
Defines functions nn_prune_head.tabnet_pretrain nn_prune_head.tabnet_fit print.tabnet_fit reload_model node_to_df check_compliant_node check_type is_null_external_pointer check_net_is_empty_ptr model_pretrain_to_fit model_to_raw predict_tabnet_bridge predict.tabnet_fit tabnet_bridge new_tabnet_pretrain tabnet_pretrain.Node tabnet_pretrain.recipe tabnet_pretrain.formula tabnet_pretrain.data.frame tabnet_pretrain.default tabnet_pretrain new_tabnet_fit tabnet_fit.Node tabnet_fit.recipe tabnet_fit.formula tabnet_fit.data.frame tabnet_fit.default tabnet_fit

Documented in check_compliant_node nn_prune_head.tabnet_fit nn_prune_head.tabnet_pretrain node_to_df tabnet_fit tabnet_fit.data.frame tabnet_fit.default tabnet_fit.formula tabnet_fit.Node tabnet_fit.recipe tabnet_pretrain tabnet_pretrain.data.frame tabnet_pretrain.default tabnet_pretrain.formula tabnet_pretrain.Node tabnet_pretrain.recipe

#' Tabnet model
#' Fits the [TabNet: Attentive Interpretable Tabular Learning](https://arxiv.org/abs/1908.07442) model
#' @param x Depending on the context:
#'   * A __data frame__ of predictors.
#'   * A __matrix__ of predictors.
#'   * A __recipe__ specifying a set of preprocessing steps
#'     created from [recipes::recipe()].
#'  The predictor data should be standardized (e.g. centered or scaled).
#'  The model treats categorical predictors internally thus, you don't need to
#'  make any treatment.
#' @param y When `x` is a __data frame__ or __matrix__, `y` is the outcome
#' specified as:
#'   * A __data frame__ with 1 or many numeric column (regression) or 1 or many categorical columns (classification) .
#'   * A __matrix__ with 1 column.
#'   * A __vector__, either numeric or categorical.
#' @param data When a __recipe__ or __formula__ is used, `data` is specified as:
#'   * A __data frame__ containing both the predictors and the outcome.
#' @param formula A formula specifying the outcome terms on the left-hand side,
#'  and the predictor terms on the right-hand side.
#' @param tabnet_model A previously fitted TabNet model object to continue the fitting on.
#'  if `NULL` (the default) a brand new model is initialized.
#' @param config A set of hyperparameters created using the `tabnet_config` function.
#'  If no argument is supplied, this will use the default values in [tabnet_config()].
#' @param from_epoch When a `tabnet_model` is provided, restore the network weights from a specific epoch.
#'  Default is last available checkpoint for restored model, or last epoch for in-memory model.
#' @param weights Unused.
#' @param ... Model hyperparameters.
#' Any hyperparameters set here will update those set by the config argument.
#' See [tabnet_config()] for a list of all possible hyperparameters.
#' @section Fitting a pre-trained model:
#' When providing a parent `tabnet_model` parameter, the model fitting resumes from that model weights
#' at the following epoch:
#'    * last fitted epoch for a model already in torch context
#'    * Last model checkpoint epoch for a model loaded from file
#'    * the epoch related to a checkpoint matching or preceding the `from_epoch` value if provided
#' The model fitting metrics append on top of the parent metrics in the returned TabNet model.
#' @section Multi-outcome:
#' TabNet allows multi-outcome prediction, which is usually named [multi-label classification](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi-label_classification)
#'   or multi-output classification when outcomes are categorical.
#' Multi-outcome currently expect outcomes to be either all numeric or all categorical.
#' @section Threading:
#' TabNet uses `torch` as its backend for computation and `torch` uses all
#' available threads by default.
#' You can control the number of threads used by `torch` with:
#' ```
#' torch::torch_set_num_threads(1)
#' torch::torch_set_num_interop_threads(1)
#' ```
#' @examplesIf torch::torch_is_installed()
#' data("ames", package = "modeldata")
#' data("attrition", package = "modeldata")
#' ids <- sample(nrow(attrition), 256)
#' ## Single-outcome regression using formula specification
#' fit <- tabnet_fit(Sale_Price ~ ., data = ames, epochs = 1)
#' ## Single-outcome classification using data-frame specification
#' attrition_x <- attrition[,-which(names(attrition) == "Attrition")]
#' fit <- tabnet_fit(attrition_x, attrition$Attrition, epochs = 1, verbose = TRUE)
#' ## Multi-outcome regression on `Sale_Price` and `Pool_Area` in `ames` dataset using formula,
#' ames_fit <- tabnet_fit(Sale_Price + Pool_Area ~ ., data = ames[ids,], epochs = 2, valid_split = 0.2)
#' ## Multi-label classification on `Attrition` and `JobSatisfaction` in
#' ## `attrition` dataset using recipe
#' library(recipes)
#' rec <- recipe(Attrition + JobSatisfaction ~ ., data = attrition[ids,]) %>%
#'   step_normalize(all_numeric(), -all_outcomes())
#' attrition_fit <- tabnet_fit(rec, data = attrition[ids,], epochs = 2, valid_split = 0.2)
#' ## Hierarchical classification on  `acme`
#' data(acme, package = "data.tree")
#' acme_fit <- tabnet_fit(acme, epochs = 2, verbose = TRUE)
#' # Note: Dataset number of rows and model number of epochs should be increased
#' # for publication-level results.
#' @return A TabNet model object. It can be used for serialization, predictions, or further fitting.
#' @export
tabnet_fit <- function(x, ...) {

