
#' Style a Tiny Table
#' @details
#' This function applies styling to a table created by `tt()`. It allows customization of text style (bold, italic, monospace), text and background colors, font size, cell width, text alignment, column span, and indentation. The function also supports passing native instructions to LaTeX (tabularray) and HTML (bootstrap) formats.
#' Note: Markdown and Word tables only support these styles: italic, bold, strikeout. Moreover, the `style_tt()` function cannot be used to style headers inserted by the `group_tt()` function; instead, you should style the headers directly in the header definition using markdown syntax: `group_tt(i = list("*italic header*" = 2))`. These limitations are due to the fact that there is no markdown syntax for the other options, and that we create Word documents by converting a markdown table to .docx via the Pandoc software.
#' @param x A table object created by `tt()`.
#' @param i Row indices where the styling should be applied. Can be a single value, a vector, or a logical matrix with the same number of rows and columns as `x`. `i=0` is the header, and negative values are higher level headers.
#' @param j Column indices where the styling should be applied. Can be:
#' + Integer vectors indicating column positions.
#' + Character vector indicating column names.
#' + A single string specifying a Perl-style regular expression used to match column names. 
#' @param bold Logical; if `TRUE`, text is styled in bold.
#' @param italic Logical; if `TRUE`, text is styled in italic.
#' @param monospace Logical; if `TRUE`, text is styled in monospace font.
#' @param underline Logical; if `TRUE`, text is underlined.
#' @param strikeout Logical; if `TRUE`, text has a strike through line.
#' @param color Text color. There are several ways to specify colors, depending on the output format.
#' + HTML:
#'   - Hex code composed of # and 6 characters, ex: #CC79A7.
#'   - Keywords: black, silver, gray, white, maroon, red, purple, fuchsia, green, lime, olive, yellow, navy, blue, teal, aqua
#' + LaTeX:
#'   - Hex code composed of # and 6 characters, ex: "#CC79A7". See the section below for instructions to add in LaTeX preambles.
#'   - Keywords: black, blue, brown, cyan, darkgray, gray, green, lightgray, lime, magenta, olive, orange, pink, purple, red, teal, violet, white, yellow.
#'   - Color blending using xcolor`, ex: `white!80!blue`, `green!20!red`.
#'   - Color names with luminance levels from [the `ninecolors` package](https://mirror.quantum5.ca/CTAN/macros/latex/contrib/ninecolors/ninecolors.pdf) (ex: "azure4", "magenta8", "teal2", "gray1", "olive3"). 
#' @param background Background color. Specified as a color name or hexadecimal code. Can be `NULL` for default color.
#' @param fontsize Font size in em units. Can be `NULL` for default size.
#' @param align A single character or a string with a number of characters equal to the number of columns in `j`. Valid characters include 'c' (center), 'l' (left), 'r' (right), 'd' (decimal). Decimal alignment is only available in LaTeX via the `siunitx` package. The width of columns is determined by the maximum number of digits to the left and to the right in all cells specified by `i` and `j`.
#' @param alignv A single character specifying vertical alignment. Valid characters include 't' (top), 'm' (middle), 'b' (bottom).
#' @param colspan Number of columns a cell should span. `i` and `j` must be of length 1.
#' @param rowspan Number of rows a cell should span. `i` and `j` must be of length 1.
#' @param indent Text indentation in em units. Positive values only.
#' @param line String determines if solid lines (rules or borders) should be drawn around the cell, row, or column. 
#' + "t": top
#' + "b": bottom
#' + "l": left
#' + "r": right
#' + Can be combined such as: "lbt" to draw borders at the left, bottom, and top.
#' @param line_color Color of the line. See the `color` argument for details.
