
Defines functions rtestsubor subparam.subor rtestrefor subparam.refor subniche

Documented in rtestrefor rtestsubor subniche subparam.refor subparam.subor

#' @import ade4
#' @title The Within Outlying Mean Indexes calculation
#' @aliases subniche print.subniche summary.subniche refparam rtest.subniche subparam.refor rtestrefor subparam.subor rtestsubor
#' @description  The indexes allows to divide the niche, estimated from the \link[ade4]{niche} function in the \link{ade4} package into subniches defined by a factor, which creates the
#' subsets. See details for more information.
#' @usage subniche(nic, factor)
#' @param nic an object of class \code{niche}.
#' @param factor a factor which will defined the subsets within which the subniches will be calculated (the same length of the number of sites)
#' @param x an object of class \code{subniche}.
#' @param xtest an object of class \code{subniche}.
#' @param object an object of class \code{subniche}.
#' @param ...	further arguments passed to or from other methods
#' @param sim a numeric vector of simulated values
#' @param obs a numeric vector of an observed value
#' @param alter a character string specifying the alternative hypothesis, must be one of "greater" (default), "less" or "two-sided".he length must be equal to the length of the vector obs, values are recycled if shorter.
#' @param names a vector of names for tests
#' @param subpvalue the subset pvalue resulting from \code{subkrandtest} function
#' @param p.adjust.method	a string indicating a method for multiple adjustment, see \link[stats:p.adjust]{p.adjust.methods} for possible choices.
#' @param call a call order
#' @param nrepet the number of permutations for the testing procedure
#' @return Adds items in the niche list and changing the class into \code{subniche} containing:
#' @return \code{factor} the factor use to divide the environmental and species matrix into submatrices.
#' @return \code{G_k} a dataframe with the sub-origins, \emph{G_k}.
#' @return \code{sub} a dataframe with the species subniche coordinates
#' @keywords subniche
#' @author Stephane Karasiewicz, \email{stephane.karasiewicz@wanadoo.fr}
#' @details The Within Outlying Mean Index analysis is a statistical exploratory niche analysis which provides observation of niche shift and/or conservatism, of an entire community,at different subcales
#' (temporal ,spatial and/or finer biological organisation level), and comparable under the same environmental gradients. This hindcasting multivariate analysis is based on the OMI analysis (Doledec \emph{et al.} 2000) which is used as reference.
#' The niches refinement is inspired by the K-select (Calenge \emph{et al.} 2005) which emphasizes the limiting factors in habitat use in design II and III (Thomas and Taylor, 1990).The different estimations should help understand:
#' 1. the environmental factors defining a species' reference niche, under on the full scale, within a community.
#' 2. the environmental factors defining a species' subniches, under each subsets, within a community.
#' The subniches parameters can be calculated from both the reference origin,\emph{G}, which corresponds to the reference plan origin, and from \emph{G_k}, which corresponds to the
#' suborigins. \emph{G} is the graphical representation of the mean environmental conditions encountered over the full scale of the data. \emph{G_k} is the mean environmental conditions
#' encountered at a subset defined by the factor. They are complementary has you can compare:
#' 1. a single species' subniches to \emph{G}.
#' 2. the community' subniches to \emph{G_k} at a specific subset.
#'  The subniches of a single species can only be compared to \emph{G} as it is the common origin to all subsets. Whereas \emph{G_k} is only common to the species found within the
#' subset. So comparing different subniches of one species, found within different subsets, is only relevant to \emph{G}. The community's subniches can be compared to both \emph{G}
#' and \emph{G_k}, but \emph{G}, being the mean environmental conditions found within the full scale, will not express the specificity of the environmental conditions that the species
#' encountered at the subset. \emph{G_k}, being the mean environmental conditions of the subset, will reflect the atypical value of the environmental condition, making the
#' comparison of the community's subniches parameters more relevant. More information on the ecological concept can be found in Karasiewicz \emph{et al.} 2017.
#' For more details description on the package use:\url{https://github.com/KarasiewiczStephane/WitOMI}.
#' @references Karasiewicz S.,Doledec S.and Lefebvre S. (2017). Within outlying mean indexes: refining the OMI analysis for the realized niche decomposition. \emph{PeerJ} 5:e3364. \doi{10.7717/peerj.3364}.
