
Defines functions .spc.ylab

# This is the implementation of the function read.spc from hyperSpec without creating new hyperSpec
# objects, thus it does not depend anymore from this package. It has the option to read or not the 
# header aswell. It returns a list type object.

### read.spc - Import Thermo Galactic's .spc file format into an hyperSpec Object
### C. Beleites 2009/11/29

## Define constants ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

.nul <- as.raw (0)

## header sizes 
.spc.size <- c (hdr = 512, subhdr = 32, subfiledir = 12, loghdr = 64)

.spc.default.keys.hdr2data <- c('fexper', 'fres', 'fsource')
.spc.default.keys.hdr2log  <- c('fdate', 'fpeakpt')
.spc.default.keys.log2data <- FALSE
.spc.default.keys.log2log  <- TRUE

## axis labeling ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

## x-axis units .....................................................................................
.spc.FXTYPE <- c (expression (`/` (x, "a. u.")),                      #0
                  expression (`/` (tilde (nu), cm^-1)),
                  expression (`/` (lambda, (mu * m))),
                  expression (`/` (lambda, nm)),
                  expression (`/` (t, s)),
                  expression (`/` (t, min)),
                  expression (`/` (f, Hz)),
                  expression (`/` (f, kHz)),
                  expression (`/` (f, MHz)),
                  expression (`/` (frac (m, z), frac (u, e))),        
                  expression (`/` (delta, ppm)),                      # 10
                  expression (`/` (t, d)),
                  expression (`/` (t, a)),
                  expression (`/` (Delta*tilde (nu), cm^-1)),
                  expression (`/` (E, eV)),
                  NA, # old version file uses label in gcatxt
                  'Diode No',
                  expression (`/` (x, degree)),
                  expression (`/` (T, degree*F)),
                  expression (`/` (T, degree*C)),                     # 20
                  expression (`/` (T, K)),
                  'Data Point',
                  expression (`/` (t, ms)),
                  expression (`/` (t, micro*s)),
                  expression (`/` (t, ns)),
                  expression (`/` (f, GHz)),
                  expression (`/` (lambda, cm)),
                  expression (`/` (lambda, m)),
                  expression (`/` (lambda, mm)),
                  expression (`/` (t, h))                             # 30

.spc.xlab <- function (x) {
  ## x = 255 is for double interferogram and supposed not to have a label.
  ## Thus, returning NA is appropriate
  if (x <= length (.spc.FXTYPE) + 1)
    .spc.FXTYPE [x + 1]

## y-axis units .....................................................................................
.spc.FYTYPE <- c (expression (`/` (I[Ref], "a. u.")),                      # -1
                  expression (`/` (I, "a. u.")),
                  expression (`/` (I[IGRM], "a. u.")),
                  expression (frac ((1 - R)^2, 2 * R)),
                  expression (`/` (U, V)),
                  expression (`/` (y, degree)),
                  expression (`/` (I, mA)),
                  expression (`/` (l, mm)),
                  expression (`/` (U, mV)),
                  expression (-log (R)),                              # 10
                  expression (`/` (y, '%')),
                  expression (`/` (I, 'a. u.')),        
                  expression (I / I[0]),                             
                  expression (`/` (E, J)),
                  NA, # old version file uses label in gcatxt
                  expression (`/` (G, dB)),
                  NA, # old version file uses label in gcatxt
                  NA, # old version file uses label in gcatxt
                  expression (`/` (T, degree*F)),
                  expression (`/` (T, degree*C)),                     # 20
                  expression (`/` (T, K)),
                  'K', # extinction coeaffictient
                  expression (Re (y)),
                  expression (Im (y)),
                  'y (complex)', # complex
                  expression (`/` (I, 'a. u.')),
                  expression (`/` (I[Emission], 'a. u.'))
.spc.ylab <- function(x){
  if (x <= 26)
    .spc.FYTYPE [x + 2]
  else if (x %in% 128 : 131)
    .spc.FYTYPE [x - 99]

