
plotly_regtol <- function (tol.out,
                          new.x = NULL,
                          side = c("two","upper", "lower"),
                          rect = FALSE,
                          smooth = 4,
                          x.lab = NULL,
                          x.lab.size = NULL,
                          y.lab = NULL,
                          y.lab.size = NULL,
                          z.lab = NULL,
                          z.lab.size = NULL,
                          x.tick.size = NULL,
                          y.tick.size = NULL,
                          z.tick.size = NULL,
                          x.col = NULL,
                          x.cex = NULL,
                          fit.col = NULL,
                          fit.lwd = NULL,
                          fit.line.type = c("dash","dot","dashdot","solid"),
                          fit.opacity = NULL,
                          tol.col = NULL,
                          tol.lwd = NULL,
                          tol.line.type = c("dash","dot","dashdot","solid"),
                          tol.opacity = NULL,
                          title.position.x = NULL,
                          title.position.y = NULL,
                          title = NULL,
                          title.size = NULL) {
  if (is.null(x.lab)) {
    x.lab <- 'X'
  if (is.null(x.lab.size)) {
    x.lab.size <- 15
  if (is.null(y.lab)) {
    y.lab <- 'Y'
  if (is.null(y.lab.size)) {
    y.lab.size <- 15
  if (is.null(z.lab)) {
    z.lab <- 'Z'
  if (is.null(z.lab.size)) {
    z.lab.size <- 15
  if (is.null(x.tick.size)) {
    x.tick.size <- 15
  if (is.null(y.tick.size)) {
    y.tick.size <- 15
  if (is.null(z.tick.size)) {
    z.tick.size <- 15
  if (is.null(x.col)) {
    x.col <- "#1f77b4"
  if (is.null(x.cex)) {
    x.cex <- 6
  if (is.null(fit.col)) {
    fit.col <- "#1f77b4"
  if (is.null(fit.lwd)) {
    fit.lwd <- 2
  if (is.null(fit.opacity)) {
    fit.opacity <- 0.5
  if (is.null(tol.col)) {
    tol.col <- "#d62728"
  if (is.null(tol.lwd)) {
    tol.lwd <- 2
  if (is.null(tol.opacity)) {
    tol.opacity <- 0.5
  if (is.null(title.position.x)) {
    title.position.x <- 0.5
  if (is.null(title.position.y)) {
    title.position.y <- 0.95
  if (is.null(title.size)) {
    title.size <- 15
  side <- match.arg(side)
  ### Check data dimensions ###
  xy.data.original <- as.data.frame(cbind(y,x))
  if (dim(xy.data.original)[2] > 3){
    stop("Plotting is only available for 1 or 2 predictors.")
  } else if (dim(xy.data.original)[2] == 2){
    if (is.null(new.x)){
      tol.order <- cbind(x,tol.out$tol[match(y,tol.out$tol$y),])[order(x),]
    } else if (!is.null(new.x)){
      if (tol.out$reg.type == "npreg"){
        stop("No predictions can be made for nonparametric model.")
      new.x <- as.data.frame(new.x)
      new.to.use <- match(new.x[,1] , tol.out$newdata[,1])
      if (sum(is.na(new.to.use)) > 0) {
        warning("No toletance limits generated for one or more new data.")
      } else if ((min(new.x) < min(x)) | (max(new.x) > max(x))){
        print("NOTE: new data exceed the domain of original data.")
