
context("gdal utils")

test_that('gdal_utils work', {

  fname = system.file("nc/tos_O1_2001-2002.nc", package = "stars")
  if (fname != "") {
   info = gdal_utils("info", fname, quiet = TRUE)
   sd2 = gdal_subdatasets(fname)[[4]]
   info = gdal_utils("info", sd2, quiet = TRUE)
   tf = tempfile()
   tf2 = tempfile()
   tf3 = tempfile()
   #tf = "foo"
   #gdal_utils("rasterize", points, tif) -> need a good example
   expect_true(gdal_utils("warp", sd2, tf, c("-t_srs", "+proj=utm +zone=11 +datum=WGS84")))
#  expect_true(gdal_utils("rasterize", sd2, tf)) # breaks on fedora-clang
   expect_true(gdal_utils("translate", sd2, tf))
   expect_true(gdal_utils("vectortranslate", sd2, tf2))
   expect_warning(gdal_utils("nearblack", sd2, tf))
  # create point geom:
   expect_true(gdal_utils("buildvrt", sd2, tf3))
#  expect_true(gdal_utils("demprocessing", sd2, tf, processing = "hillshade")) # breaks on fedora-clang
  tf = tempfile()
  points = system.file("gpkg/nc.gpkg", package="sf")
  expect_true(gdal_utils("grid", points, tf))

# gdalwarp -t_srs '+proj=utm +zone=11 +datum=WGS84' -overwrite NETCDF:avhrr-only-v2.19810901.nc:anom utm11.tif
# becomes:
# gdal_utils("warp" "NETCDF:avhrr-only-v2.19810901.nc:anom", "utm11.tif", c("-t_srs", "+proj=utm +zone=11 +datum=WGS84"))

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stars documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:59 a.m.