n == 0)
rowsum <- rowSums(matching$matrix)
colsum <- colSums(matching$matrix)
if (any(c(rowsum, colsum) != 1))
warning("matching is not 1-1")
# dfix <- apply(crossdist(X,Y), c(1,2), function(x) { min(x,cutoff) })
dfix <- pmin(crossdist(X,Y), cutoff)
if (is.finite(q))
resdist <- Lpexpect(dfix, matching$matrix/n, q)
resdist <- max(dfix[matching$matrix > 0])
else if (type == "mat") {
n <- min(n1,n2) # divisor for Lpexpect
if (min(n1,n2) == 0)
shortdim <- which.min(c(n1,n2))
shortsum <- apply(matching$matrix, shortdim, sum)
if (any(shortsum != 1))
warning("matching does not attribute mass 1 to each point of point pattern with smaller cardinality")
# dfix <- apply(crossdist(X,Y), c(1,2), function(x) { min(x,cutoff) })
dfix <- pmin(crossdist(X,Y), cutoff)
if (is.finite(q))
resdist <- Lpexpect(dfix, matching$matrix/n, q)
resdist <- max(dfix[matching$matrix > 0])
stop(paste("Unrecognised type", sQuote(type)))
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# The main function for computation of distances and finding optimal
# matchings between point patterns: pppdist
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# pppdist uses several helper functions not normally called by the user
# The arguments of pppdist are
# x and y of class ppp (the two point patterns for which we want to compute
# a distance)
# The type of distance to be computed; any one of "spa" (default), "ace", "mat".
# For details of this and the following two arguments see above (description
# for class "pppmatching")
# cutoff and order q of the distance
# Set matching to TRUE if the full point matching (including distance)
# should be returned; otherwise only the distance is returned
# If ccode is FALSE R code is used where available. This may be useful if q
# is high (say above 10) and severe warning messages pop up. R can
# (on most machines) deal with a higher number of significant digits per
# number than C (at least with the code used below)
# precision should only be entered by advanced users. Empirically reasonable defaults
# are used otherwise. As a rule of thumb, if ccode is TRUE, precision should
# be the highest value that does not give an error (typically 9); if ccode
# is FALSE, precision should be balanced (typically between 10 and 100) in
# such a way that the sum of the number of zeroes and pseudo-zeroes given in the
# warning messages is minimal
# approximation: if q = Inf, by the distance of which order should
# the true distance be approximated. If approximation is Inf, brute force
# computation is used, which is only practicable for point patterns with
# very few points (see also the remarks just before the pppdist.prohorov
# function below).
# show.rprimal=TRUE shows at each stage of the algorithm what the current restricted
# primal problem and its solution are (algorithm jumps between restricted primal
# and dual problem until the solution to the restricted primal (a partial
# matching of the point patterns) is a full matching)
# timelag gives the number of seconds of pause added each time a solution to
# the current restricted primal is found (has only an effect if show.primal=TRUE)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
pppdist <- function(X, Y, type = "spa", cutoff = 1, q = 1, matching = TRUE,
ccode = TRUE, auction = TRUE, precision = NULL,
approximation = 10, show.rprimal = FALSE, timelag = 0) {
verifyclass(X, "ppp")
verifyclass(Y, "ppp")
if (!ccode && type == "mat") {
warning("R code is not available for type = ", dQuote("mat"), ". C code is
used instead")
ccode <- TRUE
if (!ccode && is.infinite(q) && is.infinite(approximation)) {