      tol.order <- cbind(c(x , (new.x[,1])[!is.na(new.to.use)]) , 
                         tol.out$tol[c(1:(dim(xy.data.original)[1]) , 
                                       (new.to.use[!is.na(new.to.use)]+dim(xy.data.original)[1])),])[order(c(x , (new.x[,1])[!is.na(new.to.use)])),]
  } else if (dim(xy.data.original)[2] == 3){
    if (is.null(new.x)){
      if (!rect){
        x.all <- xy.data.original[,2:3]
        tol.all <- tol.out$tol[c(1:dim(xy.data.original)[1]),]
      } else if (rect){
        if (tol.out$reg.type == "npreg"){
          smooth <- 3
        x1.seq <- seq(from = min(xy.data.original[,2]),
                      to = max(xy.data.original[,2]) , length = smooth)
        x2.seq <- seq(from = min(xy.data.original[,3]),
                      to = max(xy.data.original[,3]) , length = smooth)
        rect.matrix <- as.matrix(rbind(cbind(x1.seq[1] , x2.seq),
                                       cbind(x1.seq[smooth] , x2.seq),
                                       cbind(x1.seq[-c(1,smooth)] , x2.seq[1]),
                                       cbind(x1.seq[-c(1,smooth)] , x2.seq[smooth])))
        if (tol.out$reg.type == "linreg"){
          corner.tol <- regtol.int(reg = tol.out$model , new.x = rect.matrix ,
                                    alpha = tol.out$alpha.P.side[1],
                                    P = tol.out$alpha.P.side[2],
                                    side = tol.out$alpha.P.side[3] , new=TRUE)
          x.all <- rbind(as.matrix(xy.data.original[,2:3]) , rect.matrix)
          tol.all <- rbind(tol.out$tol[1:dim(xy.data.original)[1],] , 
        } else if (tol.out$reg.type == "nlreg"){
          corner.tol <- nlregtol.int(formula = as.formula(tol.out$model) ,
                                      xy.data = tol.out$xy.data.original,
                                      x.new = rect.matrix ,
                                      alpha = tol.out$alpha.P.side[1],
                                      P = tol.out$alpha.P.side[2],
                                      side = tol.out$alpha.P.side[3] , new=TRUE)
          x.all <- rbind(as.matrix(xy.data.original[,2:3]) , rect.matrix)
          tol.all <- rbind(tol.out$tol[1:dim(xy.data.original)[1],] , 
        } else if (tol.out$reg.type == "npreg"){
          cat("NOTE: Tolerance limits for corner points are estimated based on linear model.
              \n'rect=FALSE' is recommanded. If 'rect=TRUE', 'smooth' paramter is fixed at value of 3.\n")
          y.npreg <- xy.data.original[,1]
          x1.npreg <- xy.data.original[,2]
          x2.npreg <- xy.data.original[,3]
          corner.tol <- regtol.int(reg = lm(y.npreg ~ x1.npreg + x2.npreg) , 
                                    new.x = as.data.frame(rect.matrix) ,
                                    alpha = tol.out$alpha.P.side[1],
                                    P = tol.out$alpha.P.side[2],
                                    side = tol.out$alpha.P.side[3] , new=TRUE)
          np.lower <- as.numeric(tol.out$lower.upper[1])
          np.upper <- as.numeric(tol.out$lower.upper[2])
            corner.tol$tol[,3][which(corner.tol$tol[,3] <= np.lower)] <- np.lower
            corner.tol$tol[,4][which(corner.tol$tol[,4] >= np.upper)] <- np.upper
          x.all <- rbind(as.matrix(xy.data.original[,2:3]) , rect.matrix)
          tol.all <- rbind(tol.out$tol[1:dim(xy.data.original)[1],] , 
    } else if (!is.null(new.x)){
      if (dim(new.x)[2] != 2){
        stop("Please check the dimension of new data.")
      if (tol.out$reg.type == "npreg"){
        stop("No predictions can be made for nonparametric model.")
      new.x <- as.data.frame(new.x)
      match.x1 <- match(new.x[,1] , tol.out$newdata[,1])
      match.x2 <- match(new.x[,2] , tol.out$newdata[,2])
      if (sum(match.x1 == match.x2 , na.rm=TRUE) == 0){
        stop("No tolerance limits generated for new data. Please double-check new data.")
      } else if (sum(!is.na(match.x1 == match.x2)) < dim(new.x)[1] |
                 sum(match.x1 == match.x2) < dim(new.x)[1]){
        warning("No toletance limits generated for one or more new data.")
