
Defines functions `[<-.wmatrix` `[.wmatrix` decompress_rows.wmatrix decompress_rows compress_rows.linwmatrix compress_rows.logwmatrix compress_rows `lrowweights<-.matrix` `rowweights<-.matrix` `lrowweights<-.logwmatrix` `lrowweights<-.linwmatrix` `lrowweights<-` `rowweights<-.logwmatrix` `rowweights<-.linwmatrix` `rowweights<-` lrowweights.linwmatrix lrowweights.logwmatrix lrowweights rowweights.logwmatrix rowweights.linwmatrix rowweights print.linwmatrix print.logwmatrix print.wmatrix as.logwmatrix.matrix as.linwmatrix.matrix as.logwmatrix.linwmatrix as.logwmatrix.logwmatrix as.linwmatrix.logwmatrix as.linwmatrix.linwmatrix as.logwmatrix as.linwmatrix is.linwmatrix is.logwmatrix is.wmatrix linwmatrix logwmatrix

Documented in as.linwmatrix as.linwmatrix.linwmatrix as.linwmatrix.logwmatrix as.linwmatrix.matrix as.logwmatrix as.logwmatrix.linwmatrix as.logwmatrix.logwmatrix as.logwmatrix.matrix compress_rows compress_rows.linwmatrix compress_rows.logwmatrix decompress_rows decompress_rows.wmatrix is.linwmatrix is.logwmatrix is.wmatrix linwmatrix logwmatrix lrowweights lrowweights.linwmatrix lrowweights.logwmatrix print.linwmatrix print.logwmatrix print.wmatrix rowweights rowweights.linwmatrix rowweights.logwmatrix

#  File R/wmatrix.R in package statnet.common, part of the
#  Statnet suite of packages for network analysis, https://statnet.org .
#  This software is distributed under the GPL-3 license.  It is free,
#  open source, and has the attribution requirements (GPL Section 7) at
#  https://statnet.org/attribution .
#  Copyright 2007-2023 Statnet Commons
#' A data matrix with row weights
#' A representation of a numeric matrix with row weights, represented
#' on either linear (`linwmatrix`) or logarithmic (`logwmatrix`)
#' scale.
#' @param x an object to be coerced or tested.
#' @param data,nrow,ncol,byrow,dimnames passed to [`matrix`].
#' @param w row weights on the appropriate scale.
#' @param target.nrows see [`decompress_rows`].
#' @param i,j,value rows and columns and values for extraction or
#'   replacement; as [`matrix`].
#' @param drop Used for consistency with the generic. Ignored, and
#'   always treated as `FALSE`.
#' @param ... extra arguments, currently unused.
#' @note Note that `wmatrix` itself is an "abstract" class: you cannot
#'   instantiate it.
#' @note Note that at this time, `wmatrix` is designed as, first and
#'   foremost, as class for storing compressed data matrices, so most
#'   methods that operate on matrices may not handle the weights
#'   correctly and may even cause them to be lost.
#' @return An object of class `linwmatrix`/`logwmatrix` and `wmatrix`,
#'   which is a [`matrix`] but also has an attribute `w` containing
#'   row weights on the linear or the natural-log-transformed scale.
#' @seealso [`rowweights`], [`lrowweights`], [`compress_rows`]
#' @name wmatrix
#' @examples
#' (m <- matrix(1:3, 2, 3, byrow=TRUE))
#' (m <- rbind(m, 3*m, 2*m, m))
#' (mlog <- as.logwmatrix(m))
#' (mlin <- as.linwmatrix(m))
#' (cmlog <- compress_rows(mlog))
#' (cmlin <- compress_rows(mlin))
#' stopifnot(all.equal(as.linwmatrix(cmlog),cmlin))
#' cmlog[2,] <- 1:3
#' (cmlog <- compress_rows(cmlog))
#' stopifnot(sum(rowweights(cmlog))==nrow(m))
#' (m3 <- matrix(c(1:3,(1:3)*2,(1:3)*3), 3, 3, byrow=TRUE))
#' (rowweights(m3) <- c(4, 2, 2))
#' stopifnot(all.equal(compress_rows(as.logwmatrix(m)), as.logwmatrix(m3),check.attributes=FALSE))
#' stopifnot(all.equal(rowweights(compress_rows(as.logwmatrix(m))),
#'                     rowweights(as.logwmatrix(m3)),check.attributes=FALSE))

