
Defines functions sim.ci.spear sim.ci.cor random.yx slope.contrast power.cor2 power.cor1 size.test.cronbach2 size.test.lc.ancova size.test.cor2 size.interval.cor size.test.cor size.test.slope size.ci.mape1 size.ci.cronbach2 size.ci.indirect size.ci.lc.ancova size.ci.condmean size.ci.rsqr size.ci.pbcor size.ci.spear size.ci.cor size.ci.slope ci.rel2 ci.cronbach2 ci.theil ci.rsqr ci.lc.gen.bs ci.lc.glm ci.indirect ci.fisher ci.lc.reg ci.condslope ci.mape2 ci.mape1 ci.spear2 ci.spear ci.pbcor ci.cor2.gen ci.cor.dep ci.cor2 ci.spcor ci.cor

Documented in ci.condslope ci.cor ci.cor2 ci.cor2.gen ci.cor.dep ci.cronbach2 ci.fisher ci.indirect ci.lc.gen.bs ci.lc.glm ci.lc.reg ci.mape1 ci.mape2 ci.pbcor ci.rel2 ci.rsqr ci.spcor ci.spear ci.spear2 ci.theil power.cor1 power.cor2 random.yx sim.ci.cor sim.ci.spear size.ci.condmean size.ci.cor size.ci.cronbach2 size.ci.indirect size.ci.lc.ancova size.ci.mape1 size.ci.pbcor size.ci.rsqr size.ci.slope size.ci.spear size.interval.cor size.test.cor size.test.cor2 size.test.cronbach2 size.test.lc.ancova size.test.slope slope.contrast

#  ======================= Confidence Intervals ==============================
#  ci.cor  ===================================================================
#' Confidence interval for a Pearson or partial correlation
#' @description
#' Computes a Fisher confidence interval for a population Pearson correlation  
#' or partial correlation with s control variables. Set s = 0 for a Pearson 
#' correlation. A bias adjustmentment is used to reduce the bias of the Fisher
#' transformed correlation. This function uses an estimated correlation as 
#' input. Use the cor.test function for raw data input.
#' @param  alpha 	alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  cor	  	estimated Pearson or partial correlation 
#' @param  s	  	number of control variables
#' @param  n	  	sample size
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Snedecor1980}{statpsych}
#' @return 
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimated correlation
#' * SE - standard error
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @examples
#' ci.cor(.05, .536, 0, 50)
#' # Should return:
#' # Estimate        SE        LL        UL
#' #    0.536 0.1018149 0.2978573 0.7058914
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
ci.cor <- function(alpha, cor, s, n) {
 if (cor > .999 || cor < -.999) {stop("correlation must be between -.999 and .999")}
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 se <- sqrt((1 - cor^2)^2/(n - 1))
 se.z <- sqrt(1/((n - s - 3)))
 zr <- log((1 + cor)/(1 - cor))/2 - cor/(2*(n - 1))
 ll0 <- zr - z*se.z
 ul0 <- zr + z*se.z
 ll <- (exp(2*ll0) - 1)/(exp(2*ll0) + 1)
 ul <- (exp(2*ul0) - 1)/(exp(2*ul0) + 1)
 out <- t(c(cor, se, ll, ul))
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "SE", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  ci.spcor  =================================================================
#' Confidence interval for a semipartial correlation
#' @description
#' Computes a Fisher confidence interval for a population semipartial  
#' correlation. This function requires an (unadjusted) estimate of the 
#' squared multiple correlation in the full model that contains the
#' predictor variable of interest plus all control variables. This 
#' function computes a modified Aloe-Becker confidence interval that uses
#' n - 3 rather than n in the standard error and also uses a Fisher 
#' transformation of the semipartial correlation. 
#' @param  alpha 	alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  cor	  	estimated semipartial correlation 
#' @param  r2	  	estimated squared multiple correlation in full model
#' @param  n	  	sample size
#' @return 
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimated semipartial correlation
#' * SE - standard error
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Aloe2012}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' ci.spcor(.05, .582, .699, 20)
#' # Should return:
#' # Estimate        SE        LL        UL
#' #    0.582 0.1374298 0.2525662 0.7905182
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
ci.spcor <- function(alpha, cor, r2, n) {
 if (cor > .999 || cor < -.999) {stop("correlation must be between -.999 and .999")}
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 r0 <- r2 - cor^2
 zr <- log((1 + cor)/(1 - cor))/2
 a <- (r2^2 - 2*r2 + r0 - r0^2 + 1)/(1 - cor^2)^2
 se.z <- sqrt(a/(n - 3))
 se <- se.z*(1 - cor^2)
 ll0 <- zr - z*se.z
 ul0 <- zr + z*se.z
 ll <- (exp(2*ll0) - 1)/(exp(2*ll0) + 1)
 ul <- (exp(2*ul0) - 1)/(exp(2*ul0) + 1)
 out <- t(c(cor, se, ll, ul))
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "SE", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  ci.cor2 ====================================================================
#' Confidence interval for a 2-group Pearson correlation difference 
#' @description
#' Computes a confidence interval for a difference in population Pearson 
#' correlations in a 2-group design. A bias adjustmentment is used to 
#' reduce the bias of each Fisher transformed correlation.  
#' @param  alpha	alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  cor1	  	estimated Pearson correlation in group 1
#' @param  cor2	  	estimated Pearson correlation in group 2
#' @param  n1	  	sample size for group 1
#' @param  n2	  	sample size for group 2
#' @return 
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimated correlation difference
#' * SE - standard error
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Zou2007}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' ci.cor2(.05, .886, .802, 200, 200)
#' # Should return:
#' # Estimate         SE         LL        UL
#' #    0.084 0.02967934 0.02803246 0.1463609
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
ci.cor2 <- function(alpha, cor1, cor2, n1, n2) {
 if (cor1 > .999 || cor1 < -.999) {stop("correlation must be between -.999 and .999")}
 if (cor2 > .999 || cor2 < -.999) {stop("correlation must be between -.999 and .999")}
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 diff <- cor1 - cor2
 se1 <- sqrt(1/(n1 - 3))
 zr1 <- log((1 + cor1)/(1 - cor1))/2 - cor1/(2*(n1 - 1))
 ll0 <- zr1 - z*se1
 ul0 <- zr1 + z*se1
 ll1 <- (exp(2*ll0) - 1)/(exp(2*ll0) + 1)
 ul1 <- (exp(2*ul0) - 1)/(exp(2*ul0) + 1)
 se2 <- sqrt(1/(n2 - 3))
 zr2 <- log((1 + cor2)/(1 - cor2))/2 - cor2/(2*(n2 - 1))
 ll0 <- zr2 - z*se2
 ul0 <- zr2 + z*se2
 ll2 <- (exp(2*ll0) - 1)/(exp(2*ll0) + 1)
 ul2 <- (exp(2*ul0) - 1)/(exp(2*ul0) + 1)
 ll <- diff - sqrt((cor1 - ll1)^2 + (ul2 - cor2)^2)
 ul <- diff + sqrt((ul1 - cor1)^2 + (cor2 - ll2)^2)
 se <- sqrt((1 - cor1^2)^2/(n1 - 3) + (1 - cor2^2)^2/((n2 - 3)))
 out <- t(c(diff, se, ll, ul))
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "SE", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  ci.cor.dep ================================================================
#' Confidence interval for a difference in dependent Pearson correlations
#' @description 
#' Computes a confidence interval for a difference in population Pearson 
#' correlations that are estimated from the same sample and have one 
#' variable in common. A bias adjustmentment is used to reduce the bias
#' of each Fisher transformed correlation. An approximate standard error
#' is recovered from the confidence interval.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  cor1	  estimated Pearson correlation between y and x1
#' @param  cor2	  estimated Pearson correlation between y and x2
#' @param  cor12  estimated Pearson correlation between x1 and x2
#' @param  n	  sample size
#' @return 
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimated correlation difference
#' * SE - recovered standard error
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Zou2007}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' ci.cor.dep(.05, .396, .179, .088, 166)
#' # Should return:
#' # Estimate        SE         LL       UL
#' #    0.217 0.1026986 0.01323072 0.415802
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export 
ci.cor.dep <- function(alpha, cor1, cor2, cor12, n) {
 if (cor1 > .999 || cor1 < -.999) {stop("cor1 must be between -.999 and .999")}
 if (cor2 > .999 || cor2 < -.999) {stop("cor2 must be between -.999 and .999")}
 if (cor12 > .999 || cor12 < -.999) {stop("cor12 must be between -.999 and .999")}
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 diff <- cor1 - cor2
 se1 <- sqrt(1/((n - 3)))
 zr1 <- log((1 + cor1)/(1 - cor1))/2 - cor1/(2*(n - 1))
 ll0 <- zr1 - z*se1
 ul0 <- zr1 + z*se1
 ll1 <- (exp(2*ll0) - 1)/(exp(2*ll0) + 1)
 ul1 <- (exp(2*ul0) - 1)/(exp(2*ul0) + 1)
 se2 <- sqrt(1/((n - 3)))
 zr2 <- log((1 + cor2)/(1 - cor2))/2 - cor2/(2*(n - 1))
 ll0 <- zr2 - z*se2
 ul0 <- zr2 + z*se2
 ll2 <- (exp(2*ll0) - 1)/(exp(2*ll0) + 1)
 ul2 <- (exp(2*ul0) - 1)/(exp(2*ul0) + 1)
 b <- (1 - cor1^2)*(1 - cor2^2)
 c <- ((cor12 - cor1*cor2/2)*(1 - cor1^2 - cor2^2 - cor12^2) + cor12^3)/b
 d1 <- 2*c*(cor1 - ll1)*(cor2 - ul2)
 d2 <- 2*c*(cor1 - ul1)*(cor2 - ll2)
 ll <- diff - sqrt((cor1 - ll1)^2 + (ul2 - cor2)^2 - d1)
 ul <- diff + sqrt((ul1 - cor1)^2 + (cor2 - ll2)^2 - d2)
 se <- (ul - ll)/(2*z)
 out <- t(c(diff, se, ll, ul))
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "SE", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  ci.cor2.gen ================================================================
#' Confidence interval for a 2-group correlation difference
#' @description 
#' Computes a 100(1 - alpha)% confidence interval for a difference in 
#' population correlations in a 2-group design. The correlations can be 
#' Pearson, Spearman, partial, semipartial, or point-biserial correlations. 
