
Defines functions mean_localmean

# Function: mean_localmean (not exported)
# Programmer: Tom Kincaid
# Date: July 9, 2020
# Revised: April 27, 2021 to check whether the local mean variance estimator
#          produced negative estimates and to use the SRS variance estimator
#          when that situation occurs
# Revised: April 28, 2021 to ensure that the na.rm argument is set to TRUE when
#          calling the svymean function
# Revised: June 8, 2021 to eliminate use of the finite population correction
#          factor with the local mean variance estimator
#' Local Mean Variance Estimates of the Estimated Mean
#' This function organizes input and output for calculation of the local mean
#' variance estimator for the estimated mean.
#' @param itype Character value that identifies a factor variable in the design
#'   argument containing subpopulation (domain) values.
#' @param lev_itype Character vector that provides levels of the subpopulation
#'   variable.
#' @param nlev_itype Numeric value that provides the number of levels of the
#'   subpopulation variable.
#' @param levs Numeric vector that is used to select subpopulation levels
#' @param ivar Character value that identifies a factor variable in the design
#'   argument containing categorical response values.
#' @param design Object of class \code{survey.design} that specifies a complex
#'   survey design.
#' @param design_names Character vector that provides names of survey design
#'   variables in the \code{design} argument.
#' @param meanest Vector that provides estimates of the mean.
#' @param mult Numeric value that provides the Normal distribution confidence
#'   bound multiplier.
#' @param warn_ind Logical value that indicates whether warning messages were
#'   generated.
#' @param warn_df Data frame for storing warning messages.
#' @return A list containing the following objects:
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{\code{stderr}}{vector containing standard error estimates}
#'     \item{\code{confval}}{data frame containing confidence bound estimates}
#'     \item{\code{warn_ind}}{logical variable that indicates whether warning
#'       messages were generated}
#'     \item{\code{warn_df}}{data frame for storing warning messages}
#'   }
#' @section Other Functions Required:
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{\code{mean_var}}{calculates variance estimate of the
#'       estimated mean}
#'     \item{\code{\link{svymean}}}{calculates the mean for a complex survey
#'       design}
#'   }
#' @author Tom Kincaid \email{Kincaid.Tom@epa.gov}
#' @seealso
#'   \code{\link{svymean}}
#' @keywords survey
#' @noRd

mean_localmean <- function(itype, lev_itype, nlev_itype, levs, ivar, design,
                           design_names, meanest, mult, warn_ind, warn_df) {

  # Assign a value to the function name variable

  fname <- "mean_localmean"

  # For variables that exist in the design$variables data frame, assign survey
  # design variables

  dframe <- design$variables
  for (i in names(design_names)) {
    if (is.null(design_names[[i]])) {
      eval(parse(text = paste0(i, " <- NULL")))
    } else {
      eval(parse(text = paste0(i, " <- dframe[, \"", design_names[[i]], "\"]")))

  # Assign values to the continuous response variable vector, contvar

  contvar <- dframe[, ivar]

  # Assign a value to the indicator variable for a two-stage sample

  cluster_ind <- !is.null(clusterID)

  # Assign values to weight variables

  if (cluster_ind) {
    wgt1 <- dframe$wgt1
    wgt2 <- dframe$wgt2
  } else {
    wgt <- dframe$wgt

  # Create the output objects for standard error estimates and confidence bound
  # estimates

  nlevs <- length(levs)
  stderr <- numeric(nlev_itype)
  names(stderr) <- lev_itype
  confval <- data.frame(array(0, c(nlev_itype, 2)))
  dimnames(confval) <- list(lev_itype, c("LCB", "UCB"))

  # Loop through all subpopulations

  for (isubpop in levs) {
    tst <- !is.na(dframe[, ivar]) &
      (dframe[, itype] %in% lev_itype[isubpop])

    # Assign values to the warn_vec vector

    warn_vec <- c(itype, lev_itype[isubpop], ivar)

    # Assign a value to the indicator variable for a stratified sample

    stratum_ind <- !is.null(stratumID)

    # For a stratified design, determine whether the subpopulation contains a
    # single stratum

    if (stratum_ind) {
      stratum <- factor(stratumID[tst])
      stratum_levels <- levels(stratum)
      nstrata <- length(stratum_levels)
      if (nstrata == 1) {
        stratum_ind <- FALSE

    # Branch for a stratified sample

    if (stratum_ind) {

      # Calculate values required for weighting strata

      if (cluster_ind) {
        popsize_hat <- tapply(wgt1[tst] * wgt2[tst], stratum, sum)
        sum_popsize_hat <- sum(wgt1[tst] * wgt2[tst])
      } else {
        popsize_hat <- tapply(wgt[tst], stratum, sum)
        sum_popsize_hat <- sum(wgt[tst])

