signatures: Sample concentration-response data set from HTTR

signaturesR Documentation

Sample concentration-response data set from HTTR


A data set containing 6 of the active transcriptional signatures after perturbation of MCF7 cells with Clomiphene citrate (1:1).




An object of class data.frame with 6 rows and 8 columns.


A data frame with 6 rows and 8 variables:

  • sample_id - experimental sample ID

  • dtxsid - DSSTox generic substance ID

  • name - chemical name

  • signature - transcriptional signature name

  • cutoff - the 95% confidence interval from the baseline response (2 lowest concentrations)

  • onesd - one standard deviation of the baseline response

  • conc - experimental concentrations, micromolar (uM)

  • resp - transcriptional signature response for each experimental concentrations, ssGSEA score




Joshua A. Harrill, Logan J. Everett, Derik E. Haggard, Thomas Sheffield, Joseph L. Bundy, Clinton M. Willis, Russell S. Thomas, Imran Shah, Richard S. Judson, High-Throughput Transcriptomics Platform for Screening Environmental Chemicals, Toxicological Sciences, Volume 181, Issue 1, May 2021, Pages 68 - 89,

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