mc0: Sample multi-concentration data set from invitrodb

mc0R Documentation

Sample multi-concentration data set from invitrodb


A data set containing 1831 chemicals worth of data for the ACEA_AR assay, Data from the assay component ACEA_AR_agonist_80hr was analyzed in the positive analysis fitting direction relative to DMSO as the neutral control and baseline of activity. The data can be accessed further through invitrodb and tcpl see




An object of class data.table (inherits from data.frame) with 53608 rows and 13 columns.


This data is extracted from the released version of the ToxCast database, invitrodb, at level 0 (mc0) and contains the concentration-response information.

A data frame with 53608 rows and 13 variables:

  • m0id - Level 0 id

  • spid - Sample id

  • acid - Unique assay component id; unique numeric id for each assay component

  • apid - Assay plate id

  • rowi - Row index (location on assay plate)

  • coli - Column index (location on assay plate)

  • wllt - Well type

  • wllq - well quality

  • conc - concentration

  • rval - raw value

  • srcf - Source file name

  • clowder_uid - clowder unique id for source files

  • git_hash - hash key for pre-processing scripts



tcplfit2 documentation built on Sept. 24, 2024, 1:07 a.m.