
Defines functions rnw_generate_rmd create_article produce_html convert_to_native generate_rmd convert_to_markdown include_style_file

Documented in convert_to_markdown convert_to_native create_article generate_rmd include_style_file produce_html rnw_generate_rmd

#' @title Include Style file
#' @description
#' Includes the Metafix.sty style file
#' @param article_dir path to the directory which contains tex article
#' @details
#' This style file helps texor and pandoc to retain metadata and ease
#' the conversion process.
#' @return adds Metafix.sty file in the article_dir also includes it in RJwrapper file.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' article_dir <- system.file("examples/article",
#'                  package = "texor")
#' dir.create(your_article_folder <- file.path(tempdir(), "tempdir"))
#' x <- file.copy(from = article_dir, to = your_article_folder,recursive = TRUE,)
#' your_article_path <- paste(your_article_folder,"article",sep="/")
#' texor::include_style_file(your_article_path)
#' unlink(your_article_folder,recursive = TRUE)
include_style_file <- function(article_dir) {
    article_dir <- xfun::normalize_path(article_dir)
    # Remove the RJournal.sty file to the article directory
    rj_style_path <- paste0(article_dir,"/RJournal.sty")
    if (file.exists(rj_style_path)) {
    # Copy over the Metafix.sty file to the article directory
            system.file("extdata/Metafix.sty", package = "texor"),
    # Modify LaTeX source to include the \include(Metafix) line
    file_name <- get_wrapper_type(article_dir)
    wrapper_file_content <- readLines(file.path(article_dir, file_name))
    wrapper_path <- paste(article_dir, file_name, sep = "/")
    if (!identical(which(grepl("\\usepackage\\{Metafix\\}",wrapper_file_content)),integer(0))) {
    doc_start <- which(grepl("^\\s*\\\\begin\\{document\\}",
    before_doc_start <- wrapper_file_content[1:(doc_start - 1)]
    after_doc_start <- wrapper_file_content[doc_start:length(wrapper_file_content)]
    usepackage_metafix <- "\\usepackage{Metafix}"
    # Backup original wrapper file
    file.rename(wrapper_path, paste(wrapper_path, ".bk", sep = ""))
    # write to original wrapper file and save it as .new
            paste(wrapper_path, ".new", sep = ""))
    # remove .new from extension
    file.rename(paste(wrapper_path, ".new", sep = ""), wrapper_path)

