
Defines functions update_package_desc patch_startup_message replace_all_sec_ref remove_unsupport_commands add_reference_caption clean_up_files wrapper_auto_sty patch_rnw_abstract rnw_patch_vignette_entry rnw_patch_algorithm rnw_patch_code_chunk rnw_patch_inline_code rnw_read_body rnw_remove_algorithm rnw_remove_code_chunk rnw_to_rmd

Documented in rnw_to_rmd

#' @title Sweave to RMarkdown
#' @description automated function for converting a single Sweave file to R Markdown file
#' @param input_file input Sweave file path
#' @param output_format knit output type for the RMarkdown file options for "bookdown", "biocstyle", "litedown"
#' @param clean_up whether to clean up the intermediate files, default is TRUE
#' @param autonumber_eq whether to autonumber the equations, default is FALSE
#' @param autonumber_sec whether to autonumber the sections, default is TRUE
#' @param suppress_package_startup_message whether to suppress the package startup message, default is FALSE
#' @param kable_tab converts to kable table instead of markdown tables
#' @param fig_in_r whether to include figures in R code chunks, default is TRUE
#' @param algorithm_render Enable to include algorithms with pseudocode.js, default is FALSE optional is TRUE
#' @note Use pandoc version greater than or equal to 3.1
#' @return True if R Markdown file successfully generated in the same folder
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # move example Sweave article and associated files to a temporary directory
#' example_dir <- system.file("examples", "sweave_article", package = "texor")
#' file.copy(from = example_dir, to = tempdir(), recursive = TRUE)
#' article_dir <- file.path(tempdir(), "sweave_article")
#' # convert example Sweave article to Rmd
#' rnw_to_rmd(file.path(article_dir, "example.Rnw"),
#'            output_format = "bookdown",
#'            clean_up = TRUE,
#'            autonumber_eq = TRUE,
#'            autonumber_sec = FALSE)
#' # convert Rmd to HTML (comment this step to avoid failure on R CMD Check)
#' # rmarkdown::render(file.path(article_dir, "example.Rmd"))
#' # browseURL(file.path(article_dir, "example.html"))
#' # remove temporary files
#' unlink(article_dir, recursive = TRUE)
rnw_to_rmd <- function(input_file,
                       clean_up = TRUE,
                       autonumber_eq = FALSE,
                       autonumber_sec = TRUE,
                       suppress_package_startup_message = FALSE,
                       kable_tab = TRUE,
                       fig_in_r = TRUE,
                       algorithm_render = FALSE) {
    if (!pandoc_version_check()) {
        warning(paste0("pandoc version too old, current-v : ",rmarkdown::pandoc_version()," required-v : >=3.1"))
    input_file <- xfun::normalize_path(input_file)
    dir <- dirname(input_file)
    input_file_name <- basename(input_file)
    if(!dir.exists(dir)) {
        stop("Directory does not exist")
    dir <- xfun::normalize_path(dir)
    date <- Sys.Date()

    # Stage 01: pre process before using part of texor::latex_to_web()
    # Step 01: Convert Rnw to knitr and tex
    input_file <- gsub("[.]([^.]+)$", "-knitr.\\1", input_file)
    output_file <- gsub(".Rnw", ".tex", input_file)
    if(!file.exists(input_file)) {
        stop("knitr file not created")

    # PHINNEY: donnot compile the knitr file to save time
    # knitr::knit(input = input_file, output = output_file) # it will print as warning/highlight
    # if(!file.exists(output_file)) {
    #     stop("tex file not created")
    # }
    # Step 02: Separate knitr file to code chunks and tex
    part_file_path <- rnw_remove_code_chunk(input_file)
    md_code_file_path <- part_file_path$md_file_path
    rnw_file_path <- part_file_path$rnw_file_path
    part_file_path2 <- rnw_remove_algorithm(rnw_file_path)
    md_algorithm_file_path <- part_file_path2$md_file_path
    rnw_file_path <- part_file_path2$rnw_file_path

    if (suppress_package_startup_message == TRUE) {

    # Step 03: only keep the body of tex file (\document)

    # Step 04: renme original .tex file to .tex.bak
    # PHINNEY: donnot compile the knitr file to save time
    # file.rename(output_file, paste0(output_file, ".bak"))