#' @param line_width Width of the line in em units (default: 0.1).
#' @param finalize A function applied to the table object at the very end of table-building, for post-processing. For example, the function could use regular expressions to add LaTeX commands to the text version of the table hosted in `x@table_string`, or it could programmatically change the caption in `x@caption`.
#' @param bootstrap_css Character vector. CSS style declarations to be applied to every cell defined by `i` and `j` (ex: `"font-weight: bold"`). 
#' @param bootstrap_class String. Bootstrap table class such as `"table"`, `"table table-dark"` or `"table table-dark table-hover"`. See the bootstrap documentation. 
#' @param bootstrap_css_rule String. Complete CSS rules (with curly braces, semicolon, etc.) that apply to the table class specified by the `bootstrap_class` argument.
#' @param tabularray_inner A string that specifies the "inner" settings of a tabularray LaTeX table. 
#' @param tabularray_outer A string that specifies the "outer" settings of a tabularray LaTeX table.
#' @param output Apply style only to the output format specified by this argument. `NULL` means that we apply to all formats. 
#' @param ... extra arguments are ignored
#' @return An object of class `tt` representing the table.
#' @template latex_preamble
#' @export
#' @examplesIf knitr::is_html_output()
#' @examples
#' if (knitr::is_html_output()) options(tinytable_print_output = "html")
#' library(tinytable)
#' tt(mtcars[1:5, 1:6])
#' # Alignment
#' tt(mtcars[1:5, 1:6]) |> 
#'   style_tt(j = 1:5, align = "lcccr")
#' # Colors and styles
#' tt(mtcars[1:5, 1:6]) |> 
#'   style_tt(i = 2:3, background = "black", color = "orange", bold = TRUE)
#' # column selection with `j``
#' tt(mtcars[1:5, 1:6]) |> 
#'   style_tt(j = 5:6, background = "pink")
#' tt(mtcars[1:5, 1:6]) |>
#'   style_tt(j = "drat|wt", background = "pink")
#' tt(mtcars[1:5, 1:6]) |>
#'   style_tt(j = c("drat", "wt"), background = "pink")
#' tt(mtcars[1:5, 1:6], theme = "void") |>
#'   style_tt(
#'     i = 2, j = 2,
#'     colspan = 3,
#'     rowspan = 2,
#'     align="c",
#'     alignv = "m",
#'     color = "white",
#'     background = "black",
#'     bold = TRUE)
#' tt(mtcars[1:5, 1:6], theme = "void") |>
#'   style_tt(
#'     i=0:3,
#'     j=1:3,
#'     line="tblr",
#'     line_width=0.4,
#'     line_color="teal")
#' tt(mtcars[1:5, 1:6], theme = "bootstrap") |>
#'     style_tt(
#'       i = c(2,5),
#'       j = 3,
#'       strikeout = TRUE,
#'       fontsize = 0.7)
#' tt(mtcars[1:5, 1:6]) |>
#'   style_tt(bootstrap_class = "table table-dark table-hover")
#' inner <- "
#' column{1-4}={halign=c},
#' hlines = {fg=white},
#' vlines = {fg=white},
#' cell{1,6}{odd} = {bg=teal7},
#' cell{1,6}{even} = {bg=green7},
#' cell{2,4}{1,4} = {bg=red7},
#' cell{3,5}{1,4} = {bg=purple7},
#' cell{2}{2} = {r=4,c=2}{bg=azure7},
#' "
#' tt(mtcars[1:5, 1:4], theme = "void") |>
#'   style_tt(tabularray_inner = inner)
style_tt <- function (x,
                      i = NULL,
                      j = NULL,
                      bold = FALSE,
                      italic = FALSE,
                      monospace = FALSE,
                      underline = FALSE,
                      strikeout = FALSE,
                      color = NULL,
                      background = NULL,
                      fontsize = NULL,
                      align = NULL,
                      alignv = NULL,
                      colspan = NULL,
                      rowspan = NULL,
                      indent = 0,
                      line = NULL,
                      line_color = "black",
                      line_width = 0.1,
                      finalize = NULL,
                      tabularray_inner = NULL,
                      tabularray_outer = NULL,
                      bootstrap_class = NULL,
                      bootstrap_css = NULL,
                      bootstrap_css_rule = NULL,
                      output = NULL,
                      ...) {

