
Defines functions spearmanbrown sim.ci.stdmean.ps sim.ci.stdmean2 sim.ci.median.ps sim.ci.median2 sim.ci.median1 sim.ci.mean.ps sim.ci.mean2 sim.ci.mean1 etasqr.gen.2way test.anova1.bs etasqr.adj pi.var.upper ci.var.upper random.y randomize random.sample pi.score.ps pi.score2 pi.score1 power.mean.ps power.lc.mean.bs power.mean2 power.mean1 size.test.cronbach size.test.sign.ps size.test.sign1 size.test.mann size.supinf.mean.ps size.equiv.mean.ps size.test.lc.mean.ws size.test.mean.ps size.supinf.mean2 size.equiv.mean2 size.test.lc.mean.bs size.test.mean2 size.test.mean1 size.ci.second size.ci.etasqr size.ci.cronbach size.ci.lc.stdmean.ws size.ci.lc.mean.ws size.ci.ratio.mean.ps size.ci.stdmean.ps size.ci.mean.ps size.ci.lc.stdmean.bs size.ci.lc.mean.bs size.ci.ratio.mean2 size.ci.stdmean2 size.ci.mean2 size.ci.mean1 test.mono.mean.bs test.kurtosis test.skew ci.bayes.normal ci.2x2.median.ws ci.2x2.median.mixed ci.2x2.stdmean.mixed ci.2x2.stdmean.ws ci.2x2.median.bs ci.2x2.stdmean.bs ci.2x2.mean.bs ci.2x2.mean.ws ci.2x2.mean.mixed ci.etasqr ci.reliability ci.cronbach ci.random.anova1 ci.mann ci.sign1 ci.ratio.median.ps ci.median.ps ci.lc.median.bs ci.ratio.median2 ci.median2 ci.median1 ci.cqv1 ci.cod2 ci.cod1 ci.ratio.cv2 ci.cv1 ci.ratio.mad.ps ci.ratio.sd2 ci.ratio.mad2 ci.mad1 ci.lc.stdmean.ws ci.stdmean.ps ci.ratio.mean.ps ci.mean.ps ci.lc.stdmean.bs ci.stdmean.strat ci.stdmean2 ci.ratio.mean2 ci.slope.mean.bs ci.tukey ci.lc.mean.bs ci.mean2 ci.stdmean1 ci.mean1

Documented in ci.2x2.mean.bs ci.2x2.mean.mixed ci.2x2.mean.ws ci.2x2.median.bs ci.2x2.median.mixed ci.2x2.median.ws ci.2x2.stdmean.bs ci.2x2.stdmean.mixed ci.2x2.stdmean.ws ci.bayes.normal ci.cod1 ci.cod2 ci.cqv1 ci.cronbach ci.cv1 ci.etasqr ci.lc.mean.bs ci.lc.median.bs ci.lc.stdmean.bs ci.lc.stdmean.ws ci.mad1 ci.mann ci.mean1 ci.mean2 ci.mean.ps ci.median1 ci.median2 ci.median.ps ci.random.anova1 ci.ratio.cv2 ci.ratio.mad2 ci.ratio.mad.ps ci.ratio.mean2 ci.ratio.mean.ps ci.ratio.median2 ci.ratio.median.ps ci.ratio.sd2 ci.reliability ci.sign1 ci.slope.mean.bs ci.stdmean1 ci.stdmean2 ci.stdmean.ps ci.stdmean.strat ci.tukey ci.var.upper etasqr.adj etasqr.gen.2way pi.score1 pi.score2 pi.score.ps pi.var.upper power.lc.mean.bs power.mean1 power.mean2 power.mean.ps randomize random.sample random.y sim.ci.mean1 sim.ci.mean2 sim.ci.mean.ps sim.ci.median1 sim.ci.median2 sim.ci.median.ps sim.ci.stdmean2 sim.ci.stdmean.ps size.ci.cronbach size.ci.etasqr size.ci.lc.mean.bs size.ci.lc.mean.ws size.ci.lc.stdmean.bs size.ci.lc.stdmean.ws size.ci.mean1 size.ci.mean2 size.ci.mean.ps size.ci.ratio.mean2 size.ci.ratio.mean.ps size.ci.second size.ci.stdmean2 size.ci.stdmean.ps size.equiv.mean2 size.equiv.mean.ps size.supinf.mean2 size.supinf.mean.ps size.test.cronbach size.test.lc.mean.bs size.test.lc.mean.ws size.test.mann size.test.mean1 size.test.mean2 size.test.mean.ps size.test.sign1 size.test.sign.ps spearmanbrown test.anova1.bs test.kurtosis test.mono.mean.bs test.skew

# =========================== Confidence Intervals ===========================
#  ci.mean1  =================================================================
#' Confidence interval for a single mean
#' @description
#' Computes a confidence interval for a population mean using the estimated 
#' mean, estimated standard deviation, and sample size. Use the t.test function
#' for raw data input.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  m	  estimated mean 
#' @param  sd	  estimated standard deviation
#' @param  n	  sample size
#' @return 
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimated mean
#' * SE - standard error
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Snedecor1980}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' ci.mean1(.05, 24.5, 3.65, 40)
#' # Should return:
#' # Estimate        SE       LL       UL
#' #     24.5 0.5771157 23.33267 25.66733
#' @importFrom stats qt
#' @export
ci.mean1 <- function(alpha, m, sd, n) {
 df <- n - 1
 tcrit <- qt(1 - alpha/2, df)
 se <- sd/sqrt(n)
 ll <- m - tcrit*se
 ul <- m + tcrit*se
 out <- t(c(m, se, ll, ul))
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "SE",  "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  ci.stdmean1  ==============================================================
#' Confidence interval for a single standardized mean
#' @description
#' Computes a confidence interval for a population standardized mean 
#' difference from a hypothesized value. If the hypothesized value is set
#' to 0, the reciprocals of the confidence interval endpoints gives a 
#' confidence interval for the coefficient of variation.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  m	  estimated mean 
#' @param  sd	  estimated standard deviation
#' @param  n	  sample size
#' @param  h      hypothesized value
#' @return 
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimated standardized mean difference
#' * adj Estimate - bias adjusted standardized mean difference estimate
#' * SE - standard error
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Bonett2008}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' ci.stdmean1(.05, 24.5, 3.65, 40, 20)
#' # Should return:
#' # Estimate  adj Estimate        SE        LL       UL
#' # 1.232877      1.209015 0.2124335 0.8165146 1.649239
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
ci.stdmean1 <- function(alpha, m, sd, n, h) {
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 df <- n - 1
 adj <- 1 - 3/(4*df - 1)
 est <- (m - h)/sd
 estu <- adj*est
 se <- sqrt(est^2/(2*df) + 1/df)
 ll <- est - z*se
 ul <- est + z*se
 out <- t(c(est, estu, se, ll, ul))
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "adj Estimate", "SE", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  ci.mean2 ==================================================================
#' Confidence interval for a 2-group mean difference
#' @description
#' Computes equal variance and unequal variance confidence intervals for a 
#' population 2-group mean difference using the estimated means, estimated 
#' standard deviations, and sample sizes. Use the t.test function for raw data
#' input.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  m1     estimated mean for group 1
#' @param  m2     estimated mean for group 2
#' @param  sd1    estimated standard deviation for group 1
#' @param  sd2    estimated standard deviation for group 2
#' @param  n1     sample size for group 1
#' @param  n2     sample size for group 2
#' @return 
#' Returns a 2-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimated mean difference
#' * SE - standard error
#' * t - t test statistic
#' * df - degrees of freedom
#' * p - p-value
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Snedecor1980}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' ci.mean2(.05, 15.4, 10.3, 2.67, 2.15, 30, 20)
#' # Should return:
#' #                              Estimate       SE        t      df      
#' # Equal Variances Assumed:          5.1 1.602248 3.183029 48.0000 
#' # Equal Variances Not Assumed:      5.1 1.406801 3.625247 44.1137 
#' #                                          p       LL       UL
#' # Equal Variances Assumed:      0.0025578586 1.878465 8.321535
#' # Equal Variances Not Assumed:  0.0007438065 2.264986 7.935014
#' @importFrom stats qt
#' @importFrom stats pt
#' @export
ci.mean2 <- function(alpha, m1, m2, sd1, sd2, n1, n2) {
 df1 <- n1 + n2 - 2
 est <- m1 - m2
 v1 <- sd1^2
 v2 <- sd2^2
 vp <- ((n1 - 1)*v1 + (n2 - 1)*v2)/df1
 se1 <- sqrt(vp/n1 + vp/n2)
 t1 <- est/se1
 p1 <- 2*(1 - pt(abs(t1),df1))
 tcrit1 <- qt(1 - alpha/2, df1)
 ll1 <- est - tcrit1*se1
 ul1 <- est + tcrit1*se1
 se2 <- sqrt(v1/n1 + v2/n2)
 t2 <- est/se2
 df2 <- (se2^4)/(v1^2/(n1^3 - n1^2) + v2^2/(n2^3 - n2^2))
 p2 <- 2*(1 - pt(abs(t2),df2))
 tcrit2 <- qt(1 - alpha/2, df2)
 ll2 <- est - tcrit2*se2
 ul2 <- est + tcrit2*se2
 out1 <- t(c(est, se1, t1, df1, p1, ll1, ul1))
 out2 <- t(c(est, se2, t2, df2, p2, ll2, ul2))
 out <- rbind(out1, out2)
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "SE", "t", "df", "p", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- c("Equal Variances Assumed:", "Equal Variances Not Assumed:")

#  ci.lc.mean.bs ==============================================================
#' Confidence interval for a linear contrast of means in a between-subjects
#' design
#' @description
#' Computes a test statistic and confidence interval for a linear contrast
#' of means. This function computes both unequal variance and equal
#' variance confidence intervals and test statistics. A Satterthwaite 
#' adjustment to the degrees of freedom is used with the unequal variance 
#' method. 
#' @param     alpha  	alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param     m     	vector of estimated group means
#' @param     sd    	vector of estimated group standard deviations
#' @param     n     	vector of sample sizes
#' @param     v     	vector of betwen-subjects contrast coefficients
#' @return 
#' Returns a 2-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimated linear contrast
#' * SE - standard error
#' * t - t test statistic
#' * df - degrees of freedom
#' * p - p-value
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Snedecor1980}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' m <- c(33.5, 37.9, 38.0, 44.1)
#' sd <- c(3.84, 3.84, 3.65, 4.98)
#' n <- c(10,10,10,10)
#' v <- c(.5, .5, -.5, -.5)
#' ci.lc.mean.bs(.05, m, sd, n, v)
#' # Should return:
#' #                              Estimate       SE         t       df 
#' # Equal Variances Assumed:        -5.35 1.300136 -4.114955 36.00000 
#' # Equal Variances Not Assumed:    -5.35 1.300136 -4.114955 33.52169 
#' #                                         p         LL        UL
#' # Equal Variances Assumed:     0.0002152581  -7.986797 -2.713203
#' # Equal Variances Not Assumed: 0.0002372436  -7.993583 -2.706417
#' @importFrom stats qt
#' @importFrom stats pt
#' @export
ci.lc.mean.bs <- function(alpha, m, sd, n, v) {
 est <- t(v)%*%m 
 k <- length(m)
 df1 <- sum(n) - k
 v1 <- sum((n - 1)*sd^2)/df1
 se1 <- sqrt(v1*t(v)%*%solve(diag(n))%*%v)
 t1 <- est/se1
 p1 <- 2*(1 - pt(abs(t1),df1))
 tcrit1 <- qt(1 - alpha/2, df1)
 ll1 <- est - tcrit1*se1
 ul1 <- est + tcrit1*se1
 v2 <- diag(sd^2)%*%(solve(diag(n)))
 se2 <- sqrt(t(v)%*%v2%*%v)
 t2 <- est/se2
 df2 <- (se2^4)/sum(((v^4)*(sd^4)/(n^2*(n - 1))))
 p2 <- 2*(1 - pt(abs(t2),df2))
 tcrit2 <- qt(1 - alpha/2, df2)
 ll2 <- est - tcrit2*se2
 ul2 <- est + tcrit2*se2
 out1 <- t(c(est, se1, t1, df1, p1, ll1, ul1))
 out2 <- t(c(est, se2, t2, df2, p2, ll2, ul2))
 out <- rbind(out1, out2)
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "SE", "t", "df", "p", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- c("Equal Variances Assumed:", "Equal Variances Not Assumed:")

#  ci.tukey ===================================================================
#' Tukey-Kramer confidence intervals for all pairwise mean differences in a
#' betwen-subjects design
#' @description
#' Computes heteroscedastic Tukey-Kramer (also known as Games-Howell) 
#' confidence intervals for all pairwise comparisons of population means 
#' using estimated means, estimated standard deviations, and samples sizes as 
#' input. A Satterthwaite adjustment to the degrees of freedom is used to 
#' improve the accuracy of the confidence intervals. 
#' @param  alpha   alpha level for simultaneous 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  m       vector of estimated group means
#' @param  sd      vector of estimated group standard deviations
#' @param  n       vector of sample sizes
#' @return 
#' Returns a matrix with the number of rows equal to the number
#' of pairwise comparisons. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimated mean difference
#' * SE - standard error
#' * t - t test statistic
#' * df - degrees of freedom
#' * p - p-value
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Games1976}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' m <- c(12.86, 17.57, 26.29, 30.21)
#' sd <- c(13.185, 12.995, 14.773, 15.145)
#' n <- c(20, 20, 20, 20)
#' ci.tukey(.05, m, sd, n)
#' # Should return:
#' #     Estimate       SE          t       df           p        LL         UL
#' # 1 2    -4.71 4.139530 -1.1378102 37.99200 0.668806358 -15.83085  6.4108517
#' # 1 3   -13.43 4.427673 -3.0331960 37.51894 0.021765570 -25.33172 -1.5282764
#' # 1 4   -17.35 4.490074 -3.8640790 37.29278 0.002333937 -29.42281 -5.2771918
#' # 2 3    -8.72 4.399497 -1.9820446 37.39179 0.212906199 -20.54783  3.1078269
#' # 2 4   -12.64 4.462292 -2.8326248 37.14275 0.035716267 -24.64034 -0.6396589
#' # 3 4    -3.92 4.730817 -0.8286096 37.97652 0.840551420 -16.62958  8.7895768
#' @importFrom stats qtukey
#' @importFrom stats ptukey
#' @importFrom utils combn
#' @export
ci.tukey <-function(alpha, m, sd, n) {
 a <- length(m)
 v1 <- sd^2/n
 v2 <- sd^4/(n^2*(n - 1))
 mean <- outer(m, m, '-')
 Estimate <- (-1)*mean[lower.tri(mean)]
 v1 <- outer(v1, v1, "+")
 v2 <- outer(v2, v2, "+")
 df <- v1^2/v2
 df <- df[lower.tri(df)]
 SE <- sqrt(v1[lower.tri(v1)])
 t <- Estimate/SE
 q <- qtukey(p = 1 - alpha, nmeans = a, df = df)/sqrt(2)
 p <- 1 - ptukey(sqrt(2)*abs(t), nmeans = a, df = df)
 LL <- Estimate - q*SE
 UL <- Estimate + q*SE
 pair <- t(combn(seq(1:a), 2))
 out <- cbind(pair, Estimate, SE, t, df, p, LL, UL)
 rownames(out) <- rep("", a*(a - 1)/2)

#  ci.slope.mean.bs ===========================================================
#' Confidence interval for the slope of means in a single-factor design with a
#' quantitative between-subjects factor
#' @description
#' Computes a test statistic and confidence interval for the slope of means in 
#' a single-factor design with a quantitative between-subjects factor. This 
#' function computes both the unequal variance and equal variance confidence
#' intervals and test statistics. A Satterthwaite adjustment to the degrees of
#' freedom is used with the unequal variance method. 
#' @param     alpha  	alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param     m     	vector of sample means
#' @param     sd    	vector of sample standard deviations
#' @param     n     	vector of sample sizes
#' @param     x     	vector of numeric predictor variable values
#' @return 
#' Returns a 2-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimated slope
#' * SE - standard error
#' * t - t test statistic
#' * df - degrees of freedom
#' * p - p-value
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @examples
#' m <- c(33.5, 37.9, 38.0, 44.1)
#' sd <- c(3.84, 3.84, 3.65, 4.98)
#' n <- c(10,10,10,10)
#' x <- c(5, 10, 20, 30)
#' ci.slope.mean.bs(.05, m, sd, n, x)
#' # Should return:
#' #                               Estimate         SE        t       df
#' # Equal Variances Assumed:     0.3664407 0.06770529 5.412290 36.00000
#' # Equal Variances Not Assumed: 0.3664407 0.07336289 4.994905 18.65826
#' #                                         p        LL        UL
#' # Equal Variances Assumed:     4.242080e-06 0.2291280 0.5037534
#' # Equal Variances Not Assumed: 8.468223e-05 0.2126998 0.5201815
#' @importFrom stats qt
#' @importFrom stats pt
#' @export
ci.slope.mean.bs <- function(alpha, m, sd, n, x) {
 mx <- mean(x)
 ssx <- sum((x - mx)^2)
 v <- (x - mx)/ssx
 est <- t(v)%*%m 
 k <- length(m)
 df1 <- sum(n) - k
 v1 <- sum((n - 1)*sd^2)/df1
 se1 <- sqrt(v1*t(v)%*%solve(diag(n))%*%v)
 t1 <- est/se1
 p1 <- 2*(1 - pt(abs(t1),df1))
 tcrit1 <- qt(1 - alpha/2, df1)
 ll1 <- est - tcrit1*se1
 ul1 <- est + tcrit1*se1
 v2 <- diag(sd^2)%*%(solve(diag(n)))
 se2 <- sqrt(t(v)%*%v2%*%v)
 t2 <- est/se2
 df2 <- (se2^4)/sum(((v^4)*(sd^4)/(n^2*(n - 1))))
 p2 <- 2*(1 - pt(abs(t2),df2))
 tcrit2 <- qt(1 - alpha/2, df2)
 ll2 <- est - tcrit2*se2
 ul2 <- est + tcrit2*se2
 out1 <- t(c(est, se1, t1, df1, p1, ll1, ul1))
 out2 <- t(c(est, se2, t2, df2, p2, ll2, ul2))
 out <- rbind(out1, out2)
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "SE", "t", "df", "p", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- c("Equal Variances Assumed:", "Equal Variances Not Assumed:")

# ci.ratio.mean2 ==============================================================
#' Confidence interval for a 2-group mean ratio
#' Computes a confidence interval for a ratio of population means of 
#' ratio-scale measurements in a 2-group design. Equality of variances 
#' is not assumed.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  y1     vector of scores for group 1
#' @param  y2     vector of scores for group 2
#' @return 
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Mean1 - estimated mean from group 1
#' * Mean2 - estimated mean from group 2
#' * Mean1/Mean2- estimated mean ratio
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Bonett2020b}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' y2 <- c(32, 39, 26, 35, 43, 27, 40, 37, 34, 29, 49, 42, 40)
#' y1 <- c(36, 44, 47, 42, 49, 39, 46, 31, 33, 48)
#' ci.ratio.mean2(.05, y1, y2)
#' # Should return:
#' #
#' # Mean1    Mean2 Mean1/Mean2        LL       UL
#' #  41.5 36.38462    1.140592 0.9897482 1.314425
#' @importFrom stats qt
#' @importFrom stats var
#' @export
ci.ratio.mean2 <- function(alpha, y1, y2){
 n1 <- length(y1)
 n2 <- length(y2)
 m1 <- mean(y1)
 m2 <- mean(y2)
 v1 <- var(y1)
 v2 <- var(y2)
 var <- v1/(n1*m1^2) + v2/(n2*m2^2)
 df <- var^2/(v1^2/(m1^4*(n1^3 - n1^2)) + v2^2/(m2^4*(n2^3 - n2^2)))
 tcrit <- qt(1 - alpha/2, df)
 est <- log(m1/m2)
 se <- sqrt(var)
 ll <- exp(est - tcrit*se)
 ul <- exp(est + tcrit*se)
 out <- t(c(m1, m2, exp(est), ll, ul))
 colnames(out) <- c("Mean1", "Mean2", "Mean1/Mean2", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  ci.stdmean2 ================================================================
#' Confidence interval for a 2-group standardized mean difference
#' @description
#' Computes confidence intervals for a population standardized mean difference. 
#' Unweighted, weighted, and single group variance standardizers are used. The 
#' square root weighted variance standardizer is recommended in 2-group 
#' nonexperimental designs with simple random sampling. The square root 
#' unweighted variance standardizer is recommended in 2-group experimental 
#' designs. The single group standard deviation standardizer can be used with 
#' experimental or nonexperimental designs. Equality of variances is not 
#' assumed.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  m1     estimated mean for group 1
#' @param  m2     estimated mean for group 2
#' @param  sd1    estimated standard deviation for group 1
#' @param  sd2    estimated standard deviation for group 2
#' @param  n1     sample size for group 1
#' @param  n2     sample size for group 2
#' @return 
#' Returns a 4-row matrix. The columns are: 
#' * Estimate - estimated standardized mean difference
#' * adj Estimate - bias adjusted standardized mean difference estimate
#' * SE - standard error
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Bonett2008}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' ci.stdmean2(.05, 35.1, 26.7, 7.32, 6.98, 30, 30)
#' # Should return:
#' #                          Estimate  adj Estimate        SE        LL       UL
#' # Unweighted standardizer: 1.174493      1.159240 0.2844012 0.6170771 1.731909
#' # Weighted standardizer:   1.174493      1.159240 0.2802826 0.6251494 1.723837
#' # Group 1 standardizer:    1.147541      1.117605 0.2975582 0.5643375 1.730744
#' # Group 2 standardizer:    1.203438      1.172044 0.3120525 0.5918268 1.815050
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
ci.stdmean2 <- function(alpha, m1, m2, sd1, sd2, n1, n2) {
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 v1 <- sd1^2
 v2 <- sd2^2
 df1 <- n1 - 1
 df2 <- n2 - 1
 df3 <- n1 + n2 - 2
 adj1 <- 1 - 3/(4*df1 - 1)
 adj2 <- 1 - 3/(4*df2 - 1)
 adj3 <- 1 - 3/(4*df3 - 1)
 s <- sqrt((v1 + v2)/2)
 sp <- sqrt((df1*v1 + df2*v2)/df3)
 est1 <- (m1 - m2)/s
 est1u <- adj3*est1
 se1 <- sqrt(est1^2*(v1^2/df1 + v2^2/df2)/(8*s^4) + (v1/df1 + v2/df2)/s^2)
 ll1 <- est1 - z*se1
 ul1 <- est1 + z*se1
 est2 <- (m1 - m2)/sp
 est2u <- adj3*est2
 se2 <- sqrt(est2^2*(1/df1 + 1/df2)/8 + (v1/n1 + v2/n2)/sp^2)
 ll2 <- est2 - z*se2
 ul2 <- est2 + z*se2
 est3 <- (m1 - m2)/sd1
 est3u <- adj1*est3
 se3 <- sqrt(est3^2/(2*df1) + 1/df1 + v2/(df2*v1))
 ll3 <- est3 - z*se3
 ul3 <- est3 + z*se3
 est4 <- (m1 - m2)/sd2
 est4u <- adj2*est4
 se4 <- sqrt(est4^2/(2*df2) + 1/df2 + v1/(df1*v2))
 ll4 <- est4 - z*se4
 ul4 <- est4 + z*se4
 out1 <- t(c(est1, est1u, se1, ll1, ul1))
 out2 <- t(c(est2, est2u, se2, ll2, ul2))
 out3 <- t(c(est3, est3u, se3, ll3, ul3))
 out4 <- t(c(est4, est4u, se4, ll4, ul4))
 out <- rbind(out1, out2, out3, out4)
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "adj Estimate", "SE", "LL", "UL")
 rownames1 <- c("Unweighted standardizer:", "Weighted standardizer:")
 rownames2 <- c("Group 1 standardizer:", "Group 2 standardizer:")
 rownames(out) <- c(rownames1, rownames2)

#  ci.stdmean.strat ===========================================================
#' Confidence interval for a 2-group standardized mean difference with 
#' stratified sampling
#' @description
#' Computes confidence intervals for a population standardized mean difference
#' in a 2-group nonexperimental design with stratified random sampling (a random
#' sample of a specificied size from each subpopulation) using a square root 
#' weighted variance standardizer or single group standard deviation 
#' standardizer.  Equality of variances is not assumed.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  m1     estimated mean for group 1
#' @param  m2     estimated mean for group 2
#' @param  sd1    estimated standard deviation for group 1
#' @param  sd2    estimated standard deviation for group 2
#' @param  n1     sample size for group 1
#' @param  n2     sample size for group 2
#' @param  p1     proportion of total population in subpopulation 1
#' @return 
#' Returns a 3-row matrix. The columns are: 
#' * Estimate - estimated standardized mean difference
#' * adj Estimate - bias adjusted standardized mean difference estimate
#' * SE - standard error
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Bonett2020a}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' ci.stdmean.strat(.05, 33.2, 30.8, 10.5, 11.2, 200, 200, .533)
#' # Should return:
#' #                         Estimate  adj Estimate         SE         LL        UL
#' # Weighted standardizer: 0.2215549     0.2211371 0.10052057 0.02453817 0.4185716
#' # Group 1 standardizer:  0.2285714     0.2277089 0.10427785 0.02419059 0.4329523
#' # Group 2 standardizer:  0.2142857     0.2277089 0.09776049 0.02267868 0.4058927
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
ci.stdmean.strat <- function(alpha, m1, m2, sd1, sd2, n1, n2, p1) {
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 v1 <- sd1^2
 v2 <- sd2^2
 df1 <- n1 - 1
 df2 <- n2 - 1
 df3 <- n1 + n2 - 2
 adj1 <- 1 - 3/(4*df1 - 1)
 adj2 <- 1 - 3/(4*df2 - 1)
 adj3 <- 1 - 3/(4*df3 - 1)
 s <- sqrt(p1*v1 + (1 - p1)*v2)
 est1 <- (m1 - m2)/s
 est1u <- adj3*est1
 se1 <- sqrt(est1^2*(1/df1 + 1/df2)/8 + (v1/n1 + v2/n2)/s^2)
 ll1 <- est1 - z*se1
 ul1 <- est1 + z*se1
 est3 <- (m1 - m2)/sd1
 est3u <- adj1*est3
 se3 <- sqrt(est3^2/(2*df1) + 1/df1 + v2/(df2*v1))
 ll3 <- est3 - z*se3
 ul3 <- est3 + z*se3
 est4 <- (m1 - m2)/sd2
 est4u <- adj2*est3
 se4 <- sqrt(est4^2/(2*df2) + 1/df2 + v1/(df1*v2))
 ll4 <- est4 - z*se4
 ul4 <- est4 + z*se4
 out1 <- t(c(est1, est1u, se1, ll1, ul1))
 out3 <- t(c(est3, est3u, se3, ll3, ul3))
 out4 <- t(c(est4, est4u, se4, ll4, ul4))
 out <- rbind(out1, out3, out4)
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "adj Estimate", "SE", "LL", "UL")
 rownames1 <- c("Weighted standardizer:")
 rownames2 <- c("Group 1 standardizer:", "Group 2 standardizer:")
 rownames(out) <- c(rownames1, rownames2)

#  ci.lc.stdmean.bs ==========================================================
#' Confidence interval for a standardized linear contrast of means in a 
#' between-subjects design
#' @description
#' Computes confidence intervals for a population standardized linear contrast 
#' of means in a between-subjects design. The unweighted standardizer is 
#' recommended in experimental designs. The weighted standardizer is
#' recommended in nonexperimental designs with simple random sampling. The  
#' group 1 standardizer is useful in both experimental and nonexperimental
#' designs. Equality of variances is not assumed.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  m      vector of estimated group means
#' @param  sd     vector of estimated group standard deviation
#' @param  n      vector of sample sizes
#' @param  v      vector of between-subjects contrast coefficients
#' @return 
#' Returns a 3-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimated standardized linear contrast
#' * adj Estimate - bias adjusted standardized linear contrast estimate
#' * SE - standard error
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Bonett2008}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' m <- c(33.5, 37.9, 38.0, 44.1)
#' sd <- c(3.84, 3.84, 3.65, 4.98)
#' n <- c(10,10,10,10)
#' v <- c(.5, .5, -.5, -.5)
#' ci.lc.stdmean.bs(.05, m, sd, n, v)
#' # Should return:
#' #                           Estimate  adj Estimate        SE        LL         UL
#' # Unweighted standardizer: -1.301263     -1.273964 0.3692800 -2.025039 -0.5774878
#' # Weighted standardizer:   -1.301263     -1.273964 0.3514511 -1.990095 -0.6124317
#' # Group 1 standardizer:    -1.393229     -1.273810 0.4849842 -2.343781 -0.4426775
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
ci.lc.stdmean.bs <- function(alpha, m, sd, n, v) {
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 var <- sd^2
 a <- length(m)
 s <- sqrt(sum(var)/a)
 df <- sum(n) - a
 n1 <- matrix(n, 1, a)[1,1]
 s1 <- matrix(sd, 1, a)[1,1]
 adj1 <- 1 - 3/(4*df - 1)
 adj2 <- 1 - 3/(4*n1 - 5)
 sp <- sqrt(sum((n - 1)*var)/df)
 est1 <- (t(v)%*%m)/s
 est2 <- (t(v)%*%m)/sp
 est3 <- (t(v)%*%m)/s1 
 est1u <- adj1*est1
 est2u <- adj1*est2
 est3u <- adj2*est3
 a1 <- est1^2/(2*a^2*s^4)
 a2 <- a1*sum((var^2/(n - 1)))
 a3 <- sum((v^2*var/(n - 1)))/s^2
 se1 <- sqrt(a2 + a3)
 ll1 <- est1 - z*se1
 ul1 <- est1 + z*se1
 a1 <- est2^2/(2*a^2)
 a2 <- a1*sum(1/(n - 1))
 a3 <- sum((v^2*var/n))/sp^2
 se2 <- sqrt(a2 + a3)
 ll2 <- est2 - z*se2
 ul2 <- est2 + z*se2
 a1 <- est3^2/(2*n1 - 2)
 a2 <- sum((v^2*var/(n - 1)))/s1^2
 se3 <- sqrt(a1 + a2)
 ll3 <- est3 - z*se3
 ul3 <- est3 + z*se3
 out1 <- t(c(est1, est1u, se1, ll1, ul1))
 out2 <- t(c(est2, est2u, se2, ll2, ul2))
 out3 <- t(c(est3, est3u, se3, ll3, ul3))
 out <- rbind(out1, out2, out3)
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "adj Estimate", "SE", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- c("Unweighted standardizer:", "Weighted standardizer:", "Group 1 standardizer:")

