#' Format columns of a data frame
#' This function formats the columns of a data frame based on the column type (logical, date, numeric).
#' It allows various formatting options like significant digits, decimal points, and scientific notation.
#' It also includes custom formatting for date and boolean values.
#' If this function is applied several times to the same cell, the last transformation is retained and the previous calls are ignored, except for the `escape` argument which can be applied to previously transformed data.
#' @param x A data frame or a vector to be formatted.
#' @param i Row indices where the formatting should be applied.
#' @param digits Number of significant digits or decimal places.
#' @param num_fmt The format for numeric values; one of 'significant', 'significant_cell', 'decimal', or 'scientific'.
#' @param num_zero Logical; if TRUE, trailing zeros are kept in "decimal" format (but not in "significant" format).
#' @param num_mark_big Character to use as a thousands separator.
#' @param num_mark_dec Decimal mark character. Default is the global option 'OutDec'.
#' @param num_suffix Logical; if TRUE display short numbers with `digits` significant digits and K (thousands), M (millions), B (billions), or T (trillions) suffixes.
#' @param date A string passed to the `format()` function, such as "%Y-%m-%d". See the "Details" section in `?strptime`
#' @param bool A function to format logical columns. Defaults to title case.
#' @param math Logical. If TRUE, wrap cell values in math mode `$..$`. This is useful for LaTeX output or with HTML MathJax `options(tinytable_html_mathjax=TRUE)`.
#' @param other A function to format columns of other types. Defaults to `as.character()`.
#' @param replace Logical, String or Named list of vectors
#' - TRUE: Replace `NA` by an empty string.
#' - FALSE: Print `NA` as the string "NA".
#' - String: Replace `NA` entries by the user-supplied string.
#' - Named list: Replace matching elements of the vectors in the list by theirs names. Example:
#' - `list("-" = c(NA, NaN), "Tiny" = -Inf, "Massive" = Inf)`
#' @param escape Logical or "latex" or "html". If TRUE, escape special characters to display them as text in the format of the output of a `tt()` table.
#' - If `i` and `j` are both `NULL`, escape all cells, column names, caption, notes, and spanning labels created by `group_tt()`.
#' @param markdown Logical; if TRUE, render markdown syntax in cells. Ex: `_italicized text_` is properly italicized in HTML and LaTeX.
#' @param fn Function for custom formatting. Accepts a vector and returns a character vector of the same length.
#' @param quarto Logical. Enable Quarto data processing and wrap cell content in a `data-qmd` span (HTML) or `\QuartoMarkdownBase64{}` macro (LaTeX). See warnings in the Global Options section below.
#' @param sprintf String passed to the `?sprintf` function to format numbers or interpolate strings with a user-defined pattern (similar to the `glue` package, but using Base R).
#' @param ... Additional arguments are ignored.