#' @export
#' @rdname tabnet_fit
tabnet_fit.default <- function(x, ...) {
       gettextf("`tabnet_fit()` is not defined for a '%s'.", class(x)[1]),
       call. = FALSE)

#' @export
#' @rdname tabnet_fit
tabnet_fit.data.frame <- function(x, y, tabnet_model = NULL, config = tabnet_config(), ...,
                                  from_epoch = NULL, weights = NULL) {
  if (!is.null(weights)) {
    message(gettextf("Configured `weights` will not be used"))
  processed <- hardhat::mold(x, y)

  default_config <- tabnet_config()
  new_config <- do.call(tabnet_config, list(...))
  new_config <- new_config[
    function(x, y) ifelse(is.null(x), !is.null(y), x != y),
  config <- utils::modifyList(config, as.list(new_config))

  tabnet_bridge(processed, config = config, tabnet_model, from_epoch, task = "supervised")

#' @export
#' @rdname tabnet_fit
tabnet_fit.formula <- function(formula, data, tabnet_model = NULL, config = tabnet_config(), ...,
                               from_epoch = NULL, weights = NULL) {
  if (!is.null(weights)) {
    message(gettextf("Configured `weights` will not be used"))
  processed <- hardhat::mold(
    formula, data,
    blueprint = hardhat::default_formula_blueprint(
      indicators = "none",
      intercept = FALSE

  default_config <- tabnet_config()
  new_config <- do.call(tabnet_config, list(...))
  new_config <- new_config[
      function(x, y) ifelse(is.null(x), !is.null(y), x != y),
  config <- utils::modifyList(config, as.list(new_config))

  tabnet_bridge(processed, config = config, tabnet_model, from_epoch, task = "supervised")

#' @export
#' @rdname tabnet_fit
tabnet_fit.recipe <- function(x, data, tabnet_model = NULL, config = tabnet_config(), ...,
                              from_epoch = NULL, weights = NULL) {
  if (!is.null(weights)) {
    message(gettextf("Configured `weights` will not be used"))
  processed <- hardhat::mold(x, data)

  default_config <- tabnet_config()
  new_config <- do.call(tabnet_config, list(...))
  new_config <- new_config[
      function(x, y) ifelse(is.null(x), !is.null(y), x != y),
  config <- utils::modifyList(config, as.list(new_config))

  tabnet_bridge(processed, config = config, tabnet_model, from_epoch, task = "supervised")

