
Defines functions plotRLevm plot.rl.evmOpt getPlotRLdata

Documented in plot.rl.evmOpt

plotrl.evmOpt <- # intended as a diagnostic for an evm fitted with no covariates. Called by plot.evm
function(object, alpha = .050,
         xlab, ylab, main,
         pch= 1, ptcol =2 , cex=.75, linecol = 4 ,
         cicol = 0, polycol = 15, smooth = FALSE, RetPeriodRange=NULL ){

    wh <- sapply(object$data$D, ncol)
    if (any(wh > 1)){
      stop("use plot method for object returned by predict.evmOpt to see rl plots if covariates in model")
    if (missing(xlab) || is.null(xlab)) { xlab <- "Return period" }
    if (missing(ylab) || is.null(ylab)) { ylab <- "Return level" }
    if (missing(main) || is.null(main)) { main <- "Return Level Plot" }

    wh <- getPlotRLdata(object, alpha, RetPeriodRange)

    plotRLevm(wh$m[wh$plotX], wh$xm[wh$plotX,],
              polycol, cicol, linecol, ptcol,
              wh$n, wh$xdat, pch, smooth, xlab, ylab, main,
              xrange=wh$xrange, yrange=wh$yrange)

    invisible(list(m=wh$m, xm=wh$xm))

getPlotRLdata <- function(object, alpha, RetPeriodRange){
    xdat <- object$data$y
    n <- length(xdat) / object$rate # Number of obs prior to thresholding

      ran <- log10(RetPeriodRange)
      jj <- seq(ran[1],ran[2],by=0.1)
    } else {
      jj <- seq(log10(1/(1-1/n)), 2*log10(n),by=0.1)

    tol <- 0.00001 # to avoid div by zero in gev rl calc
    m <- unique(c(max(1/object$rate,1+tol), 10^jj)) / object$rate
    xm <- matrix(unlist(rl(object, M=m, ci.fit=TRUE, alpha=alpha)), ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)
    U <- object$threshold - abs(object$threshold/100)
    plotX <- xm[,1] > U

    xrange <- range(m)
    yrange <- range(c(xdat, range(xm[plotX,])))

    list(n=n, xdat=xdat, m=m, xm=xm, plotX=plotX, xrange=xrange, yrange=yrange)

#' @rdname rl
#' @param plot. Parameter for plot method, whether to produce plots.
#' @export
plot.rl.evmOpt <- function(x, # method for rl.(evmBoot or evmSim or evmOpt) object, which may have covariates.  Plots return level for each unique row in design matrix
         xlab, ylab, main,
         pch= 1, ptcol =2 , cex=.75, linecol = 4 ,
         cicol = 0, polycol = 15, smooth = FALSE, sameAxes=TRUE, type="median", ylim = NULL, plot.=TRUE, ...){

    Class <- class(x)
    x <- x$obj
    if (missing(xlab) || is.null(xlab)) { xlab <- "Return period" }
    if (missing(ylab) || is.null(ylab)) { ylab <- "Return level" }
    if (missing(main) || is.null(main)) {
      main <- "Return Level Plot"
      SetMain <- TRUE
    } else {
      if(length(main) == 1){
        SetMain <- TRUE
      } else {
        SetMain <- FALSE

    nm <- length(names(x))
    if(nm < 2) {
      stop("Need to have more than one value of M at which to plot return level curve")
    nd <- dim(x[[1]])[2]
    ncov <- length(unlist(x)) / (nm * nd)
    ValNames <- colnames(x[[1]])
    if(length(ValNames) == 1 |  length(grep("%",ValNames)) < 2){
      stop("Please use ci.fit=TRUE in call to predict, to calculate confidence intervals")

    if(!SetMain & length(main) != ncov){
      stop("main must be length 1 or number of unique covariates for prediction")

    if(Class == "rl.evmOpt"){
      if(any(colnames(x[[1]]) == "se.fit")){
        which <- colnames(x[[1]]) != "se.fit"
        nd <- nd-1
        ValNames <- ValNames[which]
        Unlist <- unlist(x)[rep(which,each=ncov)]
      } else {
        Unlist <- unlist(x)
    } else if(Class == "rl.evmSim" |Class == "rl.evmBoot"){
        if(casefold(type) == "median"){
          which <- substring(colnames(x[[1]]), nchar(colnames(x[[1]])) -3) != "Mean"
        } else if(casefold(type) == "mean") {
          which <- substring(colnames(x[[1]]), nchar(colnames(x[[1]])) -2) != "50%"
        } else {
          stop("type must be \"mean\" or \"median\" ")
        nd <- nd-1
        ValNames <- ValNames[which]
        Unlist <- unlist(x)[rep(which,each=ncov)]

    Array <- array(Unlist,c(ncov,nd,nm),dimnames=list(NULL,ValNames,names(x)))

    m <- as.numeric(substring(dimnames(Array)[[3]],first=3))

      covnames <- dimnames(Array)[[2]][-(1:3)]
    } else {
      covnames <- ""

            yrange <- ylim
        } else {
            yrange <- range(Array[,1:3,])#ifelse(is.null(ylim),,ylim)

    for(i in 1:ncov){
      xm <- t(Array[i,,])
      cov <- xm[1,-(1:3)]

        yrange <- range(xm[,1:3])

        if(length(covnames) == 1 && covnames != ""){
          Main <- paste(main,"\n", paste(covnames,"=",signif(cov,4),collapse=", "))
        } else {
          Main <- main
      } else {
        Main <- main[i]
        plotRLevm(m,xm,polycol = polycol,cicol=cicol,linecol=linecol,ptcol=ptcol,pch=pch,


#' @rdname rl
#' @export
plot.rl.evmSim <- plot.rl.evmOpt

#' @rdname rl
#' @export
plot.rl.evmBoot <- plot.rl.evmOpt

plotRLevm <- function(M,xm,polycol,cicol,linecol,ptcol,n,xdat,pch,smooth,xlab,ylab,main,xrange,yrange){
# worker function - called by plotrl.evmOpt, plot.rl.evmOpt, plot.rl.evmSim, plot.rl.evmBoot

    o <- order(M) # in case the return period are not in ascending order.
    M <- M[o]
    xm <- xm[o,]

    plot(M, xm[,1], log = "x", type = "n",
         xlim=xrange, ylim=yrange, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main)

      if (smooth) {
        splo <- spline(log(M), xm[,2], 200)
        sphi <- spline(log(M), xm[,3], 200)
        if ( polycol != 0 ) {
            polygon( exp(c( splo$x, rev( sphi$x ) )),
	                       c( splo$y, rev( sphi$y ) ),
                     col = polycol , border=FALSE)
         } # Close if (polycol
         lines( exp(splo$x), splo$y, col = cicol )
         lines( exp(sphi$x), sphi$y, col = cicol )
      } else{
        if (polycol != 0){
            polygon(c(M, rev( M)),
                    col=polycol, border = FALSE) # Close polygon
        } else {
            lines(M, xm[,2], col = cicol)
            lines(M, xm[,3], col = cicol)

      lines(M, xm[,1], col = linecol[ 1 ] )

    # Add observed data to the plot
    if(!missing(xdat) & !missing(n)){
      ly <- length(xdat)
      points(1 / (1 - ((n - ly + 1):n) / (n + 1)), sort(xdat), pch=pch, col=ptcol)

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