#' @inheritParams tt
#' @inheritParams style_tt
#' @template global_options
#' @return A data frame with formatted columns.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dat <- data.frame(
#' a = rnorm(3, mean = 10000),
#' b = rnorm(3, 10000))
#' tab <- tt(dat)
#' format_tt(tab,
#' digits = 2,
#' num_mark_dec = ",",
#' num_mark_big = " ")
#' k <- tt(data.frame(x = c(0.000123456789, 12.4356789)))
#' format_tt(k, digits = 2, num_fmt = "significant_cell")
#' dat <- data.frame(
#' a = c("Burger", "Halloumi", "Tofu", "Beans"),
#' b = c(1.43202, 201.399, 0.146188, 0.0031),
#' c = c(98938272783457, 7288839482, 29111727, 93945))
#' tt(dat) |>
#' format_tt(j = "a", sprintf = "Food: %s") |>
#' format_tt(j = 2, digits = 1, num_fmt = "decimal", num_zero = TRUE) |>
#' format_tt(j = "c", digits = 2, num_suffix = TRUE)
#' y <- tt(data.frame(x = c(123456789.678, 12435.6789)))
#' format_tt(y, digits=3, num_mark_big=" ")
#' x <- tt(data.frame(Text = c("_italicized text_", "__bold text__")))
#' format_tt(x, markdown=TRUE)
#' tab <- data.frame(a = c(NA, 1, 2), b = c(3, NA, 5))
#' tt(tab) |> format_tt(replace = "-")
#' dat <- data.frame(
#' "LaTeX" = c("Dollars $", "Percent %", "Underscore _"),
#' "HTML" = c("<br>", "<sup>4</sup>", "<emph>blah</emph>")
#' )
#' tt(dat) |> format_tt(escape = TRUE)
format_tt <- function(x,
i = NULL,
j = NULL,
digits = get_option("tinytable_format_digits", default = NULL),
num_fmt = get_option("tinytable_format_num_fmt", default = "significant"),
num_zero = get_option("tinytable_format_num_zero", default = FALSE),
num_suffix = get_option("tinytable_format_num_suffix", default = FALSE),
num_mark_big = get_option("tinytable_format_num_mark_big", default = ""),
num_mark_dec = get_option("tinytable_format_num_mark_dec", default = getOption("OutDec", default = ".")),
date = get_option("tinytable_format_date", default = "%Y-%m-%d"),
bool = get_option("tinytable_format_bool", default = function(column) tools::toTitleCase(tolower(column))),
math = get_option("tinytable_format_math", default = FALSE),
other = get_option("tinytable_format_other", default = as.character),
replace = get_option("tinytable_format_replace", default = TRUE),
escape = get_option("tinytable_format_escape", default = FALSE),
markdown = get_option("tinytable_format_markdown", default = FALSE),
quarto = get_option("tinytable_format_quarto", default = FALSE),
fn = get_option("tinytable_format_fn", default = NULL),
sprintf = get_option("tinytable_format_sprintf", default = NULL),
) {
out <- x
dots <- list(...)
if ("replace_na" %in% names(dots)) {
replace <- dots[["replace_na"]]
warning("The `replace_na` argument was renamed `replace`.", call. = FALSE)
if (inherits(out, "tinytable")) {
cal <- call("format_tt_lazy",
i = i,
j = j,
digits = digits,
num_fmt = num_fmt,
num_zero = num_zero,
num_suffix = num_suffix,
num_mark_big = num_mark_big,
num_mark_dec = num_mark_dec,
replace = replace,
fn = fn,
sprintf = sprintf,
url = url,
date = date,
bool = bool,
math = math,
escape = escape,
markdown = markdown,
quarto = quarto,
other = other)
out@lazy_format <- c(out@lazy_format, list(cal))
} else {
out <- format_tt_lazy(out,
i = i,
j = j,
digits = digits,
num_fmt = num_fmt,
num_zero = num_zero,
num_suffix = num_suffix,
num_mark_big = num_mark_big,
num_mark_dec = num_mark_dec,
replace = replace,
fn = fn,
sprintf = sprintf,
url = url,
date = date,
bool = bool,
math = math,
other = other,
escape = escape,
quarto = quarto,
markdown = markdown)
format_tt_lazy <- function(x,
i = NULL,
j = NULL,
num_fmt = "significant",
num_zero = FALSE,
num_suffix = FALSE,
num_mark_big = "",
num_mark_dec = NULL,
replace = TRUE,
fn = NULL,
sprintf = NULL,
url = FALSE,
date = "%Y-%m-%d",
bool = identity,
math = FALSE,
escape = FALSE,
markdown = FALSE,
quarto = quarto,
other = as.character
) {
# format_tt() supports vectors
if (isTRUE(check_atomic_vector(x))) {
atomic_vector <- TRUE
if (is.factor(x)) x <- as.character(x)
ori <- out <- x <- data.frame(tinytable = x, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
j <- 1
} else if ( {
atomic_vector <- FALSE
ori <- out <- x
} else if (inherits(x, "tinytable")){
atomic_vector <- FALSE
# if no other format_tt() call has been applied, we ctan have numeric values
out <- x@table_dataframe
ori <- x@data
} else {
stop("`x` must be a `tinytable` object, a data frame, or an atomic vector.", call. = FALSE)
assert_integerish(digits, len = 1, null.ok = TRUE)
assert_integerish(i, null.ok = TRUE)
assert_choice(num_fmt, c("significant", "significant_cell", "decimal", "scientific"))
assert_function(fn, null.ok = TRUE)
assert_string(sprintf, null.ok = TRUE)
replace <- sanitize_replace(replace)
sanity_num_mark(digits, num_mark_big, num_mark_dec)
i <- sanitize_i(i, x, pre_group_i = TRUE)
j <- sanitize_j(j, x)
ibody <- attr(i, "body")
inull <- isTRUE(attr(i, "null"))
jnull <- isTRUE(attr(j, "null"))
