prHvrules: Create Hvrules and Assign Them Graphical Properties

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prHvrulesR Documentation

Create Hvrules and Assign Them Graphical Properties


Create horizontal and vertical rules (hvrules) for a table, based on blocks of table entries. hvrules also provide a way to insert extra space between rows or columns of the table, without drawing a line. Assign graphical properties to the hvrules using a style and a scaling factor. This creates fully plot-ready (pr) hvrules. This is an internal function, not intended to be called by package users.


prHvrules(x, style=tablesggOpt("hvruleStyle"), scale=1.0)



A tblBlocks object specifying blocks of cells in a 2D table.


A styleObj object, specifying the graphical properties to assign to hvrules based on the nature of their associated blocks, in x. The default is taken from tablesggOpt().


Numeric multiplier used to increase or decrease the displayed size of hvrules, relative to the natural size implied by style. The default is 1.0.


A horizontal rule (hrule) consists of a narrow, horizontally-oriented rectangle, possibly with a horizontal line drawn within it. The rectangle is inserted _between_ rows of the table, and therefore increases the size of the table by an amount equal to its height. Thus an hrule can be used to insert extra space between table rows, with or without including a line. Similarly a vertical rule (vrule) is a narrow, vertically-oriented rectangle, possibly with a vertical line drawn within it. The rectangle is inserted between columns of the table and increases the table's width.

This function creates four hvrules per non-empty block in x: two hrules that run along the top and bottom sides of the block, and two vrules that run along the left and right sides of the block. It then applies style to assign them graphical properties. See styleObj for details of how matching individual hvrules to graphical properties is done.

The graphical properties available for an hvrule are defined in object grProps. They include the amount of space added to the table by the hvrule, and properties for any line drawn within it (line type, color, thickness, etc).

All hvrules are initially disabled; i.e., they will not be displayed and will not take up any physical space when a table is plotted. Once an hvrule has been assigned graphical properties from style, its enabled value will be set to TRUE. However hvrules associated with blocks that contain no enabled entries (as reported by x$had_enabled_entries) always have enabled set to FALSE.

Two hvrules may occupy the same location in the table. For example if the right edge of block A is adjacent to the left edge of block B, and the blocks span the same rows, then the vrule on the "right" side of A will have the same location as the vrule on the "left" side of B.


An object of S3 class prHvrules, which is a data frame with each row specifying one hvrule for the table. If there are no hvrules, the data frame will have no rows. Column descriptions are in the documentation for the elements function, except for:


Row number in style used to assign graphical properties to the hvrule, or NA if none was.

Row names for the data frame are set equal to id. The object also has attributes current_scale and style, based on the scale and style arguments after applying defaults.

See Also

elements documents the descriptors and graphical properties for blocks; tblBlocks defines a default set of blocks that reflect the logical structure of the table. styleObj creates styles.

tablesgg documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:02 a.m.