holiday-NYSE: NYSE holiday calendar

holidayNYSER Documentation

NYSE holiday calendar


Returns a holiday (closing days) calendar for the New York Stock Exchange.


holidayNYSE(year = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear"), 
            type = c("", "standard", "special"))



an integer value or vector of years, formatted as YYYY.


what to include, a character string. The default is to return all closing days (holidays and specials). "standard" requests only closings associated with the standard public holidays, "special" gives the special closings only.


holidayNYSE generates a list of the clossing days of the exchange for the requested years.

The default is to return all closing days (holidays and specials). type = "standard" requests only closings associated with the standard public holidays, type = "special" gives the special closings only.


an object of class "timeDate"


The list of closing days returned by holidayNYSE was changed in timeDate version 4021.105, in that previously it did not include special closing days. This was perceived by some users as buggy. Also, the intent by the authors of the package seems to have been for it to return all closing days. Indeed, the default for isisBizday() is to drop weekends and days returned by holidayNYSE.

Argument type was also included in version 4021.105. The old behaviour can be obtained by using type = "standard".

The default for argument type is currently the empty string, since I couldn't come up with another string that would be universally easy to remember. Suggestions are welcome but a change will be only feasible if they come soon.


Diethelm Wuertz (original author); Yohan Chalabi improved speed and handling of time zone; Georgi N. Boshnakov added the special closings and argument ‘type’.

See Also

earlyCloseNYSE for times of early closings


## holidayNYSE -
holidayNYSE() ## current year

## January 2, 2007 was a memorial day for president G.R. Ford,
##    not a regular public holiday
holidayNYSE(2007, type = "standard")
holidayNYSE(2007, type = "special")

timeDate documentation built on June 25, 2024, 1:13 a.m.