Man pages for tern
Create Common TLGs Used in Clinical Trials

abnormalPatient counts with abnormal range values
abnormal_by_baselinePatient counts with abnormal range values by baseline status
abnormal_by_markedCount patients with marked laboratory abnormalities
abnormal_by_worst_gradePatient counts with the most extreme post-baseline toxicity...
abnormal_by_worst_grade_worsenPatient counts for laboratory events (worsen from baseline)...
add_riskdiffSplit function to configure risk difference column
add_rowcountsLayout-creating function to add row total counts
aesi_labelLabels for adverse event baskets
afun_riskdiffAnalysis function to calculate risk difference column values
afun_selected_statsGet selected statistics names
analyze_colvars_functionsAnalyze functions on columns
analyze_functionsAnalyze functions
analyze_variablesAnalyze variables
analyze_vars_in_colsSummarize numeric variables in columns
append_varlabelsAdd variable labels to top left corner in table
apply_auto_formattingApply automatic formatting
argument_conventionStandard arguments
arrange_grobsArrange multiple grobs
as_factor_keep_attributesConversion of a vector to a factor
as.rtableConvert to 'rtable'
assertionsAdditional assertions to use with 'checkmate'
bins_percent_labelsLabels for bins in percent
bland_altmanBland-Altman analysis
cfun_by_flagConstructor for content functions given a data frame with...
check_diff_prop_ciCheck proportion difference arguments
check_same_nCheck element dimension
c_label_nContent row function to add row total to labels
c_label_n_altContent row function to add 'alt_counts_df' row total to...
combination_functionClass for 'CombinationFunction'
combine_countsCombine counts
combine_groupsReference and treatment group combination
combine_levelsCombine factor levels
combine_vectorsElement-wise combination of two vectors
compare_variablesCompare variables between groups
control_analyze_varsControl function for descriptive statistics
control_annotControl functions for Kaplan-Meier plot annotation tables
control_coxphControl function for Cox-PH model
control_coxregControl function for Cox regression
control_incidence_rateControl function for incidence rate
control_lineplot_varsControl function for 'g_lineplot()'
control_logisticControl function for logistic regression model fitting
control_stepControl function for subgroup treatment effect pattern (STEP)...
control_surv_timeControl function for 'survfit' models for survival time
control_surv_timepointControl function for 'survfit' models for patients' survival...
count_cumulativeCumulative counts with thresholds
count_missed_dosesCount missed doses
count_occurrencesOccurrence counts
count_occurrences_by_gradeOccurrence counts by grade
count_patients_events_in_colsCount patients and events in columns
count_patients_with_eventCount the number of patients with a particular event
count_patients_with_flagsCount the number of patients with particular flags
count_values_funsCount specific values
cox_regressionCox proportional hazards regression
cox_regression_interCox regression helper function for interactions
cut_quantile_binsCut numeric vector into empirical quantile bins
day2monthConversion of days to months
d_count_abnormal_by_baselineDescription function for 's_count_abnormal_by_baseline()'
d_count_cumulativeDescription of cumulative count
d_count_missed_dosesDescription function that calculates labels for...
decorate_grobAdd titles, footnotes, page Number, and a bounding box to a...
decorate_grob_factoryUpdate page number
decorate_grob_setDecorate set of 'grob's and add page numbering
default_na_strDefault string replacement for 'NA' values
default_stats_formats_labelsGet default statistical methods and their associated formats,...
desctools_binomConfidence intervals for a difference of binomials
df2ggConvert 'data.frame' object to 'ggplot' object
df_explicit_naEncode categorical missing values in a data frame
d_onco_rsp_labelDescription of standard oncology response
dot-is_equal_floatUtility function to check if a float value is equal to...
d_pkparamGenerate PK reference dataset
d_proportionDescription of the proportion summary
d_proportion_diffDescription of method used for proportion comparison
draw_grobDraw 'grob'
d_rsp_subgroups_colvarsLabels for column variables in binary response by subgroup...