#' @title convert LaTeX wrapper to markdown
#' @details
#' convert latex(wrapper) file to markdown
#' @param article_dir path to the directory which contains tex article
#' @param kable_tab converts to kable table instead of markdown tables
#' @param autonumber_eq whether to autonumber the equations, default is FALSE
#' @param fig_in_r whether to include figures in R code chunks, default is TRUE
#' @description
#' Uses pandoc along with several lua filters
#' found at inst/extdata/filters in texor package
#' @note  pandoc (along with lua interpreter) is already installed with
#'  R-studio, hence if not using R-studio you will need to install pandoc.
#'  https://pandoc.org/installing.html
#' @note Use pandoc version greater than or equal to 3.1
#' @note Kable tables will work for simple static data, any math / code /
#'  image within any table will send the package into fallback mode (normal
#'  markdown tables) for the rest of tables in the article.
#' @return creates a converted markdown file, as well as a pkg_meta.yaml file
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Note This is a minimal example to execute this function
#' article_dir <- system.file("examples/article",
#'                  package = "texor")
#' dir.create(your_article_folder <- file.path(tempdir(), "tempdir"))
#' x <- file.copy(from = article_dir, to = your_article_folder,recursive = TRUE,)
#' your_article_path <- paste(your_article_folder,"article",sep="/")
#' rmarkdown::pandoc_version()
#' texor::include_style_file(your_article_path)
#' rebib::aggregate_bibliography(your_article_path)
#' texor::convert_to_markdown(your_article_path)
#' unlink(your_article_folder,recursive = TRUE)
convert_to_markdown <- function(article_dir, kable_tab = TRUE, autonumber_eq = FALSE, fig_in_r = TRUE) {
    # wrapper file name
    article_dir <- xfun::normalize_path(article_dir)
    input_file <- get_wrapper_type(article_dir)
    # resource path for pandoc
    input_file_path <- paste(article_dir, input_file, sep = "/")
    abs_file_path <- dirname(input_file_path)
    # markdown equivalent filename
    md_file <- paste(toString(tools::file_path_sans_ext(input_file)),
                     ".md", sep = "")
    md_file_path <- paste(article_dir, md_file, sep = "/")
    # a filter to remove new para character from article abstract
    abs_filter <- system.file(
        "abs_filter.lua", package = "texor")
    # a filter to remove embedded bibliography (if any)
    bib_filter <- system.file(
        "bib_filter.lua", package = "texor")
    # a filter to add r language param
    code_block_filter <- system.file(
        "R_code.lua", package = "texor")
    # renames pdf images to png images (to be used with pdf_to_png())
    image_filter <- system.file(
        "image_filter.lua", package = "texor")
    # enables table numbering in captions
    table_filter <- system.file(
        "table_caption.lua", package = "texor")
    # enables figure numbering in captions
    figure_filter <- system.file(
        "image_caption.lua", package = "texor")
    stat_filter <- system.file(
        "conversion_compat_check.lua", package = "texor")
    equation_filter <- system.file(
        "equation_filter.lua", package = "texor")
    bookdown_ref_filter <- system.file(
        "bookdown_ref.lua", package = "texor")
    error_checker_filter <- system.file(
        "issue_checker.lua", package = "texor")
    wdtable_filter <- system.file(
        "widetable_patcher.lua", package = "texor")
    auto_num_eq <- system.file(
        "auto_number_equations.lua", package = "texor")
    fig_code_chunk <- system.file(
        "fig_code_chunk.lua", package = "texor")
    table_code_chunk <- system.file(
        "table_code_chunk.lua", package = "texor")
    sec_depth <- system.file("sec_depth.lua", package = "texor")
    pandoc_opt <- c("-s",
                    "--resource-path", abs_file_path,
                    "--lua-filter", error_checker_filter,
                    "--lua-filter", abs_filter,
                    "--lua-filter", bib_filter,
                    "--lua-filter", equation_filter,
                    "--lua-filter", image_filter,
                    "--lua-filter", sec_depth)
    if (fig_in_r) {
        pandoc_opt <- c(pandoc_opt, "--lua-filter", fig_code_chunk)
    } else {
        pandoc_opt <- c(pandoc_opt, "--lua-filter", figure_filter)

    pandoc_opt <- c(pandoc_opt,
                    "--lua-filter", wdtable_filter,
                    "--lua-filter", code_block_filter,
                    "--lua-filter", table_filter)

    if (autonumber_eq) {
        pandoc_opt <- c(pandoc_opt, "--lua-filter", auto_num_eq)
    if (kable_tab) {
        pandoc_opt <- c(pandoc_opt,
                        "--lua-filter", table_code_chunk,
                        "--lua-filter", stat_filter,
                        "--lua-filter", bookdown_ref_filter)

    output_format <- "markdown-simple_tables-pipe_tables-fenced_code_attributes"
    # This will generate a markdown file with YAML headers.
    if (!pandoc_version_check()) {
        warning(paste0("pandoc version too old, current-v : ",rmarkdown::pandoc_version()," required-v : >=3.1"))
    else {
                              from = "latex",
                              to = output_format,
                              options = pandoc_opt,
                              output = md_file_path,
                              citeproc = TRUE,
                              verbose = TRUE)
    # post conversion process
    tex_file_path <- paste(article_dir,
                           sep = "/")