      # Begin the subsection for individual strata

      for (i in 1:nstrata) {

        # Calculate mean estimates for the stratum

        stratum_i <- tst & stratumID == stratum_levels[i]
        meanest_st <- svymean(make.formula(ivar),
          design = subset(design, stratum_i),
          na.rm = TRUE

        # Calculate variance estimates

        if (cluster_ind) {
          temp <- mean_var(
            contvar[stratum_i], wgt2[stratum_i], xcoord[stratum_i],
            ycoord[stratum_i], meanest_st[1], stratum_ind, stratum_levels[i],
            cluster_ind, clusterID[stratum_i], wgt1[stratum_i],
            xcoord1[stratum_i], ycoord1[stratum_i], warn_ind, warn_df, warn_vec
        } else {
          temp <- mean_var(
            contvar[stratum_i], wgt[stratum_i], xcoord[stratum_i],
            ycoord[stratum_i], meanest_st[1], stratum_ind, stratum_levels[i],
            warn_ind = warn_ind, warn_df = warn_df,
            warn_vec = warn_vec
        warn_ind <- temp$warn_ind
        warn_df <- temp$warn_df
        if (temp$varest < 0) {
          temp$vartype <- "SRS"
          warn_ind <- TRUE
          act <- "The simple random sampling variance estimator for an infinite population was used.\n"
          warn <- paste0("The local mean variance estimator produced a  negative variance estimate in stratum \n\"", stratum_levels[i], "\", the simple random sampling variance estimator for an infinite \npopulation was used to calculate variance of the mean estimate.\n")
          warn_df <-
                func = I(fname), subpoptype = warn_vec[1], subpop = warn_vec[2],
                indicator = warn_vec[3], stratum = I(stratum_levels[i]),
                warning = I(warn), action = I(act)
        if (temp$vartype == "SRS") {
          rslt_svy <- svymean(make.formula(ivar),
            design = subset(design, tst),
            na.rm = TRUE
          varest <- SE(rslt_svy)^2
        } else {
          varest <- temp$varest

        # Add estimate to the stderr vector

        stderr[isubpop] <- stderr[isubpop] +
          ((popsize_hat[i] / sum_popsize_hat)^2) * varest

        # End the subsection for individual strata

      # Begin the subsection for all strata combined

      # Add estimates to the data frames for results

      stderr[isubpop] <- sqrt(stderr[isubpop])
      lbound <- meanest[isubpop] - mult * stderr[isubpop]
      ubound <- meanest[isubpop] + mult * stderr[isubpop]
      confval[isubpop, ] <- c(lbound, ubound)

      # End the subsection for all strata combined

      # Branch for an unstratified sample
    } else {

      # Calculate the standard error estimates

      if (cluster_ind) {
        temp <- mean_var(
          contvar[tst], wgt2[tst], xcoord[tst], ycoord[tst],
          meanest[isubpop], stratum_ind, NULL, cluster_ind, clusterID[tst],
          wgt1[tst], xcoord1[tst], ycoord1[tst], warn_ind, warn_df, warn_vec
      } else {
        temp <- mean_var(contvar[tst], wgt[tst], xcoord[tst], ycoord[tst],
          meanest[isubpop], stratum_ind, NULL, cluster_ind,
          warn_ind = warn_ind,
          warn_df = warn_df, warn_vec = warn_vec
      warn_ind <- temp$warn_ind
      warn_df <- temp$warn_df
      if (temp$varest < 0) {
        temp$vartype <- "SRS"
        warn_ind <- TRUE
        act <- "The simple random sampling variance estimator for an infinite population was used.\n"
        warn <- paste0("The local mean variance estimator produced a  negative variance estimate, the simple \nrandom sampling variance estimator for an infinite population was used to calculate \nvariance of the mean estimate.\n")
        warn_df <-
              func = I(fname), subpoptype = warn_vec[1], subpop = warn_vec[2],
              indicator = warn_vec[3], stratum = NA, warning = I(warn),
              action = I(act)
      if (temp$vartype == "SRS") {
        rslt_svy <- svymean(make.formula(ivar),
          design = subset(design, tst),
          na.rm = TRUE
        sdest <- SE(rslt_svy)
      } else {
        sdest <- sqrt(temp$varest)

      # Calculate confidence bounds

      lbound <- meanest[isubpop] - mult * sdest
      ubound <- meanest[isubpop] + mult * sdest

      # Add estimates to the output objects

      stderr[isubpop] <- sdest
      confval[isubpop, ] <- c(lbound, ubound)

  # Return results

    stderr = stderr,
    confval = confval,
    warn_ind = warn_ind,
    warn_df = warn_df

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spsurvey documentation built on June 22, 2024, 7:36 p.m.