#' The function requires a point estimate and a 100(1 - alpha)% confidence
#' interval for each correlation as input. 
#' @param  cor1  estimated correlation for group 1 
#' @param  ll1   lower limit for group 1 correlation
#' @param  ul1   upper limit for group 1 correlation
#' @param  cor2  estimated correlation for group 2
#' @param  ll2   lower limit for group 2 correlation
#' @param  ul2   upper limit for group 2 correlation
#' @return 
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimated correlation difference
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Zou2007}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' ci.cor2.gen(.4, .35, .47, .2, .1, .32)
#' # Should return:
#' # Estimate   LL        UL
#' #      0.2 0.07 0.3220656
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export 
ci.cor2.gen <- function(cor1, ll1, ul1, cor2, ll2, ul2) {
 if (cor1 > .999 || cor1 < -.999) {stop("cor1 must be between -.999 and .999")}
 if (cor2 > .999 || cor2 < -.999) {stop("cor2 must be between -.999 and .999")}
 diff <- cor1 - cor2
 ll <- diff - sqrt((cor1 - ll1)^2 + (ul2 - cor2)^2)
 ul <- diff + sqrt((ul1 - cor1)^2 + (cor2 - ll2)^2)
 out <- t(c(diff, ll, ul))
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  ci.pbcor ==================================================================
#' Confidence interval for a point-biserial correlation
#' @description 
#' Computes confidence intervals for two types of population point-biserial 
#' correlations. One type uses a weighted average of the group variances 
#' and is appropriate for nonexperimental designs with simple random sampling
#' (but not stratified random sampling). The other type uses an unweighted 
#' average of the group variances and is appropriate for experimental designs.
#' Equality of variances is not assumed for either type. 
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  m1     estimated mean for group 1
#' @param  m2     estimated mean for group 2
#' @param  sd1    estimated standard deviation for group 1
#' @param  sd2    estimated standard deviation for group 2
#' @param  n1     sample size for group 1
#' @param  n2	  sample size for group 2
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Bonett2020a}{statpsych}
#' @return 
#' Returns a 2-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimated point-biserial correlation
#' * SE - standard error
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @examples
#' ci.pbcor(.05, 28.32, 21.48, 3.81, 3.09, 40, 40)
#' # Should return:
#' #              Estimate         SE        LL        UL
#' # Weighted:   0.7065799 0.04890959 0.5885458 0.7854471
#' # Unweighted: 0.7020871 0.05018596 0.5808366 0.7828948
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export 
ci.pbcor <- function(alpha, m1, m2, sd1, sd2, n1, n2) {
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 df1 <- n1 - 1
 df2 <- n2 - 1
 n <- n1 + n2
 p <- n1/n
 s1 <- sqrt((df1*sd1^2 + df2*sd2^2)/(n - 2))
 s2 <- sqrt((sd1^2 + sd2^2)/2)
 d1 <- (m1 - m2)/s1
 d2 <- (m1 - m2)/s2
 k <- (n - 2)/(n*p*(1 - p))
 cor1 <- d1/sqrt(d1^2 + k)
 cor2 <- d2/sqrt(d2^2 + 4)
 se.d1 <- sqrt(d1^2*(1/n1 + 1/n2)/8 + (sd1^2/n1 + sd2^2/n2)/s1^2)
 se.d2 <- sqrt(d2^2*(sd1^4/df1 + sd2^4/df2)/(8*s2^4) + (sd1^2/df1 + sd2^2/df2)/s2^2) 
 se.cor1 <- (k/(d1^2 + k)^(3/2))*se.d1
 se.cor2 <- (4/(d2^2 + 4)^(3/2))*se.d2
 lld1 <- d1 - z*se.d1
 uld1 <- d1 + z*se.d1
 lld2 <- d2 - z*se.d2
 uld2 <- d2 + z*se.d2
 llc1 <- lld1/sqrt(lld1^2 + k)
 ulc1 <- uld1/sqrt(uld1^2 + k)
 llc2 <- lld2/sqrt(lld2^2 + 4)
 ulc2 <- uld2/sqrt(uld2^2 + 4)
 out1 <- t(c(cor1, se.cor1, llc1, ulc1))
 out2 <- t(c(cor2, se.cor2, llc2, ulc2))
 out <- rbind(out1, out2)
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "SE", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- c("Weighted:", "Unweighted:")

#  ci.spear ==================================================================
#' Confidence interval for a Spearman correlation
#' @description
#' Computes a Fisher confidence interval for a population Spearman correlation.  
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  y	  vector of y scores 
#' @param  x	  vector of x scores (paired with y)
#' @return 
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimated correlation
#' * SE - standard error
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Bonett2000}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' y <- c(21, 4, 9, 12, 35, 18, 10, 22, 24, 1, 6, 8, 13, 16, 19)
#' x <- c(67, 28, 30, 28, 52, 40, 25, 37, 44, 10, 14, 20, 28, 40, 51)
#' ci.spear(.05, y, x)
#' # Should return:
#' #  Estimate         SE        LL        UL
#' # 0.8699639 0.08241326 0.5840951 0.9638297
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
ci.spear <- function(alpha, y, x) {
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 n <- length(y)
 yr <- rank(y)
 xr <- rank(x)
 cor <- cor(yr, xr)
 se <- sqrt((1 + cor^2/2)*(1 - cor^2)^2/(n - 3))
 z.cor <- log((1 + cor)/(1 - cor))/2
 ll0 <- z.cor - z*se/(1 - cor^2)
 ul0 <- z.cor + z*se/(1 - cor^2)
 ll <- (exp(2*ll0) - 1)/(exp(2*ll0) + 1)
 ul <- (exp(2*ul0) - 1)/(exp(2*ul0) + 1)
 out <- cbind(cor, se, ll, ul)
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "SE", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""
 return (out)
#  ci.spear2 ====================================================================
#' Confidence interval for a 2-group Spearman correlation difference 
#' @description
#' Computes a confidence interval for a difference in population Spearman 
#' correlations in a 2-group design. 
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  cor1	  estimated Spearman correlation for group 1
#' @param  cor2	  estimated Spearman correlation for group 2
#' @param  n1	  sample size for group 1
#' @param  n2	  sample size for group 2
#' @return 
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimated correlation difference
#' * SE - standard error
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Bonett2000}{statpsych}
#' \insertRef{Zou2007}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' ci.spear2(.05, .54, .48, 180, 200)
#' # Should return:
#' # Estimate         SE         LL        UL
#' #     0.06 0.08124926 -0.1003977 0.2185085     
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
ci.spear2 <- function(alpha, cor1, cor2, n1, n2) {
 if (cor1 > .999 || cor1 < -.999) {stop("cor1 must be between -.999 and .999")}
 if (cor2 > .999 || cor2 < -.999) {stop("cor2 must be between -.999 and .999")}
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 se1 <- sqrt((1 + cor1^2/2)*(1 - cor1^2)^2/(n1 - 3))
 se2 <- sqrt((1 + cor2^2/2)*(1 - cor2^2)^2/(n2 - 3))
 z.cor1 <- log((1 + cor1)/(1 - cor1))/2
 z.cor2 <- log((1 + cor2)/(1 - cor2))/2
 ll01 <- z.cor1 - z*se1/(1 - cor1^2)
 ul01 <- z.cor1 + z*se1/(1 - cor1^2)
 ll1 <- (exp(2*ll01) - 1)/(exp(2*ll01) + 1)
 ul1 <- (exp(2*ul01) - 1)/(exp(2*ul01) + 1)
 ll02 <- z.cor2 - z*se2/(1 - cor2^2)
 ul02 <- z.cor2 + z*se2/(1 - cor2^2)
 ll2 <- (exp(2*ll02) - 1)/(exp(2*ll02) + 1)
 ul2 <- (exp(2*ul02) - 1)/(exp(2*ul02) + 1)
 cor.dif <- cor1 - cor2
 ll.dif <- cor.dif - sqrt((cor1 - ll1)^2 + (ul2 - cor2)^2)
 ul.dif <- cor.dif + sqrt((ul1 - cor1)^2 + (cor2 - ll2)^2)
 se <- sqrt(se1^2 + se2^2)
 out <- cbind(cor.dif, se, ll.dif, ul.dif)
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "SE", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""
 return (out)

#  ci.mape1  ===================================================================
#' Confidence interval for a mean absolute prediction error
#' @description
#' Computes a confidence interval for a population mean absolute prediction
#' error (MAPE) in a general linear model. The MAPE is a more robust 
#' alternative to the residual standard deviation. This function requires a
#' vector of estimated residuals from a general linear model. This confidence
#' interval does not assume zero excess kurtosis but does assume symmetry of
#' the population prediction errors.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  res    vector of residuals 
#' @param  s	  number of predictor variables in model
#' @return 
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimated mean absolute prediction error
#' * SE - standard error
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @examples
#' res <- c(-2.70, -2.69, -1.32, 1.02, 1.23, -1.46, 2.21, -2.10, 2.56,
#'       -3.02, -1.55, 1.46, 4.02, 2.34)
#' ci.mape1(.05, res, 1)
#' # Should return:
#' # Estimate        SE       LL       UL
#' #   2.3744 0.3314752 1.751678 3.218499
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @importFrom stats sd
#' @export
ci.mape1 <- function(alpha, res, s) {
 n <- length(res)
 df <- n - s - 1
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 c <- n/(n - (s + 2)/2)
 mape <- mean(abs(res))
 kur <- (sd(res)/mape)^2
 se <- sqrt((kur - 1)/df)
 ll <- exp(log(c*mape) - z*se)
 ul <- exp(log(c*mape) + z*se)
 se.mape <- c*mape*se
 out <- t(c(c*mape, se.mape, ll, ul))
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "SE", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  ci.mape2  ===================================================================