    # Stage 02: Convert tex to Markdown (part of texor::latex_to_web())
    # TODO: We just use texor::latex_to_web(dir, log_steps = TRUE, temp_mode = FALSE,
    #                                       auto_wrapper = TRUE, interactive_mode = FALSE) for now
    interactive_mode = FALSE
    auto_wrapper = TRUE
    web_dir = FALSE
    compile_rmd_in_temp = !interactive_mode
    # Step 01: Include Meta-fix style file
    wrapper <- get_wrapper_type(dir,
                                auto_wrapper = auto_wrapper,
                                interactive_mode = interactive_mode) #wrapper file name
    file_name <- get_texfile_name(dir)
    wrapper <- get_wrapper_type(dir, auto_wrapper = auto_wrapper)

    # PHINNEY: patch for self-defined macros


    data <- handle_figures(dir, file_name)
    # Step - 6 : patch figure environments to figure
    # Step - 7 : find package references
    meta <- pre_conversion_statistics(dir)

    # Step - 8 : Add reference caption
    if (rebib::citation_reader(rnw_file_path)$count > 0) {


    # Step - 9 : Convert to markdown
    convert_to_markdown(dir, autonumber_eq = autonumber_eq, kable_tab = kable_tab, fig_in_r = fig_in_r)

    # Stage 03: Post process after convert to markdown

    # Step 01: patch for R code
    md_file_path <- paste0(dir, "/RJwrapper.md")
    rnw_patch_code_chunk(md_file_path, md_code_file_path)
    rnw_patch_algorithm(md_file_path, md_algorithm_file_path)

    # Step 02: patch for vignette entry
    if(output_format %in% c("bookdown", "biocstyle", "litedown")) {
        rnw_patch_vignette_entry(md_file_path, input_file)

    # Stage 04
    # Step - 9 : generate R markdown file with
    #             metadata from DESCRIPTION, tex file
    #             and file path
    # Note : the below function will work on any article, However ideally it needs a
    # folder structure similar to RJournal style /YYYY-ZZ/YYYY-MMM where
    # YYYY is the year, ZZ is the Journal issue number and MMM is the DOI
    # referral(unique article number).

    rnw_generate_rmd(dir,web_dir = web_dir, interactive_mode = interactive_mode,
                     output_format = output_format,
                     autonumber_eq = autonumber_eq,
                     autonumber_sec = autonumber_sec,
                     algorithm_render = algorithm_render)
    if (autonumber_sec == TRUE) {
        # copy html file include the js
        file.copy(system.file("extdata", "auto-number-sec-js.html", package = "texor"),
                  paste0(dir, "/auto-number-sec-js.html"))
        replace_all_sec_ref(paste0(dir, "/RJwrapper.Rmd"))
    if (algorithm_render) {
        file.copy(system.file("extdata", "pseudocodejs-latest.html", package = "texor"),
                  paste0(dir, "/pseudocodejs-latest.html"))
    # post_data <- yaml::read_yaml(paste0(dir,"/post-conversion-meta.yaml"))

    # Step - 10 : rename the file to the original file name
    file.rename(paste0(dir,"/RJwrapper.Rmd"), paste0(dir,"/",gsub(".Rnw", ".Rmd", input_file_name)))

    # Step - 11 : clean up the intermediate files
    if(clean_up) {
    package_map = list("bookdown" = "bookdown",
                        "litedown" = "litedown",
                        "biocstyle" = "BiocStyle")
    update_package_desc(path = dir, package_name = package_map[[output_format]])

rnw_remove_code_chunk <- function(input_file) {
    input_file <- xfun::normalize_path(input_file)
    dir <- dirname(input_file)
    if(!dir.exists(dir)) {
        stop("Directory does not exist")
    dir <- xfun::normalize_path(dir)
    md_file_path <- paste(toString(tools::file_path_sans_ext(input_file)),
                     "-part1.md", sep = "")
    input_file_path <- paste(dir, basename(input_file), sep = "/")
    md_file_path <- xfun::normalize_path(md_file_path)
    rnw_file_path <- gsub("-knitr.Rnw", "-generated.tex", input_file)

    sweave_code_reader <- system.file(
        "sweave_code_reader.lua", package = "texor")
    sweave_code_remove <- system.file(
        "sweave_code_remove.lua", package = "texor")
    r_code_chunk_patcher <- system.file(
        "r_code_chunk_patcher.lua", package = "texor")
    pandoc_opt_code_chunk <- c("--resource-path", dir,
                    "-f", sweave_code_reader,
                    "--lua-filter", r_code_chunk_patcher)
    pandoc_opt_other <- c("--resource-path", dir,
                    "-f", sweave_code_remove)
    markdown_output_format <- "markdown-simple_tables-pipe_tables-fenced_code_attributes"

