
Defines functions ol_grp overline2 overline gsection.sf gsection islines.sf islines

Documented in gsection islines overline overline2

#' Do the intersections between two geometries create lines?
#' This is a function required in [overline()]. It identifies
#' whether sets of lines overlap (beyond shared points) or
#' not.
#' @param g1 A spatial object
#' @param g2 A spatial object
#' @family rnet
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # sf implementation
#' islines(routes_fast_sf[2, ], routes_fast_sf[3, ])
#' islines(routes_fast_sf[2, ], routes_fast_sf[22, ])
#' }
islines <- function(g1, g2) {
#' @export
islines.sf <- function(g1, g2) {
  sf::st_geometry_type(sf::st_intersection(sf::st_geometry(g1), sf::st_geometry(g2))) == "MULTILINESTRING"

#' Function to split overlapping SpatialLines into segments
#' Divides SpatialLinesDataFrame objects into separate Lines.
#' Each new Lines object is the aggregate of a single number
#' of aggregated lines.
#' @param sl SpatialLinesDataFrame with overlapping Lines to split by
#' number of overlapping features.
#' @param buff_dist A number specifying the distance in meters of the buffer to be used to crop lines before running the operation.
#' If the distance is zero (the default) touching but non-overlapping lines may be aggregated.
#' @family rnet
#' @export
#' @examples
#' lib_versions <- sf::sf_extSoftVersion()
#' lib_versions
#' # fails on some systems (with early versions of PROJ)
#' if (lib_versions[3] >= "6.3.1") {
#'   sl <- routes_fast_sf[2:4, ]
#'   rsec <- gsection(sl)
#'   length(rsec) # sections
#'   plot(rsec, col = seq(length(rsec)))
#'   rsec <- gsection(sl, buff_dist = 50)
#'   length(rsec) # 4 features: issue
#'   plot(rsec, col = seq(length(rsec)))
#' }
gsection <- function(sl, buff_dist = 0) {
#' @export
gsection.sf <- function(sl, buff_dist = 0) {
  if (buff_dist > 0) {
    sl <- geo_toptail(sl, toptail_dist = buff_dist)

  u <- sf::st_union(sl)
  u_merged <- sf::st_line_merge(u)
  u_disag <- sf::st_cast(u_merged, "LINESTRING")