#' @title Modify Markdown to R-markdown
#' @description
#' generate rmarkdown file in output folder
#' @param article_dir path to the directory which contains tex article
#' @param web_dir option to create a new web directory, default TRUE
#' @param interactive_mode interactive mode for converting articles with options. default FALSE
#' @note Use pandoc version greater than or equal to 3.1
#' @return R-markdown file in the web folder
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Note This is a minimal example to execute this function
#' article_dir <- system.file("examples/article",
#'                  package = "texor")
#' dir.create(your_article_folder <- file.path(tempdir(), "tempdir2"))
#' x <- file.copy(from = article_dir, to = your_article_folder,recursive = TRUE,)
#' your_article_path <-  xfun::normalize_path(paste(your_article_folder,"article",sep="/"))
#' texor::include_style_file(your_article_path)
#' rebib::aggregate_bibliography(your_article_path)
#' data <- texor::handle_figures(your_article_path,
#'                     texor::get_texfile_name(your_article_path))
#' texor::patch_code_env(your_article_path) # Step 4
#' texor::patch_table_env(your_article_path) # Step 5
#' texor::patch_equations(your_article_path) # Step 5.5
#' texor::patch_figure_env(your_article_path)
#' rmarkdown::pandoc_version()
#' texor::convert_to_markdown(your_article_path)
#' texor::generate_rmd(your_article_path)
#' unlink(your_article_folder,recursive = TRUE)
generate_rmd <- function(article_dir, web_dir= TRUE, interactive_mode = FALSE) {
    article_dir <- xfun::normalize_path(article_dir)
    if (!pandoc_version_check()) {
        warning(paste0("pandoc version too old, current-v : ",rmarkdown::pandoc_version()," required-v : >=3.1"))
    if (!check_markdown_file(article_dir)) {
        warning(paste0("Pandoc Failed to convert the LaTeX article, please check for missing brackets/closing environments and spelling mistakes !"))
    else {
    volume <- 1 # placeholder value
    issue <- 1 # placeholder value
    journal_details <- get_journal_details(article_dir)
    volume <- journal_details$volume
    issue <- journal_details$issue
    markdown_file <- paste(article_dir,xfun::with_ext(get_wrapper_type(article_dir),"md"),sep = "/")
    metadata <- rmarkdown::yaml_front_matter(markdown_file)

    # reads the abstract from the second author field
    # reason : abstract is patched as author in metafix.sty

    # PHINNEY: I don't see any reason to do this.  The abstract is already in the metadata.
    # abstract <- metadata$author[2]
    # metadata$abstract <- abstract