#' Calenge C., Dufour A.B. and Maillard D. (2005). K-select analysis: a new method to analyze habitat selection in radio-tracking studies. \emph{Ecological modelling}, \bold{186}, 143-153. \doi{10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2004.12.005}.
#' Doledec S., Chessel D. and Gimaret C. (2000). Niche separation in community analysis: a new method. \emph{Ecology},\bold{81}, 2914-1927. \doi{10.2307/177351}
#' Thomas, D.L., Taylor, E.J. (1990). Study Designs and Tests for Comparing Resource Use and Availability II. \emph{Natl. Widl.} \bold{54}(2), 322-330.
#' @seealso \link[ade4]{niche} \link[ade4:niche]{niche.param}
#' @examples
#'dudi1 <- dudi.pca(doubs$env, scale = TRUE, scan = FALSE, nf = 3)
#'nic1 <- niche(dudi1, doubs$fish, scann = FALSE)
#'# number of sites
#'N <- dim(nic1$ls)[1]
#'#Create a factor which defines the subsets
#'fact <- factor(c(rep(1,N/2),rep(2,N/2)))
#'# nic1 will be use as reference and fact will be use to define the subniches environment
#'subnic1 <- subniche(nic1, fact)
#'# the following two functions do the same display, plot.refniche is adapted to subniche objects
#'#Display the marginality vector of the suborigins and the species subniche
#'#Display the subset's polygon, found within the overall environment's chull,
#'#and the corresponding species positions
#'# The following two functions do the same display, refparam is adapted to subniche objects
#'# The following two functions do the same display, rtest is adapted to subniche objects
#'#Calculates the subniches' parameters from G with the corresponding rtest
#'#Calculates the subniches' parameters from G_k with the corresponding rtest
#' @export subniche
#' @rdname subniche
#' @importFrom stats weighted.mean
subniche <- function(nic, factor){
  if (!inherits(nic, "niche"))
    stop("Object of class niche expected")
  appel <- as.list(nic$call)
  X <- eval.parent(appel[[2]])
  Y <- eval.parent(appel[[3]])
  w1 <- apply(Y, 2, sum)
  Yw <- sweep(Y, 2, w1, "/")
  Xrow <- sweep(sweep(X$tab, 2, X$norm, "*"), 2, X$cent, "+")
  Xrow_K  <- split(as.data.frame(Xrow), factor)
  mean_env_by_sp <- t(as.matrix(Yw)) %*% (as.matrix(Xrow))
  mean_E <- apply(Xrow, 2, mean)
  mean_K  <- split(as.data.frame(Xrow), factor)
  mean_K <- lapply(mean_K, FUN=function(x) apply(x, 2, mean))
  mean_K <- as.data.frame(do.call("rbind",mean_K))
  mean_env <- rbind(mean_E,mean_K)
  rownames(mean_env) <- c("mean_E", paste(rep("mean_K", dim(mean_K)[1]), levels(factor), sep = ""))
  ls.spl <- split(as.data.frame(nic$ls), factor)
  G_k <- lapply(ls.spl, FUN=function(x) apply(x, 2, mean))
  G_k <- as.data.frame(do.call("rbind", G_k))
  rownames(G_k) <- paste(rep("G_k", dim(G_k)[1]), levels(factor), sep = "")
  names(G_k) <- names(nic$li)
  subposi <- list()
  mean_env_by_sub <- list()
  spwei <- split(Y, factor)
  N <- length(levels(factor))
  for (i in 1:N) {
    w <- spwei[[i]]
    w2 <- apply(w, 2, sum)
    spwei[[i]] <- sweep(w, 2, w2, "/")
    subposi[[i]] <- t(as.matrix(spwei[[i]]))%*%as.matrix(ls.spl[[i]])
    mean_env_by_sub[[i]] <- t(as.matrix(spwei[[i]]))%*%as.matrix(Xrow_K[[i]])
    rownames(subposi[[i]]) <- paste(colnames(Y), levels(factor)[[i]], sep = "")
    rownames(mean_env_by_sub[[i]]) <- paste(colnames(Y), levels(factor)[[i]], sep = "")
  subposi <- do.call("rbind", subposi)
  mean_env_by_sub <- do.call("rbind", mean_env_by_sub)
  colnames(subposi) <- colnames(nic$li)
  colnames(mean_env_by_sub) <- colnames(Xrow)
  nic$mean_env_by_sp <- mean_env_by_sp
  nic$mean_env_by_sub <- mean_env_by_sub
  nic$sub <- subposi
  nic$G_k <- G_k
  nic$mean_env <- mean_env
  rownames(nic$G_k) <- paste(rep("G_k",dim(nic$G_k)[1]),levels(factor),sep="")
  nic$factor <- factor
  class(nic) <- c("subniche", "dudi")
#' @rdname subniche
#' @method print subkrandtest
#' @export
print.subkrandtest <- function (x, ...)