#  ci.mean.ps ================================================================
#' Confidence interval for a paired-samples mean difference
#' @description
#' Computes a confidence interval for a population paired-samples mean 
#' difference using the estimated means, estimated standard deviations, 
#' estimated correlation, and sample size. Use the t.test function for 
#' raw data input.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  m1     estimated mean for measurement 1
#' @param  m2     estimated mean for measurement 2
#' @param  sd1    estimated standard deviation for measurement 1
#' @param  sd2    estimated standard deviation for measurement 2
#' @param  cor    estimated correlation between measurements
#' @param  n      sample size
#' @return 
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimated mean difference
#' * SE - standard error
#' * t - t test statistic
#' * df - degrees of freedom
#' * p - p-value
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @examples
#' ci.mean.ps(.05, 58.2, 51.4, 7.43, 8.92, .537, 30)
#' # Should return:
#' # Estimate       SE        t df            p       LL       UL
#' #      6.8 1.455922 4.670578 29  6.33208e-05 3.822304 9.777696
#' @importFrom stats qt
#' @importFrom stats pt
#' @export
ci.mean.ps <- function(alpha, m1, m2, sd1, sd2, cor, n) {
 if (cor > .999 || cor < -.999) {stop("correlation must be between -.999 and .999")}
 df <- n - 1
 tcrit <- qt(1 - alpha/2, df)
 vd <- sd1^2 + sd2^2 - 2*cor*sd1*sd2
 est <- m1 - m2
 se <- sqrt(vd/n)
 t <- est/se
 p <- 2*(1 - pt(abs(t), df))
 ll <- est - tcrit*se
 ul <- est + tcrit*se
 out <- t(c(est, se, t, df, p, ll, ul))
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "SE", "t", "df", "p","LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  ci.ratio.mean.ps ==========================================================
#' Confidence interval for a paired-samples mean ratio
#' @description
#' Compute a confidence interval for a ratio of population means of 
#' ratio-scale measurements in a paired-samples design. Equality of 
#' variances is not assumed.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  y1     vector of measurement 1 scores
#' @param  y2     vector of measurement 2 scores (paired with y1)
#' @return 
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Mean1 - estimated measurement 1 mean
#' * Mean2 - estimated measurement 2 mean
#' * Mean1/Mean2 - estimate of mean ratio
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Bonett2020b}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' y1 <- c(3.3, 3.6, 3.0, 3.1, 3.9, 4.2, 3.5, 3.3)
#' y2 <- c(3.0, 3.1, 2.7, 2.6, 3.2, 3.8, 3.2, 3.0)
#' ci.ratio.mean.ps(.05, y1, y2)
#' # Should return:
#' #  Mean1 Mean2 Mean1/Mean2      LL       UL
#' # 3.4875 3.075    1.134146 1.09417 1.175583
#' @importFrom stats qt
#' @importFrom stats cor
#' @export
ci.ratio.mean.ps <- function(alpha, y1, y2){
 if (length(y1) != length(y2)) {stop("length of y1 must equal length of y2")}
 n <- length(y1)
 m1 <- mean(y1)
 m2 <- mean(y2)
 v1 <- var(y1)
 v2 <- var(y2)
 cor <- cor(y1,y2)
 var <- (v1/m1^2 + v2/m2^2 - 2*cor*sqrt(v1*v2)/(m1*m2))/n
 df <- n - 1
 tcrit <- qt(1 - alpha/2, df)
 est <- log(m1/m2)
 se <- sqrt(var)
 ll <- exp(est - tcrit*se)
 ul <- exp(est + tcrit*se)
 out <- t(c(m1, m2, exp(est), ll, ul))
 colnames(out) <- c("Mean1", "Mean2", "Mean1/Mean2", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  ci.stdmean.ps =============================================================
#' Confidence interval for a paired-samples standardized mean difference
#' @description
#' Computes confidence intervals for a population standardized mean difference
#' in a paired-samples design. A square root unweighted variance standardizer 
#' and single measurement standard deviation standardizers are used. Equality 
#' of variances is not assumed.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  m1     estimated mean of measurement 1
#' @param  m2     estimated mean of measurement 2
#' @param  sd1    estimated standard deviation of measurement 1
#' @param  sd2    estimated standard deviation of measurement 2
#' @param  cor    estimated correlation between measurements
#' @param  n      sample size
#' @return 
#' Returns a 3-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimated standardized mean difference
#' * adj Estimate - bias adjusted standardized mean difference estimate
#' * SE - standard error
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Bonett2008}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' ci.stdmean.ps(.05, 110.4, 102.1, 15.3, 14.6, .75, 25)
#' # Should return:
#' #                              Estimate  adj Estimate        SE        LL        UL
#' # Unweighted standardizer:    0.5550319     0.5433457 0.1609934 0.2394905 0.8705732
#' # Measurement 1 standardizer: 0.5424837     0.5253526 0.1615500 0.2258515 0.8591158
#' # Measurement 2 standardizer: 0.5684932     0.5505407 0.1692955 0.2366800 0.9003063
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
ci.stdmean.ps <- function(alpha, m1, m2, sd1, sd2, cor, n) {
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 s <- sqrt((sd1^2 + sd2^2)/2)
 df <- n - 1
 v1 <- sd1^2
 v2 <- sd2^2
 adj1 <- sqrt((n - 2)/df)
 adj2 <- 1 - 3/(4*df - 1)
 vd <- v1 + v2 - 2*cor*sd1*sd2
 est1 <- (m1 - m2)/s
 est1u <- adj1*est1
 se1 <- sqrt(est1^2*(v1^2 + v2^2 + 2*cor^2*v1*v2)/(8*df*s^4) + vd/(df*s^2))
 ll1 <- est1 - z*se1
 ul1 <- est1 + z*se1
 est3 <- (m1 - m2)/sd1
 est3u <- adj2*est3
 se3 <- sqrt(est3^2/(2*df) + vd/(df*v1))
 ll3 <- est3 - z*se3
 ul3 <- est3 + z*se3
 est4 <- (m1 - m2)/sd2
 est4u <- adj2*est4
 se4 <- sqrt(est4^2/(2*df) + vd/(df*v2))
 ll4 <- est4 - z*se4
 ul4 <- est4 + z*se4
 out1 <- t(c(est1, est1u, se1, ll1, ul1))
 out3 <- t(c(est3, est3u, se3, ll3, ul3))
 out4 <- t(c(est4, est4u, se4, ll4, ul4))
 out <- rbind(out1, out3, out4)
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "adj Estimate", "SE", "LL", "UL")
 rownames1 <- c("Unweighted standardizer:")
 rownames2 <- c("Measurement 1 standardizer:", "Measurement 2 standardizer:")
 rownames(out) <- c(rownames1, rownames2)

#  ci.lc.stdmean.ws ==========================================================
#' Confidence interval for a standardized linear contrast of means in a
#' within-subjects design
#' @description
#' Computes confidence intervals for two types of population standardized 
#' linear contrast of means (unweighted standardizer and level 1 standardizer)
#' in a within-subjects design. Equality of variances is not assumed, but the
#' correlations among the repeated measures are assumed to be approximately 
#' equal.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  m      vector of within-subjects estimated means
#' @param  sd     vector of within-subjects estimated standard deviations
#' @param  cor    average estimated correlation of all measurement pairs
#' @param  n      sample size
#' @param  q      vector of within-subjects contrast coefficients
#' @return 
#' Returns a 2-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimated standardized linear contrast
#' * adj Estimate - bias adjusted standardized linear contrast estimate
#' * SE - standard error
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Bonett2008}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' m <- c(33.5, 37.9, 38.0, 44.1)
#' sd <- c(3.84, 3.84, 3.65, 4.98)
#' q <- c(.5, .5, -.5, -.5)
#' ci.lc.stdmean.ws(.05, m, sd, .672, 20, q)
#' # Should return:
#' #                           Estimate  adj Estimate        SE        LL         UL
#' # Unweighted standardizer: -1.301263     -1.266557 0.3147937 -1.918248 -0.6842788
#' # Level 1 standardizer:    -1.393229     -1.337500 0.3661824 -2.110934 -0.6755248
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
ci.lc.stdmean.ws <- function(alpha, m, sd, cor, n, q) {
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 a <- length(m)
 df <- n - 1
 s1 <- matrix(sd, 1, a)[1,1]
 adj1 <- sqrt((n - 2)/df)
 adj2 <- 1 - 3/(4*n - 5)
 s <- sqrt(sum(sd^2)/a)
 est1 <- (t(q)%*%m)/s
 est1u <- adj1*est1
 v1 <- est1^2/(2*a^2*s^4*df)
 v2 <- sum(sd^4)
 v0 <- sd^2%*%t(sd^2)
 # error in v3 formula corrected in version 1.3
 # error in v5 formula corrected in version 1.5
 v3 <- cor^2*sum((v0 - diag(diag(v0))))
 v4 <- sum(q^2*sd^2)
 v5 <- cor*sum(q[1:a-1]*sd[1:a-1]*q[2:a]*sd[2:a])
 se1 <- sqrt(v1*(v2 + v3) + (v4 + 2*v5)/(df*s^2))
 ll1 <- est1 - z*se1
 ul1 <- est1 + z*se1
 est2 <- (t(q)%*%m)/s1
 est2u <- adj2*est2
 v1 <- est2^2/(2*df)
 se2 <- sqrt(v1 + (v4 + 2*v5)/(df*s1^2))
 ll2 <- est2 - z*se2
 ul2 <- est2 + z*se2
 out1 <- t(c(est1, est1u, se1, ll1, ul1))
 out2 <- t(c(est2, est2u, se2, ll2, ul2))
 out <- rbind(out1, out2)
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "adj Estimate", "SE", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- c("Unweighted standardizer:", "Level 1 standardizer:")

#  ci.mad1 ====================================================================
#' Confidence interval for a single mean absolute deviation 
#' @description
#' Computes a confidence interval for a population mean absolute deviation 
#' from the median (MAD). The MAD is a robust alternative to the standard 
#' deviation.
#' @param  alpha   alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  y       vector of scores
#' @return 
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimated mean absolute deviation
#' * SE - standard error
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Bonett2003b}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' y <- c(30, 20, 15, 10, 10, 60, 20, 25, 20, 30, 10, 5, 50, 40, 
#'        20, 10, 0, 20, 50)
#' ci.mad1(.05, y)
#' # Should return:
#' # Estimate       SE       LL       UL
#' #     12.5 2.876103 7.962667 19.62282
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @importFrom stats sd
#' @export
ci.mad1 <- function(alpha, y) {
 n <- length(y)
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 c <- n/(n - 1)
 median <- median(y)
 mad <- mean(abs(y - median))
 skw <- (mean(y) - median)/mad 
 kur <- (sd(y)/mad)^2
 se <- sqrt((skw^2 + kur - 1)/n)
 ll <- exp(log(c*mad) - z*se)
 ul <- exp(log(c*mad) + z*se)
 se.mad <- c*mad*se
 out <- t(c(c*mad, se.mad, ll, ul))
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "SE", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  ci.ratio.mad2 ==============================================================
#' Confidence interval for a 2-group ratio of mean absolute deviations
#' @description
#' Computes a confidence interval for a ratio of population MADs (mean absolute
#' deviation from median) in a 2-group design.
#' @param  alpha   alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  y1      vector of scores for group 1
#' @param  y2      vector of scores for group 2
#' @return 
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * MAD1 - estimated MAD from group 1
#' * MAD2 - estimated MAD from group 2
#' * MAD1/MAD2 - estimate of MAD ratio
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Bonett2003b}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' y1 <- c(32, 39, 26, 35, 43, 27, 40, 37, 34, 29)
#' y2 <- c(36, 44, 47, 42, 49, 39, 46, 31, 33, 48)
#' ci.ratio.mad2(.05, y1, y2)
#' # Should return:
#' #     MAD1     MAD2  MAD1/MAD2        LL       UL
#' # 5.111111 5.888889  0.8679245 0.4520879 1.666253
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @importFrom stats sd
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @export
ci.ratio.mad2 <- function(alpha, y1, y2) {
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 n1 <- length(y1)
 c1 <- n1/(n1 - 1)
 n2 <- length(y2)
 c2 <- n2/(n2 - 1)
 median1 <- median(y1)
 median2 <- median(y2)
 mad1 <- mean(abs(y1 - median1))
 skw1 <- (mean(y1) - median1)/mad1 
 kur1 <- (sd(y1)/mad1)^2
 var1 <- (skw1^2 + kur1 - 1)/n1
 mad2 <- mean(abs(y2 - median2))
 skw2 <- (mean(y2) - median2)/mad2 
 kur2 <- (sd(y2)/mad2)^2
 var2 <- (skw2^2 + kur2 - 1)/n2
 se <- sqrt(var1 + var2)
 c <- c1/c2
 est <- mad1/mad2
 ll <- exp(log(c*est) - z*se)
 ul <- exp(log(c*est) + z*se)
 out <- t(c(c1*mad1, c2*mad2, c*est, ll, ul))
 colnames(out) <- c("MAD1", "MAD2", "MAD1/MAD2", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  ci.ratio.sd2 ================================================================
#' Confidence interval for a 2-group ratio of standard deviations 
#' @description
#' Computes a robust confidence interval for a ratio of population standard 
#' deviations in a 2-group design. This function is a modification of the
#' confidence interval proposed by Bonett (2006). The original Bonett method 
#' used a pooled kurtosis estimate in the standard error that assumed equal 
#' variances, which limited the confidence interval's use to tests of equal 
#' population variances and equivalence tests. This function uses a pooled 
#' kurtosis estimate that does not assume equal variances and provides a 
#' useful confidence interval for a ratio of standard deviations under general 
#' conditions. This function requires of minimum sample size of four per
#' group but sample sizes of at least 10 per group are recommended.
#' @param  alpha   alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  y1      vector of scores for group 1
#' @param  y2      vector of scores for group 2
#' @return 
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * SD1 - estimated SD from group 1
#' * SD2 - estimated SD from group 2
#' * SD1/SD2 - estimate of SD ratio
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Bonett2006b}{statpsych}                   
#' @examples
#' y1 <- c(32, 39, 26, 35, 43, 27, 40, 37, 34, 29)
#' y2 <- c(36, 44, 47, 42, 49, 39, 46, 31, 33, 48)
#' ci.ratio.sd2(.05, y1, y2)
#' # Should return:
#' #      SD1      SD2    SD1/SD2       LL       UL
#' # 5.711587 6.450667  0.8854257 0.486279 1.728396
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @importFrom stats sd
#' @export
ci.ratio.sd2 <- function(alpha, y1, y2) {
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 sd1 <- sd(y1)
 sd2 <- sd(y2)
 v1 <- sd1^2
 v2 <- sd2^2
 n1 <- length(y1)
 n2 <- length(y2)
 if (min(n1, n2) < 5) {stop("sample size too small")}
 n <- n1 + n2 
 t1 <- 1/(2*sqrt(n1 - 4))
 t2 <- 1/(2*sqrt(n2 - 4))
 m1 <- mean(y1, trim = t1)
 m2 <- mean(y2, trim = t2)
 c0 <- (n1/(n1 - z))*((n2 - z)/n2)
 c1 <- (n1 - 3)/n1
 c2 <- (n2 - 3)/n2
 a1 <- sum((y1 - m1)^4)
 a2 <- sum((y2 - m2)^4)
 rL <- 1
 rU <- 1
 for(i in 1:10) {
   kurL <- n*(a1 + rL^4*a2)/((n1 - 1)*v1 + rL^2*(n2 - 1)*v2)^2
   kurU <- n*(a1 + rU^4*a2)/((n1 - 1)*v1 + rU^2*(n2 - 1)*v2)^2
   seL <- sqrt((kurL - c1)/(n1 - 1) + (kurL - c2)/(n2 - 1))
   seU <- sqrt((kurU - c1)/(n1 - 1) + (kurU - c2)/(n2 - 1))
   lr <- log(c0*v1/v2)
   ll <- sqrt(exp(lr - z*seL))
   ul <- sqrt(exp(lr + z*seU))
   rL <- ll
   rU <- ul
 out <- t(c(sd1, sd2, sd1/sd2, ll, ul))
 colnames(out) <- c("SD1", "SD2", "SD1/SD2", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  ci.ratio.mad.ps ========================================================== 
#' Confidence interval for a paired-sample MAD ratio 
#' @description
#' Computes a confidence interval for a ratio of population MADs (mean absolute
#' deviation from median) in a paired-samples design.
#' @param  alpha   alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  y1      vector of measurement 1 scores
#' @param  y2      vector of measurement 2 scores (paired with y1)
#' @return 
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * MAD1 - estimated MAD for measurement 1
#' * MAD2 - estimated MAD for measurement 2
#' * MAD1/MAD2 - estimate of MAD ratio
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Bonett2003a}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' y2 <- c(21, 4, 9, 12, 35, 18, 10, 22, 24, 1, 6, 8, 13, 16, 19)
#' y1 <- c(67, 28, 30, 28, 52, 40, 25, 37, 44, 10, 14, 20, 28, 40, 51)
#' ci.ratio.mad.ps(.05, y1, y2)
#' # Should return:
#' #     MAD1  MAD2  MAD1/MAD2       LL       UL
#' # 12.71429   7.5   1.695238 1.109176 2.590961
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @importFrom stats sd
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @export
ci.ratio.mad.ps <- function(alpha, y1, y2) {
 if (length(y1) != length(y2)) {stop("length of y1 must equal length of y2")}
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 n <- length(y1); 
 c <- n/(n - 1)
 median1 <- median(y1);
 median2 <- median(y2);
 mad1 <- mean(abs(y1 - median1))
 skw1 <- (mean(y1) - median1)/mad1 
 kur1 <- (sd(y1)/mad1)^2
 var1 <- (skw1^2 + kur1 - 1)/n
 mad2 <- mean(abs(y2 - median2))
 skw2 <- (mean(y2) - median2)/mad2 
 kur2 <- (sd(y2)/mad2)^2
 var2 <- (skw2^2 + kur2 - 1)/n
 d1 <- abs(y1 - median1);
 d2 <- abs(y2 - median2)
 cor <- cor(d1, d2)
 se <- sqrt(var1 + var2 - 2*cor*sqrt(var1*var2))
 est <- mad1/mad2
 ll <- exp(log(est) - z*se)
 ul <- exp(log(est) + z*se)
 out <- t(c(c*mad1, c*mad2, est, ll, ul))
 colnames(out) <- c("MAD1", "MAD2", "MAD1/MAD2", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  ci.cv1  ====================================================================
#' Confidence interval for a single coefficient of variation
#' @description
#' Computes a confidence interval for a population coefficient of variation
#' (standard deviation divided by mean). This confidence interval is the
#' reciprocal of a confidence interval for a standardized mean (see description
#' of ci.stdmean1 function). An approximate standard error is recovered from
#' the confidence interval. The coefficient of variation assumes ratio-scale
#' scores.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  m	  estimated mean 
#' @param  sd	  estimated standard deviation
#' @param  n	  sample size
#' @return 
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimated coefficient of variation 
#' * SE - recovered standard error
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @examples
#' ci.cv1(.05, 24.5, 3.65, 40)
#' # Should return:
#' #  Estimate        SE        LL       UL
#' # 0.1489796 0.01817373 0.1214381 0.1926778
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
ci.cv1 <- function(alpha, m, sd, n) {
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 df <- n - 1
 est.d <- m/sd
 se.d <- sqrt(est.d^2/(2*df) + 1/df)
 if (est.d - z*se.d > .000001) { 
  ul <- 1/(est.d - z*se.d)
 } else {
  ul <- 999999
 ll <- 1/(est.d + z*se.d)
 est <- 1/est.d
 se <- (ul - ll)/(2*z)
 out <- t(c(est, se, ll, ul))
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "SE", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  ci.ratio.cv2  ====================================================================
#' Confidence interval for a ratio of coefficients of variation in a 2-group
#' design
#' @description
#' Computes a confidence interval for a ratio of population coefficients of 
#' variation (CV) in a 2-group degin. This confidence interval uses the
#' confidence interval for each CV and then uses the MOVER-DL method 
#' (see Newcombe, page 138) to obtain a confidence interval for CV1/CV2. 
#' The CV assumes ratio-scale scores.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  m1	  estimated mean for group 1
#' @param  m2	  estimated mean for group 2 
#' @param  sd1	  estimated standard deviation for group 1
#' @param  sd2	  estimated standard deviation for group 2
#' @param  n1	  sample size for group 1
#' @param  n2	  sample size for group 2
#' @return 
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimated ratio of coefficients of variation 
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Newcombe2013}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' ci.ratio.cv2(.05, 34.5, 26.1, 4.15, 2.26, 50, 50)
#' # Should return:
#' # Estimate       LL       UL
#' # 1.389188 1.041478 1.854101
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
ci.ratio.cv2 <- function(alpha, m1, m2, sd1, sd2, n1, n2) {
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 df1 <- n1 - 1
 est.d1 <- m1/sd1
 se.d1 <- sqrt(est.d1^2/(2*df1) + 1/df1)
 if (est.d1 - z*se.d1 > .000001)  
  {UL1 <- log(1/(est.d1 - z*se.d1))}
  {UL1 <- log(999999)}
 LL1 <- log(1/(est.d1 + z*se.d1))
 est1 <- log(1/est.d1)
 df2 <- n2 - 1
 est.d2 <- m2/sd2
 se.d2 <- sqrt(est.d2^2/(2*df2) + 1/df2)
 if (est.d2 - z*se.d2 > .000001) 
  {UL2 <- log(1/(est.d2 - z*se.d2))}
  {UL2 <- log(999999)}
 LL2 <- log(1/(est.d2 + z*se.d2))
 est2 <- log(1/est.d2)
 diff <- est1 - est2
 ll <- exp(diff - sqrt((est1 - LL1)^2 + (UL2 - est2)^2))
 ul <- exp(diff + sqrt((UL1 - est1)^2 + (est2 - LL2)^2))
 est <- exp(diff)
 out <- t(c(est, ll, ul))
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  ci.cod1 =================================================================== 
#' Confidence interval for a single coefficient of dispersion
#' @description
#' Computes a confidence interval for a population coefficient of dispersion
#' which is defined as a mean absolute deviation from the median divided by a
#' median. The coefficient of dispersion assumes ratio-scale scores and is a 
#' robust alternative to the coefficient of variation. An approximate
#' standard error is recovered from the confidence interval.
#' @param  alpha   alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  y       vector of scores
#' @return 
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimated coefficient of dispersion
#' * SE - recovered standard error
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Bonett2006}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' y <- c(30, 20, 15, 10, 10, 60, 20, 25, 20, 30, 10, 5, 50, 40,
#'        20, 10, 0, 20, 50)
#' ci.cod1(.05, y)
#' # Should return:
#' #  Estimate        SE        LL       UL
#' # 0.5921053 0.1814708 0.3813259 1.092679
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @importFrom stats var
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @export
ci.cod1 <-function(alpha, y) {
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 n <- length(y)
 c <- n/(n - 1)
 a1 <- round((n + 1)/2 - sqrt(n))
 b1 <- n - a1 + 1
 med <- median(y)
 m <- mean(y)
 v <- var(y)
 tau <- mean(abs(y - med))
 del <- (m - med)/tau
 gam <- v/tau^2
 cod <- tau/med
 y <- sort(y)
 vareta <- ((log(y[a1]) - log(y[b1]))/4)^2
 se1 <- sqrt(vareta)
 vartau <- (gam + del^2 - 1)/n
 se2 <- sqrt(vartau)
 cov <- del*se1/sqrt(n)
 k <- sqrt(vareta + vartau - 2*cov)/(se1 + se2)
 a2 <- round((n + 1)/2 - k*z*sqrt(n/4))
 b2 <- n - a2 + 1
 L2 <- log(y[a2])
 U2 <- log(y[b2])
 L1 <- log(c*tau) - k*z*se2
 U1 <- log(c*tau) + k*z*se2
 ll <- exp(L1 - U2)
 ul <- exp(U1 - L2)
 se <- (ul - ll)/(2*z)
 out <- t(c(cod, se, ll, ul))
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "SE", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

