
Defines functions getdataobjects inject.expr dotexpr.to.call fakecallstring samefunction badprobability matchNameOrPosition dont.complain.about there.is.no.try mapstrings trap.extra.arguments warn.ignored.args explain.ifnot complaining check.1.string check.1.integer check.1.real check.satisfies check.finite forbidNA validposint check.named.thing check.named.list check.named.vector check.nmatrix check.nvector check.anyvector

Documented in badprobability check.1.integer check.1.real check.1.string check.anyvector check.finite check.named.list check.named.thing check.named.vector check.nmatrix check.nvector check.satisfies complaining dont.complain.about dotexpr.to.call explain.ifnot fakecallstring forbidNA getdataobjects inject.expr mapstrings matchNameOrPosition samefunction there.is.no.try trap.extra.arguments validposint warn.ignored.args

#'   utilarg.R
#'   Utilities for checking/handling arguments
#'  $Revision: 1.11 $  $Date: 2023/03/03 02:02:49 $

"%orifnull%" <- function(a, b) {
  if(!is.null(a)) return(a)
  # b is evaluated only now

check.anyvector <- function(v, npoints=NULL, fatal=TRUE, things="data points",
                            naok=FALSE, warn=FALSE, vname, oneok=FALSE) {
  # vector or factor of values for each point/thing
    vname <- sQuote(short.deparse(substitute(v)))
  whinge <- NULL
  nv <- length(v)
  if(!is.atomic(v) || !is.null(dim(v)))  # vector with attributes
    whinge <- paste(vname, "is not a vector or factor")
  else if(!(is.null(npoints) || (nv == npoints)) &&
          !(oneok && nv == 1)) 
    whinge <- paste("The length of", vname,
                    paren(paste0("=", nv)), 
                    "should equal the number of", things,
                    paren(paste0("=", npoints)))
  else if(!naok && anyNA(v))
    whinge <- paste("Some values of", vname, "are NA or NaN")
  if(!is.null(whinge)) {
    if(fatal) stop(whinge)
    if(warn) warning(whinge)
    ans <- FALSE
    attr(ans, "whinge") <- whinge

check.nvector <- function(v, npoints=NULL, fatal=TRUE, things="data points",
                          naok=FALSE, warn=FALSE, vname, oneok=FALSE) {
  # vector of numeric values for each point/thing
    vname <- sQuote(short.deparse(substitute(v)))
  whinge <- NULL
  nv <- length(v)
    whinge <- paste(vname, "is not numeric")
  else if(!is.atomic(v) || !is.null(dim(v)))  # vector with attributes
    whinge <- paste(vname, "is not a vector")
  else if(!(is.null(npoints) || (nv == npoints)) &&
          !(oneok && nv == 1)) 
    whinge <- paste("The length of", vname,
                    paren(paste0("=", nv)), 
                    "should equal the number of", things,
                    paren(paste0("=", npoints)))
  else if(!naok && anyNA(v))
    whinge <- paste("Some values of", vname, "are NA or NaN")
  if(!is.null(whinge)) {
    if(fatal) stop(whinge)
    if(warn) warning(whinge)
    ans <- FALSE
    attr(ans, "whinge") <- whinge

check.nmatrix <- function(m, npoints=NULL, fatal=TRUE, things="data points",
                          naok=FALSE, squarematrix=TRUE, matchto="nrow",
                          warn=FALSE, mname) {
  ## matrix of values for each thing or each pair of things
  if(missing(mname)) mname <- sQuote(short.deparse(substitute(m)))
  whinge <- NULL
    whinge <- paste(mname, "should be a matrix")
  else if(squarematrix && (nrow(m) != ncol(m)))
    whinge <- paste(mname, "should be a square matrix")
  else if(!naok && anyNA(m))
    whinge <- paste("Some values of", mname, "are NA or NaN")
  else if(!is.null(npoints)) {
    if(matchto=="nrow" && nrow(m) != npoints)
      whinge <- paste("Number of rows in", mname,
                      paren(paste0("=", nrow(m))),
                      "does not match number of", things,
                      paren(paste0("=", npoints)))
    else if(matchto=="ncol" && ncol(m) != npoints)
      whinge <- paste("Number of columns in", mname,
                      paren(paste0("=", ncol(m))),
                      "does not match number of", things,
                      paren(paste0("=", npoints)))
  if(!is.null(whinge)) {
    if(fatal) stop(whinge)
    if(warn) warning(whinge)