## helper functions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
### raw.split.nul - rawToChar conversion, splitting at \0
raw.split.nul <- function (raw, trunc = c (TRUE, TRUE), firstonly = FALSE) {
  # todo make better truncation
  trunc <- rep (trunc, length.out = 2)
  if (trunc [1] && raw [1] == .nul)
    raw <- raw [-1]
  if (trunc [2]) {
    tmp <- which (raw > .nul)
    if (length (tmp) == 0) 
      return ("")
    raw <- raw [1 : tail (tmp, 1)]	
  if (raw [length (raw)] != .nul)
    raw <- c (raw , .nul)
  tmp <- c (0, which (raw == .nul))
  out <- character (length (tmp) - 1)
  for (i in 1 : (length (tmp) - 1))
    if (tmp [i] + 1 < tmp [i + 1] - 1)
      out [i] <- rawToChar (raw [(tmp [i] + 1)  : (tmp [i + 1] - 1)])
  if (length (out) > 1L & firstonly){
    warning ("multiple strings encountered: ", paste (out, collapse = ", "), " but using only the first one.")
    out <- out [1]

## file part reading functions ----------------------------------------------------------------------

## read file header .................................................................................

.spc.filehdr <- function (raw.data) {
  ## check file format
  ## NEW.LSB = 75 supported,
  ## NEW.MSB = 76 not supported (neither by many Grams software according to spc doc)
  ## OLD     = 77 not supported (replaced by new format in 1996)
  if (raw.data [2] != 75)  
    stop ("Wrong spc file format version.\n",
          "Only 'new' spc files (1996 file format) with LSB word order are supported.") 
  hdr <- list (ftflgs   = readBin          (raw.data [        1], "integer", 1, 1, signed = FALSE),
               ## byte 2 is already interpreted
               fexper   = readBin       (raw.data [        3], "integer", 1, 1, signed = TRUE ),
               fexp     = readBin       (raw.data [        4], "integer", 1, 1, signed = TRUE ),
               fnpts    = readBin       (raw.data [  5 :   8], "integer", 1, 4                ),
               ffirst   = readBin       (raw.data [  9 :  16], "double",  1, 8                ),
               flast    = readBin       (raw.data [ 17 :  24], "double",  1, 8                ),
               fnsub    = readBin       (raw.data [ 25 :  28], "integer", 1, 4                ),
               fxtype   = readBin       (raw.data [       29], "integer", 1, 1, signed = FALSE),
               fytype   = readBin       (raw.data [       30], "integer", 1, 1, signed = FALSE),
               fztype   = readBin       (raw.data [       31], "integer", 1, 1, signed = FALSE),
               fpost    = readBin       (raw.data [       32], "integer", 1, 1, signed = TRUE ),
               fdate    = readBin       (raw.data [ 33 :  36], "integer", 1, 4                ),
               fres     = raw.split.nul (raw.data [ 37 :  45], firstonly = TRUE),
               fsource  = raw.split.nul (raw.data [ 46 :  54], firstonly = TRUE),
               fpeakpt  = readBin       (raw.data [ 55 :  56], "integer", 1, 2, signed = FALSE),
               fspare   = readBin       (raw.data [ 57 :  88], "numeric", 8, 4                ),
               fcmnt    = raw.split.nul (raw.data [ 89 : 218], firstonly = TRUE),
               fcatxt   = raw.split.nul (raw.data [219 : 248], trunc = c (FALSE, TRUE)        ),                
               flogoff  = readBin       (raw.data [249 : 252], "integer", 1, 4), #, signed = FALSE),
               fmods    = readBin       (raw.data [253 : 256], "integer", 1, 4), #, signed = FALSE),
               fprocs   = readBin       (raw.data [      257], "integer", 1, 1, signed = TRUE ),
               flevel   = readBin       (raw.data [      258], "integer", 1, 1, signed = TRUE ),
               fsampin  = readBin       (raw.data [259 : 260], "integer", 1, 2, signed = FALSE),
               ffactor  = readBin       (raw.data [261 : 264], "numeric", 1, 4                ),
               fmethod  = raw.split.nul (raw.data [265 : 312]),
               fzinc    = readBin       (raw.data [313 : 316], "numeric", 1, 4), #, signed = FALSE),
               fwplanes = readBin       (raw.data [317 : 320], "integer", 1, 4), #, signed = FALSE),
               fwinc    = readBin       (raw.data [321 : 324], "numeric", 1, 4                ),
               fwtype   = readBin       (raw.data [      325], "integer", 1, 1, signed = TRUE ),
