
Defines functions diagnose getfixed genL choosethin Model.Indep.p.lambda Model.lambda.Gammaprior_mult Model.lambda.GammaPrior Model.lambda.constant.nonsquare Model.lambda.constant Model.p.Fitness.Servedio Model.p.Betaprior_mult internal_genmatrfromvec Model.p.BetaPrior Model.p.constant.nonsquare Model.p.constant

Documented in choosethin diagnose genL Model.Indep.p.lambda Model.lambda.constant Model.lambda.constant.nonsquare Model.lambda.GammaPrior Model.lambda.Gammaprior_mult Model.p.BetaPrior Model.p.Betaprior_mult Model.p.constant Model.p.constant.nonsquare Model.p.Fitness.Servedio

## Independent Models for p and lambda ##

#' Model for a Constant p
#' This model assumes that the link existence probabilities of the
#' matrix are known.
#' @param n dimension of matrix.
#' @param p existence probability of a link. Either a matrix of
#' dimension n or a single numeric value. A single numeric value leads
#' to a matrix of existence probabilities that has 0 on the diagonal.
#' @return the resulting model.
#' @examples
#' m <- Model.p.constant(5,0.25)
#' m$matr(m$rtheta())
#' p <- matrix(c(0,0.99,0.99,0.5,0.5,0,0.01,0.01,0),nrow=3)
#' m <- Model.p.constant(5,p)
#' m$matr(m$rtheta())

#' @export
Model.p.constant <- function(n,p){
         update= function(L,theta){
             if (is.matrix(p)){
                 m <- matrix(p,nrow=n,ncol=n)
                 diag(m) <- 0
         rtheta=function() NULL,
         inittheta=function() NULL

#' Model for a constant p and Non-Square Matrices
#' This model assumes that the link existence probabilities of the
#' matrix are known.
#' @param nrow number of rows of the matrix.
#' @param ncol number of columns of the matrix.
#' @param p existence probability of a link.  A single numeric value.
#' @return the resulting model.
#' @examples
#' m <- Model.p.constant.nonsquare(5,3,0.25)
#' m$matr(m$rtheta())

#' @export
Model.p.constant.nonsquare <- function(nrow,ncol,p){
         update= function(L,theta){
         rtheta=function() NULL,
         inittheta=function() NULL

#' Model for a Random One-dimensional p
#' Assumes a Beta prior on the one-dimensional link existence
#' probabilities p. This model has a one-dimensional parameter.
#' @param n dimension of matrix.
#' @param shape1 first parameter of Beta prior. Default 1.
#' @param shape2 second  parameter of Beta prior. Default 1.
#' @return the resulting model.
#' @examples
#' m <- Model.p.BetaPrior(5)
#' m$matr(m$rtheta())
#' @export
Model.p.BetaPrior <- function(n,shape1=1,shape2=1){
             m <- matrix(theta,nrow=n,ncol=n)
             diag(m) <- 0
         rtheta=function() rbeta(1,shape1=shape1,shape2=shape2),
         inittheta=function() 0.5

internal_genmatrfromvec <- function(I,vec){
    matr <- matrix(0,nrow=dim(I)[1],ncol=dim(I)[2])
    for (j in 1:length(vec)){
        matr <- ifelse(I==j,vec[j],matr)