# In sanity_tt(), we fill in missing NULL `j` in the format-specific versions,
# because tabularray can do whole column styling. Here, we need to fill in
# NULL for all formats since this is applied before creating the table.
# nrow(out) because nrow(x) sometimes includes rows that will be added **in the lazy future** by group_tt()
# format each column
# Issue #230: drop=TRUE fixes bug which returned a character dput-like vector
for (col in j) {
# sprintf() is self-contained
if (!is.null(sprintf)) {
out[ibody, col] <- base::sprintf(sprintf, ori[ibody, col, drop = TRUE])
} else {
# logical
if (is.logical(ori[ibody, col])) {
out[ibody, col] <- bool(ori[ibody, col, drop = TRUE])
# date
} else if (inherits(ori[ibody, col], "Date")) {
out[ibody, col] <- format(ori[ibody, col, drop = TRUE], date)
# numeric
} else if (is.numeric(ori[ibody, col, drop = TRUE])) {
tmp <- format_numeric(ori[ibody, col],
num_suffix = num_suffix,
digits = digits,
num_mark_big = num_mark_big,
num_mark_dec = num_mark_dec,
num_zero = num_zero,
num_fmt = num_fmt)
if (!is.null(tmp)) out[ibody, col] <- tmp
# other
} else {
out[ibody, col] <- other(ori[ibody, col, drop = TRUE])
for (k in seq_along(replace)) {
idx <- ori[ibody, col, drop = TRUE] %in% replace[[k]]
out[ibody, col][idx] <- names(replace)[[k]]
} # loop over columns
# Custom functions overwrite all the other formatting, but is before markdown
# before escaping
if (is.function(fn)) {
for (col in j) {
out[ibody, col] <- fn(ori[ibody, col, drop = TRUE])
if (isTRUE(math)) {
for (row in ibody) {
for (col in j) {
out[row, col] <- format_math(out[row, col], math)
if (inull && jnull) {
x@caption <- format_math(x@caption, math)
colnames(x) <- format_math(colnames(x), math)
for (idx in seq_along(x@notes)) {
n <- x@notes[[idx]]
if (is.character(n) && length(n) == 1) {
x@notes[[idx]] <- format_math(n, math = math)
} else if (is.list(n) && "text" %in% names(n)) {
n$text <- format_math(n$text, math = math)
x@notes[[idx]] <- n
for (idx in seq_along(x@lazy_group)) {
g <- x@lazy_group[[idx]]
if (!is.null(g$j)) {
names(g$j) <- format_math(names(g$j), math = math)
if (!is.null(g$i)) {
names(g$i) <- format_math(names(g$i), math = math)
x@lazy_group[[idx]] <- g
# escape latex characters
if (!isFALSE(escape)) {
if (isTRUE(escape == "latex")) {
o <- "latex"
} else if (isTRUE(escape == "html")) {
o <- "html"
} else if (isTRUE(escape == "typst")) {
o <- "typst"
} else if (inherits(x, "tinytable")) {
o <- x@output
} else {
o <- FALSE
# body
for (row in ibody) {
for (col in j) {
out[row, col] <- escape_text(out[row, col], output = o)
# column names
if (0 %in% i) {
colnames(x) <- escape_text(colnames(x), output = o)
# caption & groups: if i and j are both null
if (inull && jnull) {
