
Defines functions get_boldid_help get_boldid_ check_boldid make_boldid as.data.frame.boldid as.boldid.data.frame as.boldid.numeric as.boldid.list as.boldid.character as.boldid.boldid as.boldid get_boldid

Documented in as.boldid as.boldid.boldid as.boldid.character as.boldid.data.frame as.boldid.list as.boldid.numeric as.data.frame.boldid get_boldid get_boldid_

#' Get the BOLD (Barcode of Life) code for a search term.
#' @importFrom bold bold_tax_name bold_tax_id
#' @export
#' @param sci character; A vector of scientific names. Or,
#' a `taxon_state` object (see [taxon-state])
#' @param fuzzy (logical) Whether to use fuzzy search or not (default: FALSE).
#' @param dataTypes (character) Specifies the datatypes that will be returned.
#' See [bold_search()] for options.
#' @param includeTree (logical) If TRUE (default: FALSE), returns a list
#' containing information for parent taxa as well as the specified taxon.
#' @param ask logical; should get_tsn be run in interactive mode?
#' If TRUE and more than one TSN is found for teh species, the user is asked for
#' input. If FALSE NA is returned for multiple matches.
#' @param messages logical; should progress be printed?
#' @param x Input to [`as.boldid()`]
#' @param ... Curl options passed on to [`crul::verb-GET`]
#' @param rows numeric; Any number from 1 to infinity. If the default NA, all rows are
#' considered. Note that this function still only gives back a boldid class object with one
#' to many identifiers. See [get_boldid_()] to get back all, or a subset,
#' of the raw data that you are presented during the ask process.
#' @param division (character) A division (aka phylum) name. Optional. See `Filtering`
#' below.
#' @param parent (character) A parent name (i.e., the parent of the target search
#' taxon). Optional. See `Filtering` below.
#' @param rank (character) A taxonomic rank name. See [rank_ref] for possible
#' options. Though note that some data sources use atypical ranks, so inspect the
#' data itself for options. Optional. See `Filtering` below.
#' @param check logical; Check if ID matches any existing on the DB, only used in
#' [as.boldid()]
#' @param searchterm Deprecated, see `sci`
#' @template getreturn
#' @section Filtering:
#' The parameters `division`, `parent`, and `rank` are not used in the search to
#' the data provider, but are used in filtering the data down to a subset that
#' is closer to the target you want.  For all these parameters, you can use
#' regex strings since we use [grep()] internally to match. Filtering narrows
#' down to the set that matches your query, and removes the rest.
#' @family taxonomic-ids
#' @seealso [classification()]
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' get_boldid(sci = "Agapostemon")
#' get_boldid(sci = "Chironomus riparius")
#' get_boldid(c("Chironomus riparius","Quercus douglasii"))
#' splist <- names_list('species')
#' get_boldid(splist, messages=FALSE)
#' # Fuzzy searching
#' get_boldid(sci="Osmi", fuzzy=TRUE)
#' # Get back a subset
#' get_boldid(sci="Osmi", fuzzy=TRUE, rows = 1)
#' get_boldid(sci="Osmi", fuzzy=TRUE, rows = 1:10)
#' get_boldid(sci=c("Osmi","Aga"), fuzzy=TRUE, rows = 1)
#' get_boldid(sci=c("Osmi","Aga"), fuzzy=TRUE, rows = 1:3)
#' # found
#' get_boldid('Epicordulia princeps')
#' get_boldid('Arigomphus furcifer')
#' # When not found
#' get_boldid("howdy")
#' get_boldid(c("Chironomus riparius", "howdy"))
#' get_boldid("Cordulegaster erronea")
#' get_boldid("Nasiaeshna pentacantha")
#' # Narrow down results to a division or rank, or both
#' ## Satyrium example
#' ### Results w/o narrowing
#' get_boldid("Satyrium")
#' ### w/ phylum
#' get_boldid("Satyrium", division = "Plantae")
#' get_boldid("Satyrium", division = "Animalia")
#' ## Rank example
#' get_boldid("Osmia", fuzzy = TRUE)
#' get_boldid("Osmia", fuzzy = TRUE, rank = "genus")
#' # Fuzzy filter on any filtering fields
#' ## uses grep on the inside
#' get_boldid("Satyrium", division = "anim")
#' get_boldid("Aga", fuzzy = TRUE, parent = "*idae")
#' # Convert a boldid without class information to a boldid class
#' as.boldid(get_boldid("Agapostemon")) # already a boldid, returns the same
#' as.boldid(get_boldid(c("Agapostemon","Quercus douglasii"))) # same
#' as.boldid(1973) # numeric
#' as.boldid(c(1973,101009,98597)) # numeric vector, length > 1
#' as.boldid("1973") # character
#' as.boldid(c("1973","101009","98597")) # character vector, length > 1
#' as.boldid(list("1973","101009","98597")) # list, either numeric or character
#' ## dont check, much faster
#' as.boldid("1973", check=FALSE)
#' as.boldid(1973, check=FALSE)
#' as.boldid(c("1973","101009","98597"), check=FALSE)
#' as.boldid(list("1973","101009","98597"), check=FALSE)
#' (out <- as.boldid(c(1973,101009,98597)))
#' data.frame(out)
#' as.boldid( data.frame(out) )
#' # Get all data back
#' get_boldid_("Osmia", fuzzy=TRUE, rows=1:5)
#' get_boldid_("Osmia", fuzzy=TRUE, rows=1)
#' get_boldid_(c("Osmi","Aga"), fuzzy=TRUE, rows = 1:3)
#' }

