multi.path.visibility <- function(G, degree = "in", source = NULL, sink = NULL, weights = NULL, autoprint = TRUE){
if(any(distances(G, source, sink)==Inf)) stop("only use source nodes connected to sink")
list.paths <- vector(mode='list', length = length(source))
names(list.paths) <- paste("Source:", source)
list.names <- vector(mode='list', length = length(source))
list.t <- vector(mode='list', length = length(source))
for(i in 1:length(source)){
out <- path.visibility(G, degree = degree, source = source[i], sink = sink, weights = weights)
list.paths[[i]] <- out
list.names[[i]] <- colnames(out)
list.t[[i]] <- data.frame(Names = colnames(out), Time = 1:length(colnames(out)))
time.matrix <- list.t[[1]]
for(i in 2:length(list.t)){
temp <- rbind(time.matrix, list.t[[i]])
time.matrix <- temp
v <- list.paths
time.summary <- sort(tapply(time.matrix[,2], time.matrix[,1], sum))
ts.mat <- matrix(FALSE, ncol = length(time.summary), nrow = length(time.summary), dimnames = list(names(time.summary), names(time.summary)))
for(i in 1:length(v)){
one <- v[[i]]
w <- which(colnames(ts.mat) %in% colnames(one))
ts.mat[,w][w,] <- one
list.out <- list()
# list.out$visibilities <- list.paths
# list.out$names <- unique(unlist(list.names))
ts.mat[lower.tri(ts.mat)] <- NA
list.out$complete.matrix <- ts.mat
fr <- apply(ts.mat, 1, function(x)sum(x,na.rm=T))
to <- apply(ts.mat, 2, function(x)sum(x,na.rm=T))
sum <- to + fr
summary <- rbind(fr,to,sum)
row.names(summary) <- c("out", "in", "both")
list.out$visibility.summary <- summary
list.out$all.matrices <- list.paths
printout <- function(x){
if(autoprint){printout(list.out)} else invisible(list.out)
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