
Defines functions calculateSlope

Documented in calculateSlope

# NOTE: Column names used for calculations with data.table is declared
# in globals.R to avoid NOTES in R CMD CHECK.

# CHANGE LOG (last 20 changes)
# 24.08.2018: Removed unused variables.
# 07.08.2017: Added audit trail.
# 11.05.2016: Changed from 'Peaks' to 'Peaks - 2' degrees of freedom.
# 25.04.2016: First version.

#' @title Calculate Profile Slope.
#' @description
#' Calculate profile slope for samples.
#' @details
#' Calculates the profile slope for each sample. The slope is calculated as a
#' linear model specified by the response (natural logarithm of peak height) by
#' the term size (in base pair). If 'Size' is not present in the dataset, one or
#' multiple kit names can be given as argument 'kit'. The specified kits will
#' be used to estimate the size of each allele. If 'kit' is NULL the kit(s)
#' will be automatically detected, and the 'Size' will be calculated.
#' The column 'Group' can be used to separate datasets to be compared, and if
#' so 'kit' must be a vector of equal length as the number of groups, and in
#' the same order. If not the first 'kit' will be recycled for all groups.
#' Data will be filtered using the reference profiles.
#' @param data data.frame with at least columns 'Sample.Name', 'Marker', and
#' 'Height'.
#' @param ref data.frame with at least columns 'Sample.Name', 'Marker',
#' and 'Allele'
#' @param conf numeric confidence limit to calculate a confidence interval from
#' (Student t Distribution with 'Peaks'-2 degree of freedom). Default is 0.975
#' corresponding to a 95\% confidence interval.
#' @param kit character string or vector specifying the analysis kits used
#' to produce the data. If length(kit) != number of groups, kit[1] will be
#' used for all groups.
#' @param debug logical indicating printing debug information.
#' @param ... additional arguments to the \code{\link{filterProfile}} function
#' @return data.frame with with columns 'Sample.Name', 'Kit', 'Group', 'Slope',
#' 'Error', 'Peaks', 'Lower', and 'Upper'.
#' @importFrom utils str
#' @importFrom data.table data.table
#' @export

calculateSlope <- function(data, ref, conf = 0.975, kit = NULL, debug = FALSE, ...) {
  if (debug) {
    print(paste("IN:", match.call()[[1]]))

  # CHECK DATA ----------------------------------------------------------------

  # Check dataset.
  if (!any(grepl("Sample.Name", names(data)))) {
    stop("'data' must contain a column 'Sample.Name'.",
      call. = TRUE

  if (!any(grepl("Allele", names(data)))) {
    stop("'data' must contain a column 'Allele'.",
      call. = TRUE

  # Check if slim format.
  if (sum(grepl("Allele", names(data)) > 1)) {
    stop("'data' must be in 'slim' format.",
      call. = TRUE

  if (!any(grepl("Height", names(data)))) {
    stop("'data' must contain a column 'Height'.",
      call. = TRUE

  # Check if slim format.
  if (sum(grepl("Height", names(data)) > 1)) {
    stop("'data' must be in 'slim' format.",
      call. = TRUE

  # Check if character data.
  if (!is.numeric(data$Height)) {
    message("'Height' must be numeric. 'data' converted.")
    data$Height <- as.numeric(data$Height)

  # Check dataset.
  if (!any(grepl("Sample.Name", names(ref)))) {
    stop("'ref' must contain a column 'Sample.Name'.",
      call. = TRUE

  if (!any(grepl("Allele", names(ref)))) {
    stop("'ref' must contain a column 'Allele'.",
      call. = TRUE

  # Check if slim format.
  if (sum(grepl("Allele", names(ref)) > 1)) {
    stop("'ref' must be in 'slim' format.",
      call. = TRUE

  # Check if character data.
  if (!is.numeric(conf)) {
    stop("'conf' must be numeric.")

  # PREPARE -----------------------------------------------------------------

  # Add a column for kit name.
  data$Kit <- NA

  # Add group if not present.
  if (is.null(data$Group)) {
    data$Group <- "1"

  # Get groups.
  group <- unique(data$Group)

  # Filter known profile.
  data <- filterProfile(
    data = data, ref = ref,
    add.missing.loci = FALSE, keep.na = FALSE,
    debug = debug, ...

  # Check if a size column exist.
  if (is.null(data$Size)) {
    message("'Size' not in dataset.")

    # Add a size column.
    # data$Size <- NA

    # Check if kit is specified.
    if (is.null(kit)) {
      message("'kit' not specified.")

      kit <- rep(NA, length(group))

      # Loop over groups.
      for (g in seq(along = group)) {
        # Auto detect kit. If multiple matches, use the first.
        kit[g] <- detectKit(
          data = data[data$Group == group[g], ],
          debug = debug
    } else {
      # Check number of groups matches number of given kits.
      if (length(group) != length(kit)) {
        kit <- rep(kit[1], length(group))

    # Create a new dataframe to store result.
    data.new <- data.frame(data[0, ])

    # Loop over groups.
    for (g in seq(along = group)) {
      # Get kit information.
      kitData <- getKit(kit = kit[g])

      # Add size in base pair.
      data.tmp <- addSize(
        data = data[data$Group == group[g], ],
        kit = kitData, debug = debug

      # Add kit.
      data.tmp$Kit <- kit[g]

      if (debug) {
        print(paste("Kit: ", kit[g]))

      # Combine result.
      data.new <- rbind(data.new, data.tmp)

      message("Added size according to ", kit[g], " for group ", group[g], ".")

    # Overwrite the old data.frame with the new.
    data <- data.new

  # Check if NA in Size column.
  if (any(is.na(data$Size))) {
    row1 <- nrow(data)

    # Remove rows with no size.
    data <- data[!is.na(data$Size), ]

    row2 <- nrow(data)

    message("Removed ", row1 - row2, " rows with Size=NA")

  # Check if 0 in Height column.
  if (any(data$Height == 0)) {
    row1 <- nrow(data)

    # Remove rows with zero height.
    data <- data[!data$Height == 0, ]

    row2 <- nrow(data)

    message("Removed ", row1 - row2, " rows with Height=0")

  # ANALYSE -------------------------------------------------------------------

  # Convert to data table for performance.
  DT <- data.table(data)

  # Calculate slope.
  DT <- DT[, list(
    Slope = summary(lm(log(Height) ~ Size))$coefficients[2],
    Error = summary(lm(log(Height) ~ Size))$coefficients[4],
    Peaks = .N
  ), by = list(Sample.Name, Group, Kit)]

  # Calculate confidence interval.
  DT[, Lower := Slope - Error * qt(conf, Peaks - 2), by = Sample.Name]
  DT[, Upper := Slope + Error * qt(conf, Peaks - 2), by = Sample.Name]

  # Convert back to data.frame.
  res <- as.data.frame(DT)

  # Add attributes to result.
  attr(data, which = "kit") <- kit

  # Update audit trail.
  res <- auditTrail(obj = res, f.call = match.call(), package = "strvalidator")


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strvalidator documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:45 p.m.