                              from = "latex",
                              to = markdown_output_format,
                              options = pandoc_opt_code_chunk,
                              output = md_file_path,
                              verbose = TRUE)
                              from = "latex",
                              to = "latex",
                              options = pandoc_opt_other,
                              output = rnw_file_path,
                              verbose = TRUE)

    if (!file.exists(md_file_path)) {
        stop("Markdown part file not created")
    if (!file.exists(rnw_file_path)) {
        stop("Rnw part file not created")

    return(list(md_file_path = md_file_path, rnw_file_path = rnw_file_path))

rnw_remove_algorithm <- function(input_file) {
    dir <- dirname(input_file)
    if(!dir.exists(dir)) {
        stop("Directory does not exist")
    dir <- xfun::normalize_path(dir)
    md_file_path <- gsub("-generated", "-knitr-part2.md", toString(tools::file_path_sans_ext(input_file)))
    input_file_path <- paste(dir, basename(input_file), sep = "/")
    md_file_path <- xfun::normalize_path(md_file_path)
    rnw_file_path <- input_file

    algorithm_reader <- system.file(
        "algorithm_reader.lua", package = "texor")
    algorithm_remove <- system.file(
        "algorithm_remove.lua", package = "texor")
    pandoc_opt_algorithm <- c("--resource-path", dir,
                               "-f", algorithm_reader)
    pandoc_opt_other <- c("--resource-path", dir,
                          "-f", algorithm_remove)
    markdown_output_format <- "markdown-simple_tables-pipe_tables-fenced_code_attributes"

                              from = "latex",
                              to = markdown_output_format,
                              options = pandoc_opt_algorithm,
                              output = md_file_path,
                              verbose = TRUE)
                              from = "latex",
                              to = "latex",
                              options = pandoc_opt_other,
                              output = rnw_file_path,
                              verbose = TRUE)

    if (!file.exists(md_file_path)) {
        stop("Markdown part file not created")
    if (!file.exists(rnw_file_path)) {
        stop("Rnw part file not created")

    return(list(md_file_path = md_file_path, rnw_file_path = rnw_file_path))

rnw_read_body <- function(input_file) {
    if(!file.exists(input_file)) {
        stop("File does not exist")

    file_content <- readLines(input_file)
    # delete \begin{document}, \end{document}, \usepackage{...}, \documentclass{...}
    file_content <- file_content[!grepl("\\\\usepackage(\\[.*\\])?\\{.*\\}", file_content)]
    file_content <- file_content[!grepl("\\\\documentclass(\\[.*\\])?\\{.*\\}", file_content)]
    file_content <- file_content[!grepl("\\\\begin\\{document\\}", file_content)]
    file_content <- file_content[!grepl("\\\\end\\{document\\}", file_content)]
    xfun::write_utf8(file_content, input_file)

    latex_body_reader <- system.file(
        "latex_body_reader.lua", package = "texor")

    pandoc_opt <- c("--resource-path", dirname(input_file),
                               "-f", latex_body_reader)

                              from = "latex",
                              to = "latex",
                              options = pandoc_opt,
                              output = input_file,
                              verbose = TRUE)

rnw_patch_inline_code <- function(input_file_path) {
    if(!file.exists(input_file_path)) {
        stop("File does not exist")
    file_content <- readLines(input_file_path)
    file_content <- gsub("\\\\Sexpr\\{(.*?)\\}", "`r \\1`", file_content)
    file_content <- gsub("\\\\verb\\|r (.*?)\\|", "`r \\1`", file_content)
    xfun::write_utf8(file_content, input_file_path)

rnw_patch_code_chunk <- function(input_file_path, code_file_path) {
    if(!file.exists(input_file_path) || !file.exists(code_file_path)) {
        stop("File does not exist")
    code_chunk_content <- readLines(code_file_path)
    chunks <- list()
    current_chunk <- NULL
    in_chunk <- FALSE
    for (line in code_chunk_content) {
        if (grepl("^```\\s*\\{r", line)) {
            # Start of a new chunk
            if (!is.null(current_chunk)) {
                # Save the previous chunk
                chunks <- c(chunks, list(current_chunk))
            current_chunk <- line
            in_chunk <- TRUE
        } else if (grepl("^```$", line) && in_chunk) {
            # End of the current chunk
            current_chunk <- c(current_chunk, line)
            chunks <- c(chunks, list(current_chunk))
            current_chunk <- NULL
            in_chunk <- FALSE
        } else if (in_chunk) {
            # Inside a chunk
            current_chunk <- c(current_chunk, line)
    if (!is.null(current_chunk)) {
        # Save the last chunk
        chunks <- c(chunks, list(current_chunk))