               ## 187 bytes reserved
               .last.read = .spc.size ['hdr'] 
  ## R doesn't have unsigned long int .................................
  if (any (unlist (hdr [c ("flogoff", "fmods", "fzinc", "fwplanes")]) < 0))
    stop ("error reading header: R does not support unsigned long integers.",
          "Please contact the maintainer of the package.")
  ## do some post processing ..........................................
  experiments <- c ("General", "Gas Chromatogram", "General Chromatogram", "HPLC Chromatogram",
                    "NIR Spectrum", "UV-VIS Spectrum", "* reserved *", "X-ray diffraction spectrum",
                    "Mass Spectrum", "NMR Spectrum", "Raman Spectrum", "Fluorescence Spectrum",
                    "Atomic Spectrum", "Chroatography Diode Array Data")
  hdr$fexper <- factor (hdr$fexper + 1, levels = seq_along (experiments))
  levels (hdr$fexper) <- experiments
  hdr$ftflgs <- .spc.ftflags (hdr$ftflgs)
  hdr$fdate  <- ISOdate (year  = hdr$fdate %/% 1048560,
                         month = hdr$fdate %/% 65536 %%  16,
                         day   = hdr$fdate %/% 2048 %% 32,
                         hour  = hdr$fdate %/% 64 %% 32,
                         min   = hdr$fdate %% 64)
  ## interferogram ?
  ## if not, hdr$fpeakpt is set to NULL
  if (hdr$fytype == 1){ 
    if (hdr$fpeakpt != 0)
      hdr$fpeakpt <- hdr$fpeakpt + 1
  } else {
    hdr$fpeakpt <- NULL
  ## set the axis labels
  if (hdr$ftflgs ['TALABS']) {
    # TODO: find test data
    tmp <- rep (0, 4)
    tmp [seq_along (hdr$fcatxt)] <- nchar (hdr$fcatxt)
    if (tmp [1] > 0) hdr$fxtype <- hdr$fcatxt[1]
    if (tmp [2] > 0) hdr$fytype <- hdr$fcatxt[2]
    if (tmp [3] > 0) hdr$fztype <- hdr$fcatxt[3]
    if (tmp [4] > 0) hdr$fwtype <- hdr$fcatxt[4]
  hdr$fxtype <- .spc.xlab (hdr$fxtype)
  hdr$fytype <- .spc.ylab (hdr$fytype)
  hdr$fztype <- .spc.xlab (hdr$fztype)
  hdr$fwtype <- .spc.xlab (hdr$fwtype)
  ## File with subfiles with individual x axes? 
  ## Then there should be a subfile directory:
  if (hdr$ftflgs ['TXYXYS'] && hdr$ftflgs ['TMULTI']){ 
    ## try to reject impossible values for the subfiledir offset
    if (hdr$fnpts > length (raw.data) || 
        (hdr$fnpts > hdr$flogoff && hdr$flogoff > 0) ||
        hdr$fnpts < 512)
      .spc.error (".spc.read.hdr", list (hdr = hdr),
                  "file header flags specify TXYXYS and TMULTI, ",
                  "but fnpts does not give a valid offset for the subfile directory.\n hdr$ftflgs = ",
                  paste (names (hdr$ftflgs)[hdr$ftflgs], collapse = " | "),
                  " (", sum (2^(0:7) [hdr$ftflgs]) , ")\n",
                  "You can try to read the file using hdr$ftflgs & ! TXYXYS (",
                  sum (2^(0 : 7) [hdr$ftflgs & c (TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)]),
                  "). This assumes that all subfiles do have the same x axis.\n\n")
    hdr$subfiledir <- hdr$fnpts
    hdr$fnpts <- 0
  } else {
    hdr$subfiledir <- 0
  ## some checks ......................................................
  if (hdr$ftflgs ['TMULTI']){
    ## multiple spectra in file
    if (hdr$fnsub <= 1)
      warning ("spc file header specifies multiple spectra but only zero or one subfile.")
  } else {
    ## single spectrum file
    if (hdr$fnsub == 0)
      hdr$fnsub <- 1
    if (hdr$fnsub >  1) {
      warning ("spc file header specifies single spectrum file  but", hdr$fnsub,
               "subfiles (spectra).\nOnly first subfile will be read.")
      hdr$fnsub <- 1
    if (hdr$ftflgs ['TRANDM']) 
      warning ("spc file header: file type flag TRANDM does not make sense without TMULTI.")
    if (hdr$ftflgs ['TORDRD'])
      warning ("spc file header: file type flag TORDRD does not make sense without TMULTI.")
    if ((hdr$ftflgs ['TRANDM'] || hdr$ftflgs ['TORDRD']) && hdr$fnsub > 1)
      hdr$ftflgs ['TMULTI'] <- TRUE
  if (hdr$ftflgs ['TXYXYS'] && ! hdr$ftflgs ['TXVALS']) {
    warning ("spc file header: file type flag TXYXYS does not make sense without TXVALS.")
    hdr$ftflgs ['TXVALS'] <- TRUE
  if (hdr$fwplanes > 0)
    warning ("w planes found! This is not yet tested as the developer didn't have access to such files.\n",
             "Please contact the package maintainer (cbeleites@units.it)",
             "stating whether the file was imported successfully or not.")