warning("R code is not available for q = Inf and approximation = Inf. C code is
used instead")
ccode <- TRUE
if (ccode && is.infinite(q) && is.infinite(approximation) && type == "spa" && X$n != Y$n) {
warning("approximation = Inf not available for type = ",
dQuote("spa"), " and point patterns with differing cardinalities")
approximation <- 10
if (is.infinite(q) && is.infinite(approximation) && type == "mat") {
warning("approximation = Inf not available for type = ",
approximation <- 10
if (show.rprimal) {
ccode <- FALSE
auction <- FALSE
if (type != "ace"){
warning("show.rprimal = TRUE not available for type = ",
dQuote(type), ". Type is changed to ", dQuote("ace"))
type <- "ace"
if (is.null(precision)) {
if (ccode)
precision <- trunc(log10(.Machine$integer.max))
else {
db <- .Machine$double.base
minprec <- trunc(log10(.Machine$double.base^.Machine$double.digits))
if (is.finite(q))
precision <- min(max(minprec,2*q),
precision <- min(max(minprec,2*approximation),
if (type == "spa") {
if (X$n == 0 && Y$n == 0) {
if (!matching)
else {
return(pppmatching(X, Y, matrix(0, nrow=0,ncol=0), type, cutoff, q, 0))
n1 <- X$n
n2 <- Y$n
n <- max(n1,n2)
dfix <- matrix(cutoff,n,n)
if (min(n1,n2) > 0)
dfix[1:n1,1:n2] <- crossdist(X,Y)
# d <- dfix <- apply(dfix, c(1,2), function(x) { min(x,cutoff) })
d <- dfix <- pmin(dfix,cutoff)
if (is.infinite(q)) {
if (n1 == n2 || matching)
return(pppdist.prohorov(X, Y, n, d, type, cutoff, matching, ccode,
auction, precision, approximation))
# in the case n1 != n2 the distance is clear, and in a sense any
# matching would be correct. We go here the extra mile and call
# pppdist.prohorov in order to find (approximate) the matching
# that is intuitively most interesting (i.e. the one that
# pairs the points of the
# smaller cardinality point pattern with the points of the larger
# cardinality point pattern in such a way that the maximal pairing distance
# is minimal (for q < Inf the q-th order pairing distance before the introduction
# of dummy points is automatically minimal if it is minimal after the
# introduction of dummy points)
# which would be the case for the obtained pairing if q < Inf
else if (type == "ace") {
if (X$n != Y$n) {
if (!matching)
else {
return(pppmatching(X, Y, matrix(0, nrow=X$n, ncol=Y$n), type, cutoff, q, cutoff))
if (X$n == 0) {
if (!matching)
else {
return(pppmatching(X, Y, matrix(0, nrow=0,ncol=0), type, cutoff, q, 0))
n <- n1 <- n2 <- X$n
dfix <- crossdist(X,Y)
# d <- dfix <- apply(dfix, c(1,2), function(x) { min(x,cutoff) })
d <- dfix <- pmin(dfix, cutoff)
if (is.infinite(q))
return(pppdist.prohorov(X, Y, n, d, type, cutoff, matching, ccode,
auction, precision, approximation))
else if (type == "mat") {
if (!ccode)
warning("R code is not available for type = ", dQuote("mat"), ". C code is used instead")
if (auction)
warning("Auction algorithm is not available for type = ", dQuote("mat"), ". Primal-dual algorithm is used instead")
return(pppdist.mat(X, Y, cutoff, q, matching, precision, approximation))
else stop(paste("Unrecognised type", sQuote(type)))
d <- d/max(d)
d <- round((d^q)*(10^precision))
nzeroes <- sum(d == 0 & dfix > 0)
if(nzeroes > 0)
warning(paste(nzeroes, ngettext(nzeroes, "zero", "zeroes"), "introduced, while rounding the q-th powers of distances"))
if(ccode & any(d > .Machine$integer.max))
stop("integer overflow, while rounding the q-th powers of distances")
if(!ccode) {
if (any(is.infinite(d)))
stop("Inf obtained, while taking the q-th powers of distances")
maxd <- max(d)
npszeroes <- sum(maxd/d[d>0] >= .Machine$double.base^.Machine$double.digits)
if (npszeroes > 0)
