
# Correct the coefficients by setting zero
# if the confidence interval contains zero

"correct.spls" <-
function( object, plot.it=TRUE )
    betahat <- object$betahat
    lbmat <- object$lbmat
    ubmat <- object$ubmat

    # The plot of the original coefficient

    if ( plot.it==TRUE )
        heatmap.spls( mat=betahat, coln=16,
        main='Original Coefficient Estimates',
        as='i', xlab='Predictors', ylab='Responses' )

    # correct coefficients by setting b=0
    # if CI includes zero

    cimat <- lbmat*ubmat
    betahat2 <- betahat
    betahat2[ cimat<0 ] <- 0

    # The plot of the corrected coefficient

    if ( plot.it==TRUE )
        heatmap.spls( mat=betahat2, coln=16,
        main='Corrected Coefficient Estimates',
        as='i', xlab='Predictors', ylab='Responses' )


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spls documentation built on May 6, 2019, 1:09 a.m.