#' Model Using Multiple Independent Components
#' Assumes a multivariate hyperparameter \eqn{\theta}{theta} with each
#' component following an independent Beta distribution. A matrix
#' indicates which component \eqn{\theta}{theta} is used for what
#' component of p.
#' @param Ip matrix consisting of integers that describe which
#' component of \eqn{theta}{theta} is used for a given position in the
#' matrix. Must consist of nonnegative integers (0 encoding forced 0s
#' in the matrix), using all integers in the range.
#' @param shape1 first parameter of Beta prior on
#' \eqn{theta}{theta}. Default 1.
#' @param shape2 second parameter of Beta prior
#' \eqn{theta}{theta}. Default 1.
#' @return the resulting model.
#' @export
Model.p.Betaprior_mult <- function(Ip, shape1=1,shape2=1){
    allids <- unique(c(Ip))
    dimp <- length(allids[allids!=0])
    if (any(1:dimp!=sort(allids[allids!=0]))) stop("Ip must consist of nonnegative integers, using all integers in the range")
             sum1 <- sapply(1:dimp,function(j)sum(L>0&Ip==j))
             npar <- sapply(1:dimp,function(j)sum(Ip==j))
         inittheta=function() rep(0.5,dimp)

#' Multiplicative Fitness Model for Power Law
#' This model has a power law of the degree distribution with a
#' parameter {\eqn{\alpha}{alpha}} and is tuned to a desired link
#' existence probability. It is based on a fitness model.
#' Every node \eqn{i} has a fitness \eqn{\theta_i}{theta_i} being an
#' independent realisation of a U[0,1] distribution.  The probability
#' of a link between a node with fitness x and a node with fitness y
#' is g(x)g(y) where g is as follows.  If \eqn{\alpha=-1}{alph=-1a}
#' then \deqn{g(x)=g0*\exp(-\log(g0)*x)}{g(x)=g0*exp(-log(g0)*x)}
#' Otherwise,
#' \deqn{g(x)=(g0^(\alpha+1)+(1-g0^(\alpha+1))*x)^(1/(\alpha+1))}{g(x)=(g0^(\alpha+1)+(1-g0^(\alpha+1))*x)^(1/(\alpha+1))}
#' where \eqn{g0}{g0} is tuned numerically to achieve the desired
#' overall mean degree.
#' Updating of the model parameters in the MCMC setup is done via a
#' Metropolis-Hastings step, adding independent centered normal random
#' variables to each node fitness in \eqn{\theta}{theta}.
#' @param n dimension of matrix.
#' @param alpha exponent for power law. Must be <=-1.
#' @param meandegree overall mean degree (expected degree divided by number of nodes). Must be in (0,1).
#' @param sdprop standard deviation of updated steps.
#' @return the resulting model.
#' @examples
#' n <- 5
#' mf <- Model.p.Fitness.Servedio(n=n,alpha=-2.5,meandegree=0.5)
#' m <- Model.Indep.p.lambda(model.p=mf,
#'                           model.lambda=Model.lambda.GammaPrior(n,scale=1e-1))
#' x <- genL(m)
#' l <- rowSums(x$L)
#' a <- colSums(x$L)
#' res <- sample_HierarchicalModel(l,a,model=m,nsamples=10,thin=10)
#' @references
#' Servedio V. D. P. and Caldarelli G. and Butta P. (2004)
#' Vertex intrinsic fitness: How to produce arbitrary scale-free networks.
#' \emph{Physical Review E} 70, 056126.
#' @export
Model.p.Fitness.Servedio <- function(n, alpha, meandegree,sdprop=0.1){
   ### Mean degree of network
    getmeandegree <- function(ming){
        if (alpha==-1){
            if (alpha==-2){

    ##calibrate minp to get a given mean degree
    if (meandegree<=0|meandegree>=1)
        stop("Parameter meandegree must be in (0,1).")
    ming <- uniroot(function(ming) getmeandegree(ming)-meandegree,interval=c(1e-10,1-1e-10))$root
    if (alpha==-1){
        g <- function(x) ming*exp(-log(ming)*x)
    } else
        g <- function(x) (ming^(alpha+1)+(1-ming^(alpha+1))*x)^(1/(alpha+1))
    if (g(1)>1) stop("Choice of gamma and beta not consistent - no such probability distribution exists")
    genmatr <- function(theta){
        m <- outer(g(theta),g(theta),FUN="*")
        diag(m) <- 0
             loglikelihood <- function(theta){
                 pakt <- genmatr(theta)
                 prob <- ifelse(L>0,log(pakt),log(1-pakt))
                 diag(prob) <- 0
             thetanew <- theta+rnorm(n,sd=sdprop)
             if (any(thetanew<=0)||any(thetanew>=1))
                 if (exp(loglikelihood(thetanew)-loglikelihood(theta))>runif(1))
         rtheta=function() runif(n),
         inittheta=function() rep(0.5,n)