#' Convert series of overlapping lines into a route network
#' This function takes a series of overlapping lines and converts them into a
#' single route network.
#' The function can be used to estimate the amount of transport 'flow' at the
#' route segment level based on input datasets from routing services, for
#' example linestring geometries created with the `route()` function.
#' @param sl A spatial object representing routes on a transport network
#' @param attrib character, column names in sl to be aggregated
#' @param ncores integer, how many cores to use in parallel processing, default = 1
#' @param simplify logical, if TRUE group final segments back into lines, default = TRUE
#' @param regionalise integer, during simplification regonalisation is used if the number of segments exceeds this value
#' @param quiet Should the the function omit messages? `NULL` by default,
#' which means the output will only be shown if `sl` has more than 1000 rows.
#' @param fun Named list of functions to summaries the attributes by? `sum` is the default.
#' `list(sum = sum, average = mean)` will summarise all `attrib`utes by sum and mean.
#' @author Barry Rowlingson
#' @references
#' Morgan M and Lovelace R (2020). Travel flow aggregation: Nationally scalable methods
#' for interactive and online visualisation of transport behaviour at the road network level.
#' Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science. July 2020.
#' \doi{10.1177/2399808320942779}.
#' Rowlingson, B (2015). Overlaying lines and aggregating their values for overlapping
#' segments. Reproducible question from <https://gis.stackexchange.com>. See
#' <https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/139681/>.
#' @details The `overline()` function breaks each line into many straight
#' segments and then looks for duplicated segments. Attributes are summed for
#' all duplicated segments, and if simplify is TRUE the segments with identical
#' attributes are recombined into linestrings.
#' The following arguments only apply to the `sf` implementation of `overline()`:
#' - `ncores`, the number of cores to use in parallel processing
#' - `simplify`, should the final segments be converted back into longer lines? The default
#' setting is `TRUE`. `simplify = FALSE` results in straight line segments consisting
#' of only 2 vertices (the start and end point),
#' resulting in a data frame with many more rows than the simplified results (see examples).
#' - `regionalise` the threshold number of rows above which
#' regionalisation is used (see details).
#' For `sf` objects Regionalisation breaks the dataset into a 10 x 10 grid and
#' then performed the simplification across each grid. This significantly
#' reduces computation time for large datasets, but slightly increases the final
#' file size. For smaller datasets it increases computation time slightly but
#' reduces memory usage and so may also be useful.
#' A known limitation of this method is that overlapping segments of different
#' lengths are not aggregated. This can occur when lines stop halfway down a
#' road. Typically these errors are small, but some artefacts may remain within
#' the resulting data.
#' For very large datasets nrow(x) > 1000000, memory usage can be significant.
#' In these cases is is possible to overline subsets of the dataset, rbind the
#' results together, and then overline again, to produce a final result.
#' Multicore support is only enabled for the regionalised simplification stage
#' as it does not help with other stages.
#' @family rnet
#' @export
#' @examples
#' sl <- routes_fast_sf[2:4, ]
#' sl$All <- flowlines_sf$All[2:4]
#' rnet <- overline(sl = sl, attrib = "All")
#' nrow(sl)
#' nrow(rnet)
#' plot(rnet)
#' rnet_mean <- overline(sl, c("All", "av_incline"), fun = list(mean = mean, sum = sum))
#' plot(rnet_mean, lwd = rnet_mean$All_sum / mean(rnet_mean$All_sum))
#' rnet_sf_raw <- overline(sl, attrib = "length", simplify = FALSE)
#' nrow(rnet_sf_raw)
#' summary(n_vertices(rnet_sf_raw))
#' plot(rnet_sf_raw)
#' rnet_sf_raw$n <- 1:nrow(rnet_sf_raw)
#' plot(rnet_sf_raw[10:25, ])
overline <- function(sl,
                     ncores = 1,
                     simplify = TRUE,
                     regionalise = 1e9,
                     quiet = ifelse(nrow(sl) < 1000, TRUE, FALSE),
                     fun = sum) {
#' Convert series of overlapping lines into a route network (new method)
#' @description This function is intended as a replacement for overline() and is significantly faster
#' especially on large datasets. However, it also uses more memory.
#' @family rnet
#' @author Malcolm Morgan
#' @return An `sf` object representing a route network
#' @export
#' @rdname overline
overline2 <-
           ncores = 1,
           simplify = TRUE,
           regionalise = 1e7,
           quiet = ifelse(nrow(sl) < 1000, TRUE, FALSE),
           fun = sum) {
    if(as.character(unique(sf::st_geometry_type(sl))) == "MULTILINESTRING") {
      message("Converting from MULTILINESTRING to LINESTRING")
      sl <- sf::st_cast(sl, "LINESTRING")
    if (!"sfc_LINESTRING" %in% class(sf::st_geometry(sl))) {
      stop("Only LINESTRING is supported")
    if (is(sl, "data.table")) {
      sl_df <- as.data.frame(sf::st_drop_geometry(sl))
      sl <- sf::st_sf(sl_df, geometry = sl$geometry)
    if (any(c("1", "2", "3", "4", "grid") %in% attrib)) {
      stop("1, 2, 3, 4, grid are not a permitted column names, please rename that column")
    sl <- sf::st_zm(sl)
    sl <- sl[, attrib]
    sl_crs <- sf::st_crs(sl)
    if (!quiet) {
      message(paste0(Sys.time(), " constructing segments"))
    c1 <- sf::st_coordinates(sl)
    sf::st_geometry(sl) <- NULL
    l1 <- c1[, 3] # Get which line each point is part of
    c1 <- c1[, 1:2]
    l1_start <- duplicated(l1) # find the break points between lines
    l1_start <- c(l1_start[2:length(l1)], FALSE)
    c2 <- c1[2:nrow(c1), 1:2] # Create new coords offset by one row
    c2 <- rbind(c2, c(NA, NA))
    c2[nrow(c1), ] <- c(NA, NA)
    c2[!l1_start, 1] <- NA
    c2[!l1_start, 2] <- NA
    c3 <- cbind(c1, c2) # make new matrix of start and end coords
    rm(c1, c2)
    c3 <- c3[!is.na(c3[, 3]), ]
    sl <- sl[l1[l1_start], , drop = FALSE] # repeate attributes
    rm(l1, l1_start)

    # if (!quiet) {
    #   message(paste0(Sys.time(), " transposing 'B to A' to 'A to B'"))
    # }
    attributes(c3)$dimnames <- NULL
    c3 <- t(apply(c3, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(y) {
      if (y[1] != y[3]) {
        if (y[1] > y[3]) {
          c(y[3], y[4], y[1], y[2])
        } else {
      } else {
        if (y[2] > y[4]) {
          c(y[3], y[4], y[1], y[2])
        } else {