#' @export
#' @rdname tabnet_fit
#' @importFrom dplyr filter mutate select mutate_all mutate_if
#' @importFrom tidyr replace_na
tabnet_fit.Node <- function(x, tabnet_model = NULL, config = tabnet_config(), ..., from_epoch = NULL) {
  # ensure there is no level_* col in the Node object
  # get tree leaves and extract attributes into data.frames
  xy_df <- node_to_df(x)
  processed <- hardhat::mold(xy_df$x, xy_df$y)
  # Given n classes, M is an (n x n) matrix where M_ij = 1 if class i is descendant of class j
  ancestor <- data.tree::ToDataFrameNetwork(x) %>%
   mutate_if(is.character, ~.x %>% as.factor %>% as.numeric)
  # TODO check correctness
  # embed the M matrix in the config$ancestor variable
  dims <- c(max(ancestor), max(ancestor))
  ancestor_m <- Matrix::sparseMatrix(ancestor$from, ancestor$to, dims = dims, x = 1)

  default_config <- tabnet_config()
  new_config <- do.call(tabnet_config, list(...))
  new_config <- new_config[
      function(x, y) ifelse(is.null(x), !is.null(y), x != y),
  config <- utils::modifyList(config, as.list(new_config, ancestor = ancestor_m))

  tabnet_bridge(processed, config = config, tabnet_model, from_epoch, task = "supervised")

new_tabnet_fit <- function(fit, blueprint) {

  serialized_net <- model_to_raw(fit$network)

    fit = fit,
    serialized_net = serialized_net,
    blueprint = blueprint,
    class = "tabnet_fit"

#' Tabnet model
#' Pretrain the [TabNet: Attentive Interpretable Tabular Learning](https://arxiv.org/abs/1908.07442) model
#' on the predictor data exclusively (unsupervised training).
#' @param x Depending on the context:
#'   * A __data frame__ of predictors.
#'   * A __matrix__ of predictors.
#'   * A __recipe__ specifying a set of preprocessing steps
#'     created from [recipes::recipe()].
#'  The predictor data should be standardized (e.g. centered or scaled).
#'  The model treats categorical predictors internally thus, you don't need to
#'  make any treatment.
#' @param y (optional) When `x` is a __data frame__ or __matrix__, `y` is the outcome
#' @param data When a __recipe__ or __formula__ is used, `data` is specified as:
#'   * A __data frame__ containing both the predictors and the outcome.
#' @param formula A formula specifying the outcome terms on the left-hand side,
#'  and the predictor terms on the right-hand side.
#' @param tabnet_model A pretrained TabNet model object to continue the fitting on.
#'  if `NULL` (the default) a brand new model is initialized.
#' @param config A set of hyperparameters created using the `tabnet_config` function.
#'  If no argument is supplied, this will use the default values in [tabnet_config()].
#' @param from_epoch When a `tabnet_model` is provided, restore the network weights from a specific epoch.
#'  Default is last available checkpoint for restored model, or last epoch for in-memory model.
#' @param ... Model hyperparameters.
#' Any hyperparameters set here will update those set by the config argument.
#' See [tabnet_config()] for a list of all possible hyperparameters.
#' @section outcome:
#' Outcome value are accepted here only for consistent syntax with `tabnet_fit`, but
#' by design the outcome, if present, is ignored during pre-training.
#' @section pre-training from a previous model:
#' When providing a parent `tabnet_model` parameter, the model pretraining resumes from that model weights
#' at the following epoch:
#'    * last pretrained epoch for a model already in torch context
#'    * Last model checkpoint epoch for a model loaded from file
#'    * the epoch related to a checkpoint matching or preceding the `from_epoch` value if provided
#' The model pretraining metrics append on top of the parent metrics in the returned TabNet model.
#' @section Threading:
#' TabNet uses `torch` as its backend for computation and `torch` uses all
#' available threads by default.
#' You can control the number of threads used by `torch` with:
#' ```
#' torch::torch_set_num_threads(1)
#' torch::torch_set_num_interop_threads(1)
#' ```
#' @examplesIf torch::torch_is_installed()
#' data("ames", package = "modeldata")
#' pretrained <- tabnet_pretrain(Sale_Price ~ ., data = ames, epochs = 1)
#' @return A TabNet model object. It can be used for serialization, predictions, or further fitting.
#' @export
tabnet_pretrain <- function(x, ...) {

#' @export
#' @rdname tabnet_pretrain
tabnet_pretrain.default <- function(x, ...) {
       gettextf("`tabnet_pretrain()` is not defined for a '%s'.", class(x)[1]),
       call. = FALSE)