## Models for lambda ##

#' Model for a Constant lambda
#' This model assumes that the parameter lambda is known.
#' @param n dimension of matrix.
#' @param lambda paramer for the size of the liabilities. Either a matrix of
#' dimension n or a single numeric value.
#' @return the resulting model.
#' @examples
#' m <- Model.lambda.constant(n=5,lambda=0.25)
#' m$matr(m$rtheta())
#' lambda<-matrix(c(NA,1,1,1e-4,NA,1e-4,1e4,1e4,NA),nrow=3)
#' m <- Model.lambda.constant(n=3,lambda=lambda)
#' m$matr(m$rtheta())
#' @export
Model.lambda.constant <- function(lambda,n){
         update= function(L,theta){
             if (is.matrix(lambda)){
         rtheta=function() NULL,
         inittheta=function() NULL

#' Model for a Constant lambda and Non-Square Matrices
#' This model assumes that the parameter lambda is known.
#' @param nrow number of rows of the matrix.
#' @param ncol number of columns of the matrix.
#' @param lambda paramer for the size of the liabilities. A single numeric value.
#' @return the resulting model.
#' @examples
#' m <- Model.lambda.constant.nonsquare(nrow=5,ncol=3,lambda=0.25)
#' m$matr(m$rtheta())
#' @export
Model.lambda.constant.nonsquare <- function(lambda,nrow,ncol){
         update= function(L,theta){
         rtheta=function() NULL,
         inittheta=function() NULL

#' Model with Gamma Prior on Lambda
#' Assumes that all elements of lambda are equal to a parameter
#' \eqn{\theta}{theta}, which has a Gamma prior.
#' @param n dimension of matrix
#' @param shape shape paramer for prior on
#' \eqn{\theta}{theta}. Default 1.
#' @param scale scale paramer for prior on
#' \eqn{\theta}{theta}. Default 1.
#' @return the resulting model.
#' @export
Model.lambda.GammaPrior <- function(n,shape=1,scale=1){
         rtheta=function() rgamma(1,shape=shape,scale=scale),
         inittheta=function() 1

#' Model Using Multiple Independent Components
#' Assumes a multivariate hyperparameter \eqn{\theta}{theta} with each
#' component following an independent Beta distribution. A matrix
#' indicates which component \eqn{\theta}{theta} is used for what
#' component of lambda.
#' @param Ilambda matrix consisting of integers that describe which
#' component of \eqn{theta}{theta} is used for a given position in the
#' matrix. Must consist of nonnegative integers using all integers in
#' the range.
#' @param shape shape paramer for prior on
#' \eqn{\theta}{theta}. Default 1.
#' @param scale scale paramer for prior on
#' \eqn{\theta}{theta}. Default 1.
#' @return the resulting model.
#' @export
Model.lambda.Gammaprior_mult <- function(Ilambda, shape=1,scale=1){
    allids <- unique(c(Ilambda))
    dimlambda <- length(allids[allids!=0])
    if (any(1:dimlambda!=sort(allids[allids!=0]))) stop("Ilambda must consist of nonnegative integers, using all integers in the range")
             npar <- sapply(1:dimlambda,function(j)sum(Ilambda==j&L>0))
             sumL <- sapply(1:dimlambda,function(j)sum(L*(Ilambda==j)))
             rgamma(dimlambda,shape=shape+npar,rate=1/scale+sumL)      #########TODO:  check
         inittheta=function() rep(shape*scale,dimlambda)