warning(paste(npszeroes, ngettext(npszeroes, "pseudo-zero", "pseudo-zeroes"), "introduced, while taking the q-th powers of distances"))
# a pseudo-zero is a value that is positive but contributes nothing to the
# q-th order average because it is too small compared to the other values
Lpmean <- function(x, p) {
f <- max(x)
return(ifelse(f==0, 0, f * mean((x/f)^p)^(1/p)))
if (show.rprimal && type == "ace") {
assig <-, Y, n, d, timelag)
am <- matrix(0, n, n)
am[cbind(1:n, assig[1:n])] <- 1
else if (ccode) {
if (auction) {
dupper <- max(d)/10
lasteps <- 1/(n+1)
epsfac <- 10
epsvec <- lasteps
## Bertsekas: from dupper/2 to 1/(n+1) divide repeatedly by a constant
while (lasteps < dupper) {
lasteps <- lasteps*epsfac
epsvec <- c(epsvec,lasteps)
epsvec <- rev(epsvec)[-1]
neps <- length(epsvec)
stopifnot(neps >= 1)
d <- max(d)-d
## auctionbf uses a "desire matrix"
res <- .C(SG_auctionbf,
pers_to_obj = as.integer(rep(-1,n)),
price = as.double(rep(0,n)),
profit = as.double(rep(0,n)),
am <- matrix(0, n, n)
am[cbind(1:n,res$pers_to_obj+1)] <- 1
else {
res <- .C(SG_dwpure,
flowmatrix = as.integer(integer(n^2)),
am <- matrix(res$flowmatrix, n, n)
else {
assig <- acedist.noshow(X, Y, n, d)
am <- matrix(0, n, n)
am[cbind(1:n, assig[1:n])] <- 1
resdist <- Lpmean(dfix[am == 1], q)
if (!matching)
else {
amsmall <- suppressWarnings(matrix(am[1:n1,1:n2], nrow=n1, ncol=n2))
# previous line solves various problems associated with min(n1,n2) = 0 or = 1
return(pppmatching(X, Y, amsmall, type, cutoff, q, resdist))
# ===========================================================
# ===========================================================
# Anything below:
# Internal functions usually not to be called by user
# ===========================================================
# ===========================================================
# Called if show.rprimal is true
# <- function(X, Y, n, d, timelag = 0) {
plot(pppmatching(X, Y, matrix(0, n, n)))
# initialization of dual variables
u <- apply(d, 1, min)
d <- d - u
v <- apply(d, 2, min)
d <- d - rep(v, each=n)
# the main loop
feasible <- FALSE
while (!feasible) {
rpsol <- maxflow(d) # rpsol = restricted primal, solution
am <- matrix(0, n, n)
for (i in 1:n) {
if (rpsol$assignment[i] > -1) am[i, rpsol$assignment[i]] <- TRUE
channelmat <- (d == 0 & !am)
plot(pppmatching(X, Y, am), addmatch = channelmat)
# if the solution of the restricted primal is not feasible for
# the original primal, update dual variables
if (min(rpsol$assignment) == -1) {
w1 <- which(rpsol$fi_rowlab > -1)
w2 <- which(rpsol$fi_collab == -1)
subtractor <- min(d[w1, w2])
d[w1,] <- d[w1,] - subtractor
d[,-w2] <- d[,-w2] + subtractor
# otherwise break the loop
else {
feasible <- TRUE
# R-version of hungarian algo without the pictures
# useful if q is large
acedist.noshow <- function(X, Y, n, d) {
# initialization of dual variables
u <- apply(d, 1, min)
d <- d - u
v <- apply(d, 2, min)
d <- d - rep(v, each=n)
# the main loop
feasible <- FALSE
while (!feasible) {
rpsol <- maxflow(d) # rpsol = restricted primal, solution
# ~~~~~~~~~ deleted by AJB ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# am <- matrix(0, n, n)
# for (i in 1:n) {
# if (rpsol$assignment[i] > -1) am[i, rpsol$assignment[i]] <- TRUE
# }
# channelmat <- (d == 0 & !am)
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# if the solution of the restricted primal is not feasible for
# the original primal, update dual variables
if (min(rpsol$assignment) == -1) {
w1 <- which(rpsol$fi_rowlab > -1)
w2 <- which(rpsol$fi_collab == -1)
subtractor <- min(d[w1, w2])
d[w1,] <- d[w1,] - subtractor