d_survival_subgroups_colvarsLabels for column variables in survival duration by subgroup...
d_test_proportion_diffDescription of the difference test between two proportions
empty_vector_if_naReturn an empty numeric if all elements are 'NA'.
estimate_coefHazard ratio estimation in interactions
estimate_multinomial_rspEstimation of proportions per level of factor
estimate_proportionsEstimation of proportions
ex_dataSimulated CDISC data for examples
explicit_naMissing data
extract_by_nameExtract elements by name
extract_rsp_biomarkersPrepare response data estimates for multiple biomarkers in a...
extract_rsp_subgroupsPrepare response data for population subgroups in data frames
extract_survival_biomarkersPrepare survival data estimates for multiple biomarkers in a...
extract_survival_subgroupsPrepare survival data for population subgroups in data frames
extreme_formatFormat extreme values
f_conf_levelUtility function to create label for confidence interval
fct_collapse_onlyCollapse factor levels and keep only those new group levels
fct_discardDiscard specified levels of a factor
fct_explicit_na_ifInsertion of explicit missing values in a factor
fit_coxregFitting functions for Cox proportional hazards regression
fit_logisticFit for logistic regression
fit_rsp_stepSubgroup treatment effect pattern (STEP) fit for binary...
fit_survival_stepSubgroup treatment effect pattern (STEP) fit for survival...
forest_viewportCreate a viewport tree for the forest plot
format_autoFormat automatically using data significant digits
format_count_fractionFormat count and fraction
format_count_fraction_fixed_dpFormat count and percentage with fixed single decimal place
format_count_fraction_lt10Format count and fraction with special case for count < 10
format_extreme_valuesFormat a single extreme value
format_extreme_values_ciFormat extreme values part of a confidence interval
format_fractionFormat fraction and percentage
format_fraction_fixed_dpFormat fraction and percentage with fixed single decimal...
format_fraction_thresholdFormat fraction with lower threshold
format_sigfigFormat numeric values by significant figures
formatting_functionsFormatting functions
format_xxFormat XX as a formatting function
f_pvalUtility function to create label for p-value
get_covariatesUtility function to return a named list of covariate names
get_smoothsSmooth function with optional grouping
g_forestCreate a forest plot from an 'rtable'
g_ippIndividual patient plots
g_kmKaplan-Meier plot
g_lineplotLine plot with optional table
groups_list_to_dfConvert list of groups to a data frame
g_stepCreate a STEP graph
g_waterfallHorizontal waterfall plot
h_adlb_abnormal_by_worst_gradeHelper function to prepare ADLB for...
h_adlb_worsenHelper function to prepare ADLB with worst labs
h_adsl_adlb_merge_using_worst_flagHelper function for deriving analysis datasets for select...
h_ancovaHelper function to return results of a linear model
h_append_grade_groupsHelper function for 's_count_occurrences_by_grade()'
h_col_indicesObtain column indices
h_count_cumulativeHelper function for 's_count_cumulative()'
h_cox_regressionHelper functions for Cox proportional hazards regression
h_data_plotHelper function to tidy survival fit data
h_decompose_gg'ggplot' decomposition
h_format_rowHelper function to format the optional 'g_lineplot' table
h_ggkmHelper function to create a KM plot
h_g_ippHelper function to create simple line plot over time
h_glm_countHelper functions for Poisson models
h_grob_coxphHelper function to create Cox-PH grobs
h_grob_median_survHelper function to create survival estimation grobs
h_grob_tbl_at_riskHelper function to create patient-at-risk grobs
h_grob_y_annotHelper function to create grid object with y-axis annotation
h_incidence_rateHelper functions for incidence rate
h_km_layoutHelper function to prepare a KM layout
h_logistic_regressionHelper functions for multivariate logistic regression
h_map_for_count_abnormalHelper function to create a map data frame for...