#' Combination of Independent Models for p and lambda
#' @param model.p model for p.
#' @param model.lambda model for lambda.
#' @return the resulting model.
#' @examples
#' n <- 5
#' m <- Model.Indep.p.lambda(Model.p.BetaPrior(n),
#'                           Model.lambda.GammaPrior(n,scale=1e-1))
#' genL(m)
#' @export
Model.Indep.p.lambda <- function(model.p,model.lambda){
    get.theta.p <- function(theta){
        if (model.p$dim>0){
    get.theta.lambda <- function(theta){
        if (model.lambda$dim>0){


#' Sample from Hierarchical Model with given Row and Column Sums
#' @param model Underlying model for p and lambda.
#' @param l observed row sum
#' @param a observerd column sum
#' @param L_fixed Matrix containing known values of L, where NA
#' signifies that an element is not known. If \code{L_fixed} equates
#' to \code{NA} (the default) then no values are assumed to be known.
#' @param burnin number of iterations for the burnin. Defaults to 5%
#' of the steps in the sampling part.
#' @param silent (default FALSE) suppress all output (including progress bars).
#' @param nsamples number of samples to return.
#' @param thin how many updates of theta to perform before outputting a sample.
#' @param matrpertheta number of matrix updates per update of theta.
#' @param tol tolerance used in checks for equality. Defaults to \code{.Machine$double.eps^0.25}.
#' @return The resulting samples. A list with the first element, L, giving the samples of matrices, and the second element, theta, giving the samples of the hyperparameter (if hyperparameters are present). 
#' @examples
#' n <- 10
#' m <- Model.Indep.p.lambda(Model.p.BetaPrior(n),
#'                           Model.lambda.GammaPrior(n,scale=1e-1))
#' x <- genL(m)
#' l <- rowSums(x$L)
#' a <- colSums(x$L)
#' \donttest{
#' res <- sample_HierarchicalModel(l,a,model=m)
#' }
#' # fixing one values
#' L_fixed <- matrix(NA,ncol=n,nrow=n)
#' L_fixed[1,2:5] <- x$L[1,2:5]
#' \donttest{
#' res <- sample_HierarchicalModel(l,a,model=m,L_fixed=L_fixed,
#'                                 nsamples=1e2)
#' sapply(res$L,function(x)x[1,2:5])
#' }
#' @export
sample_HierarchicalModel <- function (l, a, L_fixed=NA,
                                      nsamples = 10000,
                                      thin = choosethin(l=l, a=a, L_fixed=L_fixed,
                                      burnin = NA,
                                      tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25) {
    if (thin<1) stop("thin needs to be a positive integer")
    n <- length(l)
    res <- list()
    if (model$dim>0)
        restheta <- matrix(nrow=model$dim,ncol=nsamples)
    theta <- model$inittheta()
    u <- model$matr(theta)

    if (is.matrix(L_fixed)){ ## find starting values for fixed values.
        if (any(dim(L_fixed)!=c(length(l),length(a))))
            stop("Dimensions of L_fixed, l and a do not match")
        if (any(L_fixed<0,na.rm=TRUE)) stop("L_fixed has negative entries")
        l_fixed <- rowSums(L_fixed,na.rm=TRUE)
        a_fixed <- colSums(L_fixed,na.rm=TRUE)
        if (any(l_fixed>l+tol)) stop("A row sums of fixed entries is greater than desired row sum.")
        if (any(a_fixed>a+tol)) stop("A column sum of fixed entries is greater than desired row sum.")
        L_fixed_add <- ifelse(is.na(L_fixed),0,L_fixed)
        L <- findFeasibleMatrix_targetmean(pmax(0,l-l_fixed),pmax(0,a-a_fixed),p=ifelse(is.na(L_fixed),u$p,0),targetmean=mean(genL(model)$L>0))
        samplestep <- expression({
            theta <- model$update(L+L_fixed_add,theta)
            u <- model$matr(theta)
            GibbsSteps_kcycle(L = L, p = ifelse(is.na(L_fixed),u$p,0),
                              lambda = u$lambda, it = matrpertheta)
        L <- findFeasibleMatrix_targetmean(l, a,p=u$p, targetmean=mean(genL(model)$L>0))
        samplestep <- expression({
            theta <- model$update(L,theta)
            u <- model$matr(theta)
            GibbsSteps_kcycle(L = L, p = u$p, lambda = u$lambda, it = matrpertheta)
    if (!silent) message("Burn-in")
    if (is.na(burnin))
        burnin <- round(0.05*nsamples*thin)
    if (burnin>0){
        if (!silent)  pb <- txtProgressBar(min=0,max=burnin,style=3)
        for (i in 1:burnin){
            if (!silent) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
        if (!silent) close(pb)

