plot.tblEntries: A Plot Method for 'tblentries' Objects

View source: R/plot.textTable.bare.R

plot.tblEntriesR Documentation

A Plot Method for tblentries Objects


A plot method for tblEntries objects, displaying tables using ggplot2 graphics. This is an internal function, not intended to be called by package users.


## S3 method for class 'tblEntries'
plot(x, entryStyle=tablesggOpt("entryStyle"), ...)



A tblEntries object, containing entries for a table.


Optional entryStyle object, describing the graphical properties (color, size, font, etc) to be used for displaying entries in a table. See the function of the same name for details. If omitted, a default style will be used.


Additional arguments passed to plot.prEntries and plot.prTable.


This function is a wrapper that simply converts x to "plot-ready" table entries (a prEntries object) by applying the style specified by entryStyle, and then calls the plot method for prEntries objects.

This function assumes that the standard set of blocks and hvrules is to be used when plotting the table entries in x. For more control over blocks and hvrules, create them directly (for example by functions tblBlocks and tblHvrules) and then combine them with x into a plot-ready table (functions prEntries, prHvrules, prTable).


An object of S3 class pltdTable, inheriting from ggplot. See plot.textTable for details about this object. There is a print (display) method for this class, or the object can be modified in the usual ggplot way before display.

See Also

plot.textTable, print.pltdTable

tablesgg documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:02 a.m.