  if (!inherits(x, "subkrandtest"))
    stop("to be used with 'subkrandtest' object")
  cat("class:", class(x), "\n")
  cat("Monte-Carlo tests\n")
  cat("Call: ")
  cat("\nNumber of tests:  ", x$ntest, "\n")
  cat("\nAdjustment method for multiple comparisons:  ", x$adj.method,
  sumry <- list(Test = x$names, Obs = x$obs, Std.Obs = x$expvar[,
                                                                1], Alter = x$alter)
  sumry <- as.data.frame(sumry)
  row.names(sumry) <- 1:x$ntest
  if (any(x$rep[1] != x$rep)) {
    sumry <- cbind(sumry[, 1:4], N.perm = x$rep)
  else {
    cat("Permutation number:  ", x$rep[1], "\n")
  sumry <- cbind(sumry, Pvalue = x$pvalue)
  if (x$adj.method != "none")
    sumry <- cbind(sumry, Pvalue.adj = x$adj.pvalue)
  cat("Subsets Pvalue:", x$subpvalue, "\n")
  if (length(names(x)) > 10) {
    cat("other elements: ")
    cat(names(x)[11:(length(x))], "\n")
#' @rdname subniche
#' @method print subnikrandtest
#' @export
print.subnikrandtest <- function (x, ...)
  if (!inherits(x, "subnikrandtest"))
    stop("to be used with 'subnikrandtest' object")
  cat("class:", class(x), "\n")
  cat("Monte-Carlo tests\n")
  cat("Call: ")
  cat("\nNumber of tests:  ", x$ntest, "\n")
  cat("\nAdjustment method for multiple comparisons:  ", x$adj.method,
  sumry <- list(Test = x$names, Obs = x$obs, Std.Obs = x$expvar[,
                                                                1], Alter = x$alter)
  sumry <- as.data.frame(sumry)
  row.names(sumry) <- 1:x$ntest
  if (any(x$rep[1] != x$rep)) {
    sumry <- cbind(sumry[, 1:4], N.perm = x$rep)
  else {
    cat("Permutation number:  ", x$rep[1], "\n")
  sumry <- cbind(sumry, Pvalue = x$pvalue, SubniPvalue = x$subni.pvalue)
  if (x$adj.method != "none")
    sumry <- cbind(sumry, Pvalue.adj = x$adj.pvalue, SubniPvalue = x$subni.pvalue)
  if (length(names(x)) > 9) {
    cat("other elements: ")
    cat(names(x)[10:(length(x))], "\n")

#' @rdname subniche
#' @method print subniche
#' @export
print.subniche <- function (x, ...)
