
Defines functions tess.info.MISER

tess.info.MISER <- function(X, cifunction, theta = NULL, areas, tl, n)
	if(is.null(theta)) {
		fun2 <- function(z)
			Y <- rbind(data, z)
			Y <- Y[which(Y$t <= z[3]),]
			Y <- stpp(Y$x, Y$y, Y$t, stwin(X$xcoord, X$ycoord, X$tcoord))
	if(!is.null(theta)) {
		fun2 <- function(z)
			Y <- rbind(data, z)
			Y <- Y[which(Y$t <= z[3]),]
			Y <- stpp(Y$x, Y$y, Y$t, stwin(X$xcoord, X$ycoord, X$tcoord))
			tail(cifunction(Y, theta),1)
	int.fun <- function(tl)
		cells <- as.points(tl$x, tl$y)
		place <- inpip(app.pts[,1:2], cells)
		bin.pts <- app.pts[place, 4]
		return(c(mean(bin.pts), sd(bin.pts)))
	vol <- areas * diff(X$tcoord)
	data <- data.frame(cbind(X$x, X$y, X$t))
	names(data) <- c("x", "y", "t")
	xrange <- X$xcoord
	yrange <- X$ycoord
	trange <- X$tcoord
	n.start <- n*.1
	x1 <- runif(n.start, xrange[1], xrange[2])
	y1 <- runif(n.start, yrange[1], yrange[2])
	t1 <- runif(n.start, trange[1], trange[2])
	N <- n - n.start
	miser <- function(xrange, yrange, trange, x1, y1, t1, N)
		all.pts <- data.frame(cbind(x1, y1, t1))
		names(all.pts) <- c("x", "y", "t")
		all.l <- apply(all.pts, 1, fun2)
		lX1 <- all.l[which((all.pts[,1] > xrange[1]) & (all.pts[,1] <= median(xrange)))]
		lX2 <- all.l[which((all.pts[,1] > median(xrange)) & (all.pts[,1] < xrange[2]))]
		lY1 <- all.l[which((all.pts[,2] > yrange[1]) & (all.pts[,2] <= median(yrange)))]
		lY2 <- all.l[which((all.pts[,2] > median(yrange)) & (all.pts[,2] < yrange[2]))]
		if((length(lX1) > 1) & (length(lX2) > 1)) {
			sX1 <- sd(lX1)
			sX2 <- sd(lX2)
			sXsum <- sX1 + sX2
		} else sXsum <- Inf
		if((length(lY1) > 1) & (length(lY2) > 1)) {
			sY1 <- sd(lY1)
			sY2 <- sd(lY2)
			sYsum <- sY1 + sY2
		} else sYsum <- Inf
		if((sXsum == 0) || (sYsum == 0)) {
		  sXsum <- Inf
		  sYsum <- Inf
		S <- c(sXsum, sYsum)
		all.pts <- cbind(all.pts, all.l)
		names(all.pts) <- c("x", "y", "t", "l")
		if(((S[1] == Inf) & (S[2] == Inf))) {
			x1.1 <- runif(N, xrange[1], xrange[2])
			y1.1 <- runif(N, yrange[1], yrange[2])
			t1.1 <- runif(N, trange[1], trange[2])
			all.pts.1 <- data.frame(cbind(x1.1, y1.1, t1.1))
			names(all.pts.1) <- c("x", "y", "t")
			l <- apply(all.pts.1, 1, fun2)
			all.pts.1 <- cbind(all.pts.1, l)
			all.pts <- rbind(all.pts, all.pts.1)
		if (((S[1] != Inf) | (S[2] != Inf))) {
			strat <- which(S==min(S))
		if(length(strat) > 1)
			strat <- strat[1]
			if(strat == 1) {
				N.a <- ceiling((sX1)/(sX1+sX2)*N)
				if(N.a > 10) {
					n.a <- ceiling(.1*N.a)
					n.a2 <- N.a-n.a
					xa <- runif(n.a, xrange[1], median(xrange))
					ya <- runif(n.a, yrange[1], yrange[2])
					ta <- runif(n.a, trange[1], trange[2])
					xrange.a <- c(xrange[1], median(xrange))
					ALL.pts <- miser(xrange.a, yrange, trange, xa, ya, ta, n.a2)
				if((N.a <= 10) & (N.a > 0)) {
					xa <- runif(N.a, xrange[1], median(xrange))
					ya <- runif(N.a, yrange[1], yrange[2])
					ta <- runif(N.a, trange[1], trange[2])
