
"combat" <- function(g, o.withbatch, batchcolumn=NULL, par.prior=T, prior.plots=T){

### Necessary functions

# Next two functions make the design matrix (X) from the sample info file
build.design <- function(vec, des=NULL, start=2){
	tmp <- matrix(0,length(vec),nlevels(vec)-start+1)
	for (i in 1:ncol(tmp)){tmp[,i] <- vec==levels(vec)[i+start-1]}

design.mat <- function(saminfo){
	tmp <- which(colnames(saminfo) == 'Prunus')
	tmp1 <- as.factor(saminfo[,tmp])
	design <- build.design(tmp1,start=1)
	ncov <- ncol(as.matrix(saminfo[,-c(1,tmp)]))
		for (j in 1:ncov){
			tmp1 <- as.factor(as.matrix(saminfo[,-c(1,tmp)])[,j])
			design <- build.design(tmp1,des=design)

# Makes a list with elements pointing to which array belongs to which batch
list.batch <- function(saminfo){
	tmp1 <- as.factor(saminfo[,which(colnames(saminfo) == 'Prunus')])
	batches <- NULL
	for (i in 1:nlevels(tmp1)){batches <- append(batches, list((1:length(tmp1))[tmp1==levels(tmp1)[i]]))}

# Following four find empirical hyper-prior values
aprior <- function(gamma.hat){m=mean(gamma.hat); s2=var(gamma.hat); (2*s2+m^2)/s2}
bprior <- function(gamma.hat){m=mean(gamma.hat); s2=var(gamma.hat); (m*s2+m^3)/s2}
postmean <- function(g.hat,g.bar,n,d.star,t2){(t2*n*g.hat+d.star*g.bar)/(t2*n+d.star)}
postvar <- function(sum2,n,a,b){(.5*sum2+b)/(n/2+a-1)}

# Pass in entire data set, the design matrix for the entire data, the batch means, the batch variances, priors (m, t2, a, b), columns of the data  matrix for the batch. Uses the EM to find the parametric batch adjustments

it.sol  <- function(sdat,g.hat,d.hat,g.bar,t2,a,b,conv=.0001){
	n <- apply(!is.na(sdat),1,sum)
	g.old <- g.hat
	d.old <- d.hat
	change <- 1
	count <- 0
		g.new <- postmean(g.hat,g.bar,n,d.old,t2)
		sum2 <- apply((sdat-g.new%*%t(rep(1,ncol(sdat))))^2, 1, sum,na.rm=T)
		d.new <- postvar(sum2,n,a,b)
		change <- max(abs(g.new-g.old)/g.old,abs(d.new-d.old)/d.old)
		g.old <- g.new
		d.old <- d.new
		count <- count+1
	#cat("This batch took", count, "iterations until convergence\n")
	adjust <- rbind(g.new, d.new)
	rownames(adjust) <- c("g.star","d.star")

#likelihood function used below
L <- function(x,g.hat,d.hat){prod(dnorm(x,g.hat,sqrt(d.hat)))}

# Monte Carlo integration function to find the nonparametric adjustments
int.eprior <- function(sdat,g.hat,d.hat){
	g.star <- d.star <- NULL
	r <- nrow(sdat)
	for(i in 1:r){
		g <- g.hat[-i]
		d <- d.hat[-i]
		x <- sdat[i,!is.na(sdat[i,])]
		n <- length(x)
		j <- numeric(n)+1
		dat <- matrix(as.numeric(x),length(g),n,byrow=T)
		resid2 <- (dat-g)^2
		sum2 <- resid2%*%j
		LH <- 1/(2*pi*d)^(n/2)*exp(-sum2/(2*d))
		g.star <- c(g.star,sum(g*LH)/sum(LH))
		d.star <- c(d.star,sum(d*LH)/sum(LH))
	adjust <- rbind(g.star,d.star)
	rownames(adjust) <- c("g.star","d.star")

#fits the L/S model in the presence of missing data values

Beta.NA = function(y,X){
	B <- solve(t(des)%*%des)%*%t(des)%*%y1

###### Main Combat Function:
	# ML: check numeric dataframe
  if(any(apply(dat,2,mode)!='numeric')){return('Array expression columns contain non-numeric values! ')}
  if(is.null(batchcolumn)) {
       stop("batchcolumn is missing: specify the batch column for a dataframe ; set to 1 for a vector ")}

        stop("Colnames of g are not the same as rownames of o.withbatch")}
    o.withbatch<-data.frame(o.withbatch,row.names=colnames(g))} ## ML: vector in data.frame
  if(any(unlist(lapply(o.withbatch,class))!='factor')){stop("Only factors are allowed in o.withbatch")}
  if(any(is.na(o.withbatch))){stop("No NAs allowed in o.withbatch")}
  saminfo <- o.withbatch

	colnames(saminfo)[batchcolumn]<-"Prunus"     ##ML: add the required batch column
  saminfo <-data.frame(rownames(saminfo),saminfo)    #ML: additional row to avoid vector problem later on

