#' Create density plots for mixture models
#' Creates a faceted plot of density plots for an object of class 'tidyLPA'. For
#' each variable, a Total density plot will be shown, along with separate
#' density plots for each latent class, where cases are weighted by the
#' posterior probability of being assigned to that class.
#' @param x Object to plot.
#' @param variables Which variables to plot. If NULL, plots all variables that
#' are present in all models.
#' @param bw Logical. Whether to make a black and white plot (for print) or a
#' color plot. Defaults to FALSE, because these density plots are hard to read
#' in black and white.
#' @param conditional Logical. Whether to show a conditional density plot
#' (surface area is divided amongst the latent classes), or a classic density
#' plot (surface area of the total density plot is equal to one, and is
#' subdivided amongst the classes).
#' @param alpha Numeric (0-1). Only used when bw and conditional are FALSE. Sets
#' the transparency of geom_density, so that classes with a small number of
#' cases remain visible.
#' @param facet_labels Named character vector, the names of which should
#' correspond to the facet labels one wishes to rename, and the values of which
#' provide new names for these facets. For example, to rename variables, in the
#' example with the 'iris' data below, one could specify:
#' \code{facet_labels = c("Pet_leng" = "Petal length")}.
#' @return An object of class 'ggplot'.
#' @author Caspar J. van Lissa
#' @export
#' @import ggplot2
#' @keywords mixture density plot
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' results <- iris %>%
#' subset(select = c("Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width",
#' "Petal.Length", "Petal.Width")) %>%
#' estimate_profiles(1:3)
#' }
#' \dontrun{
#' plot_density(results, variables = "Petal.Length")
#' }
#' \dontrun{
#' plot_density(results, bw = TRUE)
#' }
#' \dontrun{
#' plot_density(results, bw = FALSE, conditional = TRUE)
#' }
#' \dontrun{
#' plot_density(results[[2]], variables = "Petal.Length")
#' }
plot_density <-
variables = NULL,
bw = FALSE,
conditional = FALSE,
alpha = .2,
facet_labels = NULL) {
UseMethod("plot_density", x)
#' @method plot_density default
#' @export
plot_density.default <-
variables = NULL,
bw = FALSE,
conditional = FALSE,
alpha = .2,
facet_labels = NULL) {
plot_df <- x
if(!inherits(plot_df[["Title"]], "factor")){
plot_df[["Title"]] <- factor(plot_df[["Title"]])
# Plot figure
Args <- as.list([-1])
Args <- Args[which(names(Args) %in% c("variables", "bw", "conditional", "alpha"))]
Args <- c(Args, list(plot_df = plot_df))
density_plot <-, Args)
# Relabel facets
label_facets <- c(levels(plot_df$Variable), levels(plot_df$Title))
names(label_facets) <- label_facets
label_facets[which(tolower(names(label_facets)) %in% tolower(names(facet_labels)))] <- facet_labels[which(tolower(names(facet_labels)) %in% tolower(names(label_facets)))]
# Facet the plot
if (length(unique(plot_df$Title)) > 1) {
if (length(variables) > 1) {
density_plot <- density_plot +
facet_grid(Title ~ Variable, labeller = labeller(Title = label_facets, Variable = label_facets), scales = "free_x")
} else {
density_plot <- density_plot +
facet_grid( ~ Title, labeller = labeller(Title = label_facets))
} else {
if (length(variables) > 1) {
density_plot <- density_plot +
facet_grid( ~ Variable, labeller = labeller(Variable = label_facets))
density_plot <- density_plot +
#' @method plot_density tidyLPA
#' @export
plot_density.tidyLPA <-
variables = NULL,
bw = FALSE,
conditional = FALSE,
alpha = .2,
facet_labels = NULL,
...) {
Args <- as.list([-c(1,2)])
# If no variables have been specified, use all variables
var_names <-
if (is.null(variables)) {
variables <- var_names
} else {
variables <- variables[which((variables) %in% (var_names))]
if (!length(variables))
stop("No valid variables provided.")
Args[["variables"]] <- variables
Args[["x"]] <- force(x)
Args[["x"]] <-, Args[c("x", "variables")])"plot_density", Args)
#' @method plot_density tidyProfile
#' @export
plot_density.tidyProfile <-
variables = NULL,
bw = FALSE,
conditional = FALSE,
alpha = .2,
facet_labels = NULL,
...) {
Args <- as.list([-c(1,2)])
# If no variables have been specified, use all variables
var_names <-
if (is.null(variables)) {
variables <- var_names
} else {
variables <- variables[which((variables) %in% (var_names))]
if (!length(variables))
stop("No valid variables provided.")
