calendar-isRegular: Checks if a date/time vector is regular

isRegularR Documentation

Checks if a date/time vector is regular


Checks if a date/time vector is regular. i.e. if it is a daily, a monthly, or a quarterly date/time vector. If the date/time vector is regular the frequency can determined calling the function frequency.


## S4 method for signature 'timeDate'
## S4 method for signature 'timeDate'
## S4 method for signature 'timeDate'

## S4 method for signature 'timeDate'

## S4 method for signature 'timeDate'
frequency(x, ...)



an object of class "timeDate".


arguments to be passed.


A date/time vector is defined as daily if the vector has not more than one date/time stamp per day.

A date/time vector is defined as monthly if the vector has not more than one date/time stamp per month.

A date/time vector is defined as quarterly if the vector has not more than one date/time stamp per quarter.

A monthly date/time vector is also a daily vector, a quarterly date/time vector is also a monthly vector.

A regular date/time vector is either a monthly or a quarterly vector.

NOT yet implemented is the case of weekly vectors.


The is* functions return TRUE or FALSE depending on whether the date/time vector fulfills the condition or not.

The function frequency returns in general 1, for quarterly date/time vectors 4, and for monthly vectors 12.


## None

timeDate documentation built on June 25, 2024, 1:13 a.m.