  if (!inherits(x, "subniche"))
    stop("to be used with 'niche' object")
  cat("WitOMI calculation\n")
  cat("call: ")
  cat("class: ")
  cat(class(x), "\n")
  cat("\n$rank (rank)     :", x$rank)
  cat("\n$nf (axis saved) :", x$nf)
  cat("\n\neigen values: ")
  l0 <- length(x$eig)
  cat(signif(x$eig, 4)[1:(min(5, l0))])
  if (l0 > 5)
    cat(" ...\n\n")
  else cat("\n\n")
  sumry <- array("", c(4, 4), list(1:4, c("vector", "length",
                                          "mode", "content")))
  sumry[1, ] <- c("$eig", length(x$eig), mode(x$eig), "eigen values")
  sumry[2, ] <- c("$lw", length(x$lw), mode(x$lw), "row weigths (crossed array)")
  sumry[3, ] <- c("$cw", length(x$cw), mode(x$cw), "col weigths (crossed array)")
  sumry[4, ] <- c("$factor", length(x$factor), mode(x$factor), "factor used for creating subsets")
  print(sumry, quote = FALSE)
  sumry <- array("", c(12, 4), list(1:12, c("data.frame", "nrow",
                                            "ncol", "content")))
  sumry[1, ] <- c("$tab", nrow(x$tab), ncol(x$tab), "crossed array (averaging species/sites)")
  sumry[2, ] <- c("$li", nrow(x$li), ncol(x$li), "species coordinates")
  sumry[3, ] <- c("$l1", nrow(x$l1), ncol(x$l1), "species normed scores")
  sumry[4, ] <- c("$co", nrow(x$co), ncol(x$co), "variables coordinates")
  sumry[5, ] <- c("$c1", nrow(x$c1), ncol(x$c1), "variables normed scores")
  sumry[6, ] <- c("$ls", nrow(x$ls), ncol(x$ls), "sites coordinates")
  sumry[7, ] <- c("$as", nrow(x$as), ncol(x$as), "axis upon niche axis")
  sumry[8, ] <- c("$G_k", nrow(x$G_k), ncol(x$G_k), "G_k coordinates")
  sumry[9, ] <- c("$mean_env", nrow(x$mean_env), ncol(x$mean_env), "mean environmental conditions of E and subets K")
  sumry[10, ] <- c("$mean_env_by_sp", nrow(x$mean_env_by_sp), ncol(x$mean_env_by_sp), "mean environmental conditions by species in E")
  sumry[11, ] <- c("$mean_env_by_sub", nrow(x$mean_env_by_sub), ncol(x$mean_env_by_sub), "mean environmental conditions by species in subet K")
  sumry[12, ] <- c("$sub", nrow(x$sub), ncol(x$sub), "species coordinates within each subset")

  print(sumry, quote = FALSE)

#' @rdname subniche
#' @method summary subniche
#' @export
summary.subniche <- function (object, ...)
  cat("Class: ")
  cat("\nCall: ")
  cat("\nTotal inertia: ")
  cat(signif(sum(object$eig), 4))
  l0 <- length(object$eig)
  vec <- object$eig[1:(min(5, l0))]
  names(vec) <- paste("Ax", 1:length(vec), sep = "")
  print(format(vec, digits = 4, trim = TRUE, width = 7), quote = FALSE)
  cat("\nProjected inertia (%):\n")
  vec <- (object$eig/sum(object$eig) * 100)[1:(min(5, l0))]
  names(vec) <- paste("Ax", 1:length(vec), sep = "")
  print(format(vec, digits = 4, trim = TRUE, width = 7), quote = FALSE)
  cat("\nCumulative projected inertia (%):\n")
  vec <- (cumsum(object$eig)/sum(object$eig) * 100)[1:(min(5,
  names(vec)[1] <- "Ax1"
  if (l0 > 1)
    names(vec)[2:length(vec)] <- paste("Ax1:", 2:length(vec),
                                       sep = "")
  print(format(vec, digits = 4, trim = TRUE, width = 7), quote = FALSE)
  if (l0 > 5) {
    cat(paste("(Only 5 dimensions (out of ", l0, ") are shown)\n",
              sep = "", collapse = ""))
#' @rdname subniche
#' @export
refparam <- function (x)
  if (!inherits(x, "subniche"))
    stop("Object of class 'subniche' expected")
  appel <- as.list(x$call)
  X <- eval.parent(appel[[2]])$tab
  Y <- eval.parent(appel[[3]])
  w1 <- apply(Y, 2, sum)
  if (any(w1 <= 0))
    stop(paste("Column sum <=0 in Y"))
  Y <- sweep(Y, 2, w1, "/")
  calcul.param <- function(freq, mil) {
    inertia <- sum(freq * mil * mil)
    m <- apply(freq * mil, 2, sum)
    margi <- sum(m^2)
    mil <- t(t(mil) - m)
    tolt <- sum(freq * mil * mil)
    u <- m/sqrt(sum(m^2))
    z <- mil %*% u
    tolm <- sum(freq * z * z)
    tolr <- tolt - tolm
    w <- c(inertia, margi, tolm, tolr)
    names(w) <- c("inertia", "OMI", "Tol", "Rtol")
    w1 <- round(w[2:4]/w[1], digits = 3) * 100
    names(w1) <- c("omi", "tol", "rtol")
    return(c(w, w1))
  res <- apply(Y, 2, calcul.param, mil = X)
#' @rdname subniche
#' @method rtest subniche
#' @export
rtest.subniche <- function (xtest, nrepet = 99, ...)
