
Defines functions textTrainLists sort_classification_output_list sort_regression_output_list textTrain

Documented in textTrain textTrainLists

#' Train word embeddings to a numeric (ridge regression) or categorical (random forest) variable.
#' @param x Word embeddings from textEmbed (or textEmbedLayerAggreation).
#' Can analyze several variables at the same time; but if training to several
#' outcomes at the same time use a tibble within the list as input rather than just a
#' tibble input (i.e., keep the name of the wordembedding).
#' @param y Numeric variable to predict. Can be several; although then make
#' sure to have them within a tibble (this is required
#' even if it is only one outcome but several word embeddings variables).
#' @param force_train_method default is "automatic", so if y is a factor
#' random_forest is used, and if y is numeric ridge regression
#' is used. This can be overridden using "regression" or "random_forest".
#' @param ... Arguments from textTrainRegression or textTrainRandomForest
#' the textTrain function.
#' @return A correlation between predicted and observed values; as well as a
#'  tibble of predicted values.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' results <- textTrain(
#'   x = word_embeddings_4$texts$harmonytext,
#'   y = Language_based_assessment_data_8$hilstotal
#' )
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{textTrainRegression}} \code{\link{textTrainRandomForest}}
#' \code{\link{textTrainLists}}
#' @importFrom tibble is_tibble
#' @importFrom dplyr select_if
#' @export
textTrain <- function(x,
                      force_train_method = "automatic",
                      ...) {

  # Figure out which train_method to use (textTrainRegression or textTrainRandomForest)
  if (is.numeric(y) == TRUE & force_train_method == "automatic") {
    train_method <- "regression"
  } else if (is.factor(y) == TRUE & force_train_method == "automatic") {
    train_method <- "logistic"
  } else if ((tibble::is_tibble(y) | is.data.frame(y) & length(y) > 1) & force_train_method == "automatic") {

    # Create a dataframe with only one type (numeric or categorical) depending on most frequent type
    # Select all numeric variables
    y_n <- dplyr::select_if(y, is.numeric)
    # Select all categorical variables
    y_f <- dplyr::select_if(y, is.factor)
    # Select most frequent type as y
    if (length(y_n) >= length(y_f)) {
      y <- y_n
      train_method <- "regression"
    } else if (length(y_n) < length(y_f)) {
      y <- y_f
      train_method <- "logistic"
  } else if (((tibble::is_tibble(y) | is.data.frame(y)) & length(y) > 1) & force_train_method == "regression") {
    y <- dplyr::select_if(y, is.numeric)
    train_method <- "regression"
  } else if (((tibble::is_tibble(y) | is.data.frame(y)) & length(y) > 1) & force_train_method == "random_forest") {
    y <- dplyr::select_if(y, is.factor)
    train_method <- "random_forest"
  } else if (force_train_method == "regression") {
    train_method <- "regression"
  } else if (force_train_method == "random_forest") {
    train_method <- "random_forest"

  # Analyze according to train_method decided above.
  if (train_method == "regression" | train_method == "logistic") {
    # textTrainLists x; if more than one wordembedding list; or more than one column of numeric/categorical variable
    if ((!tibble::is_tibble(x) & length(x) > 1) | ((tibble::is_tibble(y) | is.data.frame(y)) & length(y) > 1)) {
      repression_output <- textTrainLists(
        x = x,
        y = y,
        force_train_method = train_method,
    } else {
      repression_output <- textTrainRegression(
        x = x,
        y = y,
        model = train_method,
  } else if (train_method == "random_forest") {
    if ((!tibble::is_tibble(x) & length(x) > 1) | (tibble::is_tibble(y) | is.data.frame(y) & length(y) > 1)) {
      random_forest_output <- textTrainLists(
        x = x,
        y = y,
        force_train_method = "random_forest",
    } else {
      random_forest_output <- textTrainRandomForest(
        x = x,
        y = y,

