# File R/matrix.utils.R in package statnet.common, part of the
# Statnet suite of packages for network analysis, .
# This software is distributed under the GPL-3 license. It is free,
# open source, and has the attribution requirements (GPL Section 7) at
# .
# Copyright 2007-2024 Statnet Commons
#' Test if the object is a matrix that is symmetric and positive definite
#' @param x the object to be tested.
#' @param tol the tolerance for the reciprocal condition number.
#' @export
is.SPD <- function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps) {
is.matrix(x) &&
nrow(x) == ncol(x) &&
all(x == t(x)) &&
rcond(x) >= tol &&
all(eigen(x, symmetric=TRUE, only.values=TRUE)$values > 0)
#' Common quadratic forms
#' @name xTAx
#' @details These are somewhat inspired by emulator::quad.form.inv()
#' and others.
#' @describeIn xTAx Evaluate \eqn{x'Ax} for vector \eqn{x} and square
#' matrix \eqn{A}.
#' @param x a vector
#' @param A a square matrix
#' @export
xTAx <- function(x, A) {
drop(crossprod(crossprod(A, x), x))
#' @describeIn xTAx Evaluate \eqn{xAx'} for vector \eqn{x} and square
#' matrix \eqn{A}.
#' @export
xAxT <- function(x, A) {
drop(x %*% tcrossprod(A, x))
#' @describeIn xTAx Evaluate \eqn{x'A^{-1}x} for vector \eqn{x} and
#' invertible matrix \eqn{A} using [solve()].
#' @export
xTAx_solve <- function(x, A, ...) {
drop(crossprod(x, solve(A, x, ...)))
#' @describeIn xTAx Evaluate \eqn{x'A^{-1}x} for vector \eqn{x} and
#' matrix \eqn{A} using QR decomposition and confirming that \eqn{x}
#' is in the span of \eqn{A} if \eqn{A} is singular; returns `rank`
#' and `nullity` as attributes just in case subsequent calculations
#' (e.g., hypothesis test degrees of freedom) are affected.
#' @param tol tolerance argument passed to the relevant subroutine
#' @export
xTAx_qrsolve <- function(x, A, tol = 1e-07, ...) {
Aqr <- qr(A, tol=tol, ...)
nullity <- NCOL(A) - Aqr$rank
if(nullity && !all(abs(crossprod(qr.Q(Aqr)[,-seq_len(Aqr$rank), drop=FALSE], x))<tol))
stop("x is not in the span of A")
structure(sum(x*qr.coef(Aqr, x), na.rm=TRUE), rank=Aqr$rank, nullity=nullity)
#' @describeIn xTAx Evaluate \eqn{A^{-1}B(A')^{-1}} for \eqn{B} a
#' square matrix and \eqn{A} invertible.
#' @param B a square matrix
#' @param ... additional arguments to subroutines
#' @export
sandwich_solve <- function(A, B, ...) {
solve(A, t(solve(A, B, ...)), ...)
#' @describeIn xTAx Evaluate \eqn{x' A^{-1} x} for vector \eqn{x} and
#' matrix \eqn{A} (symmetric, nonnegative-definite) via
#' eigendecomposition; returns `rank` and `nullity` as attributes
#' just in case subsequent calculations (e.g., hypothesis test
#' degrees of freedom) are affected.
#' Decompose \eqn{A = P L P'} for \eqn{L} diagonal matrix of
#' eigenvalues and \eqn{P} orthogonal. Then \eqn{A^{-1} = P L^{-1}
#' P'}.
#' Substituting, \deqn{x' A^{-1} x = x' P L^{-1} P' x
#' = h' L^{-1} h} for \eqn{h = P' x}.
#' @export
xTAx_eigen <- function(x, A, tol=sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), ...) {
e <- eigen(A, symmetric=TRUE)
keep <- e$values > max(tol * e$values[1L], 0)
h <- drop(crossprod(x, e$vectors[, keep, drop=FALSE]))
structure(sum(h*h/e$values[keep]), rank = sum(keep), nullity = sum(!keep))
.inv_diag <- function(X){
d <- diag(as.matrix(X))
ifelse(d==0, 0, 1/d)
.sqrt_inv_diag <- function(X){
Xname <- deparse1(substitute(X))
d <- .inv_diag(X)
d <- suppressWarnings(sqrt(d))
if(anyNA(d)) stop("Matrix ", sQuote(Xname), " assumed symmetric and non-negative-definite has negative elements on the diagonal.")
#' Wrappers around matrix algebra functions that pre-*s*cale their
#' arguments
#' Covariance matrices of variables with very different orders of
#' magnitude can have very large ratios between their greatest and
#' their least eigenvalues, causing them to appear to the algorithms
#' to be near-singular when they are actually very much SPD. These
#' functions first scale the matrix's rows and/or columns by its
#' diagonal elements and then undo the scaling on the result.
#' `ginv_eigen()` reimplements [MASS::ginv()] but using
#' eigendecomposition rather than SVD; this means that it is only
#' suitable for symmetric matrices, but that detection of negative
#' eigenvalues is more robust.