    if (!silent) message("Sampling")
    if (!silent) pb <- txtProgressBar(min=0,max=nsamples,style=3)
    for (i in 1:nsamples) {
        for (j in 1:thin){
        if (is.matrix(L_fixed)){
            res[[i]] <- L+L_fixed_add
            res[[i]] <- cloneMatrix(L)
        if (model$dim>0)
            restheta[,i] <- theta
        if (!silent) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
    if (!silent) close(pb)
    if (model$dim>0)


#' Calibrate Thinning
#' Attempts to automatically choose a thinning paramter to achieve an
#' overall relative effective sample size (defined as the effective
#' sample size divided by the number of samples) for all parameters in
#' the model (that do not seem to be constant). This function provides
#' no guarantees that the desired relative effective sample size
#' (rESS) will actually be achieved - it is best treated as a rough
#' guide for this.
#' The approach used involves a pilot run of the sampler, followed by
#' a computation of the acf (autocorrelation function) for each
#' component. The acf is used only up to (and excluding) the point
#' used where it becomes negative for the first time. This part of the
#' acf is then used to approximate the rESS and to determine the
#' amount of thinning needed. The reported result is the thinning
#' needed to achieve the rESS for all components (the matrix as well
#' as the parameter theta). The initial pilot run may not be
#' sufficient and further pilot runs may have to be started.
#' @inheritParams sample_HierarchicalModel
#' @param relESStarget Target for the relative effective sample size,
#' must be in (0,1). Default 0.3.
#' @param maxthin Upper bound on thinning to consider. Default 10000.
#' @return An integer describing the amount of thinning required. 
#' @examples
#' set.seed(12689)
#' n <- 10
#' m <- Model.Indep.p.lambda(Model.p.BetaPrior(n),
#'                           Model.lambda.GammaPrior(n,scale=1e-1))
#' x <- genL(m)
#' l <- rowSums(x$L)
#' a <- colSums(x$L)
#' choosethin(l,a,model=m)
#' choosethin(l,a,model=m,relESStarget=0.7)
choosethin <- function(l, a, L_fixed=NA,
                         relESStarget=0.3, burnin = 100,
                         maxthin=10000) {
    if (relESStarget<=0 || relESStarget>=1) stop("relESStarget needs to be in (0,1).")
    if (!silent)
        message("Determining thinning needed to achieve relative ESS of ",relESStarget,".",sep="")
    ## adjust target to build in a safety margin
    relESStarget <- min(0.1,(1-relESStarget)/2)+relESStarget
    if (!silent)
        message("To include a safety margin, aiming for relative ESS of ",relESStarget,".",sep="")