## read sub file header .............................................................................
## needs header for consistency checks

.spc.subhdr <- function (raw.data, pos, hdr) {
  subhdr <- list (subflgs   =          raw.data [pos + (      1)],
                  subexp    = readBin (raw.data [pos + (      2)], "integer", 1, 1, signed = FALSE),
                  subindx   = readBin (raw.data [pos + ( 3 :  4)], "integer", 1, 2, signed = FALSE),
                  subtime   = readBin (raw.data [pos + ( 5 :  8)], "numeric", 1, 4),
                  subnext   = readBin (raw.data [pos + ( 9 : 12)], "numeric", 1, 4),
                  subnois   = readBin (raw.data [pos + (13 : 16)], "numeric", 1, 4),
                  subnpts   = readBin (raw.data [pos + (17 : 20)], "integer", 1, 4), #, signed = FALSE),
                  subscan   = readBin (raw.data [pos + (21 : 24)], "integer", 1, 4), #, signed = FALSE),
                  subwlevel = readBin (raw.data [pos + (25 : 28)], "numeric", 1, 4))
  ## 4 bytes reserved
  ## R doesn't have unsigned long int .................................
  if (any (unlist (subhdr [c ("subnpts", "subscan")]) < 0))
    stop ("error reading subheader: R does not support unsigned long integers.",
          "Please contact the maintainer of the package.")
  hdr$.last.read <- pos + .spc.size ['subhdr']
  ## checking
  if (subhdr$subexp == -128 && hdr$fexp != -128)
    warning ("subfile ", subhdr$subindx,  " specifies data type float, but file header doesn't.",
             "\nData will be interpreted as float.")
  if (subhdr$subnpts > 0 && subhdr$subnpts != hdr$fnpts && ! hdr$ftflgs ['TXYXYS'])
    warning ('subfile ', subhdr$subindx, ": number of points in subfile should be 0 if file",
             " header flags do not specify TXYXYS.")
  if (subhdr$subnpts == 0){
    if (hdr$ftflgs ['TXYXYS'])
      warning ('subfile ', subhdr$subindx, ': number of data points per spectrum not specified. ',
               'Using fnpts (', hdr$fnpts, ').')
    subhdr$subnpts <- hdr$fnpts
  if (! hdr$ftflgs ['TXYXYS'])
    if (hdr$fnpts != subhdr$subnpts) {
      .spc.error (".spc.read.subhdr", list (hdr = hdr, subhdr = subhdr),
                  "hdr and subhdr differ in number of points per spectrum, ",
                  "but TXYXYS is not specified.\n hdr$ftflgs = ",
                  paste (names (hdr$ftflgs)[hdr$ftflgs], collapse = " | "),
                  " (", sum (2^(0:7) [hdr$ftflgs]) , ")\n",
                  "You can try to read the file using hdr$ftflgs | TMULTI | TXYXYS (",
                  sum (2^(0 : 7) [hdr$ftflgs |
                                    c (FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE)]),
  #  str (subhdr)
  ## according to .spc file documentation:
  if (! hdr$ftflgs ['TMULTI'])
    subhdr$subexp <- hdr$fexp
  else if (hdr$fexp == -128 && subhdr$subexp != -128) {
    warning ("Header file specifies float data format, but subfile uses integer exponent.",
             " Subfile settings are overwritten.")
    subhdr$subexp <- -128
  ## the z values
  if (hdr$fzinc == 0) # should only happen for the first subfile...
    hdr$fzinc = subhdr$subnext - subhdr$subtime
  if (subhdr$subindx == 0)
    hdr$firstz <- subhdr$subtime
  if (subhdr$subtime == 0)
    subhdr$subtime = subhdr$subindx * hdr$fzinc + hdr$firstz
  ## the w values
  if (hdr$fwplanes > 0) {
    if (subhdr$subwlevel != 0) {
      subhdr$w <- subhdr$subwlevel
    } else if (subhdr$subindx %% hdr$fwplanes == 1)
      subhdr$w <- hdr$subhdr$w +  hdr$fwinc
      subhdr$w <- hdr$subhdr$w
  hdr$subhdr <- subhdr