	# ML: Extract Covariates from o.withbatch --> only covariates in o.withbatch from the beginning
  # ML: ; covariates include batch
	design <- design.mat(saminfo)

	batches <- list.batch(saminfo) ## ML: last time sam.info, sam.info is also in functions design.mat and list.batch
	n.batch <- length(batches)
	n.batches <- sapply(batches, length)
	n.array <- sum(n.batches)

	## Check for missing values
	NAs = any(is.na(dat))
	if(NAs){cat(c('Found',sum(is.na(dat)),'Missing Data Values\n'),sep=' ')}
	##Standardize Data across genes
	cat('Standardizing Data across genes\n')
	if (!NAs){B.hat <- solve(t(design)%*%design)%*%t(design)%*%t(as.matrix(dat))}else{B.hat=apply(dat,1,Beta.NA,design)} #Standarization Model
	grand.mean <- t(n.batches/n.array)%*%B.hat[1:n.batch,]
	if (!NAs){var.pooled <- ((as.matrix(dat)-t(design%*%B.hat))^2)%*%rep(1/n.array,n.array)}else{var.pooled <- apply(dat-t(design%*%B.hat),1,var,na.rm=T)}

	stand.mean <- t(grand.mean)%*%t(rep(1,n.array))
	if(!is.null(design)){tmp <- design;tmp[,c(1:n.batch)] <- 0;stand.mean <- stand.mean+t(tmp%*%B.hat)}
	s.data <- (dat-stand.mean)/(sqrt(var.pooled)%*%t(rep(1,n.array)))

	##Get regression batch effect parameters
	cat("Fitting L/S model and finding priors\n")
	batch.design <- design[,1:n.batch]
	if (!NAs){gamma.hat <- solve(t(batch.design)%*%batch.design)%*%t(batch.design)%*%t(as.matrix(s.data))}else{gamma.hat=apply(s.data,1,Beta.NA,batch.design)}
	delta.hat <- NULL
	for (i in batches){
		delta.hat <- rbind(delta.hat,apply(s.data[,i], 1, var,na.rm=T))

	##Find Priors
	gamma.bar <- apply(gamma.hat, 1, mean)
	t2 <- apply(gamma.hat, 1, var)
	a.prior <- apply(delta.hat, 1, aprior)
	b.prior <- apply(delta.hat, 1, bprior)

	##Plot empirical and parametric priors

	if (prior.plots & par.prior){
		tmp <- density(gamma.hat[1,])
		plot(tmp,  type='l', main="Density Plot")
		xx <- seq(min(tmp$x), max(tmp$x), length=100)
		lines(xx,dnorm(xx,gamma.bar[1],sqrt(t2[1])), col=2)
		qqline(gamma.hat[1,], col=2)

		tmp <- density(delta.hat[1,])
		invgam <- 1/rgamma(ncol(delta.hat),a.prior[1],b.prior[1])
		tmp1 <- density(invgam)
		plot(tmp,  typ='l', main="Density Plot", ylim=c(0,max(tmp$y,tmp1$y)))
		lines(tmp1, col=2)
		qqplot(delta.hat[1,], invgam, xlab="Sample Quantiles", ylab='Theoretical Quantiles')
		title('Q-Q Plot')

	##Find EB batch adjustments

	gamma.star <- delta.star <- NULL
		cat("Finding parametric adjustments\n")
		for (i in 1:n.batch){
			temp <- it.sol(s.data[,batches[[i]]],gamma.hat[i,],delta.hat[i,],gamma.bar[i],t2[i],a.prior[i],b.prior[i])
			gamma.star <- rbind(gamma.star,temp[1,])
			delta.star <- rbind(delta.star,temp[2,])
		cat("Finding nonparametric adjustments\n")
		for (i in 1:n.batch){
			temp <- int.eprior(as.matrix(s.data[,batches[[i]]]),gamma.hat[i,],delta.hat[i,])
			gamma.star <- rbind(gamma.star,temp[1,])
			delta.star <- rbind(delta.star,temp[2,])

	### Normalize the Data ###
	cat("Adjusting the Data\n")

	bayesdata <- s.data
	j <- 1
	for (i in batches){
		bayesdata[,i] <- (bayesdata[,i]-t(batch.design[i,]%*%gamma.star))/(sqrt(delta.star[j,])%*%t(rep(1,n.batches[j])))
		j <- j+1

	bayesdata <- (bayesdata*(sqrt(var.pooled)%*%t(rep(1,n.array))))+stand.mean
  bayesdata<-as.matrix(bayesdata) ## ML redo to matrix


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