#' Confidence interval for a ratio of mean absolute prediction errors in a
#' 2-group design
#' @description
#' Computes a confidence interval for a ratio of population mean absolute 
#' prediction errors (MAPEs) from a general linear model in two independent 
#' groups. The number of predictor variables can differ across groups and the 
#' two models can be non-nested. This function requires a vector of estimated 
#' residuals from each group. This function does not assume zero excess 
#' kurtosis but does assume symmetry in the population prediction errors for
#' the two models.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  res1   vector of residuals from group 1
#' @param  res2   vector of residuals from group 2
#' @param  s1	  number of predictor variables used in group 1
#' @param  s2	  number of predictor variables used in group 2
#' @return 
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * MAPE1 - bias adjusted mean absolute prediction error for group 1
#' * MAPE2 - bias adjusted mean absolute prediction error for group 2
#' * MAPE1/MAPE2 - ratio of bias adjusted mean absolute prediction errors
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @examples
#' res1 <- c(-2.70, -2.69, -1.32, 1.02, 1.23, -1.46, 2.21, -2.10, 2.56, -3.02
#'         -1.55, 1.46, 4.02, 2.34)
#' res2 <- c(-0.71, -0.89, 0.72, -0.35, 0.33 -0.92, 2.37, 0.51, 0.68, -0.85,
#'         -0.15, 0.77, -1.52, 0.89, -0.29, -0.23, -0.94, 0.93, -0.31 -0.04)
#' ci.mape2(.05, res1, res2, 1, 1)
#' # Should return:
#' #   MAPE1     MAPE2 MAPE1/MAPE2       LL       UL
#' # 2.58087 0.8327273    3.099298 1.917003 5.010761
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @importFrom stats sd
#' @export
ci.mape2 <- function(alpha, res1, res2, s1, s2) {
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 n1 <- length(res1)
 df1 <- n1 - s1 - 1
 c1 <- n1/(n1 - (s1 + 2)/2)
 mape1 <- mean(abs(res1))
 kur1 <- (sd(res1)/mape1)^2
 se1 <- sqrt((kur1 - 1)/df1)
 n2 <- length(res2)
 df2 <- n2 - s2 - 1
 c2 <- n2/(n2 - (s2 + 2)/2)
 mape2 <- mean(abs(res2))
 kur2 <- (sd(res2)/mape2)^2
 se2 <- sqrt((kur2 - 1)/df2)
 se <- sqrt(se1^2 + se2^2)
 ll <- exp(log(c1*mape1) - log(c2*mape2) - z*se)
 ul <- exp(log(c1*mape1) - log(c2*mape2) + z*se)
 out <- t(c(c1*mape1, c2*mape2,(c1*mape1)/(c2*mape2), ll, ul))
 colnames(out) <- c("MAPE1", "MAPE2", "MAPE1/MAPE2", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  ci.condslope  ==============================================================
#' Confidence interval for conditional (simple) slopes in a linear model
#' @description
#' Computes confidence intervals and test statistics for population 
#' conditional slopes (simple slopes) in a general linear model that
#' includes a predictor variable (x1), a moderator variable (x2), and
#' a product predictor variable (x1*x2). Conditional slopes are computed  
#' at specified low and high values of the moderator variable. 
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  b1     estimated slope coefficient for predictor variable
#' @param  b2     estimated slope coefficient for product variable
#' @param  se1    standard error for predictor coefficient
#' @param  se2    standard error for product coefficient
#' @param  cov    estimated covariance between predictor and product coefficients
#' @param  lo     low value of moderator variable 
#' @param  hi     high value of moderator variable 
#' @param  dfe    error degrees of freedom 
#' @return 
#' Returns a 2-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimated conditional slope
#' * t - t test statistic
#' * p - p-value
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @examples
#' ci.condslope(.05, .132, .154, .031, .021, .015, 5.2, 10.6, 122)
#' # Should return:
#' #                   Estimate        SE        t  df           p 
#' # At low moderator    0.9328 0.4109570 2.269824 122 0.024973618 
#' # At high moderator   1.7644 0.6070517 2.906507 122 0.004342076 
#' #                           LL       UL
#' # At low moderator   0.1192696 1.746330
#' # At high moderator  0.5626805 2.966119
#' @importFrom stats qt
#' @export                  
ci.condslope <- function(alpha, b1, b2, se1, se2, cov, lo, hi, dfe) {
 t <- qt(1 - alpha/2, dfe)
 slope.lo <- b1 + b2*lo
 slope.hi <- b1 + b2*hi
 se.lo <- sqrt(se1^2 + se2^2*lo^2 + 2*lo*cov)
 se.hi <- sqrt(se1^2 + se2^2*hi^2 + 2*hi*cov)
 t.lo <- slope.lo/se.lo
 t.hi <- slope.hi/se.hi
 p.lo <- 2*(1 - pt(abs(t.lo), dfe))
 p.hi <- 2*(1 - pt(abs(t.hi), dfe))
 ll.lo <- slope.lo - t*se.lo
 ul.lo <- slope.lo + t*se.lo
 ll.hi <- slope.hi - t*se.hi
 ul.hi <- slope.hi + t*se.hi
 out1 <- t(c(slope.lo, se.lo, t.lo, dfe, p.lo, ll.lo, ul.lo))
 out2 <- t(c(slope.hi, se.hi, t.hi, dfe, p.hi, ll.hi, ul.hi))
 out <- rbind(out1, out2)
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "SE", "t", "df", "p", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- c("At low moderator", "At high moderator")

#  ci.lc.reg  ==============================================================
#' Confidence interval for a linear contrast of regression coefficients in
#' multiple group regression model
#' @description
#' Compute a confidence interval and test statistic for a linear contrast
#' of a population regression coefficients (y-intercept or slope) across
#' groups in a multiple group regression model. Equality of error variances
#' across groups is not assumed. A Satterthwaite adjustment to the degrees 
#' of freedom is used to improve the accuracy of the confidence interval. 
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  est    vector of parameter estimates
#' @param  se     vector of standard errors
#' @param  n      vector of group sample sizes
#' @param  s      number of predictor variables for each within-group model
#' @param  v      vector of contrast coefficients
#' @return 
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimated linear contrast
#' * SE - standard error
#' * t - t test statistic
#' * df - degrees of freedom
#' * p - p-value
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @examples
#' est <- c(1.74, 1.83, 0.482)
#' se <- c(.483, .421, .395)
#' n <- c(40, 40, 40)
#' v <- c(.5, .5, -1)
#' ci.lc.reg(.05, est, se, n, 4, v)
#' # Should return:
#' # Estimate        SE        t      df          p        LL       UL
#' #    1.303 0.5085838 2.562016 78.8197 0.01231256 0.2906532 2.315347
#' @importFrom stats qt
#' @export                  
ci.lc.reg <- function(alpha, est, se, n, s, v) {
 con <- t(v)%*%est 
 se.con <- sqrt(sum(v^2*se^2))
 t <- con/se.con
 df <- (sum(v^2*se^2)^2)/sum((v^4*se^4)/(n - s - 1))
 p <- 2*(1 - pt(abs(t), df))
 tcrit <- qt(1 - alpha/2, df)
 ll <- con - tcrit*se.con
 ul <- con + tcrit*se.con
 out <- t(c(con, se.con, t, df, p, ll, ul))
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "SE", "t", "df", "p", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  ci.fisher ================================================================= 
#' Fisher confidence interval 
#' @description
#' Computes a Fisher confidence interval for any type of correlation (e.g., 
#' Pearson, Spearman, Kendall-tau, tetrachoric, phi, partial, semipartial, 
#' etc.) or ordinal association such as gamma, Somers' d, or tau-b. The 
#' correlation could also be between two latent factors obtained
#' from a SEM analysis (the Fisher CI will be more accurate than the 
#' large-sample CI from a SEM analysis). The standard error can be a 
#' traditional standard error, a bootstrap standard error, or a robust 
#' standard error from a SEM analysis.
#' @param   alpha  alpha value for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param   cor    estimated correlation or association coefficient 
#' @param   se     standard error of correlation or association coefficient
#' @return
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - correlation (from input) 
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @examples
#' ci.fisher(.05, .641, .052)
#' # Should return:
#' # Estimate        LL        UL
#' #    0.641 0.5276396 0.7319293
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
ci.fisher <- function(alpha, cor, se) {
 if (cor > .999 || cor < -.999) {stop("correlation must be between -.999 and .999")}
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 zr <- log((1 + cor)/(1 - cor))/2
 ll0 <- zr - z*se/(1 - cor^2)
 ul0 <- zr + z*se/(1 - cor^2)
 ll <- (exp(2*ll0) - 1)/(exp(2*ll0) + 1)
 ul <- (exp(2*ul0) - 1)/(exp(2*ul0) + 1)
 out <- t(c(cor, ll, ul))
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "LL", "UL")

#  ci.indirect ===============================================================
#' Confidence interval for an indirect effect
#' @description
#' Computes a Monte Carlo confidence interval (500,000 trials) for a population
#' unstandardized indirect effect in a path model and a Sobel standard error. 
#' This function is not recommended for a standardized indirect effect. The 
#' Monte Carlo method is general in that the slope estimates and standard 
#' errors do not need to be OLS estimates with homoscedastic standard errors. 