#' @export
#' @rdname tabnet_pretrain
tabnet_pretrain.data.frame <- function(x, y, tabnet_model = NULL, config = tabnet_config(), ..., from_epoch = NULL) {
  processed <- hardhat::mold(x, y)

  default_config <- tabnet_config()
  new_config <- do.call(tabnet_config, list(...))
  new_config <- new_config[
      function(x, y) ifelse(is.null(x), !is.null(y), x != y),
  config <- utils::modifyList(config, as.list(new_config))

  tabnet_bridge(processed, config = config, tabnet_model, from_epoch, task = "unsupervised")

#' @export
#' @rdname tabnet_pretrain
tabnet_pretrain.formula <- function(formula, data, tabnet_model = NULL, config = tabnet_config(), ..., from_epoch = NULL) {
  processed <- hardhat::mold(
    formula, data,
    blueprint = hardhat::default_formula_blueprint(
      indicators = "none",
      intercept = FALSE

  default_config <- tabnet_config()
  new_config <- do.call(tabnet_config, list(...))
  new_config <- new_config[
      function(x, y) ifelse(is.null(x), !is.null(y), x != y),
  config <- utils::modifyList(config, as.list(new_config))

  tabnet_bridge(processed, config = config, tabnet_model, from_epoch, task = "unsupervised")

#' @export
#' @rdname tabnet_pretrain
tabnet_pretrain.recipe <- function(x, data, tabnet_model = NULL, config = tabnet_config(), ..., from_epoch = NULL) {
  processed <- hardhat::mold(x, data)

  default_config <- tabnet_config()
  new_config <- do.call(tabnet_config, list(...))
  new_config <- new_config[
      function(x, y) ifelse(is.null(x), !is.null(y), x != y),
  config <- utils::modifyList(config, as.list(new_config))

  tabnet_bridge(processed, config = config, tabnet_model, from_epoch, task = "unsupervised")

#' @export
#' @rdname tabnet_pretrain
tabnet_pretrain.Node <- function(x, tabnet_model = NULL, config = tabnet_config(), ..., from_epoch = NULL) {
  # ensure there is no level_* col in the Node object
  # get tree leaves and extract attributes into data.frames
  xy_df <- node_to_df(x)
  tabnet_pretrain(xy_df$x, xy_df$y, tabnet_model = tabnet_model, config = config, ..., from_epoch = from_epoch)


new_tabnet_pretrain <- function(pretrain, blueprint) {

  serialized_net <- model_to_raw(pretrain$network)

    fit = pretrain,
    serialized_net = serialized_net,
    blueprint = blueprint,
    class = "tabnet_pretrain"

#' Triple dispatch on task, resume training and resume epoch
#' Perform the triple dispatch and initialize the model (if needed) or
#'  resume the model network weight to the right epoch
#' @param processed the hardhat prerocessed dataset
#' @param config the tabnet network config list of parameters
#' @param tabnet_model the tabnet model to resume training on
#' @param from_epoch the epoch to resume training from
#' @param task "supervised" or "unsupervised"
#' @return a fitted tabnet_model/tabnet_pretrain object list
#' @noRd
tabnet_bridge <- function(processed, config = tabnet_config(), tabnet_model, from_epoch, task="supervised") {
  predictors <- processed$predictors
  outcomes <- processed$outcomes
  epoch_shift <- 0L

  if (!(is.null(tabnet_model) || inherits(tabnet_model, "tabnet_fit") || inherits(tabnet_model, "tabnet_pretrain")))
    stop(gettextf("'%s' is not recognised as a proper TabNet model", tabnet_model),
         call. = FALSE)

  if (!is.null(from_epoch) && !is.null(tabnet_model)) {
    # model must be loaded from checkpoint

    if (from_epoch > (length(tabnet_model$fit$checkpoints) * tabnet_model$fit$config$checkpoint_epoch))
      stop(gettextf("The model was trained for less than '%s' epochs", from_epoch), call. = FALSE)