#' @rdname wmatrix
#' @export
logwmatrix <- function(data = NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 1, byrow = FALSE, dimnames = NULL, w = NULL){
  x <- matrix(data, nrow, ncol, byrow, dimnames)
  as.logwmatrix(x, w)

#' @rdname wmatrix
#' @export
linwmatrix <- function(data = NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 1, byrow = FALSE, dimnames = NULL, w = NULL){
  x <- matrix(data, nrow, ncol, byrow, dimnames)
  as.linwmatrix(x, w)

#' @rdname wmatrix
#' @export
is.wmatrix <- function(x) inherits(x, "wmatrix")
#' @rdname wmatrix
#' @export
is.logwmatrix <- function(x) inherits(x, "logwmatrix")
#' @rdname wmatrix
#' @export
is.linwmatrix <- function(x) inherits(x, "linwmatrix")

#' @rdname wmatrix
#' @export
as.linwmatrix <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("as.linwmatrix")
#' @rdname wmatrix
#' @export
as.logwmatrix <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("as.logwmatrix")

#' @rdname wmatrix
#' @export
as.linwmatrix.linwmatrix <- function(x, ...) x
#' @rdname wmatrix
#' @export
as.linwmatrix.logwmatrix <- function(x, ...){
  attr(x, "w") <- exp(attr(x, "w"))
  class(x)[class(x)=="logwmatrix"] <- "linwmatrix" 

#' @rdname wmatrix
#' @export
as.logwmatrix.logwmatrix <- function(x, ...) x
#' @rdname wmatrix
#' @export
as.logwmatrix.linwmatrix <- function(x, ...){
  attr(x, "w") <- log(attr(x, "w"))
  class(x)[class(x)=="linwmatrix"] <- "logwmatrix" 

#' @rdname wmatrix
#' @export
as.linwmatrix.matrix <- function(x, w=NULL, ...){
  attr(x, "w") <- NVL(w, rep(1, nrow(x)))
  class(x) <- c("linwmatrix", "wmatrix", class(x))
#' @rdname wmatrix
#' @export
as.logwmatrix.matrix <- function(x, w=NULL, ...){
  attr(x, "w") <- NVL(w, rep(0, nrow(x)))
  class(x) <- c("logwmatrix", "wmatrix", class(x))

#' @rdname wmatrix
#' @export
print.wmatrix <- function(x, ...){
  x <- cbind(unclass(x), Weight = attr(x, "w"))
  print(x, ...)

#' @rdname wmatrix
#' @export
print.logwmatrix <- function(x, ...){
  cat("A row-weighted matrix with natural-log-scaled weights:\n")

#' @rdname wmatrix
#' @export
print.linwmatrix <- function(x, ...){
  cat("A row-weighted matrix with linear-scaled weights:\n")

#' Set or extract weighted matrix row weights
#' @param x a [`linwmatrix`], a [`logwmatrix`], or a [`matrix`]; a
#'   [`matrix`] is coerced to a weighted matrix of an appropriate
#'   type.
#' @param value weights to set, on the appropriate scale.
#' @param update if `TRUE` (the default), the old weights are updated
#'   with the new weights (i.e., corresponding weights are multiplied
#'   on linear scale or added on on log scale); otherwise, they are
#'   overwritten.
#' @param ... extra arguments for methods.
#' @return For the accessor functions, the row weights or the row
#'   log-weights; otherwise, a weighted matrix with modified
#'   weights. The type of weight (linear or logarithmic) is converted
#'   to the required type and the type of weighting of the matrix is
#'   preserved.
#' @name wmatrix_weights

#' @rdname wmatrix_weights
#' @export
rowweights <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("rowweights")
#' @rdname wmatrix_weights
#' @export
rowweights.linwmatrix <- function(x, ...) attr(x, "w")
#' @rdname wmatrix_weights
#' @export
rowweights.logwmatrix <- function(x, ...) exp(attr(x, "w"))

#' @rdname wmatrix_weights
#' @export
lrowweights <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("lrowweights")
#' @rdname wmatrix_weights
#' @export
lrowweights.logwmatrix <- function(x, ...) attr(x, "w")
#' @rdname wmatrix_weights
#' @export
lrowweights.linwmatrix <- function(x, ...) log(attr(x, "w"))