## read subfile directory ...........................................................................

.spc.subfiledir <- function (raw.data, pos, nsub) {
  dir <- data.frame (ssfposn = rep (NA, nsub),
                     ssfsize = rep (NA, nsub),
                     ssftime = rep (NA, nsub))
  for (s in seq_len (nsub)){
    dir [s,] <- c (readBin (raw.data [pos + ( 1 :  4)], "integer", 1, 4), # , signed = FALSE),
                   readBin (raw.data [pos + ( 5 :  8)], "integer", 1, 4), # , signed = FALSE),
                   readBin (raw.data [pos + ( 9 : 12)], "numeric", 1, 4))
    pos <- pos + .spc.size ['subfiledir']
  ## R doesn't have unsigned long int .................................
  if (any (dir [, 1:2] < 0))
    stop ("error reading subfiledir: R does not support unsigned long integers.",
          "Please contact the maintainer of the package.")
  #	dir$ssfposn <- dir$ssfposn

## read log block header ............................................................................

.spc.log <- function (raw.data, pos, log.bin, log.disk, log.txt, keys.log2data,  keys.log2log,
                      replace.nul = as.raw (255), iconv.from = "latin1", iconv.to = "utf8") {
  if (pos == 0) # no log block exists
    return (list (data = list (),
                  log = list ()))
  loghdr <- list (logsizd = readBin (raw.data [pos + ( 1 :  4)], "integer", 1, 4), #  , signed = FALSE),
                  logsizm = readBin (raw.data [pos + ( 5 :  8)], "integer", 1, 4), # , signed = FALSE),
                  logtxto = readBin (raw.data [pos + ( 9 : 12)], "integer", 1, 4), # , signed = FALSE),
                  logbins = readBin (raw.data [pos + (13 : 16)], "integer", 1, 4), # , signed = FALSE),
                  logdsks = readBin (raw.data [pos + (17 : 20)], "integer", 1, 4), # , signed = FALSE),
                  ## 44 bytes reserved
                  .last.read = pos + .spc.size ['loghdr']
  ## R doesn't have unsigned long int .................................
  if (any (unlist (loghdr) < 0))
    stop ("error reading log: R does not support unsigned long integers.",
          "Please contact the maintainer of the package.")
  log <- list ()
  data <- list ()
  ## read binary part of log
  if (log.bin) 
    log$.log.bin <- raw.data [loghdr$.last.read + seq_len (loghdr$logbins)]
  ## read binary on-disk-only part of log
  if (log.disk) 
    log$.log.disk <- raw.data [loghdr$.last.read + loghdr$logbins + seq_len (loghdr$logdsks)]
  ## read text part of log
  if (log.txt) {
    log.txt <- raw.data [pos + loghdr$logtxto + seq_len (loghdr$logsizd - loghdr$logtxto)]
    if (tail (log.txt, 1) ==  .nul)   # throw away nul at the end
      log.txt <- head (log.txt, -1)
    log.txt [log.txt == .nul] <- replace.nul
    log.txt <- readChar (log.txt, length (log.txt), useBytes=T)
    log.txt <- gsub (rawToChar (replace.nul), '\r\n', log.txt)
    log.txt <- iconv (log.txt, iconv.from, iconv.to)
    #		log.txt <- paste (rawToChar (log.txt, multiple = TRUE), collapse = "")
    log.txt <- split.string (log.txt, "\r\n") ## spc file spec says \r\n regardless of OS
    log.txt <- split.line (log.txt, "=")
    data <- getbynames (log.txt, keys.log2data)
    log <- c (log, getbynames (log.txt, keys.log2log))
  list (log.long = log, extra.data = data)