check.named.vector <- function(x, nam, context="", namopt=character(0),
                               onError=c("fatal", "null"), xtitle=NULL) {
  onError <- match.arg(onError)
  fatal <- (onError == "fatal")
  if(is.null(xtitle) && fatal)
    xtitle <- short.deparse(substitute(x))
  problem <- check.named.thing(x, nam, namopt, sQuote(xtitle),
                               is.numeric(x), "vector", context,
  if(length(problem) > 0)
  opt <- namopt %in% names(x)
  return(x[c(nam, namopt[opt])])

check.named.list <- function(x, nam, context="", namopt=character(0),
                             onError=c("fatal", "null"), xtitle=NULL) {
  onError <- match.arg(onError)
  fatal <- (onError == "fatal")
  if(is.null(xtitle) && fatal)
    xtitle <- short.deparse(substitute(x))
  problem <- check.named.thing(x, nam, namopt, sQuote(xtitle),
                               is.list(x), "list", context, fatal=fatal)
  if(length(problem) > 0)
  opt <- namopt %in% names(x)
  return(x[c(nam, namopt[opt])])

check.named.thing <- function(x, nam, namopt=character(0), xtitle=NULL,
                              valid=TRUE, type="object", context="",
                              fatal=TRUE) {
  ## Check whether names(x) contains all obligatory names 'nam'
  ## and possibly some of the optional names 'namopt'.
  ## Return a character string, length 0 if OK, otherwise contains message
  namesx <- names(x)
  omitted <- !(nam %in% namesx)
  foreign <- !(namesx %in% c(nam, namopt))
  if(valid && !any(omitted) && !any(foreign))
  ## Some condition violated
  ## give details
    xtitle <- sQuote(short.deparse(substitute(x)))
    xtitle <- paste(context, xtitle)
  whinge <- paste(xtitle,
                  "must be a named", paste(type, ",", sep=""),
                  "with components", commasep(nam))
  if(length(namopt) > 0)
    whinge <- paste(whinge, paren(paste("and optionally", commasep(namopt))))
  if(any(omitted)) {
    grizzle <- paste(ngettext(sum(omitted), "parameter", "parameters"),
    whinge <- paste(whinge, grizzle, sep="; ")
  if(any(foreign)) {
    grizzle <- paste(ngettext(sum(foreign), "component", "components"),
                     "not recognised")
    whinge <- paste(whinge, grizzle, sep="; ")
    stop(whinge, call.=FALSE)

validposint <- function(n, caller, fatal=TRUE) {
  if(length(n) != 1 || n != round(n) || n <=0) {
    prefix <- if(!missing(caller)) paste("In ", caller, ", ", sep="") else NULL
    nname <- short.deparse(substitute(n))
    stop(paste0(prefix, nname, "should be a single positive integer"),