#' For example, LAD slope estimates and their standard errors, OLS slope
#' estimates and heteroscedastic-consistent standard errors, and (in models 
#' with no direct effects) distribution-free Theil-Sen slope estimates with
#' recovered standard errors also could be used.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence  
#' @param  b1     unstandardized slope estimate for first path
#' @param  b2     unstandardized slope estimate for second path
#' @param  se1    standard error for b1
#' @param  se2    standard error for b2
#' @return 
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimated indirect effect
#' * SE - standard error
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @examples
#' ci.indirect (.05, 2.48, 1.92, .586, .379)
#' # Should return (within sampling error):
#' # Estimate       SE       LL       UL
#' #   4.7616 1.625282 2.178812 7.972262
#' @importFrom stats rnorm
#' @export  
ci.indirect <- function(alpha, b1, b2, se1, se2) {
 k <- 500000
 c <- round(k*alpha/2)
 y1 <- rnorm(k, b1, se1)
 y2 <- rnorm(k, b2, se2)
 y <- sort(y1*y2)
 se <- sqrt((b1*se2)^2 + (b2*se1)^2)
 ll <- y[c]
 ul <- y[k - c + 1]
 out <- t(c(b1*b2, se, ll, ul))
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "SE", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  ci.lc.gml ==================================================================
#' Confidence interval for a linear contrast of general linear model parameters
#' @description
#' Computes the estimate, standard error, and confidence interval for a linear
#' contrast of parameters in a general linear model using coef(object) and
#' vcov(object) where "object" is a fitted model object from the lm function.
#' @param   alpha  alpha for 1 - alpha confidence
#' @param   n      sample size
#' @param   b      vector of parameter estimates from coef(object)
#' @param   V      covariance matrix of parameter estimates from vcov(object)
#' @param   q      vector of coefficients
#' @return 
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimate of linear function 
#' * SE - standard error
#' * t - t test statistic 
#' * df - degrees of freedom
#' * p - p-value 
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval 
#' @examples
#' y <- c(43, 62, 49, 60, 36, 79, 55, 42, 67, 50)
#' x1 <- c(3, 6, 4, 6, 2, 7, 4, 2, 7, 5)
#' x2 <- c(4, 6, 3, 7, 1, 9, 3, 3, 8, 4)
#' out <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2)
#' b <- coef(out)
#' V <- vcov(out)
#' n <- length(y)
#' q <- c(0, .5, .5)
#' b
#' ci.lc.glm(.05, n, b, V, q)
#' #  Should return:
#' # (Intercept)          x1          x2 
#' #   26.891111    3.648889    2.213333 
#' # > ci.lc.glm(.05, n, b, V, q)
#' # Estimate        SE       t df           p       LL       UL
#' # 2.931111 0.4462518 6.56829  7 0.000313428 1.875893 3.986329
#' @importFrom stats qt
#' @importFrom stats pt
#' @export
ci.lc.glm <-function(alpha, n, b, V, q) {
 df <- n - length(b)
 tcrit <- qt(1 - alpha/2, df)
 est <- t(q)%*%b
 se <- sqrt(t(q)%*%V%*%q)
 t <- est/se
 p <- 2*(1 - pt(abs(t), df))
 ll <- est - tcrit*se
 ul <- est + tcrit*se
 out <- t(c(est, se, t, df, p, ll, ul))
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "SE", "t", "df", "p", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  ci.lc.gen.bs ===============================================================
#' Confidence interval for a linear contrast of parameters in a between-subjects
#' design
#' @description
#' Computes the estimate, standard error, and approximate confidence interval 
#' for a linear contrast of any type of parameter (e.g., quartile, ordinal 
#' regression slope, path coefficient, G-index) where each parameter value has
#' been estimated from a different sample. The parameter vaues are assumed to 
#' be of the same type (e.g., all unstandardized path coefficients) and their 
#' sampling distributions are assumed to be approximately normal.
#' @param  alpha   alpha level for simultaneous 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  est     vector of parameter estimates
#' @param  se      vector of standard errors
#' @param  v       vector of contrast coefficients
#' @return 
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimate of linear contrast
#' * SE - standard error of linear contrast
#' * LL - lower limit of confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of confidence interval
#' @examples
#' est <- c(3.86, 4.57, 2.29, 2.88)
#' se <- c(0.185, 0.365, 0.275, 0.148)
#' v <- c(.5, .5, -.5, -.5)
#' ci.lc.gen.bs(.05, est, se, v)
#' # Should return:
#' # Estimate        SE       LL       UL
#' #     1.63 0.2573806 1.125543 2.134457
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
ci.lc.gen.bs <- function(alpha, est, se, v) {
 est.lc <- t(v)%*%est
 se.lc <- sqrt(t(v)%*%diag(se^2)%*%v)
 zcrit <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 ll <- est.lc - zcrit*se.lc
 ul <- est.lc + zcrit*se.lc
 out <- t(c(est.lc, se.lc, ll, ul))
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "SE", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  ci.rsqr ===================================================================
#' Confidence interval for squared multiple correlation
#' @description
#' Computes an approximate confidence interval for a population squared 
#' multiple correlation in a linear model with random predictor variables.  
#' This function uses the scaled central F approximation method. An
#' approximate standard error is recovered from the confidence interval.
#' @param  alpha    alpha value for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  r2       estimated unadjusted squared multiple correlation
#' @param  s        number of predictor variables
#' @param  n        sample size
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Helland1987}{statpsych}
#' @return 
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * R-squared - estimate of unadjusted R-squared 
#' * adj R-squared - bias adjusted R-squared estimate
#' * SE - recovered standard error
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @examples
#' ci.rsqr(.05, .241, 3, 116)
#' # Should return:
#' # R-squared adj R-squared         SE         LL        UL  
#' #     0.241     0.2206696 0.06752263 0.09819599 0.3628798
#' @importFrom stats qf
#' @export
ci.rsqr <- function(alpha, r2, s, n) {
 if (r2 > .999 || r2 < .001) {stop("squared multiple correlation must be between .001 and .999")}
 alpha1 <- alpha/2
 alpha2 <- 1 - alpha1
 z0 <- qnorm(1 - alpha1)
 dfe <- n - s - 1
 adj <- 1 - (n - 1)*(1 - r2)/dfe
 if (adj < 0) {adj = 0}
 b1 <- r2/(1 - r2)
 b2 <- adj/(1 - adj)
 v1 <- ((n - 1)*b1 + s)^2/((n - 1)*b1*(b1 + 2) + s)
 v2 <- ((n - 1)*b2 + s)^2/((n - 1)*b2*(b2 + 2) + s)
 if (v1 < 1) {v1 = 1}
 if (v2 < 1) {v2 = 1}
 F1 <- qf(alpha1, v1, dfe)
 F2 <- qf(alpha2, v2, dfe)
 ll <- (dfe*r2 - (1 - r2)*s*F2)/(dfe*(r2 + (1 - r2)*F2))
 ul <- (dfe*r2 - (1 - r2)*s*F1)/(dfe*(r2 + (1 - r2)*F1))
 if (ll < 0) {ll = 0}
 if (ul < 0) {ul = 0}
 i <- 1
 while (i < 30) {
   i <- i + 1
   b1 <- ul/(1 - ul)
   b2 <- ll/(1 - ll)
   v1 <- ((n - 1)*b1 + s)^2/((n - 1)*b1*(b1 + 2) + s)
   v2 <- ((n - 1)*b2 + s)^2/((n - 1)*b2*(b2 + 2) + s)
   if (v1 < 1) {v1 = 1}
   if (v2 < 1) {v2 = 1}
   F1 <- qf(alpha1, v1, dfe)
   F2 <- qf(alpha2, v2, dfe)
   ll <- (dfe*r2 - (1 - r2)*s*F2)/(dfe*(r2 + (1 - r2)*F2))
   ul <- (dfe*r2 - (1 - r2)*s*F1)/(dfe*(r2 + (1 - r2)*F1))
   if (ll < 0) {ll = 0}
   if (ul < 0) {ul = 0}
 se <- (ul - ll)/(2*z0)
 out <- t(c(r2, adj, se, ll, ul))
 colnames(out) <- c("R-squared", "adj R-squared", "SE", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  ci.theil ===================================================================
#' Theil-Sen estimate and confidence interval for slope
#' @description
#' Computes a Theil-Sen estimate and distribution-free confidence interval 
#' for the slope of a simple linear regression model. An approximate 
#' standard error is recovered from the confidence interval.
#' @param   alpha   alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param   y       vector of response variable scores
#' @param   x       vector of predictor variable scores (paired with y)
#' @return
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - Theil-Sen estimate of population slope
#' * SE - recovered standard error
#' * LL - lower limit of confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Hollander1999}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' y <- c(21, 4, 9, 12, 35, 18, 10, 22, 24, 1, 6, 8, 13, 16, 19)
#' x <- c(67, 28, 30, 28, 52, 40, 25, 37, 44, 10, 14, 20, 28, 40, 51)
#' ci.theil(.05, y, x)
#' # Should return:
#' # Estimate        SE        LL   UL
#' #      0.5 0.1085927 0.3243243 0.75
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
ci.theil <- function(alpha, y, x) {
  z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
  n = length(x)
  x.p <- t(combn(x,2))
  y.p <- t(combn(y,2))
  y.d <- y.p[,1] - y.p[,2]
  x.d <- x.p[,1] - x.p[,2]
  s = which(x.d != 0, arr.ind = T)
  x.diff <- x.d[s]
  y.diff <- y.d[s]
  k <- length(x.diff)
  c = z*sqrt(k*(2*n + 5)/9) 
  o1 <- floor((k - c)/2)
  if (o1 < 1) {o1 = 1}
  o2 <- ceiling((k + c)/2 + 1)
  if (o2 > k) {o2 = k}
  b <- y.diff/x.diff
  b <- sort(b)
  est <- median(b)
  ll <- b[o1]
  ul <- b[o2]
  se <- (ul - ll)/(2*z)
  out <- t(c(est, se, ll, ul))
  colnames(out) = c("Estimate", "SE", "LL", "UL")
  rownames(out) <- ""

#  ci.cronbach2 ===============================================================
#' Confidence interval for a difference in Cronbach reliabilities in a 2-group 
#' design
#' @description
#' Computes a confidence interval for a difference in population Cronbach 
#' reliability coefficicents in a 2-group design. The number of measurements
#' (e.g., items or raters) used in each group need not be equal.