## read y data ......................................................................................

.spc.read.y <- function (raw.data, pos, npts, exponent, word) {
  if (exponent == -128) { # 4 byte float
    list (y = readBin (raw.data [pos + seq_len (npts * 4)], "numeric", npts, 4),
          .last.read = pos + npts * 4)
  } else if (word) { # 2 byte fixed point integer = word
    list (y = readBin (raw.data [pos + seq_len (npts * 2)], "integer", npts, 2, signed = TRUE) *
            2 ^ (exponent - 16),
          .last.read = pos + npts * 2)
  } else { # 4 byte fixed point integer = dword
    list (y = readBin (raw.data [pos + seq_len (npts * 4)], "integer", npts, 4) *
            2 ^ (exponent - 32),
          .last.read = pos + npts * 4)

## read x data ......................................................................................

.spc.read.x <- function (raw.data, pos, npts) {
  list (x = readBin (raw.data [pos + seq_len (npts * 4)], "numeric", npts, 4),
        .last.read = pos + 4 * npts)

## error .............................................................................................
.spc.error <- function (fname, objects, ...) {
  cat ('ERROR in read.spc function ', fname, '\n\n')
  for (i in seq_along (objects)) {
    cat (names (objects) [i], ":\n")
    str (objects [[i]], vec.len = 20)
  stop (...)

.spc.ftflags <- function (x) {
  ftflgs <- as.logical (x %/% 2^(0 : 7) %% 2)
  names (ftflgs) <- c ('TSPREC', 'TCGRAM', 'TMULTI', 'TRANDM',
                       'TORDRD', 'TALABS', 'TXYXYS', 'TXVALS')


