
Defines functions print.summary.evmOpt summary.evmOpt

#' @export
summary.evmOpt <- function(object, nsim = 1000, alpha = .050, ...){
  nc <- sapply(object$data$D, ncol)

  if (all(nc == 1)){
    env <- unclass(qqevm(object, nsim = nsim, alpha = alpha))
    env <- list(data=sort(env$dat), envelope=env$sim, Q=env$p)
  else {
    x <- object
    x$data$y <- object$residuals # Standard exponential if GPD model true
    x$threshold <- 0
    x$coefficients <- c(0, 0) # phi not sigma, so 0 not 1

    env <- unclass(qqevm(x, nsim=nsim, alpha=alpha))
    env <- list(data=sort(env$dat), envelope=env$sim, Q=env$p)

  co <- cbind(object$coefficients, object$se, object$coefficients / object$se)
  dimnames(co) <- list(names(coef(object)), c("Value", "SE", "t"))

  res <- list(model = object, coefficients=co, envelope = env,
              nsim = nsim, alpha = alpha)

  oldClass(res) <- "summary.evmOpt"

#' @export
print.summary.evmOpt <- function(x, digits = 3 , ...){
  oldX <- x
  co <- coef(x)
  env <- x$envelope
  nsim <- x$nsim
  alpha <- x$alpha

  x <- x$model

  cat("Call: ")
  print(x$call, ... )

  print(x$family, verbose=TRUE, ...)
  if (is.null(x$penalty) | x$penalty=="none"){
    cat("\nModel fit by maximum likelihood.\n")
  else {
    cat("\nModel fit by penalized maximum likelihood.\n")
  if (x$conv == 0) conv <- TRUE
  else conv <- FALSE
  cat( "\nConvergence:\t\t")

  if (x$rate < 1){
    cat( "\nThreshold:\t\t")
    cat(format(unname(x$threshold), digits=digits, ...))
    cat( "\nRate of excess:\t\t")
    cat(format(x$rate, digits=digits, ...))

  wh <- t(c(x$loglik, x$ploglik, AIC(x)))
  colnames(wh) <- c("Log lik.", "Penalized log lik.", "AIC")
  rownames(wh) <- ""
  print(wh, print.gap=2, quote=FALSE, justify="left")

  cat( "\n\nCoefficients:\n" )
  print.default(format(co, digits=digits, ...), print.gap=2, quote=FALSE)
  cat( "\n" )

  cat(paste(nsim, " simulated data sets compared against observed data QQ-plot.\n", sep = "" ))
  cat( "Quantile of the observed MSE: ", signif( env$Q, ... ), "\n")
  out <- sum(env$data < env$envelope[1, ] | env$data > env$envelope[2, ])
  level <- paste(round( 100 - alpha*100 , ...), "%", sep = "")
  perc <- round(out / length( env$data ) * 100, digits=digits, ...)
  perc <- paste(perc, "%", sep = "" )
  cat( paste( out, " observations (", perc, ") outside the ", level, " simulated envelope.\n" , sep=""))

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