Args[["variables"]] <- variables
Args[["x"]] <- force(x)
Args[["x"]] <-, Args[c("x", "variables")])"plot_density", Args)
.extract_density_data <- function(x,
variables = NULL, longform = TRUE){
if(inherits(x, "tidyProfile")){
x <- list(x)
x[sapply(x, function(i){is.null(i[["dff"]])})] <- NULL
# Check if all variables (except CPROBs) are identical across models
plot_df <- lapply(x, function(x)$dff))
plot_df <-
lapply(plot_df, function(x) {
x <- x[, which(names(x) %in% c(grep("^CPROB", names(x), value = TRUE), variables))]
names(x) <- gsub("^CPROB", "Probability.", names(x))
data.frame(x, Probability.Total = 1)
for (i in names(plot_df)) {
plot_df[[i]][, grep("^Probability", names(plot_df[[i]]))] <-
lapply(plot_df[[i]][grep("^Probability", names(plot_df[[i]]))], function(x) {
x / length(x)
plot_df <- lapply(plot_df, function(x) {
direction = "long",
varying =
grep("^Probability", names(x), value = TRUE),
timevar = "Class",
idvar = "ID"
if(length(plot_df) > 1){
plot_df <-, lapply(names(plot_df), function(x) {
data.frame(Title = gsub("_", " ", x), plot_df[[x]])
} else {
plot_df <- data.frame(Title = "", plot_df[[1]])
variable_names <-
names(plot_df) %in% c("Title", "Class", "Probability", "ID")
names(plot_df)[variable_names] <-
sapply(names(plot_df)[variable_names], function(x) {
toupper(substring(x, 1, 1)),
tolower(substring(x, 2))
), collapse = "")
plot_df <- reshape(
direction = "long",
varying =
grep("^Value", names(plot_df), value = TRUE),
sep = "_____",
timevar = "Variable"
)[, c("Title", "Variable", "Value", "Class", "Probability")]
plot_df$Variable <- factor(plot_df$Variable)
plot_df$Class <- factor(plot_df$Class)
plot_df$Class <-
ordered(plot_df$Class, levels = c("Total", levels(plot_df$Class)[-length(levels(plot_df$Class))]))
.plot_density_fun <- function(plot_df, variables, bw = FALSE, conditional = FALSE, alpha = .2){
if (conditional) {
if (bw) {
plot_df <- plot_df[-which(plot_df$Class == "Total"),]
density_plot <-
aes_string(x = "Value", y = "..count..", fill = "Class", weight = "Probability")) +
geom_density(position = "fill") + scale_fill_grey(start = 0.2, end = 0.8)
} else {
plot_df <- plot_df[-which(plot_df$Class == "Total"),]
density_plot <-
aes_string(x = "Value", y = "..count..", fill = "Class", weight = "Probability")) +
scale_fill_manual(values = get_palette(length(levels(plot_df$Class))-1)) +
geom_density(position = "fill")
} else {
densities <- .get_dens_for_plot(plot_df)
densities$alpha <- alpha
densities$alpha[densities$Class == "Total"] <- 0
densities$Class <- ordered(densities$Class, levels = c(levels(plot_df$Class)[-1][order(as.numeric(levels(plot_df$Class)[-1]))], levels(plot_df$Class)[1]))
if (bw) {
density_plot <-
aes_string(x = "x",
y = "y",
linetype = "Class"
#size = "size"
)) + labs(x = "Value", y = "density")
density_plot <- density_plot +
scale_linetype_manual(values = c(2:length(levels(plot_df$Class)), 1))+
scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0))+
scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0))
} else{
density_plot <-
aes_string(x = "x",
y = "y",
fill = "Class",
colour = "Class",
alpha = "alpha"#,
#size = "size"
)) + labs(x = "Value", y = "density")
class_colors <- c(get_palette(length(levels(plot_df$Class))-1), "#000000")
density_plot <- density_plot +
scale_colour_manual(values = class_colors)+
scale_fill_manual(values = class_colors) +
scale_alpha_continuous(range = c(0, alpha), guide = FALSE)+
scale_size_continuous(range = c(.5, 1), guide = FALSE)+
geom_area(position = "identity")+
scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0))+
scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0))
#' @importFrom stats density
.get_dens_for_plot <- function(plot_df){
vars <- unique(plot_df[["Variable"]])
titles <- unique(plot_df[["Title"]])
if(is.null(vars)) vars <- ""
if(is.null(titles)) titles <- ""
if(length(titles) < 2 ){
if(length(vars) < 2){
densities <- lapply(unique(plot_df$Class), function(thisclass){
thedf <- plot_df[plot_df$Class == thisclass, ]
thep <- thedf$Probability
data.frame(Title = titles,
Variable = vars,
Class = thisclass,
suppressWarnings(density(thedf$Value, weights = thep))[c("x", "y")])
}), densities)
} else {, lapply(vars, function(thisvar){
.get_dens_for_plot(plot_df[plot_df$Variable == thisvar, ])
} else {, lapply(titles, function(thistit){
.get_dens_for_plot(plot_df[plot_df$Title == thistit, ])
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