##' Import for Thermo Galactic's spc file format
##' These functions allow to import .spc files.
##' A detailed description of the .spc file format is available at
##' \url{https://ftirsearch.com/features/converters/SPCFileFormat.htm}.
##' @param filename The complete file name of the .spc file.
##' @param files If \code{glob = TRUE}, \code{filename} can contain wildcards.
##'   Thus all files matching the name pattern in \code{filename} can be
##'   specified.
##' @param keys.hdr2data,keys.hdr2log,keys.log2data,keys.log2log character
##'   vectors with the names of parameters in the .spc file's log block
##'   (log2xxx) or header (hdr2xxx) that should go into the extra data
##'   (yyy2data) or into the \code{long.description} field of the returned
##'   hyperSpec object's log (yyy2log).
##' All header fields specified in the .spc file format specification (see
##'   below) are imported and can be referred to by their de-capitalized names.
##' @param log.txt Should the text part of the .spc file's log block be read?
##' @param log.bin,log.disk Should the normal and on-disk binary parts of the
##'   .spc file's log block be read?  If so, they will be put as raw vectors
##'   into the hyperSpec object's log.
##' @param hdr A list with fileheader fields that overwrite the settings of
##'   actual file's header.
##' @param nosubhdr Boolean value to decide if the header should be read or not.
##' Default to TRUE.
##' Use with care, and look into the source code for detailed insight on the
##'   elements of this list.
##' @param no.object If \code{TRUE}, a list with wavelengths, spectra, labels,
##'   log and data are returned instead of a hyperSpec object.
##' This parameter will likely be subject to change in future - use with care.
##' @return If the file contains multiple spectra with individual wavelength
##'   axes, \code{read.spc} returns a list of hyperSpec objects.  Otherwise the
##'   result is a hyperSpec object.
##' \code{read.spc.KaiserMap} returns a hyperSpec object with data columns x,
##'   y, and z containing the stage position as recorded in the .spc files'
##'   log.
##' @note Only a restricted set of test files was available for development.
##'   Particularly, the w-planes feature could not be tested.
##' If you have .spc files that cannot be read with these function, don't
##'   hesitate to contact the package maintainer with your code patch or asking
##'   advice.
##' @author C. Beleites
##' @rdname read-spc
##' @seealso \code{\link[hyperSpec]{textio}}
##' @references Source development kit and file format specification of .spc
##'   files:
##'   \url{https://ftirsearch.com/features/converters/SPCFileFormat.htm}.
##' @export
##' @keywords IO file
##' @examples
##' ## get the sample .spc files from ftirsearch.com (see above)
##' \donttest{
##' # single spectrum
##' spc <- read.spc ("BENZENE.SPC")
##' plot (spc)
##' # multi-spectra .spc file with common wavelength axis
##' spc <- read.spc ('IG_MULTI.SPC')
##' spc
##' # multi-spectra .spc file with individual wavelength axes
##' spc <- read.spc ("BARBITUATES.SPC")
##' plot (spc [[1]], lines.args = list (type = "h"))
##' }
read_spc_nosubhdr <- function (filename,
                               keys.hdr2data = c('fexper', 'fres', 'fsource'), keys.hdr2log = c('fdate', 'fpeakpt'),
                               keys.log2data = FALSE, keys.log2log = TRUE,
                               log.txt = TRUE, log.bin = FALSE, log.disk = FALSE,
                               hdr = list (), nosubhdr = TRUE, 
                               no.object = FALSE){
  ## f contains the raw bytes of the file
  ## fpos marks the position of the last read byte
  ## this is the same as the offset from beginning of the file (count 0) in the .spc definition  	
  f <- readBin (filename, "raw", file.info (filename)$size, 1)
  hdr <- modifyList (.spc.filehdr (f), hdr)
  fpos <- hdr$.last.read
  if (! hdr$ftflgs ['TXYXYS']) {
    if (! hdr$ftflgs ['TXVALS']) {
      ## spectra with common evenly spaced wavelength axis
      wavelength <- seq (hdr$ffirst, hdr$flast, length.out = hdr$fnpts)
    } else {
      ## spectra with common unevenly spaced wavelength axis
      if (! hdr$ftflgs ['TMULTI']) {
        tmp <- .spc.read.x (f, fpos, hdr$fnpts)
        wavelength <- tmp$x
        fpos <- tmp$.last.read
  ## otherwise (TXYXYS set) hdr$fnpts gives offset to subfile directory if that exists
  ## obtain labels from file hdr or from parameter	
  if (hdr$fwplanes > 0)
    label <- modifyList (list (w = hdr$fwtype), label)
  label <- list (.wavelength = hdr$fxtype, spc = hdr$fytype,
                 z = hdr$fztype, z.end = hdr$fztype)
  ## prepare list for hyperSpec log and data.frame for extra data
  data <- list (z = NA, z.end = NA)
  if (hdr$fwplanes > 0)
    data <- c (data, w = NA)
  ## process the log block
  tmp <- .spc.log (f, hdr$flogoff,
                   log.bin, log.disk, log.txt,
                   keys.log2data,  keys.log2log)
  log <- list (short = "read.spc",
               long = list (call = match.call (),
                            log = tmp$log.long,
                            header = getbynames (hdr, keys.hdr2log)))
  data <- c (data, tmp$extra.data, getbynames (hdr, keys.hdr2data))
  ## try to preallocate spectra matrix and extra data data.frame
  ## if multispectra file with separate wavelength axes, prepare a list
  if (hdr$ftflgs ['TXYXYS'] && hdr$ftflgs ['TMULTI']) {
    spc <- list ()		
    data <- as.data.frame (data)
  } else {
    spc <- matrix (NA, nrow = hdr$fnsub, ncol = hdr$fnpts)
    data <- as.data.frame (lapply (data, rep, hdr$fnsub))
  ## read subfiles
  if (hdr$subfiledir){ ## TXYXYS
    hdr$subfiledir <- .spc.subfiledir (f, hdr$subfiledir, hdr$fnsub)
    for (s in seq_len (hdr$fnsub)) {
      if (!nosubhdr){
        hdr <- .spc.subhdr (f, hdr$subfiledir$ssfposn [s], hdr)
      #hdr <- .spc.subhdr (f, hdr$subfiledir$ssfposn [s], hdr)
      fpos <- hdr$.last.read
      wavelength <- .spc.read.x (f, fpos, hdr$fnpts)
      fpos <- wavelength$.last.read
      y <- .spc.read.y (f, fpos, npts = hdr$fnpts, exponent = hdr$fexp,
                        word = hdr$ftflgs ['TSPREC'])
      fpos <- y$.last.read
      if (!nosubhdr) {
        data$z <- hdr$subhdr$subtime
        data$z.end <- hdr$subhdr$subnext
        if (hdr$fwplanes > 0)
        	data$w <- hdr$subhdr$w

