#' Sanity checks for tracking data
#' Heart rate measurements of 0 are set to NA, assuming the athlete is alive.
#' Observations with missing or duplicated time stamps are removed.
#' @param dat Data set to be cleaned up.
#' @param silent Logical. Should warnings be generated if any of the
#' sanity checks on the data are triggered?
sanity_checks <- function(dat,
silent) {
## replace heart rate 0 with NA
hr0 <- dat$heart_rate == 0
if (any(hr0, na.rm = TRUE)) {
if (!silent)
warning("Heart rate measurements of 0 are set to NA.")
dat$heart_rate[hr0] <- NA
## handle NAs
natime <-$time)
if (all(natime)) {
stop("The are no useable timestamps.")
if (any(natime)) {
if (!silent)
warning("Observations with missing time stamps have been removed.")
dat <- dat[!natime, ]
## handle missing data
nadat <-[, -which(names(dat) == "time")])
if (all(nadat)) {
stop("The is no useable data.")
## remove duplicates
duptime <- duplicated(dat$time)
if (any(duptime)) {
if (!silent)
warning("Observations with duplicated time stamps have been removed.")
dat <- dat[!duptime, ]
## order according to time
dat <- dat[order(dat$time), ]
rownames(dat) <- NULL
get_altitude <- function(object,
country = NULL,
mask = TRUE,
...) {
## are any locations available?
firstLoc <- min(which(apply(object[, c("longitude", "latitude")], 1, function(x) !any(
if (!is.finite(firstLoc)) {
stop("No location data available.")
## get ISO country code
if (is.null(country)) {
country <- ll2iso(lon = as.numeric(object$longitude[firstLoc]), lat = as.numeric(object$latitude[firstLoc]))
## try to download altitude data
rast <- try(raster::getData("alt", country = country, download = TRUE, mask = mask))
## From documentation: 'In the case of alt you can set 'mask' to FALSE. If it is TRUE
## values for neighbouring countries are set to NA.'
if (!inherits(rast, "try-error")) {
positionData <- data.frame(lng = object$longitude, lat = object$latitude)
altitude <- raster::extract(rast, positionData, method = "bilinear")
else {
stop("Altitude data could not be downloaded.")
ll2iso <- function(lon,
lat) {
country <- as.character(ggmap::revgeocode(c(lon, lat), output = "more")$country)
ref <- data.frame(raster::getData("ISO3"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
isocode <- ref$ISO3[ref$NAME == country]
distance_correction <- function(object,
country = NULL,
mask = TRUE,
...) {
## get altitude data
altitudeDwl <- try(get_altitude(object, country = country, mask = mask), silent = TRUE)
if (!inherits(altitudeDwl, "try-error")) {
object$altitude <- altitudeDwl
## correct GPS distances if altitude information available
if (!all($altitude))) {
object$distance <- cumsum(c(sqrt(diff(object$distance)^2 + diff(object$altitude)^2),
else {
warning("No altitude information is available. Distances are not corrected for elevation.")
#' Impute speeds
#' Impute speeds of 0 during small breaks within a session.
#' @param session_data A multivariate \code{\link[zoo]{zoo}} object with
#' observations of either distance or speed (named Distance or Speed,
#' respectively).
#' @param from_distances Logical. Should the speeds be calculated from the distance recordings
#' instead of taken from the speed recordings directly?
#' @param lgap Time in seconds corresponding to the minimal sampling rate.
#' @param lskip Time in seconds between the last observation before a small break
#' and the first imputed speed or the last imputed speed and the first
#' observation after a small break.
#' @param m Number of imputed observations in each small break.
#' @param sport What sport does \code{sessions_data} contain data of? Either
#' \code{'cycling'} (default), \code{'running'}, \code{'swimming'}.
#' @param units Units of measurement.
#' @return A multivariate \code{\link[zoo]{zoo}} object with imputed observations:
#' 0 for speed, last known position for latitude, longitude and altitude,
#' NA for all other variables. Distances are calculated based on speeds after imputation.
#' @references
#' Kosmidis, I., and Passfield, L. (2015). Linking the Performance of
#' Endurance Runners to Training and Physiological Effects via
#' Multi-Resolution Elastic Net. \emph{ArXiv e-print}
#' arXiv:1506.01388.