    # if metadata$address is NULL
    if (is.null(metadata$address)) {
        metadata$author <- metadata$author[1]
    } else {
        metadata$author <- lapply(
        strsplit(metadata$address, "\\\n", fixed = TRUE),
        function(person) {
            author <- list(
                name = person[1],
                affiliation = person[2]
            if (any(orcid <- grepl("^ORCiD:", person))) {
                author$orcid <- sub("^ORCiD: ", "", person[orcid])
            if (any(email <- grepl("^email:", person))) {
                author$email <- sub("^email:", "", person[email])
            fields <- logical(length(person))
            fields[1:2] <- TRUE
            if (any(address <- !(fields | orcid | email))) {
                author$address <- person[address]
    metadata$address <- NULL
    # article metadata from DESCRIPTION
    article_metadata <- if (file.exists(file.path(
        dirname(markdown_file), "DESCRIPTION"))) {
        if (!journal_details$sample) {
            art <- load_article(file.path(dirname(markdown_file), "DESCRIPTION"))
            online_date <- Filter(function(x) x$status == "online", art$status)
            acknowledged_date <- Filter(function(x) x$status == "acknowledged", art$status)[[1]]$date
        } else {
            online_date <- list()
            acknowledged_date <- Sys.Date()
        online_date <- if (length(online_date) == 0) {
        } else {
            slug = if (journal_details$sample) {'~'} else {journal_details$slug},
            acknowledged = acknowledged_date,
            online = online_date
    } else {
        # Produce minimal article metadata for news
        issue_year <- volume + 2008
        issue_month <- if (issue_year < 2022) issue * 6 else issue * 3
            slug = journal_details$slug,
            online = as.Date(paste(volume + 2008,
                                   issue_month, "01"), format = "%Y %m %d")
    # if article has no abstract
    if (toString(metadata$abstract) == "NA") {
        issue_year <- volume + 2008
        issue_month <- if (issue_year < 2022) issue * 6 else issue * 3
        metadata$abstract <- paste0("The '", metadata$title,
                                    "' article from the ", issue_year,
                                    "-", issue, " issue.")
    pkg_yaml_path <- paste(dirname(markdown_file), "pkg_meta.yaml", sep = "/" )
    if (interactive_mode) {
        cli::cli_alert_warning(paste0("Currently the slug is : ",
                                      "\nfor the article titled : ",
                                      "\nDo you want to update the slug"))
        if (utils::menu(c("Yes", "No")) == 1) {
            article_metadata$slug = toString(readline("Enter the new Slug : "))
        cli::cli_alert_warning(paste0("Do you want to set the firstpage,lastpage ?",
                                      "\nfor the article titled : ",
        if (utils::menu(c("Yes", "No")) == 1) {
            article_metadata$pages[1] = toString(readline("Enter the firstpage : "))
            article_metadata$pages[2] = toString(readline("Enter the lastpage : "))
    front_matter <- list(
        title = metadata$title,
        abstract = metadata$abstract, #%||% ,
        author = metadata$author,
        date = format_non_null(article_metadata$online),
        date_received = format_non_null(article_metadata$acknowledged),
        journal = list(
            firstpage = article_metadata$pages[1],
            lastpage = article_metadata$pages[2]
        volume = as.integer(volume),
        issue = as.integer(issue),
        slug = article_metadata$slug,
        citation_url = "https://rjournal.github.io/",
        packages = yaml::read_yaml(pkg_yaml_path),
        preview = "preview.png",
        bibliography = metadata$bibliography,
        CTV = article_metadata$CTV_rev,
        output = list(
            `rjtools::rjournal_web_article` = list(
                self_contained = TRUE,
                toc = FALSE,
                legacy_pdf = TRUE,
                mathjax = "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/mathjax@3/es5/tex-chtml-full.js",
                md_extension = "-tex_math_single_backslash"
    if (file.exists(markdown_file)){
        pandoc_md_contents <- readLines(markdown_file)
        warning("Markdown file not found/Unreadable !")
    delimiters <- grep("^(---|\\.\\.\\.)\\s*$", pandoc_md_contents)
    article_body <- c()
    if (delimiters[1] > 1)
        article_body <- c(article_body, pandoc_md_contents[1:delimiters[1] - 1])
    if (delimiters[2] < length(pandoc_md_contents))
        article_body <- c(article_body, pandoc_md_contents[-(1:delimiters[2])])

    input_file <- basename(markdown_file)
    if ((web_dir) && (interactive_mode)) {
        output_file_name <- paste(dirname(markdown_file),
                              ".Rmd", sep = "")
        dir.create(dirname(output_file_name), showWarnings = FALSE)
    if (!interactive_mode && !web_dir) {
        output_file_name <- paste(dirname(markdown_file),"/",
                                  ".Rmd", sep = "")
    if (interactive_mode) {
        output_file_name <- paste(dirname(markdown_file),"/",
                                  ".Rmd", sep = "")
    if (web_dir) {
        output_file_name <- paste(dirname(markdown_file),
                                  ".Rmd", sep = "")
        dir.create(dirname(output_file_name), showWarnings = FALSE)