get_boldid <- function(sci, fuzzy = FALSE, dataTypes = 'basic',
                       includeTree = FALSE, ask = TRUE, messages = TRUE,
                       rows = NA, rank = NULL, division = NULL,
                       parent = NULL, searchterm = NULL, ...) {

  assert(sci, c("character", "taxon_state"))
  assert(ask, "logical")
  assert(messages, "logical")
  assert(fuzzy, "logical")
  assert(dataTypes, "character")
  assert(includeTree, "logical")
  assert(rank, "character")
  assert(division, "character")
  assert(parent, "character")
  pchk(searchterm, "sci")

  if (inherits(sci, "character")) {
    tstate <- taxon_state$new(class = "boldid", names = sci)
    items <- sci
  } else {
    assert_state(sci, "boldid")
    tstate <- sci
    sci <- tstate$taxa_remaining()
    items <- c(sci, tstate$taxa_completed())

  prog <- progressor$new(items = items, suppress = !messages)
  done <- tstate$get()
  for (i in seq_along(done)) prog$completed(names(done)[i], done[[i]]$att)

  for (i in seq_along(sci)) {
    direct <- FALSE
    mssg(messages, "\nRetrieving data for taxon '", sci[i], "'\n")
    bold_df <- bold_search(sci = sci[i], fuzzy = fuzzy,
                           dataTypes = dataTypes,
                           includeTree = includeTree, ...)
    mm <- NROW(bold_df) > 1

    if (!is.data.frame(bold_df)) {
      boldid <- NA_character_
      att <- "not found"
    } else {
      if (all(names(bold_df) == "input")) {
        boldid <- NA_character_
        att <- "not found"
      } else {
        bold_df <- rename(bold_df, replace = c('parentname' = 'parent',
          'tax_rank' = 'rank', 'tax_division' = 'division'),
          warn_missing = FALSE
        cols <- c("taxid","taxon","rank","division","parentid","parent")
        to_add <- setdiff(cols, names(bold_df))
        if (length(to_add) > 0) {
          for (i in seq_along(to_add)) {
            bold_df <- cbind(bold_df, setNames(list(NA_character_), to_add[i]))

        bold_df <- bold_df[, c("taxid","taxon","rank","division","parentid","parent")]

        # should return NA if spec not found
        if (nrow(bold_df) == 0) {
          mssg(messages, m_not_found_sp_altclass)
          boldid <- NA_character_
          att <- 'not found'
        # take the one tsn from data.frame
        if (nrow(bold_df) == 1) {
          boldid <- bold_df$taxid
          att <- 'found'
        # check for direct match
        if (nrow(bold_df) > 1) {
          names(bold_df)[grep('taxon', names(bold_df))] <- "target"
          di_rect <- match(tolower(bold_df$target), tolower(sci[i]))
          if (length(di_rect) == 1) {
            if (!all(is.na(di_rect))) {
              boldid <- bold_df$taxid[!is.na(di_rect)]
              direct <- TRUE
              att <- 'found'
            } else {
              boldid <- NA_character_
              att <- 'not found'
          } else {
            direct <- FALSE
            boldid <- NA_character_
            att <- 'found'
        # multiple matches
        if (any(
          nrow(bold_df) > 1 && is.na(boldid) |
          nrow(bold_df) > 1 && att == "found" && length(boldid) > 1
        )) {
          names(bold_df)[grep('^taxon$', names(bold_df))] <- "target"

          if (!is.null(division) || !is.null(parent) || !is.null(rank)) {
            bold_df <- filt(bold_df, "division", division)
            bold_df <- filt(bold_df, "parent", parent)
            bold_df <- filt(bold_df, "rank", rank)

            if (NROW(bold_df) == 0) {
              boldid <- NA_character_
              att <- 'not found'
              warning("filters 'division', 'parent', or 'rank' gave no records\n",
                "  check spelling or try a different filter value")