      if (! exists ('wavelength'))
        .spc.error ("read.spc", list (hdr = hdr),
                    "wavelength not read. This may be caused by wrong header information.")
      spc [[s]] <- list (spc = y$y, 
                        wavelength = wavelength$x,
                        data = data,
                        log = log,
                        labels = label)
  } else { ## multiple y data blocks behind each other
    for (s in seq_len (hdr$fnsub)) {
      if (!nosubhdr) {
        hdr <- .spc.subhdr (f, fpos, hdr)
      fpos <- hdr$.last.read
      tmp <- .spc.read.y (f, fpos, npts = hdr$fnpts, exponent = hdr$fexp,
                          word = hdr$ftflgs ['TSPREC'])
      fpos <- tmp$.last.read
      spc [s, ] <- tmp$y
      if (!nosubhdr) {
        data [s, c('z', 'z.end')] <- unlist (hdr$subhdr [c('subtime', 'subnext')])
        if (hdr$fwplanes > 0)
        	data [s, "w"] <- hdr$subhdr$w
  if (hdr$ftflgs ['TXYXYS'] && hdr$ftflgs ['TMULTI']) 
  else if (no.object)
    list (spc = spc, wavelength = wavelength, data = data, log = log, labels = label)
    list (spc = spc, wavelength = wavelength,
         data = data [rep (1, hdr$fnsub), ], log = log, labels = label)

getbynames = function (x, e) {
  x <- x [e]
  if (length (x) > 0) {
    if (is.character (e)) 
      names (x) <- e
    x [sapply (x, is.null)] <- NA
  } else {
    list ()

### split.line - split line into list of key-value pairs

split.line <- function (x, separator, trim.blank = TRUE) {
  tmp <- regexpr (separator, x)
  #if (length (tmp) == 1 && tmp [[1]] == -1)
  #  warning ("line without separator", separator)
  key   <- substr (x, 1, tmp - 1)
  value <- substr (x, tmp + 1, nchar (x))
  if (trim.blank){
    blank.pattern <- "^[[:blank:]]*([^[:blank:]]+.*[^[:blank:]]+)[[:blank:]]*$"
    key <- sub (blank.pattern, "\\1", key)
    value <- sub (blank.pattern, "\\1", value)
  value <- as.list (value)
  names (value) <- key

### split.string - split string at pattern

split.string <- function (x, separator, trim.blank = TRUE, remove.empty = TRUE) {
  pos <- gregexpr (separator, x)
  if (length (pos) == 1 && pos [[1]] == -1)
    return (x)
  pos <- pos [[1]]
  pos <- matrix (c (1, pos + attr (pos, "match.length"),
                    pos - 1, nchar (x)),
                 ncol = 2)
  if (pos [nrow (pos), 1] > nchar (x))
    pos <- pos [- nrow (pos), ]
  x <- apply (pos, 1, function (p, x) substr (x, p [1], p [2]), x)
  if (trim.blank){
    blank.pattern <- "^[[:blank:]]*([^[:blank:]]+.*[^[:blank:]]+)[[:blank:]]*$"
    x <- sub (blank.pattern, "\\1", x)
  if (remove.empty){
    x <- x [sapply (x, nchar) > 0]

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specmine documentation built on Sept. 21, 2021, 5:06 p.m.