            c("---", yaml::as.yaml(front_matter), "---", article_body),

#' @title convert LaTeX wrapper to native pandoc AST
#' @details
#' convert latex(wrapper) file to pandoc AST
#' @param article_dir path to the directory which contains tex article
#' @param autonumber_eq whether to autonumber the equations, default is FALSE
#' @description
#' Uses pandoc along with several lua filters
#' found at inst/extdata/filters in texor package
#' @note  pandoc (along with lua interpreter) is already installed with
#'  R-studio, hence if not using R-studio you will need to install pandoc.
#'  https://pandoc.org/installing.html
#' @note Use pandoc version greater than or equal to 3.1
#' @return creates a converted native AST file, as well as a pkg_meta.yaml file
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Note This is a minimal example to execute this function
#' article_dir <- system.file("examples/article",
#'                  package = "texor")
#' dir.create(your_article_folder <- file.path(tempdir(), "tempdir"))
#' x <- file.copy(from = article_dir, to = your_article_folder,recursive = TRUE,)
#' your_article_path <- paste(your_article_folder,"article",sep="/")
#' rmarkdown::pandoc_version()
#' texor::include_style_file(your_article_path)
#' rebib::aggregate_bibliography(your_article_path)
#' texor::convert_to_native(your_article_path)
#' unlink(your_article_folder,recursive = TRUE)
convert_to_native <- function(article_dir, autonumber_eq = FALSE) {
    article_dir <- xfun::normalize_path(article_dir)
    # wrapper file name
    input_file <- get_wrapper_type(article_dir)
    # resource path for pandoc
    input_file_path <- paste(article_dir, input_file, sep = "/")
    abs_file_path <- tools::file_path_as_absolute(input_file_path)
    # markdown equivalent filename
    md_file <- paste(toString(tools::file_path_sans_ext(input_file)),
                     ".txt", sep = "")
    md_file_path <- paste(article_dir, md_file, sep = "/")
    # a filter to remove new para character from article abstract
    abs_filter <- system.file(
        "abs_filter.lua", package = "texor")
    # a filter to remove embedded bibliography (if any)
    bib_filter <- system.file(
        "bib_filter.lua", package = "texor")
    # a filter to add r language param
    code_block_filter <- system.file(
        "R_code.lua", package = "texor")
    # renames pdf images to png images (to be used with pdf_to_png())
    image_filter <- system.file(
        "image_filter.lua", package = "texor")
    # enables table numbering in captions
    table_filter <- system.file(
        "table_caption.lua", package = "texor")
    # enables figure numbering in captions
    figure_filter <- system.file(
        "image_caption.lua", package = "texor")
    stat_filter <- system.file(
        "conversion_compat_check.lua", package = "texor")
    equation_filter <- system.file(
        "equation_filter.lua", package = "texor")
    bookdown_ref_filter <- system.file(
        "bookdown_ref.lua", package = "texor")
    wdtable_filter <- system.file(
        "widetable_patcher.lua", package = "texor")
    auto_num_eq <- system.file(
        "auto_number_equations.lua", package = "texor")
    sec_depth <- system.file("sec_depth.lua", package = "texor")
    pandoc_opt <- c("-s",
                    "--resource-path", abs_file_path,
                    "--lua-filter", abs_filter,
                    "--lua-filter", bib_filter,
                    "--lua-filter", image_filter,
                    "--lua-filter", code_block_filter,
                    "--lua-filter", figure_filter,
                    "--lua-filter", wdtable_filter,
                    "--lua-filter", table_filter,
                    "--lua-filter", stat_filter,
                    "--lua-filter", equation_filter,
                    "--lua-filter", bookdown_ref_filter,
                    "--lua-filter", sec_depth)
    if (autonumber_eq) {
        pandoc_opt <- c(pandoc_opt, "--lua-filter", auto_num_eq)
    output_format <- "native"
    # This will generate a markdown file with YAML headers.
    if (! pandoc_version_check()){
        warning(paste0("pandoc version too old, current-v : ",rmarkdown::pandoc_version()," required-v : >=3.1"))
    else {
                              from = "latex",
                              to = output_format,
                              options = pandoc_opt,
                              output = md_file_path,
                              citeproc = TRUE,
                              verbose = TRUE)
    # post conversion process
    tex_file_path <- paste(article_dir,
                           sep = "/")