#' @rdname wmatrix_weights
#' @export
`rowweights<-` <- function(x, ..., value) UseMethod("rowweights<-")
#' @rdname wmatrix_weights
#' @export
`rowweights<-.linwmatrix` <- function(x, update=TRUE, ..., value){
  attr(x, "w") <- value * if(update) attr(x, "w") else 1
#' @rdname wmatrix_weights
#' @export
`rowweights<-.logwmatrix` <- function(x, update=TRUE,..., value){
  attr(x, "w") <- log(value) + if(update) log(attr(x, "w")) else 0

#' @rdname wmatrix_weights
#' @export
`lrowweights<-` <- function(x, ..., value) UseMethod("lrowweights<-")
#' @rdname wmatrix_weights
#' @export
`lrowweights<-.linwmatrix` <- function(x, update=TRUE, ..., value){
  attr(x, "w") <- exp(value + if(update) log(attr(x, "w")) else 0)
#' @rdname wmatrix_weights
#' @export
`lrowweights<-.logwmatrix` <- function(x, update=TRUE,..., value){
  attr(x, "w") <- value + if(update) attr(x, "w") else 0

#' @rdname wmatrix_weights
#' @export
`rowweights<-.matrix` <- function(x, ..., value){
  attr(x, "w") <- value
  class(x) <- c("linwmatrix", "wmatrix", class(x))

#' @rdname wmatrix_weights
#' @export
`lrowweights<-.matrix` <- function(x, ..., value){
  attr(x, "w") <- value
  class(x) <- c("logwmatrix", "wmatrix", class(x))

#' A generic function to compress a row-weighted table
#' Compress a matrix or a data frame with duplicated rows, updating row weights
#' to reflect frequencies, or reverse the process, reconstructing a matrix like
#' the one compressed (subject to permutation of rows and weights not adding up
#' to an integer).
#' @param x a weighted matrix or data frame.
#' @param ... extra arguments for methods.
#' @return For \code{compress_rows} A weighted matrix or data frame of the same
#' type with duplicated rows removed and weights updated appropriately.
#' @export
compress_rows <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("compress_rows")

#' @rdname wmatrix
#' @export
compress_rows.logwmatrix <- function(x, ...){
  o <- order.matrix(x)
  x <- x[o, , drop=FALSE]
  firsts <- !duplicated(x)
  groups <- cumsum(firsts)
  cx <- x[firsts, , drop=FALSE]
  attr(cx, "w") <- c(tapply(attr(x, "w"), list(groups), log_sum_exp), use.names=FALSE)


#' @rdname wmatrix
#' @export
compress_rows.linwmatrix <- function(x, ...){
  o <- order.matrix(x)
  x <- x[o, , drop=FALSE]
  firsts <- !duplicated(x)
  groups <- cumsum(firsts)
  cx<-x[firsts, , drop=FALSE]
  attr(cx, "w") <- c(tapply(attr(x, "w"), list(groups), sum), use.names=FALSE)


#' @rdname compress_rows
#' @export
decompress_rows <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("decompress_rows")

#' @rdname wmatrix
#' @param target.nrows the approximate number of rows the uncompressed matrix
#' should have; if not achievable exactly while respecting proportionality, a
#' matrix with a slightly different number of rows will be constructed.
#' @export
decompress_rows.wmatrix <- function(x, target.nrows=NULL, ...){
  w <- rowweights(x)
  if(is.null(target.nrows)) target.nrows <- sum(w) 
  n <- round(w/sum(w)*target.nrows) # Number of replications of each row

  rowweights(x) <- 1/n
  x[rep(seq_along(n), n),]

#' @rdname wmatrix
#' @export
`[.wmatrix` <- function(x, i, j, ..., drop=FALSE){
  if(drop) warning("Row-weighted matrices cannot drop dimensions.")
  o <- unclass(x)[i,j,...,drop=FALSE]
  attr(o, "w") <- attr(x, "w")[i]
  class(o) <- class(x)

#' @rdname wmatrix
#' @export
`[<-.wmatrix` <- function(x, i, j, ..., value){
  o <- unclass(x)
  o[i,j,...] <- value
  attr(o, "w") <- attr(x, "w")
  class(o) <- class(x)

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