#' @param  alpha    alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  rel1     estimated Cronbach reliablity for group 1
#' @param  rel2     estimated Cronbach reliablity for group 2
#' @param  r1       number of measurements used in group 1
#' @param  r2       number of measurements used in group 2
#' @param  n1       sample size for group 1
#' @param  n2       sample size for group 2
#' @return 
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimated reliability difference
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Bonett2015}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' ci.cronbach2(.05, .88, .76, 8, 8, 200, 250)
#' # Should return:
#' # Estimate         LL       UL
#' #     0.12 0.06973411 0.173236
#' @importFrom stats qf
#' @export
ci.cronbach2 <- function(alpha, rel1, rel2, r1, r2, n1, n2) {
 if (rel1 > .999 || rel1 < .001) {stop("rel1 must be between .001 and .999")}
 if (rel2 > .999 || rel2 < .001) {stop("rel2 must be between .001 and .999")}
 df11 <- n1 - 1
 df21 <- n1*(r1 - 1)
 f11 <- qf(1 - alpha/2, df11, df21)
 f21 <- qf(1 - alpha/2, df21, df11)
 f01 <- 1/(1 - rel1)
 LL1 <- 1 - f11/f01
 UL1 <- 1 - 1/(f01*f21)
 df12 <- n2 - 1
 df22 <- n2*(r2 - 1)
 f12 <- qf(1 - alpha/2, df12, df22)
 f22 <- qf(1 - alpha/2, df22, df12)
 f02 <- 1/(1 - rel2)
 LL2 <- 1 - f12/f02
 UL2 <- 1 - 1/(f02*f22)
 d <- rel1 - rel2
 ll <- d - sqrt((rel1 - LL1)^2 + (UL2 - rel2)^2)
 ul <- d + sqrt((UL1 - rel1)^2 + (rel2 - LL2)^2)
 out <- t(c(d, ll, ul))
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  ci.rel2 ================================================================
#' Confidence interval for a 2-group reliability difference
#' @description 
#' Computes a 100(1 - alpha)% confidence interval for a difference in 
#' population reliabilities in a 2-group design. This function can be
#' used with any type of reliablity coefficient (e.g., Cronbach alpha,
#' McDonald omega, intraclass reliablities). The function requires 
#' point estimates and 100(1 - alpha)% confidence intervals for each
#' reliability as input. 
#' @param  rel1  estimated reliability for group 1 
#' @param  ll1   lower limit for group 1 reliability
#' @param  ul1   upper limit for group 1 reliability
#' @param  rel2  estimated reliability for group 2
#' @param  ll2   lower limit for group 2 reliability
#' @param  ul2   upper limit for group 2 reliability
#' @return 
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimated reliability difference
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Bonett2015}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' ci.rel2(.4, .35, .47, .2, .1, .32)
#' # Should return:
#' # Estimate   LL        UL
#' #      0.2 0.07 0.3220656
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export 
ci.rel2 <- function(rel1, ll1, ul1, rel2, ll2, ul2) {
 if (rel1 > .999 || rel1 < .001) {stop("reliability must be between .001 and .999")}
 if (rel2 > .999 || rel2 < .001) {stop("reliability must be between .001 and .999")}
 diff <- rel1 - rel2
 ll <- diff - sqrt((rel1 - ll1)^2 + (ul2 - rel2)^2)
 ul <- diff + sqrt((ul1 - rel1)^2 + (rel2 - ll2)^2)
 out <- t(c(diff, ll, ul))
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  =================== Sample Size for Desire Precision =======================
#  size.ci.slope ==============================================================
#' Sample size for a slope confidence interval
#' @description
#' Computes the total sample size required to estimate a slope with desired 
#' confidence interval precision in a between-subjects design with a 
#' quantitative factor. In an experimental design, the total sample size 
#' would be allocated to the levels of the quantitative factor and it might
#' be necessary to increase the total sample size to achieve equal sample
#' sizes. Set the error variance planning value to the largest value within 
#' a plausible range for a conservatively large sample size.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  evar   planning value of within group (error) variance
#' @param  x      vector of x values of the quantitative factor
#' @param  w      desired confidence interval width
#' @return 
#' Returns the required total sample size
#' @examples
#' x <- c(2, 5, 8)
#' size.ci.slope(.05, 31.1, x, 1)
#' # Should return:
#' # Total sample size
#' #                83
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export  
size.ci.slope <- function(alpha, evar, x, w) {
 m <- mean(x)
 xvar <- sum((x - m)^2)/length(x)
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 n <- ceiling(4*(evar/xvar)*(z/w)^2 + 1 + z^2/2)
 out <- matrix(n, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Total sample size"
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  size.ci.cor ==============================================================
#' Sample size for a Pearson or partial correlation confidence interval 
#' @description
#' Computes the sample size required to estimate a Pearson or
#' partial correlation with desired confidence interval precision. 
#' Set s = 0 for a Pearson correlation. Set the correlation planning value
#' to the smallest value within a plausible range for a conservatively 
#' large sample size.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  cor    planning value of correlation
#' @param  s      number of control variables 
#' @param  w      desired confidence interval width
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Bonett2000}{statpsych}
#' @return 
#' Returns the required sample size
#' @examples
#' size.ci.cor(.05, .362, 0, .25)
#' # Should return:
#' # Sample size
#' #         188
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export  
size.ci.cor <- function(alpha, cor, s, w) {
 if (cor > .999 || cor < -.999) {stop("correlation must be between -.999 and .999")}
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 n1 <- ceiling(4*(1 - cor^2)^2*(z/w)^2 + s + 3)
 zr <- log((1 + cor)/(1 - cor))/2
 se <- sqrt(1/(n1 - s - 3))
 ll0 <- zr - z*se
 ul0 <- zr + z*se
 ll <- (exp(2*ll0) - 1)/(exp(2*ll0) + 1)
 ul <- (exp(2*ul0) - 1)/(exp(2*ul0) + 1)
 n <- ceiling((n1 - s - 3)*((ul - ll)/w)^2 + 3 + s)
 out <- matrix(n, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Sample size"
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  size.ci.spear ==============================================================
#' Sample size for a Spearman correlation confidence interval 
#' @description
#' Computes the sample size required to estimate a Spearman correlation with 
#' desired confidence interval precision. Set the correlation planning value
#' to the smallest value within a plausible range for a conservatively 
#' large sample size.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  cor    planning value of Spearman correlation
#' @param  w      desired confidence interval width
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Bonett2000}{statpsych}
#' @return 
#' Returns the required sample size
#' @examples
#' size.ci.spear(.05, .362, .25)
#' # Should return:
#' # Sample size
#' #         200
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export  
size.ci.spear <- function(alpha, cor, w) {
 if (cor > .999 || cor < -.999) {stop("correlation must be between -.999 and .999")}
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 n1 <- ceiling(4*(1 + cor^2/2)*(1 - cor^2)^2*(z/w)^2 + 3)
 zr <- log((1 + cor)/(1 - cor))/2 
 se <- sqrt((1 + cor^2/2)/(n1 - 3))
 ll0 <- zr - z*se
 ul0 <- zr + z*se
 ll <- (exp(2*ll0) - 1)/(exp(2*ll0) + 1)
 ul <- (exp(2*ul0) - 1)/(exp(2*ul0) + 1)
 n <- ceiling((n1 - 3)*((ul - ll)/w)^2 + 3)
 out <- matrix(n, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Sample size"
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  size.ci.pbcor ==============================================================
#' Sample size for a point-biserial correlation confidence interval 
#' @description
#' Computes the sample size required to estimate a point-biserial correlation
#' with desired confidence interval precision in a two-group nonexperimental
#' design with simple random sampling. A two-group nonexperimental design 
#' implies two subpopulations (e.g., all boys and all girls in a school 
#' district). This function requires a planning value for the proportion of 
#' population members who belong to one of the two subpopulations. Set the
#' correlation planning value to the smallest value within a plausible range
#' for a conservatively large sample size.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  cor    planning value of point-biserial correlation
#' @param  w      desired confidence interval width
#' @param  p      proportion of members in one of the two subpopulations
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Bonett2020a}{statpsych}
#' @return 
#' Returns the required sample size
#' @examples
#' size.ci.pbcor(.05, .40, .25, .73)
#' # Should return:
#' # Sample size
#' #         168
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export  
size.ci.pbcor <- function(alpha, cor, w, p) {
 if (cor > .999 || cor < -.999) {stop("correlation must be between -.999 and .999")}
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 n <- ceiling(4*((1 - cor^2)^2)*(1 - 1.5*cor^2 + cor^2/(4*p*(1 - p)))*(z/w)^2)
 out <- matrix(n, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- c("Sample size")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  size.ci.rsqr ==============================================================
#' Sample size for a squared multiple correlation confidence interval
#' @description
#' Computes the sample size required to estimate a squared multiple correlation
#' in a random-x regression model with desired confidence interval precision.
#' Set the planning value of the squared multiple correlation to 1/3 for a 
#' conservatively large sample size. 