# ci.cod2 ====================================================================
#' Confidence interval for a ratio of dispersion coefficients in a 2-group
#' design
#' @description
#' Computes a confidence interval for a ratio of population dispersion
#' coefficients (mean absolute deviation from median divided by median)
#' in a 2-group design. Ratio-scale scores are assumed.
#' @param  alpha   alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  y1      vector of scores in group 1
#' @param  y2      vector of scores in group 2
#' @return 
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * COD1 - estimated coefficient of dispersion in group 1
#' * COD2 - estimated coefficient of dispersion in group 2
#' * COD1/COD2 - estimated ratio of dispersion coefficients
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @examples
#' y1 <- c(32, 39, 26, 35, 43, 27, 40, 37, 34, 29)
#' y2 <- c(36, 44, 47, 42, 49, 39, 46, 31, 33, 48)
#' ci.cod2(.05, y1, y2)
#' # Should return:
#' #      COD1      COD2 COD1/COD2       LL       UL
#' # 0.1333333 0.1232558  1.081761 0.494964 2.282254
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @importFrom stats var
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @export
ci.cod2 <-function(alpha, y1, y2) {
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 n1 <- length(y1)
 c1 <- n1/(n1 - 1)
 a1 <- round((n1 + 1)/2 - sqrt(n1))
 b1 <- n1 - a1 + 1
 med1 <- median(y1)
 m1 <- mean(y1)
 v1 <- var(y1)
 tau1 <- mean(abs(y1 - med1))
 del1 <- (m1 - med1)/tau1
 gam1 <- v1/tau1^2
 cod1 <- tau1/med1
 y1 <- sort(y1)
 vareta1 <- ((log(y1[a1]) - log(y1[b1]))/4)^2
 se11 <- sqrt(vareta1)
 vartau1 <- (gam1 + del1^2 - 1)/n1
 se21 <- sqrt(vartau1)
 cov1 <- del1*se11/sqrt(n1)
 k1 <- sqrt(vareta1 + vartau1 - 2*cov1)/(se11 + se21)
 a21 <- round((n1 + 1)/2 - k1*z*sqrt(n1/4))
 b21 <- n1 - a21 + 1
 L21 <- log(y1[a21])
 U21 <- log(y1[b21])
 L11 <- log(c1*tau1) - k1*z*se21
 U11 <- log(c1*tau1) + k1*z*se21
 LL1 <- L11 - U21
 UL1 <- U11 - L21
 n2 <- length(y2)
 c2 <- n2/(n2 - 1)
 a2 <- round((n2 + 1)/2 - sqrt(n2))
 b2 <- n2 - a2 + 1
 med2 <- median(y2)
 m2 <- mean(y2)
 v2 <- var(y2)
 tau2 <- mean(abs(y2 - med2))
 del2 <- (m2 - med2)/tau2
 gam2 <- v2/tau2^2
 cod2 <- tau2/med2
 y2 <- sort(y2)
 vareta2 <- ((log(y2[a1]) - log(y2[b1]))/4)^2
 se12 <- sqrt(vareta2)
 vartau2 <- (gam2 + del2^2 - 1)/n2
 se22 <- sqrt(vartau2)
 cov2 <- del2*se12/sqrt(n2)
 k2 <- sqrt(vareta2 + vartau2 - 2*cov2)/(se12 + se22)
 a22 <- round((n2 + 1)/2 - k2*z*sqrt(n2/4))
 b22 <- n2 - a22 + 1
 L22 <- log(y2[a22])
 U22 <- log(y2[b22])
 L12 <- log(c2*tau2) - k2*z*se22
 U12 <- log(c2*tau2) + k2*z*se22
 LL2 <- L12 - U22
 UL2 <- U12 - L22
 LL <- exp(log(cod1/cod2) - sqrt((log(cod1) - LL1)^2 + (log(cod2) - UL2)^2))
 UL <- exp(log(cod1/cod2) + sqrt((log(cod1) - UL1)^2 + (log(cod2) - LL2)^2))
 out <- t(c(cod1, cod2, cod1/cod2, LL, UL))
 colnames(out) <- c("COD1", "COD2", "COD1/COD2", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  ci.cqv1 =====================================================================
#' Confidence interval for a single coefficient of quartile variation 
#' @description
#' Computes a distribution-free confidence interval for a population coefficient 
#' of quartile variation which is defined as (Q3 - Q1)/(Q3 + Q1) where Q1 is the 
#' 25th percentile and Q3 is the 75th percentile. The coefficient of quartile
#' variation assumes ratio-scale scores and is a robust alternative to the 
#' coefficient of variation. The 25th and 75th percentiles are computed using 
#' the type = 2 method (SAS default).
#' @param  alpha   alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  y       vector of scores
#' @return 
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimated coefficient of quartile variation 
#' * SE - standard error
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Bonett2006c}{statpsych}                    
#' @examples
#' y <- c(30, 20, 15, 10, 10, 60, 20, 25, 20, 30, 10, 5, 50, 40,
#'        20, 10, 0, 20, 50)
#' ci.cqv1(.05, y)
#' # Should return:
#' # Estimate        SE        LL       UL
#' #      0.5 0.1552485 0.2617885 0.8841821
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @importFrom stats pbinom
#' @export
ci.cqv1 <- function(alpha, y) {
 n <- length(y)
 c <- n/(n - 1)
 y <- sort(y)
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 result <- quantile(y, .25, T, type = 2)
 Q1 <- result[[1]]
 result <- quantile(y, .75, T, type = 2)
 Q3 <- result[[1]]
 est <- (Q3 - Q1)/(Q3 + Q1)
 c1 <- ceiling(n/4 - 1.96*sqrt(3*n/16))
 if (c1 < 1) {c1 = 1}
 c2 <- ceiling(n/4 + 1.96*sqrt(3*n/16))
 if (c2 > n) {c2 = n}
 LL1 <- y[c1]
 UL1 <- y[c2]
 c3 <- n + 1 - c2                                     
 c4 <- n + 1 - c1                                     
 LL2 <- y[c3]
 UL2 <- y[c4]
 p1 <- pbinom(c2 - 1, size = n, prob = .25)
 p2 <- pbinom(c1, size = n, prob = .25)
 p <- (1 - (p1 - p2))/2
 z0 <- qnorm(1 - p/2)
 f1 <- sqrt(3*z0^2/(4*n*(UL1 - LL1)^2))
 f3 <- sqrt(3*z0^2/(4*n*(UL2 - LL2)^2))
 D <- Q3 - Q1
 S <- Q3 + Q1
 v1 <- 1/(16*n)
 v2 <- (3/f1^2 + 3/f3^2 - 2/(f1*f3))/D^2
 v3 <- (3/f1^2 + 3/f3^2 + 2/(f1*f3))/S^2
 v4 <- (3/f3^2 - 3/f1^2)/(D*S)
 se <- sqrt(v1*(v2 + v3 - 2*v4))
 ll <- exp(c*log(est) - z*se)
 ul <- exp(c*log(est) + z*se)
 out <- t(c(est, est*se, ll, ul))
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "SE", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  ci.median1 =================================================================
#' Confidence interval for a single median 
#' @description
#' Computes a confidence interval for a single population median.
#' @param  alpha   alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  y       vector of scores
#' @return 
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimated median
#' * SE - standard error
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Snedecor1980}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' y <- c(30, 20, 15, 10, 10, 60, 20, 25, 20, 30, 10, 5, 50, 40,
#'        20, 10, 0, 20, 50)
#' ci.median1(.05, y)
#' # Should return:
#' # Estimate       SE LL UL
#' #       20 4.270922 10 30
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @importFrom stats pbinom
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @export
ci.median1 <- function(alpha, y) {
 n <- length(y)
 y <- sort(y)
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 median <- median(y)
 c1 <- round((n - z*sqrt(n))/2)
 if (c1 < 1) {c1 = 1}
 ll <- y[c1]
 ul <- y[n - c1 + 1]
 a <- round(n/2 - sqrt(n))
 if (a < 1) {a = 1}
 ll1 <- y[a]
 ul1 <- y[n - a + 1]
 p <- pbinom(a - 1, size = n, prob = .5)
 z0 <- qnorm(1 - p)
 se <- (ul1 - ll1)/(2*z0)
 out <- t(c(median, se, ll, ul))
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "SE", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  ci.median2 =================================================================
#' Confidence interval for a 2-group median difference
#' @description
#' Computes a confidence interval for a difference of population medians in
#' a 2-group design.
#' @param  alpha   alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  y1      vector of scores for group 1
#' @param  y2      vector of scores for group 2
#' @return 
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Median1 - estimated median from group 1
#' * Median2 - estimated median from group 2
#' * Median1-Median2 - estimated difference in medians
#' * SE - standard error of the difference
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Bonett2002}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' y1 <- c(32, 39, 26, 35, 43, 27, 40, 37, 34, 29)
#' y2 <- c(36, 44, 47, 42, 49, 39, 46, 31, 33, 48)
#' ci.median2(.05, y1, y2)
#' # Should return:
#' # Median1 Median2 Median1-Median2       SE        LL          UL
#' #    34.5      43            -8.5 4.316291 -16.95977 -0.04022524
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @importFrom stats pbinom
#' @export
ci.median2 <- function(alpha, y1, y2) {
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 n1 <- length(y1)
 y1 <- sort(y1)
 n2 <- length(y2)
 y2 <- sort(y2)
 median1 <- median(y1)
 median2 <- median(y2)
 a1 <- round(n1/2 - sqrt(n1))
 if (a1 < 1) {a1 = 1}
 l1 <- y1[a1]
 u1 <- y1[n1 - a1 + 1]
 p <- pbinom(a1 - 1, size = n1, prob = .5)
 z0 <- qnorm(1 - p)
 se1 <- (u1 - l1)/(2*z0)
 a2 <- round(n2/2 - sqrt(n2))
 if (a2 < 1) {a2 = 1}
 l2 <- y2[a2]
 u2 <- y2[n2 - a2 + 1]
 p <- pbinom(a2 - 1, size = n2, prob = .5)
 z0 <- qnorm(1 - p)
 se2 <- (u2 - l2)/(2*z0)
 diff <- median1 - median2
 se <- sqrt(se1^2 + se2^2)
 ll <- diff - z*se
 ul <- diff + z*se
 out <- t(c(median1, median2, diff, se, ll, ul))
 colnames(out) <- c("Median1", "Median2", "Median1-Median2", "SE", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  ci.ratio.median2 ==========================================================
#' Confidence interval for a 2-group median ratio
#' @description
#' Computes a confidence interval for a ratio of population medians of 
#' ratio-scale measurements in a 2-group design.
#' @param  alpha   alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  y1      vector of scores for group 1
#' @param  y2      vector of scores for group 2
#' @return
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Median1 - estimated median from group 1
#' * Median2 - estimated median from group 2
#' * Median1/Median2 - estimated ratio of medians
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Bonett2020b}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' y2 <- c(32, 39, 26, 35, 43, 27, 40, 37, 34, 29, 49, 42, 40)
#' y1 <- c(36, 44, 47, 42, 49, 39, 46, 31, 33, 48)
#' ci.ratio.median2(.05, y1, y2)
#' # Should return:
#' # Median1 Median2 Median1/Median2       LL       UL
#' #      43      37        1.162162 0.927667 1.455933
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @importFrom stats pbinom
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @export
ci.ratio.median2 <- function(alpha, y1, y2) {
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 n1 <- length(y1)
 y1 <- sort(y1)
 n2 <- length(y2)
 y2 <- sort(y2)
 median1 <- median(y1)
 median2 <- median(y2)
 a1 <- round(n1/2 - sqrt(n1))
 if (a1 < 1) {a1 = 1}
 l1 <- log(y1[a1])
 u1 <- log((y1[n1 - a1 + 1]))
 p <- pbinom(a1 - 1, size = n1, prob = .5)
 z0 <- qnorm(1 - p)
 se1 <- (u1 - l1)/(2*z0)
 a2 <- round(n2/2 - sqrt(n2))
 if (a2 < 1) {a2 = 1}
 l2 <- log(y2[a2])
 u2 <- log((y2[n2 - a2 + 1]))
 p <- pbinom(a2 - 1, size = n2, prob = .5)
 z0 <- qnorm(1 - p)
 se2 <- (u2 - l2)/(2*z0)
 se <- sqrt(se1^2 + se2^2)
 diff <- log(median1) - log(median2)
 ll <- exp(diff - z*se)
 ul <- exp(diff + z*se)
 out <- t(c(median1, median2, exp(diff), ll, ul))
 colnames(out) <- c("Median1", "Median2", "Median1/Median2", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  ci.lc.median.bs ===========================================================
#' Confidence interval for a linear contrast of medians in a between-subjects 
#' design
#' @description
#' Computes a confidence interval for a linear contrast of medians in a  
#' between-subjects design using estimated medians and their standard errors.
#' The sample median and standard error for each group can be computed using
#' the ci.median1 function.
#' @param  alpha   alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  m       vector of estimated group medians
#' @param  se      vector of group standard errors 
#' @param  v       vector of between-subjects contrast coefficients
#' @return 
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimated linear contrast of medians
#' * SE - standard error
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Bonett2002}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' m <- c(46.13, 29.19, 30.32, 49.15)
#' se <- c(6.361, 5.892, 4.887, 6.103)
#' v <- c(1, -1, -1, 1)
#' ci.lc.median.bs(.05, m, se, v)
#' # Should return:
#' # Estimate       SE       LL       UL
#' #    35.77 11.67507 12.88727 58.65273
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
ci.lc.median.bs <- function(alpha, m, se, v) {
 est <- t(v)%*%m
 se <- sqrt(t(v)%*%diag(se^2)%*%v)
 zcrit <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 ll <- est - zcrit*se
 ul <- est + zcrit*se
 out <- t(c(est, se, ll, ul))
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "SE", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  ci.median.ps ==============================================================
#' Confidence interval for a paired-samples median difference
#' @description
#' Computes a confidence interval for a difference of population medians in 
#' a paired-samples design. This function also computes the standard errors
#' for each median and the covariance between the two estimated medians.
#' @param  alpha   alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  y1      vector of scores for measurement 1
#' @param  y2      vector of scores for measurement 2 (paired with y1)
#' @return 
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Median1 - estimated median for measurement 1
#' * Median2 - estimated median for measurement 2
#' * Median1-Median2 - estimated difference of medians
#' * SE1 - standard error of median 1 
#' * SE2 - standard error of median 2 
#' * COV - covariance of the two estimated medians
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Bonett2020}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' y1 <- c(21, 4, 9, 12, 35, 18, 10, 22, 24, 1, 6, 8, 13, 16, 19)
#' y2 <- c(67, 28, 30, 28, 52, 40, 25, 37, 44, 10, 14, 20, 28, 40, 51)
#' ci.median.ps(.05, y1, y2)
#' # Should return:
#' # Median1 Median2 Median1-Median2       SE        LL        UL  
#' #      13      30             -17 3.362289 -23.58996 -10.41004 
#' #      SE1      SE2      COV
#' # 3.085608 4.509735 9.276849
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @importFrom stats pbinom
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @export
ci.median.ps <- function(alpha, y1, y2) {
 if (length(y1) != length(y2)) {stop("length of y1 must equal length of y2")}
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 n <- length(y1)
 median1 <- median(y1)
 median2 <- median(y2)
 a1 <- (y1 < median1)
 a2 <- (y2 < median2)
 a3 <- a1 + a2
 a4 <- sum(a3 == 2)
 a <- round(n/2 - sqrt(n))
 if (a < 1) {a = 1}
 p <- pbinom(a - 1, size = n, prob = .5)
 z0 <- qnorm(1 - p)
 y1 <- sort(y1)
 y2 <- sort(y2)
 L1 <- y1[a]
 U1 <- y1[n - a + 1]
 se1 <- (U1 - L1)/(2*z0)
 L2 <- y2[a]
 U2 <- y2[n - a + 1]
 se2 <- (U2 - L2)/(2*z0)
 if (n/2 == trunc(n/2)) {
   p00 <- (sum(a4) + .25)/(n + 1)
 } else {
   p00 <- (sum(a4) + .25)/n 
 cov <- (4*p00 - 1)*se1*se2
 diff <- median1 - median2
 se <- sqrt(se1^2 + se2^2 - 2*cov)
 ll <- diff - z*se
 ul <- diff + z*se
 out <- t(c(median1, median2, diff, se, ll, ul, se1, se2, cov))
 colnames(out) <- c("Median1", "Median2", "Median1-Median2", "SE", "LL", "UL", "SE1", "SE2", "COV")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  ci.ratio.median.ps ========================================================
#' Confidence interval for a paired-samples median ratio
#' @description
#' Computes a confidence interval for a ratio of population medians in a 
#' paired-samples design.
#' @param  alpha   alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  y1      vector of scores for measurement 1
#' @param  y2      vector of scores for measurement 2 (paired with y1)
#' @return 
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Median1 - estimated median from measurement 1
#' * Median2 - estimated median from measurement 2
#' * Median1/Median2 - estimated ratio of medians
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Bonett2020b}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' y1 <- c(21, 4, 9, 12, 35, 18, 10, 22, 24, 1, 6, 8, 13, 16, 19)
#' y2 <- c(67, 28, 30, 28, 52, 40, 25, 37, 44, 10, 14, 20, 28, 40, 51)
#' ci.ratio.median.ps(.05, y1, y2)
#' # Should return:
#' # Median1  Median2   Median1/Median2        LL        UL
#' #      13       30         0.4333333 0.3094838 0.6067451
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @importFrom stats pbinom
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @export
ci.ratio.median.ps <- function(alpha, y1, y2) {
 if (length(y1) != length(y2)) {stop("length of y1 must equal length of y2")}
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 n <- length(y1)
 med1 <- median(y1)
 med2 <- median(y2)
 a1 <- (y1 < med1)
 a2 <- (y2 < med2)
 a3 <- a1 + a2
 f00 <- sum(a3 == 2)
 if (n/2 == trunc(n/2)) {
   p00 <- (f00 + .25)/(n + 1)
 } else {
   p00 <- (f00 + .25)/n 
 o1 <- round(n/2 - sqrt(n))
 if (o1 < 1) {o1 = 1}
 o2 <- n - o1 + 1
 p <- pbinom(o1 - 1, size = n, prob = .5)
 z0 <- qnorm(1 - p)
 y1 <- sort(y1)
 y2 <- sort(y2)
 l1 <- log(y1[o1])
 u1 <- log(y1[o2])
 se1 <- (u1 - l1)/(2*z0)
 l2 <- log(y2[o1])
 u2 <- log(y2[o2])
 se2 <- (u2 - l2)/(2*z0)
 cov <- (4*p00 - 1)*se1*se2
 logratio <- log(med1/med2)
 se <- sqrt(se1^2 + se2^2 - 2*cov)
 ll <- exp(logratio - z*se)
 ul <- exp(logratio + z*se)
 out <- t(c(med1, med2, exp(logratio), ll, ul))
 colnames(out) <- c("Median1", "Median2", "Median1/Median2", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  ci.sign1 ================================================================== 
#' Confidence interval for the parameter of the one-sample sign test
#' @description
#' Computes adjusted Wald interval for the population proportion of 
#' quantitative scores that are greater than the null hypothesis value
#' of the population median in a one-sample sign test.
#' @param   alpha   alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param   y       vector of y scores
#' @param   h       null hypothesis value for population median
#' @return
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - adjusted estimate of proportion
#' * SE - adjusted standard error
#' * LL - lower limit of adjusted Wald confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of adjusted Wald confidence interval
#' @references
#' Agresti, A, & Coull, BA (1998) Approximate is better than “exact” for 
#' interval estimation of binomial proportions. American Statistician, 52,
#' 119–126. doi: 10.1080/00031305.1998.10480550
#' @examples
#' y <- c(30, 20, 15, 10, 10, 60, 20, 25, 20, 30, 10, 5, 50, 40, 20, 10,
#'         0, 20, 50)
#' ci.sign1(.05, y, 9)
#' # Should return:
#' # Estimate        SE        LL        UL
#' # 0.826087 0.0790342 0.6711828 0.9809911
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
ci.sign1 <- function(alpha, y, h) {
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 f <- sum(as.integer(y > h))
 n <- length(y)
 p.mle <- f/n
 se.mle <- sqrt(p.mle*(1 - p.mle)/n)
 p.adj <- (f + 2)/(n + 4)
 se.adj <- sqrt(p.adj*(1 - p.adj)/(n + 4))
 LL.adj <- p.adj - z*se.adj
 UL.adj <- p.adj + z*se.adj
 if (LL.adj < 0) {LL.adj = 0}
 if (UL.adj > 1) {UL.adj = 1}
 out <- t(c(p.adj, se.adj, LL.adj, UL.adj))
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "SE", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  ci.mann ====================================================================
#' Confidence interval for a Mann-Whitney parameter
#' @description
#' Computes a distribution-free confidence interval for the Mann-Whitney 
#' parameter (a "common language effect size"). In a 2-group experiment, this
#' parameter is the proportion of members in the population with scores that 
#' would be higher under treatment 1 than treatment 2. In a 2-group 
#' nonexperiment where participants are sampled from two subpopulations of 
#' sizes N1 and N2, the parameter is the proportion of all N1 x N2 pairs in 
#' which a member from subpopulation 1 has a larger score than a member from 
#' subpopulation 2.
#' @param  alpha   alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  y1      vector of scores for group 1
#' @param  y2      vector of scores for group 2
#' @return 
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimated proportion
#' * SE - standard error
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Sen1967}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' y2 <- c(36, 44, 47, 42, 49, 39, 46, 31, 33, 48)
#' y1 <- c(32, 39, 26, 35, 43, 27, 40, 37, 34, 29)
#' ci.mann(.05, y1, y2)
#' # Should return:
#' # Estimate        SE        LL UL
#' #    0.795 0.1401834 0.5202456  1
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
ci.mann <- function(alpha, y1, y2){
 z <- qnorm(1 - .05/2)
 y <- c(y1,y2)
 n1 <- length(y1)
 n2 <- length(y2)
 n <- n1 + n2
 r <- rank(y)
 r1 <- r[1:n1]
 r2 <- r[(n1 + 1):n]
 m1 <- mean(r1)
 m2 <- mean(r2)
 seq1 <- seq(1,n1,1)
 seq2 <- seq(1,n2,1)
 a1 <- sum((r1 - seq1)^2)
 a2 <- sum((r2 - seq2)^2)
 v1 <- (a1 - n1*(m1 - (n1 + 1)/2)^2)/((n1 - 1)*n^2)
 v2 <- (a2 - n2*(m2 - (n2 + 1)/2)^2)/((n2 - 1)*n^2)
 u <- sum(r1) - n1*(n1 + 1)/2
 est <- u/(n1*n2)
 se <- sqrt((n2*v1 + n1*v2)/(n1*n2))
 ll <- est - z*se
 ul <- est + z*se
 if (ul > 1) {ul = 1}
 if (ll < 0) {ll = 0}
 out <- t(c(est, se, ll, ul))
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "SE",  "LL", "UL")	
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  ci.random.anova1 ===========================================================
#' Confidence intervals for parameters of one-way random effects ANOVA
#' @description
#' Computes estimates and confidence intervals for four parameters of the
#' one-way random effects ANOVA: 1) the superpopulation grand mean, 2) the 
#' square-root within-group variance component, 3) the square-root 
#' between-group variance component, and 4) the omega-squared coefficient. 
#' This function assumes equal sample sizes.
#' @param   alpha  1 - alpha confidence 
#' @param   m      vector of estimated group means 
#' @param   sd     vector of estimated group standard deviations 
#' @param   n      sample size per group
#' @return 
#' Returns a 4-row matrix. The rows are:
#' * Grand mean - the mean of the superpopulation of means
#' * Within SD - the square-root within-group variance component
#' * Between SD - the square-root between-group variance component
#' * Omega-squared - the omega-squared coefficient
#' The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimate of parameter
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @examples
#' m <- c(56.1, 51.2, 60.3, 68.2, 48.9, 70.5)
#' sd <- c(9.45, 8.79, 9.71, 8.90, 8.31, 9.75)
#' ci.random.anova1(.05, m, sd, 20)
#' # Should return:
#' #                 Estimate         LL         UL
#' # Grand mean     59.200000 49.9363896 68.4636104
#' # Within SD:      9.166782  8.0509046 10.4373219
#' # Between SD:     8.585948  8.3239359  8.8562078
#' # Omega-squared:  0.467317  0.2284142  0.8480383
#' @importFrom stats qf
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @importFrom stats qt
#' @export
ci.random.anova1 <- function(alpha, m, sd, n) {
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 a <- length(m)
 t <- qt(1 - alpha/2, a - 1)
 nt <- n*a
 dfe <- nt - a
 dfb <- a - 1
 v <- sd^2
 grandmean <- sum(n*m)/nt
 SSe <- sum((n - 1)*v)
 MSe <- SSe/dfe
 SSb <- sum(n*(m - grandmean)^2)
 MSb <- SSb/dfb
 F <- MSb/MSe
 varb <- (MSb - MSe)/n
 osqr <- (MSb - MSe)/(MSb + (n - 1)*MSe)
 se.mean <- sqrt(MSb/(a*n))
 se.vare <- sqrt(2*MSe^2/((dfb + 1)*(n - 1)))
 se.varb <- sqrt(2*(MSe^2/((dfb + 1)*(n - 1)) + MSb^2/dfb)/n^2)
 LL.m <- grandmean - t*se.mean
 UL.m <- grandmean + t*se.mean
 LL.e <- sqrt(exp(log(MSe) - z*se.vare/MSe))
 UL.e <- sqrt(exp(log(MSe) + z*se.vare/MSe))
 LL.b <- sqrt(exp(log(varb) - z*se.varb/MSb))
 UL.b <- sqrt(exp(log(varb) + z*se.varb/MSb))
 F1 <- qf(1 - alpha/2, dfb, dfe)
 F2 <- qf(alpha/2, dfb, dfe)
 LL.o <- (F/F1 - 1)/(n + F/F1 - 1)
 UL.o <- (F/F2 - 1)/(n + F/F2 - 1)
 out1 <- t(c(grandmean, LL.m, UL.m))
 out2 <- t(c(sqrt(MSe), LL.e, UL.e))
 out3 <- t(c(sqrt(varb), LL.b, UL.b))
 out4 <- t(c(osqr, LL.o, UL.o))
 out <- rbind(out1, out2, out3, out4)
 rownames(out) <- c("Grand mean", "Within SD:", "Between SD:", "Omega-squared:")
 colnames(out) = c("Estimate", "LL", "UL")

#  ci.cronbach ===============================================================
#' Confidence interval for a Cronbach reliability
#' @description
#' Computes a confidence interval for a population Cronbach reliability. 
#' The point estimate of Cronbach's reliability assumes essentially 
#' tau-equivalent measurements and this confidence interval assumes parallel
#' measurements. 
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  rel    estimated Cronbach's reliability  
#' @param  r      number of measurements (items, raters, etc.)
#' @param  n	  sample size
#' @return 
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Feldt1965}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' ci.cronbach(.05, .85, 7, 89)
#' # Should return:
#' # Estimate          SE        LL        UL
#' #     0.85  0.02456518 0.7971254 0.8931436   
#' @importFrom stats qf
#' @export
ci.cronbach <- function(alpha, rel, r, n) {
 if (rel > .999 || rel < .001) {stop("reliability must be between .001 and .999")}
 se <- sqrt((2*r*(1 - rel)^2)/((r - 1)*(n - 2)))
 df1 <- n - 1
 df2 <- n*(r - 1)
 f1 <- qf(1 - alpha/2, df1, df2)
 f2 <- qf(1 - alpha/2, df2, df1)
 f0 <- 1/(1 - rel)
 ll <- 1 - f1/f0
 ul <- 1 - 1/(f0*f2)
 out <- t(c(rel, se, ll, ul))
 colnames(out) = c("Estimate", "SE", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  ci.reliablity =============================================================
#' Confidence interval for a reliability coefficient
#' @description
#' Computes a confidence interval for a population reliability coefficient
#' such as Cronbach's alpha or McDonald's omega using an estimate of the
#' reliablity and its standard error. The standard error can be a robust
#' standard error or bootstrap standard error obtained from an SEM program.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  rel    estimated reliability  
#' @param  se     standard error of reliability
#' @param  n	  sample size
#' @return 
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @examples
#' ci.reliability(.05, .88, .0147, 100)
#' # Should return:
#' # Estimate         LL        UL
#' #     0.88  0.8489612 0.9065575
#' @importFrom stats qf
#' @export
ci.reliability <- function(alpha, rel, se, n) {
 if (rel > .999 || rel < .001) {stop("reliability must be between .001 and .999")}
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 b <- log(n/(n - 1))
 ll <- 1 - exp(log(1 - rel) - b + z*sqrt(se^2/(1 - rel)^2))
 ul <- 1 - exp(log(1 - rel) - b - z*sqrt(se^2/(1 - rel)^2))
 out <- t(c(rel, ll, ul))
 colnames(out) = c("Estimate", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  ci.etasqr ================================================================= 
#' Confidence interval for eta-squared
#' @description
#' Computes a confidence interval for a population eta-squared, partial 
#' eta-squared, or generalized eta-squared in a fixed-factor between-subjects 
#' design. An approximate bias adjusted estimate is computed, and an
#' approximate standard error is recovered from the confidence interval.
#' @param  alpha    alpha value for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  etasqr   estimated eta-squared
#' @param  df1      degrees of freedom for effect
#' @param  df2      error degrees of freedom
#' @return 
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Eta-squared - eta-squared (from input)
#' * adj Eta-squared - bias adjusted eta-squared estimate
#' * SE - recovered standard error
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @examples
#' ci.etasqr(.05, .241, 3, 116)
#' # Should return:
#' # Eta-squared  adj Eta-squared         SE        LL        UL
#' #       0.241        0.2213707 0.06258283 0.1040229 0.3493431
#' @importFrom stats pf
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
ci.etasqr <- function(alpha, etasqr, df1, df2) {
 if (etasqr > .999 || etasqr < .001) {stop("eta-squared must be between .001 and .999")}
 alpha1 <- alpha/2
 alpha2 <- 1 - alpha1
 z0 <- qnorm(1 - alpha1)
 z <- qnorm(alpha2)
 F <- (etasqr/(1 - etasqr))*(df2/df1)
 adj <- 1 - (df2 + df1)*(1 - etasqr)/df2
 if (adj < 0) {adj = 0}
 ul0 <- 1 - exp(log(1 - etasqr) - z*sqrt(4*etasqr/(df2 - 1)))
 du <- ul0*(df1 + df2 + 1)/(1 - ul0)
 nc <- seq(0, du, by  = .001)
 p <- pf(F, df1, df2, nc)
 k1 <- which(min(abs(p - alpha2)) == abs(p - alpha2))[[1]]
 dl <- nc[k1]
 ll <- dl/(dl + df1 + df2 + 1)
 k2 <- which(min(abs(p - alpha1)) == abs(p - alpha1))[[1]]
 du <- nc[k2]
 ul <- du/(du + df1 + df2 + 1)
 if (ul == 0) {ul = ul0}
 se <- (ul - ll)/(2*z0)
 out <- t(c(etasqr, adj, se, ll, ul))
 colnames(out) <- c("Eta-squared", "adj Eta-squared", "SE", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

# ci.2x2.mean.mixed ===========================================================
#' Computes tests and confidence intervals of effects in a 2x2 mixed design 
#' for means
#' @description
#' Computes confidence intervals and tests for the AB interaction effect, 
#' main effect of A, main efect of B, simple main effects of A, and simple main
#' effects of B in a 2x2 mixed factorial design with a quantitative response
#' variable where Factor A is a within-subjects factor, and Factor B is a 
#' between-subjects factor. A Satterthwaite adjustment to the degrees of 
#' freedom is used and equality of population variances is not assumed.
#' @param   alpha   alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param   y11     vector of scores at level 1 of A and level 1 of B
#' @param   y12     vector of scores at level 1 of A and level 2 of B
#' @param   y21     vector of scores at level 2 of A and level 1 of B
#' @param   y22     vector of scores at level 2 of A and level 2 of B
#' @return
#' Returns a 7-row matrix (one row per effect). The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimate of effect
#' * SE - standard error 
#' * t - t test statistic 
#' * df - degrees of freedom
#' * p - p-value 
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @examples
#' y11 <- c(18, 19, 20, 17, 20, 16)
#' y12 <- c(19, 18, 19, 20, 17, 16)
#' y21 <- c(19, 16, 16, 14, 16, 18)
#' y22 <- c(16, 10, 12,  9, 13, 15)
#' ci.2x2.mean.mixed(.05, y11, y12, y21, y22)
#' # Should return:
#' #            Estimate        SE         t       df            p         LL        UL
#' # AB:      -3.8333333 0.9803627 -3.910117 8.346534 0.0041247610 -6.0778198 -1.588847
#' # A:        2.0833333 0.4901814  4.250128 8.346534 0.0025414549  0.9610901  3.205577
#' # B:        3.7500000 1.0226599  3.666908 7.601289 0.0069250119  1.3700362  6.129964
#' # A at b1:  0.1666667 0.8333333  0.200000 5.000000 0.8493605140 -1.9754849  2.308818
#' # A at b2:  4.0000000 0.5163978  7.745967 5.000000 0.0005732451  2.6725572  5.327443
#' # B at a1:  1.8333333 0.9803627  1.870056 9.943850 0.0911668588 -0.3527241  4.019391
#' # B at a2:  5.6666667 1.2692955  4.464419 7.666363 0.0023323966  2.7173445  8.615989
#' @importFrom stats qt
#' @importFrom stats pt
#' @export
ci.2x2.mean.mixed <- function(alpha, y11, y12, y21, y22) {
 if (length(y11) != length(y12)) {stop("length of y11 must equal length of y12")}
 if (length(y21) != length(y22)) {stop("length of y21 must equal length of y22")}
 n1 <- length(y11)
 n2 <- length(y21)
 diff1 <- y11 - y12
 diff2 <- y21 - y22
 ave1 <- (y11 + y12)/2
 ave2 <- (y21 + y22)/2
 vd1 <- var(diff1)
 vd2 <- var(diff2)
 va1 <- var(ave1)
 va2 <- var(ave2)
 est1 <- mean(diff1) - mean(diff2)
 se1 <- sqrt(vd1/n1 + vd2/n2)
 df1 <- (se1^4)/(vd1^2/(n1^3 - n1^2) + vd2^2/(n2^3 - n2^2))
 tcrit1 <- qt(1 - alpha/2, df1)
 t1 <- est1/se1
 p1 <- 2*(1 - pt(abs(t1), df1))
 LL1 <- est1 - tcrit1*se1
 UL1 <- est1 + tcrit1*se1
 row1 <- c(est1, se1, t1, df1, p1, LL1, UL1)
 est2 <- (mean(diff1) + mean(diff2))/2
 se2 <- sqrt(vd1/n1 + vd2/n2)/2
 df2 <- (se2^4)/(vd1^2/((n1^3 - n1^2)*16) + vd2^2/((n2^3 - n2^2)*16))
 tcrit2 <- qt(1 - alpha/2, df2)
 t2 <- est2/se2
 p2 <- 2*(1 - pt(abs(t2), df2))
 LL2 <- est2 - tcrit2*se2
 UL2 <- est2 + tcrit2*se2
 row2 <- c(est2, se2, t2, df2, p2, LL2, UL2)
 est3 <- mean(ave1) - mean(ave2)
 se3 <- sqrt(va1/n1 + va2/n2)
 df3 <- (se3^4)/(va1^2/(n1^3 - n1^2) + va2^2/(n2^3 - n2^2))
 tcrit3 <- qt(1 - alpha/2, df3)
 t3 <- est3/se3
 p3 <- 2*(1 - pt(abs(t3), df3))
 LL3 <- est3 - tcrit3*se3
 UL3 <- est3 + tcrit3*se3
 row3 <- c(est3, se3, t3, df3, p3, LL3, UL3)
 est4 <- mean(diff1)
 se4 <- sqrt(vd1/n1)
 df4 <- n1 - 1
 tcrit4 <- qt(1 - alpha/2, df4)
 t4 <- est4/se4
 p4 <- 2*(1 - pt(abs(t4), df4))
 LL4 <- est4 - tcrit4*se4
 UL4 <- est4 + tcrit4*se4
 row4 <- c(est4, se4, t4, df4, p4, LL4, UL4)
 est5 <- mean(diff2)
 se5 <- sqrt(vd2/n2)
 df5 <- n2 - 1
 tcrit5 <- qt(1 - alpha/2, df5)
 t5 <- est5/se5
 p5 <- 2*(1 - pt(abs(t5), df5))
 LL5 <- est5 - tcrit5*se5
 UL5 <- est5 + tcrit5*se5
 row5 <- c(est5, se5, t5, df5, p5, LL5, UL5)
 est6 <- mean(y11) - mean(y21)
 se6 <- sqrt(var(y11)/n1 + var(y21)/n2)
 df6 <- (se6^4)/(var(y11)^2/(n1^3 - n1^2) + var(y21)^2/(n2^3 - n2^2))
 tcrit6 <- qt(1 - alpha/2, df6)
 t6 <- est6/se6
 p6 <- 2*(1 - pt(abs(t6), df6))
 LL6 <- est6 - tcrit6*se6
 UL6 <- est6 + tcrit6*se6
 row6 <- c(est6, se6, t6, df6, p6, LL6, UL6)
 est7 <- mean(y12) - mean(y22)
 se7 <- sqrt(var(y12)/n1 + var(y22)/n2)
 df7 <- (se7^4)/(var(y12)^2/(n1^3 - n1^2) + var(y22)^2/(n2^3 - n2^2))
 tcrit7 <- qt(1 - alpha/2, df7)
 t7 <- est7/se7
 p7 <- 2*(1 - pt(abs(t7), df7))
 LL7 <- est7 - tcrit7*se7
 UL7 <- est7 + tcrit7*se7
 row7 <- c(est7, se7, t7, df7, p7, LL7, UL7)
 out <- rbind(row1, row2, row3, row4, row5, row6, row7)
 rownames(out) <- c("AB:", "A:", "B:", "A at b1:", "A at b2:", "B at a1:", "B at a2:")
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "SE", "t", "df", "p", "LL", "UL")

