
Defines functions check_quarter time_subtracter time_adder `%-time%` `%+time%` subtract_time.default subtract_time.numeric subtract_time.yearqtr subtract_time.yearmon subtract_time.Date subtract_time.POSIXt subtract_time.character subtract_time add_time.default add_time.numeric add_time.yearqtr add_time.yearmon add_time.Date add_time.POSIXt add_time.character add_time

Documented in add_time subtract_time

#' Add / Subtract (For Time Series)
#' The easiest way to add / subtract a period to a time series date or date-time vector.
#' @param index A date or date-time vector. Can also accept a character representation.
#' @param period A period to add. Accepts character strings like "5 seconds", "2 days",
#'  and complex strings like "1 month 4 days 34 minutes".
#' @return A `date` or datetime (`POSIXct`) vector the same length as `index` with the
#' time values shifted +/- a period.
#' @details
#' A convenient wrapper for `lubridate::period()`. Adds and subtracts a period from a
#' time-based index. Great for:
#' - Finding a timestamp n-periods into the future or past
#' - Shifting a time-based index. Note that `NA` values may be present where dates don't exist.
#' __Period Specification__
#' The `period` argument accepts complex strings like:
#' - "1 month 4 days 43 minutes"
#' - "second = 3, minute = 1, hour = 2, day = 13, week = 1"
#' @seealso
#' Other Time-Based vector functions:
#' - [between_time()] - Range detection for date or date-time sequences.
#' Underlying function:
#' - [lubridate::period()]
#' @examples
#' # Forward (Plus Time)
#' "2021" %+time% "1 hour 34 seconds"
#' "2021" %+time% "3 months"
#' "2021" %+time% "1 year 3 months 6 days"
#' # Backward (Minus Time)
#' "2021" %-time% "1 hour 34 seconds"
#' "2021" %-time% "3 months"
#' "2021" %-time% "1 year 3 months 6 days"
#' # ---- INDEX SHIFTING ----
#' index_daily <- tk_make_timeseries("2016", "2016-02-01")
#' # - Note `NA` values created where a daily dates aren't possible
#' #   (e.g. Feb 29 & 30, 2016 doesn't exist).
#' index_daily %+time% "1 month"
#' # Subtracting Time
#' index_daily %-time% "1 month"
#' @name time_arithmetic

# ADD ----

#' @export
#' @rdname time_arithmetic
add_time <- function(index, period) {
    UseMethod("add_time", index)

#' @export
add_time.character <- function(index, period) {
    index <- try_parse_date_time(index)
    add_time(index, period)

#' @export
add_time.POSIXt <- function(index, period) {
    time_adder(index, period)

#' @export
add_time.Date <- function(index, period) {
    time_adder(index, period)

#' @export
add_time.yearmon <- function(index, period) {
    index <- lubridate::as_date(index)
    message("Converting to date class")
    time_adder(index, period)

#' @export
add_time.yearqtr <- function(index, period) {
    index <- lubridate::as_date(index)
    message("Converting to date class")
    time_adder(index, period)

#' @export
add_time.numeric <- function(index, period) {
    stop("Index must be a non-numeric time-based class.")

#' @export
add_time.default <- function(index, period) {
    rlang::abort(paste0("No method for class ", class(index)[[1]], "."))


#' @export
#' @rdname time_arithmetic
subtract_time <- function(index, period) {
    UseMethod("subtract_time", index)

#' @export
subtract_time.character <- function(index, period) {
    index <- try_parse_date_time(index)
    subtract_time(index, period)


#' @export
subtract_time.POSIXt <- function(index, period) {
    time_subtracter(index, period)

#' @export
subtract_time.Date <- function(index, period) {
    time_subtracter(index, period)

#' @export
subtract_time.yearmon <- function(index, period) {
    index <- lubridate::as_date(index)
    message("Converting to date class")
    time_subtracter(index, period)

#' @export
subtract_time.yearqtr <- function(index, period) {
    index <- lubridate::as_date(index)
    message("Converting to date class")
    time_subtracter(index, period)

#' @export
subtract_time.numeric <- function(index, period) {
    stop("Index must be a non-numeric time-based class.")

#' @export
subtract_time.default <- function(index, period) {
    rlang::abort(paste0("No method for class ", class(index)[[1]], "."))

# INFIX ----

#' @export
#' @rdname time_arithmetic
`%+time%` <- function(index, period) {
    add_time(index, period)

#' @export
#' @rdname time_arithmetic
`%-time%` <- function(index, period) {
    subtract_time(index, period)

# Utils ----

time_adder <- function(index, period) {
    ret <- index + lubridate::period(period)

    if (any(is.na(ret))) warning("Missing values created during time addition. This can happen if dates do not exist.")

time_subtracter <- function(index, period) {
    ret <- index - lubridate::period(period)

    if (any(is.na(ret))) warning("Missing values created during time subtraction. This can happen if dates do not exist.")

check_quarter <- function(period) {
    if (tolower(period) %>% stringr::str_detect("quarter")) {
        rlang::abort("`quarter` detected. Try using `3 month` increments instead.")

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timetk documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 6:18 p.m.