concRespPlot: Concentration Response Plot

View source: R/concRespPlot.R

concRespPlotR Documentation

Concentration Response Plot


Plots a concentration response curve for one sample/endpoint combination. This is a generic function and it is expected that users will make their own versions


concRespPlot(row, ymin = -120, ymax = 120, draw.error.arrows = FALSE)



Named list containing:

  • conc - conc string separated by |'s

  • resp - response string separated by |'s

  • method - scoring method determines plot bounds

  • name - chemical name for plot title

  • cutoff - noise cutoff

  • bmr - baseline median response; level at which bmd is calculated

  • er - fitted error term for plotting error bars

  • a, tp, b, ga, p, la, q - other model parameters for fit curve

  • fit_method - curve fit method

  • bmd, bmdl, bmdu - bmd, bmd lower bound, and bmd upper bound

  • ac50, acc - curve value at 50% of top, curve value at cutoff

  • top - curve top

  • name - name of the chemical

  • assay - name of the assay, signature, or other endpoint

  • other identifiers

Other elements are ignored.


Minimum value of response for the plot


Maximum value of response for the plot


If TRUE, draw lines representing the uncertainty in the response estimate, instead of the actual response points


row is one row of data from concRespCore


No output.


conc <- list(.03, .1, .3, 1, 3, 10, 30, 100)
resp <- list(0, .2, .1, .4, .7, .9, .6, 1.2)
row <- list(conc = conc,
            resp = resp,
            bmed = 0,
            cutoff = 0.25,
            onesd = 0.125,
            name = "some chemical",
            assay = "some assay")
res <- concRespCore(row, conthits = TRUE)

tcplfit2 documentation built on Sept. 24, 2024, 1:07 a.m.