					ALL.pts <- data.frame(cbind(xa, ya, ta))
					names(ALL.pts) <- c("x", "y", "t")
					l <- apply(ALL.pts, 1, fun2) 
					ALL.pts <- cbind(ALL.pts, l) 
				if(N.a == 0) {
					ALL.pts <- data.frame()	
				N.b <- N-N.a
				if(N.b > 10) {
					n.b <- ceiling(.1*N.b)
					n.b2 <- N.b-n.b
					xb <- runif(n.b, median(xrange), xrange[2])
					yb <- runif(n.b, yrange[1], yrange[2])
					tb <- runif(n.b, trange[1], trange[2])
					xrange.b <- c(median(xrange), xrange[2])
					ALL.pts2 <- miser(xrange.b, yrange, trange, xb, yb, tb, n.b2)
				if((N.b <= 10) & (N.b > 0)) {
					xb <- runif(N.b, median(xrange), xrange[2])
					yb <- runif(N.b, yrange[1], yrange[2])
					tb <- runif(N.b, trange[1], trange[2])
					ALL.pts2 <- data.frame(cbind(xb, yb, tb))
					names(ALL.pts2) <- c("x", "y", "t")
					l <- apply(ALL.pts2, 1, fun2) 
					ALL.pts2 <- cbind(ALL.pts2, l) 
				if(N.b == 0) {
					ALL.pts2 <- data.frame()
				total.pts <- rbind(all.pts, ALL.pts, ALL.pts2)
			if(strat == 2){
				N.a <- ceiling((sY1)/(sY1+sY2)*N)
				if(N.a > 10) {
					n.a <- ceiling(.1*N.a)
					n.a2 <- N.a-n.a
					xa <- runif(n.a, xrange[1], xrange[2])
					ya <- runif(n.a, yrange[1], median(yrange))
					ta <- runif(n.a, trange[1], trange[2])
					yrange.a <- c(yrange[1], median(yrange))
					ALL.pts <- miser(xrange, yrange.a, trange, xa, ya, ta, n.a2)
				if((N.a <= 10) & (N.a > 0)) {
					xa <- runif(N.a, xrange[1], xrange[2])
					ya <- runif(N.a, yrange[1], median(yrange))
					ta <- runif(N.a, trange[1], trange[2])
					ALL.pts <- data.frame(cbind(xa, ya, ta))
					names(ALL.pts) <- c("x", "y", "t")
					l <- apply(ALL.pts, 1, fun2) 
					ALL.pts <- cbind(ALL.pts, l) 
				if(N.a == 0) {
					ALL.pts <- data.frame()	
				N.b <- N-N.a
				if(N.b > 10) {
					n.b <- ceiling(.1*N.b)
					n.b2 <- N.b-n.b
					xb <- runif(n.b, xrange[1], xrange[2])
					yb <- runif(n.b, median(yrange), yrange[2])
					tb <- runif(n.b, trange[1], trange[2])
					yrange.b <- c(median(yrange), yrange[2])
					ALL.pts2 <- miser(xrange, yrange.b, trange, xb, yb, tb, n.b2)
				if((N.b <= 10) & (N.b > 0)) {
					xb <- runif(N.b, xrange[1], xrange[2])
					yb <- runif(N.b, median(yrange), yrange[2])
					tb <- runif(N.b, trange[1], trange[2])
					ALL.pts2 <- data.frame(cbind(xb, yb, tb))
					names(ALL.pts2) <- c("x", "y", "t")
					l <- apply(ALL.pts2, 1, fun2) 
					ALL.pts2 <- cbind(ALL.pts2, l)
				if(N.b == 0) {
					ALL.pts2 <- data.frame()
				total.pts <- rbind(all.pts, ALL.pts, ALL.pts2)
	app.pts <- miser(xrange, yrange, trange, x1, y1, t1, N)
	all.df <- t(data.frame(lapply(tl, int.fun)))
	row.names(all.df) <- c()
	if(n > 10000) {
	  sample.app.pts <- app.pts[sample(1:nrow(app.pts), 10000), ]
	} else {
	  sample.app.pts <- app.pts
	tess <- list(n=n, integral = all.df[,1]*vol, mean.lambda = all.df[,1], sd.lambda = all.df[,2], app.pts = sample.app.pts)
	class(tess) <- "tess.info"

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