    # if (!quiet) {
    #   message(paste0(Sys.time(), " removing duplicates"))
    # }
    sl <- cbind(c3, sl)

    sls <- dplyr::group_by_at(sl, c("1", "2", "3", "4"))
    sls <- dplyr::ungroup(dplyr::summarise_all(sls, .funs = fun))
    attrib <- names(sls)[5:ncol(sls)]
    coords <- as.matrix(sls[, 1:4])
    sl <- sls[, -c(1:4)]

    # Make Geometry
    if (!quiet) {
      message(paste0(Sys.time(), " building geometry"))
    sf::st_geometry(sl) <- sf::st_as_sfc(
      if (requireNamespace("pbapply", quietly = TRUE)) {
        pbapply::pblapply(1:nrow(coords), function(y) {
          sf::st_linestring(matrix(coords[y, ], ncol = 2, byrow = T))
      } else {
        lapply(1:nrow(coords), function(y) {
          sf::st_linestring(matrix(coords[y, ], ncol = 2, byrow = T))
      crs = sl_crs

    # Recombine into fewer lines
    if (simplify) {
      if (!quiet) {
        message(paste0(Sys.time(), " simplifying geometry"))
      if (nrow(sl) > regionalise) {
        message(paste0("large data detected, using regionalisation, nrow = ", nrow(sl)))

        # Fix for https://github.com/ropensci/stplanr/issues/510
        sl <- sl[sf::st_is_valid(sl),]

        suppressWarnings(cents <- sf::st_centroid(sl))
        # Fix for https://github.com/r-spatial/sf/issues/1777
          bbox <- sf::st_bbox(cents)
          bbox[1] <- bbox[1] - abs(bbox[1] * 0.001)
          bbox[2] <- bbox[2] - abs(bbox[2] * 0.001)
          bbox[3] <- bbox[3] + abs(bbox[3] * 0.001)
          bbox[4] <- bbox[4] + abs(bbox[4] * 0.001)
          bbox <- sf::st_as_sfc(bbox)
          grid <- sf::st_make_grid(bbox, what = "polygons")
        } else {
          grid <- sf::st_make_grid(cents, what = "polygons")

        suppressWarnings(inter <- unlist(lapply(sf::st_intersects(cents, grid), `[[`, 1)))
        sl$grid <- inter
        rm(cents, grid, inter)
        # split into a list of df by grid
        sl <- dplyr::group_split(sl, grid)
        message(paste0(Sys.time(), " regionalisation complete, aggregating flows"))
        if (ncores > 1) {
          cl <- parallel::makeCluster(ncores)
            cl = cl,
            varlist = c("attrib","ol_grp"),
            envir = environment()
          parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl, {
            # library(dplyr)
          overlined_simple <- if (requireNamespace("pbapply", quietly = TRUE)) {
            pbapply::pblapply(sl, function(y) {
              ol_grp(y, attrib)
            }, cl = cl)
          } else {
            lapply(sl, function(y) {
              ol_grp(y, attrib)

        } else {
          overlined_simple <- if (requireNamespace("pbapply", quietly = TRUE)) {
            pbapply::pblapply(sl, function(y) {
              ol_grp(y, attrib)
          } else {
            lapply(sl, function(y) {
              ol_grp(y, attrib)
        overlined_simple <- data.table::rbindlist(overlined_simple)
        overlined_simple <- sf::st_sf(overlined_simple)
        overlined_simple <- overlined_simple[seq_len(nrow(overlined_simple)), ]
      } else {
        if (!quiet) {
          message(paste0(Sys.time(), " aggregating flows"))

        overlined_simple <- ol_grp(sl, attrib)

      overlined_simple <- as.data.frame(overlined_simple)
      overlined_simple <- sf::st_sf(overlined_simple)

      # Separate our the linestrings and the mulilinestrings
      if (!quiet) {
        message(paste0(Sys.time(), " rejoining segments into linestrings"))
      overlined_simple <- sf::st_line_merge(overlined_simple)
      geom_types <- sf::st_geometry_type(overlined_simple)
      overlined_simple_l <- overlined_simple[geom_types == "LINESTRING", ]
      overlined_simple_ml <- overlined_simple[geom_types == "MULTILINESTRING", ]
      suppressWarnings(overlined_simple_ml <-
          sf::st_cast(overlined_simple_ml, "MULTILINESTRING"),

      return(rbind(overlined_simple_l, overlined_simple_ml))
    } else {
#' @export
overline.sf <- overline2

ol_grp <- function(sl, attrib){
  sl <- data.table::data.table(sl)
  sl <- sl[, .(geometry = sf::st_combine(geometry)), by = attrib]