#' Sorts out the output from a regression model for the list format.
#' @param output output from mapply of textTrainRegression or textTrainRandomForest
#' @param method_cor type of measure as output; default is pearson, see also spearman, kendall.
#' @param save_output including "all", "only_restuls_predictions" or "only_results".
#' @param descriptions description.
#' @return A list with result output depending on save_output setting.
#' @noRd
sort_regression_output_list <- function(output, method_cor, save_output, descriptions, ...) {
  # Sort out the summary results depending on type of correlation method used
  if (method_cor == "pearson") {
    output_t <- t(as.data.frame(lapply(output, function(output) unlist(output$results)[[1]][c(1)])))
    output_df <- t(as.data.frame(lapply(output, function(output) unlist(output$results)[[2]][c(1)])))
    output_p <- t(as.data.frame(lapply(output, function(output) unlist(output$results)[[3]][c(1)])))
    output_r <- t(as.data.frame(lapply(output, function(output) unlist(output$results)[[4]][c(1)])))
    output_a <- t(as.data.frame(lapply(output, function(output) unlist(output$results)[[6]][c(1)])))

    # Add Outcomes and Descriptions together; name the columns; and remove the row names.
    output_ordered_named <- data.frame(cbind(descriptions, output_r, output_df, output_p, output_t, output_a))
    colnames(output_ordered_named) <- c("descriptions", "correlation", "df", "p_value", "t_statistics", "alternative")
    rownames(output_ordered_named) <- NULL
  } else if (method_cor == "spearman" | method_cor == "kendall") {
    output_S <- t(as.data.frame(lapply(output, function(output) unlist(output$results)[[1]][c(1)])))
    output_p <- t(as.data.frame(lapply(output, function(output) unlist(output$results)[[2]][c(1)])))
    output_r <- t(as.data.frame(lapply(output, function(output) unlist(output$results)[[3]][c(1)])))
    output_a <- t(as.data.frame(lapply(output, function(output) unlist(output$results)[[5]][c(1)])))

    # Add Outcomes and Descriptions together; name the columns; and remove the row names.
    output_ordered_named <- data.frame(cbind(descriptions, output_r, output_p, output_S, output_a))
    if (method_cor == "spearman") {
      colnames(output_ordered_named) <- c("descriptions", "rho_correlation", "p_value", "S_statistics", "alternative")
    } else if (method_cor == "kendall") {
      colnames(output_ordered_named) <- c("descriptions", "tau_correlation", "p_value", "z_statistics", "alternative")
    rownames(output_ordered_named) <- NULL

  names(output) <- descriptions
  # Remove predictions from output since they are saved together
  output1 <- purrr::map(output, ~ purrr::discard(.x, names(.x) == "predictions"))

  if (save_output == "all" | save_output == "only_results_predictions") {
    output_predscore <- as.data.frame(lapply(output, function(output) unlist(output$predictions)))
    output_predscore_reg <- output_predscore[grep("predictions", rownames(output_predscore)), ]
    colnames(output_predscore_reg) <- c(paste(descriptions, "_pred", sep = ""))

    output_predscore_reg$id_nr <- output[[1]]$predictions$id_nr

    results <- list(output1, output_predscore_reg, output_ordered_named) #
    names(results) <- c("all_output", "predictions", "results") #
  } else if (save_output == "only_results") {
    results <- list(output1, output_ordered_named) #
    names(results) <- c("all_output", "results") #

#' Sorts out the output from a classification for the list format.
#' This is a function because it is needed in both regression for logistic and for
#' Random forest
#' @param output output from mapply of textTrainRegression or textTrainRandomForest
#' @param save_output including "all", "only_restuls_predictions" or "only_results".
#' @param train_method method used to train the models.
#' @return A list with result output depending on save_output setting.
#' @importFrom purrr reduce
#' @importFrom dplyr full_join
#' @noRd
sort_classification_output_list <- function(output, save_output, descriptions, train_method, ...) {
  output_chi <- t(as.data.frame(lapply(output, function(output) unlist(output$chisq)[[1]][[1]])))
  output_df <- t(as.data.frame(lapply(output, function(output) unlist(output$chisq)[[2]][[1]])))
  output_p <- t(as.data.frame(lapply(output, function(output) unlist(output$chisq)[[3]][[1]])))
  output_p_r <- tibble::tibble(output_chi, output_df, output_p)