# errors and checks

forbidNA <- function(x, context="", xname, fatal=TRUE, usergiven=TRUE, warn=TRUE) {
  if(!anyNA(x)) return(TRUE)
  if(fatal || warn) {
    if(missing(xname)) xname <- sQuote(short.deparse(substitute(x)))
    if(usergiven) {
      ## argument came from user
      offence <- ngettext(length(x), "be NA", "contain NA values")
      whinge <- paste(context, xname, "must not", offence)
    } else {
      ## argument was computed internally
      violates <- ngettext(length(x), "is NA", "contains NA values")
      whinge <- paste(context, xname, violates)
    if(fatal) stop(whinge, call.=FALSE) else warning(whinge, call.=FALSE)

check.finite <- function(x, context="", xname, fatal=TRUE, usergiven=TRUE, warn=TRUE) {
  offence <- if(anyNA(x)) "na" else if(any(!is.finite(x))) "NaNInf" else NULL
  if(is.null(offence)) return(TRUE)
  if(fatal || warn) {
    if(missing(xname)) xname <- sQuote(short.deparse(substitute(x)))     
    if(usergiven) {
      ## argument came from user
      violates <- switch(offence,
                         na     = ngettext(length(x),
                                           "must not be NA",
                                           "must not contain NA values"),
                         NaNInf = ngettext(length(x),
                                           "must be a finite value",
                                           "must contain finite values"))
    } else {
      ## argument was computed internally
      violates <- switch(offence,
                         na     = ngettext(length(x),
                                           "is NA",
                                           "contains NA values"),
                         NaNInf = ngettext(length(x),
                                           "is not finite",
                                           "contains non-finite values"))
    whinge <- paste(context, xname, violates)
    if(fatal) stop(whinge, call.=FALSE) else warning(whinge, call.=FALSE)

check.satisfies <- function(cond, xname, should, context="",
                            fatal=TRUE, warn=TRUE) {
  if(cond) return(TRUE)
  if(fatal || warn) {
    whinge <-  paste(sQuote(xname), should)
    if(nzchar(context)) whinge <- paste(context, whinge)
    if(fatal) stop(whinge, call.=FALSE) else warning(whinge, call.=FALSE)

check.1.real <- function(x, context="", fatal=TRUE, warn=TRUE) {
  if(is.numeric(x) && length(x) == 1)
  if(fatal || warn) {
    xname <- short.deparse(substitute(x))
    whinge <- paste(sQuote(xname), "should be a single number")
    if(nzchar(context)) whinge <- paste(context, whinge)
    if(fatal) stop(whinge, call.=FALSE) else warning(whinge, call.=FALSE)

check.1.integer <- function(x, context="", fatal=TRUE, warn=TRUE) {
  if(is.numeric(x) && length(x) == 1 && is.finite(x) && x %% 1 == 0)
  if(fatal || warn) {
    xname <- short.deparse(substitute(x))
    whinge <- paste(sQuote(xname), "should be a single finite integer")
    if(nzchar(context)) whinge <- paste(context, whinge)
    if(fatal) stop(whinge, call.=FALSE) else warning(whinge, call.=FALSE)
check.1.string <- function(x, context="", fatal=TRUE, warn=TRUE) {
  if(is.character(x) && length(x) == 1)
  if(fatal || warn) {
    xname <- short.deparse(substitute(x))
    whinge <- paste(sQuote(xname), "should be a single character string")
    if(nzchar(context)) whinge <- paste(context, whinge)
    if(fatal) stop(whinge, call.=FALSE) else warning(whinge, call.=FALSE)

complaining <- function(whinge, fatal=FALSE, value=NULL) {
  if(fatal) stop(whinge, call.=FALSE)
  warning(whinge, call.=FALSE)

explain.ifnot <- function(expr, context="") {
  ans <- expr
  if(!(is.logical(ans) && length(ans) == 1 && ans)) {
    ex <- deparse(substitute(expr))
    stop(paste(context, "it must be TRUE that", sQuote(ex)), call.=FALSE)

warn.ignored.args <- function(..., context=NULL) {
  if((narg <- length(list(...))) > 0) {
    whinge <- paste(narg, "unrecognised",
                    ngettext(narg, "argument was", "arguments were"),
    if(!is.null(context)) whinge <- paste(context, whinge)