    # find closest checkpoint for that epoch
    closest_checkpoint <- from_epoch %/% tabnet_model$fit$config$checkpoint_epoch

    tabnet_model$fit$network <- reload_model(tabnet_model$fit$checkpoints[[closest_checkpoint]])
    epoch_shift <- closest_checkpoint * tabnet_model$fit$config$checkpoint_epoch
    tabnet_model$fit$metrics <- tabnet_model$fit$metrics[seq(epoch_shift)]

  if (task == "supervised") {
    if (sum(is.na(outcomes)) > 0) {
      stop(gettextf("Found missing values in the `%s` outcome column.", names(outcomes)), call. = FALSE)
    if (is.null(tabnet_model)) {
      # new supervised model needs network initialization
      tabnet_model_lst <- tabnet_initialize(predictors, outcomes, config = config)
      tabnet_model <-  new_tabnet_fit(tabnet_model_lst, blueprint = processed$blueprint)

    } else if (!check_net_is_empty_ptr(tabnet_model) && inherits(tabnet_model, "tabnet_fit")) {
      # resume training from supervised
      if (!identical(processed$blueprint, tabnet_model$blueprint))
        stop("Model dimensions don't match.", call. = FALSE)

      # model is available from tabnet_model$serialized_net
      m <- reload_model(tabnet_model$serialized_net)

      # this modifies 'tabnet_model' in-place so subsequent predicts won't
      # need to reload.
      epoch_shift <- length(tabnet_model$fit$metrics)

    } else if (inherits(tabnet_model, "tabnet_pretrain")) {
      # resume training from unsupervised

      tabnet_model_lst <- model_pretrain_to_fit(tabnet_model, predictors, outcomes, config)
      tabnet_model <-  new_tabnet_fit(tabnet_model_lst, blueprint = processed$blueprint)

    }  else if (length(tabnet_model$fit$checkpoints)) {
      # model is loaded from the last available checkpoint

      last_checkpoint <- length(tabnet_model$fit$checkpoints)

      tabnet_model$fit$network <- reload_model(tabnet_model$fit$checkpoints[[last_checkpoint]])
      epoch_shift <- last_checkpoint * tabnet_model$fit$config$checkpoint_epoch

    } else stop(gettextf("No model serialized weight can be found in `%s`, check the model history", tabnet_model), call. = FALSE)

    fit_lst <- tabnet_train_supervised(tabnet_model, predictors, outcomes, config = config, epoch_shift)
    return(new_tabnet_fit(fit_lst, blueprint = processed$blueprint))

  } else if (task == "unsupervised") {

    if (!is.null(tabnet_model)) {
      warning("`tabnet_pretrain()` from a model is not currently supported.\nThe pretraining here will start with a network initialization")
    pretrain_lst <- tabnet_train_unsupervised( predictors, config = config, epoch_shift)
    return(new_tabnet_pretrain(pretrain_lst, blueprint = processed$blueprint))


#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @export
predict.tabnet_fit <- function(object, new_data, type = NULL, ..., epoch = NULL) {
  if (inherits(new_data, "Node")) {
    new_data_df <- node_to_df(new_data)$x
  } else {
    new_data_df <- new_data
  # Enforces column order, type, column names, etc
  processed <- hardhat::forge(new_data_df, object$blueprint)
  batch_size <- object$fit$config$batch_size
  out <- predict_tabnet_bridge(type, object, processed$predictors, epoch, batch_size)
  hardhat::validate_prediction_size(out, new_data_df)

predict_tabnet_bridge <- function(type, object, predictors, epoch, batch_size) {

  type <- check_type(object$blueprint$ptypes$outcomes, type)
  is_multi_outcome <- ncol(object$blueprint$ptypes$outcomes) > 1
  outcome_nlevels <- NULL
  if (is_multi_outcome & type != "numeric") {
    outcome_nlevels <- purrr::map_dbl(object$blueprint$ptypes$outcomes, ~length(levels(.x)))

  if (!is.null(epoch)) {

    if (epoch > (length(object$fit$checkpoints) * object$fit$config$checkpoint_epoch))
      stop(gettextf("The model was trained for less than `%s` epochs", epoch), call. = FALSE)

    # find closest checkpoint for that epoch
    ind <- epoch %/% object$fit$config$checkpoint_epoch

    object$fit$network <- reload_model(object$fit$checkpoints[[ind]])

  if (check_net_is_empty_ptr(object)) {
    m <- reload_model(object$serialized_net)
    # this modifies 'object' in-place so subsequent predicts won't
    # need to reload.