  # Add Outcomes and Descriptions together; name the columns; and remove the row names.
  output_ordered_named <- data.frame(cbind(descriptions, output_p_r))
  colnames(output_ordered_named) <- c("descriptions", "chi2", "df", "p_value")

  output_eval_measures <- t(as.data.frame(lapply(output, function(output) unlist(output$results$.estimate))))
  output_eval_measures_names <- t(as.data.frame(lapply(output, function(output) unlist(output$results$.metric))))
  colnames(output_eval_measures) <- c(output_eval_measures_names[1, ])

  output_ordered_named1 <- cbind(output_ordered_named, output_eval_measures)
  rownames(output_ordered_named1) <- NULL

  # Remove predictions since it will be collated together
  names(output) <- descriptions
  output1 <- purrr::map(output, ~ purrr::discard(.x, names(.x) == "predictions"))

  # Get and sort the Prediction scores; names(output$harmonywords_factors2)
  if (save_output == "all" | save_output == "only_results_predictions") {
    if (train_method == "random_forest") output_predscore <- lapply(output, "[[", "truth_predictions")
    if (train_method == "logistic") output_predscore <- lapply(output, "[[", "predictions")
    # Append dataframe name to each of its columns within a list of dataframes
    output_predscore <- purrr::imap(output_predscore, ~ dplyr::rename_with(.x, function(x) paste(.y, x, sep = "_")))

    # Renaming the last column of each dataframe to id_nr so that they can be joint later.
    output_predscore <- lapply(output_predscore, function(x) {
      names(x)[ncol(x)] <- "id_nr"

    output_predscore <- output_predscore %>%
      purrr::reduce(dplyr::full_join, "id_nr") %>%

    results <- list(output1, output_predscore, output_ordered_named1)
    names(results) <- c("all_output", "predictions", "results")
  } else if (save_output == "only_results") {
    results <- list(output1, output_ordered_named1) #
    names(results) <- c("all_output", "results") #

#' Individually trains word embeddings from several text variables to several numeric or categorical variables.
#' It is possible to have  word embeddings from one text variable and several numeric/categprical variables;
#' or vice verse, word embeddings from several text variables to one numeric/categorical variable.
#' It is not possible to mix numeric and categorical variables.
#' @param x Word embeddings from textEmbed (or textEmbedLayerAggreation).
#' @param y Tibble with several numeric or categorical variables to predict. Please note that you cannot mix numeric and
#' categorical variables.
#' @param force_train_method Default is "automatic"; see also "regression" and "random_forest".
#' @param save_output Option not to save all output; default "all". see also "only_results"
#' and "only_results_predictions".
#' @param method_cor  A character string describing type of correlation (default "Pearson").
#' @param eval_measure  Type of evaluative measure to assess models on.
#' @param p_adjust_method Method to adjust/correct p-values for multiple comparisons
#' (default = "holm"; see also "none", "hochberg", "hommel", "bonferroni", "BH", "BY",  "fdr").
#' @param ... Arguments from textTrainRegression or textTrainRandomForest the textTrain function.
#' @return Correlations between predicted and observed values.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' word_embeddings <- word_embeddings_4$texts[1:2]
#' ratings_data <- Language_based_assessment_data_8[5:6]
#' results <- textTrainLists(
#'   x = word_embeddings,
#'   y = ratings_data
#' )
#' results
#' comment(results)
#' }
#' @seealso see \code{\link{textTrain}}  \code{\link{textTrainRegression}}  \code{\link{textTrainRandomForest}}
#' @importFrom stats cor.test
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom dplyr arrange
#' @export
textTrainLists <- function(x,
                           force_train_method = "automatic",
                           save_output = "all",
                           method_cor = "pearson",
                           eval_measure = "rmse",
                           p_adjust_method = "holm",
                           ...) {
  T1_textTrainLists <- Sys.time()

