
Defines functions calculateOverlap

Documented in calculateOverlap

# TODO: ...

# CHANGE LOG (last 20 changes)
# 06.08.2017: Added audit trail.
# 28.08.2015: Added importFrom
# 06.01.2014: Fixed factor/character bug when using frequency database.
# 30.11.2013: Specified package for function in 'plyr' -> 'plyr::rbind.fill'
# 25.09.2013: First version.

#' @title Calculate Bins Overlap
#' @description
#' Analyses the bins overlap between colors.
#' @details By analyzing the bins overlap between dye channels a measure of
#' the risk for spectral pull-up artefacts can be obtain. The default result
#' is a matrix with the total bins overlap in number of base pairs. If an allele
#' frequency database is provided the overlap at each bin is multiplied with the
#' frequency of the corresponding allele. If no frequence exist for that allele
#' a frequency of 5/2N will be used. X and Y alleles is given the frequency 1.
#' A penalty matrix can be supplied to reduce the effect by spectral distance,
#' meaning that overlap with the neighboring dye can be counted in full (100%)
#' while a non neighbor dye get its overlap reduced (to e.g. 10%).
#' @param data data frame providing kit information.
#' @param db data frame allele frequency database.
#' @param penalty vector with factors for reducing the impact from distant dye channels.
#' NB! Length must equal number of dyes in kit minus one.
#' @param virtual logical default is TRUE meaning that overlap calculation includes virtual bins.
#' @param debug logical indicating printing debug information.
#' @importFrom plyr rbind.fill
#' @importFrom utils str
#' @export
#' @return data.frame with columns 'Kit', 'Color', [dyes], 'Sum', and 'Score'.

calculateOverlap <- function(data, db = NULL, penalty = NULL, virtual = TRUE, debug = FALSE) {

  if (debug) {
    print(paste("IN:", match.call()[[1]]))

  # Check data ----------------------------------------------------------------

  # Check db if provided.
  if (!is.null(db)) {
    # Check if all markers are in the provided frequency database.
    chkMarkers <- unique(data$Marker)
    if (!all(chkMarkers %in% names(db))) {
      message(paste("Marker(s) ", paste(chkMarkers[!chkMarkers %in% names(db)], collapse = ", "),
        " not found in frequency database!",
        "\nA frequency of 5/2N will be used as an estimate for missing alleles/markers.",
        sep = ""

    # Check if 'N' (size of frequency databse) is available.
    if (is.na(db$N[1])) {
      message(paste("'N' not found in frequency database!",
        "\nA frequency of 0 will be used for missing alleles/markers.",
        sep = ""

  # Prepare -------------------------------------------------------------------

  # Initialise variables.
  bp <- vector()
  min <- vector()
  max <- vector()
  xLower <- vector()
  xUpper <- vector()
  allele <- vector()
  virtualAllele <- vector()
  mpenalty <- matrix()
  dfRes <- data.frame()

  # Create penalty matrix.
  if (!is.null(penalty)) {
    if (debug) {
      print("Creating penalty matrix...")

    # Get size (number of colors)
    msize <- length(penalty) + 1
    mrow <- list()

    # Loop to construct matrix rows.
    for (i in 1:msize) {
      # Calculate indexes:
      a <- ifelse(i == 1, 0, 1)
      b <- i - 1
      c <- ifelse(i %% msize == 0, 0, 1)
      d <- msize - i

      # Construct a matrix row.
      mrow[[i]] <- c(rev(penalty[a:b]), NA, penalty[c:d])
    # Construct matrix.
    mpenalty <- matrix(unlist(mrow), nrow = msize)

    if (debug) {

  # Get kits.
  kits <- unique(data$Panel)
  kitName <- unique(data$Full.Name)
  if (debug) {

  # Analyse -------------------------------------------------------------------

  # Loop over all kits.
  for (k in seq(along = kits)) {
    # Initiate variable.
    totalOverlap <- 0

    if (debug) {
      print(paste("Analyzing kit", kits[k]))

    # Kit selection.
    selectedKit <- data$Panel == kits[k]

    # Get colors for current kit.
    colors <- unique(data$Color[selectedKit])

    # Create result matrix. (If use matrix better to only allow one kit)
    nColor <- length(colors)
    overlapMatrix <- matrix(rep(rep(NA, nColor), nColor), nrow = nColor)
    dimnames(overlapMatrix) <- list(colors, colors)

    if (debug) {
      print("Result matrix created:")

    # Get global min/max.
    xhigh <- max(data$Size.Max[selectedKit])
    xlow <- min(data$Size.Min[selectedKit])
    yhigh <- length(colors)

    # Loop over all colors. This loop is the color being compared.
    for (c in seq(along = colors)) {
      if (debug) {
        print(paste("Analyzing color", colors[c]))

      # Get current color.
      selectedColor <- data$Color == colors[c]

      # Combine current color and current kit selection.
      selectedData <- selectedColor & selectedKit

      # Get lower and upper bound of bins.
      xLower <- data$Size.Min[selectedData]
      xUpper <- data$Size.Max[selectedData]

      # Get markers and alleles.
      # Supress:  "Warning message: NAs introduced by coercion"
      allele <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(data$Allele[selectedData]))
      marker <- data$Marker[selectedData]
      virtualAlleles <- data$Virtual[selectedData] == 1

      # Check if using virtual alleles.
      if (!virtual) {
        # Remove all elements corresponding to virtual alleles.
        xLower <- xLower[!virtualAlleles]
        xUpper <- xUpper[!virtualAlleles]
        allele <- allele[!virtualAlleles]
        marker <- marker[!virtualAlleles]

        if (debug) {
          print("Virtual alleles removed for current colour!")