trap.extra.arguments <- function(..., .Context="", .Fatal=FALSE) {
  z <- list(...)
  if((narg <- length(z)) == 0) return(FALSE)
  nama <- names(z)
  named <- nzchar(nama)
  whinge <- paste(.Context, ":", sep="")
  if(any(named)) {
    # some arguments are named: ensure all are named
    nama <- sQuote(nama)
      nama[!named] <- paste("[Arg", 1:length(nama), ,"]", sep="")[!named]
    whinge <- paste(whinge,
                    ngettext(narg, "argument", "arguments"),
                    ngettext(narg, "was", "were"), "ignored")
  } else {
    # all arguments unnamed
    whinge <- paste(whinge, 
                    narg, "unrecognised",
                    ngettext(narg, "argument was", "arguments were"),
  if(.Fatal) stop(whinge, call.=FALSE) else warning(whinge, call.=FALSE)

## replace recognised keywords by other keywords
mapstrings <- function(x, map=NULL) {
  if(is.null(map)) return(x)
  x <- as.character(x)
  from <- names(map)
  map <- as.character(map)
  if(sum(nzchar(from)) != length(map))
    stop("input names are missing in map", call.=FALSE)
    stop("input names are duplicated in map", call.=FALSE)
  i <- match(x, from)
  hit <- !is.na(i)
  x[hit] <- map[i[hit]]

there.is.no.try <- function(...) {
  #' do, or do not
  y <- try(..., silent=TRUE)
  if(inherits(y, "try-error")) return(NULL)

dont.complain.about <- function(...) {
  #' prevents code checkers complaining about 'unused variables'
  #' Typically needed where the variables in question
  #' are referenced in an expression that will be evaluated elsewhere. 

matchNameOrPosition <- function(expected, avail) {
  if(length(avail) < length(expected))
    stop("Not enough arguments to match", call.=FALSE)
  j <- match(expected, avail)
  if(!anyNA(j)) return(j)
  everything <- seq_along(avail)
  for(k in seq_along(expected)) {
      j[k] <- min(setdiff(everything, j[-k]))

badprobability <- function(x, NAvalue=NA) {
  ifelse(is.na(x), NAvalue, !is.finite(x) | x < 0 | x > 1)

# test for equivalence of two functions 
samefunction <- function(f, g) {
  identical(deparse(f), deparse(g))

#' .................. calls and expressions ..................

fakecallstring <- function(fname, parlist) {
  cl <- do.call(call, append(list(name = fname), parlist))

dotexpr.to.call <- function(expr, dot="funX", evaluator="eval.fv") {
  # convert an expression into a function call
  # replacing "." by the specified variable 
  aa <- substitute(substitute(ee, list(.=as.name(d))),
                   list(ee=expr, d=dot))
  bb <- eval(parse(text=deparse(aa)))
  cc <- as.call(bb)
  cc[[1]] <- as.name(evaluator)

inject.expr <- function(base, expr) {
  ## insert an expression inside a call and parse it
  txt <- sub(".", as.character(expr), as.character(base), fixed=TRUE)

## Match variable names to objects in 'data' list or environment
getdataobjects <- function(nama, envir, datalist=NULL, fatal=FALSE) {
  if(is.null(nama)) return(NULL)
  n <- length(nama)
  y <- vector(mode="list", length=n)
  names(y) <- nama
  if(!is.null(datalist)) {
    hit <- nama %in% names(datalist)
      y[hit] <- as.list(datalist)[nama[hit]]
    external <- unlist(lapply(y, is.null))
  } else external <- rep(TRUE, n)
  y[external] <- mget(nama[external], envir=envir,
                    ifnotfound=list(NULL), inherits=TRUE)
  if(fatal && any(bad <- unlist(lapply(y, is.null)))) {
    nbad <- sum(bad)
    stop(paste(ngettext(nbad, "Covariate", "Covariates"),
               ngettext(nbad, "was not found", "were not found")),
  names(y) <- nama
  attr(y, "external") <- external

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