  if (!inherits(xtest, "dudi"))
    stop("Object of class dudi expected")
  if (!inherits(xtest, "subniche"))
    stop("Type 'niche' expected")
  appel <- as.list(xtest$call)
  X <- eval.parent(appel$dudiX)$tab
  Y <- eval.parent(appel$Y)
  w1 <- apply(Y, 2, sum)
  if (any(w1 <= 0))
    stop(paste("Column sum <=0 in Y"))
  Y <- sweep(Y, 2, w1, "/")
  calcul.margi <- function(freq, mil) {
    m <- apply(freq * mil, 2, sum)
  obs <- apply(Y, 2, calcul.margi, mil = X)
  obs <- c(obs, OMI.mean = mean(obs))
  sim <- sapply(1:nrepet, function(x) apply(apply(Y, 2, sample),
                                            2, calcul.margi, mil = X))
  sim <- rbind(sim, OMI.mean = apply(sim, 2, mean))
  res <- as.krandtest(obs = obs, sim = t(sim))
#' @rdname subniche
#' @export
subparam.refor <- function(x){
  res <- list()
  appel <- as.list(x$call)
  y <-eval.parent(appel[[3]])
  factor <- x$factor
  subniche.param <- function (x,y)
    if (!inherits(x, "subniche"))
      stop("Object of class 'subniche' expected")
    appel <- as.list(x$call)
    X <- eval.parent(appel[[2]])$tab[y,]
    Y <- eval.parent(appel[[3]])[y,]
    w1 <- apply(Y, 2, sum)
    Y <- sweep(Y, 2, w1, "/")
      calcul.param <- function(freq, mil) {
      inertia <- sum(freq * mil * mil)
      m <- apply(freq * mil, 2, sum)
      margi <- sum(m^2)
      mil <- t(t(mil) - m)
      tolt <- sum(freq * mil * mil)
      u <- m/sqrt(sum(m^2))
      z <- mil %*% u
      tolm <- sum(freq * z * z)
      tolr <- tolt - tolm
      w <- c(inertia, margi, tolm, tolr)
      names(w) <- c("inertia", "WitOMIG", "Tol", "Rtol")
      w1 <- round(w[2:4]/w[1], digits = 3) * 100
      names(w1) <- c("witomig", "tol", "rtol")
      return(c(w, w1))
    res <- apply(Y, 2, calcul.param, mil = X)
  N <-length(levels(x$factor))
  nam <- levels(factor)
  for(i in 1:N){
    res[[i]] <-  subniche.param(x,array(factor)==nam[i])
    rownames(res[[i]]) <- paste(rownames(x$li),nam[i],sep="")
  res <- do.call("rbind",res)
#' @rdname subniche
#' @export
rtestrefor <- function(x, nrepet){
factor <- x$factor
res <- list()
N <-length(levels(x$factor))
nam <- levels(factor)
appel <- as.list(x$call)
X <- eval.parent(appel[[2]])$tab
Y <- eval.parent(appel[[3]])
calcul.margi <- function(freq, mil) {
  m <- apply(freq * mil, 2, sum)
for(i in 1:N){
  X1 <- X[array(factor)==nam[i],]
  Xwobs <- apply(X1, 2, mean)
  Xsim <- sapply(1:nrepet, function(x) apply(t <- apply(X, 2, sample)[array(factor)==nam[i],], 2, mean))
  Xtest <- subkrandtest(obs=Xwobs, sim=t(Xsim), "two-sided")
  w1 <- apply(Y[array(factor)==nam[i],], 2, sum)
  Y1 <- sweep(Y[array(factor)==nam[i],], 2, w1, "/")
  obs <- apply(Y1, 2, calcul.margi, mil = X1)
  obs <- c(obs, OMI.mean = mean(obs,na.rm=TRUE))
  sim <- sapply(1:nrepet, function(x) apply(sweep(t <- apply(Y, 2, sample)[array(factor)==nam[i],], 2,apply(t, 2, sum),"/"), 2, calcul.margi, mil = X1))
  sim <- rbind(sim, OMI.mean = apply(sim, 2, mean,na.rm=TRUE))
  omitest <- subnikrandtest(obs = obs, sim = t(sim),subpvalue= Xtest$subpvalue)
  res[[i]] <- list("Subsettest" = Xtest, "witomigtest" = omitest)