d[,-w2] <- d[,-w2] + subtractor
# otherwise break the loop
else {
feasible <- TRUE
# Solution of restricted primal
maxflow <- function(costm) {
stopifnot(nrow(costm) == ncol(costm))
if(!all(apply(costm == 0, 1, any)))
stop("Each row of the cost matrix must contain a zero")
m <- dim(costm)[1] # cost matrix is square m * m
assignment <-, m) # -1 means no pp2-point assigned to i-th pp1-point
## initial assignment or rowlabel <- source label (= 0) where not possible
for (i in 1:m) {
j <- match(0, costm[i,])
if (!(j %in% assignment))
assignment[i] <- j
newlabelfound <- TRUE
while (newlabelfound) {
rowlab <-, m) # -1 means no label given, 0 stands for source label
collab <-, m)
rowlab <- ifelse(assignment == -1, 0, rowlab)
## column and row labeling procedure until either breakthrough occurs
## (which means that there is a better point assignment, i.e. one that
## creates more point pairs than the current one (flow can be increased))
## or no more labeling is possible
breakthrough <- -1
while (newlabelfound && breakthrough == -1) {
newlabelfound <- FALSE
for (i in 1:m) {
if (rowlab[i] != -1) {
for (j in 1:m) {
if (costm[i,j] == 0 && collab[j] == -1) {
collab[j] <- i
newlabelfound <- TRUE
if (!(j %in% assignment) && breakthrough == -1)
breakthrough <- j
for (j in 1:m) {
if (collab[j] != -1) {
for (i in 1:m) {
if (assignment[i] == j && rowlab[i] == -1) {
rowlab[i] <- j
newlabelfound <- TRUE
## if the while-loop was left due to breakthrough,
## reassign points (i.e. redirect flow) and restart labeling procedure
if (breakthrough != -1) {
l <- breakthrough
while (l != 0) {
k <- collab[l]
assignment[k] <- l
l <- rowlab[k]
## the outermost while-loop is left, no more labels can be given; hence
## the maximal number of points are paired given the current restriction
## (flow is maximal given the current graph)
return(list("assignment"=assignment, "fi_rowlab"=rowlab, "fi_collab"=collab))
# Prohorov distance computation/approximation (called if q = Inf in pppdist
# and type = "spa" or "ace")
# Exact brute force computation of distance if approximation = Inf,
# scales very badly, should not be used for cardinality n larger than 10-12
# Approximation by order q distance gives often (if the warning messages
# are not too extreme) the right matching and therefore the exact Prohorov distance,
# but in very rare cases the result can be very wrong. However, it is always
# an exact upper bound of the Prohorov distance (since based on *a* pairing
# as opposed to optimal pairing.
pppdist.prohorov <- function(X, Y, n, dfix, type, cutoff = 1, matching = TRUE,
ccode = TRUE, auction = TRUE,
precision = 9, approximation = 10) {
n1 <- X$n
n2 <- Y$n
d <- dfix/max(dfix)
if (is.finite(approximation)) {
warning(paste("distance with parameter q = Inf is approximated by distance with parameter q =", approximation))
d <- round((d^approximation)*(10^precision))
nzeroes <- sum(d == 0 & dfix > 0)
if (nzeroes > 0)
ngettext(nzeroes, "zero", "zeroes"),
"introduced, while rounding distances"))
if (ccode) {
if (any(d > .Machine$integer.max))
stop("integer overflow, while rounding the q-th powers of distances")
if (auction) {
dupper <- max(d)/10
lasteps <- 1/(n+1)
epsfac <- 10
epsvec <- lasteps
## Bertsekas: from dupper/2 to 1/(n+1) divide repeatedly by a constant
while (lasteps < dupper) {
lasteps <- lasteps*epsfac
epsvec <- c(epsvec,lasteps)
epsvec <- rev(epsvec)[-1]
neps <- length(epsvec)
stopifnot(neps >= 1)
d <- max(d)-d
## auctionbf uses a "desire matrix"
res <- .C(SG_auctionbf,
pers_to_obj = as.integer(rep(-1,n)),
price = as.double(rep(0,n)),
profit = as.double(rep(0,n)),
