update.prObj: Update Style or Scale for Plot-Ready Table Elements

View source: R/update.bare.R

update.prObjR Documentation

Update Style or Scale for Plot-Ready Table Elements


Update a prEntries, prBlocks, or prHvrules object with a new style and/or new scale. This is an internal utility function, not intended to be called directly by package users.


## S3 method for class 'prObj'
update(object, style=NULL, scale=NULL, ...)



A prEntries, prBlocks, or prHvrules object, containing plot-ready table elements.


Optional styleObj object, specifying a new style for assigning graphical properties to table elements in object. The default value of NULL leaves the style of object unchanged. When object is a prHvrules object, this must be NULL; see DETAILS.


Optional numeric multiplier used to increase or decrease the displayed size of table elements, relative to the natural size implied by the (possibly updated) style. The default is to use the current scaling of object.


Ignored, with a warning. (Included for compatibility with the generic.)


The enabled field is not changed for any elements. (Changing enabled for entries could have cascading effects on blocks and hvrules.)

To provide a mechanism to hold graphical properties fixed for certain elements, style is not applied to any elements for which style_row is 0. This will be true for elements created manually via addBlock or addHvrule for example. Graphical properties for such elements can be changed using props<-.

The style of a prHvrules object cannot be updated directly, because the object does not contain the block information generally needed to apply styles. Instead, a new set of hvrules should be created from a tblBlocks object with the desired style, using function prHvrules.


An object with the same class as object. See prEntries, prBlocks, or prHvrules for the structure of these objects.

See Also

styleObj, update.prTable

tablesgg documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:02 a.m.