#' call rmarkdown::render to generate html file
#' @param article_dir path to the directory which contains tex article
#' @param example only enabled for running examples for documentation and
#'  to enable export of this function.
#' @param web_dir option to create a new web directory, default TRUE
#' @param interactive_mode interactive mode for converting articles with options. default FALSE
#' @note Use pandoc version greater than or equal to 3.1
#' @note Do not set example = TRUE param when working with conversions.
#' @note example param is set TRUE in example, to conform with CRAN check restrictions.
#' @return Renders a RJwrapper.html file in the /web folder, in example it will
#' return TRUE
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Note This is a minimal example to execute this function
#' article_dir <- system.file("examples/article",
#'                  package = "texor")
#' dir.create(your_article_folder <- file.path(tempdir(), "tempdir"))
#' x <- file.copy(from = article_dir, to = your_article_folder,recursive = TRUE,)
#' your_article_path <- paste(your_article_folder,"article",sep="/")
#' texor::include_style_file(your_article_path)
#' rmarkdown::pandoc_version()
#' texor::convert_to_markdown(your_article_path)
#' texor::generate_rmd(your_article_path)
#' texor::copy_other_files(your_article_path)
#' texor::produce_html(your_article_path,example = TRUE)
#' unlink(your_article_folder,recursive = TRUE)
produce_html <- function(article_dir,example = FALSE, web_dir = TRUE, interactive_mode = FALSE) {
    if (example) {
    if (!pandoc_version_check()) {
        warning(paste0("pandoc version too old, current-v : ",rmarkdown::pandoc_version()," required-v : >=3.1"))
    else {
    article_dir <- xfun::normalize_path(article_dir)
    article_type <- rjtools::rjournal_web_article
    wrapper <- get_wrapper_type(article_dir)
    article_files <- list.files(article_dir, recursive = FALSE)
    rmd_files <- article_files[grep(pattern = ".Rmd$", article_files)]
    if (interactive_mode && web_dir) {
        for (file in rmd_files) {
            if (xfun::sans_ext(basename(file)) == xfun::sans_ext(get_wrapper_type(article_dir))) {
                rmd_files <- file
        input_file_path <- paste(article_dir, "web",
                                 xfun::with_ext(xfun::sans_ext(rmd_files),"Rmd"),sep = "/")
    if (!interactive_mode && !web_dir) {
        input_file_path <- paste(article_dir,
                                 xfun::with_ext(wrapper,"Rmd"),sep = "/")
    if (interactive_mode) {
        for (file in rmd_files) {
            if (xfun::sans_ext(basename(file)) != xfun::sans_ext(get_wrapper_type(article_dir))) {
                rmd_files <- file
        input_file_path <- paste(article_dir,
                                 xfun::with_ext(xfun::sans_ext(rmd_files),"Rmd"),sep = "/")
    if (web_dir) {
        input_file_path <- paste(article_dir, "web",
                                 xfun::with_ext(wrapper,"Rmd"),sep = "/")
        input = input_file_path,
        output_format = "rjtools::rjournal_web_article",))

#' Create an R Journal article with a modified template for texor.
#' @details
#' Outputs an LaTeX R Journal paper template set of files in the project directory.
#' @param name the name of the tex file, will default to "test"
#' @param edit Opens the file for editing in RStudio/R GUI.
#' @export
create_article <- function(name="test", edit = TRUE){
    file = xfun::with_ext(name, "tex")
    current_dir <- getwd()
    files <- c(system.file( "extdata/article_template/article.tex", package = "texor"),
               system.file( "extdata/article_template/RJournal.sty", package = "texor"))
    file.copy(from = files,to = current_dir, recursive = TRUE)
    file.rename(from = "article.tex", to = paste0(xfun::sans_ext(name),".tex"))
    rjwrapper <- whisker::whisker.render(
        xfun::read_utf8(system.file("RJwrapper_template.tex", package = "texor")),
        data = list(article_input = sprintf("\\input{%s}", xfun::sans_ext(name)))
    xfun::write_utf8(rjwrapper, file.path("RJwrapper.tex"))
    if (edit) {
        path <- file
        path <- normalizePath(path)
        has_rstudio <- if (requireNamespace("rstudioapi", quietly = TRUE)) {
        } else {
        if (has_rstudio) {
        } else {

    message("Success: your paper is ready to edit!")