# ci.2x2.mean.ws =============================================================
#' Computes tests and confidence intervals of effects in a 2x2 within-subjects 
#' design for means
#' @description
#' Computes confidence intervals and tests for the AB interaction effect, 
#' main effect of A, main efect of B, simple main effects of A, and simple main
#' effects of B in a 2x2 within-subjects design with a quantitative response
#' variable. 
#' @param   alpha   alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param   y11     vector of scores at level 1 of A and level 1 of B
#' @param   y12     vector of scores at level 1 of A and level 2 of B
#' @param   y21     vector of scores at level 2 of A and level 1 of B
#' @param   y22     vector of scores at level 2 of A and level 2 of B
#' @return
#' Returns a 7-row matrix (one row per effect). The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimate of effect
#' * SE - standard error 
#' * t - t test statistic 
#' * df - degrees of freedom
#' * p - p-value 
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @examples
#' y11 <- c(1,2,3,4,5,7,7)
#' y12 <- c(1,0,2,4,3,8,7)
#' y21 <- c(4,5,6,7,8,9,8)
#' y22 <- c(5,6,8,7,8,9,9)
#' ci.2x2.mean.ws(.05, y11, y12, y21, y22)
#' # Should return:
#' #             Estimate        SE          t df            p          LL          UL
#' # AB:       1.28571429 0.5654449  2.2738102  6 0.0633355395 -0.09787945  2.66930802
#' # A:       -3.21428571 0.4862042 -6.6109784  6 0.0005765210 -4.40398462 -2.02458681
#' # B:       -0.07142857 0.2296107 -0.3110855  6 0.7662600658 -0.63326579  0.49040865
#' # A at b1: -2.57142857 0.2973809 -8.6469203  6 0.0001318413 -3.29909331 -1.84376383
#' # A at b2: -3.85714286 0.7377111 -5.2285275  6 0.0019599725 -5.66225692 -2.05202879
#' # B at a1:  0.57142857 0.4285714  1.3333333  6 0.2308094088 -0.47724794  1.62010508
#' # B at a2: -0.71428571 0.2857143 -2.5000000  6 0.0465282323 -1.41340339 -0.01516804
#' @importFrom stats qt
#' @importFrom stats pt
#' @export
ci.2x2.mean.ws <- function(alpha, y11, y12, y21, y22) {
 if (length(y11) != length(y12)) {stop("all score vectors must have same length")}
 if (length(y11) != length(y21)) {stop("all score vectors must have same length")}
 if (length(y11) != length(y22)) {stop("all score vectors must have same length")}
 n <- length(y11)
 df <- n - 1
 t <- qt(1 - alpha/2, df)
 q1 <- c(1, -1, -1, 1)
 q2 <- c(.5, .5, -.5, -.5)
 q3 <- c(.5, -.5, .5, -.5)
 q4 <- c(1, 0, -1, 0)
 q5 <- c(0, 1, 0, -1)
 q6 <- c(1, -1, 0, 0)
 q7 <- c(0, 0, 1, -1)
 y <- cbind(y11, y12, y21, y22)
 est1 <- mean(q1%*%t(y))
 se1 <- sqrt(var(matrix(q1%*%t(y)))/n)
 t1 <- est1/se1
 p1 <- 2*(1 - pt(abs(t1), df))
 LL1 <- est1 - t*se1
 UL1 <- est1 + t*se1
 row1 <- c(est1, se1, t1, df, p1, LL1, UL1)
 est2 <- mean(q2%*%t(y))
 se2 <- sqrt(var(matrix(q2%*%t(y)))/n)
 t2 <- est2/se2
 p2 <- 2*(1 - pt(abs(t2), df))
 LL2 <- est2 - t*se2
 UL2 <- est2 + t*se2
 row2 <- c(est2, se2, t2, df, p2, LL2, UL2)
 est3 <- mean(q3%*%t(y))
 se3 <- sqrt(var(matrix(q3%*%t(y)))/n)
 t3 <- est3/se3
 p3 <- 2*(1 - pt(abs(t3), df))
 LL3 <- est3 - t*se3
 UL3 <- est3 + t*se3
 row3 <- c(est3, se3, t3, df, p3, LL3, UL3)
 est4 <- mean(q4%*%t(y))
 se4 <- sqrt(var(matrix(q4%*%t(y)))/n)
 t4 <- est4/se4
 p4 <- 2*(1 - pt(abs(t4), df))
 LL4 <- est4 - t*se4
 UL4 <- est4 + t*se4
 row4 <- c(est4, se4, t4, df, p4, LL4, UL4)
 est5 <- mean(q5%*%t(y))
 se5 <- sqrt(var(matrix(q5%*%t(y)))/n)
 t5 <- est5/se5
 p5 <- 2*(1 - pt(abs(t5), df))
 LL5 <- est5 - t*se5
 UL5 <- est5 + t*se5
 row5 <- c(est5, se5, t5, df, p5, LL5, UL5)
 est6 <- mean(q6%*%t(y))
 se6 <- sqrt(var(matrix(q6%*%t(y)))/n)
 t6 <- est6/se6
 p6 <- 2*(1 - pt(abs(t6), df))
 LL6 <- est6 - t*se6
 UL6 <- est6 + t*se6
 row6 <- c(est6, se6, t6, df, p6, LL6, UL6)
 est7 <- mean(q7%*%t(y))
 se7 <- sqrt(var(matrix(q7%*%t(y)))/n)
 t7 <- est7/se7
 p7 <- 2*(1 - pt(abs(t7), df))
 LL7 <- est7 - t*se7
 UL7 <- est7 + t*se7
 row7 <- c(est7, se7, t7, df, p7, LL7, UL7)
 out <- rbind(row1, row2, row3, row4, row5, row6, row7)
 rownames(out) <- c("AB:", "A:", "B:", "A at b1:", "A at b2:", "B at a1:", "B at a2:")
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "SE", "t", "df", "p", "LL", "UL")

# ci.2x2.mean.bs =============================================================
#' Computes tests and confidence intervals of effects in a 2x2 between-subjects 
#' design for means
#' @description
#' Computes confidence intervals and tests for the AB interaction effect, 
#' main effect of A, main efect of B, simple main effects of A, and simple main
#' effects of B in a 2x2 between-subjects design with a quantitative response
#' variable. A Satterthwaite adjustment to the degrees of freedom is used and 
#' equality of population variances is not assumed.
#' @param   alpha   alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param   y11     vector of scores at level 1 of A and level 1 of B
#' @param   y12     vector of scores at level 1 of A and level 2 of B
#' @param   y21     vector of scores at level 2 of A and level 1 of B
#' @param   y22     vector of scores at level 2 of A and level 2 of B
#' @return
#' Returns a 7-row matrix (one row per effect). The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimate of effect
#' * SE - standard error 
#' * t - t test statistic 
#' * df - degrees of freedom
#' * p - p-value 
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @examples
#' y11 <- c(14, 15, 11, 7, 16, 12, 15, 16, 10, 9)
#' y12 <- c(18, 24, 14, 18, 22, 21, 16, 17, 14, 13)
#' y21 <- c(16, 11, 10, 17, 13, 18, 12, 16, 6, 15)
#' y22 <- c(18, 17, 11, 9, 9, 13, 18, 15, 14, 11)
#' ci.2x2.mean.bs(.05, y11, y12, y21, y22)
#' # Should return:
#' #          Estimate       SE           t       df           p         LL         UL
#' # AB:         -5.10 2.224860 -2.29227953 35.47894 0.027931810 -9.6145264 -0.5854736
#' # A:           1.65 1.112430  1.48323970 35.47894 0.146840430 -0.6072632  3.9072632
#' # B:          -2.65 1.112430 -2.38217285 35.47894 0.022698654 -4.9072632 -0.3927368
#' # A at b1:    -0.90 1.545244 -0.58243244 17.56296 0.567678242 -4.1522367  2.3522367
#' # A at b2:     4.20 1.600694  2.62386142 17.93761 0.017246053  0.8362274  7.5637726
#' # B at a1:    -5.20 1.536952 -3.38331916 17.61093 0.003393857 -8.4341379 -1.9658621
#' # B at a2:    -0.10 1.608657 -0.06216365 17.91650 0.951120753 -3.4807927  3.2807927
#' @importFrom stats qt
#' @importFrom stats pt
#' @export
ci.2x2.mean.bs <- function(alpha, y11, y12, y21, y22) {
 n11 <- length(y11)
 n12 <- length(y12)
 n21 <- length(y21)
 n22 <- length(y22)
 v1 <- c(1, -1, -1, 1)
 v2 <- c(.5, .5, -.5, -.5)
 v3 <- c(.5, -.5, .5, -.5)
 v4 <- c(1, 0, -1, 0)
 v5 <- c(0, 1, 0, -1)
 v6 <- c(1, -1, 0, 0)
 v7 <- c(0, 0, 1, -1)
 m11 <- mean(y11)
 m12 <- mean(y12)
 m21 <- mean(y21)
 m22 <- mean(y22)
 sd11 <- sd(y11)
 sd12 <- sd(y12)
 sd21 <- sd(y21)
 sd22 <- sd(y22)
 m <- c(m11, m12, m21, m22)
 sd <- c(sd11, sd12, sd21, sd22) 
 n <- c(n11, n12, n21, n22)
 var <- diag(sd^2)%*%(solve(diag(n)))
 est1 <- t(v1)%*%m 
 se1 <- sqrt(t(v1)%*%var%*%v1)
 t1 <- est1/se1
 df1 <- (se1^4)/sum(((v1^4)*(sd^4)/(n^2*(n - 1))))
 tcrit1 <- qt(1 - alpha/2, df1)
 p1 <- 2*(1 - pt(abs(t1), df1))
 LL1 <- est1 - tcrit1*se1
 UL1 <- est1 + tcrit1*se1
 row1 <- c(est1, se1, t1, df1, p1, LL1, UL1)
 est2 <- t(v2)%*%m 
 se2 <- sqrt(t(v2)%*%var%*%v2)
 t2 <- est2/se2
 df2 <- (se2^4)/sum(((v2^4)*(sd^4)/(n^2*(n - 1))))
 tcrit2 <- qt(1 - alpha/2, df2)
 p2 <- 2*(1 - pt(abs(t2), df2))
 LL2 <- est2 - tcrit2*se2
 UL2 <- est2 + tcrit2*se2
 row2 <- c(est2, se2, t2, df2, p2, LL2, UL2)
 est3 <- t(v3)%*%m 
 se3 <- sqrt(t(v3)%*%var%*%v3)
 t3 <- est3/se3
 df3 <- (se3^4)/sum(((v3^4)*(sd^4)/(n^2*(n - 1))))
 tcrit3 <- qt(1 - alpha/2, df3)
 p3 <- 2*(1 - pt(abs(t3), df3))
 LL3 <- est3 - tcrit3*se3
 UL3 <- est3 + tcrit3*se3
 row3 <- c(est3, se3, t3, df3, p3, LL3, UL3)
 est4 <- t(v4)%*%m 
 se4 <- sqrt(t(v4)%*%var%*%v4)
 t4 <- est4/se4
 df4 <- (se4^4)/sum(((v4^4)*(sd^4)/(n^2*(n - 1))))
 tcrit4 <- qt(1 - alpha/2, df4)
 p4 <- 2*(1 - pt(abs(t4), df4))
 LL4 <- est4 - tcrit4*se4
 UL4 <- est4 + tcrit4*se4
 row4 <- c(est4, se4, t4, df4, p4, LL4, UL4)
 est5 <- t(v5)%*%m 
 se5 <- sqrt(t(v5)%*%var%*%v5)
 t5 <- est5/se5
 df5 <- (se5^4)/sum(((v5^4)*(sd^4)/(n^2*(n - 1))))
 tcrit5 <- qt(1 - alpha/2, df5)
 p5 <- 2*(1 - pt(abs(t5), df5))
 LL5 <- est5 - tcrit5*se5
 UL5 <- est5 + tcrit5*se5
 row5 <- c(est5, se5, t5, df5, p5, LL5, UL5)
 est6 <- t(v6)%*%m 
 se6 <- sqrt(t(v6)%*%var%*%v6)
 t6 <- est6/se6
 df6 <- (se6^4)/sum(((v6^4)*(sd^4)/(n^2*(n - 1))))
 tcrit6 <- qt(1 - alpha/2, df6)
 p6 <- 2*(1 - pt(abs(t6), df6))
 LL6 <- est6 - tcrit6*se6
 UL6 <- est6 + tcrit6*se6
 row6 <- c(est6, se6, t6, df6, p6, LL6, UL6)
 est7 <- t(v7)%*%m 
 se7 <- sqrt(t(v7)%*%var%*%v7)
 t7 <- est7/se7
 df7 <- (se7^4)/sum(((v7^4)*(sd^4)/(n^2*(n - 1))))
 tcrit7 <- qt(1 - alpha/2, df7)
 p7 <- 2*(1 - pt(abs(t7), df7))
 LL7 <- est7 - tcrit7*se7
 UL7 <- est7 + tcrit7*se7
 row7 <- c(est7, se7, t7, df7, p7, LL7, UL7)
 out <- rbind(row1, row2, row3, row4, row5, row6, row7)
 rownames(out) <- c("AB:", "A:", "B:", "A at b1:", "A at b2:", "B at a1:", "B at a2:")
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "SE", "t", "df", "p", "LL", "UL")

# ci.2x2.stdmean.bs ============================================================
#' Computes confidence intervals of standardized effects in a 2x2 
#' between-subjects design for means 
#' @description
#' Computes confidence intervals for standardized linear constrasts of means
#' (AB interaction, main effect of A, main efect of B, simple main effects
#' of A, and simple main effects of B) in a 2x2 between-subjects design with  
#' a quantitative response variable. Equality of population variances is not 
#' assumed. An unweigthed variance standardizer is used, which is the 
#' recommended standarizer when both factors are treatment factors.
#' @param   alpha   alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param   y11     vector of scores at level 1 of A and level 1 of B
#' @param   y12     vector of scores at level 1 of A and level 2 of B
#' @param   y21     vector of scores at level 2 of A and level 1 of B
#' @param   y22     vector of scores at level 2 of A and level 2 of B
#' @return
#' Returns a 7-row matrix (one row per effect). The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimate of standardized effect
#' * adj Estimate - bias adjusted estimate of standardized effect
#' * SE - standard error 
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @examples
#' y11 <- c(14, 15, 11, 7, 16, 12, 15, 16, 10, 9)
#' y12 <- c(18, 24, 14, 18, 22, 21, 16, 17, 14, 13)
#' y21 <- c(16, 11, 10, 17, 13, 18, 12, 16, 6, 15)
#' y22 <- c(18, 17, 11, 9, 9, 13, 18, 15, 14, 11)
#' ci.2x2.stdmean.bs(.05, y11, y12, y21, y22)
#' # Should return:
#' #             Estimate  adj Estimate        SE         LL         UL
#' # AB:      -1.44976487    -1.4193502 0.6885238 -2.7992468 -0.1002829
#' # A:        0.46904158     0.4592015 0.3379520 -0.1933321  1.1314153
#' # B:       -0.75330920    -0.7375055 0.3451209 -1.4297338 -0.0768846
#' # A at b1: -0.25584086    -0.2504736 0.4640186 -1.1653006  0.6536189
#' # A at b2:  1.19392401     1.1688767 0.5001423  0.2136630  2.1741850
#' # B at a1: -1.47819163    -1.4471806 0.4928386 -2.4441376 -0.5122457
#' # B at a2: -0.02842676    -0.0278304 0.4820369 -0.9732017  0.9163482
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
ci.2x2.stdmean.bs <- function(alpha, y11, y12, y21, y22) {
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 n11 <- length(y11)
 n12 <- length(y12)
 n21 <- length(y21)
 n22 <- length(y22)
 v1 <- c(1, -1, -1, 1)
 v2 <- c(.5, .5, -.5, -.5)
 v3 <- c(.5, -.5, .5, -.5)
 v4 <- c(1, 0, -1, 0)
 v5 <- c(0, 1, 0, -1)
 v6 <- c(1, -1, 0, 0)
 v7 <- c(0, 0, 1, -1)
 m11 <- mean(y11)
 m12 <- mean(y12)
 m21 <- mean(y21)
 m22 <- mean(y22)
 sd11 <- sd(y11)
 sd12 <- sd(y12)
 sd21 <- sd(y21)
 sd22 <- sd(y22)
 s <- sqrt((sd11^2 + sd12^2 + sd21^2 + sd22^2)/4)
 m <- c(m11, m12, m21, m22)
 sd <- c(sd11, sd12, sd21, sd22) 
 n <- c(n11, n12, n21, n22)
 var <- sd^2
 a <- 4
 df <- sum(n) - a
 adj <- 1 - 3/(4*df - 1)
 # AB 
 est1 <- (t(v1)%*%m)/s
 est1u <- adj*est1
 a1 <- est1^2/(2*a^2*s^4)
 a2 <- a1*sum((var^2/(n - 1)))
 a3 <- sum((v1^2*var/(n - 1)))/s^2
 se1 <- sqrt(a2 + a3)
 LL1 <- est1 - z*se1
 UL1 <- est1 + z*se1
 row1 <- c(est1, est1u, se1, LL1, UL1)
# A 
 est2 <- (t(v2)%*%m)/s
 est2u <- adj*est2
 a1 <- est2^2/(2*a^2*s^4)
 a2 <- a1*sum((var^2/(n - 1)))
 a3 <- sum((v2^2*var/(n - 1)))/s^2
 se2 <- sqrt(a2 + a3)
 LL2 <- est2 - z*se2
 UL2 <- est2 + z*se2
 row2 <- c(est2, est2u, se2, LL2, UL2)
# B 
 est3 <- (t(v3)%*%m)/s
 est3u <- adj*est3
 a1 <- est3^2/(2*a^2*s^4)
 a2 <- a1*sum((var^2/(n - 1)))
 a3 <- sum((v3^2*var/(n - 1)))/s^2
 se3 <- sqrt(a2 + a3)
 LL3 <- est3 - z*se3
 UL3 <- est3 + z*se3
 row3 <- c(est3, est3u, se3, LL3, UL3)
# A at b1 
 est4 <- (t(v4)%*%m)/s
 est4u <- adj*est4
 a1 <- est4^2/(2*a^2*s^4)
 a2 <- a1*sum((var^2/(n - 1)))
 a3 <- sum((v4^2*var/(n - 1)))/s^2
 se4 <- sqrt(a2 + a3)
 LL4 <- est4 - z*se4
 UL4 <- est4 + z*se4
 row4 <- c(est4, est4u, se4, LL4, UL4)
# A at b2 
 est5 <- (t(v5)%*%m)/s
 est5u <- adj*est5
 a1 <- est5^2/(2*a^2*s^4)
 a2 <- a1*sum((var^2/(n - 1)))
 a3 <- sum((v5^2*var/(n - 1)))/s^2
 se5 <- sqrt(a2 + a3)
 LL5 <- est5 - z*se5
 UL5 <- est5 + z*se5
 row5 <- c(est5, est5u, se5, LL5, UL5)
# B at a1 
 est6 <- (t(v6)%*%m)/s
 est6u <- adj*est6
 a1 <- est6^2/(2*a^2*s^4)
 a2 <- a1*sum((var^2/(n - 1)))
 a3 <- sum((v6^2*var/(n - 1)))/s^2
 se6 <- sqrt(a2 + a3)
 LL6 <- est6 - z*se6
 UL6 <- est6 + z*se6
 row6 <- c(est6, est6u, se6, LL6, UL6)
# B at a2 
 est7 <- (t(v7)%*%m)/s
 est7u <- adj*est7
 a1 <- est7^2/(2*a^2*s^4)
 a2 <- a1*sum((var^2/(n - 1)))
 a3 <- sum((v7^2*var/(n - 1)))/s^2
 se7 <- sqrt(a2 + a3)
 LL7 <- est7 - z*se7
 UL7 <- est7 + z*se7
 row7 <- c(est7, est7u, se7, LL7, UL7)
 out <- rbind(row1, row2, row3, row4, row5, row6, row7)
 rownames(out) <- c("AB:", "A:", "B:", "A at b1:", "A at b2:", "B at a1:", "B at a2:")
 colnames(out) = c("Estimate", "adj Estimate", "SE", "LL", "UL")

# ci.2x2.median.bs =============================================================
#' Computes tests and confidence intervals of effects in a 2x2 betwen-subjects 
#' design for medians
#' @description
#' Computes confidence intervals for the AB interaction effect, main effect of
#' A, main efect of B, simple main effects of A, and simple main effects of B 
#' in a 2x2 between-subjects design with a quantitative response variable. The
#' effects are defined in terms of medians rather than means.
#' @param   alpha   alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param   y11     vector of scores at level 1 of A and level 1 of B
#' @param   y12     vector of scores at level 1 of A and level 2 of B
#' @param   y21     vector of scores at level 2 of A and level 1 of B
#' @param   y22     vector of scores at level 2 of A and level 2 of B
#' @return
#' Returns a 7-row matrix (one row per effect). The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimate of effect
#' * SE - standard error 
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @examples
#' y11 <- c(14, 15, 11, 7, 16, 12, 15, 16, 10, 9)
#' y12 <- c(18, 24, 14, 18, 22, 21, 16, 17, 14, 13)
#' y21 <- c(16, 11, 10, 17, 13, 18, 12, 16, 6, 15)
#' y22 <- c(18, 17, 11, 9, 9, 13, 18, 15, 14, 11)
#' ci.2x2.median.bs(.05, y11, y12, y21, y22)
#' # Should return:
#' #          Estimate       SE         LL         UL
#' # AB:          -5.0 3.389735 -11.643758 1.64375833
#' # A:            1.5 1.694867  -1.821879 4.82187916
#' # B:           -2.0 1.694867  -5.321879 1.32187916
#' # A at b1:     -1.0 2.152661  -5.219138 3.21913797
#' # A at b2:      4.0 2.618464  -1.132095 9.13209504
#' # B at a1:     -4.5 2.311542  -9.030539 0.03053939
#' # B at a2:      0.5 2.479330  -4.359397 5.35939682
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @importFrom stats pbinom
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @export
ci.2x2.median.bs <- function(alpha, y11, y12, y21, y22) {
 zcrit <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 n11 <- length(y11)
 n12 <- length(y12)
 n21 <- length(y21)
 n22 <- length(y22)
 v1 <- c(1, -1, -1, 1)
 v2 <- c(.5, .5, -.5, -.5)
 v3 <- c(.5, -.5, .5, -.5)
 v4 <- c(1, 0, -1, 0)
 v5 <- c(0, 1, 0, -1)
 v6 <- c(1, -1, 0, 0)
 v7 <- c(0, 0, 1, -1)
 m11 <- median(y11)
 m12 <- median(y12)
 m21 <- median(y21)
 m22 <- median(y22)
 m <- c(m11, m12, m21, m22)
 n <- c(n11, n12, n21, n22)
 y11 <- sort(y11)
 y12 <- sort(y12)
 y21 <- sort(y21)
 y22 <- sort(y22)
 a <- round(n11/2 - sqrt(n11))
 if (a < 1) {a = 1}
 ll <- y11[a]
 ul <- y11[n11 - a + 1]
 p <- pbinom(a - 1, size = n11, prob = .5)
 z0 <- qnorm(1 - p)
 se11 <- (ul - ll)/(2*z0)
 a <- round(n12/2 - sqrt(n12))
 if (a < 1) {a = 1}
 ll <- y12[a]
 ul <- y12[n12 - a + 1]
 p <- pbinom(a - 1, size = n12, prob = .5)
 z0 <- qnorm(1 - p)
 se12 <- (ul - ll)/(2*z0)
 a <- round(n21/2 - sqrt(n21))
 if (a < 1) {a = 1}
 ll <- y21[a]
 ul <- y21[n21 - a + 1]
 p <- pbinom(a - 1, size = n21, prob = .5)
 z0 <- qnorm(1 - p)
 se21 <- (ul - ll)/(2*z0)
 a <- round(n22/2 - sqrt(n22))
 if (a < 1) {a = 1}
 ll <- y22[a]
 ul <- y22[n22 - a + 1]
 p <- pbinom(a - 1, size = n22, prob = .5)
 z0 <- qnorm(1 - p)
 se22 <- (ul - ll)/(2*z0)
 se <- c(se11, se12, se21, se22)
 # AB
 est1 <- t(v1)%*%m
 se1 <- sqrt(t(v1)%*%diag(se^2)%*%v1)
 LL1 <- est1 - zcrit*se1
 UL1 <- est1 + zcrit*se1
 row1 <- c(est1, se1, LL1, UL1)
 # A
 est2 <- t(v2)%*%m
 se2 <- sqrt(t(v2)%*%diag(se^2)%*%v2)
 LL2 <- est2 - zcrit*se2
 UL2 <- est2 + zcrit*se2
 row2 <- c(est2, se2, LL2, UL2)
 # B
 est3 <- t(v3)%*%m
 se3 <- sqrt(t(v3)%*%diag(se^2)%*%v3)
 LL3 <- est3 - zcrit*se3
 UL3 <- est3 + zcrit*se3
 row3 <- c(est3, se3, LL3, UL3)
 # A at b1
 est4 <- t(v4)%*%m
 se4 <- sqrt(t(v4)%*%diag(se^2)%*%v4)
 LL4 <- est4 - zcrit*se4
 UL4 <- est4 + zcrit*se4
 row4 <- c(est4, se4, LL4, UL4)
 # A at b2
 est5 <- t(v5)%*%m
 se5 <- sqrt(t(v5)%*%diag(se^2)%*%v5)
 LL5 <- est5 - zcrit*se5
 UL5 <- est5 + zcrit*se5
 row5 <- c(est5, se5, LL5, UL5)
 # B at a1
 est6 <- t(v6)%*%m
 se6 <- sqrt(t(v6)%*%diag(se^2)%*%v6)
 LL6 <- est6 - zcrit*se6
 UL6 <- est6 + zcrit*se6
 row6 <- c(est6, se6, LL6, UL6)
 # B at a2
 est7 <- t(v7)%*%m
 se7 <- sqrt(t(v7)%*%diag(se^2)%*%v7)
 LL7 <- est7 - zcrit*se7
 UL7 <- est7 + zcrit*se7
 row7 <- c(est7, se7, LL7, UL7)
 out <- rbind(row1, row2, row3, row4, row5, row6, row7)
 rownames(out) <- c("AB:", "A:", "B:", "A at b1:", "A at b2:", "B at a1:", "B at a2:")
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "SE", "LL", "UL")

# ci.2x2.stdmean.ws ===========================================================
#' Computes confidence intervals of standardized effects in a 2x2 
#' within-subjects design 
#' @description
#' Computes confidence intervals for standardized linear constrasts of means
#' (AB interaction, main effect of A, main efect of B, simple main effects
#' of A, and simple main effects of B) in a 2x2 within-subjects design.
#' Equality of population variances is not assumed. An unweigthed variance 
#' standardizer is used.
#' @param   alpha   alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param   y11     vector of scores at level 1 of A and level 1 of B
#' @param   y12     vector of scores at level 1 of A and level 2 of B
#' @param   y21     vector of scores at level 2 of A and level 1 of B
#' @param   y22     vector of scores at level 2 of A and level 2 of B
#' @return
#' Returns a 7-row matrix (one row per effect). The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimated standardized effect
#' * adj Estimate - bias adjusted standardized effect estimate
#' * SE - standard error 
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @examples
#' y11 <- c(21, 39, 32, 29, 27, 17, 27, 21, 28, 17, 12, 27)
#' y12 <- c(20, 36, 33, 27, 28, 14, 30, 20, 27, 15, 11, 22)
#' y21 <- c(21, 36, 30, 27, 28, 15, 27, 18, 29, 16, 11, 22)
#' y22 <- c(18, 34, 29, 28, 28, 17, 27, 21, 26, 16, 14, 23)
#' ci.2x2.stdmean.ws(.05, y11, y12, y21, y22)
#' # Should return:
#' #             Estimate  adj Estimate         SE           LL        UL
#' # AB:       0.17248839    0.16446123 0.13654635 -0.095137544 0.4401143
#' # A:        0.10924265    0.10415878 0.05752822 -0.003510596 0.2219959
#' # B:        0.07474497    0.07126653 0.05920554 -0.041295751 0.1907857
#' # A at b1:  0.19548684    0.18638939 0.08460680  0.029660560 0.3613131
#' # A at b2:  0.02299845    0.02192816 0.09371838 -0.160686202 0.2066831
#' # B at a1:  0.16098916    0.15349715 0.09457347 -0.024371434 0.3463498
#' # B at a2: -0.01149923   -0.01096408 0.08595873 -0.179975237 0.1569768
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
ci.2x2.stdmean.ws <- function(alpha, y11, y12, y21, y22) {
 if (length(y11) != length(y12)) {stop("data vectors must have same length")}
 if (length(y11) != length(y21)) {stop("data vectors must have same length")}
 if (length(y11) != length(y22)) {stop("data vectors must have same length")}
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 n <- length(y11)
 q1 <- c(1, -1, -1, 1)
 q2 <- c(.5, .5, -.5, -.5)
 q3 <- c(.5, -.5, .5, -.5)
 q4 <- c(1, 0, -1, 0)
 q5 <- c(0, 1, 0, -1)
 q6 <- c(1, -1, 0, 0)
 q7 <- c(0, 0, 1, -1)
 sd1 <- sd(y11)
 sd2 <- sd(y12)
 sd3 <- sd(y21)
 sd4 <- sd(y22)
 r12 <- cor(y11, y12)
 r13 <- cor(y11, y21)
 r14 <- cor(y11, y22)
 r23 <- cor(y12, y21)
 r24 <- cor(y12, y22)
 r34 <- cor(y21, y22)
 s <- sqrt((sd1^2 + sd2^2 + sd3^2 + sd4^2)/4)
 m <- c(mean(y11), mean(y12), mean(y21), mean(y22))
 sd <- c(sd1, sd2, sd3, sd4) 
 df <- n - 1
 adj <- sqrt((n - 2)/df)
 v2 <- sum(sd^4)
 c1 <- r12^2*sd1^2*sd2^2 + r13^2*sd1^2*sd3^2 + r14^2*sd1^2*sd4^2
 c2 <- r23^2*sd2^2*sd3^2 + r24^2*sd2^2*sd4^2 + r34^2*sd3^2*sd4^2
 v3 <- c1 + c2
 # AB 
 est1 <- (t(q1)%*%m)/s
 est1u <- adj*est1
 v1 <- est1^2/(32*s^4*df)                 
 v4 <- sum(q1^2*sd^2)
 c3 <- q1[1]*q1[2]*r12*sd1*sd2 + q1[1]*q1[3]*r13*sd1*sd3 + q1[1]*q1[4]*r14*sd1*sd4
 c4 <- q1[2]*q1[3]*r23*sd2*sd3 + q1[2]*q1[4]*r24*sd2*sd4 + q1[3]*q1[4]*r34*sd3*sd4
 v5 <- c3 + c4
 se1 <- sqrt(v1*(v2 + 2*v3) + (v4 + 2*v5)/(df*s^2))
 LL1 <- est1 - z*se1
 UL1 <- est1 + z*se1
 row1 <- c(est1, est1u, se1, LL1, UL1)
 # A 
 est2 <- (t(q2)%*%m)/s
 est2u <- adj*est2
 v1 <- est2^2/(32*s^4*df)                 
 v4 <- sum(q2^2*sd^2)
 c3 <- q2[1]*q2[2]*r12*sd1*sd2 + q2[1]*q2[3]*r13*sd1*sd3 + q2[1]*q2[4]*r14*sd1*sd4
 c4 <- q2[2]*q2[3]*r23*sd2*sd3 + q2[2]*q2[4]*r24*sd2*sd4 + q2[3]*q2[4]*r34*sd3*sd4
 v5 <- c3 + c4
 se2 <- sqrt(v1*(v2 + 2*v3) + (v4 + 2*v5)/(df*s^2))
 LL2 <- est2 - z*se2
 UL2 <- est2 + z*se2
 row2 <- c(est2, est2u, se2, LL2, UL2)
 # B 
 est3 <- (t(q3)%*%m)/s
 est3u <- adj*est3
 v1 <- est3^2/(32*s^4*df)                 
 v4 <- sum(q3^2*sd^2)
 c3 <- q3[1]*q3[2]*r12*sd1*sd2 + q3[1]*q3[3]*r13*sd1*sd3 + q3[1]*q3[4]*r14*sd1*sd4
 c4 <- q3[2]*q3[3]*r23*sd2*sd3 + q3[2]*q3[4]*r24*sd2*sd4 + q3[3]*q3[4]*r34*sd3*sd4
 v5 <- c3 + c4
 se3 <- sqrt(v1*(v2 + 2*v3) + (v4 + 2*v5)/(df*s^2))
 LL3 <- est3 - z*se3
 UL3 <- est3 + z*se3
 row3 <- c(est3, est3u, se3, LL3, UL3)
 # A at b1 
 est4 <- (t(q4)%*%m)/s
 est4u <- adj*est4
 v1 <- est4^2/(32*s^4*df)                 
 v4 <- sum(q4^2*sd^2)
 c3 <- q4[1]*q4[2]*r12*sd1*sd2 + q4[1]*q4[3]*r13*sd1*sd3 + q4[1]*q4[4]*r14*sd1*sd4
 c4 <- q4[2]*q4[3]*r23*sd2*sd3 + q4[2]*q4[4]*r24*sd2*sd4 + q4[3]*q4[4]*r34*sd3*sd4
 v5 <- c3 + c4
 se4 <- sqrt(v1*(v2 + 2*v3) + (v4 + 2*v5)/(df*s^2))
 LL4 <- est4 - z*se4
 UL4 <- est4 + z*se4
 row4 <- c(est4, est4u, se4, LL4, UL4)
 # A at b2 
 est5 <- (t(q5)%*%m)/s
 est5u <- adj*est5
 v1 <- est5^2/(32*s^4*df)                 
 v4 <- sum(q5^2*sd^2)
 c3 <- q5[1]*q5[2]*r12*sd1*sd2 + q5[1]*q5[3]*r13*sd1*sd3 + q5[1]*q5[4]*r14*sd1*sd4
 c4 <- q5[2]*q5[3]*r23*sd2*sd3 + q5[2]*q5[4]*r24*sd2*sd4 + q5[3]*q5[4]*r34*sd3*sd4
 v5 <- c3 + c4
 se5 <- sqrt(v1*(v2 + 2*v3) + (v4 + 2*v5)/(df*s^2))
 LL5 <- est5 - z*se5
 UL5 <- est5 + z*se5
 row5 <- c(est5, est5u, se5, LL5, UL5)
 # B at a1 
 est6 <- (t(q6)%*%m)/s
 est6u <- adj*est6
 v1 <- est6^2/(32*s^4*df)                 
 v4 <- sum(q6^2*sd^2)
 c3 <- q6[1]*q6[2]*r12*sd1*sd2 + q6[1]*q6[3]*r13*sd1*sd3 + q6[1]*q6[4]*r14*sd1*sd4
 c4 <- q6[2]*q6[3]*r23*sd2*sd3 + q6[2]*q6[4]*r24*sd2*sd4 + q6[3]*q6[4]*r34*sd3*sd4
 v5 <- c3 + c4
 se6 <- sqrt(v1*(v2 + 2*v3) + (v4 + 2*v5)/(df*s^2))
 LL6 <- est6 - z*se6
 UL6 <- est6 + z*se6
 row6 <- c(est6, est6u, se6, LL6, UL6)
 # B at a2 
 est7 <- (t(q7)%*%m)/s
 est7u <- adj*est7
 v1 <- est7^2/(32*s^4*df)                 
 v4 <- sum(q7^2*sd^2)
 c3 <- q7[1]*q7[2]*r12*sd1*sd2 + q7[1]*q7[3]*r13*sd1*sd3 + q7[1]*q7[4]*r14*sd1*sd4
 c4 <- q7[2]*q7[3]*r23*sd2*sd3 + q7[2]*q7[4]*r24*sd2*sd4 + q7[3]*q7[4]*r34*sd3*sd4
 v5 <- c3 + c4
 se7 <- sqrt(v1*(v2 + 2*v3) + (v4 + 2*v5)/(df*s^2))
 LL7 <- est7 - z*se7
 UL7 <- est7 + z*se7
 row7 <- c(est7, est7u, se7, LL7, UL7)
 out <- rbind(row1, row2, row3, row4, row5, row6, row7)
 rownames(out) <- c("AB:", "A:", "B:", "A at b1:", "A at b2:", "B at a1:", "B at a2:")
 colnames(out) = c("Estimate", "adj Estimate", "SE", "LL", "UL")

