
# read genomic prediction data
create.gpData <- function(pheno=NULL,geno=NULL,map=NULL,pedigree=NULL,family=NULL,covar=NULL,
  infoCall <- match.call()
  # start with some checks on data
  # geno as matrix but not data.frame (storage)
  if(!map.unit %in% c("cM", "bp", "kb", "Mb")) warning("The measurement unit for the positions in the map should be either 'cM', 'bp', 'kb' or 'Mb'")
      geno <- as.matrix(geno)
      #if(any(duplicated(geno,MARGIN=1))) warning("individuals with duplicated genotypes")
    geno[geno%in%na.string] <- NA
    if(!is.matrix(geno)) stop("geno must be a matrix or data.frame, not a ", class(geno))
      stop(paste("In", substitute(geno), " are duplicated names of genotypes in rownames!"))
    if(is.null(rownames(geno)) && is.null(pheno)) stop('rownames(geno) cannot be NULL unless a pheno of the same length is supplied')
    if(is.null(colnames(geno)) && is.null(map)) warning('colnames(geno) should not be NULL unless a map of the same length is supplied')

    if(!is.data.frame(map)) stop('map must be a data.frame, not a', class(map), 'object')
    # as a data.frame, map already has rownames
    if(!all(c("chr","pos") %in% colnames(map))) stop("colnames(map) must include 'chr' and 'pos'")
    # test if positions in map are numeric
    if(!is.numeric(map$pos)) stop("Position informations have to be numeric values!")

    # test if chr in map is numeric or character
      warning(paste("Chromosome information (in map$chr) should be numeric or character, not",class(map$chr)))
  } else map.unit <- NULL

  # match geno and map
  if(!is.null(geno) & !is.null(map)){
    if(!all(colnames(geno) %in% rownames(map))) {
      warning("not all markers in 'geno' mapped in 'map'. gaps filled with 'NA' \n")
    if(ncol(geno) == nrow(map) && is.null(colnames(geno))){
      # assuming same markers in geno and map
      warning("missing colnames in 'geno': assuming to be identical as rownames in 'map' because of identical length \n")
      colnames(geno) <- rownames(map)
      if(!identical(colnames(geno), rownames(map)))
        # markers must be reordered
        map <- data.frame(chr=map$chr[match(colnames(geno),rownames(map))],

  phenoCovars <- NULL
  attrModCovars <- NULL
    if(2!=length(dim(pheno))) stop('pheno must be 2-dimensional, not ', length(dim(pheno)), "-dimensional")
    classList <- unlist(lapply(pheno, class))
    if(!all((classList[!names(classList) %in% repeated & !names(classList) %in% modCovar])[-1] %in% c("numeric", "integer"))) stop("Trait values have to be numeric!")
    # repeated measures? Use rownames of pheno as identifier for genotypes
      if(is.null(rownames(pheno))) stop('rownames(pheno) cannot be null when not using repeated measures!')
      if(anyDuplicated(rownames(pheno))) warning("rownames in pheno should be unique when not using repeated measures!")
      add <- 10^ceiling(log10(nrow(pheno)))
      # if the rownames are numbers, then temporarily add a big number to allow alphabetical sorting.
      if(all(rownames(pheno) %in% 1:nrow(pheno))) rownames(pheno) <- add + as.numeric(rownames(pheno)) else add <- NULL
      if(dim(pheno)[2] ==1){# only a vector of traits
        phenoNames <- dimnames(pheno)
        arrPheno <- array(pheno[order(phenoNames[[1]]), ], dim = c(length(phenoNames[[1]]), 1, 1))
        dimnames(arrPheno) <- list(phenoNames[[1]][order(phenoNames[[1]])], phenoNames[[2]], "1")
      } else {# more than one trait, still unreplicated
        pheno <- pheno[order(rownames(pheno)), ]
        pheno.not.modCovar <- pheno[, !(colnames(pheno) %in% modCovar)]
        arrPheno <- array(as.matrix(pheno.not.modCovar), dim=c(dim(pheno.not.modCovar), 1))
        dimnames(arrPheno) <- list(rownames(pheno), colnames(pheno.not.modCovar), "1")
      if(!is.null(add)) dimnames(arrPheno)[[1]] <- as.numeric(dimnames(arrPheno)[[1]]) - add
        arrModCovars <- array(1,  dim=c(dim(pheno[, colnames(pheno) %in% modCovar]), 1))
        dimnames(arrModCovars) <- list(dimnames(arrPheno)[[1]], colnames(pheno)[colnames(pheno) %in% modCovar], "1")
        for(i in colnames(pheno)[colnames(pheno) %in% modCovar])
          arrModCovars[, i, 1] <- pheno[, i]
    } else {# a vector with replication identifier is applied. The first column is the identifier for genotypes
      dim3 <- data.frame(unique(pheno[, repeated]))
      colnames(dim3) <- repeated
      dim3 <- orderBy(as.formula(paste("~", paste(repeated, collapse = " + "))), data = dim3)
      for(i in 1:ncol(dim3)) dim3[, i] <- as.character(dim3[, i])
      rownam <- sort(unique(pheno[, 1]))
      if(!is.null(modCovar)) repeated <- unique(c(repeated, modCovar))
      arrPheno <- array(NA, dim = c(length(rownam), ncol(pheno)-(1+length(repeated)), nrow(dim3)))
      dimnames(arrPheno) <- list(rownam, (colnames(pheno)[!colnames(pheno) %in% repeated])[-1], as.character(apply(dim3, 1, paste, collapse = "_")))
      for(i in 1:nrow(dim3)){
        vec.bool <- apply(as.matrix(pheno[, colnames(dim3)]) == as.matrix(dim3[rep(i, nrow(pheno)), ]), 1, all)
        arrPheno[as.character(pheno[vec.bool, 1]), , i] <- as.matrix(pheno[vec.bool, (colnames(pheno)[!colnames(pheno) %in% repeated])[-1]])
      if(!is.null(modCovar)){ # strip out covariates
        arrModCovars <- arrPheno[,rep(1, length(modCovar)), ]
        dimnames(arrModCovars)[[2]] <- colnames(pheno)[colnames(pheno) %in% modCovar]
        for(i in 1:nrow(dim3)){
          vec.bool <- apply(matrix(pheno[, colnames(dim3)] == dim3[rep(i, nrow(pheno)), ], ncol=ncol(dim3)), 1, all)
          arrModCovars[as.character(pheno[vec.bool, 1]), , i] <- as.matrix(pheno[vec.bool, colnames(pheno)[colnames(pheno) %in% modCovar]])
    if(!is.null(modCovar)){ # take the correct class of the covariates
      phenoCovars <- arrModCovars
      attrModCovars <- classList[dimnames(arrModCovars)[[2]]]
      for(i in names(attrModCovars)){
        if(attrModCovars[i] != "numeric")
          attrModCovars[ i] <- "factor"
    pheno <- arrPheno