  out <- x

  assert_choice(output, c("typst", "latex", "html", "markdown", "gfm"), null.ok = TRUE)

  if ("width" %in% names(list(...))) {
    stop("The `width` argument is now in the `tt()` function.", call. = FALSE)

  ## issue #759: reuse object with different styles across RevealJS slides requires new ID every time style_tt is called
  # This is a very bad idea. Breaks a ton of things. We need unique IDs.
  # out@id <- get_id("tinytable_")

  cal <- call("style_tt_lazy",
  # out <- style_tt_lazy(
              # x should not be in here otherwise the object becomes very big
              i = i,
              j = j,
              bold = bold,
              italic = italic,
              monospace = monospace,
              underline = underline,
              strikeout = strikeout,
              color = color,
              background = background,
              fontsize = fontsize,
              align = align,
              alignv = alignv,
              colspan = colspan,
              rowspan = rowspan,
              indent = indent,
              line = line,
              line_color = line_color,
              line_width = line_width,
              tabularray_inner = tabularray_inner,
              tabularray_outer = tabularray_outer,
              bootstrap_class = bootstrap_class,
              bootstrap_css = bootstrap_css,
              bootstrap_css_rule = bootstrap_css_rule,
              output = output)

  if (isTRUE(list(...)[["tt_build_now"]])) {
    out <- eval(cal)
  } else {
    out@lazy_style <- c(out@lazy_style, list(cal))

  assert_function(finalize, null.ok = TRUE)
  if (is.function(finalize)) {
    out@lazy_finalize <- c(out@lazy_finalize, list(finalize))


style_tt_lazy <- function (x,
                           output) {

  out <- x

  jval <- sanitize_j(j, x)
  jnull <- isTRUE(attr(jval, "null"))

  # alignv can only be a single character for now
  assert_choice(alignv, c("t", "m", "b"), null.ok = TRUE)

  # align can be "c" or "clrrlc" takes many possible values
  assert_string(align, null.ok = TRUE)

  if (!is.null(align)) {
    if (nchar(align) == 1) {
      assert_choice(align, c("c", "l", "r", "d"))
    } else {
      align_split <- strsplit(align, split = "")[[1]]
      for (align_character in align_split){
        assert_choice(align_character, c("c", "l", "r", "d"))
      if (jnull) {
        j <- seq_len(x@ncol)

  if (x@output == "typst") {
    nalign <- x@ncol
  } else {
    nalign <- if (jnull) x@ncol else length(jval)

  if (!is.null(align)) {
    align <- strsplit(align, split = "")[[1]]
    if (length(align) != 1 && length(align) != nalign) {
      msg <- sprintf("`align` must be a single character or a string of length %s.", nalign)
      stop(msg, call. = FALSE)
    if (!all(align %in% c("c", "l", "r", "d"))) {
      msg <- "`align` must be characters c, l, r, or d."
      stop(msg, call. = FALSE)

    if (any(align == "d")) {
      tmp <- paste(sprintf("row{%s}={guard},", seq_len(x@nhead)), collapse = "\n")
      tabularray_inner <- paste(tabularray_inner, tmp)

    x = out, i = i, j = j, bold = bold, italic = italic, monospace = monospace, underline = underline, strikeout = strikeout,
    color = color, background = background, fontsize = fontsize, align = align, alignv = alignv, 
    colspan = colspan, rowspan = rowspan, indent = indent,
    line = line, line_color = line_color, line_width = line_width,
    tabularray_inner = tabularray_inner, tabularray_outer = tabularray_outer, bootstrap_css = bootstrap_css,
    bootstrap_css_rule = bootstrap_css_rule, bootstrap_class = bootstrap_class)

  out <- style_eval(x = out, i = i, j = j, bold = bold, italic = italic, monospace = monospace, underline = underline, strikeout = strikeout, color = color, background = background, fontsize = fontsize, align = align, alignv = alignv, colspan = colspan, rowspan = rowspan, indent = indent, tabularray_inner = tabularray_inner, tabularray_outer = tabularray_outer, bootstrap_css = bootstrap_css, bootstrap_css_rule = bootstrap_css_rule, bootstrap_class = bootstrap_class, line = line, line_color = line_color, line_width = line_width)