am <- matrix(0, n, n)
am[cbind(1:n,res$pers_to_obj+1)] <- 1
else {
res <- .C(SG_dwpure,
flowmatrix = as.integer(integer(n^2)),
am <- matrix(res$flowmatrix, n, n)
else {
if (any(is.infinite(d)))
stop("Inf obtained, while taking the q-th powers of distances")
maxd <- max(d)
npszeroes <- sum(maxd/d[d>0] >= .Machine$double.base^.Machine$double.digits)
if (npszeroes > 0)
ngettext(npszeroes, "pseudo-zero", "pseudo-zeroes"),
"introduced, while taking the q-th powers of distances"))
assig <- acedist.noshow(X, Y, n, d)
am <- matrix(0, n, n)
am[cbind(1:n, assig[1:n])] <- 1
else {
d <- round(d*(10^precision))
nzeroes <- sum(d == 0 & dfix > 0)
if (nzeroes > 0)
warning(paste(nzeroes, ngettext(nzeroes, "zero", "zeroes"),
"introduced, while rounding distances"))
if (any(d > .Machine$integer.max))
stop("integer overflow, while rounding the q-th powers of distances")
res <- .C(SG_dinfty_R,
assignment = as.integer(,n)),
assig <- res$assignment
am <- matrix(0, n, n)
am[cbind(1:n, assig[1:n])] <- 1
if (n1 == n2)
resdist <- max(dfix[am == 1])
resdist <- cutoff
if (!matching)
else {
amsmall <- suppressWarnings(matrix(am[1:n1,1:n2], nrow=n1, ncol=n2))
## previous line solves various problems associated with min(n1,n2) = 0 or = 1
return(pppmatching(X, Y, amsmall, type, cutoff, Inf, resdist))
# Computation of "pure Wasserstein distance" for any q (called if type="mat"
# in pppdist, no matter if q finite or not).
# If q = Inf, approximation using ccode is enforced
# (approximation == Inf is not allowed here).
pppdist.mat <- function(X, Y, cutoff = 1, q = 1, matching = TRUE, precision = 9,
approximation = 10) {
n1 <- X$n
n2 <- Y$n
n <- min(n1,n2)
if (n == 0) {
if (!matching)
return(pppmatching(X, Y, matrix(0, nrow=0,ncol=0), "mat", cutoff, q, NaN))
dfix <- crossdist(X,Y)
# d <- dfix <- apply(dfix, c(1,2), function(x) { min(x,cutoff) })
d <- dfix <- pmin(dfix, cutoff)
d <- d/max(d)
if (is.infinite(q)) {
if (is.infinite(approximation))
stop("approximation = Inf")
warning(paste("distance with parameter q = Inf is approximated by distance with parameter q =", approximation))
d <- round((d^approximation)*(10^precision))
nzeroes <- sum(d == 0 & dfix > 0)
if (nzeroes > 0)
warning(paste(nzeroes, "zeroes introduced, while rounding distances"))
if (any(d > .Machine$integer.max))
stop("integer overflow, while rounding the q-th powers of distances")
gcd <- greatest.common.divisor(n1,n2)
mass1 <- n2/gcd
mass2 <- n1/gcd
res <- .C(SG_dwpure,
flowmatrix = as.integer(integer(n1*n2)),
am <- matrix(res$flowmatrix/(max(n1,n2)/gcd), n1, n2)
resdist <- max(dfix[am > 0])
else {
d <- round((d^q)*(10^precision))
nzeroes <- sum(d == 0 & dfix > 0)
if(nzeroes > 0)
warning(paste(nzeroes, ngettext(nzeroes, "zero", "zeroes"), "introduced, while rounding the q-th powers of distances"))
if(any(d > .Machine$integer.max))
stop("integer overflow, while rounding the q-th powers of distances")
gcd <- greatest.common.divisor(n1,n2)
mass1 <- n2/gcd
mass2 <- n1/gcd
Lpexpect <- function(x, w, p) {
f <- max(x)
return(ifelse(f==0, 0, f * sum((x/f)^p * w)^(1/p)))
res <- .C(SG_dwpure,
flowmatrix = as.integer(integer(n1*n2)),
am <- matrix(res$flowmatrix/(max(n1,n2)/gcd), n1, n2)
# our "adjacency matrix" in this case is standardized to have
# rowsum 1 if n1 <= n2 and colsum 1 if n1 >= n2
resdist <- Lpexpect(dfix, am/n, q)
if (!matching)
else {
amsmall <- suppressWarnings(matrix(am[1:n1,1:n2], nrow=n1, ncol=n2))
# previous line solves various problems associated with min(n1,n2) = 0 or = 1
return(pppmatching(X, Y, amsmall, "mat", cutoff, q, resdist))
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