    chunk_index <- 1
    file_content <- readLines(input_file_path)
    modified_content <- lapply(file_content, function(line) {
        if (grepl("<!--R_CODE_CHUNK_PLACEHOLDER-->", line)) {
            if (chunk_index <= length(chunks)) {
                replacement <- paste(chunks[[chunk_index]], collapse = "\n")
                chunk_index <<- chunk_index + 1
            } else {
        } else {

    modified_content <- unlist(modified_content, use.names = FALSE)
    xfun::write_utf8(modified_content, input_file_path)

rnw_patch_algorithm <- function(input_file_path, algorithm_file_path) {
    if(!file.exists(input_file_path) || !file.exists(algorithm_file_path)) {
        stop("File does not exist")
    algorithm_content <- readLines(algorithm_file_path)
    chunks <- list()
    current_chunk <- NULL
    in_chunk <- FALSE
    for (line in algorithm_content) {
        if (grepl("^::::\\s*\\{", line)) {
            # Start of a new chunk
            if (!is.null(current_chunk)) {
                # Save the previous chunk
                chunks <- c(chunks, list(current_chunk))
            current_chunk <- line
            in_chunk <- TRUE
        } else if (grepl("^::::$", line) && in_chunk) {
            # End of the current chunk
            current_chunk <- c(current_chunk, line)
            chunks <- c(chunks, list(current_chunk))
            current_chunk <- NULL
            in_chunk <- FALSE
        } else if (in_chunk) {
            # Inside a chunk
            current_chunk <- c(current_chunk, line)
    if (!is.null(current_chunk)) {
        # Save the last chunk
        chunks <- c(chunks, list(current_chunk))

    chunk_index <- 1
    file_content <- readLines(input_file_path)
    modified_content <- lapply(file_content, function(line) {
        if (grepl("<!--ALGORITHM_PLACEHOLDER-->", line)) {
            if (chunk_index <= length(chunks)) {
                replacement <- paste(chunks[[chunk_index]], collapse = "\n")
                chunk_index <<- chunk_index + 1
            } else {
        } else {

    modified_content <- unlist(modified_content, use.names = FALSE)
    xfun::write_utf8(modified_content, input_file_path)

rnw_patch_vignette_entry <- function(md_file_path, rnw_file_path) {
    if(!file.exists(md_file_path) || !file.exists(rnw_file_path)) {
        stop("File does not exist")
    md_content <- readLines(md_file_path)
    rnw_content <- readLines(rnw_file_path)

    # Extract the entry name from the Rnw file
    entry_name <- NULL
    depend_name <- NULL
    for (line in rnw_content) {
        if (grepl("%+\\s*\\\\VignetteIndexEntry", line)) {
            entry_name <- gsub("%+\\s*\\\\VignetteIndexEntry\\{(.*)\\}", "\\1", line)
    for (line in rnw_content) {
        if (grepl("%+\\s*\\\\VignetteDepends", line)) {
            depend_name <- gsub("%+\\s*\\\\VignetteDepends\\{(.*)\\}", "\\1", line)

    if (is.null(entry_name)) {
        entry_name <- basename(rnw_file_path)
        # stop("Vignette entry name not found")

    # Add the entry name to the front yaml in md file
    entry_added <- FALSE
    modified_content <- vector("list", length(md_content))
    for (i in seq_along(md_content)) {
        line <- md_content[[i]]
        if (!entry_added && grepl("^---$", line)) {
            modified_content[[i]] <- c(line, paste0("VignetteIndexEntry: ", entry_name))
            if (!is.null(depend_name)) {
                modified_content[[i]] <- c(modified_content[[i]], paste0("VignetteDepends: ", depend_name))
            } else{
                modified_content[[i]] <- c(modified_content[[i]], paste0("VignetteDepends: ", ""))
            entry_added <- TRUE
        } else {
            modified_content[[i]] <- line

    modified_content <- unlist(modified_content, use.names = FALSE)
    xfun::write_utf8(modified_content, md_file_path)