#' @title Modify Markdown from Sweave to R-markdown
#' @description
#' generate rmarkdown file in output folder
#' @param article_dir path to the directory which contains tex article
#' @param web_dir option to create a new web directory, default TRUE
#' @param interactive_mode interactive mode for converting articles with options. default FALSE
#' @param output_format knit output type for the RMarkdown file, options for "bookdown", "biocstyle", "litedown"
#' @param autonumber_eq whether to autonumber the equations, default is FALSE
#' @param autonumber_sec whether to autonumber the sections, default is TRUE
#' @param algorithm_render Enable to include algorithms with pseudocode.js, default is FALSE optional is TRUE
#' @note Use pandoc version greater than or equal to 3.1
#' @return R-markdown file in the web folder
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Note This is a minimal example to execute this function
#' # Please refer to texor::rnw_to_rmd for a detailed example
rnw_generate_rmd <- function(article_dir, web_dir= TRUE, interactive_mode = FALSE,
                             autonumber_eq = FALSE,
                             autonumber_sec = TRUE,
                             algorithm_render = FALSE) {
    article_dir <- xfun::normalize_path(article_dir)
    if (!pandoc_version_check()) {
        warning(paste0("pandoc version too old, current-v : ",rmarkdown::pandoc_version()," required-v : >=3.1"))
    if (!check_markdown_file(article_dir)) {
        warning(paste0("Pandoc Failed to convert the LaTeX article, please check for missing brackets/closing environments and spelling mistakes !"))
    else {
    volume <- 1 # placeholder value
    issue <- 1 # placeholder value
    journal_details <- get_journal_details(article_dir)
    volume <- journal_details$volume
    issue <- journal_details$issue
    markdown_file <- paste(article_dir,xfun::with_ext(get_wrapper_type(article_dir),"md"),sep = "/")
    metadata <- rmarkdown::yaml_front_matter(markdown_file)
    # reads the abstract from the second author field
    # reason : abstract is patched as author in metafix.sty
    # abstract <- metadata$author[2]
    # metadata$abstract <- abstract
    # if metadata$address is NULL
    if (is.null(metadata$address)) {
        metadata$author <- metadata$author[1]
    } else {
        metadata$author <- lapply(
            strsplit(metadata$address, "\\\n", fixed = TRUE),
            function(person) {
                author <- list(
                    name = person[1],
                    affiliation = person[2]
                if (any(orcid <- grepl("^ORCiD:", person))) {
                    author$orcid <- sub("^ORCiD: ", "", person[orcid])
                if (any(email <- grepl("^email:", person))) {
                    author$email <- sub("^email:", "", person[email])
                fields <- logical(length(person))
                fields[1:2] <- TRUE
                if (any(address <- !(fields | orcid | email))) {
                    author$address <- person[address]
    metadata$address <- NULL
    # article metadata from DESCRIPTION
    article_metadata <- if (file.exists(file.path(
        dirname(markdown_file), "DESCRIPTION"))) {
        if (!journal_details$sample) {
            art <- load_article(file.path(dirname(markdown_file), "DESCRIPTION"))
            online_date <- Filter(function(x) x$status == "online", art$status)
            acknowledged_date <- Filter(function(x) x$status == "acknowledged", art$status)[[1]]$date
        } else {
            online_date <- list()
            acknowledged_date <- Sys.Date()
        online_date <- if (length(online_date) == 0) {
        } else {
            slug = if (journal_details$sample) {'~'} else {journal_details$slug},
            acknowledged = acknowledged_date,
            online = Sys.Date()
    } else {
        # Produce minimal article metadata for news
            slug = journal_details$slug,
            online = Sys.Date()
    # if article has no abstract
    if (toString(metadata$abstract) == "NA") {
        metadata$abstract <- paste0("The '", metadata$title,
                                    "' article from the ", issue, " issue.")
    pkg_yaml_path <- paste(dirname(markdown_file), "pkg_meta.yaml", sep = "/" )
    if (interactive_mode) {
        cli::cli_alert_warning(paste0("Currently the slug is : ",
                                      "\nfor the article titled : ",
                                      "\nDo you want to update the slug"))
        if (utils::menu(c("Yes", "No")) == 1) {
            article_metadata$slug = toString(readline("Enter the new Slug : "))
        cli::cli_alert_warning(paste0("Do you want to set the firstpage,lastpage ?",
                                      "\nfor the article titled : ",
        if (utils::menu(c("Yes", "No")) == 1) {
            article_metadata$pages[1] = toString(readline("Enter the firstpage : "))
            article_metadata$pages[2] = toString(readline("Enter the lastpage : "))
    front_matter_list <- list(
        "bookdown" = list(
            title = metadata$title,
            abstract = metadata$abstract, #%||% ,
            author = metadata$author,
            date = format_non_null(article_metadata$online),
            vignette = paste("%\\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown}\n%\\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8}\n%\\VignetteIndexEntry{",
                             metadata$VignetteIndexEntry, "}\n%\\VignetteDepends{",
                             metadata$VignetteDepends, "}", sep = ""),
            output = list(
                "bookdown::html_document2" = list(
                    base_format = "rmarkdown::html_vignette",
                    number_sections = FALSE,
                    math_method = "katex"
            "link-citations" = TRUE,
            bibliography = metadata$bibliography
        "biocstyle" = list(
            title = metadata$title,
            abstract = metadata$abstract, #%||% ,
            author = metadata$author,
            output = list(
                "BiocStyle::html_document" = list(
                    toc_float = TRUE
                "BiocStyle::pdf_document" = "default"
            vignette = paste("%\\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown}\n%\\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8}\n%\\VignetteIndexEntry{",
                             metadata$VignetteIndexEntry, "}\n", sep = ""),
            bibliography = metadata$bibliography
        "litedown" = list(
            title = metadata$title,
            output = list(
                "litedown::html_format" = list(
                    meta = list(
                        css = c("@default")
            vignette = paste("%\\VignetteEngine{litedown::vignette}\n%\\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8}\n%\\VignetteIndexEntry{",
                             metadata$VignetteIndexEntry, "}\n", sep = "")