# ci.2x2.stdmean.mixed ========================================================
#' Computes confidence intervals of standardized effects in a 2x2 
#' mixed design
#' @description
#' Computes confidence intervals for the standardized AB interaction effect, 
#' main effect of A, main efect of B, simple main effects of A, and simple main
#' effects of B in a 2x2 mixed factorial design where Factor A is a 
#' within-subjects factor, and Factor B is a between-subjects factor. Equality 
#' of population variances is not assumed.
#' @param   alpha   alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param   y11     vector of scores at level 1 of A in group 1 
#' @param   y12     vector of scores at level 2 of A in group 1
#' @param   y21     vector of scores at level 1 of A in group 2
#' @param   y22     vector of scores at level 2 of A in group 2
#' @return
#' Returns a 7-row matrix (one row per effect). The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimated standardized effect
#' * adj Estimate - bias adjusted standardized effect estimate
#' * SE - standard error 
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @examples
#' y11 <- c(18, 19, 20, 17, 20, 16)
#' y12 <- c(19, 18, 19, 20, 17, 16)
#' y21 <- c(19, 16, 16, 14, 16, 18)
#' y22 <- c(16, 10, 12,  9, 13, 15)
#' ci.2x2.stdmean.mixed(.05, y11, y12, y21, y22)
#' # Should return:
#' #             Estimate  adj Estimate        SE         LL         UL
#' # AB:      -1.95153666   -1.80141845 0.5424100 -3.0146407 -0.8884326
#' # A:        1.06061775    1.01125934 0.2780119  0.5157244  1.6055111
#' # B:        1.90911195    1.76225718 0.5743510  0.7834047  3.0348192
#' # A at b1:  0.08484942    0.07589163 0.4649598 -0.8264549  0.9961538
#' # A at b2:  2.03638608    1.82139908 0.2964013  1.4554502  2.6173219
#' # B at a1:  0.93334362    0.86154796 0.5487927 -0.1422703  2.0089575
#' # B at a2:  2.88488027    2.66296641 0.7127726  1.4878717  4.2818889
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
ci.2x2.stdmean.mixed <- function(alpha, y11, y12, y21, y22) {
 if (length(y11) != length(y12)) {stop("length of y11 must equal length of y12")}
 if (length(y21) != length(y22)) {stop("length of y21 must equal length of y22")}
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 n1 <- length(y11)
 n2 <- length(y21)
 df1 <- n1 - 1
 df2 <- n2 - 1
 adj1 <- 1 - 3/(4*(df1 + df2) - 1)
 adj2 <- sqrt((n1 - 2)/df1)
 adj3 <- sqrt((n2 - 2)/df2)
 adj4 <- sqrt((n1 + n2 - 2)/(n1 + n2 - 1))
 diff1 <- y11 - y12
 diff2 <- y21 - y22
 ave1 <- (y11 + y12)/2
 ave2 <- (y21 + y22)/2
 vd1 <- var(diff1)
 vd2 <- var(diff2)
 va1 <- var(ave1)
 va2 <- var(ave2)
 sd1 <- sd(y11)
 sd2 <- sd(y12)
 sd3 <- sd(y21)
 sd4 <- sd(y22)
 cor1 <- cor(y11, y21)
 cor2 <- cor(y12, y22)
 s <- sqrt((sd1^2 + sd2^2 + sd3^2 + sd4^2)/4)
 # check v0
 v01 <- (sd1^4 + sd3^4 + 2*(cor1^2*sd1^2*sd3^2))/(32*s^4*df1)
 v02 <- (sd2^4 + sd4^4 + 2*(cor2^2*sd2^2*sd4^2))/(32*s^4*df2)
 v0 <- v01 + v02
 # AB
 est1 <- (mean(diff1) - mean(diff2))/s
 est1u <- adj1*est1
 v1 <- (vd1/df1 + vd2/df2)/(s^2)
 se1 <- sqrt(est1*v0/s^4 + v1)
 LL1 <- est1 - z*se1
 UL1 <- est1 + z*se1
 row1 <- c(est1, est1u, se1, LL1, UL1)
 # A 
 est2 <- (mean(diff1) + mean(diff2))/(2*s)
 est2u <- adj4*est2
 v2 <- (vd1/df1 + vd2/df2)/(4*s^2)
 se2 <- sqrt(est2*v0/s^4 + v2)
 LL2 <- est2 - z*se2
 UL2 <- est2 + z*se2
 row2 <- c(est2, est2u, se2, LL2, UL2)
 # B
 est3 <- (mean(ave1) - mean(ave2))/s
 est3u <- adj1*est3
 v3 <- (va1/df1 + va2/df2)/(s^2)
 se3 <- sqrt(est3*v0/s^4 + v3)
 LL3 <- est3 - z*se3
 UL3 <- est3 + z*se3
 row3 <- c(est3, est3u, se3, LL3, UL3)
 # A at b1
 est4 <- mean(diff1)/s
 est4u <- adj2*est4
 v4 <- vd1/df1
 se4 <- sqrt(est4*v0/s^4 + v4/s^2)
 LL4 <- est4 - z*se4
 UL4 <- est4 + z*se4
 row4 <- c(est4, est4u, se4, LL4, UL4)
 # A at b2
 est5 <- mean(diff2)/s
 est5u <- adj3*est5
 v5 <- vd2/df2
 se5 <- sqrt(est5*v0/s^4 + v5/s^2)
 LL5 <- est5 - z*se5
 UL5 <- est5 + z*se5
 row5 <- c(est5, est5u, se5, LL5, UL5)
 # B at a1
 est6 <- (mean(y11) - mean(y21))/s
 est6u <- adj1*est6
 v6 <- var(y11)/df1 + var(y21)/df2
 se6 <- sqrt(est6*v0/s^4 + v6/s^2)
 LL6 <- est6 - z*se6
 UL6 <- est6 + z*se6
 row6 <- c(est6, est6u, se6, LL6, UL6)
 # B at a2
 est7 <- (mean(y12) - mean(y22))/s
 est7u <- adj1*est7
 v7 <- var(y12)/df1 + var(y22)/df2
 se7 <- sqrt(est7*v0/s^4 + v7/s^2)
 LL7 <- est7 - z*se7
 UL7 <- est7 + z*se7
 row7 <- c(est7, est7u, se7, LL7, UL7)
 out <- rbind(row1, row2, row3, row4, row5, row6, row7)
 rownames(out) <- c("AB:", "A:", "B:", "A at b1:", "A at b2:", "B at a1:", "B at a2:")
 colnames(out) = c("Estimate", "adj Estimate", "SE", "LL", "UL")

# ci.2x2.median.mixed =========================================================
#' Computes confidence intervals in a 2x2 mixed design for medians
#' @description
#' Computes distribution-free confidence intervals based on medians for the AB 
#' interaction effect, main effect of A, main efect of B, simple main effects 
#' of A, and simple main effects of B in a 2x2 mixed design where Factor A is 
#' the within-subjects factor and Factor B is the between subbjects factor. 
#' Tied scores are assumed to be rare.
#' @param   alpha   alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param   y11     vector of scores at level 1 of A in group 1
#' @param   y12     vector of scores at level 2 of A in group 1
#' @param   y21     vector of scores at level 1 of A in group 2
#' @param   y22     vector of scores at level 2 of A in group 2
#' @return
#' Returns a 7-row matrix (one row per effect). The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimate of effect
#' * SE - standard error 
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Bonett2020}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' y11 <- c(18, 19, 20, 17, 20, 16)
#' y12 <- c(19, 18, 19, 20, 17, 16)
#' y21 <- c(19, 16, 16, 14, 16, 18)
#' y22 <- c(16, 10, 12,  9, 13, 15)
#' ci.2x2.median.mixed(.05, y11, y12, y21, y22)
#' # Should return:
#' #          Estimate       SE         LL       UL
#' # AB:         -3.50 2.698647 -8.7892514 1.789251
#' # A:           1.75 1.349324 -0.8946257 4.394626
#' # B:           4.25 1.017564  2.2556114 6.244389
#' # A at b1:     0.00 1.489007 -2.9184005 2.918400
#' # A at b2:     3.50 2.250679 -0.9112492 7.911249
#' # B at a1:     2.50 1.486420 -0.4133294 5.413329
#' # B at a2:     6.00 1.871571  2.3317887 9.668211
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @importFrom stats pbinom
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @export
ci.2x2.median.mixed <- function(alpha, y11, y12, y21, y22) {
 if (length(y11) != length(y12)) {stop("length of y11 must equal length of y12")}
 if (length(y21) != length(y22)) {stop("length of y21 must equal length of y22")}
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 n1 <- length(y11)
 n2 <- length(y21)
 median11 <- median(y11)
 median12 <- median(y12)
 median21 <- median(y21)
 median22 <- median(y22)
 # Group 1
 a1 <- (y11 < median11)
 a2 <- (y12 < median12)
 a3 <- a1 + a2
 a4 <- sum(a3 == 2)
 a <- round(n1/2 - sqrt(n1))
 if (a < 1) {a = 1}
 p <- pbinom(a - 1, size = n1, prob = .5)
 z0 <- qnorm(1 - p)
 y11 <- sort(y11)
 y12 <- sort(y12)
 L1 <- y11[a]
 U1 <- y11[n1 - a + 1]
 se11 <- (U1 - L1)/(2*z0)
 L2 <- y12[a]
 U2 <- y12[n1 - a + 1]
 se12 <- (U2 - L2)/(2*z0)
 if (n1/2 == trunc(n1/2)) {
   p00 <- (sum(a4) + .25)/(n1 + 1)
 } else {
   p00 <- (sum(a4) + .25)/n1 
 cov1 <- (4*p00 - 1)*se11*se12
 # Group 2
 a1 <- (y21 < median21)
 a2 <- (y22 < median22)
 a3 <- a1 + a2
 a4 <- sum(a3 == 2)
 a <- round(n2/2 - sqrt(n2))
 if (a < 1) {a = 1}
 p <- pbinom(a - 1, size = n2, prob = .5)
 z0 <- qnorm(1 - p)
 y21 <- sort(y21)
 y22 <- sort(y22)
 L1 <- y21[a]
 U1 <- y21[n2 - a + 1]
 se21 <- (U1 - L1)/(2*z0)
 L2 <- y22[a]
 U2 <- y22[n2 - a + 1]
 se22 <- (U2 - L2)/(2*z0)
 if (n2/2 == trunc(n2/2)) {
   p00 <- (sum(a4) + .25)/(n2 + 1)
 } else {
   p00 <- (sum(a4) + .25)/n2 
 cov2 <- (4*p00 - 1)*se21*se22
 # AB
 est1 <- (median11 - median12) - (median21 - median22)
 se1 <- sqrt(se11^2 + se12^2 - 2*cov1 + se21^2 + se22^2 - 2*cov2)
 LL1 <- est1 - z*se1
 UL1 <- est1 + z*se1
 row1 <- c(est1, se1, LL1, UL1)
 # A
 est2 <- (median11 + median21)/2 - (median12 + median22)/2
 se2 <- se1/2
 LL2 <- est2 - z*se2
 UL2 <- est2 + z*se2
 row2 <- c(est2, se2, LL2, UL2)
 # B
 est3 <- (median11 + median12)/2 - (median21 + median22)/2
 se3 <- sqrt(se11^2 + se12^2 + 2*cov1 + se21^2 + se22^2 + 2*cov2)/2
 LL3 <- est3 - z*se3
 UL3 <- est3 + z*se3
 row3 <- c(est3, se3, LL3, UL3)
 # A at b1
 est4 <- median11 - median12
 se4 <- sqrt(se11^2 + se12^2 - 2*cov1)
 LL4 <- est4 - z*se4
 UL4 <- est4 + z*se4
 row4 <- c(est4, se4, LL4, UL4)
 # A at b2
 est5 <- median21 - median22
 se5 <- sqrt(se21^2 + se22^2 - 2*cov2)
 LL5 <- est5 - z*se5
 UL5 <- est5 + z*se5
 row5 <- c(est5, se5, LL5, UL5)
 #B at a1
 est6 <- median11 - median21
 se6 <- sqrt(se11^2 + se21^2)
 LL6 <- est6 - z*se6
 UL6 <- est6 + z*se6
 row6 <- c(est6, se6, LL6, UL6)
 #B at a2
 est7 <- median12 - median22
 se7 <- sqrt(se12^2 + se22^2)
 LL7 <- est7 - z*se7
 UL7 <- est7 + z*se7
 row7 <- c(est7, se7, LL7, UL7)
 out <- rbind(row1, row2, row3, row4, row5, row6, row7)
 rownames(out) <- c("AB:", "A:", "B:", "A at b1:", "A at b2:", "B at a1:", "B at a2:")
 colnames(out) = c("Estimate", "SE", "LL", "UL")

# ci.2x2.median.ws ============================================================
#' Computes confidence intervals in a 2x2 within-subjects design for medians
#' @description
#' Computes distribution-free confidence intervals based on medians for the AB 
#' interaction effect, main effect of A, main efect of B, simple main effects 
#' of A, and simple main effects of B in a 2x2 within-subjects design. Tied 
#' scores are assumed to be rare.
#' @param   alpha   alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param   y11     vector of scores at level 1 of A and level 1 of B
#' @param   y12     vector of scores at level 1 of A and level 2 of B
#' @param   y21     vector of scores at level 2 of A and level 1 of B
#' @param   y22     vector of scores at level 2 of A and level 2 of B
#' @return
#' Returns a 7-row matrix (one row per effect). The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimate of effect
#' * SE - standard error 
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Bonett2020}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' y11 <- c(221, 402, 333, 301, 284, 182, 281, 230, 290, 182, 133, 278)
#' y12 <- c(221, 371, 340, 288, 293, 150, 317, 211, 286, 161, 126, 234)
#' y21 <- c(219, 371, 314, 279, 284, 155, 278, 185, 296, 169, 118, 229)
#' y22 <- c(170, 332, 280, 273, 272, 160, 260, 204, 252, 153, 137, 221)
#' ci.2x2.median.ws(.05, y11, y12, y21, y22)
#' # Should return:
#' #          Estimate       SE         LL        UL
#' # AB:          2.50 21.050122 -38.757482 43.75748
#' # A:          24.75  9.603490   5.927505 43.57250
#' # B:          18.25  9.101881   0.410641 36.08936
#' # A at b1:    26.00 11.813742   2.845491 49.15451
#' # A at b2:    23.50 16.323093  -8.492675 55.49267
#' # B at a1:    19.50 15.710347 -11.291715 50.29171
#' # B at a2:    17.00 11.850202  -6.225970 40.22597
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @importFrom stats pbinom
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @export
ci.2x2.median.ws <- function(alpha, y11, y12, y21, y22) {
 if (length(y11) != length(y12)) {stop("data vectors must have same length")}
 if (length(y11) != length(y21)) {stop("data vectors must have same length")}
 if (length(y11) != length(y22)) {stop("data vectors must have same length")}
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 n <- length(y11)
 q1 <- c(1, -1, -1, 1)
 q2 <- c(.5, .5, -.5, -.5)
 q3 <- c(.5, -.5, .5, -.5)
 q4 <- c(1, 0, -1, 0)
 q5 <- c(0, 1, 0, -1)
 q6 <- c(1, -1, 0, 0)
 q7 <- c(0, 0, 1, -1)
 median11 <- median(y11)
 median12 <- median(y12)
 median21 <- median(y21)
 median22 <- median(y22)
 a <- round(n/2 - sqrt(n))
 if (a < 1) {a = 1}
 p <- pbinom(a - 1, size = n, prob = .5)
 z0 <- qnorm(1 - p)
 y11.s <- sort(y11)
 y12.s <- sort(y12)
 y21.s <- sort(y21)
 y22.s <- sort(y22)
 L11 <- y11.s[a]
 U11 <- y11.s[n - a + 1]
 L12 <- y12.s[a]
 U12 <- y12.s[n - a + 1]
 L21 <- y21.s[a]
 U21 <- y21.s[n - a + 1]
 L22 <- y22.s[a]
 U22 <- y22.s[n - a + 1]
 se11 <- (U11 - L11)/(2*z0)
 se12 <- (U12 - L12)/(2*z0)
 se21 <- (U21 - L21)/(2*z0)
 se22 <- (U22 - L22)/(2*z0)
 # cov(y11,y12)
 a1 <- (y11 < median11)
 a2 <- (y12 < median12)
 a3 <- a1 + a2
 a4 <- sum(a3 == 2)
 if (n/2 == trunc(n/2)) {
   p11.12 <- (sum(a4) + .25)/(n + 1)
 } else {
   p11.12 <- (sum(a4) + .25)/n 
 c11.12 <- (4*p11.12 - 1)*se11*se12
 # cov(y11,y21)
 a1 <- (y11 < median11)
 a2 <- (y21 < median21)
 a3 <- a1 + a2
 a4 <- sum(a3 == 2)
 if (n/2 == trunc(n/2)) {
   p11.21 <- (sum(a4) + .25)/(n + 1)
 } else {
   p11.21 <- (sum(a4) + .25)/n 
 c11.21 <- (4*p11.21 - 1)*se11*se21
 # cov(y11,y22)
 a1 <- (y11 < median11)
 a2 <- (y22 < median22)
 a3 <- a1 + a2
 a4 <- sum(a3 == 2)
 if (n/2 == trunc(n/2)) {
   p11.22 <- (sum(a4) + .25)/(n + 1)
 } else {
   p11.22 <- (sum(a4) + .25)/n 
 c11.22 <- (4*p11.22 - 1)*se11*se22
 # cov(y12,y21)
 a1 <- (y12 < median12)
 a2 <- (y21 < median21)
 a3 <- a1 + a2
 a4 <- sum(a3 == 2)
 if (n/2 == trunc(n/2)) {
   p12.21 <- (sum(a4) + .25)/(n + 1)
 } else {
   p12.21 <- (sum(a4) + .25)/n 
 c12.21 <- (4*p12.21 - 1)*se12*se21
 # cov(y12,y22)
 a1 <- (y12 < median12)
 a2 <- (y22 < median22)
 a3 <- a1 + a2
 a4 <- sum(a3 == 2)
 if (n/2 == trunc(n/2)) {
   p12.22 <- (sum(a4) + .25)/(n + 1)
 } else {
   p12.22 <- (sum(a4) + .25)/n 
 c12.22 <- (4*p12.22 - 1)*se12*se22
 # cov(y21,y22)
 a1 <- (y21 < median21)
 a2 <- (y22 < median22)
 a3 <- a1 + a2
 a4 <- sum(a3 == 2)
 if (n/2 == trunc(n/2)) {
   p21.22 <- (sum(a4) + .25)/(n + 1)
 } else {
   p21.22 <- (sum(a4) + .25)/n 
 c21.22 <- (4*p21.22 - 1)*se21*se22
 cov1 <- c(se11^2, c11.12, c11.21, c11.22)
 cov2 <- c(c11.12, se12^2, c12.21, c12.22)
 cov3 <- c(c11.21, c12.21, se21^2, c21.22)
 cov4 <- c(c11.22, c12.22, c21.22, se22^2)
 cov <- rbind(cov1, cov2, cov3, cov4)
 # AB
 est1 <- (median11 - median12) - (median21 - median22)
 se1 <- sqrt(t(q1)%*%cov%*%q1)
 LL1 <- est1 - z*se1
 UL1 <- est1 + z*se1
 row1 <- c(est1, se1, LL1, UL1)
 # A
 est2 <- (median11 + median12)/2 - (median21 + median22)/2
 se2 <- sqrt(t(q2)%*%cov%*%q2)
 LL2 <- est2 - z*se2
 UL2 <- est2 + z*se2
 row2 <- c(est2, se2, LL2, UL2)
 # B
 est3 <- (median11 + median21)/2 - (median12 + median22)/2
 se3 <- sqrt(t(q3)%*%cov%*%q3)
 LL3 <- est3 - z*se3
 UL3 <- est3 + z*se3
 row3 <- c(est3, se3, LL3, UL3)
 # A at b1
 est4 <- median11 - median21
 se4 <- sqrt(t(q4)%*%cov%*%q4)
 LL4 <- est4 - z*se4
 UL4 <- est4 + z*se4
 row4 <- c(est4, se4, LL4, UL4)
 # A at b2
 est5 <- median12 - median22
 se5 <- sqrt(t(q5)%*%cov%*%q5)
 LL5 <- est5 - z*se5
 UL5 <- est5 + z*se5
 row5 <- c(est5, se5, LL5, UL5)
 #B at a1
 est6 <- median11 - median12
 se6 <- sqrt(t(q6)%*%cov%*%q6)
 LL6 <- est6 - z*se6
 UL6 <- est6 + z*se6
 row6 <- c(est6, se6, LL6, UL6)
 #B at a2
 est7 <- median21 - median22
 se7 <- sqrt(t(q7)%*%cov%*%q7)
 LL7 <- est7 - z*se7
 UL7 <- est7 + z*se7
 row7 <- c(est7, se7, LL7, UL7)
 out <- rbind(row1, row2, row3, row4, row5, row6, row7)
 rownames(out) <- c("AB:", "A:", "B:", "A at b1:", "A at b2:", "B at a1:", "B at a2:")
 colnames(out) = c("Estimate", "SE", "LL", "UL")

# ci.bayes.normal ============================================================
#' Bayesian credible interval for a normal prior distribution
#' @description
#' Computes an approximate Bayesian credible interval for a normal prior 
#' distribution. This function can be used with any parameter estimator 
#' (e.g., mean, mean difference, linear contrast of means, slope coefficient
#' standardized mean difference, standardized linear contrast of means, median,
#' median difference, linear contrast of medians, etc.) that has an approximate
#' normal sampling distribution. The mean and standard deviation of the posterior
#' normal distribution are also reported. 
#' @param   alpha        alpha level for 1-alpha credibility interval
#' @param   prior.mean   mean of prior Normal distribution    
#' @param   prior.sd     standard deviation of prior Normal distribution 
#' @param   est          sample estimate
#' @param   se           standard error of sample estimate
#' @return
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Posterior mean - posterior mean of Normal distributoin 
#' * Posterior SD - posterior standard deviation of Normal distributoin 
#' * LL - lower limit of the credible interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the credible interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Gelman2004}{statpsych}                            
#' @examples
#' ci.bayes.normal(.05, 30, 2, 24.5, 0.577)
#' # Should return:
#' # Posterior mean Posterior SD       LL       UL
#' #        24.9226    0.5543895 23.83602 26.00919
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
ci.bayes.normal <- function(alpha, prior.mean, prior.sd, est, se) {
 zcrit <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 post.sd <- sqrt(1/(1/prior.sd^2 + 1/se^2))
 post.mean <- ((prior.mean/prior.sd^2) + est/se^2)/(1/prior.sd^2 + 1/se^2)
 ll <- post.mean - zcrit*post.sd
 ul <- post.mean + zcrit*post.sd
 out <- t(c(post.mean, post.sd, ll, ul))
 colnames(out) <- c("Posterior mean", "Posterior SD", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  =========================== Hypothesis tests ==============================
#  test.skew =================================================================
#' Computes p-value for test of skewness
#' @description
#' Computes a Monte Carlo p-value (250,000 replications) for the null 
#' hypothesis that the sample data come from a normal distribution. If the
#' p-value is small (e.g., less than .05) and the skewness estimate is 
#' positive, then the normality assumption can be rejected due to positive
#' skewness. If the p-value is small (e.g., less than .05) and the skewness
#' estimate is negative, then the normality assumption can be rejected due 
#' to negative skewness.
#' @param   y      vector of quantitative scores
#' @return
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Skewness - estimate of skewness coefficient
#' * p - Monte Carlo two-sided p-value for test of zero skewness
#' @examples
#' y <- c(30, 20, 15, 10, 10, 60, 20, 25, 20, 30, 10, 5, 50, 40, 95)
#' test.skew(y)
#' # Should return:
#' # Skewness      p
#' #   1.5201 0.0067
#' @importFrom stats rnorm
#' @importFrom stats sd
#' @export
test.skew <- function(y) {
 rep <- 250000
 n = length(y)
 a <- sqrt((n - 1)/n)
 m <- mean(y)
 sd <- a*sd(y)
 z <- (y - m)/sd
 skew <- mean(z^3)
 y0 <- matrix(rnorm(rep*n), nrow = rep)
 m0 <- matrix(rowMeans(y0), nrow = rep, ncol = 1)
 sd0 <- a*sqrt(apply(y0, 1, var))
 sd0 <- matrix(sd0, nrow = rep, ncol = 1)
 j <- replicate(n, 1)
 z0 <- (y0 - m0%*%j)/(sd0%*%j)
 skew0 <- rowMeans(z0^3)
 c1 <- as.integer(skew0 > abs(skew))
 c2 <- as.integer(skew0 < -abs(skew))
 e1 <- sum(c1)/rep
 e2 <- sum(c2)/rep
 p <- e1 + e2
 out <- round(t(c(skew, p)), 4)
 colnames(out) <- c("Skewness", "p")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  test.kurtosis =================================================================
#' Computes p-value for test of excess kurtosis
#' @description
#' Computes a Monte Carlo p-value (250,000 replications) for the null 
#' hypothesis that the sample data come from a normal distribution. If the
#' p-value is small (e.g., less than .05) and excess kurtosis is positive,
#' then the normality assumption can be rejected due to leptokurtosis. If the
#' p-value is small (e.g., less than .05) and excess kurtosis is negative,
#' then the normality assumption can be rejected due to platykurtosis.
#' @param   y      vector of quantitative scores
#' @return
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Kurtosis - estimate of kurtosis coefficient
#' * Excess - estimate of excess kurtosis (kurtosis - 3)
#' * p - Monte Carlo two-sided p-value for test of zero excess kurtosis
#' @examples
#' y <- c(30, 20, 15, 10, 10, 60, 20, 25, 20, 30, 10, 5, 50, 40, 95)
#' test.kurtosis(y)
#' # Should return:
#' # Kurtosis  Excess      p
#' #   4.8149  1.8149 0.0385 
#' @importFrom stats rnorm
#' @importFrom stats sd
#' @export
test.kurtosis <- function(y) {
 rep <- 250000
 n = length(y)
 a <- sqrt((n - 1)/n)
 m <- mean(y)
 sd <- a*sd(y)
 z <- (y - m)/sd
 kur <- mean(z^4)
 y0 <- matrix(rnorm(rep*n), nrow = rep)
 m0 <- matrix(rowMeans(y0), nrow = rep, ncol = 1)
 sd0 <- a*sqrt(apply(y0, 1, var))
 sd0 <- matrix(sd0, nrow = rep, ncol = 1)
 j <- replicate(n, 1)
 z0 <- (y0 - m0%*%j)/(sd0%*%j)
 kur0 <- rowMeans(z0^4)
 if (kur > 3) {c <- as.integer(kur0 > kur)} 
 if (kur < 3) {c <- as.integer(kur0 < kur)}
 p <- 2*sum(c)/rep
 if (p > .9999) {p = .9999}
 out <- round(t(c(kur, kur - 3, p)), 4)
 colnames(out) <- c("Kurtosis", "Excess", "p")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  test.mono.mean.bs ==========================================================
#' Test of a monotonic trend in means for an ordered between-subjects factor
#' @description
#' Computes simultaneous confidence intervals for all adjacent pairwise
#' comparisons of population means using estimated group means, estimated 
#' group standard deviations, and samples sizes as input. Equal variances are 
#' not assumed. A Satterthwaite adjustment to the degrees of freedom is used  
#' to improve the accuracy of the confidence intervals. If one or more lower
#' limits are greater than 0 and no upper limit is less than 0, then conclude
#' that the population means are monotoic decreasing. If one or more upper 
#' limits are less than 0 and no lower limits are greater than 0, then
#' conclude that the population means are monotoic increasing. Reject the 
#' hypothesis of a monotonic trend if any lower limit is greater than 0 and 
#' any upper limit is less than 0. 
#' @param  alpha   alpha level for simultaneous 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  m       vector of estimated group means
#' @param  sd      vector of estimated group standard deviations
#' @param  n       vector of sample sizes
#' @return 
#' Returns a matrix with the number of rows equal to the number
#' of adjacent pairwise comparisons. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimated mean difference
#' * SE - standard error
#' * LL - one-sided lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - one-sided upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @examples
#' m <- c(12.86, 24.57, 36.29, 53.21)
#' sd <- c(13.185, 12.995, 14.773, 15.145)
#' n <- c(20, 20, 20, 20)
#' test.mono.mean.bs(.05, m, sd, n)
#' # Should return:
#' #     Estimate       SE        LL         UL
#' # 1 2   -11.71 4.139530 -22.07803 -1.3419744
#' # 2 3   -11.72 4.399497 -22.74731 -0.6926939
#' # 3 4   -16.92 4.730817 -28.76921 -5.0707936
#' @importFrom stats qt
#' @export
test.mono.mean.bs <-function(alpha, m, sd, n) {
 a <- length(m)
 v <- sd^2
 m1 <- m[1: a - 1]
 m2 <- m[2: a]
 Estimate <- m1 - m2
 v1 <- v[1: a - 1]
 v2 <- v[2: a]
 n1 <- n[1: a - 1]
 n2 <- n[2: a]
 SE <- sqrt(v1/n1 + v2/n2)
 t <- Estimate/SE
 df <- SE^4/(v1^2/(n1^2*(n1 - 1)) + v2^2/(n2^2*(n2 - 1)))
 tcrit <- qt(1 - alpha/(2*(a - 1)), df)
 LL <- Estimate - tcrit*SE
 UL <- Estimate + tcrit*SE
 pair = cbind(seq(1, a - 1), seq(2, a))
 out <- cbind(pair, Estimate, SE, LL, UL)
 rownames(out) <- rep("", a - 1)