names(res) <- nam
#' @rdname subniche
#' @export
subparam.subor <- function(x){
  res <- list()
  appel <- as.list(x$call)
  y <-eval.parent(appel[[3]])
  factor <- x$factor
  subnichesub.param <- function (x,y)
    if (!inherits(x, "subniche"))
      stop("Object of class 'subniche' expected")
    appel <- as.list(x$call)
    X <- eval.parent(appel[[2]])$tab[y,]
    X <- as.matrix(scale(X, center=T,scale=F))
    Y <- eval.parent(appel[[3]])[y,]
    w1 <- apply(Y, 2, sum)
    Y <- sweep(Y, 2, w1, "/")
    calcul.param <- function(freq, mil) {
      inertia <- sum(freq * mil * mil)
      m <- apply(freq * mil, 2, sum)
      margi <- sum(m^2)
      mil <- t(t(mil) - m)
      tolt <- sum(freq * mil * mil)
      u <- m/sqrt(sum(m^2))
      z <- mil %*% u
      tolm <- sum(freq * z * z)
      tolr <- tolt - tolm
      w <- c(inertia, margi, tolm, tolr)
      names(w) <- c("inertia", "WitOMIG_k", "Tol", "Rtol")
      w1 <- round(w[2:4]/w[1], digits = 3) * 100
      names(w1) <- c("witomig_k", "tol", "rtol")
      return(c(w, w1))
    res <- apply(Y, 2, calcul.param, mil = X)
  N <-length(levels(x$factor))
  nam <- levels(factor)
  for(i in 1:N){
    res[[i]] <-  subnichesub.param(x,array(factor)==nam[i])
    rownames(res[[i]]) <- paste(rownames(x$li),nam[i],sep="")
  res <- do.call("rbind",res)
#' @rdname subniche
#' @export
rtestsubor <- function(x, nrepet){
  factor <- x$factor
  res <- list()
  N <-length(levels(x$factor))
  nam <- levels(factor)
  appel <- as.list(x$call)
  X <- eval.parent(appel[[2]])$tab
  Y <- eval.parent(appel[[3]])
  calcul.margi <- function(freq, mil) {
    m <- apply(freq * mil, 2, sum)
  for(i in 1:N){
    X1 <- X[array(factor)==nam[i],]
    Xwobs <- apply(X1, 2, mean)
    Xobs <- sweep(X1, 2,Xwobs,"-")
    Xsim <- sapply(1:nrepet, function(x) apply(t <- apply(X, 2, sample)[array(factor)==nam[i],], 2, mean))
    Xtest <- subkrandtest(obs=Xwobs, sim=t(Xsim), "two-sided")
    w1 <- apply(Y[array(factor)==nam[i],], 2, sum)
    Y1 <- sweep(Y[array(factor)==nam[i],], 2, w1, "/")
    obs <- apply(Y1, 2, calcul.margi, mil = Xobs)
    obs <- c(obs, OMI.mean = mean(obs,na.rm=TRUE))
    sim <- sapply(1:nrepet, function(x) apply(sweep(t <- apply(Y, 2, sample)[array(factor)==nam[i],], 2,apply(t, 2, sum),"/"), 2, calcul.margi, mil = Xobs))
    sim <- rbind(sim, OMI.mean = apply(sim, 2, mean,na.rm=TRUE))
    omitest <- subnikrandtest(obs = obs, sim = t(sim),subpvalue=Xtest$subpvalue)
    res[[i]] <- list("Subsettest" = Xtest, "witomig_ktest" = omitest)
  names(res) <- nam
#' @rdname subniche
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats sd na.omit p.adjust p.adjust.methods
subkrandtest<-function (sim, obs, alter = "greater", call = match.call(), names = colnames(sim),
                        p.adjust.method = "none")
  res <- list(sim = sim, obs = obs)
  if (length(obs) != length(alter))
    alter <- rep(alter, length = length(obs))
  res$alter <- alter
  res$rep <- apply(sim, 2, function(x) length(na.omit(x)))
  res$ntest <- length(obs)
  res$expvar <- data.frame(matrix(0, res$ntest, 3))
