View source: R/tcplhit2_core.R
tcplhit2_core | R Documentation |
Core of hitcalling function. This method chooses the winning model from tcplfit2_core, extracts the top and ac50, computes the hitcall, and calculates bmd/bmdl/bmdu among other statistics. Nested model selection is used to choose between poly1/poly2, then the model with the lowest AIC (or AICc) is declared the winner. Continuous hitcalls requires tcplfit2_core to be run with = TRUE and "cnst" never to be chosen as the winner.
bmr_scale = 1.349,
bmed = 0,
conthits = TRUE,
aicc = FALSE,
identifiers = NULL,
bmd_low_bnd = NULL,
bmd_up_bnd = NULL,
poly2.biphasic = TRUE
params |
The output from tcplfit2_core |
conc |
list of concentrations (not in log units) |
resp |
list of corresponding responses |
cutoff |
noise cutoff |
onesd |
1 standard deviation of the noise (for bmd calculation) |
bmr_scale |
bmr scaling factor. Default = 1.349 |
bmed |
median of noise estimate. Default 0 |
conthits |
conthits = TRUE uses continuous hitcalls, otherwise they're discrete. Default TRUE |
aicc |
aicc = TRUE uses corrected AIC to choose winning method; otherwise regular AIC. Default FALSE |
identifiers |
A one-row data frame containing identifiers of the concentration-response profile, such as the chemical name or other identifiers, and any assay identifiers. The column names identify the type of value. This can be NULL. The values will be included in the output summary data frame |
bmd_low_bnd |
Multiplier for bmd lower bound, must be between 0 and 1 (excluding 0). A value of 0.1 would require the bmd is no lower than a of 1/10th of the lowest tested concentration (i.e. lower threshold). If the bmd is less than the threshold, the bmd and its confidence interval will be censored and shifted right. |
bmd_up_bnd |
Multiplier for the bmd upper bound, must be greater than or equal to 1. A value of 10 would require the bmd is no larger than 10 times the highest tested concentration (i.e. upper threshold). If the bmd is greater than the threshold, the bmd and its confidence interval will be censored and shifted left. |
poly2.biphasic |
If poly2.biphasic = TRUE, allows for biphasic polynomial 2 model fits (i.e. both monotonic and non-monotonic). (Defaults to TRUE.) |
A list of with the detailed results from all of the different model fits. The elements of summary are:
any elements of the identifiers input
n_gt_cutoff - number of data points above the cutoff
cutoff - noise cutoff
fit_method - curve fit method
top_over_cutoff - top divided by cutoff
rmse - RMSE of the data points around the best model curve
a - fitting parameter methods: exp2, exp3, poly1, poly2, pow
b - fitting parameter methods: exp2, exp3, ploy2
p - fitting parameter methods: exp3, exp5, gnls, hill, pow
q - fitting parameter methods: gnls,
tp - top of the curve
ga - ac50 for the rising curve in a gnls model or the Hill model
la - ac50 for the falling curve in a gnls model
er - fitted error term for plotting error bars
bmr - benchmark response; level at which bmd is calculated = onesd*bmr_scale default bmr_scale is 1.349
bmd - benchmark dose, curve value at bmr
bmdl - lower limit on the bmd
bmdu - upper limit on the bmd
caikwt - one factor used in calculating the continuous hitcall. It is calcalated from the formula = exp(-aic(cnst)/2)/(exp(-aic(cnst)/2) + exp(-aic(fit_method)/2)) and measures how much lower the selected method AIC is than that for the constant model
mll - another factor used in calcualting the continuous hitcall = length(modpars) - aic(fit_method)/2
hitcall - the final hitcall, a value ranging from 0 to 1
top - curve top
ac50 - curve value at 50% of top, curve value at cutoff
lc50 - curve value at 50% of top corresponding to the loss side of the gain-loss curve
ac5 - curve value at 5% of top
ac10 - curve value at 10% of top
ac20 - curve value at 20% of top
acc - curve value at cutoff
ac1sd - curve value at 1 standard deviation
conc - conc string separated by |'s
resp - response string separated by |'s
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