    nsamples <- 1e3
    thin <- 1
        if (!silent) message("Pilot run with thin=",thin," started.",sep="")
        res <- sample_HierarchicalModel(l=l,a=a,L_fixed=L_fixed,model=model,burnin=burnin,matrpertheta=matrpertheta,silent=silent,thin=thin,nsamples=nsamples)
        allvariables <- sapply(res$L,function(x) c(x))
        allvariables <- rbind(allvariables,res$theta)
        allacf <- sapply(1:(dim(allvariables)[1]), function(i)acf(allvariables[i,],plot=FALSE,lag.max=100)$acf)
        thinfac <- apply(allacf,2,function(x) {
            if (all(is.na(x))) return(0);
            if (all(x>0)) return(Inf)
            negind <- which(x<0) ##find first negative autocorrelation
            if (length(negind)==0)
                x <- x[1:(min(negind)-1)]
                if (length(x)==1) 1
                else {
                    rESS <- sapply(1:(length(x)),function(i){
                        if (i==length(x)) 1
                        else 1/(1+2*sum(x[1+(1:floor((length(x)-1)/i))*i]))})
                    if (all(rESS<relESStarget))
        thinres <- max(thinfac*thin)
        if (thinres<=maxthin) {
            thinres <- max(thinres,1)
            if (!silent) message("Recommend thin=",thinres,".",sep="")
        } else {
            thin <- thin*10;
            if (!silent) {
                message("Need to increase thinning in pilot sample.")
                names <- c(outer(1:length(l),1:length(a),FUN=function(x,y) paste("L[",x,",",y,"]",sep="")))
                if (!is.null(res$theta))
                    names <- c(names,paste("theta[",1:(dim(res$theta)[1]),"]",sep=""))
                message("Variables for which determining required thinning failed are:\n",
                 message("Using now thin=",thin,".",sep="")
    if (!silent) warning("Upper bound for thinnig reached.")

#' Generate Liabilities Matrix from Prior
#' Generates a libabilities matrix using a the prior distribution from
#' a given model for p and lambda.
#' @param model a model for p and lambda.
#' @return A list consisting of a liabilities matrix and the parameter
#' vector theta.
#' @examples
#' n <- 5
#' m <- Model.Indep.p.lambda(Model.p.BetaPrior(n),
#'                           Model.lambda.GammaPrior(n,scale=1e-1))
#' genL(m)
#' @export
genL <- function(model){
    theta <- model$rtheta()
    u <- model$matr(theta)
    n <- dim(u$p)[1]
    m <- dim(u$p)[2]
    res <- matrix((runif(n*m)<=u$p)*rexp(n*m,rate=u$lambda),nrow=n)

getfixed <- function(l,a,printresults=TRUE){

    ##Ignore columns and rows with sum 0
    NArow <- l==0
    if (sum(NArow)>0){
        message("Row sum ",paste(which(NArow),collapse=" "),"are zero.")
    NAcol <- a==0
    if (sum(NArow)>0){
        message("Column sum ",paste(which(NArow),collapse=" "),"are zero.")

    ## this is not a full check of the condition, but it helps a bit
    ## check for individual matches
    wl <- l!=0&l%in%a
    if (length(wl)>0){
        for (i in which(wl)){
            wa <- which(a==l[i])
            if (length(wa)==1){
                message("Sum of Row ",i," = Sum of Column ",wa,". ")
                NArow[i] <- TRUE
                NAcol[wa] <- TRUE
                message("Sum of Row ",i," matches sums of columns ",wa,". ",
                    "Rows and Columns NOT ignored.")
    ## check for individual matches against sum of two elements
    { ##one row element
        s <- outer(a,a,"+")
        s[NAcol,] <- NA
        s[,NAcol] <- NA
        for (i in 1:length(l)){
            if (!NArow[i]&&l[i]>0){
                w <- l[i]==s
                if (any(w,na.rm=TRUE)){
                    wa <- which(rowSums(w,na.rm=TRUE)>0)
                    if (length(wa)==2){
                        message("Row sum ",i," equal to sum of columns ",paste(wa,collapse=" "),". ")
                        NArow[i] <- TRUE
                        NAcol[wa] <- TRUE
                        message("Row sum ",i,"equal to some subsets of  the columns ",paste(wa,collapse=" "),". ",
                            "Matrix not necessarily deterministics.")