if (inherits(x, "tinytable")) {
x@caption <- escape_text(x@caption, output = o)
for (idx in seq_along(x@notes)) {
n <- x@notes[[idx]]
if (is.character(n) && length(n) == 1) {
x@notes[[idx]] <- escape_text(n, output = o)
} else if (is.list(n) && "text" %in% names(n)) {
n$text <- escape_text(n$text, output = o)
x@notes[[idx]] <- n
for (idx in seq_along(x@lazy_group)) {
g <- x@lazy_group[[idx]]
if (!is.null(g$j)) {
names(g$j) <- escape_text(names(g$j), output = o)
if (!is.null(g$i)) {
names(g$i) <- escape_text(names(g$i), output = o)
x@lazy_group[[idx]] <- g
# markdown and quarto at the very end
for (col in j) {
if (isTRUE(markdown)) {
out <- format_markdown(out = out, i = i, col = col, x = x)
if (isTRUE(quarto)) {
tmp <- format_quarto(out = out, i = i, col = col, x = x)
out <- tmp$out
x <- tmp$x
if (inull && jnull && isTRUE(markdown)) {
colnames(x) <- format_markdown(colnames(x), x = x)
if (inherits(x, "tinytable")) {
for (k in seq_along(x@lazy_group)) {
g <- x@lazy_group[[k]]
if (!is.null(g$j)) {
names(g$j) <- format_markdown(names(g$j), x = x)
if (!is.null(g$i)) {
names(g$i) <- format_markdown(names(g$i), x = x)
x@lazy_group[[k]] <- g
# output
if (isTRUE(atomic_vector)) {
} else if (!inherits(x, "tinytable")) {
} else {
x@table_dataframe <- out
format_math <- function(out, math) {
if (isTRUE(math)) {
out <- sprintf("$%s$", out)
format_markdown <- function(out, i = NULL, col = NULL, x) {
tmpfun_html <- function(k) {
k <- trimws(markdown::mark_html(text = k, template = FALSE))
k <- sub("<p>", "", k, fixed = TRUE)
k <- sub("</p>", "", k, fixed = TRUE)
tmpfun_latex <- function(k) {
k <- trimws(markdown::mark_latex(text = k, template = FALSE))
if (inherits(out, "data.frame")) {
ipos <- i[i > 0]
if (length(ipos) > 0) {
if (inherits(x, "tinytable_bootstrap")) {
out[ipos, col] <- sapply(out[ipos, col], function(k) tmpfun_html(k))
} else if (inherits(x, "tinytable_tabularray")) {
out[ipos, col] <- sapply(out[ipos, col], function(k) tmpfun_latex(k))
} else {
if (inherits(x, "tinytable_bootstrap")) {
out <- sapply(out, function(k) tmpfun_html(k))
} else if (inherits(x, "tinytable_tabularray")) {
out <- sapply(out, function(k) tmpfun_latex(k))
format_quarto <- function(out, i, col, x) {
if (isTRUE(x@output == "html")) {
fun <- function(z) {
z@table_string <- sub("data-quarto-disable-processing='true'",
fixed = TRUE)
x <- style_tt(x, finalize = fun)
out[i, col] <- sprintf('<span data-qmd="%s"></span>', out[i, col, drop = TRUE])
} else if (isTRUE(x@output == "latex")) {
tmp <- sapply(out[i, col, drop = TRUE], function(z) base64enc::base64encode(charToRaw(z)))
out[i, col] <- sprintf("\\QuartoMarkdownBase64{%s}", tmp)
return(list("out" = out, "x" = x))
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