#' Frick, H., Kosmidis, I. (2017). trackeR: Infrastructure for Running
#' and Cycling Data from GPS-Enabled Tracking Devices in
#' R. \emph{Journal of Statistical Software}, \bold{82}(7),
#' 1--29. doi:10.18637/jss.v082.i07
impute_speeds <- function(session_data,
from_distances = TRUE,
lgap = 30,
lskip = 5,
m = 11,
sport = "cycling",
units = NULL) {
## If there are less than two observations then reurn the observation...
if (length(session_data) < 2) {
sport <- match.arg(sport, c("cycling", "swimming", "running"))
if (is.null(units)) {
units <- generate_units()
# subset units for sport
units <- units[units$sport == sport, ]
distUnit <- units$unit[units$variable == "distance"]
speedUnits <- strsplit(units$unit[units$variable == "speed"], "_per_")[[1]]
distUnitSpeed <- speedUnits[1]
timeUnitSpeed <- switch(speedUnits[2], "s" = "secs", "min" = "mins", "h" = "hours", "d" = "days") ## README: can be avoided if we use the same names...
## Calculate speeds
if (from_distances) {
if (all($distance))) {
warning("No distances are available to calculate the speeds. If available, measurements of speed are used instead.")
## check if speed data is available as an alternative, otherwise return session_data
if (all($speed))) {
else {
session_data <- session_data[!$distance)]
if (distUnit != distUnitSpeed){
conversion <-, distUnitSpeed, sep = "2"))
dist <- conversion(coredata(session_data$distance))
else {
dist <- coredata(session_data$distance)
session_data$speed <- distance2speed(dist, index(session_data), timeunit = timeUnitSpeed)
else {
if (all($speed))) {
warning("No speeds are available. If available, distances are used to calculate speed.")
if (!all($distance))) {
session_data <- session_data[!$distance)]
if (distUnit != distUnitSpeed){
conversion <-, distUnitSpeed, sep = "2"))
dist <- conversion(coredata(session_data$distance))
else {
dist <- coredata(session_data$distance)
session_data$speed <- distance2speed(dist, index(session_data), timeunit = timeUnitSpeed)
else {
## order variables for imputation:
## variables with 'content' imputation and variables with NA imputation
originalOrder <- names(session_data)
if (sport == "cycling"){
impC <- match(c("latitude", "longitude", "altitude", "distance", "speed", "power"), names(session_data))
impN <- which(, c("latitude", "longitude", "altitude", "distance", "speed", "power"))))
impPower <- NA
nN <- length(impN)
else {
impC <- match(c("latitude", "longitude", "altitude", "distance", "speed"), names(session_data))
impN <- which(, c("latitude", "longitude", "altitude", "distance", "speed"))))
impPower <- NA
nN <- length(impN) - 1
session_data <- session_data[, c(impC, impN)]
## Remove observations with negative or missing speeds
session_data <- session_data[session_data$speed >= 0 & !$speed)]
## get session parts (which are separated by short breaks lasting more than lgap seconds)
shortBreaks <- get_resting_periods(index(session_data), lgap/3600)
## Put some zeros within the short breaks
#nObs <- nrow(session_data)
nOther <- ncol(session_data) - 1
nLaps <- nrow(shortBreaks$sessions)
## if there are more than 1 laps then impute zero speeds
imputedData <- zoo(x = matrix(NA, nrow = 0, ncol = ncol(session_data),
dimnames = list(NULL, names(session_data))), = as.POSIXct("1970-01-01")[c()])
if (nLaps > 1) {
for (j in[-nLaps]) {
newtimes <- with(shortBreaks$sessions,
seq(sessionEnd[j] + lskip,
sessionStart[j + 1] - lskip,
length.out = m))
newdata <- matrix(c(
## last know position
as.vector(session_data[shortBreaks$sessions$sessionEnd[j], c("latitude", "longitude", "altitude")]),
## distance (will be updated based on imputed speeds)
## speed
## power
## anything else
rep(NA, nN)), ncol = ncol(session_data),
dimnames = list(NULL, names(session_data)))
imputedData <- c(imputedData,
zoo(x = newdata, = newtimes))
## Add observations at the begininng and end
newtimesStart <- seq(shortBreaks$sessions$sessionStart[1] - 5,
shortBreaks$sessions$sessionStart[1] - 1,
length = m)
newdataStart <- matrix(c(
## first know position
as.vector(session_data[shortBreaks$sessions$sessionStart[1], c("latitude", "longitude", "altitude")]),