patch_rnw_abstract <- function(rnw_file_path) {
    if(!file.exists(rnw_file_path)) {
        stop("File does not exist")
    rnw_content <- readLines(rnw_file_path)
    in_abstract <- FALSE
    abstract_start <- NULL
    abstract_end <- NULL
    modified_content <- list()

    for (i in seq_along(rnw_content)) {
        line <- rnw_content[i]
        # check in_abstract above to prevent modify the same line
        if (grepl("\\\\abstract\\{", line, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
            in_abstract <- TRUE
            abstract_start <- i
            line <- sub("(?i)\\\\abstract\\{", "\\\\begin{abstract}", line, perl = TRUE)
        if (in_abstract && grepl("(?<!\\\\begin\\{abstract)\\}$", line, perl = TRUE)) {
            in_abstract <- FALSE
            abstract_end <- i
            line <- sub("\\}$", "\\\\end{abstract}", line)
        modified_content[i] <- line

    modified_content <- unlist(modified_content, use.names = FALSE)
    xfun::write_utf8(modified_content, rnw_file_path)

wrapper_auto_sty <- function(rnw_file_path, wrapper_name = "RJwrapper.tex") {
    if (!file.exists(rnw_file_path)) {
        stop("File does not exist")
    article_dir <- xfun::normalize_path(dirname(rnw_file_path))
    article_files <- list.files(article_dir, recursive = FALSE)
    sty_files <- article_files[grep(pattern = "[.]sty$", article_files)]
    sty_files <- sty_files[!grepl(pattern = "Metafix[.]sty$", sty_files)]
    rnw_content <- readLines(rnw_file_path)
    include_sty_files <- list()
    for (i in seq_along(rnw_content)) {
        line <- rnw_content[[i]]
        if (grepl("\\\\usepackage\\{", line)) {
            sty_file <- gsub(".*\\{(.*)\\}", "\\1", line)
            if (paste0(sty_file, ".sty") %in% sty_files) {
                include_sty_files <- c(include_sty_files, sty_file)
    wrapper_path <- file.path(article_dir, wrapper_name)
    if (!file.exists(wrapper_path)) {
        stop("Wrapper file does not exist")
    wrapper_content <- readLines(wrapper_path)
    modified_content <- list()
    # avoid duplicate sty files
    for (i in seq_along(wrapper_content)) {
        line <- wrapper_content[[i]]
        if (grepl("\\\\usepackage\\{", line)) {
            sty_file <- gsub(".*\\{(.*)\\}", "\\1", line)
            if (sty_file %in% include_sty_files) {
                include_sty_files <- include_sty_files[include_sty_files != sty_file]
    # add sty file after \usepackage{Metafix}
    for (i in seq_along(wrapper_content)) {
        line <- wrapper_content[[i]]
        modified_content <- c(modified_content, line)
        if (grepl("\\\\usepackage\\{Metafix\\}", line)) {
            for (sty_file in include_sty_files) {
                modified_content <- c(modified_content, paste0("\\usepackage{", sty_file, "}"))
    modified_content <- unlist(modified_content, use.names = FALSE)
    xfun::write_utf8(modified_content, wrapper_path)

clean_up_files <- function(work_dir, intermediate_file_list = NULL) {
    if (is.null(intermediate_file_list)) {
        # get all file name in work_dir
        all_files <- list.files(work_dir, recursive = FALSE, full.names = TRUE)
        # remove all intermediate files in work_dir (.bk, .bak, .yaml, .txt, .md, .tex, -knitr.Rnw)
        intermediate_file_list <- c("\\.bk$", "\\.bak$", "\\.yaml$", "\\.txt$", "\\.md$", "\\.tex$",
                                    "-knitr\\.Rnw$", "Metafix\\.sty$")
        for (file in all_files) {
            # match end of file name
            pattern <- paste("(", intermediate_file_list, ")", collapse = "|", sep = "")
            if (grepl(paste0(".*", pattern, sep = ""), file)) {
    all_files <- list.files(work_dir, recursive = FALSE, full.names = TRUE)
    for (file in all_files) {
        if (file %in% intermediate_file_list) {

add_reference_caption <- function(rnw_file_path) {
    if (!file.exists(rnw_file_path)) {
        stop("File does not exist")
    rnw_content <- readLines(rnw_file_path)
    # replace \bibliography{...} with \section*{References}
    modified_content <- list()
    for (i in seq_along(rnw_content)) {
        line <- rnw_content[[i]]
        if (grepl("\\\\bibliography\\{", line, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
            modified_content <- c(modified_content, "\\section*{References}")
        modified_content <- c(modified_content, line)
    modified_content <- unlist(modified_content, use.names = FALSE)
    xfun::write_utf8(modified_content, rnw_file_path)