# ====================== Sample Size for Desired Precision ====================
# size.ci.mean1 ===============================================================
#' Sample size for a single mean confidence interval
#' @description
#' Computes the sample size required to estimate a single population mean with
#' desired confidence interval precision. Set the variance planning value to   
#' the largest value within a plausible range for a conservatively large  
#' sample size. 
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  var    planning value of response variable variance
#' @param  w      desired confidence interval width
#' @return 
#' Returns the required sample size
#' @examples
#' size.ci.mean1(.05, 264.4, 10)
#' # Should return:
#' # Sample size
#' #          43
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
size.ci.mean1 <- function(alpha, var, w) {
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 n <- ceiling(4*var*(z/w)^2 + z^2/2)
 out <- matrix(n, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Sample size"
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  size.ci.mean2  ============================================================ 
#' Sample size for a 2-group mean difference confidence interval
#' @description
#' Computes the sample size for each group required to estimate a population 
#' mean difference with desired confidence interval precision in a 2-group 
#' design. Set R = 1 for equal sample sizes. Set the variance planning value   
#' to the largest value within a plausible range for a conservatively large  
#' sample size. 
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence 
#' @param  var    planning value of average within-group variance
#' @param  w      desired confidence interval width
#' @param  R      n2/n1 ratio 
#' @return 
#' Returns the required sample size for each group
#' @examples
#' size.ci.mean2(.05, 37.1, 5, 1)
#' # Should return:
#' # n1  n2
#' # 47  47
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
size.ci.mean2 <- function(alpha, var, w, R) {
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 n1 <- ceiling(4*var*(1 + 1/R)*(z/w)^2 + z^2/4)
 n2 <- ceiling(R*n1)
 out <- t(c(n1, n2))
 colnames(out) <- c("n1", "n2")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  size.ci.stdmean2 ===========================================================
#' Sample size for a 2-group standardized mean difference confidence interval
#' @description
#' Computes the sample size per group required to estimate two types of 
#' population standardized mean differences (unweighted standardizer and single
#' group standardizer) with desired confidence interval precision in a 2-group 
#' design. Set the standardized mean difference planning value to the largest 
#' value within a plausible range for a conservatively large sample size. Set
#' R = 1 for equal sample sizes.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  d      planning value of standardized mean difference
#' @param  w      desired confidence interval width
#' @param  R      n2/n1 ratio
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Bonett2009}{statpsych}
#' @return 
#' Returns the required sample size per group for each standardizer
#' @examples
#' size.ci.stdmean2(.05, .75, .5, 1)
#' # Should return:
#' #                              n1  n2
#' # Unweighted standardizer:    132 132
#' # Single group standardizer:  141 141
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
size.ci.stdmean2 <- function(alpha, d, w, R) {
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 n11 <- ceiling((d^2*(1 + R)/(2*R) + 4*(1 + R)/R)*(z/w)^2)
 n12 <- ceiling(R*n11)
 n21 <- ceiling((2*d^2*(1 + R)/(2*R) + 4*(1 + R)/R)*(z/w)^2)
 n22 <- ceiling(R*n21)
 out1 <- t(c(n11, n12))
 out2 <- t(c(n21, n22))
 out <- rbind(out1, out2)
 colnames(out) <- c("n1", "n2")
 rownames(out) <- c("Unweighted standardizer:", "Single group standardizer:")

#  size.ci.ratio.mean2 ======================================================= 
#' Sample size for a 2-group mean ratio confidence interval
#' @description
#' Computes the sample size in each group required to estimate a ratio of 
#' population means with desired confidence interval precision in a 2-group
#' design. This function requires planning values for each mean and the sample 
#' size requirement is very sensitive to these planning values. Set the 
#' variance planning value to the largest value within a plausible range for a
#' conservatively large sample size. 
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  var    planning value of average within-group variance
#' @param  m1     planning value of mean for group 1
#' @param  m2     planning value of mean for group 2
#' @param  r      desired upper to lower confidence interval endpoint ratio
#' @param  R      n2/n1 ratio
#' @return 
#' Returns the required sample size for each group
#' @examples
#' size.ci.ratio.mean2(.05, .4, 3.5, 3.1, 1.2, 2)
#' # Should return:
#' # n1   n2
#' # 53  106
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
size.ci.ratio.mean2 <- function(alpha, var, m1, m2, r, R) {
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 n1 <- ceiling(4*var*(1 + 1/R)*(1/m1^2 + 1/m2^2)*(z/log(r))^2 + z^2/4)
 n2 <- ceiling(R*n1)
 out <- t(c(n1, n2))
 colnames(out) <- c("n1", "n2")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  size.ci.lc.mean.bs ========================================================
#' Sample size for a between-subjects mean linear contrast confidence interval
#' @description
#' Computes the sample size in each group (assuming equal sample sizes) 
#' required to estimate a linear contrast of population means with desired 
#' confidence interval precision in a between-subjects design. Set the 
#' variance planning value to the largest value within a plausible range
#' for a conservatively large sample size. 
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence 
#' @param  var    planning value of average within-group variance  
#' @param  w      desired confidence interval width
#' @param  v      vector of between-subjects contrast coefficients 
#' @return 
#' Returns the required sample size for each group
#' @examples
#' v <- c(.5, .5, -1)
#' size.ci.lc.mean.bs(.05, 5.62, 2.0, v)
#' # Should return:
#' # Sample size per group
#' #                    34
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
size.ci.lc.mean.bs <- function(alpha, var, w, v) {
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 m <- length(v) - sum(v == 0)
 n <- ceiling(4*var*(t(v)%*%v)*(z/w)^2 + z^2/(2*m))
 out <- matrix(n, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Sample size per group"
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  size.ci.lc.stdmean.bs ====================================================== 
#' Sample size for a between-subjects standardized linear contrast of means
#' confidence interval
#' @description
#' Computes the sample size per group (assuming equal sample sizes) 
#' required to estimate two types of standardized linear contrasts of 
#' population means (unweighted average standardizer and single group
#' standardizer) with desired confidence interval precision in a 
#' between-subjects design. Set the standardized linear contrast of
#' means to the largest value within a plausible range for a conservatively
#' large sample size. 
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  d      planning value of standardized linear contrast of means 
#' @param  w      desired confidence interval width
#' @param  v      vector of between-subjects contrast coefficients 
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Bonett2009}{statpsych}
#' @return 
#' Returns the required sample size per group for each standardizer
#' @examples
#' v <- c(.5, .5, -.5, -.5)
#' size.ci.lc.stdmean.bs(.05, 1, .6, v)
#' # Should return:
#' #                            Sample size per group
#' # Unweighted standardizer:                      49
#' # Single group standardizer:                    65
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
size.ci.lc.stdmean.bs <- function(alpha, d, w, v) {
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 a <- length(v)
 n1 <- ceiling((2*d^2/a + 4*(t(v)%*%v))*(z/w)^2)
 n2 <- ceiling((2*d^2 + 4*(t(v)%*%v))*(z/w)^2)
 out1 <- n1
 out2 <- n2
 out <- rbind(out1, out2)
 colnames(out) <- "Sample size per group"
 rownames(out) <- c("Unweighted standardizer:", "Single group standardizer:")

#  size.ci.mean.ps ============================================================
#' Sample size for a paired-samples mean difference confidence interval
#' @description
#' Computes the sample size required to estimate a difference in population  
#' means with desired confidence interval precision in a paired-samples 
#' design. This function requires a planning value for the average of the  
#' variances for the two measurements. Set the Pearson correlation planning  
#' value to the smallest value within a plausible range for a conservatively  
#' large sample size. Set the variance planning value to the largest value 
#' within a plausible range for a conservatively large sample size. 
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  var    planning value of average variance of the two measurements
#' @param  cor    planning value of correlation between measurements
#' @param  w      desired confidence interval width
#' @return 
#' Returns the required sample size
#' @examples
#' size.ci.mean.ps(.05, 265, .8, 10)
#' # Should return:
#' # Sample size
#' #          19
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
size.ci.mean.ps <- function(alpha, var, cor, w) {
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 n <- ceiling(8*(1 - cor)*var*(z/w)^2 + z^2/2)
 out <- matrix(n, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Sample size"
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  size.ci.stdmean.ps ========================================================
#' Sample size for a paired-samples standardized mean difference confidence 
#' interval
#' @description
#' Computes the sample size required to estimate two types of population 
#' standardized mean differences (unweighted standardizer and single group
#' standardizer) with desired confidence interval precision in a paired-samples
#' design. For a conservatively large sample size, set the standardized mean 
#' difference planning value to the largest value within a plausible range and 
#' set the Pearson correlation planning value to the smallest value within a 
#' plausible range.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  d      planning value of standardized mean difference  
#' @param  cor    planning value of correlation between measurements
#' @param  w      desired confidence interval width
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Bonett2009}{statpsych}0
#' @return 
#' Returns the required sample size for each standardizer 
#' @examples
#' size.ci.stdmean.ps(.05, 1, .65, .6)
#' # Should return:
#' #                            Sample Size
#' # Unweighted standardizer:            46
#' # Single group standardizer:          52
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
size.ci.stdmean.ps <- function(alpha, d, cor, w) {
 if (cor > .999 || cor < -.999) {stop("correlation must be between -.999 and .999")}
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 n1 <- ceiling((d^2*(1 + cor^2) + 8*(1 - cor))*(z/w)^2)
 n2 <- ceiling((2*d^2 + 8*(1 - cor))*(z/w)^2)
 out1 <- n1
 out2 <- n2
 out <- rbind(out1, out2)
 colnames(out) <- "Sample size"
 rownames(out) <- c("Unweighted standardizer:", "Single group standardizer:")

#  size.ci.ratio.mean.ps ===================================================== 
#' Sample size for a paired-samples mean ratio confidence interval 
#' @description
#' Computes the sample size required to estimate a ratio of population means 
#' with desired confidence interval precision in a paired-samples design.
#' Set the correlation planning value to the smallest value within a plausible
#' range for a conservatively large sample size. This function requires 
#' planning values for each mean and the sample size requirement is very 
#' sensitive to these planning values. Set the variance planning value to   
#' the largest value within a plausible range for a conservatively large  
#' sample size. 
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  var    planning value of average variance of the two measurements
#' @param  m1     planning value of mean for measurement 1
#' @param  m2     planning value of mean for measurement 2
#' @param  cor    planning value for correlation between measurements
#' @param  r      desired upper to lower confidence interval endpoint ratio
#' @return 
#' Returns the required sample size 
#' @examples
#' size.ci.ratio.mean.ps(.05, 400, 150, 100, .7, 1.2)
#' # Should return:
#' # Sample size
#' #          21
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
size.ci.ratio.mean.ps <- function(alpha, var, m1, m2, cor, r) {
 if (cor > .999 || cor < -.999) {stop("correlation must be between -.999 and .999")}
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 n <- ceiling(8*var*(1/m1^2 + 1/m2^2 - 2*cor/(m1*m2))*(z/log(r))^2 + z^2/2)
 out <- matrix(n, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Sample size"
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  size.ci.lc.mean.ws ========================================================
#' Sample size for a within-subjects mean linear contrast confidence interval
#' @description
#' Computes the sample size required to estimate a linear contrast of 
#' population means with desired confidence interval precision in a 
#' within-subjects design. Set the variance planning value to the  
#' largest value within a plausible range for a conservatively large  
#' sample size. Set the Pearson correlation planning value to the 
#' smallest value within a plausible range for a conservatively 
#' large sample size. 
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence 
#' @param  var    planning value of average variance of the measurements  
#' @param  cor    planning value of average correlation between measurements
#' @param  w      desired confidence interval width
#' @param  q      vector of within-subjects contrast coefficients 
#' @return 
#' Returns the required sample size 
#' @examples
#' q <- c(.5, .5, -.5, -.5)
#' size.ci.lc.mean.ws(.05, 265, .8, 10, q)
#' # Should return:
#' # Sample size
#' #          11
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
size.ci.lc.mean.ws <- function(alpha, var, cor, w, q) {
 if (cor > .999 || cor < -.999) {stop("correlation must be between -.999 and .999")}
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 k <- length(q)
 n <- ceiling(4*(1 - cor)*var*(t(q)%*%q)*(z/w)^2 + z^2/2)
 out <- matrix(n, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Sample size"
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  size.ci.lc.stdmean.ws ===================================================
#' Sample size for a within-subjects standardized linear contrast of means
#' confidence interval
#' @description
#' Computes the sample size required to estimate two types of standardized 
#' linear contrasts of population means (unweighted standardizer and single
#' level standardizer) with desired confidence interval precision in a 
#' within-subjects design. For a conservatively large sample size, set the 
#' standardized linear contrast of means planning value to the largest value
#' within a plausible range, and set the Pearson correlation planning value
#' to the smallest value within a plausible range.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  d      planning value of standardized linear contrast  
#' @param  cor    planning value of average correlation between measurements
#' @param  w      desired confidence interval width
#' @param  q      vector of within-subjects contrast coefficients 
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Bonett2009}{statpsych}
#' @return 
#' Returns the required sample size for each standardizer
#' @examples
#' q <- c(.5, .5, -.5, -.5)
#' size.ci.lc.stdmean.ws(.05, 1, .7, .6, q)
#' # Should return:
#' #                            Sample size
#' # Unweighted standardizer:            26
#' # Single level standardizer:          35
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
size.ci.lc.stdmean.ws <- function(alpha, d, cor, w, q) {
 if (cor > .999 || cor < -.999) {stop("correlation must be between -.999 and .999")}
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 a <- length(q)
 n1 <- ceiling((2*d^2*(1 + (a - 1)*cor^2)/a + 4*(1 - cor)*(t(q)%*%q))*(z/w)^2)
 n2 <- ceiling((2*d^2 + 4*(1 - cor)*(t(q)%*%q))*(z/w)^2)
 out1 <- n1
 out2 <- n2
 out <- rbind(out1, out2)
 colnames(out) <- "Sample size"
 rownames(out) <- c("Unweighted standardizer:", "Single level standardizer:")

#  size.ci.cronbach ========================================================
#' Sample size for a Cronbach reliability confidence interval
#' Computes the sample size required to estimate a Cronbach reliability
#' with desired confidence interval precision.
#' @param  alpha  alpha value for 1-alpha confidence 
#' @param  rel    reliability planning value
#' @param  r      number of measurements
#' @param  w      desired confidence interval width
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Bonett2015}{statpsych}
#' @return 
#' Returns the required sample size
#' @examples
#' size.ci.cronbach(.05, .85, 5, .1)
#' # Should return:
#' # Sample size
#' #          89
#' @importFrom stats qf
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
size.ci.cronbach <- function(alpha, rel, r, w) {
 if (rel > .999 || rel < .001) {stop("reliability must be between .001 and .999")}
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 n0 <- ceiling((8*r/(r - 1))*(1 - rel)^2*(z/w)^2 + 2)
 df1 <- n0 - 1
 df2 <- n0*(r - 1)
 f1 <- qf(1 - alpha/2, df1, df2)
 f2 <- qf(1 - alpha/2, df2, df1)
 f0 <- 1/(1 - rel)
 ll <- 1 - f1/f0
 ul <- 1 - 1/(f0*f2)
 w0 <- ul - ll
 n <- ceiling((n0 - 2)*(w0/w)^2 + 2)
 out <- matrix(n, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Sample size"
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  size.ci.etasqr =============================================================
#' Sample size for an eta-squared confidence interval 
#' @description
#' Computes the sample size required to estimate an eta-squared coefficient
#' in a one-way ANOVA with desired confidence interval precision. Set the 
#' planning value of eta-squared to about 1/3 for a conservatively large sample
#' size. 
#' @param  alpha    alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  etasqr   planning value of eta-squared
#' @param  groups   number of groups
#' @param  w        desired confidence interval width
#' @return 
#' Returns the required sample size for each group group
#' @examples
#' size.ci.etasqr(.05, .333, 3, .2)
#' # Should return:
#' # Sample size per group 
#' #                    63
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export                                                                  
size.ci.etasqr <- function(alpha, etasqr, groups, w) {
 alpha1 <- alpha/2
 alpha2 <- 1 - alpha1
 if (etasqr <= .001) {stop("etasqr must be greater than .001")}
 if (w >= .999) {stop("CI width must be less than .999")}
 if (w <= .001) {stop("CI width must be greater than .001")}
 df1 <- groups - 1
 z <- qnorm(alpha2)
 n1 <- ceiling(16*etasqr*(1 - etasqr)*(z/w)^2 + groups + 1)
 df2 <- n1 - groups
 if (df2 < groups) {df2 = groups}
 ci <- ci.etasqr(alpha, etasqr, df1, df2)
 ll <- ci[1,4]                                  
 ul <- ci[1,5]                                  
 n2 <- ceiling(n1*((ul - ll)/w)^2)
 df2 <- n2 - groups
 if (df2 < groups) {df2 = groups}
 ci <- ci.etasqr(alpha, etasqr, df1, df2)
 ll <- ci[1,4]                                  
 ul <- ci[1,5]
 n <- ceiling(n2*((ul - ll)/w)^2)
 n0 <- ceiling(n/groups)
 if (n0 < 2) {n0 = 2}
 out <- matrix(n0, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Sample size per group"
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  size.ci.second =============================================================
#' Sample size for a second-stage confidence interval
#' @description
#' Computes the second-stage sample size required to obtain desired confidence 
#' interval precision. This function can use either the total sample size for 
#' all groups in the first stage sample or a single group sample size in the
#' first stage sample. If the total first-stage sample size is given, then the
#' function computes the total sample size required in the second-stage sample.
#' If a single group first-stage sample size is given, then the function 
#' computes the single-group sample size required in the second-stage sample. 
#' The second-stage sample is combined with the first-stage sample to obtain 
#' the desired confidence interval width.
#' @param  n0     first-stage sample size 
#' @param  w0     confidence interval width in first-stage sample
#' @param  w      desired confidence interval width
#' @return 
#' Returns the required sample size for the second-stage sample
#' @examples
#' size.ci.second(20, 5.3, 2.5)
#' # Should return:
#' # Second-stage sample size
#' #                       70
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
size.ci.second <- function(n0, w0, w) {
 n <- ceiling(((w0/w)^2 - 1)*n0)
 out <- matrix(n, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Second-stage sample size"
 rownames(out) <- ""

# ======================== Sample Size for Desired Power ======================
#  size.test.mean1 ============================================================
#' Sample size for a test of a single mean
#' @description
#' Computes the sample size required to test a single population mean with 
#' desired power in a 1-group design. Set the variance planning value to the  
#' largest value within a plausible range for a conservatively large sample 
#' size.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for hypothesis test 
#' @param  pow    desired power
#' @param  var    planning value of response variable variance
#' @param  es     planning value of mean minus null hypothesis value
#' @return 
#' Returns the required sample size 
#' @examples
#' size.test.mean1(.05, .9, 80.5, 7)
#' # Should return:
#' # Sample size
#' #          20
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
size.test.mean1 <- function(alpha, pow, var, es) {
 za <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 zb <- qnorm(pow)
 n <- ceiling(var*(za + zb)^2/es^2 + za^2/2)
 out <- matrix(n, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Sample size"
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  size.test.mean2 ============================================================ 
#' Sample size for a test of a 2-group mean difference
#' @description
#' Computes the sample size in each group required  to test a difference in 
#' population means with desired power in a 2-group design. Set R =1 for equal 
#' sample sizes. Set the variance planning value to the largest value within a 
#' plausible range for a conservatively large sample size.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for hypothesis test
#' @param  pow    desired power 
#' @param  var    planning value of average within-group variance
#' @param  es     planning value of mean difference
#' @param  R      n2/n1 ratio
#' @return 
#' Returns the required sample size for each group
#' @examples
#' size.test.mean2(.05, .95, 100, 10, 1) 
#' # Should return:
#' # n1  n2
#' # 27  27
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
size.test.mean2 <- function(alpha, pow, var, es, R) {
 za <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 zb <- qnorm(pow)
 n1 <- ceiling(var*(1 + 1/R)*(za + zb)^2/es^2 + za^2/4)
 n2 <- ceiling(R*n1)
 out <- t(c(n1, n2))
 colnames(out) <- c("n1", "n2")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  size.test.lc.mean.bs ====================================================== 
#' Sample size for a test of a between-subjects mean linear contrast
#' @description
#' Computes the sample size in each group (assuming equal sample sizes)
#' required to test a linear contrast of population means with desired 
#' power in a between-subjects design. Set the variance planning value
#' to the largest value within a plausible range for a conservatively 
#' large sample size.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for hypothesis test 
#' @param  pow    desired power
#' @param  var    planning value of average within-group variance
#' @param  es     planning value of linear contrast of means
#' @param  v      vector of between-subjects contrast coefficients 
#' @return 
#' Returns the required sample size for each group
#' @examples
#' v <- c(1, -1, -1, 1)
#' size.test.lc.mean.bs(.05, .90, 27.5, 5, v)
#' # Should return:
#' # Sample size per group
#' #                    47
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
size.test.lc.mean.bs <- function(alpha, pow, var, es, v) {
 za <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 zb <- qnorm(pow)
 m <- length(v) - sum(v == 0)
 n <- ceiling(var*(t(v)%*%v)*(za + zb)^2/es^2 + za^2/(2*m))
 out <- matrix(n, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Sample size per group"
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  size.equiv.mean2 ========================================================== 
#' Sample size for a 2-group mean equivalence test
#' @description
#' Computes the sample size in each group (assuming equal sample sizes) 
#' required to perform an equivalence test for the difference in population
#' means with desired power in a 2-group design. The value of h specifies a 
#' range of practical equivalence, -h to h, for the difference in population 
#' means. The planning value for the absolute mean difference must be less 
#' than h.  Equivalence tests often require a very large sample size. 
#' Equivalence tests usually use 2 x alpha rather than alpha (e.g., use 
#' alpha = .10 rather alpha = .05). Set the variance planning value to the
#' largest value within a plausible range for a conservatively large sample 
#' size.
#' @param   alpha  alpha level for hypothesis test 
#' @param   pow    desired power
#' @param   var    planning value of average within-group variance
#' @param   es     planning value of mean difference
#' @param   h      upper limit for range of practical equivalence
#' @return 
#' Returns the required sample size for each group
#' @examples
#' size.equiv.mean2(.10, .80, 15, 2, 4)
#' # Should return:
#' # Sample size per group 
#' #                    50
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
size.equiv.mean2 <- function(alpha, pow, var, es, h) {
 if (h <= abs(es)) {stop("|es| must be less than h")}
 za <- qnorm(1 - alpha)
 zb <- qnorm(1 - (1 - pow)/2)
 n <- ceiling(var*2*(za + zb)^2/(abs(h) - abs(es))^2 + za^2/4)
 out <- matrix(n, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Sample size per group"
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  size.supinf.mean2 ========================================================= 
#' Sample size for a 2-group mean superiority or noninferiority test
#' @description
#' Computes the sample size in each group (assuming equal sample sizes)  
#' required to perform a superiority or noninferiority test for the difference 
#' in population means with desired power in a 2-group design. For a 
#' superiority test, specify the upper limit (h) for the range of practical
#' equivalence and specify an effect size (es) such that es > h. For a 
#' noninferiority test, specify the lower limit (-h) for the range of 
#' practical equivalence and specify an effect size such that es > -h.  
#' Set the variance planning value to the largest value within a plausible 
#' range for a conservatively large sample size.
#' @param   alpha  alpha level for hypothesis test 
#' @param   pow    desired power
#' @param   var    planning value of average within-group variance
#' @param   es     planning value of mean difference
#' @param   h      upper or lower limit for range of practical equivalence
#' @return 
#' Returns the required sample size for each group
#' @examples
#' size.supinf.mean2(.05, .80, 225, 9, 4)
#' # Should return:
#' # Sample size per group 
#' #                   143
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
size.supinf.mean2 <- function(alpha, pow, var, es, h) {
 za <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 zb <- qnorm(pow)
 n <- ceiling(var*2*(za + zb)^2/(es - h)^2 + za^2/4)
 out <- matrix(n, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Sample size per group"
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  size.test.mean.ps ========================================================== 
#' Sample size for a test of a paired-samples mean difference
#' @description
#' Computes the sample size required to test a difference in population means
#' with desired power in a paired-samples design. Set the Pearson correlation  
#' planning value to the smallest value within a plausible range, and set the
#' variance planning value to the largest value within a plausible range for a
#' conservatively large sample size.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for hypothesis test 
#' @param  pow    desired power
#' @param  var    planning value of average variance of the two measurements
#' @param  es     planning value of mean difference 
#' @param  cor    planning value of correlation
#' @return 
#' Returns the required sample size 
#' @examples
#' size.test.mean.ps(.05, .80, 1.25, .5, .75) 
#' # Should return:
#' # Sample size
#' #          22
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
size.test.mean.ps <- function(alpha, pow, var, es, cor) {
 if (cor > .999 || cor < -.999) {stop("correlation must be between -.999 and .999")}
 za <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 zb <- qnorm(pow)
 n <- ceiling(2*var*(1 - cor)*(za + zb)^2/es^2 + za^2/2)
 out <- matrix(n, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Sample size"
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  size.test.lc.mean.ws ======================================================= 
#' Sample size for a test of a within-subjects mean linear contrast
#' @description
#' Computes the sample size required to test a linear contrast of population 
#' means with desired power in a within-subjects design. Set the average variance 
#' planning value to the largest value within a plausible range for a 
#' conservatively large sample size. Set the average correlation planning value to
#' the smallest value within a plausible range for a conservatively large sample 
#' size. 
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for hypothesis test 
#' @param  pow    desired power
#' @param  var    planning value of average variance of measurements  
#' @param  es     planning value of linear contrast of means
#' @param  cor    planning value of average correlation between measurements
#' @param  q      vector of with-subjects contrast coefficients 
#' @return 
#' Returns the required sample size 
#' @examples
#' q <- c(.5, .5, -.5, -.5)
#' size.test.lc.mean.ws(.05, .90, 50.7, 2, .8, q)
#' # Should return:
#' # Sample size
#' #          29
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
size.test.lc.mean.ws <- function(alpha, pow, var, es, cor, q) {
 if (cor > .999 || cor < -.999) {stop("correlation must be between -.999 and .999")}
 za <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 zb <- qnorm(pow)
 n <- ceiling(var*(1 - cor)*(t(q)%*%q)*(za + zb)^2/es^2 + za^2/2)
 out <- matrix(n, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Sample size"
 rownames(out) <- ""
#  size.equiv.mean.ps ========================================================== 
#' Sample size for a paired-samples mean equivalence test
#' @description
#' Computes the sample size required to perform an equivalence test for the
#' difference in population means with desired power in a paired-samples 
#' design. The value of h specifies a range of practical equivalence, -h to h, 
#' for the difference in population means. The planning value for the absolute
#' mean difference must be less than h. Equivalence tests often require a 
#' very large sample size. Equivalence tests usually use 2 x alpha rather than
#' alpha (e.g., use alpha = .10 rather alpha = .05). Set the Pearson correlation 
#' value to the smallest value within a plausible range, and set the variance
#' planning value to the largest value within a plausible range for a
#' conservatively large sample size.
#' @param   alpha  alpha level for hypothesis test 
#' @param   pow    desired power
#' @param   var    planning value of average variance of the two measurements
#' @param   es     planning value of mean difference
#' @param   cor    planning value of the correlation between measurements
#' @param   h      upper limit for range of practical equivalence
#' @return 
#' Returns the required sample size
#' @examples
#' size.equiv.mean.ps(.10, .85, 15, .5, .7, 1.5)
#' # Should return:
#' # Sample size
#' #          68
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
size.equiv.mean.ps <- function(alpha, pow, var, es, cor, h) {
 if (cor > .999 || cor < -.999) {stop("correlation must be between -.999 and .999")}
 if (h <= abs(es)) {stop("|es| must be less than h")}
 za <- qnorm(1 - alpha)
 zb <- qnorm(1 - (1 - pow)/2)
 n <- ceiling(2*var*(1 - cor)*(za + zb)^2/(h - abs(es))^2 + za^2/2)
 out <- matrix(n, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Sample size"
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  size.supinf.mean.ps ======================================================== 
#' Sample size for a paired-samples mean superiority or noninferiority test
#' @description
#' Computes the sample size required to perform a superiority or noninferiority 
#' test for the difference in population means with desired power in a
#' paired-samples design. For a superiority test, specify the upper limit (h)
#' for the range of practical equivalence and specify an effect size (es) such
#' that es > h. For a noninferiority test, specify the lower limit (-h) for 
#' the range of practical equivalence and specify an effect size such that 
#' es > -h.  Set the Pearson correlation planning value to the smallest value
#' within a plausible range, and set the variance planning value to the largest
#' value within a plausible range for a conservatively large sample size.
#' @param   alpha  alpha level for hypothesis test 
#' @param   pow    desired power
#' @param   var    planning value of average variance of the two measurements
#' @param   es     planning value of mean difference
#' @param   cor    planning value of the correlation between measurements
#' @param   h      upper or lower limit for range of practical equivalence
#' @return 
#' Returns the required sample size
#' @examples
#' size.supinf.mean.ps(.05, .80, 225, 9, .75, 4)
#' # Should return:
#' # Sample size
#' #          38
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
size.supinf.mean.ps <- function(alpha, pow, var, es, cor, h) {
 if (cor > .999 || cor < -.999) {stop("correlation must be between -.999 and .999")}
 za <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 zb <- qnorm(pow)
 n <- ceiling(2*var*(1 - cor)*(za + zb)^2/(es - h)^2 + za^2/2)
 out <- matrix(n, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Sample size"
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  size.test.mann ============================================================ 
#' Sample size for a Mann-Whitney test
#' @description
#' Computes the sample size in each group (assuming equal sample sizes) 
#' required for the Mann-Whitney test with desired power. A planning value
#' of the Mann-Whitney parameter is required. In a 2-group experiment, this
#' parameter is the proportion of members in the population with scores that
#' would be larger under treatment 1 than treatment 2. In a 2-group 
#' nonexperiment where participants are sampled from two subpopulations of 
#' sizes N1 and N2, the parameter is the proportion of all N1 x N2 pairs in
#' which a member from subpopulation 1 has a larger score than a member from 
#' subpopulation 2.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for hypothesis test 
#' @param  pow    desired power
#' @param  p      planning value of Mann-Whitney parameter
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Noether1987}{statpsych}
#' @return 
#' Returns the required sample size for each group 
#' @examples
#' size.test.mann(.05, .90, .3)
#' # Should return:
#' # Sample size per group
#' #                    44
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
size.test.mann <- function(alpha, pow, p) {
 if (p > .999 || p < .001) {stop("Mann-Whitney parameter must be between .001 and .999")}
 za <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 zb <- qnorm(pow)
 es <- p - .5;
 n <- ceiling((za + zb)^2/(6*es^2))
 out <- matrix(n, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Sample size per group"
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  size.test.sign1 =========================================================== 
#' Sample size for a 1-sample Sign test
#' @description
#' Computes the sample size required for a Sign test with desired power in a 
#' 1-sample design. A planning value of the 1-sample Sign test parameter value
#' is required. This parameter is the proportion of members in the population 
#' with scores greater than the hypothesized value. 
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for hypothesis test 
#' @param  pow    desired power
#' @param  p      planning value of proportion 
#' @return 
#' Returns the required sample size 
#' @examples
#' size.test.sign1(.05, .90, .3)
#' # Should return:
#' # Sample size
#' #          56
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
size.test.sign1 <- function(alpha, pow, p) {
 if (p > .9999 || p < .0001) {stop("proportion must be between .0001 and .9999")}
 za <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 zb <- qnorm(pow)
 es <- p - .5
 n <- ceiling(p*(1 - p)*(za + zb)^2/es^2)
 out <- matrix(n, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Sample size"
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  size.test.sign.ps ========================================================= 
#' Sample size for a paired-samples Sign test
#' @description
#' Computes sample size required for a Sign test with desired power in a 
#' paired-samples design. A planning value of the paired-samples Sign test 
#' parameter is required. In a paired-samples experiment, this parameter 
#' is the proportion of members in the population with scores that would be 
#' larger under treatment 1 than treatment 2. In a paired-samples 
#' nonexperiment, this parameter is the proportion of members in the  
#' population with measurement 1 scores that are larger than their
#' measurement 2 scores.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for hypothesis test 
#' @param  pow    desired power
#' @param  p      planning value of proportion 
#' @return 
#' Returns the required sample size 
#' @examples
#' size.test.sign.ps(.05, .90, .75)
#' # Should return:
#' # Sample size
#' #          32
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
size.test.sign.ps <- function(alpha, pow, p) {
 if (p > .9999 || p < .0001) {stop("proportion must be between .0001 and .9999")}
 za <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 zb <- qnorm(pow)
 es <- p - .5
 n <- ceiling(p*(1 - p)*(za + zb)^2/es^2)
 out <- matrix(n, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Sample size"
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  size.test.cronbach ========================================================
#' Sample size to test a Cronbach reliability
#' Computes the sample size required to test a Cronbach reliability with
#' desired power. 
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for hypothesis test 
#' @param  pow    desired power
#' @param  rel    reliability planning value
#' @param  r      number of measurements
#' @param  h      null hypothesis value of reliability
#' @return 
#' Returns the required sample size
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Bonett2015}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' size.test.cronbach(.05, .85, .80, 5, .7)
#' # Should return:
#' # Sample size
#' #         139
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
size.test.cronbach <- function(alpha, pow, rel, r, h) {
 if (rel > .999 || rel < .001) {stop("reliability must be between .001 and .999")}
 za <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 zb <- qnorm(pow)
 e <- (1 - rel)/(1 - h)
 n <- ceiling((2*r/(r - 1))*(za + zb)^2/log(e)^2 + 2)
 out <- matrix(n, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Sample size"
 rownames(out) <- ""