h_odds_ratioHelper functions for odds ratio estimation
h_pkparam_sortSort pharmacokinetic data by 'PARAM' variable
h_prop_diffHelper functions to calculate proportion difference
h_prop_diff_testHelper functions to test proportion differences
h_proportionsHelper functions for calculating proportion confidence...
h_response_biomarkers_subgroupsHelper functions for tabulating biomarker effects on binary...
h_response_subgroupsHelper functions for tabulating binary response by subgroup
h_split_by_subgroupsSplit data frame by subgroups
h_split_paramSplit parameters
h_stack_by_basketsHelper function to create a new SMQ variable in ADAE by...
h_stepHelper functions for subgroup treatment effect pattern (STEP)...
h_survival_biomarkers_subgroupsHelper functions for tabulating biomarker effects on survival...
h_survival_duration_subgroupsHelper functions for tabulating survival duration by subgroup
h_tab_one_biomarkerHelper function for tabulation of a single biomarker result
h_tbl_coxph_pairwiseHelper function for generating a pairwise Cox-PH table
h_tbl_median_survHelper function for survival estimations
h_worsen_counterHelper function to analyze patients for...
h_xticksHelper function to calculate x-tick positions
imputation_ruleApply 1/3 or 1/2 imputation rule to data
incidence_rateIncidence rate
labels_or_namesLabels or names of list elements
labels_use_controlUpdate labels according to control specifications
logistic_regression_colsLogistic regression multivariate column layout function
logistic_summary_by_flagLogistic regression summary table
make_namesMake names without dots
month2dayConversion of months to days
muffled_car_anovaMuffled 'car::Anova'
n_availableNumber of available (non-missing entries) in a vector
odds_ratioOdds ratio estimation
prop_diffProportion difference
prop_diff_testDifference test for two proportions
prune_occurrencesOccurrence table pruning
range_noinfRe-implemented 'range()' default S3 method for numerical...
reapply_varlabelsReapply variable labels
response_biomarkers_subgroupsTabulate biomarker effects on binary response by subgroup
response_subgroupsTabulate binary response by subgroup
rtable2ggConvert 'rtable' objects to 'ggplot' objects
rtables_accessHelper functions for accessing information from 'rtables'
sas_naConvert strings to 'NA'
score_occurrencesOccurrence table sorting
s_cox_multivariateMultivariate Cox model - summarized results
split_cols_by_groupsSplit columns by groups of levels
split_text_grobSplit text according to available text width
stack_grobsStack multiple grobs
stat_mean_ciConfidence interval for mean
stat_mean_pvalp-Value of the mean
stat_median_ciConfidence interval for median
stat_propdiff_ciProportion difference and confidence interval
strata_normal_quantileHelper function for the estimation of stratified quantiles
study_armIndicate study arm variable in formula
summarize_ancovaSummary for analysis of covariance (ANCOVA).
summarize_changeSummarize the change from baseline or absolute baseline...
summarize_colvarsSummarize variables in columns
summarize_functionsSummarize functions
summarize_glm_countSummarize Poisson negative binomial regression
summarize_logisticMultivariate logistic regression table
summarize_num_patientsNumber of patients
summarize_patients_exposure_in_colsCount patients and sum exposure across all patients in...
survival_biomarkers_subgroupsTabulate biomarker effects on survival by subgroup
survival_coxph_pairwisePairwise Cox-PH model
survival_duration_subgroupsTabulate survival duration by subgroup
survival_timeSurvival time analysis
survival_timepointSurvival time point analysis
tern-packagetern Package
tidy_coxregCustom tidy methods for Cox regression
tidy.glmCustom tidy method for binomial GLM results
tidy.stepCustom tidy method for STEP results
to_nReplicate entries of a vector if required
to_string_matrixConvert table into matrix of strings
try_car_anova'tryCatch' around 'car::Anova'
ungroup_statsUngroup non-numeric statistics
univariateUnivariate formula special term
unlist_and_blank_naBlank for missing input
update_weights_strat_wilsonHelper function for the estimation of weights for...
utils_split_funsCustom split functions
tern documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:25 a.m.