      new.x.in.newdata <- match.x1[which(!is.na(match.x1 == match.x2))]
      new.x.in.newdata <- new.x.in.newdata[order(new.x.in.newdata)]
      new.x.to.use <- tol.out$newdata[new.x.in.newdata,]
      names(new.x.to.use) <- names(xy.data.original)[2:3]
      if (!rect){
        x.all <- rbind(xy.data.original[,2:3] , new.x.to.use)
        tol.all <- tol.out$tol[c(1:dim(xy.data.original)[1],
      } else if (rect){
        x1.seq <- seq(from = min(xy.data.original[,2] , new.x.to.use[,1]),
                      to = max(xy.data.original[,2] , new.x.to.use[,1]) , length = smooth)
        x2.seq <- seq(from = min(xy.data.original[,3] , new.x.to.use[,2]),
                      to = max(xy.data.original[,3] , new.x.to.use[,2]) , length = smooth)
        rect.matrix <- as.matrix(rbind(cbind(x1.seq[1] , x2.seq),
                                       cbind(x1.seq[smooth] , x2.seq),
                                       cbind(x1.seq[-c(1,smooth)] , x2.seq[1]),
                                       cbind(x1.seq[-c(1,smooth)] , x2.seq[smooth])))
        if (tol.out$reg.type == "linreg"){
          corner.tol <- regtol.int(reg = tol.out$model , new.x = rect.matrix ,
                                    alpha = tol.out$alpha.P.side[1],
                                    P = tol.out$alpha.P.side[2],
                                    side = tol.out$alpha.P.side[3] , new=TRUE)
          x.all <- rbind(as.matrix(xy.data.original[,2:3]) ,
                         as.matrix(new.x.to.use) , 
          tol.all <- rbind(tol.out$tol[c(1:dim(xy.data.original)[1],
        } else if (tol.out$reg.type == "nlreg"){
          corner.tol <- nlregtol.int(formula = as.formula(tol.out$model) ,
                                      xy.data = tol.out$xy.data.original,
                                      x.new = rect.matrix ,
                                      alpha = tol.out$alpha.P.side[1],
                                      P = tol.out$alpha.P.side[2],
                                      side = tol.out$alpha.P.side[3] , new=TRUE)
          x.all <- rbind(as.matrix(xy.data.original[,2:3]) ,
                         as.matrix(new.x.to.use) , 
          tol.all <- rbind(tol.out$tol[c(1:dim(xy.data.original)[1],
  alpha <- (tol.out$alpha.P.side)[1]
  P <- (tol.out$alpha.P.side)[2]
  ### Univariate Data ###
  if (dim(xy.data.original)[2] == 2){
    if (is.null(title)){
    if (tol.out$reg.type == "linreg"){
      if (names(tol.out$model$coefficients)[1] != "(Intercept)") {
        print("NOTE: A regression through the origin is fitted!")
    if (tol.out$alpha.P.side[3] == 1){
      if (side == "upper"){
        if (is.null(title)){
          title <- paste("One-Sided (P,",'&#947;',")=(",P,",",(1-alpha), 
                       ") Upper Tolerance Limit", sep = "")
        plot <- plot_ly() %>%
          add_trace(x=xy.data.original[,2] , 
                    y=xy.data.original[,1] , 
                    type = 'scatter' , mode = 'markers' ,
                    marker = list(color = x.col , size = x.cex) , 
                    name = 'Data' , showlegend = FALSE) %>%
          add_trace(x=tol.order[,1] , 
                    y=tol.order$y.hat , type = 'scatter' , mode = 'lines' ,
                    line = list(color = fit.col , width = fit.lwd , dash=fit.line.type) , 
                    name = 'Fitted Line' , showlegend = FALSE) %>%
          add_trace(x=tol.order[,1] , 
                    y=tol.order[,5] , type = 'scatter' , mode = 'lines' ,
                    line = list(color = tol.col , width = tol.lwd , dash=tol.line.type) , 
                    name = 'Upper Limit' , showlegend = FALSE) %>%
            title = list(text = title,
                         x = title.position.x,
                         y = title.position.y,
                         font = list(size=title.size)),
            xaxis = list(title = x.lab,
                         tickfont = list(size = x.tick.size),
                         titlefont = list(size = x.lab.size)),
            yaxis = list(title = y.lab,
                         tickfont = list(size = y.tick.size),
                         titlefont = list(size = y.lab.size))
      } else if (side == "lower") {
        if (is.null(title)){
          title <- paste("One-Sided (P,",'&#947;',")=(",P,",",(1-alpha), 
                         ") Lower Tolerance Limit", sep = "")
        plot <- plot_ly() %>%
          add_trace(x=xy.data.original[,2] , 
                    y=xy.data.original[,1] , 
                    type = 'scatter' , mode = 'markers' ,
                    marker = list(color = x.col , size = x.cex) , 
                    name = 'Data' , showlegend = FALSE) %>%
          add_trace(x=tol.order[,1] , 
                    y=tol.order$y.hat , type = 'scatter' , mode = 'lines' ,
                    line = list(color = fit.col , width = fit.lwd , dash=fit.line.type) , 