  # If y is a vector make it into a tibble format
  if (is.vector(y) == TRUE) {
    y <- tibble::as_tibble_col(y)

  # If x is a tibble (and not a list with tibble(s)), make it into a list with tibble format
  if (tibble::is_tibble(x) == TRUE) {
    x_name <- deparse(substitute(x))
    x <- list(x)
    names(x) <- x_name

  # Force or decide regression or random forest (and select only categorical or numeric variables for multiple input).
  if (is.numeric(y) == TRUE & force_train_method == "automatic") {
    train_method <- "regression"
  } else if (force_train_method == "regression") {
    train_method <- "regression"
  } else if (is.factor(y) == TRUE & force_train_method == "automatic") {
    train_method <- "logistic"
  } else if (force_train_method == "random_forest") {
    train_method <- "random_forest"
  } else if ((tibble::is_tibble(y) | is.data.frame(y) & length(y) > 1) & force_train_method == "automatic") {

    # Create a dataframe only comprising numeric or categorical depending on most frequent type
    # Select all numeric variables
    y_n <- dplyr::select_if(y, is.numeric)
    # Select all categorical variables
    y_f <- dplyr::select_if(y, is.factor)
    # Select most frequent type as y
    if (length(y_n) >= length(y_f)) {
      y <- y_n
      train_method <- "regression"
    } else if (length(y_n) < length(y_f)) {
      y <- y_f
      train_method <- "logistic"
  } else if ((tibble::is_tibble(y) | is.data.frame(y) & length(y) > 1) & force_train_method == "regression") {
    y <- dplyr::select_if(y, is.numeric)
    train_method <- "regression"
  } else if ((tibble::is_tibble(y) | is.data.frame(y) & length(y) > 1) & force_train_method == "random_forest") {
    y <- dplyr::select_if(y, is.factor)
    train_method <- "random_forest"

  # Get variable names in the list of outcomes.
  variables <- names(y)
  # Duplicate variable names to as many different word embeddings there are in x.
  variables <- rep(variables, length(x))
  # Create data frame with duplicated variables.
  y1 <- y[c(variables)]

  # Order columns alphabetically.
  y1 <- y1[, order(colnames(y1))]

  # Creating descriptions of which variables are used in training, which is  added to the output.
  descriptions <- paste(rep(names(x), length(y)), "_", names(y1), sep = "")

  if (train_method == "regression" | train_method == "logistic") {
    # Using mapply to loop over the word embeddings and the outcome variables to train the different combinations

    output <- mapply(textTrainRegression, x = x, y = y1, MoreArgs = list(
      method_cor = method_cor,
      save_output = save_output,
      model = train_method,

    if (train_method == "regression") {
      results <- sort_regression_output_list(output,
        method_cor = method_cor,
        save_output = save_output,
        descriptions = descriptions
    } else if (train_method == "logistic") {
      results <- sort_classification_output_list(
        output = output,
        save_output = save_output,
        descriptions = descriptions,
        train_method = train_method
  } else if (train_method == "random_forest") {

    # Apply textTrainRandomForest function between each list element and sort outcome.
    output <- mapply(textTrainRandomForest,
      x = x, y = y1,
      MoreArgs = list(
        save_output = save_output,

    results <- sort_classification_output_list(
      output = output,
      save_output = save_output,
      descriptions = descriptions,
      train_method = train_method
    results$results$p_value_corrected <- stats::p.adjust(as.numeric(results$results$p_value), method = p_adjust_method)
    # Combine output

  # Time
  T2_textTrainLists <- Sys.time()
  Time_textTrainLists <- T2_textTrainLists - T1_textTrainLists
  Time_textTrainLists <- sprintf("Duration to train text: %f %s", Time_textTrainLists, units(Time_textTrainLists))
  Date_textTrainLists <- Sys.time()
  time_date <- paste(Time_textTrainLists,
    "; Date created: ", Date_textTrainLists,
    sep = "",
    collapse = " "
  results$results$p_value_corrected <- stats::p.adjust(results$results$p_value, method = p_adjust_method)
  comment(results) <- time_date

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