  # match geno and pheno
  if(!is.null(geno) & !is.null(pheno)){
    if(is.null(dimnames(pheno)[[1]]) | is.null(rownames(geno))){
      if(dim(pheno)[1] == nrow(geno)){
        warning("assuming identical order of genotypes in 'pheno' and 'geno' because of identical length.\nControll the Output! There is no warranty of correctness!\n")
        if(is.null(dimnames(pheno)[[1]])) dimnames(pheno)[[1]] <- rownames(geno)
        else rownames(geno) <- dimnames(pheno)[[1]]
        if(is.null(dimnames(pheno)[[1]]) & is.null(rownames(geno))) dimnames(pheno)[[1]] <- rownames(geno) <- paste0("ID",10^ceiling(log10(nrow(geno)))+1:nrow(geno))
      }else stop("missing rownames (animal IDs) for either 'pheno' or 'geno' and lengths do not agree.")
      # now geno and pheno have rownames
  # sort geno by rownames (alphabetical order)
    if(all(row.names(geno) %in% 1:nrow(geno)))
      geno <- geno[order(as.numeric(row.names(geno))), ]
      geno <- geno[order(row.names(geno)),]

  # sort markers by chromosome and position within chromosome
    if (reorderMap){
      map$sor <- substr(map$chr, nchar(as.character(map$chr)), nchar(as.character(map$chr)))
      if(any(unique(map$sor)[!is.na(unique(map$sor))] %in% 0:9)) map$sor <- 1
      # first order by rownames in alphabetical order (important for SNPs with the same position)
      map <- map[order(as.character(rownames(map))),]
      map <- orderBy(~sor+chr+pos,data=map)
      map$sor <- NULL
      # sortcolumns in geno, too
      geno <- geno[,rownames(map)]
    map$pos[is.na(map$chr)] <- NA
    class(map) <- c("GenMap", "data.frame")

    if(!is(pedigree,"pedigree")) warning(paste("object pedigree should be of class 'pedigree', not class", paste(class(pedigree), collapse=' ')))

  # return object
  obj <- list(covar=NULL,pheno=pheno,geno=geno,map=map,pedigree=pedigree,phenoCovars=phenoCovars)

  # add information to element covar
  # sort all available individuals
  ids <- sort(unique(c(dimnames(obj$pheno)[[1]],rownames(obj$geno),as.character(obj$pedigree$ID))))
  if(all(ids %in% 1:length(ids))) ids <- sort(as.numeric(ids))

  obj$covar <- data.frame(id=ids,
                          phenotyped=ids %in% dimnames(obj$pheno)[[1]],
                          genotyped=ids %in% rownames(obj$geno),

  # family information for genotyped indviduals
    if(!is.data.frame(family) & !is.matrix(family)) stop('family must be either a data.frame or a matrix, not a ', class(family))
    colnames(family)[1] <- "family"
    family$id <- as.character(rownames(family))
    obj$covar <- merge(obj$covar,family,by="id",all=TRUE)
    obj$covar$genotyped[is.na(obj$covar$genotyped)] <- FALSE
    obj$covar$phenotyped[is.na(obj$covar$phenotyped)] <- FALSE
  } else obj$covar$family <- rep(NA, nrow(obj$covar))

  # add covar from arguments, if available
      if(is.null(rownames(covar))) warning("the supplied covar's rownames will default to 1:nrow(covar), which is likely not correct.  Inspect the resulting $covar.")
      covar <- as.data.frame(covar)
    if(!is.data.frame(covar)) stop('covar must be a data.frame, not a ',class(covar))
    # do not use any existing columns named 'genotyped', 'phenotyped' or 'id'
    covar <- covar[!colnames(covar) %in% c("genotyped","phenotyped","id","family")]
    # merge with existing data
    obj$covar <- merge(obj$covar,covar,by.x=1,by.y=0,all=TRUE)

    obj$covar <- obj$covar[match(obj$pedigree$ID, obj$covar$id), ]

  # further information
  obj$info$map.unit <- map.unit
  obj$info$codeGeno <- FALSE
  obj$info$attrPhenoCovars <- attrModCovars
  obj$info$version <- paste("gpData object was created by synbreed version", sessionInfo()$otherPkgs$synbreed$Version)
  obj$info$Call <- infoCall

  # return object of class 'gpData'
  class(obj) <- "gpData"

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