assert_style_tt <- function (x,
                             bootstrap_class = NULL,
                             bootstrap_css = NULL,
                             bootstrap_css_rule = NULL) {

  assert_integerish(colspan, len = 1, lower = 2, null.ok = TRUE)
  assert_integerish(rowspan, len = 1, lower = 2, null.ok = TRUE)
  assert_numeric(indent, len = 1, lower = 0)
  assert_character(background, null.ok = TRUE)
  assert_character(color, null.ok = TRUE)
  assert_numeric(fontsize, null.ok = TRUE)
  assert_string(line, null.ok = TRUE)
  assert_string(line_color, null.ok = FALSE) # black default
  assert_numeric(line_width, len = 1, lower = 0, null.ok = FALSE) # 0.1 default
  assert_character(bootstrap_class, null.ok = TRUE)
  assert_character(bootstrap_css, null.ok = TRUE)
  assert_string(bootstrap_css_rule, null.ok = TRUE)

  if (is.character(line)) {
    line <- strsplit(line, split = "")[[1]]
    if (!all(line %in% c("t", "b", "l", "r"))) {
      msg <- "`line` must be a string of characters t, b, l, or r."
      stop(msg, call. = FALSE)

  ival <- sanitize_i(i, x, pre_group_i = TRUE)
  jval <- sanitize_j(j, x)
  inull <- isTRUE(attr(ival, "null"))
  jnull <- isTRUE(attr(jval, "null"))

  # 1
  if (inull && jnull) {
    assert_length(color, len = 1, null.ok = TRUE)
    assert_length(background, len = 1, null.ok = TRUE)
    assert_length(fontsize, len = 1, null.ok = TRUE)
    assert_length(bold, len = 1)
    assert_length(italic, len = 1)
    assert_length(monospace, len = 1)
    assert_length(underline, len = 1)
    assert_length(strikeout, len = 1)

  # 1 or #rows
  } else if (!inull && jnull) {
    assert_length(color, len = c(1, length(ival)), null.ok = TRUE)
    assert_length(background, len = c(1, length(ival)), null.ok = TRUE)
    assert_length(fontsize, len = c(1, length(ival)), null.ok = TRUE)
    assert_length(bold, len = c(1, length(ival)))
    assert_length(italic, len = c(1, length(ival)))
    assert_length(monospace, len = c(1, length(ival)))
    assert_length(underline, len = c(1, length(ival)))
    assert_length(strikeout, len = c(1, length(ival)))

  # 1 or #cols
  } else if (inull && !jnull) {
    assert_length(color, len = c(1, length(jval)), null.ok = TRUE)
    assert_length(background, len = c(1, length(jval)), null.ok = TRUE)
    assert_length(fontsize, len = c(1, length(jval)), null.ok = TRUE)
    assert_length(bold, len = c(1, length(jval)))
    assert_length(italic, len = c(1, length(jval)))
    assert_length(monospace, len = c(1, length(jval)))
    assert_length(underline, len = c(1, length(jval)))
    assert_length(strikeout, len = c(1, length(jval)))

  # 1 or #cells
  } else if (!inull && !jnull) {
    assert_length(color, len = c(1, length(ival) * length(jval)), null.ok = TRUE)
    assert_length(background, len = c(1, length(ival) * length(jval)), null.ok = TRUE)
    assert_length(fontsize, len = c(1, length(ival) * length(jval)), null.ok = TRUE)
    assert_length(bold, len = c(1, length(ival) * length(jval)))
    assert_length(italic, len = c(1, length(ival) * length(jval)))
    assert_length(monospace, len = c(1, length(ival) * length(jval)))
    assert_length(underline, len = c(1, length(ival) * length(jval)))
    assert_length(strikeout, len = c(1, length(ival) * length(jval)))

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tinytable documentation built on Oct. 5, 2024, 5:06 p.m.