acgnlsobj | AC GNLS Objective Function |
acy | Activity Concentration y |
bmdbounds | BMD Bounds |
bmdobj | BMD Objective Function |
cnst | Constant Model |
concRespCore | Concentration Response Core |
concRespPlot | Concentration Response Plot |
concRespPlot2 | Concentration Response Plot - ggplot2 |
exp2 | Exponential 2 Model |
exp3 | Exponential 3 Model |
exp4 | Exponential 4 Model |
exp5 | Exponential 5 Model |
fitcnst | Constant Model Fit |
fitexp2 | Exponential 2 Model Fit |
fitexp3 | Exponential 3 Model Fit |
fitexp4 | Exponential 4 Model Fit |
fitexp5 | Exponential 5 Model Fit |
fitgnls | Gain-Loss Model Fit |
fithill | Hill Model Fit |
fitpoly1 | Polynomial 1 (Linear) Model Fit |
fitpoly2 | Polynomial 2 (Quadratic) Model Fit |
fitpow | Power Model Fit |
get_AUC | Calculate Area Under the Curve (AUC) |
gnls | Gain-Loss Model |
gnlsderivobj | GNLS Derivative Objective Function |
hillfn | Hill Model |
hitcont | Continuous Hitcalls |
hitcontinner | Continuous Hitcalls Inner |
hitlogic | Hit Logic (Discrete) |
hitloginner | Hit Logic Inner (Discrete) |
loggnls | Log Gain-Loss Model |
loghill | Log Hill Model |
mc0 | Sample multi-concentration data set from invitrodb |
mc3 | Sample concentration-response data set from invitrodb |
nestselect | Nest Select |
plot_allcurves | Plot All Curves Fit with tcplfit2_core - ggplot2 |
poly1 | Polynomial 1 Model |
poly2 | Polynomial 2 Model |
poly2bmds | Polynomial 2 Model (BMDS) |
post_hit_AUC | Calculate Area Under the Curve After Hit-calling |
pow | Power Model |
signatures | Sample concentration-response data set from HTTR |
tcplfit2_core | Concentration-response curve fitting |
tcplhit2_core | Hitcalling Function |
tcplObj | Concentration Response Objective Function |
toplikelihood | Top Likelihood |
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