
.defunctError <- function (new, package = NULL, msg, old = as.character(sys.call(sys.parent()))[1L])
    msg <- if (missing(msg)) {
        msg <- gettextf("'%s' is defunct.\n", old, domain = "R-base")
        if (!missing(new))
            msg <- c(msg, gettextf("Use '%s' instead.\n", new, domain = "R-base"))
        c(msg, if (!is.null(package))
            gettextf("See help(\"Defunct\") and help(\"%s-defunct\").", package, domain = "R-base")
        else gettext("See help(\"Defunct\")", domain = "R-base"))
    else as.character(msg)
    msg <- paste(msg, collapse = "")
    if (missing(new))
        new <- NULL
    errorCondition(msg, old = old, new = new, package = package,
        class = "defunctError")

.getCurrentCall <- function (n = 3L)
    ## find the call that stop() would have also found
    ## look down the calling stack, picking the
    ## most recent closure besides `stop`
    ## this is intended to be used as such:
    ## stop(errorMakingFunction())
    ## where errorMakingFunction calls .getCurrentCall()

    n <- sys.nframe() - n
    if (n <= 0L)
    n <- sys.parents()[[n]]
    if (n <= 0L)
    skip_stop <- TRUE
    for (n in seq.int(to = 1L, by = -1L, length.out = n)) {
        if (typeof(fun <- sys.function(n)) == "closure") {
            if (skip_stop && .identical(fun, stop)) {
                skip_stop <- FALSE

.ThisPathInAQUAError <- function (call = .getCurrentCall(), call. = TRUE)
.External2(.C_ThisPathInAQUAError, if (call.) call)

.ThisPathInZipFileError <- function (description, call = .getCurrentCall(), call. = TRUE)
.External2(.C_ThisPathInZipFileError, if (call.) call, description)

.ThisPathNotExistsError <- function (..., call. = TRUE, domain = NULL, call = .getCurrentCall())
.External2(.C_ThisPathNotExistsError, .makeMessage(..., domain = domain), call = if (call.) call)

delayedAssign("thisPathNotExistsError", { .ThisPathNotExistsError })

.ThisPathNotFoundError <- function (..., call. = TRUE, domain = NULL, call = .getCurrentCall())
.External2(.C_ThisPathNotFoundError, .makeMessage(..., domain = domain), call = if (call.) call)

delayedAssign("thisPathNotFoundError", { .ThisPathNotFoundError })

.ThisPathNotImplementedError <- function (..., call. = TRUE, domain = NULL, call = .getCurrentCall())
.External2(.C_ThisPathNotImplementedError, .makeMessage(..., domain = domain), call = if (call.) call)

.ThisPathUnrecognizedConnectionClassError <- function (con, call = .getCurrentCall(), call. = TRUE)
.External2(.C_ThisPathUnrecognizedConnectionClassError, if (call.) call, con)

.ThisPathUnrecognizedMannerError <- function (call = .getCurrentCall(), call. = TRUE)
.External2(.C_ThisPathUnrecognizedMannerError, if (call.) call)

tryCatch2 <- function (expr, ..., else., finally)

.last.condition <- function (c)
.External2(.C_last_condition, c)

last.condition <- function ()

tryCatch3 <- function (expr, ..., else., finally)

# tryCatch3(message("testing"), message = , error = writeLines("caught error"), warning = 6, test = , finally = writeLines("finally"), else. = writeLines("else."))

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this.path documentation built on June 30, 2024, 1:07 a.m.