update.prTable: Update a 'prtable' (Plot-Ready Table) Object

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update.prTableR Documentation

Update a prtable (Plot-Ready Table) Object


Update a prTable object with new entry, block, or hvrule styles, and/or new scale. This is an internal utility function, not intended to be called directly by package users.


## S3 method for class 'prTable'
update(object, entryStyle=NULL, blockStyle=NULL, hvruleStyle=NULL, 
    scale=NULL, ...)



A prTable object, a plot-ready table.

entryStyle, blockStyle, hvruleStyle

Optional styleObj objects, specifying new styles for assigning graphical properties to table entries, blocks, or hvrules. The default value of NULL leaves the corresponding style of object unchanged.


Optional numeric multiplier used to increase or decrease the displayed size of table elements, relative to the natural size implied by their (possibly updated) styles. If it has length two, the first element applies to entries and blocks, and the second to hvrules. The default is to use the existing scale value(s) in object.


Ignored, with a warning. (Included for compatibility with the generic.)


The enabled field is not changed for any entries, blocks, or existing hvrules. (Changing enabled for entries could have cascading effects on blocks and hvrules.)

When argument hvruleStyle is provided, hvrules are regenerated by applying the style to the blocks component of object. These new hvrules replace any existing hvrules with the same ID. However existing hvrules with other ID's are left unchanged.

Users should generally update pltdTable objects, not prTable objects.


An object of S3 class prTable, a plot-ready table. See prTable.prEntries for the structure of this object.

See Also

styleObj, prTable.prEntries

tablesgg documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:02 a.m.