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  r2     planning value of squared multiple correlation
#' @param  s      number of predictor variables in model
#' @param  w      desired confidence interval width
#' @return 
#' Returns the required sample size
#' @examples
#' size.ci.rsqr(.05, .25, 5, .2)
#' # Should return:
#' # Sample size
#' #         214
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export  
size.ci.rsqr <- function(alpha, r2, s, w) {
 if (r2 > .999 || r2 < .001) {stop("squared multiple correlation must be between .001 and .999")}
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 n1 <- ceiling(16*(r2*(1 - r2)^2)*(z/w)^2 + s + 2)
 ci <- ci.rsqr(alpha, r2, s, n1)
 ll <- ci[1,4]                           
 ul <- ci[1,5]
 n2 <- ceiling(n1*((ul - ll)/w)^2)
 if (n2 < s + 2) {n2 = s + 2}
 ci <- ci.rsqr(alpha, r2, s, n2)
 ll <- ci[1,4]                          
 ul <- ci[1,5]
 n <- ceiling(n2*((ul - ll)/w)^2)
 if (n < s + 2) {n = s + 2}
 out <- matrix(n, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Sample size"
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  size.ci.condmean ==========================================================
#' Sample size for a conditional mean confidence interval  
#' @description
#' Computes the total sample size required to estimate a conditional mean of
#' y at x = x* in a fixed-x simple linear regression model with desired 
#' confidence interval precision. In an experimental design, the total sample
#' size would be allocated to the levels of the quantitative factor and it
#' might be necessary to increase the total sample size to achieve equal 
#' sample sizes. Set the error variance planning value to the largest value 
#' within a plausible range for a conservatively large sample size.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  evar   planning value of within group (error) variance
#' @param  xvar   variance of fixed predictor variables 
#' @param  diff   difference between x* and mean of x
#' @param  w      desired confidence interval width
#' @return 
#' Returns the required total sample size
#' @examples
#' size.ci.condmean(.05, 120, 125, 15, 5)
#' # Should return:
#' # Total sample size
#' #               210
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export  
size.ci.condmean <- function(alpha, evar, xvar, diff, w) {
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 n <- ceiling(4*(evar*(1 + diff^2/xvar))*(z/w)^2 + 1 + z^2/2)
 out <- matrix(n, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Total sample size"
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  size.ci.lc.ancova =========================================================
#' Sample size for a linear contrast confidence interval in an ANCOVA  
#' @description
#' Computes the sample size for each group (assuming equal sample sizes) 
#' required to estimate a linear contrast of means in an ANCOVA model with 
#' desired confidence interval precision. In a nonexperimental design, the 
#' sample size is affected by the magnitude of covariate mean differences 
#' across groups. The covariate mean differences can be approximated by 
#' specifying the largest standardized covariate mean difference across all 
#' pairwise group differences and for all covariates. In an experiment, this
#' standardized mean difference should be set to 0. Set the error variance 
#' planning value to the largest value within a plausible range for a 
#' conservatively large sample size.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  evar   planning value of within group (error) variance
#' @param  s      number of covariates 
#' @param  d      largest standardized mean difference for all covariates
#' @param  w      desired confidence interval width
#' @param  v      vector of between-subjects contrast coefficients
#' @return 
#' Returns the required sample size for each group
#' @examples
#' v <- c(1, -1)
#' size.ci.lc.ancova(.05, 1.37, 1, 0, 1.5, v)
#' # Should return:
#' # Sample size per group
#' #                    21
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export  
size.ci.lc.ancova <- function(alpha, evar, s, d, w, v) {
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 k <- length(v)
 n <- ceiling(4*evar*(1 + d^2/4)*(t(v)%*%v)*(z/w)^2 + s + z^2/(2*k))
 out <- matrix(n, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Sample size per group"
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  size.ci.indirect ===========================================================
#' Sample size for an indirect effect confidence interval 
#' @description
#' Computes the approximate sample size required to estimate a standardized 
#' indirect effect in a simple mediation model. The direct effect of the 
#' independent (exogenous) variable on the response variable, controlling for
#' the mediator variable, is assumed to be negligible. 
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  cor1   planning value of correlation between the independent and mediator variables
#' @param  cor2   planning value of correlation between the mediator and response variables 
#' @param  w      desired confidence interval width
#' @return 
#' Returns the required sample size
#' @examples
#' size.ci.indirect(.05, .4, .5, .2)
#' # Should return:
#' # Sample size
#' #         106
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export  
size.ci.indirect <- function(alpha, cor1, cor2, w) {
 if (cor1 > .999 || cor1 < -.999) {stop("cor1 must be between -.999 and .999")}
 if (cor2 > .999 || cor2 < -.999) {stop("cor2 must be between -.999 and .999")}
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 n <- ceiling(4*(cor2^2*(1 - cor1^2)^2 + cor1^2*(1 - cor2^2)^2)*(z/w)^2 + 3)
 out <- matrix(n, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Sample size"
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  size.ci.cronbach2 =======================================================
#' Sample size for a 2-group Cronbach reliability difference confidence
#' interval
#' Computes the sample size required to estimate a difference in population
#' Cronbach reliability coefficients with desired precision in a 2-group
#' design. 
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for hypothesis test 
#' @param  rel1   group 1 reliability planning value
#' @param  rel2   group 2 reliability planning value
#' @param  r      number of measurements (items, raters)
#' @param  w      desired confidence interval width
#' @return 
#' Returns the required sample size for each group
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Bonett2015}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' size.ci.cronbach2(.05, .85, .70, 8, .15)
#' # Should return:
#' # Sample size per group
#' #                   180
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
size.ci.cronbach2 <- function(alpha, rel1, rel2, r, w) {
 if (rel1 > .999 || rel1 < .001) {stop("rel1 must be between .001 and .999")}
 if (rel2 > .999 || rel2 < .001) {stop("rel2 must be between .001 and .999")}
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 n0 <- ceiling((8*r/(r - 1))*((1 - rel1)^2 + (1 - rel2)^2)*(z/w)^2 + 2)
 b <- log(n0/(n0 - 1))
 LL1 <- 1 - exp(log(1 - rel1) - b + z*sqrt(2*r/((r - 1)*(n0 - 2))))
 UL1 <- 1 - exp(log(1 - rel1) - b - z*sqrt(2*r/((r - 1)*(n0 - 2))))
 LL2 <- 1 - exp(log(1 - rel2) - b + z*sqrt(2*r/((r - 1)*(n0 - 2))))
 UL2 <- 1 - exp(log(1 - rel2) - b - z*sqrt(2*r/((r - 1)*(n0 - 2))))
 ll <- rel1 - rel2 - sqrt((rel1 - LL1)^2 + (UL2 - rel2)^2)
 ul <- rel1 - rel2 + sqrt((UL1 - rel1)^2 + (rel2 - LL2)^2)
 w0 <- ul - ll
 n <- ceiling((n0 - 2)*(w0/w)^2 + 2)
 out <- matrix(n, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Sample size per group"
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  size.ci.mape1 ==============================================================
#' Sample size for a mean absolute prediction error confidence interval
#' Computes the sample size required to estimate a mean absolute prediction
#' error for a general linear model with desired confidence interval precision.
#' Setting s = 0 gives the sample size requirement for a mean absolute 
#' deviation in a one-group design. This function assumes that the prediction
#' errors have a normal distribution.
#' @param  alpha  alpha value for 1-alpha confidence 
#' @param  mape   mean absolute prediction error planning value
#' @param  s      number of predictor variables
#' @param  w      desired confidence interval width
#' @return 
#' Returns the required sample size
#' @examples
#' size.ci.mape1(.05, 4.5, 5, 2)
#' # Should return:
#' # Sample size
#' #          57
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
size.ci.mape1 <- function(alpha, mape, s, w) {
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 n0 <- ceiling(2.28*mape^2*(z/w)^2) + s
 df <- n0 - s - 1
 c <- n0/(n0 - (s + 2)/2)
 ll <- exp(log(c*mape) - z*sqrt(.57/df))
 ul <- exp(log(c*mape) + z*sqrt(.57/df))
 w0 <- ul - ll
 n1 <- ceiling((n0 - s)*(w0/w)^2 + s)
 df <- n1 - s - 1
 c <- n1/(n1 - (s + 2)/2)
 ll <- exp(log(c*mape) - z*sqrt(.57/df))
 ul <- exp(log(c*mape) + z*sqrt(.57/df))
 w0 <- ul - ll
 n <- ceiling((n1 - s)*(w0/w)^2 + s)
 out <- matrix(n, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Sample size"
 rownames(out) <- ""

# ======================= Sample Size for Desired Power =======================
#  size.test.slope ============================================================
#' Sample size for a test of a slope
#' @description
#' Computes the total sample size required to test a population slope with  
#' desired power in a between-subjects design with a quantitative factor. 
#' In an experimental design, the total sample size would be allocated to the
#' levels of the quantitative factor and it might be necessary to use a larger
#' total sample size to achieve equal sample sizes. Set the error variance 
#' planning value to the largest value within a plausible range for a 
#' conservatively large sample size.
#' @param  alpha   alpha level for hypothesis test
#' @param  pow     desired power
#' @param  evar    planning value of within-group (error) variance
#' @param  x       vector of x values of the quantitative factor
#' @param  slope   planning value of slope
#' @param  h       hypothesized value of slope  
#' @return 
#' Returns the required total sample size
#' @examples
#' x <- c(2, 5, 8)
#' size.test.slope(.05, .9, 31.1, x, .75, 0)
#' # Should return:
#' # Total sample size
#' #               100
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export  
size.test.slope <- function(alpha, pow, evar, x, slope, h) {
 za <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 zb <- qnorm(pow)
 m <- mean(x)
 xvar <- sum((x - m)^2)/length(x)
 es <- slope - h
 n <- ceiling((evar/xvar)*(za + zb)^2/es^2 + 1 + za^2/2)
 out <- matrix(n, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Total sample size"
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  size.test.cor ==============================================================
#' Sample size for a test of a Pearson or partial correlation 
#' @description
#' Computes the sample size required to test a Pearson or a partial correlation 
#' with desired power. Set s = 0 for a Pearson correlation. 