  type_multioutcome <- paste0(type, "_", is_multi_outcome)
    numeric_FALSE = predict_impl_numeric(object, predictors, batch_size),
    numeric_TRUE  = predict_impl_numeric_multiple(object, predictors, batch_size),
    prob_FALSE    = predict_impl_prob(object, predictors, batch_size),
    prob_TRUE     = predict_impl_prob_multiple(object, predictors, batch_size, outcome_nlevels),
    class_FALSE   = predict_impl_class(object, predictors, batch_size),
    class_TRUE    = predict_impl_class_multiple(object, predictors, batch_size, outcome_nlevels)

model_to_raw <- function(model) {
  con <- rawConnection(raw(), open = "wr")
  torch::torch_save(model, con)
  on.exit({close(con)}, add = TRUE)
  r <- rawConnectionValue(con)

model_pretrain_to_fit <- function(obj, x, y, config = tabnet_config()) {

  tabnet_model_lst <- tabnet_initialize(x, y, config)

  # do not restore previous metrics as loss function return non comparable
  # values, nor checkpoints
  m <- reload_model(obj$serialized_net)

  if (m$input_dim != tabnet_model_lst$network$input_dim)
    stop("Model dimensions don't match.", call. = FALSE)

  # perform update of selected weights into new tabnet_model
  m_stat_dict <- m$state_dict()
  tabnet_state_dict <- tabnet_model_lst$network$state_dict()
  for (param in names(m_stat_dict)) {
    if (grepl("^encoder", param)) {
      # Convert encoder's layers name to match
      new_param <- paste0("tabnet.", param)
    } else {
      new_param <- param
    if (!is.null(tabnet_state_dict[new_param])) {
      tabnet_state_dict[[new_param]] <- m_stat_dict[[param]]

check_net_is_empty_ptr <- function(object) {

# https://stackoverflow.com/a/27350487/3297472
is_null_external_pointer <- function(pointer) {
  a <- attributes(pointer)
  attributes(pointer) <- NULL
  out <- identical(pointer, methods::new("externalptr"))
  attributes(pointer) <- a

#' Check consistency between modeling-task type and class of outcomes vars.
#' infer default modeling-task type from the outcome vars class if needed.
#' @param outcome_ptype shall be `model$blueprint$ptypes$outcomes` when called from
#'  a model object, or `processed$outcomes` from the result of a `mold()`
#' @param type expected type within  `c("numeric", "prob", "class")`
#' @return valid type within `c("numeric", "prob", "class")` for respectively regression,
#' class probabilities, or classification
#' @noRd
check_type <- function(outcome_ptype, type = NULL) {

  # outcome_ptype <- model$blueprint$ptypes$outcomes when called from model
  outcome_all_factor <- all(purrr::map_lgl(outcome_ptype, is.factor))
  outcome_all_numeric <- all(purrr::map_lgl(outcome_ptype, is.numeric))

  if (!outcome_all_numeric && !outcome_all_factor)
    stop(gettextf("Mixed multi-outcome type '%s' is not supported", unique(purrr::map_chr(outcome_ptype, ~class(.x)[[1]]))), call. = FALSE)

  if (is.null(type)) {
    if (outcome_all_factor)
      type <- "class"
    else if (outcome_all_numeric)
      type <- "numeric"
    else if (ncol(outcome_ptype) == 1)
      stop(gettextf("Unknown outcome type '%s'", class(outcome_ptype)), call. = FALSE)

  type <- rlang::arg_match(type, c("numeric", "prob", "class"))

  if (outcome_all_factor) {
    if (!type %in% c("prob", "class"))
      stop(gettextf("Outcome is factor and the prediction type is '%s'.", type), call. = FALSE)
  } else if (outcome_all_numeric) {
    if (type != "numeric")
      stop(gettextf("Outcome is numeric and the prediction type is '%s'.", type), call. = FALSE)