#' `ssolve()`, `sginv()`, `sginv_eigen()`, and `snearPD()` wrap
#' [solve()], [MASS::ginv()], `ginv_eigen()`, and [Matrix::nearPD()],
#' respectively. `srcond()` returns the reciprocal condition number of
#' [rcond()] net of the above scaling. `xTAx_ssolve()`,
#' `xTAx_qrssolve()`, `xTAx_seigen()`, and `sandwich_ssolve()` wrap
#' the corresponding \pkg{statnet.common} functions.
#' @param snnd assume that the matrix is symmetric non-negative
#' definite (SNND). This typically entails scaling that converts
#' covariance to correlation and use of eigendecomposition rather
#' than singular-value decomposition. If it's "obvious" that the matrix is
#' not SSND (e.g., negative diagonal elements), an error is raised.
#' @param x,a,b,X,A,B,tol,... corresponding arguments of the wrapped functions.
#' @export
ssolve <- function(a, b, ..., snnd = TRUE) {
if(missing(b)) {
b <- diag(1, nrow(a))
colnames(b) <- rownames(a)
if(snnd) {
d <- .sqrt_inv_diag(a)
a <- a * d * rep(d, each = length(d))
solve(a, b*d, ...) * d
} else {
d <- .inv_diag(a)
## NB: In R, vector * matrix and matrix * vector always scales
## corresponding rows.
solve(a*d, b*d, ...)
#' @rdname ssolve
#' @export
sginv <- function(X, ..., snnd = TRUE){
if(snnd) {
d <- .sqrt_inv_diag(X)
dd <- rep(d, each = length(d)) * d
ginv_eigen(X * dd, ...) * dd
} else {
d <- .inv_diag(X)
dd <- rep(d, each = length(d))
MASS::ginv(X * dd, ...) * t(dd)
#' @rdname ssolve
#' @export
ginv_eigen <- function(X, tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), ...){
e <- eigen(X, symmetric=TRUE)
keep <- e$values > max(tol * e$values[1L], 0)
tcrossprod(e$vectors[, keep, drop=FALSE] / rep(e$values[keep],each=ncol(X)), e$vectors[, keep, drop=FALSE])
#' @rdname ssolve
#' @export
xTAx_seigen <- function(x, A, tol=sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), ...) {
d <- .sqrt_inv_diag(A)
dd <- rep(d, each = length(d)) * d
A <- A * dd
x <- x * d
xTAx_eigen(x, A, tol=tol, ...)
#' @rdname ssolve
#' @export
srcond <- function(x, ..., snnd = TRUE) {
if(snnd) {
d <- .sqrt_inv_diag(x)
dd <- rep(d, each = length(d)) * d
} else {
d <- .inv_diag(x)
rcond(x*d, ...)
#' @rdname ssolve
#' @export
snearPD <- function(x, ...) {
d <- abs(diag(as.matrix(x)))
d[d==0] <- 1
d <- suppressWarnings(sqrt(d))
if(anyNA(d)) stop("Matrix ", sQuote("x"), " has negative elements on the diagonal.")
dd <- rep(d, each = length(d)) * d
x <- Matrix::nearPD(x / dd, ...)
x$mat <- x$mat * dd
#' @rdname ssolve
#' @export
xTAx_ssolve <- function(x, A, ...) {
drop(crossprod(x, ssolve(A, x, ...)))
#' @rdname ssolve
#' @examples
#' x <- rnorm(2, sd=c(1,1e12))
#' x <- c(x, sum(x))
#' A <- matrix(c(1, 0, 1,
#' 0, 1e24, 1e24,
#' 1, 1e24, 1e24), 3, 3)
#' stopifnot(all.equal(
#' xTAx_qrssolve(x,A),
#' structure(drop(x%*%sginv(A)%*%x), rank = 2L, nullity = 1L)
#' ))
#' x <- rnorm(2, sd=c(1,1e12))
#' x <- c(x, rnorm(1, sd=1e12))
#' A <- matrix(c(1, 0, 1,
#' 0, 1e24, 1e24,
#' 1, 1e24, 1e24), 3, 3)
#' stopifnot(try(xTAx_qrssolve(x,A), silent=TRUE) ==
#' "Error in xTAx_qrssolve(x, A) : x is not in the span of A\n")
#' @export
xTAx_qrssolve <- function(x, A, tol = 1e-07, ...) {
d <- .sqrt_inv_diag(A)
dd <- rep(d, each = length(d)) * d
Aqr <- qr(A*dd, tol=tol, ...)
nullity <- NCOL(A) - Aqr$rank
if(nullity && !all(abs(crossprod(qr.Q(Aqr)[,-seq_len(Aqr$rank), drop=FALSE], x*d))<tol))
stop("x is not in the span of A")
structure(sum(x*d*qr.coef(Aqr, x*d), na.rm=TRUE), rank=Aqr$rank, nullity=nullity)
#' @rdname ssolve
#' @export
sandwich_ssolve <- function(A, B, ...) {
ssolve(A, t(ssolve(A, B, ...)), ...)
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