          if (NROW(bold_df) > 0) {
            bold_df <- sub_rows(bold_df, rows)
            boldid <- id <- bold_df$taxid
            if (length(id) == 1) {
              direct <- TRUE
              att <- "found"

          if (ask) {
            # user prompt
            if (NROW(bold_df) > 0) {
              bold_df <- bold_df[order(bold_df$target), ]
              rownames(bold_df) <- 1:nrow(bold_df)
            if (length(boldid) > 1 || NROW(bold_df) > 1) {
              # prompt
              message("\nMore than one TSN found for taxon '", sci[i], "'!\n
            Enter rownumber of taxon (other inputs will return 'NA'):\n") # prompt
              take <- scan(n = 1, quiet = TRUE, what = 'raw')

              if (length(take) == 0)
                take <- 'notake'
              if (take %in% seq_len(nrow(bold_df))) {
                take <- as.numeric(take)
                message("Input accepted, took taxon '",
                  as.character(bold_df$target[take]), "'.\n")
                boldid <-  bold_df$taxid[take]
                att <- "found"
              } else {
                boldid <- NA_character_
                mssg(messages, "\nReturned 'NA'!\n\n")
                att <- "not found"
          } else {
            if (length(boldid) == 1) {
              att <- "found"
            } else {
              warning(sprintf(m_more_than_one_found, "boldid", sci[i]),
                call. = FALSE)
              boldid <- NA_character_
              att <- m_na_ask_false
    res <- list(id = as.character(boldid), att = att, multiple = mm,
      direct = direct)
    prog$completed(sci[i], att)
    tstate$add(sci[i], res)
  out <- tstate$get()
  ids <- structure(as.character(unlist(pluck(out, "id"))), class = "boldid",
                   match = pluck_un(out, "att", ""),
                   multiple_matches = pluck_un(out, "multiple", logical(1)),
                   pattern_match = pluck_un(out, "direct", logical(1)))
  on.exit(prog$prog_summary(), add = TRUE)
  on.exit(tstate$exit, add = TRUE)
  add_uri(ids, get_url_templates$bold)

#' @export
#' @rdname get_boldid
as.boldid <- function(x, check=TRUE) UseMethod("as.boldid")

#' @export
#' @rdname get_boldid
as.boldid.boldid <- function(x, check=TRUE) x

#' @export
#' @rdname get_boldid
as.boldid.character <- function(x, check=TRUE) {
  if (length(x) == 1)
    make_boldid(x, check)
    collapse(x, make_boldid, "boldid", check=check)

#' @export
#' @rdname get_boldid
as.boldid.list <- function(x, check=TRUE) {
  if (length(x) == 1)
    make_boldid(x, check)
    collapse(x, make_boldid, "boldid", check=check)

#' @export
#' @rdname get_boldid
as.boldid.numeric <- function(x, check=TRUE) as.boldid(as.character(x), check)

#' @export
#' @rdname get_boldid
as.boldid.data.frame <- function(x, check=TRUE) {
  structure(x$ids, class="boldid", match=x$match,
            multiple_matches = x$multiple_matches,
            pattern_match = x$pattern_match, uri=x$uri)

#' @export
#' @rdname get_boldid
as.data.frame.boldid <- function(x, ...){
  data.frame(ids = as.character(unclass(x)),
             class = "boldid",
             match = attr(x, "match"),
             multiple_matches = attr(x, "multiple_matches"),
             pattern_match = attr(x, "pattern_match"),
             uri = attr(x, "uri"),
             stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

make_boldid <- function(x, check=TRUE) {
    "boldid", check)

check_boldid <- function(x){

  if(!requireNamespace("bold", quietly = TRUE))
      stop("package 'bold' is reauireed but not available")

  tryid <- bold_tax_id(x)
  !identical("noresults", names(tryid)[2])

#' @export
#' @rdname get_boldid
get_boldid_ <- function(sci, messages = TRUE, fuzzy = FALSE,
  dataTypes='basic', includeTree=FALSE, rows = NA, searchterm = NULL, ...) {

  pchk(searchterm, "sci")
  stats::setNames(lapply(sci, get_boldid_help, messages = messages,
    fuzzy = fuzzy, dataTypes=dataTypes, includeTree=includeTree,
    rows = rows, ...), sci)

get_boldid_help <- function(sci, messages, fuzzy, dataTypes,
  includeTree, rows, ...){

  mssg(messages, "\nRetrieving data for taxon '", sci, "'\n")
  df <- bold_search(name = sci, fuzzy = fuzzy, dataTypes = dataTypes,
    includeTree = includeTree)
  if(NROW(df) == 0) NULL else sub_rows(df, rows)

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taxize documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:13 p.m.