## distance (will be updated based on imputed speeds)
## speed
## power
## anything else
rep(NA, nN)), ncol = ncol(session_data),
dimnames = list(NULL, names(session_data)))
newtimesEnd <- seq(shortBreaks$sessions$sessionEnd[nLaps] + 1,
shortBreaks$sessions$sessionEnd[nLaps] + 5,
length = m)
newdataEnd <- matrix(c(
## last know position
as.vector(session_data[shortBreaks$sessions$sessionEnd[nLaps], c("latitude", "longitude", "altitude")]),
## distance (will be updated based on imputed speeds)
## speed
## power
## anything else
rep(NA, nN)), ncol = ncol(session_data),
dimnames = list(NULL, names(session_data)))
imputedData <- c(imputedData,
zoo(x = newdataStart, = newtimesStart),
zoo(x = newdataEnd, = newtimesEnd))
session_data <- c(session_data, imputedData)
## update distances
updatedDistance <- speed2distance(session_data$speed, index(session_data), timeunit = timeUnitSpeed)
if (distUnit != distUnitSpeed) {
conversion <-, distUnit, sep = "2"))
updatedDistance <- conversion(updatedDistance)
session_data$distance <- zoo(updatedDistance, = index(session_data)) ## cumsum doesn't return a zoo object
## clean up and return
session_data <- session_data[, originalOrder]
rownames(session_data) <- NULL
#' Convert distance to speed.
#' @param distance Distance in meters.
#' @param time Time.
#' @param timeunit Time unit in speed, e.g., "hours" for speed in *_per_h.
#' @return Speed in meters per second.
distance2speed <- function(distance,
speed <- c(diff(distance) / unclass(difftime(time[-1], time[-length(time)], units = timeunit)), 0)
## README: doesn't work if pervious distance is NA, needs to be impute with last known distance.
#' Convert speed to distance.
#' @param speed Speed in meters per second.
#' @param time Time.
#' @param timeunit Time unit in speed, e.g., "hours" for speed in *_per_h.
#' @param cumulative Logical. Should the cumulative distances be returned?
#' @return Distance in meters.
speed2distance <- function(speed,
cumulative = TRUE){
distance <- c(0, speed[-length(speed)] * unclass(difftime(time[-1], time[-length(time)], units = timeunit)))
if (cumulative) distance <- cumsum(distance) ## README: cumsum can't handle NAs
#' Extract resting period characteristics
#' @param times Timestamps.
#' @param session_threshold The threshold in hours for the time
#' difference between consecutive timestamps above which they are
#' considered to belong to different training sessions.
#' @return A list containing a dataframe with start, end, and duration
#' for each session and the resting time between sessions, named
#' 'sessions' and 'restingTime', respectively.
#' @export
get_resting_periods <- function(times,
session_threshold) {
if (length(times) == 0)
t1 <- times[-length(times)]
t2 <- times[-1]
hoursBetweenObservations <- difftime(t2, t1, units = "hours")
sessionEnd <- c(which(hoursBetweenObservations > session_threshold), length(times))
sessionStart <- c(1, sessionEnd[-length(sessionEnd)] + 1)
start <- times[sessionStart]
ending <- times[sessionEnd]
sessions <- data.frame(sessionStart = start,
sessionEnd = ending,
trainingDuration = difftime(ending, start, units = "hours"))
resting <- difftime(start[-1], ending[-length(ending)], units = "hours")
list(sessions = sessions, restingTime = resting)
## Detects sessions in the output of readX functions according to
## session_threshold and returns a multivariate zoo object
## session_threshold in hours!
get_sessions <- function(dat,
session_threshold = 2) {
## get session IDs
dat$sessionID <- NA
resting <- get_resting_periods(dat$time, session_threshold)
n_sessions <- nrow(resting$sessions)
for (i in {
session <- resting$sessions[i, 1:2]
dat$sessionID[is_in_period(dat$time, start = session[[1]], end = session[[2]])] <- i
rownames(dat) <- NULL
## construct a multivariate zoo object for each session
sessions <- unique(dat$sessionID)
trackerdat <- vector("list", length = max(sessions))
for (i in sessions) {
cdat <- subset(dat, dat$sessionID == i)
extra <- which(names(cdat) %in% c("time", "sessionID"))
trackerdat[[i]] <- zoo(cdat[, -extra], = cdat$time)
## remove empty sessions
trackerdat <- trackerdat[!sapply(trackerdat, is.null)]
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