remove_unsupport_commands <- function(rnw_file_path) {
    if (!file.exists(rnw_file_path)) {
        stop("File does not exist")
    rnw_content <- readLines(rnw_file_path)
    modified_content <- list()
    for (i in seq_along(rnw_content)) {
        line <- rnw_content[[i]]
        # remove \vspace{...}, \hspace{...}, \vspace*{...}, \hspace*{...}
        if (grepl("^\\\\vspace\\{.*\\}$", line) ||
            grepl("^\\\\hspace\\{.*\\}$", line) ||
            grepl("^\\\\vspace\\*\\{.*\\}$", line) ||
            grepl("^\\\\hspace\\*\\{.*\\}$", line)) {
        modified_content <- c(modified_content, line)
    modified_content <- unlist(modified_content, use.names = FALSE)
    xfun::write_utf8(modified_content, rnw_file_path)

replace_all_sec_ref <- function(rmd_file_path) {
    if (!file.exists(rmd_file_path)) {
        stop("File does not exist")
    rmd_content <- readLines(rmd_file_path)
    # detect  \@ref(sec:...)
    # replace with [<span class="ref" data-target="sec:..."></span>](#sec:...)
    modified_content <- lapply(rmd_content, function(line) {
        if (grepl("\\\\@ref\\(sec:", line)) {
            # Replace all matches
            line <- gsub("\\\\@ref\\((sec:[^)]*)\\)",
                         "[<span class=\"ref\" data-target=\"\\1\"></span>](#\\1)", line, perl = TRUE)
        if (grepl("\\[\\d+\\]\\(#sec:", line)) {
            line <- gsub("\\[(\\d+)\\]\\(#(sec:[^)]*)\\)",
                         "[<span class=\"ref\" data-target=\"\\2\"></span>](#\\2)", line, perl = TRUE)
    modified_content <- unlist(modified_content, use.names = FALSE)
    xfun::write_utf8(modified_content, rmd_file_path)

patch_startup_message <- function(code_file_path) {
    if(!file.exists(code_file_path)) {
        stop("File does not exist")
    code_content <- readLines(code_file_path)
    # insert "library <- function(...) suppressPackageStartupMessages(base::library(...))" after first ``` line
    modified_content <- list()
    add_command <- FALSE
    for (i in seq_along(code_content)) {
        line <- code_content[[i]]
        modified_content <- c(modified_content, line)
        if (grepl("^```", line) && add_command == FALSE) {
            modified_content <- c(modified_content, "library <- function(...) suppressPackageStartupMessages(base::library(...))")
            add_command <- TRUE
    modified_content <- unlist(modified_content, use.names = FALSE)
    xfun::write_utf8(modified_content, code_file_path)

update_package_desc <- function(path = ".", package_name = "bookdown") {
    if (file.exists(file.path(path, "DESCRIPTION"))) {
        modified_desc = FALSE
        packages = ""
        import_list = desc::desc_get_deps(file.path(path, "DESCRIPTION"))
        if (!(package_name %in% import_list$package)) {
            desc::desc_set_dep(package = package_name,
                               type = "Suggests",
                               version = "*",
                               file = file.path(path,"DESCRIPTION"))
            modified_desc = TRUE
            packages = paste0(packages, " ", package_name)
        if (!("knitr" %in% import_list$package)) {
            desc::desc_set_dep(package = "knitr",
                               type = "Suggests",
                               version = "*",
                               file = file.path(path,"DESCRIPTION"))
            modified_desc = TRUE
            if (packages == "") {
                packages = paste0(packages, " knitr")
            else {
                packages = paste0(packages, " and ",  "knitr")
        # if the VignetteBuilder is missing
        if (is.na(desc::desc_get(file=file.path(path,"DESCRIPTION"),keys = "VignetteBuilder"))[[1]]) {
            desc::desc_set("VignetteBuilder","knitr",file = file.path(path,"DESCRIPTION"),normalize = T)
                "DESCRIPTION file of the package updated with VignetteBuilder set as `knitr`"
        if (modified_desc){
            "DESCRIPTION file of the package updated with dependency Suggests for{.package {packages}}"
    else {
            "{.arg package.dir} ({.path {path}}) does not contain a DESCRIPTION, hence not updated"

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texor documentation built on Oct. 15, 2024, 5:08 p.m.