                    name = 'Fitted Line' , showlegend = FALSE) %>%
          add_trace(x=tol.order[,1] , 
                    y=tol.order[,4] , type = 'scatter' , mode = 'lines' ,
                    line = list(color = tol.col , width = tol.lwd , dash=tol.line.type) , 
                    name = 'Lower Limit' , showlegend = FALSE) %>%
            title = list(text = title,
                         x = title.position.x,
                         y = title.position.y,
                         font = list(size=title.size)),
            xaxis = list(title = x.lab,
                         tickfont = list(size = x.tick.size),
                         titlefont = list(size = x.lab.size)),
            yaxis = list(title = y.lab,
                         tickfont = list(size = y.tick.size),
                         titlefont = list(size = y.lab.size))
      } else if (side == "two") {
        if (is.null(title)){
          title <- paste("One-Sided (P,",'&#947;',")=(",P,",",(1-alpha), 
                         ") Tolerance Limits", sep = "")
        print("NOTE: The plot reflects two 1-sided tolerance limits, NOT a 2-sided tolerance interval!")
        plot <- plot_ly() %>%
          add_trace(x=xy.data.original[,2] , 
                    y=xy.data.original[,1] , 
                    type = 'scatter' , mode = 'markers' ,
                    marker = list(color = x.col , size = x.cex) , 
                    name = 'Data' , showlegend = FALSE) %>%
          add_trace(x=tol.order[,1] , 
                    y=tol.order$y.hat , type = 'scatter' , mode = 'lines' ,
                    line = list(color = fit.col , width = fit.lwd , dash=fit.line.type) , 
                    name = 'Fitted Line' , showlegend = FALSE) %>%
          add_trace(x=tol.order[,1] , 
                    y=tol.order[,4] , type = 'scatter' , mode = 'lines' ,
                    line = list(color = tol.col , width = tol.lwd , dash=tol.line.type) , 
                    name = 'Lower Limit' , showlegend = FALSE) %>%
          add_trace(x=tol.order[,1] , 
                    y=tol.order[,5] , type = 'scatter' , mode = 'lines' ,
                    line = list(color = tol.col , width = tol.lwd , dash=tol.line.type) , 
                    name = 'Upper Limit' , showlegend = FALSE) %>%
            title = list(text = title,
                         x = title.position.x,
                         y = title.position.y,
                         font = list(size=title.size)),
            xaxis = list(title = x.lab,
                         tickfont = list(size = x.tick.size),
                         titlefont = list(size = x.lab.size)),
            yaxis = list(title = y.lab,
                         tickfont = list(size = y.tick.size),
                         titlefont = list(size = y.lab.size))
    } else {
      if (is.null(title)){
        title <- paste("Two-Sided (P,",'&#947;',")=(",P,",",(1-alpha), 
                       ") Tolerance Limits", sep = "")
      plot <- plot_ly() %>%
        add_trace(x=xy.data.original[,2] , 
                  y=xy.data.original[,1] , 
                  type = 'scatter' , mode = 'markers' ,
                  marker = list(color = x.col , size = x.cex) , 
                  name = 'Data' , showlegend = FALSE) %>%
        add_trace(x=tol.order[,1] , 
                  y=tol.order$y.hat , type = 'scatter' , mode = 'lines' ,
                  line = list(color = fit.col , width = fit.lwd , dash=fit.line.type) , 
                  name = 'Fitted Line' , showlegend = FALSE) %>%
        add_trace(x=tol.order[,1] , 
                  y=tol.order[,4] , type = 'scatter' , mode = 'lines' ,
                  line = list(color = tol.col , width = tol.lwd , dash=tol.line.type) , 
                  name = 'Lower Limit' , showlegend = FALSE) %>%
        add_trace(x=tol.order[,1] , 
                  y=tol.order[,5] , type = 'scatter' , mode = 'lines' ,
                  line = list(color = tol.col , width = tol.lwd , dash=tol.line.type) , 
                  name = 'Upper Limit' , showlegend = FALSE) %>%
          title = list(text = title,
                       x = title.position.x,
                       y = title.position.y,
                       font = list(size=title.size)),
          xaxis = list(title = x.lab,
                       tickfont = list(size = x.tick.size),
                       titlefont = list(size = x.lab.size)),
          yaxis = list(title = y.lab,
                       tickfont = list(size = y.tick.size),
                       titlefont = list(size = y.lab.size))
  } else if (dim(xy.data.original)[2] == 3){
    ### Bivariate Data ###
    if (tol.out$reg.type == "linreg"){
      if (names(tol.out$model$coefficients)[1] != "(Intercept)") {
        print("NOTE: A regression through the origin is fitted!")