#' @param  alpha   alpha level for hypothesis test
#' @param  pow     desired power
#' @param  cor     planning value of correlation
#' @param  s       number of control variables
#' @param  h       hypothesized value of correlation  
#' @return 
#' Returns the required sample size
#' @examples
#' size.test.cor(.05, .9, .45, 0, 0)
#' # Should return:
#' # Sample size
#' #          48
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export  
size.test.cor <- function(alpha, pow, cor, s, h) {
 if (cor > .999 || cor < -.999) {stop("correlation must be between -.999 and .999")}
 za <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 zb <- qnorm(pow)
 zr <- log((1 + cor)/(1 - cor))/2
 zo <- log((1 + h)/(1 - h))/2
 es <- zr - zo
 n <- ceiling((za + zb)^2/es^2 + s + 3)
 out <- matrix(n, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Sample size"
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  size.interval.cor =========================================================
#' Sample size for a finite interval test of a Pearson or partial correlation 
#' @description
#' Computes the sample size required to perform a finite interval test for a 
#' Pearson or a partial correlation with desired power. Set s = 0 for a 
#' Pearson correlation. The correlation planning value must be a value within 
#' the hypothesized finite interval. 
#' @param  alpha   alpha level for hypothesis test
#' @param  pow     desired power
#' @param  cor     planning value of correlation
#' @param  s       number of control variables
#' @param  h       upper limit of hypothesized interval  
#' @return 
#' Returns the required sample size
#' @examples
#' size.interval.cor(.05, .8, .1, 0, .25)
#' # Should return:
#' # Sample size
#' #         360
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export  
size.interval.cor <- function(alpha, pow, cor, s, h) {
 if (cor > .999 || cor < -.999) {stop("correlation must be between -.999 and .999")}
 if (h <= abs(cor)) {stop("correlation must be between -h and h")}
 za <- qnorm(1 - alpha)
 zb <- qnorm(1 - (1 - pow)/2)
 zr <- log((1 + cor)/(1 - cor))/2
 zh <- log((1 + h)/(1 - h))/2
 es <- zh - zr
 n <- ceiling((za + zb)^2/es^2 + s + 3)
 out <- matrix(n, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Sample size"
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  size.test.cor2 ==============================================================
#' Sample size for a test of equal Pearson or partial correlation in a 2-group
#' design
#' @description
#' Computes the sample size required to test equality of two Pearson or partial
#' correlation with desired power in a 2-group design. Set s = 0 for a Pearson 
#' correlation. 
#' @param  alpha   alpha level for hypothesis test
#' @param  pow     desired power
#' @param  cor1    planning value of correlation
#' @param  cor2    planning value of correlation
#' @param  s       number of control variables
#' @return 
#' Returns the required sample size for each group
#' @examples
#' size.test.cor2(.05, .8, .4, .2, 0)
#' # Should return:
#' # Sample size per group
#' #                   325
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export  
size.test.cor2 <- function(alpha, pow, cor1, cor2, s) {
 if (cor1 > .999 || cor1 < -.999) {stop("cor1 must be between -.999 and .999")}
 if (cor2 > .999 || cor2 < -.999) {stop("cor2 must be between -.999 and .999")}
 za <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 zb <- qnorm(pow)
 zr1 <- log((1 + cor1)/(1 - cor1))/2
 zr2 <- log((1 + cor2)/(1 - cor2))/2
 es <- zr1 - zr2
 n <- ceiling(2*(za + zb)^2/es^2 + s + 3)
 out <- matrix(n, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Sample size per group"
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  size.test.lc.ancova ==========================================================
#' Sample size for a mean linear contrast test in an ANCOVA 
#' @description
#' Computes the sample size for each group (assuming equal sample sizes) required
#' to test a linear contrast of means in an ANCOVA model with desired power. In a 
#' nonexperimental design, the sample size is affected by the magnitude of 
#' covariate mean differences across groups. The covariate mean differences can be 
#' approximated by specifying the largest standardized covariate mean difference 
#' across all pairwise comparisons and for all covariates. In an experiment, this 
#' standardized mean difference is set to 0. Set the error variance planning 
#' value to the largest value within a plausible range for a conservatively 
#' large sample size.
#' @param  alpha   alpha level for hypothesis test
#' @param  pow     desired power
#' @param  evar    planning value of within-group (error) variance
#' @param  es      planning value of linear contrast
#' @param  s       number of covariates 
#' @param  d       largest standardized mean difference for all covariates
#' @param  v       vector of between-subjects contrast coefficients
#' @return 
#' Returns the required sample size for each group
#' @examples
#' v <- c(.5, .5, -1)
#' size.test.lc.ancova(.05, .9, 1.37, .7, 1, 0, v)
#' # Should return:
#' # Sample size per group
#' #                    47
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
size.test.lc.ancova <- function(alpha, pow, evar, es, s, d, v) {
 za <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 zb <- qnorm(pow)
 k <- length(v)
 n <- ceiling((evar*(1 + d^2/4)*t(v)%*%v)*(za + zb)^2/es^2 + s + za^2/k)
 out <- matrix(n, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Sample size per group"
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  size.test.cronbach2 ========================================================
#' Sample size to test equality of Cronbach reliability coefficients in a 
#' 2-group design
#' @description
#' Computes the sample size required to test a difference in population
#' Cronbach reliability coefficients with desired power in a 2-group design. 
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for hypothesis test 
#' @param  pow    desired power
#' @param  rel1   group 1 reliability planning value
#' @param  rel2   group 2 reliability planning value
#' @param  r      number of measurements (items, raters)
#' @return 
#' Returns the required sample size for each group
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Bonett2015}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' size.test.cronbach2(.05, .80, .85, .70, 8)
#' # Should return:
#' # Sample size per group
#' #                    77
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
size.test.cronbach2 <- function(alpha, pow, rel1, rel2, r) {
 if (rel1 > .999 || rel1 < .001) {stop("rel1 must be between .001 and .999")}
 if (rel2 > .999 || rel2 < .001) {stop("rel2 must be between .001 and .999")}
 za <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 zb <- qnorm(pow)
 e <- (1 - rel1)/(1 - rel2)
 n <- ceiling((4*r/(r - 1))*(za + zb)^2/log(e)^2 + 2)
 out <- matrix(n, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Sample size per group"
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  ======================= Power for Planned Sample Size ======================
#  power.cor1 =================================================================
#' Approximates the power of a correlation test for a planned sample size
#' @description
#' Computes the approximate power of a Pearson or partial correlation test for 
#' a planned sample size. Set s = 0 for a Pearson correlation. 
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for hypothesis test 
#' @param  n      planned sample size
#' @param  cor    planning value of correlation 
#' @param  h      hypothesized value of correlation 
#' @param  s      number of control variables
#' @return
#' Returns the approximate power of the test
#' @examples
#' power.cor1(.05, 80, .3, 0, 0)
#' # Should return:
#' #     Power
#' # 0.7751932
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @importFrom stats pnorm
#' @export
power.cor1 <- function(alpha, n, cor, h, s) {
 if (cor > .999 || cor < -.999) {stop("correlation must be between -.999 and .999")}
 za <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 f1 <- log((1 + cor)/(1 - cor))/2
 f2 <- log((1 + h)/(1 - h))/2
 z <- abs(f1 - f2)*sqrt(n - 3 - s) - za
 pow <- pnorm(z)
 out <- matrix(pow, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Power"
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  power.cor2 =================================================================
#' Approximates the power of a test for equal correlations in a 2-group design
#' for planned sample sizes
#' @description
#' Computes the approximate power of a test for equal population Pearson or
#' partial correlations in a 2-group design for planned sample sizes. Set
#' s = 0 for a Pearson correlation. 
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for hypothesis test 
#' @param  n1     planned sample size for group 1
#' @param  n2     planned sample size for group 2
#' @param  cor1   planning value of correlation for group 1 
#' @param  cor2   planning value of correlation for group 1 
#' @param  s      number of control variables
#' @return
#' Returns the approximate power of the test
#' @examples
#' power.cor2(.05, 200, 200, .4, .2, 0)
#' # Should return:
#' #     Power
#' # 0.5919517
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @importFrom stats pnorm
#' @export
power.cor2 <- function(alpha, n1, n2, cor1, cor2, s) {
 if (cor1 > .999 || cor1 < -.999) {stop("cor1 must be between -.999 and .999")}
 if (cor2 > .999 || cor2 < -.999) {stop("cor2 must be between -.999 and .999")}
 za <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 f1 <- log((1 + cor1)/(1 - cor1))/2
 f2 <- log((1 + cor2)/(1 - cor2))/2
 z <- abs(f1 - f2)/sqrt(1/(n1 - 3 - s) + 1/(n2 - 3 - s)) - za
 pow <- pnorm(z)
 out <- matrix(pow, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Power"
 rownames(out) <- ""

# ============================= Miscellaneous =================================
#  slope.contrast =============================================================
#' Contrast coefficients for the slope of a quantitative factor
#' @description
#' Computes the contrast coefficients to estimate the slope of a line in a
#' single factor design with a quantitative factor.
#' @param   x      vector of numeric factor levels
#' @return 
#' Returns the vector of contrast coefficients
#' @examples
#' x <- c(25, 50, 75, 100)
#' slope.contrast(x)
#' # Should return:
#' #      Coefficient
#' # [1,]      -0.012
#' # [2,]      -0.004
#' # [3,]       0.004
#' # [4,]       0.012
#' @export
slope.contrast <- function(x) {
 a <- length(x)
 m <- matrix(1, a, 1)*mean(x)
 ss <- sum((x - m)^2)
 coef <- (x - m)/ss
 out <- matrix(coef, nrow = a, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Coefficient"

#  random.yx =================================================================
#' Generates random bivariate scores 
#' @description
#' Generates a random sample of y scores and x scores from a bivariate normal
#' distributions with specified population means, standard deviations, and 
#' correlation. This function is useful for generating hypothetical data for
#' classroom demonstrations.