# ======================= Power for Planned Sample Size =======================
#  power.mean1 ================================================================
#' Approximates the power of a one-sample t-test for a planned sample size
#' @description
#' Computes the approximate power of a one-sample t-test for a planned sample
#' size. For a conservatively low power approximation, set the variance 
#' planning value to the largest value within its plausible range, and set the 
#' effect size to a minimally interesting value.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for hypothesis test 
#' @param  n      planned sample size
#' @param  var    planning value of response variable variance 
#' @param  es     planning value of mean minus hypothesized value
#' @return
#' Returns the approximate power of the test
#' @examples
#' power.mean1(.05, 15, 80.5, 7)
#' # Should return:
#' #     Power
#' # 0.8021661
#' @importFrom stats qt
#' @importFrom stats pt
#' @export
power.mean1 <- function(alpha, n, var, es) { 
 df <- n - 1
 t <- qt(1 - alpha/2, df)
 z <- abs(es)/sqrt(var/n)
 pow <- 1 - pt(t, df, z)
 out <- matrix(pow, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Power"
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  power.mean2 ================================================================
#' Approximates the power of a two-sample t-test for planned sample sizes
#' @description
#' Computes the approximate power of a two-sample t-test for planned sample
#' sizes. For a conservatively low power approximation, set the variance 
#' planning values to the largest values within their plausible ranges, 
#' and set the effect size to a minimally interesting value. The within-group 
#' variances can be unequal across groups and a Satterthwaite degree of freedom 
#' adjustment is used to improve the accuracy of the power approximation.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for hypothesis test 
#' @param  n1     planned sample size for group 1
#' @param  n2     planned sample size for group 2
#' @param  var1   planning value of within-group variance for group 1
#' @param  var2   planning value of within-group variance for group 2
#' @param  es     planning value of mean difference
#' @return
#' Returns the approximate power of the test
#' @examples
#' power.mean2(.05, 25, 25, 5.0, 6.0, 2)
#' # Should return:
#' #     Power
#' # 0.8398413
#' @importFrom stats qt
#' @importFrom stats pt
#' @export
power.mean2 <- function(alpha, n1, n2, var1, var2, es) {
 df <- (var1/n1 + var2/n2)^2/(var1^2/(n1^2*(n1 - 1)) + var2^2/(n2^2*(n2 - 1)))
 t <- qt(1 - alpha/2, df)
 z <- abs(es)/sqrt(var1/n1 + var2/n2)
 pow <- 1 - pt(t, df, z)
 out <- matrix(pow, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Power"
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  power.lc.mean.bs ===========================================================
#' Approximates the power of a test for a linear contrast of means for planned 
#' sample sizes in a between-subjects design
#' @description
#' Computes the approximate power of a test for a linear contrast of population
#' means for planned sample sizes in a between-subject design. The groups can be
#' the factor levels of a single factor design or the combinations of factors 
#' in a factorial design. For a conservatively low power approximation, set the
#' variance planning values to the largest values within their plausible ranges,
#' and set the effect size to a minimally interesting value. The within-group 
#' variances can be unequal across groups and a Satterthwaite degree of freedom 
#' adjustment is used to improve the accuracy of the power approximation.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for hypothesis test 
#' @param  n      vector of planned sample sizes
#' @param  var    vector of within-group variance planning values
#' @param  es     planning value of linear contrast of means
#' @param  v      vector of contrast coefficients
#' @return
#' Returns the approximate power of the test
#' @examples
#' n <- c(20, 20, 20, 20)
#' var <- c(70, 70, 80, 80)
#' v <- c(.5, .5, -.5, -.5)
#' power.lc.mean.bs(.05, n, var, 5, v)
#' # Should return:
#' #     Power
#' # 0.7221139
#' @importFrom stats qt
#' @importFrom stats pt
#' @export
power.lc.mean.bs <- function(alpha, n, var, es, v) {
 S <- diag(var)%*%(solve(diag(n)))
 se <- sqrt(t(v)%*%S%*%v)
 df <- (se^4)/sum(((v^4)*(var^2)/(n^2*(n - 1))))
 t <- qt(1 - alpha/2, df)
 z <- abs(es)/se
 pow <- 1 - pt(t, df, z)
 out <- matrix(pow, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Power"
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  power.mean.ps ==============================================================
#' Approximates the power of a paired-samples t-test for a planned sample size
#' @description
#' Computes the approximate power of a paired-samples t-test for a planned 
#' sample size. For a conservatively low power approximation, set the variance 
#' planning values to the largest values within their plausible ranges, set the
#' correlation planning value to the smallest value within its plausible range, 
#' and set the effect size to a minimally interesting value. The variances of
#' the two measurements can be unequal.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for hypothesis test 
#' @param  n      planned sample size 
#' @param  var1   planning value of measurement 1 variance
#' @param  var2   planning value of measurement 2 variance
#' @param  es     planning value of mean difference
#' @param  cor    planning value of correlation between measurements
#' @return
#' Returns the approximate power of the test
#' @examples
#' power.mean.ps(.05, 20, 10.0, 12.0, 2, .7)
#' # Should return:
#' #     Power
#' # 0.9074353
#' @importFrom stats qt
#' @importFrom stats pt
#' @export
power.mean.ps <- function(alpha, n, var1, var2, es, cor) {
 if (cor > .999 || cor < -.999) {stop("correlation must be between -.999 and .999")}
 df <- n - 1
 t <- qt(1 - alpha/2, df)
 z <- abs(es)/sqrt((var1 + var2 - 2*cor*sqrt(var1*var2))/n)
 pow <- 1 - pt(t, df, z)
 out <- matrix(pow, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Power"
 rownames(out) <- ""

# ============================== Miscellaneous ===============================
#  pi.score1 ================================================================= 
#' Prediction interval for one score
#' @description
#' Computes a prediction interval for the response variable score of one 
#' randomly selected member from the study population.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence 
#' @param  m      estimated mean
#' @param  sd     estimated standard deviation
#' @param  n      sample size
#' @return 
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Predicted - predicted score
#' * df - degrees of freedom
#' * LL - lower limit of the prediction interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the prediction interval
#' @examples
#' pi.score1(.05, 24.5, 3.65, 40)
#' # Should return:
#' # Predicted  df       LL       UL
#' #      24.5  39 17.02546 31.97454
#' @importFrom stats qt
#' @export
pi.score1 <- function(alpha, m, sd, n) {
 df <- n - 1
 tcrit <- qt(1 - alpha/2, df)
 se <- sqrt(sd^2 + sd^2/n)
 ll <- m - tcrit*se
 ul <- m + tcrit*se
 out <- t(c(m, df, ll, ul))
 colnames(out) <- c("Predicted", "df", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  pi.score2 ================================================================== 
#' Prediction interval for a difference of scores in a 2-group experiment
#' @description
#' For a 2-group experimental design, this function computes a prediction 
#' interval for how the response variable score for one randomly selected
#' person from the study population would differ under the two treatment
#' conditions. Both equal variance and unequal variance prediction intervals 
#' are computed.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence 
#' @param  m1     estaimted mean for group 1
#' @param  m2     estimated mean for group 1
#' @param  sd1    estimated standard deviation for group 1
#' @param  sd2    estimated standard deviation for group 2
#' @param  n1     sample size for group 1
#' @param  n2     sample size for group 2
#' @return 
#' Returns a 2-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Predicted - predicted difference in scores
#' * df - degrees of freedom
#' * LL - lower limit of the prediction interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the prediction interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Hahn1977}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' pi.score2(.05, 29.57, 18.35, 2.68, 1.92, 40, 45)
#' # Should return:
#' #                              Predicted       df       LL       UL
#' # Equal Variances Assumed:         11.22 83.00000 4.650454 17.78955
#' # Equal Variances Not Assumed:     11.22 72.34319 4.603642 17.83636
#' @importFrom stats qt
#' @export
pi.score2 <- function(alpha, m1, m2, sd1, sd2, n1, n2) {
 df1 <- n1 + n2 - 2
 est <- m1 - m2
 vp <- ((n1 - 1)*sd1^2 + (n2 - 1)*sd2^2)/df1
 se1 <- sqrt(2*vp + vp/n1 + vp/n2)
 tcrit1 <- qt(1 - alpha/2, df1)
 ll1 <- est - tcrit1*se1
 ul1 <- est + tcrit1*se1
 se2 <- sqrt(sd1^2 + sd2^2 + sd1^1/n1 + sd2^2/n2)
 c1 <- sd1^2 + sd1^2/n1
 c2 <- sd2^2 + sd2^2/n2
 df2 <- 1/((1/(n1 - 1))*(c1/(c1 + c2))^2 + (1/(n2 - 1))*(c2/(c1 + c2))^2)
 tcrit2 <- qt(1 - alpha/2, df2)
 ll2 <- est - tcrit2*se2
 ul2 <- est + tcrit2*se2
 out1 <- t(c(est, df1, ll1, ul1))
 out2 <- t(c(est, df2, ll2, ul2))
 out <- rbind(out1, out2)
 colnames(out) <- c("Predicted", "df", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- c("Equal Variances Assumed:", "Equal Variances Not Assumed:")

#  pi.score.ps ================================================================ 
#' Prediction interval for difference of scores in a 2-level within-subjects 
#' experiment
#' @description
#' For a 2-level within-subjects experiment, this function computes a 
#' prediction interval for how the response variable score for one randomly 
#' selected person from the study population would differ under the two 
#' treatment conditions. 
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence 
#' @param  m1     estimated mean from group 1
#' @param  m2     estimated mean from group 2
#' @param  sd1    estimated standard deviation from group 1
#' @param  sd2    estimated standard deviation from group 2
#' @param  cor    estimated correlation of paired scores
#' @param  n      sample size
#' @return 
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Predicted - predicted difference in scores
#' * df - degrees of freedom
#' * LL - lower limit of the prediction interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the prediction interval
#' @examples
#' pi.score.ps(.05, 265.1, 208.6, 23.51, 19.94, .814, 30)
#' # Should return:
#' # Predicted df       LL       UL
#' #      56.5 29 28.05936 84.94064
#' @importFrom stats qt
#' @export
pi.score.ps <- function(alpha, m1, m2, sd1, sd2, cor, n) {
 if (cor > .999 || cor < -.999) {stop("correlation must be between -.999 and .999")}
 df <- n - 1
 tcrit <- qt(1 - alpha/2, df)
 est <- m1 - m2
 var <- sd1^2 + sd2^2 - 2*cor*sd1*sd2
 se <- sqrt(var + var/n)
 ll <- est - tcrit*se
 ul <- est + tcrit*se
 out <- t(c(est, df, ll, ul))
 colnames(out) <- c("Predicted", "df", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  random.sample ==============================================================
#' Generate a random sample
#' @description
#' Generates a random sample of participant IDs without replacement.
#' @param  popsize     study population size
#' @param  samsize     sample size
#' @return 
#' Returns a vector of randomly generated participant IDs
#' @examples
#' random.sample(3000, 25)
#' # Should return:
#' #  [1]   37   94  134  186  212  408  485  697  722  781  998 1055 
#' # [13] 1182 1224 1273 1335 1452 1552 1783 1817 2149 2188 2437 2850 2936
#' @export
random.sample <- function(popsize, samsize) {
 out <- sort(sample(popsize, samsize, replace = FALSE, prob = NULL))

#  randomize ==================================================================
#' Randomize a sample into groups
#' @description
#' Randomly assigns a sample of participants into k groups.
#' @param  n   vector of sample sizes per group
#' @return 
#' Returns a vector of randomly generated group assignments.
#' @examples
#' n <- c(10, 10, 5)
#' randomize(n)
#' # Should return:
#' # [1] 2 3 2 1 1 2 3 3 2 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2
#' @export
randomize <- function(n) {
 k <- length(n)
 out <- sample(rep(1:k, n))

#  random.y =================================================================== 
#' Generate random sample of scores
#' @description
#' Generates a random sample of scores from a normal distribution with a
#' specified population mean and standard deviation. This function is useful 
#' for generating hypothetical data for classroom demonstrations.
#' @param  n     sample size
#' @param  m     population mean of scores
#' @param  sd    population standard deviation of scores
#' @param  min   minimum allowable value
#' @param  max   maximum allowable value
#' @param  dec   number of decimal points 
#' @return 
#' Returns a vector of randomly generated scores.
#' @examples
#' random.y(10, 3.6, 2.8, 1, 7, 0) 
#' # Should return:
#' # [1] 2 7 7 1 6 3 1 3 2 1
#' @importFrom stats rnorm
#' @export
random.y <- function(n, m, sd, min, max, dec) {
 y <- sd*rnorm(n, 0, 1) + m
 y1 <- 1 - as.integer(y < min)
 y <-  y*y1 + (1 - y1)*1
 y2 <- 1 - as.integer(y > max)
 y = y*y2 + (1 - y2)*max
 out <- round(y, dec)

#  ci.var.upper =============================================================== 
#' Upper confidence limit of variance
#' @description
#' Computes an upper limit for a population variance using an estimated variance 
#' from a sample of size n in a prior study. The upper limit can be used as 
#' a variance planning value in sample size functions that require a variance 
#' planning value.
#' @param  alpha  alpha value for 1-alpha confidence (one-sided)
#' @param  var    estimated variance
#' @param  n      sample size

#' @return 
#' Returns an upper limit (UL) variance planning value
#' @examples
#' ci.var.upper(.25, 15, 60)
#' # Should return:
#' #       UL
#' # 17.23264
#' @importFrom stats qchisq
#' @export
ci.var.upper <- function(alpha, var, n) {
 chi <- qchisq(alpha, (n - 1))
 ul <- (n - 1)*var/chi
 out <- matrix(ul, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "UL"
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  pi.var.upper =============================================================== 
#' Upper prediction limit for an estimated variance
#' @description
#' Computes an approximate upper prediction limit for the estimated variance 
#' in a future study for a planned sample size. The prediction limit uses a 
#' variance estimate from a prior study. The upper variance prediction limit
#' is useful as a variance planning value for the sample size required to obtain
#' a confidence interval with desired width. This strategy for specifying a 
#' variance planning value is useful in applications where the population variance
#' in the prior study is assumed to be similar to the population variance in the
#' planned study. This variance planning value can be used to revise the planned 
#' sample size in the future study.
#' @param  alpha  alpha value for upper 1-alpha confidence 
#' @param  var    estimated variance from prior study
#' @param  n1     sample size used to estimate variance
#' @param  n2     planned sample size of future study
#' @return 
#' Returns an upper prediction estimate (UL) of an estimated variance in a future study
#' @examples
#' pi.var.upper(.2, 15, 40, 100)
#' # Should return:
#' #       UL
#' # 18.78522
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
pi.var.upper <- function(alpha, var, n1, n2) {
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha)
 ul <- exp(log(var) + z*sqrt(2/(n1 - 1) + 2/(n2 - 1)))
 out <- matrix(ul, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "UL"
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  etasqr.adj =================================================================
#' Bias adjusts an eta-squared estimate
#' @description
#' Computes an approximate bias adjustment for eta-squared. This adjustment
#' can be applied to eta-squared, partial-eta squared, and generalized
#' eta-squared estimates.
#' @param   etasqr    unadjusted eta-square estimate
#' @param   dfeffect  degrees of freedom for the effect
#' @param   dferror   error degrees of freedom
#' @return 
#' Returns a bias adjusted eta-squared estimate
#' @examples
#' etasqr.adj(.315, 2, 42)
#' # Should return:
#' # adj Eta-squared
#' #        0.282381
#' @export
etasqr.adj <- function(etasqr, dfeffect, dferror) {
 if (etasqr > .999 || etasqr < .001) {stop("etasqr must be between .001 and .999")}
 adj <- 1 - (dferror + dfeffect)*(1 - etasqr)/dferror
 if (adj < 0) {adj = 0}
 out <- matrix(adj, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "adj Eta-squared"
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  test.anova1.bs =============================================================
#' Between-subjects F statistic and eta-squared from summary information 
#' @description
#' Computes the F statistic, p-value, eta-squared, and adjusted eta-squared 
#' for the main effect of Factor A in a one-way between-subjects ANOVA using
#' the estimated group means, estimated group standard deviations, and group
#' sample sizes.  
#' @param   m       vector of estimated group means
#' @param   sd      vector of estimated group standard deviations
#' @param   n       vector of group sample sizes
#' @return 
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * F - F statistic for test of null hypothesis
#' * dfA - degrees of freedom for between-subjects factor
#' * dfE - error degrees of freedom
#' * dfA - degrees of freedom for between-subjects factor
#' * p - p-value for F-test
#' * Eta-squared - estimate of eta-squared
#' * adj Eta-squared - a bias adjusted estimate of eta-squared
#' @examples
#' m <- c(12.4, 8.6, 10.5)
#' sd <- c(3.84, 3.12, 3.48)
#' n <- c(20, 20, 20)
#' test.anova1.bs(m, sd, n)
#' #  Should return:
#' #        F dfA  dfE           p Eta-squared  adj Eta-squared
#' # 5.919585   2   57 0.004614428   0.1719831        0.1429298
#' @importFrom stats pf
#' @export
test.anova1.bs <- function(m, sd, n) {
  a <- length(m)
  nt <- sum(n)
  dfe <- nt - a
  dfa <- a - 1
  v <- sd^2
  grandmean <- sum(n*m)/nt
  SSe <- sum((n - 1)*v)
  MSe <- SSe/dfe
  SSa <- sum(n*(m - grandmean)^2)
  MSa <- SSa/dfa
  F <- MSa/MSe
  p <- 1 - pf(F, dfa, dfe)
  etasqr <- SSa/(SSa + SSe)
  adjetasqr <- 1 - (dfa + dfe)*(1 - etasqr)/dfe
  out <- t(c(F, dfa, dfe, p, etasqr, adjetasqr))
  colnames(out) <- c("F", "dfA",  "dfE", "p", "Eta-squared", "adj Eta-squared")
  rownames(out) <- ""

#  etasqr.gen.2way =============================================================== 
#' Generalized eta-squared estimates in a two-factor design
#' @description
#' Computes generalized eta-square estimates in a two-factor design where one
#' or both factors are classification factors. If both factors are treatment
#' factors, then partial eta-square estimates are typically recommended.
#' Use the estimates from this function in the etasqr.adj function to obtain
#' bias adjusted estimates.
#' @param  SSa    sum of squares for factor A
#' @param  SSb    sum of squares for factor B
#' @param  SSab   sum of squares for A x B interaction
#' @param  SSe    error (within) sum of squares
#' @return 
#' Returns a 3-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * A - estimate of eta-squared for factor A
#' * B - estimate of eta-squared for factor B
#' * AB - estimate of eta-squared for A x B interaction
#' @examples
#' etasqr.gen.2way(12.3, 15.6, 5.2, 7.9)
#' # Should return:
#' #                                           A         B        AB
#' # A treatment, B classification:     0.300000 0.5435540 0.1811847
#' # A classification, B treatment:     0.484252 0.3804878 0.2047244
#' # A classification, B classiciation: 0.300000 0.3804878 0.1268293
#' @export
etasqr.gen.2way <- function(SSa, SSb, SSab, SSe) {
 etaA1 <- SSa/(SSa + SSb + SSab + SSe)
 etaB1 <- SSb/(SSb + SSab + SSe)
 etaAB1 <- SSab/(SSb + SSab + SSe)
 etaA2 <- SSa/(SSa + SSab + SSe)
 etaB2 <- SSb/(SSa + SSb + SSab + SSe)
 etaAB2 <- SSab/(SSa + SSab + SSe)
 etaA3 <- SSa/(SSa + SSb + SSab + SSe)
 etaB3 <- SSb/(SSa + SSb + SSab + SSe)
 etaAB3 <- SSab/(SSa + SSb + SSab + SSe)
 out1 <- t(c(etaA1, etaB1, etaAB1))
 out2 <- t(c(etaA2, etaB2, etaAB2))
 out3 <- t(c(etaA3, etaB3, etaAB3))
 out<- rbind(out1, out2, out3)
 colnames(out) <- c("A", "B", "AB")
 rownames1 <- c("A treatment, B classification:")
 rownames2 <- c("A classification, B treatment:")
 rownames3 <- c("A classification, B classiciation:")
 rownames(out) <- c(rownames1, rownames2, rownames3)

#  sim.ci.mean1 ===============================================================
#' Simulates confidence interval coverage probability for single mean
#' @description
#' Performs a computer simulation of the confidence interval performance for a 
#' single mean. Sample data can be generated from five different population 
#' distributions. All distributions are scaled to have standard deviations
#' of 1.0.
#' @param   alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param   n      sample size
#' @param   dist   type of distribution (1, 2, 3, 4,or 5)
#' * 1 = Gaussian (skewness = 0 and excess kurtosis = 0) 
#' * 2 = platykurtic (skewness = 0 and excess kurtosis = -1.2)
#' * 3 = leptokurtic (skewness = 0 and excess kurtsois = 6)
#' * 4 = moderate skew (skewness = 1 and excess kurtosis = 1.5)
#' * 5 = large skew (skewness = 2 and excess kurtosis = 6)
#' @param   rep    number of Monte Carlo samples
#' @return
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Coverage - probability of confidence interval including population mean  
#' * Lower Error - probability of lower limit greater than population mean
#' * Upper Error - probability of upper limit less than population mean
#' * Ave CI Width - average confidence interval width
#' @examples
#' sim.ci.mean1(.05, 40, 4, 1000)
#' # Should return (within sampling error):
#' # Coverage Lower Error Upper Error Ave CI Width
#' #  0.94722     0.01738      0.0354    0.6333067
#' @importFrom stats qt
#' @importFrom stats rnorm
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @importFrom stats rt
#' @importFrom stats rgamma
#' @export
sim.ci.mean1 <- function(alpha, n, dist, rep) {
 tcrit <- qt(1 - alpha/2, n - 1)
 if (dist == 1) {
   y <- matrix(rnorm(rep*n), nrow = rep)
   popmean <- 0
 } else if (dist == 2) {
   y <- matrix(3.464*runif(rep*n), nrow = rep)
   popmean <- 1.732
 } else if (dist == 3) {
   y <- matrix(.7745*rt(rep*n, 5), nrow = rep)
   popmean <- 0
 } else if (dist == 4) {
   y <- matrix(.5*rgamma(rep*n, 4), nrow = rep)
   popmean <- 2
 } else {
   y <- matrix(rgamma(rep*n, 1), nrow = rep)
   popmean <- 1
 m <- rowMeans(y)
 var <- apply(y, 1, var)
 se <- sqrt(var/n)
 ll <- m - tcrit*se
 ul <- m + tcrit*se
 w <- ul - ll
 c1 <- as.integer(ll > popmean)
 c2 <- as.integer(ul < popmean)
 e1 <- sum(c1)/rep
 e2 <- sum(c2)/rep
 width <- mean(w)
 cov <- 1 - (e1 + e2)
 out <- t(c(cov, e1, e2, width))
 colnames(out) <- c("Coverage", "Lower Error", "Upper Error", "Ave CI Width")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  sim.ci.mean2 ===============================================================
#' Simulates confidence interval coverage probability for a 2-group mean 
#' difference
#' @description
#' Performs a computer simulation of separate variance and pooled variance 
#' confidence interval performance for a mean difference in a 2-group design.
#' Sample data within each group can be generated from five different 
#' population distributions. All distributions are scaled to have a standard 
#' deviation of 1.0 in group 1. 
#' @param   alpha     alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param   n1        sample size in group 1
#' @param   n2        sample size in group 2
#' @param   sd.ratio  ratio of population standard deviations (sd2/sd1)
#' @param   dist1     type of distribution for group 1 (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5)
#' @param   dist2     type of distribution for group 2 (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5)
#' * 1 = Gaussian (skewness = 0 and excess kurtosis = 0) 
#' * 2 = platykurtic (skewness = 0 and excess kurtosis = -1.2)
#' * 3 = leptokurtic (skewness = 0 and excess kurtsois = 6)
#' * 4 = moderate skew (skewness = 1 and excess kurtosis = 1.5)
#' * 5 = large skew (skewness = 2 and excess kurtosis = 6)
#' @param   rep       number of Monte Carlo samples
#' @return
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Coverage - probability of confidence interval including population mean difference  
#' * Lower Error - probability of lower limit greater than population mean difference
#' * Upper Error - probability of upper limit less than population mean difference
#' * Ave CI Width - average confidence interval width
#' @examples
#' sim.ci.mean2(.05, 30, 25, 1.5, 4, 5, 1000)
#' # Should return (within sampling error):
#' #                             Coverage Lower Error Upper Error Ave CI Width
#' # Equal Variances Assumed:      0.93986     0.04022     0.01992     1.344437
#' # Equal Variances Not Assumed:  0.94762     0.03862     0.01376     1.401305
#' @importFrom stats qt
#' @importFrom stats rnorm
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @importFrom stats rt
#' @importFrom stats rgamma
#' @export
sim.ci.mean2 <- function(alpha, n1, n2, sd.ratio, dist1, dist2, rep) {
 df1 <- n1 + n2 - 2
 tcrit1 <- qt(1 - alpha/2, df1)
 if (dist1 == 1) {
   y1 <- matrix(rnorm(rep*n1), nrow = rep)
   popmean1 <- 0
 } else if (dist1 == 2) {
   y1 <- matrix(3.464*runif(rep*n1), nrow = rep)
   popmean1 <- 1.732
 } else if (dist1 == 3) {
   y1 <- matrix(.7745*rt(rep*n1, 5), nrow = rep)
   popmean1 <- 0
 } else if (dist1 == 4) {
   y1 <- matrix(.5*rgamma(rep*n1, 4), nrow = rep)
   popmean1 <- 2
 } else {
   y1 <- matrix(rgamma(rep*n1, 1), nrow = rep)
   popmean1 <- 1
 if (dist2 == 1) {
   y2 <- matrix(sd.ratio*rnorm(rep*n2), nrow = rep)
   popmean2 <- 0
 } else if (dist2 == 2) {
   y2 <- matrix(sd.ratio*3.464*runif(rep*n2), nrow = rep)
   popmean2 <- sd.ratio*1.732
 } else if (dist2 == 3) {
   y2 <- matrix(sd.ratio*.7745*rt(rep*n2, 5), nrow = rep)
   popmean2 <- 0
 } else if (dist2 == 4) {
   y2 <- matrix(sd.ratio*.5*rgamma(rep*n2, 4), nrow = rep)
   popmean2 <- sd.ratio*2
 } else {
   y2 <- matrix(sd.ratio*rgamma(rep*n2, 1), nrow = rep)
   popmean2<- sd.ratio
 popdiff <- popmean1 - popmean2
 m1 <- rowMeans(y1)
 m2 <- rowMeans(y2)
 v1 <- apply(y1, 1, var)
 v2 <- apply(y2, 1, var)
 vp <- ((n1 - 1)*v1 + (n2 - 1)*v2)/df1
 se1 <- sqrt(vp/n1 + vp/n2)
 se2 <- sqrt(v1/n1 + v2/n2)
 df2 <- (se2^4)/(v1^2/(n1^3 - n1^2) + v2^2/(n2^3 - n2^2))
 tcrit2 <- qt(1 - alpha/2, df2)
 LL1 <- m1 - m2 - tcrit1*se1
 UL1 <- m1 - m2 + tcrit1*se1
 w1 <- UL1 - LL1
 LL2 <- m1 - m2 - tcrit2*se2
 UL2 <- m1 - m2 + tcrit2*se2
 w2 <- UL2 - LL2
 c11 <- as.integer(LL1 > popdiff)
 c12 <- as.integer(UL1 < popdiff)
 c21 <- as.integer(LL2 > popdiff)
 c22 <- as.integer(UL2 < popdiff)
 e11 <- sum(c11)/rep
 e12 <- sum(c12)/rep
 e21 <- sum(c21)/rep
 e22 <- sum(c22)/rep
 width1 <- mean(w1)
 width2 <- mean(w2)
 cov1 <- 1 - (e11 + e12)
 cov2 <- 1 - (e21 + e22)
 out1 <- t(c(cov1, e11, e12, width1))
 out2 <- t(c(cov2, e21, e22, width2))
 out <- rbind(out1, out2)
 colnames(out) <- c("Coverage", "Lower Error", "Upper Error", "Ave CI Width")
 rownames(out) <- c("Equal Variances Assumed:", "Equal Variances Not Assumed:")

