prTable.prEntries: Create a Plot-Ready Table from Plot-Ready Entry, Block, and...

View source: R/prTable.bare.R

prTable.prEntriesR Documentation

Create a Plot-Ready Table from Plot-Ready Entry, Block, and Hvrule Objects


Create a plot-ready table from plot-ready entry, block, and hvrule objects. This is an internal function, not intended to be called by package users.


## S3 method for class 'prEntries'
prTable(x, entries=x, blocks=prBlocks(tblBlocks(x)), hvrules, ...)



A prEntries object, containing plot-ready table entries.


An alias for x.


A prBlocks object, containing plot-ready blocks of table cells. May be NULL. The default is to create the standard set of blocks by calling tblBlocks(x), and style (but not enable) them using the default block style.


A prHvrules object, containing plot-ready hvrules for the table. May be NULL if there are no hvrules. The default is to create hvrules by calling prHvrules(blocks) (which uses the default hvrule style) if blocks is not NULL, and NULL otherwise.


Ignored, with a warning. (Included for compatibility with the generic.)


This function allows the creation of a plot-ready table directly from its entry, block, and hvrule components. A prTable object can be updated with new styles or scales for its components by calling the .prTable method.


An object of S3 class prTable, a plot-ready table. This is a list with components:


A prEntries object with the content, position, and graphical properties for each entry in the table.


A prBlocks object with the positions, sizes, and graphical properties of blocks of table cells. May be empty if no blocks are defined.


A prHvrules object with the content, position, and graphical properties for each horizontal or vertical rule (hvrule) in the table. May be empty if there are no hvrules.

It has attribute current_scale, a numeric vector of length 2. The first element is for entries, the second for hvrules.

See Also

prEntries, prBlocks, prHvrules.

tablesgg documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:02 a.m.