    plot <- plot_ly()
    if (tol.out$alpha.P.side[3] == 1) {
      if (side == "upper"){
        if (is.null(title)){
          title <- paste("One-Sided (P,",'&#947;',")=(",P,",",(1-alpha), 
                         ") Upper Tolerance Plane", sep = "")
        plot <- plot %>%
                      x=xy.data.original[,2] , 
                      y=xy.data.original[,3] , 
                      type = 'scatter' , mode = 'markers' ,
                      marker = list(color = x.col , size = x.cex) , 
                      name = 'Data' , showlegend = FALSE) %>%
          add_trace(x=x.all[,1] , 
                    y=x.all[,2] , 
                    type = 'mesh3d' ,
                    facecolor = rep(fit.col , dim(x.all)[1]^2), 
                    opacity = fit.opacity,
                    name = 'Fitted Plane' , showlegend = FALSE) %>%
          add_trace(x=x.all[,1] , 
                    y=x.all[,2] , 
                    type = 'mesh3d' ,
                    facecolor = rep(tol.col , dim(x.all)[1]^2), 
                    opacity = tol.opacity,
                    name = 'Upper Plane' , showlegend = FALSE) %>%
            title = list(text = title,
                         x = title.position.x,
                         y = title.position.y,
                         font = list(size=title.size)
            scene = list(xaxis = list(title = x.lab,
                                      tickfont = list(size = x.tick.size),
                                      titlefont = list(size = x.lab.size)),
                         yaxis = list(title = y.lab,
                                      tickfont = list(size = y.tick.size),
                                      titlefont = list(size = y.lab.size)),
                         zaxis = list(title = z.lab,
                                      tickfont = list(size = z.tick.size),
                                      titlefont = list(size = z.lab.size)))
      } else if (side == "lower"){
        if (is.null(title)){
          title <- paste("One-Sided (P,",'&#947;',")=(",P,",",(1-alpha), 
                         ") Lower Tolerance Plane", sep = "")
        plot <- plot %>%
                      x=xy.data.original[,2] , 
                      y=xy.data.original[,3] , 
                      type = 'scatter' , mode = 'markers' ,
                      marker = list(color = x.col , size = x.cex) , 
                      name = 'Data' , showlegend = FALSE) %>%
          add_trace(x=x.all[,1] , 
                    y=x.all[,2] , 
                    type = 'mesh3d' ,
                    facecolor = rep(fit.col , dim(x.all)[1]^2), 
                    opacity = fit.opacity,
                    name = 'Fitted Plane' , showlegend = FALSE) %>%
          add_trace(x=x.all[,1] , 
                    y=x.all[,2] , 
                    type = 'mesh3d' ,
                    facecolor = rep(tol.col , dim(x.all)[1]^2), 
                    opacity = tol.opacity,
                    name = 'Lower Plane' , showlegend = FALSE) %>%
            title = list(text = title,
                         x = title.position.x,
                         y = title.position.y,
                         font = list(size=title.size)
            scene = list(xaxis = list(title = x.lab,
                                      tickfont = list(size = x.tick.size),
                                      titlefont = list(size = x.lab.size)),
                         yaxis = list(title = y.lab,
                                      tickfont = list(size = y.tick.size),
                                      titlefont = list(size = y.lab.size)),
                         zaxis = list(title = z.lab,
                                      tickfont = list(size = z.tick.size),
                                      titlefont = list(size = z.lab.size)))
      } else if (side == "two") {
        print("NOTE: The plot reflects two 1-sided tolerance planes, NOT 2-sided tolerance planes!")