#' Check that Node object names are compliant
#' @param node the Node object, or a dataframe ready to be parsed by `data.tree::as.Node()`
#' @return node if it is compliant, else an Error with the column names to fix
#' @export
#' @examplesIf (require("data.tree") || require("dplyr"))
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(data.tree)
#' data(starwars)
#' starwars_tree <- starwars %>%
#'   mutate(pathString = paste("tree", species, homeworld, `name`, sep = "/"))
#' # pre as.Node() check
#' try(check_compliant_node(starwars_tree))
#' # post as.Node() check
#' check_compliant_node(as.Node(starwars_tree))
check_compliant_node <- function(node) {
  #  prevent reserved data.tree Node colnames and the level_1 ... level_n names used for coercion
  if (inherits(node, "Node")) {
    # Node has already lost its reserved colnames
    reserved_names <- paste0("level_", c(1:node$height))
    actual_names <- node$attributesAll
  } else if (inherits(node, "data.frame") && "pathString" %in% colnames(node)) {
    node_height <- max(stringr::str_count(node$pathString, "/"))
    reserved_names <- c(paste0("level_", c(1:node_height)), data.tree::NODE_RESERVED_NAMES_CONST)
    actual_names <- colnames(node)[!colnames(node) %in% "pathString"]
  } else {
    stop("The provided hierarchical object is not recognized with a valid format that can be checked", call. = FALSE)

  if (any(actual_names %in% reserved_names)) {
         gettextf("The attributes or colnames in the provided hierarchical object use the following reserved names : '%s'. Please change those names as they will lead to unexpected tabnet behavior.",
          paste(actual_names[actual_names %in% reserved_names], collapse = "', '")
         call. = FALSE)


#' Turn a Node object into predictor and outcome.
#' @param x Node object
#' @param drop_last_level TRUE unused
#' @return a named list of x and y, being respectively the predictor data-frame and the outcomes data-frame,
#'   as expected inputs for `hardhat::mold()` function.
#' @export
#' @examplesIf (require("data.tree") || require("dplyr"))
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(data.tree)
#' data(starwars)
#' starwars_tree <- starwars %>%
#'   mutate(pathString = paste("tree", species, homeworld, `name`, sep = "/")) %>%
#'   as.Node()
#' node_to_df(starwars_tree)$x %>% head()
#' node_to_df(starwars_tree)$y %>% head()
#' @importFrom dplyr last_col mutate mutate_if select starts_with where
node_to_df <- function(x, drop_last_level = TRUE) {
  # TODO get rid of all those import through base R equivalent
  xy_df <- data.tree::ToDataFrameTypeCol(x, x$attributesAll)
  x_df <- xy_df %>%
    select(-starts_with("level_")) %>%
    mutate_if(is.character, as.factor)
  y_df <- xy_df %>%
    select(starts_with("level_")) %>%
    # drop first (and all zero-variance) column
    select(where(~ nlevels(as.factor(.x)) > 1 )) %>%
    # TODO take the drop_last_level param into account
    # drop last level column
    select(-last_col()) %>%
    # TODO impute "NA" with parent through coalesce() via an option
    mutate_if(is.character, as.factor)
  return(list(x = x_df, y = y_df))

reload_model <- function(object) {
  con <- rawConnection(object)
  on.exit({close(con)}, add = TRUE)
  module <- torch::torch_load(con)

#' @export
print.tabnet_fit <- function(x, ...) {
  if (check_net_is_empty_ptr(x)) {
  } else {
#' @export
print.tabnet_pretrain <- print.tabnet_fit

#' Prune top layer(s) of a tabnet network
#' Prune `head_size` last layers of a tabnet network in order to
#'  use the pruned module as a sequential embedding module.
#' @param x nn_network to prune
#' @param head_size number of nn_layers to prune, should be less than 2
#' @return a tabnet network with the top nn_layer removed
#' @rdname nn_prune_head
#' @export
nn_prune_head.tabnet_fit <- function(x, head_size) {
  if (check_net_is_empty_ptr(x)) {
    net <- reload_model(x$serialized_net)
  } else {
    net <- x$fit$network
  # here we assemble nn_prune_head(x, 1) with nn_prune_head(x$tabnet, 1)
  x <- torch::nn_prune_head(net, 1)
  x$add_module(name= "tabnet", module=torch::nn_prune_head(net$tabnet,head_size=head_size))

#' @rdname nn_prune_head
#' @export
nn_prune_head.tabnet_pretrain <- function(x, head_size) {
  if (check_net_is_empty_ptr(x)) {
    torch::nn_prune_head(reload_model(x$serialized_net), head_size=head_size)
  } else {
    torch::nn_prune_head(x$fit$network, head_size=head_size)


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tabnet documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:22 a.m.