#  sim.ci.mean.ps ===============================================================
#' Simulates confidence interval coverage probability for a paired-samples mean 
#' difference
#' @description
#' Performs a computer simulation of confidence interval performance for a mean 
#' difference in a paired-samples design. Sample data within each level of the 
#' within-subjects factor can be generated from bivariate population
#' distributions with five different marginal distributions. All distributions
#' are scaled to have standard deviations of 1.0 at level 1. Bivariate random
#' data with specified marginal skewness and kurtosis are generated using the
#' unonr function in the mnonr package. 
#' @param   alpha     alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param   n         sample size 
#' @param   sd.ratio  ratio of population standard deviations
#' @param   cor       population correlation of paired observations
#' @param   dist1     type of distribution at level 1 (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5)
#' @param   dist2     type of distribution at level 2 (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5)
#' * 1 = Gaussian (skewness = 0 and excess kurtosis = 0) 
#' * 2 = platykurtic (skewness = 0 and excess kurtosis = -1.2)
#' * 3 = leptokurtic (skewness = 0 and excess kurtsois = 6)
#' * 4 = moderate skew (skewness = 1 and excess kurtosis = 1.5)
#' * 5 = large skew (skewness = 2 and excess kurtosis = 6)
#' @param   rep       number of Monte Carlo samples
#' @return
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Coverage - probability of confidence interval including population mean difference 
#' * Lower Error - probability of lower limit greater than population mean difference
#' * Upper Error - probability of upper limit less than population mean difference
#' * Ave CI Width - average confidence interval width
#' @examples
#' sim.ci.mean.ps(.05, 30, 1.5, .7, 4, 5, 1000)
#' # Should return (within sampling error):
#' # Coverage Lower Error Upper Error Ave CI Width
#' #  0.93815     0.05125      0.0106    0.7778518
#' @importFrom stats qt
#' @importFrom mnonr unonr
#' @export
sim.ci.mean.ps <- function(alpha, n, sd.ratio, cor, dist1, dist2, rep) {
 if (cor > .999 || cor < -.999) {stop("correlation must be between -.999 and .999")}
 tcrit <- qt(1 - alpha/2, n - 1)
 if (dist1 == 1) {
   skw1 <- 0; kur1 <- 0
 } else if (dist1 == 2) {
   skw1 <- 0; kur1 <- -1.2
 } else if (dist1 == 3) {
   skw1 <- 0; kur1 <- 6
 } else if (dist1 == 4) {
   skw1 <- .75; kur1 <- .86
 } else {
   skw1 <- 1.41; kur1 <- 3
 if (dist2 == 1) {
   skw2 <- 0; kur2 <- 0
 } else if (dist2 == 2) {
   skw2 <- 0; kur2 <- -1.2
 } else if (dist2 == 3) {
   skw2 <- 0; kur2 <- 6
 } else if (dist2 == 4) {
   skw2 <- 1; kur2 <- 1.5
 } else {
   skw2 <- 2; kur2 <- 6
 V <- matrix(c(1, cor*sd.ratio, cor*sd.ratio, sd.ratio^2), 2, 2)
 w <- 0; k <- 0; e1 <-0; e2 <- 0
 repeat {
   k <- k + 1
   y <- unonr(n, c(0, 0), V, skewness = c(skw1, skw2), kurtosis = c(kur1, kur2))
   q <- c(1, -1)
   d <- y%*%q
   m <- mean(d)
   se <- sqrt(var(d)/n)
   ll <- m - tcrit*se
   ul <- m + tcrit*se
   w0 <- ul - ll
   c1 <- as.integer(ll > 0)
   c2 <- as.integer(ul < 0)
   e1 <- e1 + c1
   e2 <- e2 + c2
   w <- w + w0
   if (k == rep) {break}
 width <- w/rep
 cov <- 1 - (e1 + e2)/rep
 out <- t(c(cov, e1/rep, e2/rep, width))
 colnames(out) <- c("Coverage", "Lower Error", "Upper Error", "Ave CI Width")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  sim.ci.median1 =============================================================
#' Simulates confidence interval coverage probability for single median
#' @description
#' Performs a computer simulation of the confidence interval performance for 
#' a single median. Sample data can be generated from five different 
#' population distributions. All distributions are scaled to have standard 
#' deviations of 1.0.
#' @param   alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param   n      sample size
#' @param   dist   type of distribution (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) 
#' * 1 = Gaussian (skewness = 0 and excess kurtosis = 0) 
#' * 2 = platykurtic (skewness = 0 and excess kurtosis = -1.2)
#' * 3 = leptokurtic (skewness = 0 and excess kurtsois = 6)
#' * 4 = moderate skew (skewness = 1 and excess kurtosis = 1.5)
#' * 5 = large skew (skewness = 2 and excess kurtosis = 6)
#' @param  rep     number of Monte Carlo samples
#' @return
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Coverage - probability of confidence interval including population median  
#' * Lower Error - probability of lower limit greater than population mediann
#' * Upper Error - probability of upper limit less than population median
#' * Ave CI Width - average confidence interval width
#' @examples
#' sim.ci.median1(.05, 20, 5, 1000)
#' # Should return (within sampling error):
#' # Coverage Lower Error Upper Error Ave CI Width
#' #   0.9589      0.0216      0.0195    0.9735528
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @importFrom stats rnorm
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @importFrom stats rt
#' @importFrom stats rgamma
#' @export
sim.ci.median1 <- function(alpha, n, dist, rep) {
 zcrit <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 o <- round((n - zcrit*sqrt(n))/2)
 if (o < 1) {o = 1}
 k <- 0; w <- 0; e1 <- 0; e2 <- 0
 repeat {
   k <- k + 1
   if (dist == 1) {
     y <- rnorm(n)
     popmedian <- 0
     y <- sort(y)
     ll <- y[o]
     ul <- y[n - o + 1]
     w0 <- ul - ll
     c1 <- as.integer(ll > popmedian)
     c2 <- as.integer(ul < popmedian)
     e1 <- e1 + c1
     e2 <- e2 + c2
     w <- w + w0
   } else if (dist == 2) {
     y <- 3.464*runif(n)
     popmedian <- 1.732
     y <- sort(y)
     ll <- y[o]
     ul <- y[n - o + 1]
     w0 <- ul - ll
     c1 <- as.integer(ll > popmedian)
     c2 <- as.integer(ul < popmedian)
     e1 <- e1 + c1
     e2 <- e2 + c2
     w <- w + w0
   } else if (dist == 3) {
     y <- .7745*rt(n, 5)
     popmedian <- 0
     y <- sort(y)
     ll <- y[o]
     ul <- y[n - o + 1]
     w0 <- ul - ll
     c1 <- as.integer(ll > popmedian)
     c2 <- as.integer(ul < popmedian)
     e1 <- e1 + c1
     e2 <- e2 + c2
     w <- w + w0
   } else if (dist == 4) {
     y <- .5*rgamma(n, 4)
     popmedian <- 1.837
     y <- sort(y)
     ll <- y[o]
     ul <- y[n - o + 1]
     w0 <- ul - ll
     c1 <- as.integer(ll > popmedian)
     c2 <- as.integer(ul < popmedian)
     e1 <- e1 + c1
     e2 <- e2 + c2
     w <- w + w0
   } else {
     y <- rgamma(n, 1)
     popmedian <- 0.690
     y <- sort(y)
     ll <- y[o]
     ul <- y[n - o + 1]
     w0 <- ul - ll
     c1 <- as.integer(ll > popmedian)
     c2 <- as.integer(ul < popmedian)
     e1 <- e1 + c1
     e2 <- e2 + c2
     w <- w + w0
   if (k == rep) {break}
  width <- w/rep
  cov <- 1 - (e1 + e2)/rep
  out <- t(c(cov, e1/rep, e2/rep, width))
  colnames(out) <- c("Coverage", "Lower Error", "Upper Error", "Ave CI Width")
  rownames(out) <- ""

#  sim.ci.median2 =============================================================
#' Simulates confidence interval coverage probability for a median difference
#' in a 2-group design
#' @description
#' Performs a computer simulation of the confidence interval performance for a 
#' difference of medians in a 2-group design. Sample data for each group can
#' be generated from five different population distributions. All distributions
#' are scaled to have standard deviations of 1.0 in group 1.
#' @param   alpha     alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param   n1        sample size for group 1
#' @param   n2        sample size for group 2
#' @param   sd.ratio  ratio of population standard deviations (sd2/sd1)
#' @param   dist1     type of distribution for group 1 (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) 
#' @param   dist2     type of distribution for group 2 (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) 
#' * 1 = Gaussian (skewness = 0 and excess kurtosis = 0) 
#' * 2 = platykurtic (skewness = 0 and excess kurtosis = -1.2)
#' * 3 = leptokurtic (skewness = 0 and excess kurtsois = 6)
#' * 4 = moderate skew (skewness = 1 and excess kurtosis = 1.5)
#' * 5 = large skew (skewness = 2 and excess kurtosis = 6)
#' @param   rep       number of Monte Carlo samples
#' @return
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Coverage - Probability of confidence interval including population median difference  
#' * Lower Error - Probability of lower limit greater than population median difference
#' * Upper Error - Probability of upper limit less than population median difference
#' * Ave CI Width - Average confidence interval width
#' @examples
#' sim.ci.median2(.05, 20, 20, 2, 5, 4, 5000)
#' # Should return (within sampling error):
#' # Coverage Lower Error Upper Error Ave CI Width
#' #    0.952       0.027       0.021     2.368914
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @importFrom stats rnorm
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @importFrom stats rt
#' @importFrom stats rgamma
#' @export
sim.ci.median2 <- function(alpha, n1, n2, sd.ratio, dist1, dist2, rep) {
 zcrit <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 o1 <- round((n1/2 - sqrt(n1)))
 if (o1 < 1) {o1 = 1}
 o2 <- round((n2/2 - sqrt(n2)))
 if (o2 < 1) {o2 = 1}
 p1 <- pbinom(o1 - 1, size = n1, prob = .5)
 z01 <- qnorm(1 - p1)
 p2 <- pbinom(o2 - 1, size = n2, prob = .5)
 z02 <- qnorm(1 - p2)
 k <- 0; w <- 0; e1 <- 0; e2 <- 0
 repeat {
   k <- k + 1
   if (dist1 == 1) {
     y1 <- rnorm(n1)
     popmedian1 <- 0
   } else if (dist1 == 2) {
     y1 <- 3.464*runif(n1)
     popmedian1 <- 1.732
   } else if (dist1 == 3) {
     y1 <- .7745*rt(n1, 5)
     popmedian1 <- 0
   } else if (dist1 == 4) {
     y1 <- .5*rgamma(n1, 4)
     popmedian1 <- 1.837
   } else {
     y1 <- rgamma(n1, 1)
     popmedian1 <- 0.690
   if (dist2 == 1) {
     y2 <- sd.ratio*rnorm(n2)
     popmedian2 <- 0
   } else if (dist2 == 2) {
     y2 <- sd.ratio*3.464*runif(n2)
     popmedian2 <- sd.ratio*1.732
   } else if (dist2 == 3) {
     y2 <- sd.ratio*.7745*rt(n2, 5)
     popmedian2 <- 0
   } else if (dist2 == 4) {
     y2 <- sd.ratio*.5*rgamma(n2, 4)
     popmedian2 <- sd.ratio*1.837
   } else {
     y2 <- sd.ratio*rgamma(n2, 1)
     popmedian2 <- sd.ratio*0.690
   popdiff <- popmedian1 - popmedian2
   y1 <- sort(y1)
   LL1 <- y1[o1]
   UL1 <- y1[n1 - o1 + 1]
   median1 <- median(y1)
   se1 <- (UL1 - LL1)/(2*z01)
   y2 <- sort(y2)
   LL2 <- y2[o2]
   UL2 <- y2[n2 - o2 + 1]
   median2 <- median(y2)
   se2 <- (UL2 - LL2)/(2*z02)
   diff <- median1 - median2
   se <- sqrt(se1^2 + se2^2)
   ll <- diff - zcrit*se
   ul <- diff + zcrit*se
   w0 <- ul - ll
   c1 <- as.integer(ll > popdiff)
   c2 <- as.integer(ul < popdiff)
   e1 <- e1 + c1
   e2 <- e2 + c2
   w <- w + w0
   if (k == rep) {break}
  width <- w/rep
  cov <- 1 - (e1 + e2)/rep
  out <- t(c(cov, e1/rep, e2/rep, width))
  colnames(out) <- c("Coverage", "Lower Error", "Upper Error", "Ave CI Width")
  rownames(out) <- ""

#  sim.ci.median.ps ===========================================================
#' Simulates confidence interval coverage probability for a median difference
#' in a paired-samples design
#' @description
#' Performs a computer simulation of confidence interval performance for a 
#' median difference in a paired-samples design. Sample data within each level
#' of the within-subjects factor can be generated from bivariate population
#' distributions with five different marginal distributions. All distributions
#' are scaled to have standard deviations of 1.0 at level 1. Bivariate random 
#' data with specified marginal skewness and kurtosis are generated using the
#' unonr function in the mnonr package. 
#' @param   alpha     alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param   n         sample size 
#' @param   sd.ratio  ratio of population standard deviations
#' @param   cor       population correlation of paired observations
#' @param   dist1     type of distribution at level 1 (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5)
#' @param   dist2     type of distribution at level 2 (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5)
#' * 1 = Gaussian (skewness = 0 and excess kurtosis = 0) 
#' * 2 = platykurtic (skewness = 0 and excess kurtosis = -1.2)
#' * 3 = leptokurtic (skewness = 0 and excess kurtsois = 6)
#' * 4 = moderate skew (skewness = 1 and excess kurtosis = 1.5)
#' * 5 = large skew (skewness = 2 and excess kurtosis = 6)
#' @param   rep       number of Monte Carlo samples
#' @return
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Coverage - probability of confidence interval including population median difference  
#' * Lower Error - probability of lower limit greater than population median difference
#' * Upper Error - probability of upper limit less than population median difference
#' * Ave CI Width - average confidence interval width
#' @examples
#' # Only 1000 reps because CRAN runs all examples and requires short execution time.
#' sim.ci.median.ps(.05, 30, 1.5, .7, 4, 3, 1000)
#' # Should return (within sampling error):
#' # Coverage Lower Error Upper Error Ave CI Width
#' #    0.961       0.026       0.013    0.9435462
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @importFrom mnonr unonr
#' @export
sim.ci.median.ps <- function(alpha, n, sd.ratio, cor, dist1, dist2, rep) {
 if (cor > .999 || cor < -.999) {stop("correlation must be between -.999 and .999")}
 zcrit <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 o <- round(n/2 - sqrt(n))
 if (o < 1) {o = 1}
 p <- pbinom(o - 1, size = n, prob = .5)
 z0 <- qnorm(1 - p)
 if (dist1 == 1) {
   skw1 <- 0; kur1 <- 0
   popmedian1 <- 0
 } else if (dist1 == 2) {
   skw1 <- 0; kur1 <- -1.2
   popmedian1 <- 0
 } else if (dist1 == 3) {
   skw1 <- 0; kur1 <- 6
   popmedian1 <- 0
 } else if (dist1 == 4) {
   skw1 <- .75; kur1 <- .86
   popmedian1 <- -.163
 } else {
   skw1 <- 1.41; kur1 <- 3
   popmedian1 <- -.313
 if (dist2 == 1) {
   skw2 <- 0; kur2 <- 0
   popmedian2 <- 0
 } else if (dist2 == 2) {
   skw2 <- 0; kur2 <- -1.2
   popmedian2 <- 0
 } else if (dist2 == 3) {
   skw2 <- 0; kur2 <- 6
   popmedian2 <- 0
 } else if (dist2 == 4) {
   skw2 <- 1; kur2 <- 1.5
   popmedian2 <- -.163*sd.ratio
 } else {
   skw2 <- 2; kur2 <- 6
   popmedian2 <- -.313*sd.ratio
 popdiff <- popmedian1 - popmedian2
 V <- matrix(c(1, cor*sd.ratio, cor*sd.ratio, sd.ratio^2), 2, 2)
 w <- 0; k <- 0; e1 <- 0; e2 <- 0
 repeat {
   k <- k + 1
   y <- unonr(n, c(0, 0), V, skewness = c(skw1, skw2), kurtosis = c(kur1, kur2))
   y1 <- y[, 1]
   y2 <- y[, 2]
   median1 <- median(y1)
   median2 <- median(y2)
   diff <- median1 - median2
   a1 <- (y1 < median1)
   a2 <- (y2 < median2)
   a3 <- a1 + a2
   a4 <- sum(a3 == 2)
   y1 <- sort(y1)
   y2 <- sort(y2)
   L1 <- y1[o]
   U1 <- y1[n - o + 1]
   se1 <- (U1 - L1)/(2*z0)
   L2 <- y2[o]
   U2 <- y2[n - o + 1]
   se2 <- (U2 - L2)/(2*z0)
   if (n/2 == trunc(n/2)) {
   p00 <- (sum(a4) + .25)/(n + 1)
   } else {
   p00 <- (sum(a4) + .25)/n 
   cov <- (4*p00 - 1)*se1*se2
   se <- sqrt(se1^2 + se2^2 - 2*cov)
   ll <- diff - zcrit*se
   ul <- diff + zcrit*se
   w0 <- ul - ll
   c1 <- as.integer(ll > popdiff)
   c2 <- as.integer(ul < popdiff)
   e1 <- e1 + c1
   e2 <- e2 + c2
   w <- w + w0
   if (k == rep) {break}
 width <- w/rep
 cov <- 1 - (e1 + e2)/rep
 out <- t(c(cov, e1/rep, e2/rep, width))
 colnames(out) <- c("Coverage", "Lower Error", "Upper Error", "Ave CI Width")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  sim.ci.stdmean2 =============================================================
#' Simulates confidence interval coverage probability for a standardized mean
#' difference in a 2-group design
#' @description
#' Performs a computer simulation of confidence interval performance for  
#' two types of standardized mean differences in a 2-group design. Sample 
#' data for each group can be generated from five different population 
#' distributions. All distributions are scaled to have standard deviations 
#' of 1.0 in group 1.
#' @param   alpha     alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param   n1        sample size for group 1
#' @param   n2        sample size for group 2
#' @param   sd.ratio  ratio of population standard deviations (sd2/sd1)
#' @param   dist1     type of distribution for group 1 (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) 
#' @param   dist2     type of distribution for group 2 (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) 
#' * 1 = Gaussian (skewness = 0 and excess kurtosis = 0) 
#' * 2 = platykurtic (skewness = 0 and excess kurtosis = -1.2)
#' * 3 = leptokurtic (skewness = 0 and excess kurtsois = 6)
#' * 4 = moderate skew (skewness = 1 and excess kurtosis = 1.5)
#' * 5 = large skew (skewness = 2 and excess kurtosis = 6)
#' @param   d         population standardized mean difference 
#' @param   rep       number of Monte Carlo samples
#' @return
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Coverage - Probability of confidence interval including population std mean difference  
#' * Lower Error - Probability of lower limit greater than population std mean difference
#' * Upper Error - Probability of upper limit less than population std mean difference
#' * Ave CI Width - Average confidence interval width
#' @examples
#' sim.ci.stdmean2(.05, 20, 20, 1.5, 3, 4, .75, 5000)
#' # Should return (within sampling error):
#' #                         Coverage Lower Error Upper Error Ave CI Width   Ave Est
#' # Unweighted Standardizer   0.9058      0.0610      0.0332     1.342560 0.7838679
#' # Group 1 Standardizer      0.9450      0.0322      0.0228     1.827583 0.7862640
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @importFrom stats rnorm
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @importFrom stats rt
#' @importFrom stats rgamma
#' @export
sim.ci.stdmean2 <- function(alpha, n1, n2, sd.ratio, dist1, dist2, d, rep) {
 zcrit <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 df1 <- n1 - 1
 df2 <- n2 - 1
 df3 <- n1 + n2 - 2
 adj1 <- 1 - 3/(4*df3 - 1)
 adj2 <- 1 - 3/(4*df1 - 1)
 diff1 <- d*sqrt((1 + sd.ratio^2)/2)
 diff2 <- d
 k <- 0; w1 <- 0; w2 <- 0; e11 <- 0; e12 <- 0; e21 <- 0; e22 <- 0
 est1 <- 0; est2 <- 0;
 repeat {
   k <- k + 1
   if (dist1 == 1) {
     y1 <- rnorm(n1)  
   } else if (dist1 == 2) {
     y1 <- 3.464*runif(n1) - 1.732 
   } else if (dist1 == 3) {
     y1 <- .7745*rt(n1, 5) 
   } else if (dist1 == 4) {
     y1 <- .5*rgamma(n1, 4) - 2  
   } else {
     y1 <- rgamma(n1, 1) - 1 
   if (dist2 == 1) {
     y0 <- sd.ratio*rnorm(n2)
   } else if (dist2 == 2) {
     y0 <- sd.ratio*3.464*runif(n2) - sd.ratio*1.734 
   } else if (dist2 == 3) {
     y0 <- sd.ratio*.7745*rt(n2, 5) 
   } else if (dist2 == 4) {
     y0 <- sd.ratio*.5*rgamma(n2, 4) - sd.ratio*2 
   } else {
     y0 <- sd.ratio*rgamma(n2, 1) - sd.ratio  
   m1 <- mean(y1) + diff1
   m2 <- mean(y1) + diff2
   m0 <- mean(y0)
   v1 <- var(y1)
   v2 <- var(y0)
   s1 <- sqrt((v1 + v2)/2)
   d1 <- (m1 - m0)/s1
   se1 <- sqrt(d1^2*(v1^2/df1 + v2^2/df2)/(8*s1^4) + v1/(s1^2*df1) + v2/(s1^2*df2))
   ll1 <- d1 - zcrit*se1
   ul1 <- d1 + zcrit*se1
   est1 <- est1 + adj1*d1
   s2 <- sqrt(v1)
   d2 <- (m2 - m0)/s2
   se2 <- sqrt(d2^2/(2*df1) + 1/df1 + v2/(v1*df2))
   ll2 <- d2 - zcrit*se2
   ul2 <- d2 + zcrit*se2
   est2 <- est2 + adj2*d2
   w01 <- ul1 - ll1
   w02 <- ul2 - ll2
   w1 <- w1 + w01
   w2 <- w2 + w02
   c11 <- as.integer(ll1 > d)
   c21 <- as.integer(ul1 < d)
   c12 <- as.integer(ll2 > d)
   c22 <- as.integer(ul2 < d)
   e11 <- e11 + c11
   e21 <- e21 + c21
   e12 <- e12 + c12
   e22 <- e22 + c22
   if (k == rep) {break}
  width1 <- w1/rep
  width2 <- w2/rep
  cov1 <- 1 - (e11 + e21)/rep
  cov2 <- 1 - (e12 + e22)/rep
  est1 <- est1/rep
  est2 <- est2/rep
  out1 <- t(c(cov1, e11/rep, e21/rep, width1, est1))
  out2 <- t(c(cov2, e12/rep, e22/rep, width2, est2))
  out <- rbind(out1, out2)
  colnames(out) <- c("Coverage", "Lower Error", "Upper Error", "Ave CI Width", "Ave Est")
  rownames(out) <- c("Unweighted Standardizer", "Group 1 Standardizer")

#  sim.ci.stdmean.ps ==========================================================
#' Simulates confidence interval coverage probability for a standardized mean
#' difference in a paired-samples design
#' @description
#' Performs a computer simulation of confidence interval performance for  
#' two types of standardized mean differences in a paired-samples design. 
#' Sample data for each level of the within-subjects factor can be generated 
#' from five different population distributions. All distributions are scaled
#' to have standard deviations of 1.0 at level 1.
#' @param   alpha     alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param   n         sample size 
#' @param   sd.ratio  ratio of population standard deviations (sd2/sd1)
#' @param   cor       correlation between paired measurements
#' @param   dist1     type of distribution at level 1 (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) 
#' @param   dist2     type of distribution at level 2 (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) 
#' * 1 = Gaussian (skewness = 0 and excess kurtosis = 0) 
#' * 2 = platykurtic (skewness = 0 and excess kurtosis = -1.2)
#' * 3 = leptokurtic (skewness = 0 and excess kurtsois = 6)
#' * 4 = moderate skew (skewness = 1 and excess kurtosis = 1.5)
#' * 5 = large skew (skewness = 2 and excess kurtosis = 6)
#' @param   d     population standardized mean difference 
#' @param   rep      number of Monte Carlo samples
#' @return
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Coverage - Probability of confidence interval including population std mean difference
#' * Lower Error - Probability of lower limit greater than population std mean difference
#' * Upper Error - Probability of upper limit less than population std mean difference
#' * Ave CI Width - Average confidence interval width
#' @examples
#' sim.ci.stdmean.ps(.05, 20, 1.5, .8, 4, 4, .5, 2000)
#' # Should return (within sampling error):
#' #                         Coverage Lower Error Upper Error Ave CI Width   Ave Est
#' # Unweighted Standardizer   0.9095      0.0555       0.035    0.7354865 0.5186796
#' # Level 1 Standardizer      0.9525      0.0255       0.022    0.9330036 0.5058198
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @importFrom mnonr unonr
#' @export
sim.ci.stdmean.ps <- function(alpha, n, sd.ratio, cor, dist1, dist2, d, rep) {
 if (cor > .999 || cor < -.999) {stop("correlation must be between -.999 and .999")}
 zcrit <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 df <- n - 1
 adj1 <- sqrt((n - 2)/df)
 adj2 <- 1 - 3/(4*df - 1)
 diff1 <- d*sqrt((1 + sd.ratio^2)/2)
 diff2 <- d
 k <- 0; w1 <- 0; w2 <- 0; e11 <- 0; e12 <- 0; e21 <- 0; e22 <- 0
 est1 <- 0; est2 <- 0
 if (dist1 == 1) {
   skw1 <- 0; kur1 <- 0
 } else if (dist1 == 2) {
   skw1 <- 0; kur1 <- -1.2
 } else if (dist1 == 3) {
   skw1 <- 0; kur1 <- 6
 } else if (dist1 == 4) {
   skw1 <- .75; kur1 <- .86
 } else {
   skw1 <- 1.41; kur1 <- 3
 if (dist2 == 1) {
   skw2 <- 0; kur2 <- 0
 } else if (dist2 == 2) {
   skw2 <- 0; kur2 <- -1.2
 } else if (dist2 == 3) {
   skw2 <- 0; kur2 <- 6
 } else if (dist2 == 4) {
   skw2 <- 1; kur2 <- 1.5
 } else {
   skw2 <- 2; kur2 <- 6
 V <- matrix(c(1, cor*sd.ratio, cor*sd.ratio, sd.ratio^2), 2, 2)
 repeat {
   k <- k + 1
   y <- unonr(n, c(0, 0), V, skewness = c(skw1, skw2), kurtosis = c(kur1, kur2))
   y1 <- y[, 1] 
   y0 <- y[, 2]
   m1 <- mean(y1) + diff1
   m2 <- mean(y1) + diff2
   m0 <- mean(y0)
   v1 <- var(y1)
   v2 <- var(y0)
   s <- sqrt((v1 + v2)/2)
   cor <- cor(y1, y0)
   vd <- v1 + v2 - 2*cor*sqrt(v1*v2)
   d1 <- (m1 - m0)/s
   se1 <- sqrt(d1^2*(v1^2 + v2^2 + 2*cor^2*v1*v2)/(8*df*s^4) + vd/(df*s^2))
   ll1 <- d1 - zcrit*se1
   ul1 <- d1 + zcrit*se1
   est1 <- est1 + adj1*d1
   d2 <- (m2 - m0)/sqrt(v1)
   se2 <- sqrt(d2^2/(2*df) + vd/(df*v1))
   ll2 <- d2 - zcrit*se2
   ul2 <- d2 + zcrit*se2
   est2 <- est2 + adj2*d2
   w01 <- ul1 - ll1
   w02 <- ul2 - ll2
   c11 <- as.integer(ll1 > d)
   c21 <- as.integer(ul1 < d)
   c12 <- as.integer(ll2 > d)
   c22 <- as.integer(ul2 < d)
   e11 <- e11 + c11
   e21 <- e21 + c21
   e12 <- e12 + c12
   e22 <- e22 + c22
   w1 <- w1 + w01
   w2 <- w2 + w02
   if (k == rep) {break}
 est1 = est1/rep
 est2 = est2/rep
 width1 <- w1/rep
 width2 <- w2/rep
 cov1 <- 1 - (e11 + e21)/rep
 cov2 <- 1 - (e12 + e22)/rep
 out1 <- t(c(cov1, e11/rep, e21/rep, width1, est1))
 out2 <- t(c(cov2, e12/rep, e22/rep, width2, est2))
 out <- rbind(out1, out2)
 colnames(out) <- c("Coverage", "Lower Error", "Upper Error", "Ave CI Width", "Ave Est")
 rownames(out) <- c("Unweighted Standardizer", "Level 1 Standardizer")

# spearmanbrown ===============================================================
#' Computes the reliability of a scale with r2 measurements given the 
#' reliability of a scale with r1 measurements
#' @description
#' Computes the reliability of a scale that is the sum or average of r2 
#' parallel measurements given the reliability of a scale that is the sum or
#' average of r1 parallel measurements. The "measurements" can be items, 
#' trials, raters, or occasions.
#' @param   rel     reliability of the sum or average of r1 measurements
#' @param   r1      number of measurements in the orginal scale 
#' @param   r2      number of measurements in the new scale
#' @return
#' Returns the reliability of the sum or average of r2 measurements
#' @examples
#' spearmanbrown(.6, 10, 20)
#' # Should return:
#' # Reliability of r2 measurements
#' #                            .75
#' @export
spearmanbrown <- function(rel, r1, r2) {
 rel.r2 <- (r2/r1)*rel/(1 + (r2/r1 - 1)*rel)
 out <- matrix(rel.r2, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Reliability of r2 measurements"
 rownames(out) <- ""

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