    { ##one column element
        s <- outer(l,l,"+")
        s[NArow,] <- NA
        s[,NArow] <- NA
        for (i in 1:length(l)){
            if (!NAcol[i]&&a[i]>0){
                w <- a[i]==s
                if (any(w,na.rm=TRUE)){
                    wl <- which(rowSums(w,na.rm=TRUE)>0)
                    if (length(wl)==2){
                        message("Column sum ",i," equal to sum of rows ",paste(wl,collapse=" "),".")
                        NAcol[i] <- TRUE
                        NArow[wl] <- TRUE
                        message("Column sum  ",i,"equal to two of the row sums: ",paste(wl,collapse=" "),".",
                            "Matrix not necessarily deterministics.")


#' Outputs Effective Sample Size Diagonistics for MCMC run
#' Computes the Effective Sample Size using the method
#' \code{effectiveSize} in of the package \code{coda}.
#' Currently only works with L where the diagonal is 0. The function
#' ignores the diagonal and tries to determine from the row and column
#' sums which parts of the matrix are 0.
#' @param res output from \code{\link{sample_HierarchicalModel}}.
#' @return No return value. Called for printing the diagnostics.
#' @export
diagnose <- function(res){
    if (!all(sapply(res$L,diag)==0))
        stop("Model does not have an enforced 0 on the diagonal. This function is not designed for this.")

    fixed <- getfixed(l=rowSums(res$L[[1]]),a=colSums(res$L[[1]]))
    n <- dim(res$L[[1]])[1]
    if (dim(res$L[[1]])[2]!=n) stop("Works only for quadratic matrices")

    NArow <- fixed$row
    NAcol <- fixed$col

    rmNA <- function(L) {
        diag(L) <- NA;
        L[NArow,] <- NA;
        L[,NAcol] <- NA;
    if (length(rmNA(res$L[[1]]))==0){
        stop("Entire matrix deterministic. No remaining elements to sample over! \n")
    allL <- sapply(res$L, rmNA)
    message("Analysis does not consider ",prod(dim(res$L[[1]]))-dim(allL)[1]," entries of matrix \n",
        "that are deterministic (diagonal elements, row/column sum=0 or forced result).")
    ## check how many matrix entries have moved
    notmoved <- rowSums((allL[,1]!=allL))==0
    if (sum(notmoved)==0)
        message("All remaining elements of the liabilities matrix have moved during sample run.")
        message("Number of matrix entries not moving: ",sum(notmoved))
        message("Of those always equal to 0: ",sum(allL[notmoved,1]==0))
        rownotmoved <- rmNA(matrix(1:n,nrow=n,ncol=n))[notmoved]
        colnotmoved <- rmNA(t(matrix(1:n,nrow=n,ncol=n)))[notmoved]
        o <- order(rownotmoved,colnotmoved)
        rownotmoved <- rownotmoved[o]
        colnotmoved <- colnotmoved[o]
        lastr <- 0
        for (i in 1:min(100,length(rownotmoved))){
            if (rownotmoved[i]!=lastr){
                lastr <- rownotmoved[i]
                message("\n Row ",lastr,"; Columns:",appendLF = FALSE)
            message(" ",colnotmoved[i],appendLF=FALSE)
        if (length(rownotmoved)>100) message("Output truncated to 100 not-moving values.")
    essL <- summary(coda::effectiveSize(t(allL)))
    message("Summary of ESS in matrix: ", paste(names(essL),format(essL),sep="=", collapse=" "))
    if ("theta" %in% names(res)){
        essTheta <- summary(coda::effectiveSize(t(res$theta)))
        message("Summary of ESS in theta: ", paste(names(essTheta),format(essTheta),sep="=", collapse=" "))
        message("No hyperparameter theta\n")

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systemicrisk documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:20 a.m.