plot.textTable: A Plot Method for 'texttable' Objects

View source: R/plot.textTable.bare.R

plot.textTableR Documentation

A Plot Method for texttable Objects


A plot method for textTable objects, displaying tables using ggplot2 graphics.


## S3 method for class 'textTable'
plot(x, title=NULL, subtitle=NULL, foot=NULL, rowheadLabels=NULL, 
    blockStyle=tablesggOpt("blockStyle"), scale=1.0, mergeRuns=c(TRUE, 
    TRUE), rowheadInside=FALSE, rowgroupSize=0, 
    plot.margin=tablesggOpt("plot.margin"), sizeAdjust=c(1.0, 1.0), ...)



A textTable object, containing a table.

title, subtitle, foot

Optional character vectors of annotation for the table. NULL means to leave the current annotation unchanged (the default); character(0) means to omit/remove it.


Optional character vector or 1-row matrix specifying labels for the row header columns of the table. NULL means to leave the current value unchanged (the default); character(0) means to omit/remove it.

entryStyle, hvruleStyle, blockStyle

Optional styleObj objects. These describe the graphical properties (color, size, font, line type, etc) to be used for displaying table entries, horizontal/vertical rules, or blocks, respectively. See ?styleObj for details. If omitted, default styles from tablesggOpt() will be used.


Numeric multiplier used to increase or decrease the displayed size of the table, with all elements scaled proportionately. If it has length two, the first element applies to table entries and blocks, and the second to hvrules.


Two-element logical vector, the first element applying to row headers, the second to column headers. If TRUE (the default) then header cells that contain runs of the same value will be merged into a single entry that spans multiple rows or columns.


Logical scalar. If TRUE, the outermost layer of row headers is moved inside the table by using its levels to divide the table into groups of rows, with each group labeled by their level.


Numeric scalar. If greater than 0, consecutive rows of the table body will be grouped into sets of this size, and extra space may be inserted between groups to improve readability. See DETAILS.


Numeric vector of length 4, giving the amount of padding to be added outside the top, right, bottom, and left sides of the table, in millimeters. The default is taken from tablesggOpt().


Two-element numeric vector containing multipliers to adjust the calculated absolute size of table text. The first element is applied to the horizontal dimension and the second to the vertical dimension. (It should not be necessary to change this.)


Other arguments, ignored with a warning. (Included for compatibility with the plot generic.)


textTable objects are the fundamental structure for representing tables in the tablesgg package. This function creates a publication-quality plot of such a table that can be displayed on any of R's graphics devices. Plotting is based on the ggplot2 graphics system, and the resulting plot object can be saved or manipulated in the usual ggplot way.

A feature of the plotted table produced by this function is that it has a well-defined physical size, in millimeters, given by the attribute size_mm. This natural size is determined by the graphical properties specified with arguments entryStyle and hvruleStyle, and can be rescaled up or down with the scale argument. There is a special print (display) method for pltdTable objects that ensures that the table is displayed at the correct size, independent of the size of the graphics device on which it is drawn.

The plotted table can be modified by using the props<- set of functions to update graphical properties of selected table entries, hvrules, or blocks. This includes disabling them (so that they are excluded from the plot), or re-enabling disabled elements. For broader changes there is an update method for pltdTable objects to change styles or plot scaling. See update.pltdTable for more information.


An object of S3 class pltdTable, inheriting from ggplot.

The object has attributes plot.margin and sizeAdjust (equal to the arguments), and size_mm (the width and height of the plot, in millimeters). size_mm is calculated after applying scale and sizeAdjust, and includes both the table and any margins specified by plot.margin.

The object also has attributes colBoundaries and rowBoundaries giving the coordinates of the boundaries between columns and between rows, again in millimeters, and after applying scale and sizeAdjust.

The object also has attribute prTable. This a "plot-ready" version of the table, after applying the arguments provided to this function to x, but before processing by ggplot. It is included to allow convenient updating of the display properties of the table via props<- functions.

See Also

textTable, styleObj, tablesggOpt, styles_pkg, print.pltdTable, props<-, update.pltdTable


# Start with a 'textTable':
ttbl <- textTable(iris2_tab)
# Default display:
# Add annotation:
plot(ttbl, title="The iris data", subtitle="Summary statistics by species", 
     foot="sd = standard deviation")
# Smaller version:
plot(ttbl, title="The iris data", subtitle="Summary statistics by species", 
     foot="sd = standard deviation", scale=0.8)
# Use a more "spread out" style for table entries:
plot(ttbl, entryStyle=styles_pkg$entryStyle_pkg_2)
# Internal row header labels:
plot(ttbl, rowheadInside=TRUE)
# Show effect of 'plot.margin' by putting a box around the table:
# -- default
plt <- plot(ttbl) + 
# -- wider margin
plt <- plot(ttbl, plot.margin=c(15, 15, 15, 15)) + 

# Data frame listing with rows in groups of 5:
plot(textTable(head(iris2, 15)), rowgroupSize=5)

tablesgg documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:02 a.m.