      # c2<-2
      # Loop over all colors. This loop is colors to compare to.
      for (c2 in seq(along = colors)) {
        # Do not compare to same color.
        if (colors[c] != colors[c2]) {
          if (debug) {
            print(paste("Comparing to", colors[c2]))

          # Get current color2.
          selectedColor2 <- data$Color == colors[c2]

          # Combine current color2 and current kit selection.
          selectedData2 <- selectedColor2 & selectedKit

          # Get lower and upper bound of bins.
          xLower2 <- data$Size.Min[selectedData2]
          xUpper2 <- data$Size.Max[selectedData2]
          virtualAlleles2 <- data$Virtual[selectedData2] == 1

          # Check if using virtual alleles.
          if (!virtual) {
            # Remove all elements corresponding to virtual alleles.
            xLower2 <- xLower2[!virtualAlleles2]
            xUpper2 <- xUpper2[!virtualAlleles2]

            if (debug) {
              print("Virtual alleles removed for comparing colour!")

          # Get maximum size bins to compare to.
          xMax2 <- max(xUpper2)

          # Loop over all bins in current color.
          for (x in seq(along = xLower)) {
            # Get current values.
            cMarker <- as.character(marker[x])
            cAllele <- as.character(allele[x])

            if (debug) {
              print(paste("Checking allele ", cAllele,
                " in marker ", cMarker, ".",
                sep = ""

            # Exit when bin in color is > max size in color2.
            if (xUpper[x] > xMax2) {
              #               if(debug){
              #                 print(paste("Break at", xLower2[x2],
              #                             ", current bin is larger than remaining bins."))
              #               }

            # Loop over bins in current color2, starting from the first overlap.
            for (x2 in which(xUpper2 > xLower[x])) {
              # Compare bin in color with all bins in color2.

              #               if(debug){
              #                 print(paste("Enter at", xLower2[x2]))
              #               }

              # Exit when bin in color2 is > current bin size in color.
              if (xLower2[x2] > xUpper[x]) {
                #                 if(debug){
                #                   print(paste("Break at", xLower2[x2],
                #                               ", remaining bins are larger than current bin."))
                #                 }

              # Make sequence out of bins with resolution 0.01 bp.
              currentBin <- seq(xLower[x], xUpper[x], by = 0.01)
              currentBin2 <- seq(xLower2[x2], xUpper2[x2], by = 0.01)

              # Find overlapping region.
              overlap <- intersect(currentBin, currentBin2)

              # Score overlap.
              if (length(overlap) != 0) {
                # Calculate size of overlap in base pair.
                bp <- max(overlap) - min(overlap)

                # Adjust score by allele frequency.
                if (!is.null(db)) {
                  # X and Y is NA
                  if (is.na(cAllele)) {
                    freq <- 1
                  } else {
                    # Get frequency for current allele in current marker.
                    if (cMarker %in% names(db)) {
                      freq <- db[cMarker][db$Allele == cAllele, ]
                    } else {
                      # Marker not in database.
                      freq <- NA

                  # Check if frequence was found.
                  if (length(freq) == 0 || is.na(freq)) {
                    # Use min freq (5/2N).
                    freq <- 5 / (2 * db$N[1])

                    # Check if minimum frequency could be estimated.
                    if (is.na(freq)) {
                      freq <- 0

                      warning(paste("Marker ", cMarker, ": ", cAllele,
                        " - 'N' not found in frequency database.",
                        " Using a frequency of ", freq,
                        sep = ""
                    } else {
                      warning(paste("Marker ", cMarker, ": ", cAllele,
                        " - No frequency found in frequency database.",
                        " Using a frequency of ", freq,
                        " (5/2N) as an estimate!",
                        sep = ""
                  } else {
                    # Adjust overlap score.
                    bp <- bp * freq

                # Sum total overlap score.
                totalOverlap <- totalOverlap + bp

                if (debug) {
                    bp, "basepair overlap in", cMarker,
                    "for allele", cAllele

          if (debug) {
            print(paste("TotalOverlap", totalOverlap))

          # Same color.
          overlapMatrix[c, c2] <- totalOverlap
        } else {
          # Same color.
          overlapMatrix[c, c2] <- NA
      } # Color loop 2 ends!
    } # Color loop 1 ends!

    if (debug) {
      print(paste("Result matrix for kit", kits[k]))

    # Apply scoring matrix to reduce impact by dye distance.
    if (!is.null(penalty)) {
      overlapMatrix <- overlapMatrix * mpenalty

      if (debug) {
        print("penalty matrix:")

    # Create data frame.
    dfKit <- data.frame(overlapMatrix)
    names(dfKit) <- rownames(overlapMatrix)

    # Add color (to the left).
    dfKit <- data.frame(Color = rownames(overlapMatrix), dfKit)

    # Add kit name (to the left).
    dfKit <- data.frame(Kit = kitName[k], dfKit)

    # Calculate and add score per dye.
    dfKit$Sum <- rowSums(overlapMatrix, na.rm = TRUE)

    # Calculate and add total score.
    dfKit$Score <- sum(overlapMatrix, na.rm = TRUE)

    # Combine with previous result.
    dfRes <- plyr::rbind.fill(dfRes, dfKit)
  } # Kit loop ends!

  # Update audit trail.
  dfRes <- auditTrail(obj = dfRes, f.call = match.call(), package = "strvalidator")

  if (debug) {
    print(paste("EXIT:", match.call()[[1]]))


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