#' Aggregate flows so they become non-directional (by geometry - the slow way)
#' Flow data often contains movement in two directions: from point A to point B
#' and then from B to A. This can be problematic for transport planning, because
#' the magnitude of flow along a route can be masked by flows the other direction.
#' If only the largest flow in either direction is captured in an analysis, for
#' example, the true extent of travel will by heavily under-estimated for
#' OD pairs which have similar amounts of travel in both directions.
#' This function aggregates directional flows into non-directional flows,
#' potentially halving the number of lines objects and reducing the number
#' of overlapping lines to zero.
#' @param x A dataset containing linestring geometries
#' @param attrib A text string containing the name of the line's attribute to
#' aggregate or a numeric vector of the columns to be aggregated
#' @return `onewaygeo` outputs a SpatialLinesDataFrame with single lines
#' and user-selected attribute values that have been aggregated. Only lines
#' with a distance (i.e. not intra-zone flows) are included
#' @family lines
#' @export
onewaygeo <- function(x, attrib) {
#' @export
onewaygeo.sf <- function(x, attrib) {
  geq <- sf::st_equals(x, x, sparse = FALSE) | sf::st_equals_exact(x, x, sparse = FALSE, par = 0.0)
  sel1 <- !duplicated(geq) # repeated rows
  x$matching_rows <- apply(geq, 1, function(x) paste0(formatC(which(x), width = 4, format = "d", flag = 0), collapse = "-"))

  singlelines <- stats::aggregate(x[attrib], list(x$matching_rows), FUN = sum)


#' Convert series of overlapping lines into a route network
#' This function takes overlapping `LINESTRING`s stored in an
#' `sf` object and returns a route network composed of non-overlapping
#' geometries and aggregated values.
#' @param sl An `sf` `LINESTRING` object with overlapping elements
#' @inheritParams overline
#' @export
#' @examples
#' routes_fast_sf$value <- 1
#' sl <- routes_fast_sf[4:6, ]
#' attrib <- c("value", "length")
#' rnet <- overline_intersection(sl = sl, attrib)
#' plot(rnet, lwd = rnet$value)
#' # A larger example
#' sl <- routes_fast_sf[4:7, ]
#' rnet <- overline_intersection(sl = sl, attrib = c("value", "length"))
#' plot(rnet, lwd = rnet$value)
#' rnet_sf <- overline(routes_fast_sf[4:7, ], attrib = c("value", "length"))
#' plot(rnet_sf, lwd = rnet_sf$value)
#' # An even larger example (not shown, takes time to run)
#' # rnet = overline_intersection(routes_fast_sf, attrib = c("value", "length"))
#' # rnet_sf <- overline(routes_fast_sf, attrib = c("value", "length"), buff_dist = 10)
#' # plot(rnet$geometry, lwd = rnet$value * 2, col = "grey")
#' # plot(rnet_sf$geometry,  lwd = rnet_sf$value, add = TRUE)
overline_intersection <- function(sl, attrib, fun = sum) {
  sl <- sl[attrib]
  sli <- sf::st_intersection(sl)

  # check it's all in there:
  # sli_union = sf::st_union(sli)
  # plot(sli_union, lwd = 9)
  # plot(sl$geometry, add = T, col = "red")
  # sl_difference = sf::st_difference(sl, sli)

  gtypes <- sf::st_geometry_type(sli)
  sli_lines <- sli[gtypes == "LINESTRING", ]
  sli_mlines <- sli[gtypes == "MULTILINESTRING", ]

  if (any(gtypes == "GEOMETRYCOLLECTION")) {
    sli_collections <- sli[gtypes == "GEOMETRYCOLLECTION", ]
    sli_clines <- sf::st_collection_extract(sli_collections, "LINESTRING")
    sli_lines <- rbind(sli_lines, sli_clines)

  # # Test plots:
  # plot(sli_lines$geometry, lwd = sli_lines$n.overlaps * 2, col = "grey")
  # plot(sli_mlines$geometry, add = TRUE, lwd = sli_mlines$n.overlaps)
  # plot(sl$geometry, col = "red", add = TRUE)

  # # removes many lines!
  l_mlines <- lapply(sli_mlines$geometry, sf::st_line_merge)
  l_mlines_sfc <- sf::st_sfc(l_mlines, crs = sf::st_crs(sl))
  # plot(l_mlines_sfc)

  l_mlines_data <- lapply(attrib, function(a) {
    vapply(sli_mlines$origins, function(i) fun(sl[[a]][i]), FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
  names(l_mlines_data) <- attrib
  mlines <- sf::st_sf(l_mlines_data, geometry = l_mlines_sfc)
  slines <- sli_lines[attrib]
  rbind(mlines, slines)

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