
Defines functions concRespPlot

Documented in concRespPlot

#' Concentration Response Plot
#' Plots a concentration response curve for one sample/endpoint combination.
#' This is a generic function and it is expected that users will make their own versions
#' row is one row of data from concRespCore
#' @param row Named list containing:
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item conc - conc string separated by |'s
#'     \item resp - response string separated by |'s
#'     \item method - scoring method determines plot bounds
#'     \item name - chemical name for plot title
#'     \item cutoff - noise cutoff
#'     \item bmr - baseline median response; level at which bmd is calculated
#'     \item er - fitted error term for plotting error bars
#'     \item a, tp, b, ga, p, la, q - other model parameters for fit curve
#'     \item fit_method - curve fit method
#'     \item bmd, bmdl, bmdu - bmd, bmd lower bound, and bmd upper bound
#'     \item ac50, acc - curve value at 50\% of top, curve value at cutoff
#'     \item top - curve top
#'     \item name - name of the chemical
#'     \item assay - name of the assay, signature, or other endpoint
#'     \item other identifiers
#'   }
#'   Other elements are ignored.
#' @param ymin Minimum value of response for the plot
#' @param ymax Maximum value of response for the plot
#' @param draw.error.arrows If TRUE, draw lines representing the uncertainty in the response estimate,
#'   instead of the actual response points
#' @return No output.
#' @export
#' @import stringr
#' @import grDevices
#' @importFrom stats qt
#' @examples
#' conc <- list(.03, .1, .3, 1, 3, 10, 30, 100)
#' resp <- list(0, .2, .1, .4, .7, .9, .6, 1.2)
#' row <- list(conc = conc,
#'             resp = resp,
#'             bmed = 0,
#'             cutoff = 0.25,
#'             onesd = 0.125,
#'             name = "some chemical",
#'             assay = "some assay")
#' res <- concRespCore(row, conthits = TRUE)
#' concRespPlot(res,ymin=-2.5,ymax=2.,5)
concRespPlot <- function(row,ymin=-120,ymax=120,draw.error.arrows=FALSE) {

  #every variable in row goes into the environment to make it easy
  #to update this function to use new row data.
  list2env(row,envir = environment())
  name <- unlist(name)
  assay <- unlist(assay)
  cutoff <- unlist(cutoff)
  bmr <- unlist(bmr)
  er <- unlist(er)
  fit_method <- unlist(fit_method)
  ac50 <- unlist(ac50)
  top <- unlist(top)
  bmd <- unlist(bmd)
  acc <- unlist(acc)
  hitcall <- unlist(hitcall)
  bmdl <- unlist(bmdl)
  bmdu <- unlist(bmdu)

  #hard-code plotting points for curves
  logc_plot <- seq(from=-3,to=2,by=0.05)
  conc_plot <- 10**logc_plot

  #reformat conc and resp as vectors
  conc <- as.numeric(str_split(row[1,"conc"],"\\|")[[1]])
  resp <- as.numeric(str_split(row[1,"resp"],"\\|")[[1]])

  #some deprecated code; later will use j =1 and col.list[j] to mean black
  col.list <- c("black","cyan","red")

  #empty plot to start with
  plotrange = c(0.001,100)
  plot(c(1,1),type="n",xlab="conc (uM)",ylab="Response",xlim=plotrange,ylim=c(ymin,ymax),

  #cutoffs and gray rectangular noise region

  #thick line at 0 and bmrs

  #height for top labels
  yplot <- ymax*0.95
  #equally spaced labelling points pegged to plotrange
  xplot = 10^(seq(log10(plotrange[1]), log10(plotrange[2]), length.out = 8))[-8]

  #Top label headings

  j = 1 #j = 1 is black
  conc <- conc[!is.na(resp)]
  resp <- resp[!is.na(resp)]

  #draw error bars according to er, using 95% confidence for t-dist w/ four df
  if(!is.na(er) && draw.error.arrows){
    arrows(conc, resp+exp(er)*qt(.025,4), conc, resp+exp(er)*qt(.975,4), length = .05, angle = 90, code = 3)
  else points(conc, resp, pch=21,bg="black")

  #get model parameters
  parnames = c("a", "tp", "b", "ga", "p", "la", "q")
  modpars = as.list(row[,parnames])
  modpars= modpars[!sapply(modpars, is.na)]

  #gcalculate and plot model curves
  if(fit_method == "hill"){
    resp_plot <- do.call("hillfn",list(ps = unlist(modpars), x = conc_plot))
  } else if(!fit_method %in% c("cnst","none") ){
    resp_plot <- do.call(fit_method,list(ps = unlist(modpars), x = conc_plot))

  yplot <- yplot-(ymax-ymin)*0.05 #second row for top labels

  #Fill in top labels second row
  text(xplot[2],yplot,format(ac50,digits=2),pos=4, col = "red")
  text(xplot[4],yplot,format(bmd,digits=2),pos=4, col = "green")
  text(xplot[5],yplot,format(acc,digits=2),pos=4, col = "blue")

  #color hitcall based on whether it's a hit
  color <- "black"
  font <- 1
  if(hitcall==1) {
    color <- "red"
    font <- 2
  text(xplot[6],yplot,format(hitcall, digits = 2),pos=4,col=color,cex=1,font=font)

  #plot green bmd with range
  if(hitcall>0) {
    lines(c(bmd,bmd),c(ymin/2,ymax/2),col="green",lwd=2, lty = isTRUE(bmd<min(conc)) + 1)
    if(is.na(bmdl)) xleft = plotrange[1]/10 else xleft = bmdl
    if(is.na(bmdu)) xright = plotrange[2]*10 else xright = bmdu

    rect(xleft=xleft,ybottom=ymin/2,xright=xright,ytop=ymax/2,col=rgb(0,1,0, alpha = .5), border = NA)

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tcplfit2 documentation built on Oct. 11, 2023, 1:07 a.m.