  if (!is.null(names)) {
    res$names <- names
  else {
    res$names <- paste("test", 1:res$ntest, sep = "")
  names(res$expvar) <- c("Std.Obs", "Expectation", "Variance")
  res$pvalue <- rep(0, length(obs))
  for (i in 1:length(obs)) {
    vec.sim <- na.omit(sim[, i])
    res$alter[i] <- match.arg(res$alter[i], c("greater",
                                              "less", "two-sided"))
    res$expvar[i, 1] <- (res$obs[i] - mean(vec.sim))/sd(vec.sim)
    res$expvar[i, 2] <- mean(vec.sim)
    res$expvar[i, 3] <- sd(vec.sim)
    if (res$alter[i] == "greater") {
      res$pvalue[i] <- (sum(vec.sim >= obs[i]) + 1)/(res$rep[i] +
    else if (res$alter[i] == "less") {
      res$pvalue[i] <- (sum(vec.sim <= obs[i]) + 1)/(res$rep[i] +
    else if (res$alter[i] == "two-sided") {
      sim0 <- abs(vec.sim - mean(vec.sim))
      obs0 <- abs(obs[i] - mean(vec.sim))
      res$pvalue[i] <- (sum(sim0 >= obs0) + 1)/(res$rep[i] +
  p.adjust.method <- match.arg(p.adjust.method, p.adjust.methods)
  res$adj.pvalue <- p.adjust(res$pvalue, method = p.adjust.method)
  res$adj.method <- p.adjust.method
  res$subpvalue <- prod(res$pvalue)
  res$call <- call
  class(res) <- "subkrandtest"
#' @rdname subniche
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats sd na.omit p.adjust p.adjust.methods
subnikrandtest<-function (sim, obs, alter = "greater",subpvalue, call = match.call(), names = colnames(sim),
                          p.adjust.method = "none")
  res <- list(sim = sim, obs = obs)
  if (length(obs) != length(alter))
    alter <- rep(alter, length = length(obs))
  res$alter <- alter
  res$rep <- apply(sim, 2, function(x) length(na.omit(x)))
  res$ntest <- length(obs)
  res$expvar <- data.frame(matrix(0, res$ntest, 3))
  if (!is.null(names)) {
    res$names <- names
  else {
    res$names <- paste("test", 1:res$ntest, sep = "")
  names(res$expvar) <- c("Std.Obs", "Expectation", "Variance")
  res$pvalue <- rep(0, length(obs))
  for (i in 1:length(obs)) {
    vec.sim <- na.omit(sim[, i])
    res$alter[i] <- match.arg(res$alter[i], c("greater",
                                              "less", "two-sided"))
    res$expvar[i, 1] <- (res$obs[i] - mean(vec.sim))/sd(vec.sim)
    res$expvar[i, 2] <- mean(vec.sim)
    res$expvar[i, 3] <- sd(vec.sim)
    if (res$alter[i] == "greater") {
      res$pvalue[i] <- (sum(vec.sim >= obs[i]) + 1)/(res$rep[i] +
    else if (res$alter[i] == "less") {
      res$pvalue[i] <- (sum(vec.sim <= obs[i]) + 1)/(res$rep[i] +
    else if (res$alter[i] == "two-sided") {
      sim0 <- abs(vec.sim - mean(vec.sim))
      obs0 <- abs(obs[i] - mean(vec.sim))
      res$pvalue[i] <- (sum(sim0 >= obs0) + 1)/(res$rep[i] +
  p.adjust.method <- match.arg(p.adjust.method, p.adjust.methods)
  res$adj.pvalue <- p.adjust(res$pvalue, method = p.adjust.method)
  res$adj.method <- p.adjust.method
  res$sub.pvalue <- subpvalue
  res$subni.pvalue <- subpvalue*res$pvalue
  res$call <- call
  class(res) <- "subnikrandtest"

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subniche documentation built on July 15, 2022, 5:05 p.m.