        if (is.null(title)){
          title <- paste("One-Sided (P,",'&#947;',")=(",P,",",(1-alpha), 
                         ") Tolerance Planes", sep = "")
        plot <- plot %>%
                      x=xy.data.original[,2] , 
                      y=xy.data.original[,3] , 
                      type = 'scatter' , mode = 'markers' ,
                      marker = list(color = x.col , size = x.cex) , 
                      name = 'Data' , showlegend = FALSE) %>%
          add_trace(x=x.all[,1] , 
                    y=x.all[,2] , 
                    type = 'mesh3d' ,
                    facecolor = rep(fit.col , dim(x.all)[1]^2), 
                    opacity = fit.opacity,
                    name = 'Fitted Plane' , showlegend = FALSE) %>%
          add_trace(x=x.all[,1] , 
                    y=x.all[,2] , 
                    type = 'mesh3d' ,
                    facecolor = rep(tol.col , dim(x.all)[1]^2), 
                    opacity = tol.opacity,
                    name = 'Upper Plane' , showlegend = FALSE) %>%
          add_trace(x=x.all[,1] , 
                    y=x.all[,2] , 
                    type = 'mesh3d' ,
                    facecolor = rep(tol.col , dim(x.all)[1]^2), 
                    opacity = tol.opacity,
                    name = 'Lower Plane' , showlegend = FALSE) %>%
            title = list(text = title,
                         x = title.position.x,
                         y = title.position.y,
                         font = list(size=title.size)
            scene = list(xaxis = list(title = x.lab,
                                      tickfont = list(size = x.tick.size),
                                      titlefont = list(size = x.lab.size)),
                         yaxis = list(title = y.lab,
                                      tickfont = list(size = y.tick.size),
                                      titlefont = list(size = y.lab.size)),
                         zaxis = list(title = z.lab,
                                      tickfont = list(size = z.tick.size),
                                      titlefont = list(size = z.lab.size)))
    } else {
      if (is.null(title)){
        title <- paste("Two-Sided (P,",'&#947;',")=(",P,",",(1-alpha), 
                       ") Tolerance Planes", sep = "")
      plot <- plot %>%
                    x=xy.data.original[,2] , 
                    y=xy.data.original[,3] , 
                    type = 'scatter' , mode = 'markers' ,
                    marker = list(color = x.col , size = x.cex) , 
                    name = 'Data' , showlegend = FALSE) %>%
        add_trace(x=x.all[,1] , 
                  y=x.all[,2] , 
                  type = 'mesh3d' ,
                  facecolor = rep(fit.col , dim(x.all)[1]^2), 
                  opacity = fit.opacity,
                  name = 'Fitted Plane' , showlegend = FALSE) %>%
        add_trace(x=x.all[,1] , 
                  y=x.all[,2] , 
                  type = 'mesh3d' ,
                  facecolor = rep(tol.col , dim(x.all)[1]^2), 
                  opacity = tol.opacity,
                  name = 'Upper Plane' , showlegend = FALSE) %>%
        add_trace(x=x.all[,1] , 
                  y=x.all[,2] , 
                  type = 'mesh3d' ,
                  facecolor = rep(tol.col , dim(x.all)[1]^2), 
                  opacity = tol.opacity,
                  name = 'Lower Plane' , showlegend = FALSE) %>%
          title = list(text = title,
                       x = title.position.x,
                       y = title.position.y,
                       font = list(size=title.size)
          scene = list(xaxis = list(title = x.lab,
                                    tickfont = list(size = x.tick.size),
                                    titlefont = list(size = x.lab.size)),
                       yaxis = list(title = y.lab,
                                    tickfont = list(size = y.tick.size),
                                    titlefont = list(size = y.lab.size)),
                       zaxis = list(title = z.lab,
                                    tickfont = list(size = z.tick.size),
                                    titlefont = list(size = z.lab.size)))

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tolerance documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:38 a.m.