    if (autonumber_sec == TRUE) {
        front_matter_list$"bookdown"$output[["bookdown::html_document2"]]$includes <- list(
            in_header = list("auto-number-sec-js.html")
    if (autonumber_eq == TRUE) {
        # Set math method to mathjax if autonumber
        front_matter_list$"bookdown"$output[["bookdown::html_document2"]]$math_method = "mathjax"
    if (algorithm_render) {
        if (is.null(front_matter_list$"bookdown"$output[["bookdown::html_document2"]]$includes$in_header)) {
            front_matter_list$"bookdown"$output[["bookdown::html_document2"]]$includes$in_header <- "pseudocodejs-latest.html"
        } else {
            front_matter_list$"bookdown"$output[["bookdown::html_document2"]]$includes$in_header <-
                c(front_matter_list$"bookdown"$output[["bookdown::html_document2"]]$includes$in_header, "pseudocodejs-latest.html")

    front_matter <- front_matter_list[[output_format]]
    if (file.exists(markdown_file)){
        pandoc_md_contents <- readLines(markdown_file)
        warning("Markdown file not found/Unreadable !")
    delimiters <- grep("^(---|\\.\\.\\.)\\s*$", pandoc_md_contents)
    article_body <- c()
    if (delimiters[1] > 1)
        article_body <- c(article_body, pandoc_md_contents[1:delimiters[1] - 1])
    if (delimiters[2] < length(pandoc_md_contents))
        article_body <- c(article_body, pandoc_md_contents[-(1:delimiters[2])])

    input_file <- basename(markdown_file)
    if (!web_dir) {
        output_file_name <- paste(dirname(markdown_file),"/",
                                  ".Rmd", sep = "")
    if (web_dir) {
        output_file_name <- paste(dirname(markdown_file),
                                  ".Rmd", sep = "")
        dir.create(dirname(output_file_name), showWarnings = FALSE)

    yaml_front_matter <- yaml::as.yaml(front_matter)

        c("---", yaml::as.yaml(front_matter), "---", article_body),

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texor documentation built on Oct. 15, 2024, 5:08 p.m.