#' @param   n     sample size
#' @param   my    population mean of y scores
#' @param   mx    population mean of x scores
#' @param   sdy   population standard deviation of y scores
#' @param   sdx   population standard deviation of x scores
#' @param   cor   population correlation between x and y 
#' @param   dec   number of decimal points 
#' @return 
#' Returns n pairs of y and x scores 
#' @examples
#' random.yx(10, 50, 20, 4, 2, .5, 1)
#' # Should return: 
#' #        y    x
#' #  1  50.3 21.6
#' #  2  52.0 21.6
#' #  3  53.0 22.7
#' #  4  46.9 21.3
#' #  5  56.3 23.8
#' #  6  50.4 20.3
#' #  7  44.6 19.9
#' #  8  49.9 18.3
#' #  9  49.4 18.5
#' # 10  42.3 20.2
#' @export  
random.yx <- function(n, my, mx, sdy, sdx, cor, dec) {
 if (cor > .999 || cor < -.999) {stop("correlation must be between -.999 and .999")}
 x0 <- rnorm(n, 0, 1)
 y0 <- cor*x0 + sqrt(1 - cor^2)*rnorm(n, 0, 1)
 x <- sdx*x0 + mx
 y <- sdy*y0 + my
 out <- as.data.frame(round(cbind(y, x), dec))
 colnames(out) <- c("y", "x")

#  sim.ci.cor ===============================================================
#' Simulates confidence interval coverage probability for a Pearson
#' correlation
#' @description
#' Performs a computer simulation of confidence interval performance for a 
#' Pearson correlation. A bias adjustment is used to reduce the bias of the
#' Fisher transformed Pearson correlation. Sample data can be generated 
#' from bivariate population distributions with five different marginal 
#' distributions. All distributions are scaled to have standard deviations
#' of 1.0. Bivariate random data with specified marginal skewness and
#' kurtosis are generated using the unonr function in the mnonr package. 
#' @param   alpha     alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param   n         sample size 
#' @param   cor       population Pearson correlation
#' @param   dist1     type of distribution for variable 1 (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5)
#' @param   dist2     type of distribution for variable 2 (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5)
#' * 1 = Gaussian (skewness = 0 and excess kurtosis = 0) 
#' * 2 = platykurtic (skewness = 0 and excess kurtosis = -1.2)
#' * 3 = leptokurtic (skewness = 0 and excess kurtsois = 6)
#' * 4 = moderate skew (skewness = 1 and excess kurtosis = 1.5)
#' * 5 = large skew (skewness = 2 and excess kurtosis = 6)
#' @param   rep       number of Monte Carlo samples
#' @return
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Coverage - probability of confidence interval including population correlation  
#' * Lower Error - probability of lower limit greater than population correlation
#' * Upper Error - probability of upper limit less than population correlation
#' * Ave CI Width - average confidence interval width
#' @examples
#' sim.ci.cor(.05, 30, .7, 4, 5, 1000)
#' # Should return (within sampling error):
#' #      Coverage Lower Error Upper Error Ave CI Width
#' # [1,]  0.93815     0.05125      0.0106    0.7778518
#' @importFrom stats qt
#' @importFrom mnonr unonr
#' @export
sim.ci.cor <- function(alpha, n, cor, dist1, dist2, rep) {
 if (cor > .999 || cor < -.999) {stop("correlation must be between -.999 and .999")}
 zcrit <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 if (dist1 == 1) {
   skw1 <- 0; kur1 <- 0
 } else if (dist1 == 2) {
   skw1 <- 0; kur1 <- -1.2
 } else if (dist1 == 3) {
   skw1 <- 0; kur1 <- 6
 } else if (dist1 == 4) {
   skw1 <- .75; kur1 <- .86
 } else {
   skw1 <- 1.41; kur1 <- 3
 if (dist2 == 1) {
   skw2 <- 0; kur2 <- 0
 } else if (dist2 == 2) {
   skw2 <- 0; kur2 <- -1.2
 } else if (dist2 == 3) {
   skw2 <- 0; kur2 <- 6
 } else if (dist2 == 4) {
   skw2 <- 1; kur2 <- 1.5
 } else {
   skw2 <- 2; kur2 <- 6
 V <- matrix(c(1, cor, cor, 1), 2, 2)
 w <- 0; k <- 0; e1 <-0; e2 <- 0
 repeat {
   k <- k + 1
   y <- unonr(n, c(0, 0), V, skewness = c(skw1, skw2), kurtosis = c(kur1, kur2))
   R <- cor(y)
   r <- R[1,2]
   zr <- log((1 + r)/(1 - r))/2 - r/(2*(n - 1))
   se.z <- sqrt(1/((n - 3)))
   ll0 <- zr - zcrit*se.z
   ul0 <- zr + zcrit*se.z
   ll <- (exp(2*ll0) - 1)/(exp(2*ll0) + 1)
   ul <- (exp(2*ul0) - 1)/(exp(2*ul0) + 1)
   w0 <- ul - ll
   c1 <- as.integer(ll > cor)
   c2 <- as.integer(ul < cor)
   e1 <- e1 + c1
   e2 <- e2 + c2
   w <- w + w0
   if (k == rep) {break}
 width <- w/rep
 cov <- 1 - (e1 + e2)/rep
 out <- t(c(cov, e1/rep, e2/rep, width))
 colnames(out) <- c("Coverage", "Lower Error", "Upper Error", "Ave CI Width")

#  sim.ci.spear ===============================================================
#' Simulates confidence interval coverage probability for a Spearman
#' correlation
#' @description
#' Performs a computer simulation of confidence interval performance for a 
#' Spearman correlation. Sample data can be generated from bivariate population
#' distributions with five different marginal distributions. All distributions
#' are scaled to have standard deviations of 1.0. Bivariate random data with 
#' specified marginal skewness and kurtosis are generated using the unonr 
#' function in the mnonr package. 
#' @param   alpha     alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param   n         sample size 
#' @param   cor       population Spearman correlation
#' @param   dist1     type of distribution for variable 1 (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5)
#' @param   dist2     type of distribution for variable 2 (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5)
#' * 1 = Gaussian (skewness = 0 and excess kurtosis = 0) 
#' * 2 = platykurtic (skewness = 0 and excess kurtosis = -1.2)
#' * 3 = leptokurtic (skewness = 0 and excess kurtsois = 6)
#' * 4 = moderate skew (skewness = 1 and excess kurtosis = 1.5)
#' * 5 = large skew (skewness = 2 and excess kurtosis = 6)
#' @param   rep      number of Monte Carlo samples
#' @return
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Coverage - probability of confidence interval including population correlation  
#' * Lower Error - probability of lower limit greater than population correlation
#' * Upper Error - probability of upper limit less than population corrrelation
#' * Ave CI Width - average confidence interval width
#' @examples
#' sim.ci.spear(.05, 30, .7, 4, 5, 1000)
#' # Should return (within sampling error):
#' #      Coverage Lower Error Upper Error Ave CI Width
#' # [1,]  0.96235     0.01255      0.0251    0.4257299
#' @importFrom stats qt
#' @importFrom mnonr unonr
#' @export
sim.ci.spear <- function(alpha, n, cor, dist1, dist2, rep) {
 if (cor > .999 || cor < -.999) {stop("correlation must be between -.999 and .999")}
 zcrit <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 if (dist1 == 1) {
   skw1 <- 0; kur1 <- 0
 } else if (dist1 == 2) {
   skw1 <- 0; kur1 <- -1.2
 } else if (dist1 == 3) {
   skw1 <- 0; kur1 <- 6
 } else if (dist1 == 4) {
   skw1 <- .75; kur1 <- .86
 } else {
   skw1 <- 1.41; kur1 <- 3
 if (dist2 == 1) {
   skw2 <- 0; kur2 <- 0
 } else if (dist2 == 2) {
   skw2 <- 0; kur2 <- -1.2
 } else if (dist2 == 3) {
   skw2 <- 0; kur2 <- 6
 } else if (dist2 == 4) {
   skw2 <- 1; kur2 <- 1.5
 } else {
   skw2 <- 2; kur2 <- 6
 V <- matrix(c(1, cor, cor, 1), 2, 2)
 y <- unonr(100000, c(0, 0), V, skewness = c(skw1, skw2), kurtosis = c(kur1, kur2))
 popR <- cor(y, method = "spearman")
 popspear <- popR[1,2]
 w <- 0; k <- 0; e1 <-0; e2 <- 0
 repeat {
   k <- k + 1
   y <- unonr(n, c(0, 0), V, skewness = c(skw1, skw2), kurtosis = c(kur1, kur2))
   R <- cor(y, method = "spearman")
   r <- R[1,2]
   zr <- log((1 + r)/(1 - r))/2 
   se.z <- sqrt((1 + r^2/2)*(1 - r^2)^2/(n - 3))
   ll0 <- zr - zcrit*se.z/(1 - r^2)
   ul0 <- zr + zcrit*se.z/(1 - r^2)
   ll <- (exp(2*ll0) - 1)/(exp(2*ll0) + 1)
   ul <- (exp(2*ul0) - 1)/(exp(2*ul0) + 1)
   w0 <- ul - ll
   c1 <- as.integer(ll > popspear)
   c2 <- as.integer(ul < popspear)
   e1 <- e1 + c1
   e2 <- e2 + c2
   w <- w + w0
   if (k == rep) {break}
 width <- w/rep
 cov <- 1 - (e1 + e2)/rep
 out <- t(c(cov, e1/rep, e2/rep, width))
 colnames(out) <- c("Coverage", "Lower Error", "Upper Error", "Ave CI Width")

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